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Ten GEOSECS profiles from the North Pacific have been analyzed for210Pb. GEOSECS226Ra data on the same profiles are used to calculate210Pb excess or deficiency relative to secular equilibrium. The resultant profiles are divisible into a thermocline zone (<2000m) showing an expected decrease with depth, a mid-water zone of about 2000 m showing small constant deficiencies with a zone of increasing deficiency to a bottom zone of about 1000 m having the highest deficiency virtually invariant with depth. The exponentially decreasing portion in the thermocline yields a “diffusion” coefficient of 3 cm2/s. The mid-water deficiencies yield ? model residence times of 400 years northeast of Hawaii decreasing to 100 years at the most marginal stations.  相似文献   

226Ra,210Pb and210Po were measured in oceanic profiles at two stations near the Bonin and Kurile trenches.210Po is depleted by 50% on average relative to210Pb in the surface water. In the deep water,210Pb is about 25% deficient relative to226Ra. Based on the deficiency,210Pb residence time with respect to removal by particulate matter was estimated to be less than 96 years in the deep water.210Pb deficiency in the bottom water was significantly greater than that of the adjacent deep water, indicating more effective removal near or at the bottom interface.210Pb,210Po and Th appear to have similar overall rate constants of particulate removal throughout the water column.  相似文献   

Water and sediment samples from two surface water systems were analysed for 210Pb and stable lead in order to elucidate the environmental importance and fate of 210Pb released from uranium mining. In one system mine drainage waters treated by precipitation of barium sulfate contained a considerable activity of 210Pb in particulate form. Spoil piles were the main source of 210Pb in the second system, with the dissolved 210Pb being the predominant migration form. In both systems the concentration of 210Pb rapidly decreased with distance from the source indicating that waterborne 210Pb did not represent an environmental problem. Uranium mining did not add significant amounts of stable lead into the surface water systems. It has been found that bottom sediments are a sensitive indicator of the pollution of surface waters with 210Pb.  相似文献   

Manganese in the North Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative and precise method for determination of dissolved Mn at the nanomole(nmol)/kg level in seawater has been developed and used to study the distribution of Mn in the northeast Pacific. Mn concentrations in the surface mixed layer decrease from 1.0 to 0.6 nmol/kg between the central gyre and the western boundary of the California Current, then increase to values from 2 to 6 nmol/kg near the coastal boundary (in contrast to the distribution of210Pb). Particulate Mn in the surface waters accounts for only about 1% of the total.Vertical distributions of Mn are characterized by surface maxima, minima near 300 m, maxima at mid-depth coinciding with the oxygen minimum and the labile nutrient maxima, and concentrations in Pacific bottom waters of approximately 0.2 nmol/kg. The oceanic distribution of Mn appears to be dominated by external inputs superimposed upon overall scavenging which can lead to Mn maxima in (1) the surface waters due to riverine and atmospheric sources; (2) the deep ocean as a result of hydrothermal injection and/or sediment resuspension; and (3) the oxygen minimum region resulting from in-situ breakdown of organic matter, in-situ MnO2 reduction, and/or advective-diffusive transport of dissolved Mn from anoxic slope sediments.  相似文献   

Zhou  Hui  Liu  Xueqi  Xu  Peng 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(5):529-542
Ocean Dynamics - This study investigates the sensitivity of the Sverdrup transport to the NCEP/NCAR, ERA-Interim, CCMP, and QSCAT wind products over the tropical North Pacific Ocean during the...  相似文献   

The time dependence of the14C content of bristlecone pine wood samples dated by their tree rings and grown during the last 8000 years was examined. The14C values as measured by the La Jolla Radiocarbon Laboratory were used for the investigation.Two different smoothing techniques were used for constructing values for equal time intervals. In this manner the introduction of regularities, that could have resulted from applied mathematical techniques, could be excluded.There is good evidence for non-random features in the power spectrum, in particular for a 200-year periodicity.The regularities in the power spectrum are further indications supporting the assumption that the14C variations reflect a property of the sun.  相似文献   

This study investigates transient eddy activity anomalies in the mid-latitude upper troposphere associated with intensity variability of the wintertime North Pacific subtropical front. Our results show that the meridional gradient of air temperature and baroclinic instability in the mid-latitude atmosphere become stronger as the subtropical front intensifies, and the mid-latitude westerly jet accelerates with barotropic structure. We further divide the mid-latitude atmospheric eddy activities into high-(2–7 days) and low-frequency(10–90 days) eddy activities according to their life periods. We find that, when the oceanic subtropical front intensifies, the high-frequency atmospheric eddy activity in the mid-latitudes strengthens while the low-frequency eddy activity weakens. The stronger high-frequency eddy activity tends to moderate the air temperature gradient and baroclinicity in the mid-latitudes. High-frequency eddy anomalies accelerate the westerly jet on the northern side and downstream of the westerly jet, and enhance the jet with equivalent barotropic structure. In contrast, the weaker low-frequency eddy activity has a negative contribution to zonal wind speed tendency and attenuates the zonal homogenization of the jet. The anomalous thermodynamic forcing of the low-frequency eddy activity helps maintain the meridional gradient of air temperature in the mid-troposphere.  相似文献   

Encapsulated nuclear waste materials, dumped by Russia, are present at two deepwater seafloor locations in the offshore north-west Pacific Ocean, south-east of the Kamchatka Peninsula. This paper assesses potential pathways by which these wastes might, if released from their containers, disperse away from the dumpsites and through the surrounding ocean. A review of large-scale ocean circulation theory and of field and model results suggests that mean abyssal currents are north-eastward to eastward from the dumpsite locations and would advect leaking materials toward the north-eastern Pacific. Results of advective and diffusive horizontal plume transport models are consistent with this sense of flow. Trajectory speeds are, however, subject to considerable uncertainty. Our results suggest that as little as 5 years or as long as 100 years might be required for material to be transported from the dump sites to the north-east Pacific. Dilution by 4 or 5 orders of magnitude is predicted during this transit. Vertical mixing or upwelling are necessary in order to transport contaminants upward from north-east Pacific abyssal waters to the near-surface layers before they can potentially impact productive coastal regions, such as those off Alaska. Information concerning such upwelling mechanisms is inadequate for estimation of rates or to identify geographical areas that might be at risk.  相似文献   

By modelling the observed distribution of210Pb and210Po in surface waters of the Pacific, residence times relative to particulate removal are determined. For the center of the North Pacific gyre these are τPo = 0.6years andτPb = 1.7years. The surface ocean τPb is determined by particulate transport rather than plankton settling. The fact that it is about two orders of magnitude smaller than τPb for the deep ocean implies a sharp change in the adsorptive quality of particles during descent through the water column.  相似文献   

A proposal for combined space and ground-based observations of the vertical distributions and the column densities of nitric acid and nitric oxide concentrations in the earths atmosphere is discussed. We focus on the aspects that are particular to the idea of correlative measurements: geometrical considerations, simulations of the solar absorption spectra in the middle-infrared region corresponding to the different observational geometries, and the associated retrieval methods. These studies are done specifically for the Belgian-French experiment MIRAS (MIR Infrared Atmospheric Spectrometer) onboard the Russian Space Station MIR and correlative ground-based FTIR measurements in the Tatra mountains.  相似文献   

The densities of seventeen samples of seawater from GEOSECS stations 27 (North Atlantic) and 217 (North Pacific) have been measured with a vibrating flow densimeter at 25°C. The densities of the deep samples were found to be 5 ± 1.5and16 ± 3.6ppm greater, for the North Atlantic and North Pacific, respectively, than predicted by the equation of state of Millero, Gonzalez and Ward (1976) derived for seawaters of constant relative composition. The results are in good agreement with the density anomalies predicted by Brewer and Bradshaw (1975) on the basis of the observed increase of dissolved silica, alkalinity and total carbon dioxide in oceanic deep waters. The application of these corrections results in an agreement with the Millero, Gonzalez and Ward (1976) equation of state to ±4 ppm.  相似文献   

Two ocean profiles from the Peru Basin from regions with different surface productivities were analyzed for total210Pb and201Po to evaluate the influence of particulates in the water column on their distribution. Comparison with a published226Ra profile for the region was made. The profile closest to the coast, where upwelling and productivity are high, shows depletion of210Pb relative to226Ra at all depths, with particularly marked excursions from radioactive equilibrium at the surface and in the bottom water.210Po appears to be deficient relative to210Pb at depth as well. Mean residence times in the deep water, relative to particulate removal from the water column to the sediments, of about 100 years for210Pb and about two years for210Po are indicated. The profile northwest of the upwelling region shows the226Ra210Pb210Po system close to equilibrium at all depths to 1500 m (except for the effect of atmospheric210Pb input seen at the surface.  相似文献   

Summary The possible modes of vertical transport of angular momentum in the atmosphere are considered. Momentum balance calculations for both hemispheres show the possibility of countergradient transport by vertical eddies in the region of the mid-latitude jet. As a consequence, it is pointed out that the transport of momentum downward from the region of maximum westerlies would have to be accomplished by the mean meridional motions, through the action of Coriolis torques. The same mechanism may account for a large part of the upward transport in the tropics. The very approximate nature of the calculations must, however, be borne clearly in mind.  相似文献   

The relationship between the sea ice cover in the North Pacific and the typhoon frequency has been studied in this paper. It follows that the index for the sea ice cover in the North Pacific (ISA) both in December-January-February (DJF) and in March-April-May (MAM) is negatively correlated with annual typhoon number over the western North Pacific (TNWNP) during 1965―2004, with correlation coeffi-cients of -0.42 and -0.49 respectively (above 99% significant level). Large sea ice cover in the North Pacific tends to decrease TNWNP. Positive ISA (MAM) is associated with the tropical circulation and SST anomalies in the North Pacific, which may lead to unfavorable dynamic and thermal conditions for typhoon genesis over WNP from June to October (JJASO). The variability of the atmospheric circula-tion over the North Pacific, associated with the ISA anomaly in MAM is connected to the tropical at-mospheric circulation variability in MAM via the teleconnection wave train. Besides, as the tropical circulation has strong seasonal persistency from the MAM to JJASO, thus, the ISA in MAM-related variability of the tropical atmospheric circulation as well as the SST can affect the typhoon activity over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

The distribution of heat flow in the North Pacific Ocean has been examined, and a map of geothermal and geomagnetic fields for the Bering Sea as it is known today has been made. Reliable data are lacking regarding the time of origin for features of oceanic and continental genesis in the Bering Sea, which is an obstacle to the study of geodynamic processes in the North Pacific. Heat flow data were used to yield numerical estimates for the age of seafloor features in the Bering Sea: the Kamchatka Basin (21 Ma), Shirshov Ridge (95 Ma for the northern part and 33 Ma for the southern), the Aleutian Basin (70 Ma), Vitus Rise (44 Ma), Bowers Ridge (30 Ma), and Bowers Basin (40 Ma). These age estimates are corroborated by combined geological, geophysical, and plate kinematic data. A thermochemical model of global mantle convection has been developed in order to perform a numerical simulation of the thermal process involved in the generation of extended regional features in the North Pacific (the Emperor Fracture Zone, Chinook Trough, etc.). The modeling suggests a plume-tectonic origin for these features, yielding the optimal model for the tectonic evolution of the North Pacific. An integrated geological and geothermal analysis leads to the conclusion that the northern and southern parts of the Shirshov Ridge are different, not only in geologic age, but also in tectonic structure. The northern part is of imbricated-thrust terrane origin, while the southern part is of ensimatic island-arc origin, similar to that of Bowers Ridge. The seafloor of the Aleutian Basin is an outlier of the Upper Cretaceous Kula plate where, in the Vitus Rise area, backarc spreading processes originated during Eocene time. The terminating phase of activity in the Bering Sea began about 21 Ma by spreading in the older seafloor of the Kamchatka Basin. We developed plate-tectonic reconstructions of evolution for the North Pacific for the times 21, 33, 40, and 70 Ma in the hotspot system based on age estimates for the seafloor features derived from heat flow data and modeling of the thermal generation of regional faults, as well as on an analysis of geomagnetic, tectonic, and geological data.  相似文献   

A numerical model has been developed which is capable of simulating all phases of the life cycle of metallic ions, and results are described and interpreted herein for the typical case of Fe+ ions. This cycle begins with the initial deposition of metallics through meteor ablation and sputtering, followed by conversion of neutral Fe atoms to ions through photoionization and charge exchange with ambient ions. Global transport arising from daytime electric fields and poleward/downward diffusion along geomagnetic field lines, localized transport and layer formation through descending convergent nulls in the thermospheric wind field, and finally annihilation by chemical neutralization and compound formation are treated. The model thus sheds new light on the interdependencies of the physical and chemical processes affecting atmospheric metallics. Model output analysis confirms the dominant role of both global and local transport to the ions life cycle, showing that upward forcing from the equatorial electric field is critical to global movement, and that diurnal and semidiurnal tidal winds are responsible for the formation of dense ion layers in the 90–250 km height region. It is demonstrated that the assumed combination of sources, chemical sinks, and transport mechanisms actually produces F-region densities and E-region layer densities similar to those observed. The model also shows that zonal and meridional winds and electric fields each play distinct roles in local transport, whereas the ion distribution is relatively insensitive to reasonable variations in meteoric deposition and chemical reaction rates.  相似文献   

We report here on particulate and dissolved210Pb profiles at 16 stations, and on total210Pb profiles at 3 stations, all occupied during the Pacific GEOSECS expedition. Comparison with measurements at Yale on GEOSECS library samples indicates that during separation of particulate lead from dissolved lead, our filtered water samples suffered some loss of210Pb in the filtration system; this effect appears to have reduced the dissolved210Pb activities by ~ 20% in stations where the water was filtered. However, for these first Pacific data on the210Pb distribution between the two phases, this effect does not significantly interfere with our recognition of the major features of both particulate and dissolved210Pb distributions.The dissolved210Pb profiles in general vary geographically, following the226Ra profiles. In deep water,226Ra increases northward and eastward from the southwest Pacific, from ~ 22dpm/100kg, to over 40 dpm/100 kg in the northeast Pacific. Our dissolved210Pb profiles show a similar increase in deep water, varying from about 10 to 20 dpm/100 kg along this line, and are commonly characterized by a mid-depth maximum. This210Pb maximum reflects the mid-depth226Ra maximum of the Pacific Deep Water observed along the western boundary current.In surface water at low latitudes there is a significant210Pb flux from the atmosphere, which produces a210Pb/226Ra activity ratio generally greater than unity. This flux penetrates as deep as 600 m, as indicated by an “induced”210Pb minimum caused by the surface maximum. The surface water210Pb excess decreases toward high southern latitudes and vanishes in the Circumpolar region.The particulate210Pb profiles show a general increase with depth, from ~ 0.3dpm/100kg in subsurface water to ~ 1.5dpm/100kg in bottom water, with or without a mid-depth maximum that reflects the226Ra or dissolved210Pb maximum. The particulate210Pb normally comprises about 2% of the total210Pb in subsurface water, and this fraction increases to about 10% near the bottom. As the filtration loss is not taken into account, the fraction of particulate210Pb quoted here is an upper limit. Since the particulate matter concentrations are quite uniform in the water column below a few hundred meters, the210Pb activity of the particulate matter also increases with depth. The particulate matter has a210Pb concentration of ~ 100dpm/g in subsurface water, but the concentration increases to ~ 500dpm/g or more toward the bottom. This indicates that there is a cumulative adsorption of Pb onto the suspended particles as they are sinking through the water column.  相似文献   

A regional model of tides in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean is developed through the use of inversion with two-dimensional finite element codes. Since global tide models are least accurate in coastal environments, modeling tides on a regional scale allows tidal propagation and interaction along the coast to be more accurately represented. In this respect, a regional model can act as a liaison between open ocean dynamics and physical processes more pertinent to coastal systems. The region of interest in this study extends from the Aleutian Islands to Southern California and includes deep ocean, continental shelf, and shallow water features. Boundary conditions are determined from nonlinear inversion of harmonic data from both shallow water and deep ocean tide gauges. Spatial patterns of amplitudes and phases from the model are examined for major constituents. Results are also compared to global tide models at selected stations.  相似文献   

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