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Abstract– Petrological and geochemical analyses of Miller Range (MIL) 03346 indicate that this meteorite originated from the same augitic cumulate layer(s) as the nakhlite Martian meteorites, but underwent rapid cooling prior to complete crystallization. As with the other nakhlites, MIL 03346 contains a secondary alteration assemblage, in this case consisting of iddingsite‐like alteration veins in olivine phenocrysts, Fe‐oxide alteration veins associated with the mesostasis, and Ca‐ and K,Fe‐sulfate veins. We compared the textural and mineralogical compositions of MIL 090030, 090032, and 090136 with MIL 03346, focusing on the composition and Raman spectra of the alteration assemblages. These observations indicate that the meteorites are paired, and that the preterrestrial olivine‐bound alteration assemblages were produced by weakly acidic brine. Although these alteration assemblages resemble similar assemblages in Nakhla, the absence of siderite and halite in the Miller Range nakhlites indicates that the parental alteration brine was comparatively HCO3? depleted, and less concentrated, than that which altered Nakhla. This indicates that the Miller Range nakhlite alteration brine experienced a separate evolutionary pathway to that which altered Nakhla, and therefore represents a separate branch of the Lafayette‐Nakhla evaporation sequence. Thin‐sections cut from the internal portions of these meteorites (away from any fusion crust or terrestrially exposed edge), contain little Ca‐sulfate (identified as gypsum), and no jarosite, whereas thin‐sections with terrestrially exposed edges have much higher sulfate abundances. These observations suggest that at least the majority of sulfate within the Miller Range nakhlites is terrestrially derived.  相似文献   

Abstract— Antarctic meteorite Miller Range (MIL) 03346 is a nakhlite composed of 79% clinopyroxene, ?1% olivine, and 20% vitrophyric intercumulus material. We have performed a petrological and geochemical study of MIL 03346, demonstrating a petrogenetic history similar to previously discovered nakhlites. Quantitative textural study of MIL 03346 indicates long (>1 × 101 yr) residence times for the cumulus augite, whereas the skeletal Fe‐Ti oxide, fayalite, and sulfide in the vitrophyric intercumulus matrix suggest rapid cooling, probably as a lava flow. From the relatively high forsterite contents of olivine (up to Fo43) compared with other nakhlites and compositions of augite cores (Wo38–42En35–40Fs22–28) and their hedenbergite rims, we suggest that MIL 03346 is part of the same or a similar Martian cumulate‐rich lava flow as other nakhlites. However, MIL 03346 has experienced less equilibration and faster cooling than other nakhlites discovered to date. Calculated trace element concentrations based upon modal abundances of MIL 03346 and its constituent minerals are identical to whole rock trace element abundances. Parental melts for augite have REE patterns that are approximately parallel with whole rock and intercumulus melt using experimentally defined partition coefficients. This parallelism reflects closed‐system crystallization for MIL 03346, where the only significant petrogenetic process between formation of augite and eruption and emplacement of the nakhlite flow has been fractional crystallization. A model for the petrogenesis of MIL 03346 and the nakhlites (Nakhla, Governador Valadares, Lafayette, Yamato‐000593, Northwest Africa (NWA) 817, NWA 998) would include: 1) partial melting and ascent of melt generated from a long‐term LREE depleted mantle source, 2) crystallization of cumulus augite (± olivine, ± magnetite) in a shallow‐level Martian magma chamber, 3) eruption of the crystal‐laden nakhlite magma onto the surface of Mars, 4) cooling, crystal settling, overgrowth, and partial equilibration to different extents within the flow, 5) secondary alteration through hydrothermal processes, possibly immediately succeeding or during emplacement of the flow. This model might apply to single—or multiple—flow models for the nakhlites. Ultimately, MIL 03346 and the other nakhlites preserve a record of magmatic processes in volcanic rocks on Mars with analogous petrogenetic histories to pyroxene‐rich terrestrial lava flows and to komatiites.  相似文献   

Potassic‐chloro‐hastingsite has been found in melt inclusions in MIL 03346, its paired stones, and NWA 5790. It is some of the most chlorine‐rich amphibole ever analyzed. In this article, we evaluate what crystal chemistry, terrestrial analogs, and experiments have shown about how chlorine‐dominant amphibole (chloro‐amphibole) forms and apply these insights to the nakhlites. Chloro‐amphibole is rare, with about a dozen identified localities on Earth. It is always rich in potassium and iron and poor in titanium. In terrestrial settings, its presence has been interpreted to result from medium to high‐grade alteration (>400 °C) of a protolith by an alkali and/or iron chloride‐rich aqueous fluid. Ferrous chloride fluids exsolved from mafic magmas can cause such alteration, as can crustal fluids that have reacted with rock and lost H2O in preference to chloride, resulting in concentrated alkali chloride fluids. In the case of the nakhlites, an aqueous alkali‐ferrous chloride fluid was exsolved from the parental melt as it crystallized. This aqueous chloride fluid itself likely unmixed into chloride‐dominant and water‐dominant fluids. Chloride‐dominant fluid was trapped in some melt inclusions and reacted with the silicate contents of the inclusion to form potassic‐chloro‐hastingsite.  相似文献   

Abstract— We petrologically examined the Miller Range (MIL) 03346 nakhlite. The main‐phase modal abundances are 67.7 vol% augite, 0.8 vol% olivine, and 31.5 vol% mesostasis. Among all known nakhlites, MIL 03346's modal abundance of olivine is the smallest and of mesostasis is the largest. Augite occurs as cumulus phenocrysts having a homogeneous core composition (En36–38Fs24–22Wo40), which is identical with other nakhlites. They accompany thin ferroan rims divided into inner and outer rims with a compositional gap at the boundary between the two rims. Olivine grains have magnesian cores (Fa ≥ 55) and show normal zoning toward ferroan rims (Fa ≤ 84). Mesostasis consists mostly of glass (26.0 vol%) with minor skeletal fayalites, skeletal titanomagnetites, acicular phosphate, massive cristobalite, and sulfides. We conclude that MIL 03346 is the most rapidly cooled nakhlite among all known nakhlites based on the petrography. We obtain the intercumulus melt composition for MIL 03346 from the mass balance calculation using the modal abundances and discuss the crystallization sequence of MIL 03346 in comparison with that of Yamato (Y‐) 000593. Although magnesian olivines of Y‐000593 are phenocrystic, magnesian olivine grains of MIL 03346 seem to have texturally crystallized from the intercumulus melt. After the MIL 03346 magma intruded upward to the Martian surficial zone, the magnesian olivine crystallized, and then the ferroan inner rim formed on phenocrystic core augite. The outer rim of phenocrystic augites formed after the crystallization of skeletal fayalites and skeletal titanomagnetites, resulting in a compositional gap between the inner and outer rims. Finally, glassy mesostasis formed from the residual melt. This crystallization sequence of MIL 03346 is different from those of other nakhlites, including Y‐000593.  相似文献   

Meteorites ejected from the surface of the Moon as a result of impact events are an important source of lunar material in addition to Apollo and Luna samples. Here, we report bulk element composition, mineral chemistry, age, and petrography of Miller Range (MIL) 090036 and 090070 lunar meteorites. MIL 090036 and 090070 are both anorthositic regolith breccias consisting of mineral fragments and lithic clasts in a glassy matrix. They are not paired and represent sampling of two distinct regions of the lunar crust that have protoliths similar to ferroan anorthosites. 40Ar‐39Ar chronology performed on two subsplits of MIL 090070,33 (a pale clast impact melt and a dark glassy melt component) shows that the sample underwent two main degassing events, one at ~3.88 Ga and another at ~3.65 Ga. The cosmic ray exposure data obtained from MIL 090070 are consistent with a short (~8–9 Ma) exposure close to the lunar surface. Bulk‐rock FeO, TiO2, and Th concentrations in both samples were compared with 2‐degree Lunar Prospector Gamma Ray Spectrometer (LP‐GRS) data sets to determine areas of the lunar surface where the regolith matches the abundances observed on the sample. We find that MIL 090036 bulk rock is compositionally most similar to regolith surrounding the Procellarum KREEP Terrane, whereas MIL 090070 best matches regolith in the feldspathic highlands terrane on the lunar farside. Our results suggest that some areas of the lunar farside crust are composed of ferroan anorthosite, and that the samples shed light on the evolution and impact bombardment history of the ancient lunar highlands.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pyroxene structural data, along with analyses of titanomagnetite, fayalite and mesostasis of the new nakhlite Miller Range (MIL) 03346, define equilibration near 1 bar, 1100 °C, and oxygen fugacity near the FMQ buffer. There is a clear progression of oxygen fugacity (fO2) in Martian meteorites from reduced Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 to intermediate shergottites to oxidized nakhlites. This trend can be explained by polybaric graphite‐CO‐CO2 equilibria in the Martian mantle. Shergottites would have formed at pressures between 1.2 and 3.0 GPa, and nakhlite parent liquids formed at pressures >3.0 GPa, consistent with geochemical and petrologic data for the shergottites and nahklites. Carbon buffering in the Martian mantle could be responsible for variation in fO2 in Martian meteorites (rather than assimilation or crustal interaction), as well as C‐H‐O fluids that could be the source of ˜30 ppb CH4 detected by recent spacecraft missions. The conundrum of an oxidized current mantle and basalts, but reduced early mantle during core‐mantle equilibrium exists for both the Earth and Mars. A polybaric buffering role for graphite can explain this discrepancy for Mars, and thus it may not be necessary to have an oxidation mechanism like the dissociation of MgFe‐perovskite to account for the oxidized terrestrial mantle.  相似文献   

The recent witnessed fall of the meteorite Tissint represents the delivery of a pristine new sample from the surface of Mars. This meteorite provides an unprecedented opportunity to study a variety of aspects about the planet's evolution. Using the Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic systems, we determined that Tissint, a depleted shergottite, has a crystallization age of 574 ± 20 Ma, an initial ε143Nd = +42.2 ± 0.5, and an initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.700760 ± 11. These initial Nd and Sr isotopic compositions suggest that Tissint originated from a mantle source on Mars that is distinct from the source reservoirs of the other Martian meteorites. The known crystallization ages, geochemical characteristics, ejection ages, and ejection dynamics of Tissint and other similarly grouped Martian meteorites suggest that they are likely derived from a source crater up to approximately 90 km in diameter with an age of approximately 1 Ma that is located on terrain that is approximately 600 million years old.  相似文献   

The Paris meteorite is one of the most primitive carbonaceous chondrites. It is reported to be the least aqueously altered CM chondrite, and to have experienced only weak thermal metamorphism. We have analyzed for the first time the amino acid and hydrocarbon contents of this pristine meteorite by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). When plotting the relative amino acids abundances of several CM chondrites according to the increasing hydrothermal scale (petrologic subtypes), from the CM2.7/2.8 Paris to the CM2.0 MET 01070, Paris has the lowest relative abundance of β‐alanine/glycine (0.15), which fits with the relative abundances of β‐alanine/glycine increasing with increasing aqueous alteration for CM chondrites. These results confirm the influence of aqueous alteration on the amino acid abundances and distribution. The amino acid analysis shows that the isovaline detected in this meteorite is racemic (d /l  = 0.99 ± 0.08; l ‐enantiomer excess = 0.35 ± 0.5%; corrected d /l  = 1.03; corrected l ‐enantiomer excess = ?1.4 ± 2.6%). The identified hydrocarbons show that Paris has n‐alkanes ranging from C16 to C25 and 3‐ to 5‐ring nonalkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The lack of alkylated PAHs in Paris seems to be also related to this low degree of aqueous alteration on its parent body. The extraterrestrial hydrocarbon content, suggested by the absence of any biomarker, may well have a presolar origin. The chemistry of the Paris meteorite may thus be closely related to the early stages of the solar nebula with a contribution from interstellar (molecular cloud) precursors.  相似文献   

Three masses of the Chelyabinsk meteorite have been studied with a wide range of analytical techniques to understand the mineralogical variation and thermal history of the Chelyabinsk parent body. The samples exhibit little to no postentry oxidation via Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopy indicating their fresh character, but despite the rapid collection and care of handling some low levels of terrestrial contamination did nonetheless result. Detailed studies show three distinct lithologies, indicative of a genomict breccia. A light‐colored lithology is LL5 material that has experienced thermal metamorphism and subsequent shock at levels near S4. The second lithology is a shock‐darkened LL5 material in which the darkening is caused by melt and metal‐troilite veins along grain boundaries. The third lithology is an impact melt breccia that formed at high temperatures (~1600 °C), and it experienced rapid cooling and degassing of S2 gas. Portions of light and dark lithologies from Chel‐101, and the impact melt breccias (Chel‐102 and Chel‐103) were prepared and analyzed for Rb‐Sr, Sm‐Nd, and Ar‐Ar dating. When combined with results from other studies and chronometers, at least eight impact events (e.g., ~4.53 Ga, ~4.45 Ga, ~3.73 Ga, ~2.81 Ga, ~1.46 Ga, ~852 Ma, ~312 Ma, and ~27 Ma) are clearly identified for Chelyabinsk, indicating a complex history of impacts and heating events. Finally, noble gases yield young cosmic ray exposure ages, near 1 Ma. These young ages, together with the absence of measurable cosmogenic derived Sm and Cr, indicate that Chelyabinsk may have been derived from a recent breakup event on an NEO of LL chondrite composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to use igneous surface lithologies to constrain Martian mantle characteristics, secondary processes that lead to compositional modification of primary mantle melts must be considered. Crystal fractionation of a mantle‐derived magma at the base of the crust followed by separation and ascent of residual liquids to the surface is common in continental hotspot regions on Earth. The possibility that this process also takes place on Mars was investigated by experimentally determining whether a surface rock, specifically the hawaiite Backstay analyzed by the MER Spirit could produce a known cumulate lithology with a deep origin (namely the assemblages of the Chassigny meteorite) if trapped at the base of the Martian crust. Both the major cumulus and melt inclusion mineral assemblages of the Chassigny meteorite were produced experimentally by a liquid of Backstay composition within the pressure range 9.3 to 6.8 kbar with bulk water contents between 1.5 and 2.6 wt%. Experiments at 4.3 and 2.8 kbar did not produce the requisite assemblages. This agreement suggests that just as on Earth, Martian mantle‐derived melts may rise to the surface or remain trapped at the base of the crust, fractionate, and lose their residual liquids. Efficient removal of these residual liquids at depth would yield a deep low‐silica cumulate layer for higher magmatic water content; at lower magmatic water content this cumulate layer would be basaltic with shergottitic affinity.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of an extensive study of the Fountain Hills chondritic meteorite. This meteorite is closely related to the CBa class. Mineral compositions and O‐isotopic ratios are indistinguishable from other members of this group. However, many features of Fountain Hills are distinct from the other CB chondrites. Fountain Hills contains 23 volume percent metal, significantly lower than other members of this class. In addition, Fountain Hills contains porphyritic chondrules, which are extremely rare in other CBa chondrites. Fountain Hills does not appear to have experienced the extensive shock seen in other CB chondrites. The chondrule textures and lack of fine‐grained matrix suggests that Fountain Hills formed in a dust‐poor region of the early solar system by melting of solid precursors. Refractory siderophiles and lithophile elements are present in near‐CI abundances (within a factor of two, related to the enhancement of metal). Moderately volatile and highly volatile elements are significantly depleted in Fountain Hills. The abundances of refractory siderophile trace elements in metal grains are consistent with condensation from a gas that is reduced relative to solar composition and at relatively high pressures (10?3bars). Fountain Hills experienced significant thermal metamorphism on its parent asteroid. Combining results from the chemical gradients in an isolated spinel grain with olivine‐spinel geothermometry suggests a peak temperature of metamorphism between 535 °C and 878 °C, similar to type‐4 ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We analyzed the Steinbach IVA stony‐iron meteorite using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), laser ablation inductively‐coupled‐plasma mass spectroscopy (LA‐ICP‐MS), and modeling techniques. Different and sometimes adjacent low‐Ca pyroxene grains have distinct compositions and evidently crystallized at different stages in a chemically evolving system prior to the solidification of metal and troilite. Early crystallizing pyroxene shows evidence for disequilibrium and formation under conditions of rapid cooling, producing clinobronzite and type 1 pyroxene rich in troilite and other inclusions. Subsequently, type 2 pyroxene crystallized over an extensive fractionation interval. Steinbach probably formed as a cumulate produced by extensive crystal fractionation (?60–70% fractional crystallization) from a high‐temperature (?1450–1490 °C) silicate‐metallic magma. The inferred composition of the precursor magma is best modeled as having formed by ≥30–50% silicate partial melting of a chondritic protolith. If this protolith was similar to an LL chondrite (as implied by O‐isotopic data), then olivine must have separated from the partial melt, and a substantial amount (?53–56%) of FeO must have been reduced in the silicate magma. A model of simultaneous endogenic heating and collisional disruption appears best able to explain the data for Steinbach and other IVA meteorites. Impact disruption occurred while the parent body was substantially molten, causing liquids to separate from solids and oxygen‐bearing gas to vent to space, leading to a molten metal‐rich body that was smaller than the original parent body and that solidified from the outside in. This model can simultaneously explain the characteristics of both stony‐iron and iron IVA meteorites, including the apparent correlation between metal composition and metallographic cooling rate observed for metal.  相似文献   

Evidence of impact-induced compaction in the carbonaceous chondrites, specifically CMs and CVs, has been widely investigated utilizing microscopy techniques and impact experiments. Here, we use high-resolution photography and large area and high-resolution electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) mapping analyses in tandem, to explore the effects of impact-induced compaction at both the meso- and micro-scales in the Allende CV3.6 carbonaceous chondrite. Macro-scale photography images of a ~25 cm slab of Allende captured meso-scale features including calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAIs) and chondrules. CAIs have a long-axis shape-preferred orientation (SPO). Examination of such meso-scale features in thin section revealed the same trend. Matrix grains from this section display a large amount of heterogeneity in petrofabric orientation; microscale, high-resolution, large area EBSD mapping of ~300,000 olivine matrix grains; high-resolution large area EBSD map across an elongate CAI; and a series of high-resolution EBSD maps around two chondrules and around the CAI revealed crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) in different directions. Finally, internal grains of the CAI were found to demonstrate a weak lineation CPO, the first crystallographic detection of possible CAI “flow.” All results are consistent with multiple, gentle impacts on the Allende parent body causing hemispheric compaction. The larger, more resistant components are likely to have been compressed and oriented by earlier impacts, and the matrix region petrofabrics and CAI “flow” likely occurred during subsequent impacts. Meteoritic components respond differently to impact events, and consequently, it is likely that different components would retain evidence of different impact events and angles.  相似文献   

The curation and handling of volatile‐bearing astromaterials is of prime importance in current and future plans for sample return missions to targets containing organic compounds, ices, or other volatile components. We report on the specific curation constraints required for the preservation of the Tagish Lake meteorite, a C2 ungrouped chondrite that contains significant concentrations of organic matter, including compounds of prebiotic interest or volatile in character, and which was recovered from a frozen lake surface a few days after its fall. Here, we review the circumstances of the meteorite's handling, its complement of intrinsic and contaminant organic compounds, and an unusual reaction between some of the specimens and the Al foil in which they were enclosed. From our results, we derive the requirements for curation of the meteorite, and describe a specialized facility that enables its curation and handling. The Subzero Facility for Curation of Astromaterials consists of a purified Ar glove box enclosed within a freezer chamber, and enables investigations relevant to curation of samples at or below ?10 °C. We provide several recommendations based on insights obtained from the commissioning and initial use of the facility that are relevant to collection of freshly fallen meteorites, curation of volatile‐bearing meteorites and other astromaterials, and planning and implementation of curation plans for future sample return missions to volatile‐bearing targets.  相似文献   

G.P. Horedt 《Icarus》1980,43(2):215-221
Accretional energy can be retained with sufficient efficiency in the outer layers of the Moon due to the considerable amount of debris falling back into large craters.Heating of meteorite parent bodies occurs mainly after their accretion, by destructive collisions. The heating was generally not sufficient to differentiate the parent bodies completely so that iron meteorites would originate from the mantle, rather than from the core of a meteorite parent body. Assuming that the Earth and Moon accreted from material of similar chemical composition, we suggest that only from the outer lunar shell is there a loss of gases and volatiles due to accretional melting. The Earth melted completely and degassing was efficient for the whole mass of the Earth leading to its ≈20% higher uncompressed mean density in comparison to the Moon. Because of its lower gravitational field, gases and volatiles escaped much more easily from the lunar atmosphere than from the terrestrial one, leading to the observed depletion in volatiles of the outer parts of the Moon.  相似文献   

The presence of primary iron sulfides that appear to be aqueously altered in CM and CR carbonaceous chondrites provides the potential to study the effects and, by extension, the conditions of aqueous alteration. In this work, we have used SEM, TEM, and EPMA techniques to characterize primary sulfides that show evidence of secondary alteration. The alteration styles consist of primary pyrrhotite altering to secondary pentlandite (CMs only), magnetite (CMs and CRs), and phyllosilicates (CMs only) in grains that initially formed by crystallization from immiscible sulfide melts in chondrules (pyrrhotite‐pentlandite intergrowth [PPI] grains). Textural, microstructural, and compositional data from altered sulfides in a suite of CM and CR chondrites have been used to constrain the conditions of alteration of these grains and determine their alteration mechanisms. This work shows that the PPI grains exhibit two styles of alteration—one to form porous pyrrhotite‐pentlandite (3P) grains by dissolution of precursor PPI grain pyrrhotite and subsequent secondary pentlandite precipitation (CMs only), and the other to form the altered PPI grains by pseudomorphic replacement of primary pyrrhotite by magnetite (CMs and CRs) or phyllosilicates (CMs only). The range of alteration textures and products is the result of differences in conditions of alteration due to the role of microchemical environments and/or brecciation. Our observations show that primary sulfides are sensitive indicators of aqueous alteration processes in CM and CR chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry of untreated interior chips from three different specimens of the Chassigny meteorite confirm the presence of discrete grains of Ca-carbonate, Mg-carbonate, and Ca-sulfate. Morphologies of these salt grains suggest that the Ca-carbonate is calcite (CaCO3) and that the Ca-sulfate is gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) or bassanite (CaSO4·1/2H2O). The morphologic identification of the Mg-carbonate is equivocal, but rhombohedral and acicular crystal habits suggest magnesite and hydromagnesite, respectively. The salts in Chassigny occur as discontinuous veins in primary igneous minerals and are similar to those previously documented in the nakhlites, Nakhla and Lafayette, and in shergottite EETA79001. Unlike those in nakhlites, however, the Chassigny salts occur alone, without associated ferric oxides or aluminosilicate clays. Traces of Cl and P in Chassigny salts are consistent with precipitation of the salts from short-lived, saline, aqueous solutions that postdated igneous crystallization. In contrast with the clear case for nakhlites, stratigraphic evidence for a preterrestrial origin of the salts in Chassigny is ambiguous; however, a preterrestrial origin of the Chassigny salts best explains all available evidence. The water-precipitated salts provide clear physical evidence for the hypothesis, proposed by other workers, that the igneous amphiboles in Chassigny might have experienced isotope-exchange reactions with near-surface water, thereby compromising the original stable-isotope signature of any magmatic water in melt inclusions.  相似文献   

We used new analytical and theoretical methods to determine the major and minor element compositions of the primary trapped liquid (PTLs) represented by melt inclusions in olivine and augite in the Martian clinopyroxenite, Nakhla, for comparison with previously proposed compositions for the Nakhla (or nakhlite) parent magma. We particularly focused on obtaining accurate K2O contents, and on testing whether high K2O contents and K2O/Na2O ratios obtained in previous studies of melt inclusions in olivine in Nakhla could have been due to unrepresentative sampling, systematic errors arising from electron microprobe techniques, late alteration of the inclusions, and/or boundary layer effects. Based on analyses of 35 melt inclusions in olivine cores, the PTL in olivine, PTLoliv, contained (by wt) approximately 47% SiO2, 6.3% Al2O3, 9.6% CaO, 1.8% K2O, and 0.9% Na2O, with K2O/Na2O = 2.0. We infer that the high K2O content of PTLoliv is not due to boundary layer effects and represents a real property of the melt from which the host olivine crystallized. This melt was cosaturated with olivine and augite. Its mg# is model‐dependent and is constrained only to be ≥19 (equilibrium Fo = 40). Based on analyses of 91 melt inclusions in augite cores, the PTL in augite, PTLaug, contained (by wt) 53–54% SiO2, 7–8% Al2O3, 0.8–1.1% K2O, and 1.1–1.4% Na2O, with K2O/Na2O = 0.7–0.8. This K2O content and K2O/Na2O ratio are significantly higher than inferred in studies of melt inclusions in augite in Nakhla by experimental rehomogenization. PTLaug was saturated only with augite, and in equilibrium with augite cores of mg# 62. PTLaug represents the Nakhla parent magma, and does not evolve to PTLoliv by fractional crystallization. We therefore conclude that olivine cores in Nakhla (and, by extension, other nakhlites) are xenocrystic. We propose that PTLoliv and PTLaug were generated from the same source region. PTLoliv was generated first and emplaced to form olivine‐rich cumulate rocks. Shortly thereafter, PTLaug was generated and ascended through these olivine‐rich cumulates, incorporating fragments of wallrock that became the xenocrystic olivine cores in Nakhla. The Nakhla (nakhlite) mantle source region was pyroxenitic with some olivine, and could have become enriched in K relative to Na via metasomatism. A high degree of melting of this source produced the silica‐poor, alkali‐rich magma PTLoliv. Further ascension and decompression of the source led to generation of the silica‐rich, relatively alkali‐poor magma PTLaug. Potassium‐rich magmas like those involved in the formation of the nakhlites represent an important part of the diversity of Martian igneous rocks.  相似文献   

The 3:1 Kirkwood gap asteroids are a mineralogically diverse set of asteroids located in a region that delivers meteoroids into Earth-crossing orbits. Mineralogical characterizations of asteroids in/near the 3:1 Kirkwood Gap can be used as a tool to “map” conditions and processes in the early Solar System. The chronological studies of the meteorite types provide a “clock” for the relative timing of those events and processes. By identifying the source asteroids of particular meteorite types, the “map” and “clock” can be combined to provide a much more sophisticated understanding of the history and evolution of the late solar nebula and the early Solar System.A mineralogical assessment of seven 3:1 Kirkwood Gap asteroids has been carried out using near-infrared spectral data obtained over the years 2006–2009 combined with visible spectral data (when available) to cover the spectral interval of 0.4–2.5 μm. We explore the diversity, uniqueness, and possible links between the asteroids (198) Ampella, (329) Svea, (495) Eulalia, (556) Phyllis, (623) Chimaera, (908) Buda, and (1772) Gagarin, which are located adjacent to the 3:1 resonance, and the meteorite types in the terrestrial collections.  相似文献   

The anomalous polymict ureilite Almahata Sitta (AhS) fell in 2008 when asteroid 2008 TC3 disintegrated over Sudan and formed a strewn field of disaggregated clasts of various ureilitic and chondritic types. We studied the petrology and oxygen isotope compositions of enstatite meteorite samples from the University of Khartoum (UoK) collection of AhS. In addition, we describe the first bona fide (3.5 mm-sized) clast of an enstatite chondrite (EC) in a typical polymict ureilite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 10657. We evaluate whether 2008 TC3 and typical polymict ureilites have a common origin, and examine implications for the history of enstatite meteorite asteroids in the solar system. Based on mineralogy, mineral compositions, and textures, the seven AhS EC clasts studied comprise one EHa3 (S151), one ELb3 (AhS 1002), two EHb4-5 (AhS 2012, AhS 26), two EHb5-6 or possibly impact melt rocks (AhS 609, AhS 41), and one ELb6-7 (AhS 17), while the EC clast in NWA 10657 is EHa3. Oxygen isotope compositions analyzed for five of these are similar to those of EC from non-UoK collections of AhS, and within the range of individual EC meteorites. There are no correlations of oxygen isotope composition with chemical group or subgroup. The EC clasts from the UoK collection show the same large range of types as those from non-UoK collections of AhS. The enstatite achondrite, AhS 60, is a unique type (not known as an individual meteorite) that has also been found among non-UoK AhS samples. EC are the most abundant non-ureilitic clasts in AhS but previously were thought to be absent in typical polymict ureilites, necessitating a distinct origin for AhS. The discovery of an EC in NWA 10657 changes this. We argue that the types of materials in AhS and typical polymict ureilites are essentially similar, indicating a common origin. We elaborate on a model in which AhS and typical polymict ureilites formed in the same regolith on a ureilitic daughter body. Most non-ureilitic clasts are remnants of impactors implanted at ~50–60 Myr after CAI. Differences in abundances can be explained by the stochastic nature of impactor addition. There is no significant difference between the chemical/petrologic types of EC in polymict ureilites and individual EC meteorites. This implies that fragments of the same populations of EC parent bodies were available as impactors at ~50–60 Myr after CAI and recently. This can be explained if materials excavated from various depths on EC bodies at ~50–60 Myr after CAI were reassembled into mixed layers, leaving relatively large bodies intact to survive 4 billion years. Polymict ureilites record a critical timestep in the collisional and dynamical evolution of the solar system, showing that asteroids that may have accreted at distant locations had migrated to within proximity of one another by 50–60 Myr after CAI, and providing constraints on the dynamical processes that could have caused such migrations.  相似文献   

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