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Stromatolites forming today on a small scale in hydrothermal environments are chemical and biological analogues of much larger Precambrian formations. Carbon isotopic composition varied as a function of CO2 concentration, pH, and species composition. Stratiform, layered stromatolites grew in silica-depositing springs at 55° to 70°C; they consisted mainly of a unicellular alga, Synechococcus, and a filamentous, photosynthetic bacterium, Chloroflexus. These thermophiles become enriched in 12C as the concentration of carbon dioxide in the effluent waters increases. At a concentration of 40 ppm total inorganic C, and δ13C of organic carbon was ~ ?12%., whereas at 900 ppm total inorganic C, the δ13C of similar species was ~ ?25%.. Conical stromatolites or conophytons (principally a filamentous, blue-green alga Phormidium and Chloroflexus) grew at 40°-55°C. In older, broader conophytons, Chloroflexus was the dominant organism. Their δ13C values were ~ ?18%. in a variety of hot springs. In carbonate-depositing springs, i.e., carbon dioxide saturated, conophytons and stromatolites consisting of a variety of blue-green algae and photosynthetic bacteria had the most negative δ13C values (to ?30%.). These carbon isotope ratios are directly comparable to carbon isotope ratios of kerogen from Precambrian stromatolites. The presence and activity of methanogenic bacteria or heterotrophic, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria did not alter significantly the δ13C of the original organic matter.The hydrogen isotopic fractionation between thermophilic organisms and water is 0 to ?74 for temperatures of 85° to 46°C, respectively. Acidophilic algae fractionated hydrogen isotopes to a lesser extent than did the photosynthetic organisms inhabiting neutral pH springs. Because organic matter retains some of its original isotopic signature, relationships of CO2 levels, pH, temperature, and species composition between modern stromatolites and their environment and those of the Precambrian can be inferred.  相似文献   

A stable isotope mass-balance of dissolved inorganic carbon during a blue-green algae bloom in a softwater lake demonstrates that at low partial pressure of carbon dioxide there must be a large net negative carbon isotope fractionation between atmospheric CO2 and the CO2 absorbed by lake water at pH = 9.5. The net fractionation of CO2(g) with respect to HCO3 was about −13%. compared with about +8%. for water at equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 at pH ≈ 7. Chemical enhancement of CO2 invasion at high pH by the reaction CO2 + OH→ HCO3 at large apparent film thicknesses may result in carbon isotope fractionation approaching that for a hydroxide solution. This phenomenon, coupled with a decrease in the photosynthetic fractionation, forced the surface water of a softwater lake to achieve increasingly negative δ13C values during an algal bloom, which is in the opposite sense to the trend that results from photosynthesis under less extreme conditions. This and other similar systems must operate under non-equilibrium (kinetic) conditions, causing a large kinetic fractionation during CO2 invasion at pH > 8 and relatively large film thicknesses (i.e., low wind stress).  相似文献   

The maximum carbon isotope fractionation occurring in photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide in pure cultures of blue-green algae was ?23.9%. and for a green alga was ?22.6%., Maximum fractionations were obtained where cell densities were low and carbon dioxide concentrations were greater than 0.5%. Fractionation was reduced at higher temperatures using a thermophilic blue-green alga. For filamentous blue-green algae wherein clumping occurs and localized cell concentrations were high, fractionation was also lower. Fractionations reported in literature for Precambrian organic materials are comparable to the maximum fractionations reported here. This suggests that the early photosynthetic organisms developed under conditions of high carbon dioxide availability, i.e. slow growth rates and/or low population densities.  相似文献   

The source of silica in the formation of the Precambrian laminated cherts has long remained a problem to be solved. Through experiments on cherts and living blue-green algae, the authors found that the collected chert samples probably come from primary deposits, and there is a great biomass of fossil algae in chert, among which the filamentous algae can be compared with the living blue-green algae Oscillatoria, that a higher Pco_2 of the gas would be favourable for the increase of the biomass of living blue-green algae and consequently raises the pH value of the water body; and that lack of free oxygen and a higher concentration of SiO_2 in the water have no apparent influence on the biomass of blue-green algae. Based on the evidence above, a biogeochemical model concerning the origin of Precambrian laminated chert has been set up, in which the. photosynthesis of algae under the presumed atmospheric conditions of the Precambrian might raise the pH value of the water body and promote the dissolution of silicate minerals, thus providing a source of colloid SiO_2 for the formation of Precambrian laminated chert.Furthermore, a simulation experiment device has been designed successfully, which can control the temperature(30 ± 0.5°), Pco_2(50662.5 Pa) and Po_2(about zero Pa) of the gas, the rate of photosynthesis of algae and the movement of the water carrying opal. In the simulation experiments, separate measurements have been made on the rate of photosynthesis of algae, pH value and concentration of SiO_2 of the water body, with the results indicating that under the conditions similar to the presumed Precambrian atmosphere, the photosynthesis of algae can make the pH value of the water body go up steadily to over 9.7, leading to the dissolution of the silicate minerals, with the concentration of SiO_2 measured reaching as high as 84 mg/l. Finally, through the vaporation of water, a phenomenon of colloid floccilation has been observed.The simulation experiment has verified the proposed biogeochemical model illustrating the origin of Precambrian laminated chert. Moreover, the device and method of its kind may also be applied to the research on the relationship of the Precambrian algae with the formation of some other mineral deposits such as of Fe, Mn, U and carbonates.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken with the thermophilic green alga Cyanidium caldarium which grows optimally at low pH and high concentrations of CO2. Carbon-isotope fractionation was not found to be a simple linear function of temperature. Maximum enrichment of 12C in cellular material occurred under optimum growth conditions (at approximately pH 2 and at temperatures between 40–50°C in a CO2 atmosphere). A maximum measured fractionation of ?24‰ may account for low values (δ 13C < ?30‰ PDB) in Precambrian kerogen presumably derived from algal mats.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope compositions and the stomatal parameters (stomatal density and stomatal index) of four Cheirolepidiaceae species, Brachyphyllum ningxiaensis, Brachyphyllum obtusum, Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis and Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis, were analyzed to recover the late Early Cretaceous atmospheric CO2 levels. The fossil plants were collected from 5 consecutive sedimentary members of the uppermost Zhonggou Formation. Based on the stomatal data, the estimated palaeo-atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the Jiuquan Basin during the late Early Cretaceous were 1060–882 ppmv based on the carboniferous standardization and were 641–531 ppmv based on the recent standardization; the pCO2 values present at first a decreasing and then an increasing trend within the sedimentary time of the five members. The δ13Cp values based on the 21 Brachyphyllum specimens showed a large variation, which ranged from −20.98‰ to −25.69‰, with an average of −24.2‰. The values also identified a C3 photosynthetic pathway for the Brachyphyllum specimens. The predicted δ13Ca values varied from −2.1‰ to −6.38‰, with an average of −5.03‰. These two proxies were irregular within the different members; therefore, the correlation with the change in atmospheric CO2 concentrations was not significant. Moreover, a water-stressed environment was proposed based on the δ13C values of the present fossil plants, a proposal that was also supported by the previous palaeobotanical, palynological and stratigraphical evidence. In the present study, an inconsistent relationship between the stable carbon isotope and the stomata values was apparent, which most likely indicated that the stomata numbers of the plant were more sensitive to the variation in the concentration of the atmospheric CO2, whereas the δ13C values were sensitive to the moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Several arguments indicate that the mean carbon isotopic composition of the earth's crust and the upper mantle should be around-7‰. This agrees quite well with a balance calculation (Table 7) and with what we know about the carbon isotope composition of carbonatites and diamonds. Since fractionation factors decrease with increasing temperatures, the differences in isotopic compositions found in igneous rocks might be expected to be relatively slight and not to differ very much from the mean δ-value for the earth's crust. This also applies to the elements oxygen and sulfur, and to a lesser extent even for hydrogen, but not for carbon. Hoefs (1965) has shown that all igneous rocks contain carbon in at least two different forms:
  1. an oxidized form mainly as carbonate and/or as CO2 (in fluid and gaseous inclusions) in variable concentrations between <100 ppm and several thousand ppm CO2, and
  2. a reduced form with a relatively constant concentration around 200 ppm C. To 1). If the carbonate were of primary magmatic origin, we should expect, in analogy to carbonatites or to some hydrothermal carbonates, a δ 13C-value around-7 and a δ 18O-value between ?15 to ?25‰ relative to PDB, but on the contrary, the variable δ 13C- and the relatively heavy δ 18O-values make it seem probable that the carbonate is not of pirmary magmatic origin, but of secondary, maybe groundwater origin. This does not exclude the possibility that in some cases there may also be some carbonate which is of primary magmatic origin. To 2). If the reduced carbon found in igneous rocks is indigenous to these specimens, theoretically it may occur as elemental carbon (graphite), as carbides, and as organic compounds or as all three combined together.
This reduced carbon has a very light and fairly constant isotopic composition between ?24 and ?28‰ relative to PDB in all igneous rock types. There are two very different possible explanations for these values. The first and simplest one is that this carbon is also of secondary origin, or in other words of biogenic origin—some kind of assimilation of sedimentary organic material. But since this carbon is very evenly distributed, this means that all igneous rocks with a very small, but not negligible, porosity and permeability are impregnated by surface waters containing biogenic-derived organic substances in a concentration of around 200 ppm C. Since bore samples have also been analyzed, this also means that these waters penetrate into igneous rocks even at greater depths. Due to certain similarities in carbon isotopic composition found in extraterrestrial material, in meteorites and in lunar rocks (Table 9), I favor the second possibility of explaining the rather light δ 13C values: Several mechanisms have been postulated for the formation of organic matter in our solar system (Fischer-Tropsch type synthesis, Miller-Urey reactions etc.). Evidence supporting the hypothesis of inorganically formed organic matter on the earth has accumulated since Miller (1957) first demonstrated the synthesis of organic compounds from methane, ammonia and water. It is postulated that photosynthesis is not the only process leading to isotopically light carbon, but that some of these reactions (perhaps Fischer-Tropsch type synthesis) may also yield to isotopically light carbon. In addition to these data, some gaseous CO2-samples of probably volcanic origin from Germany have been analyzed. The CO2 discharged in areas of ancient volcanic activity shows δ 13C value between ?2 and ?5‰, typical for geothermal areas (e.g. Yellowstone, New Zealand). The CO2 found in inclusions in evaporites, some of them near basaltic dikes, shows a strikingly different δ 13C composition (between ?15 and ?25%.) comparable to CO2 sampled over liquid Hawaiian lavas. On the basis of the isotope-exchange reaction CH4+2H2O ? CO2+4H2, temperature seems to be the most important parameter, being responsible for the observed differences in isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Variations in the carbon isotope composition in gases and waters of mud volcanoes in the Taman Peninsula are studied. The δ13C values in CH4 and CO2 vary from ?59.5 to ?44.0‰ (δ13Cav = ?52.4 ± 5.4‰) and from ?17.8 to +22.8‰ (δ13Cav = +6.9 ± 9.3‰), respectively. In waters from most mud volcanoes of the peninsula, this parameter ranges from +3.3 to +33.1‰, although locally lower values are also recorded (up to ?12‰. Fractionation of carbon isotopes in the CO2-HCO3 system corresponds to the isotope equilibrium under Earth’s surface temperatures. The growth of carbon dioxide concentration in the gaseous phase and increase in the HCO3 ion concentration in their water phase is accompanied by the enrichment of the latter with the heavy 13C isotope. The δ13CTDIC value in the water-soluble carbon depends on the occurrence time of water on the Earth’s surface (exchange with atmospheric CO2, methane oxidation, precipitation of carbonates, and other processes), in addition to its primary composition. In this connection, fluctuations in δ13CTDIC values in mud volcanoes with stagnant waters may amount to 10–20‰. In the clayey pulp, concentrations of carbonate matter recalculated to CaCO3 varies from 1–4 to 36–50 wt %. The δ13C value in the latter ranges from ?3.6 to +8.4‰. Carbonate matter of the clayey pulp represents a mixture of sedimentogenic and authigenic carbonates. Therefore, it is usually unbalanced in terms of the carbon isotope composition with the water-soluble CO2 forms.  相似文献   

Evidence from laboratory experiments indicates that fractionation against the heavy stable isotope of carbon (Δ13C) by bryophytes (liverworts and mosses) is strongly dependent on atmospheric CO2. This physiological response may therefore provide the basis for developing a new terrestrial CO2 proxy [Fletcher, B.J., Beerling, D.J., Brentnall, S.J., Royer, D.L., 2005. Fossil bryophytes as recorders of ancient CO2 levels: experimental evidence and a Cretaceous case study. Global Biogeochem. Cycles19, GB3012]. Here, we establish a theoretical basis for the proxy by developing an extended model of bryophyte carbon isotope fractionation (BRYOCARB) that integrates the biochemical theory of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation with controls on CO2 supply by diffusion from the atmosphere. The BRYOCARB model is evaluated against measurements of the response of liverwort photosynthesis and Δ13C to variations in atmospheric O2, temperature and irradiance at different CO2 concentrations. We show that the bryophyte proxy is at least as sensitive to variations in atmosphere CO2 as the two other leading carbon isotope-based approaches to estimating palaeo-CO2 levels (δ13C of phytoplankton and of paleosols). Mathematical inversion of BRYOCARB provides a mechanistic means of estimating atmospheric CO2 levels from fossil bryophyte carbon that can explicitly account for the effects of past differences in O2 and climate.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(13-14):2001-2007
Stable oxygen isotope ratios of foraminiferal calcite are widely used in paleoceanography to provide a chronology of temperature changes during ocean history. It was recently demonstrated that the stable oxygen isotope ratios in planktonic foraminifera are affected by changes of the seawater chemistry carbonate system: the δ18O of the foraminiferal calcite decreases with increasing CO32− concentration or pH. This paper provides a simple explanation for seawater chemistry dependent stable oxygen isotope variations in the planktonic foraminifera Orbulina universa which is derived from oxygen isotope partitioning during inorganic precipitation. The oxygen isotope fractionation between water and the dissolved carbonate species S = [H2CO3] + [HCO3] + [CO32−] decreases with increasing pH. Provided that calcium carbonate is formed from a mixture of the carbonate species in proportion to their relative contribution to S, the oxygen isotopic composition of CaCO3 also decreases with increasing pH. The slope of shell δ18O vs. [CO32−] of Orbulina universa observed in culture experiments is −0.0022‰ (μmol kg−1)−1 (Spero et al., 1997), whereas the slope derived from inorganic precipitation is −0.0024‰ (μmol kg−1). The theory also provides an explanation of the nonequilibrium fractionation effects in synthetic carbonates described by Kim and O’Neil (1997) which can be understood in terms of equilibrium fractionation at different pH. The results presented here emphasize that the oxygen isotope fractionation between calcium carbonate and water does not only depend on the temperature but also on the pH of the solution from which it is formed.  相似文献   

Soils of the Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP)contain substantial amounts of soil inorganic carbon(SIC),as well as recent and ancient soil organic carbon(SOC).With the advent of the Anthropocene,human perturbation,including excavation,has increased soil CO2 emission from the huge loess carbon pool.This study aims to determine the potential of loess CO2 emission induced by excavation.Soil CO2 were continuously monitored for seven years on a newly-excavated profile in the central CLP and the stable C isotope compositions of soil CO2 and SOC were used to identify their sources.The results showed that the soil CO2 concentrations ranged from 830μL·L-1 to 11190μL·L-1 with an annually reducing trend after excavation,indicating that the human excavation can induce CO2 production in loess profile.Theδ13 C of CO2 ranged from–21.27‰to–19.22‰(mean:–20.11‰),with positive deviation from top to bottom.The range of δ13CSOC was–24.0‰to–21.1‰with an average of–23.1‰.Theδ13 C-CO2 in this study has a positive relationship with the reversed CO2 concentration,and it is calculated that 80.22%of the soil CO2 in this profile is from the microbial decomposition of SOC and 19.78%from the degasification during carbonate precipitation.We conclude that the human excavation can significantly enhance the decomposition of the ancient OC in loess during the first two years after perturbation,producing and releasing soil CO2 to atmosphere.  相似文献   

Natural gas in the Xujiahe Formation of the Sichuan Basin is dominated by hydrocarbon (HC) gas, with 78–79% methane and 2–19% C2+ HC. Its dryness coefficient (C1/C1–5) is mostly < 0.95. The gas in fluid inclusions, which has low contents of CH4 and heavy hydrocarbons (C2+) and higher contents of non-hydrocarbons (e.g. CO2), is a typical wet gas produced by thermal degradation of kerogen. Gas produced from the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation (here denoted field gas) has light carbon isotope values for methane (δ13C1: −45‰ to −36‰) and heavier values for ethane (δ13C2: −30‰ to −25‰). The case is similar for gas in fluid inclusions, but δ13C1 = −36‰ to −45‰ and δ13C2 = −24.8‰ to −28.1‰, suggesting that the gas experienced weak isotopic fractionation due to migration and water washing. The field gas has δ13CCO2 values of −15.6‰ to −5.6‰, while the gas in fluid inclusions has δ13CCO2 values of −16.6‰ to −9‰, indicating its organic origin. Geochemical comparison shows that CO2 captured in fluid inclusions mainly originated from source rock organic matter, with little contribution from abiogenic CO2. Fluid inclusions originate in a relatively closed system without fluid exchange with the outside following the gas capture process, so that there is no isotopic fractionation. They thus present the original state of gas generated from the source rocks. These research results can provide a theoretical basis for gas generation, evolution, migration and accumulation in the basin.  相似文献   

Carbonates formed from hyperalkaline aqueous solutions at the Earth?s surface are known to bear the most extreme disequilibrium isotope signatures reported so far in nature. We present here the results for stable carbon (C), oxygen (O), and barium (Ba) isotope fractionation during the precipitation of witherite (BaCO3) induced by the chemical absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) into an aqueous hyper-alkaline solution (at 4° and 21?°C; 1?atm total pressure). Independent from temperature, the barium carbonate formation was associated with a substantial enrichment of the lighter C and O isotopes in the solid compared to the atmosphere (C, O), close to previous results found in experiments and nature. A new approach is introduced to explain oxygen isotope fractionation upon hydroxylation of CO2. With Ba isotope enrichment factors between ?0.45 and ?0.53‰ (138/134ε) or ?0.34 and ?0.40‰ (137/134ε), respectively, the synthesized BaCO3 displays the highest kinetic enrichment of the light Ba isotope in the carbonate solid reported so far.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of CO2 inclusions trapped in minerals reflects the origin and evolution of CO2-bearing fluids and melts, and records the multiple-stages carbon geodynamic cycle, as CO2 took part in various geological processes widely. However, the practical method for determination isotope composition of individual CO2 inclusion is still lacking. Developing a microanalytical technique with spatial resolution in micrometers to precisely determinate the δ13C value of individual CO2 inclusion, will make it possible to analyze a tiny portion of a zoning mineral crystal, distinguish the differences in micro-scale, and possible to find many useful information that could not be obtained with the bulk extraction and analysis techniques. In this study, we systematically collected Raman spectra of CO2 standards with different δ13C values (?34.9 ‰ to 3.58 ‰) at 32.0 °C and from ~7.0 MPa to 120.0 MPa, and developed a new procedure to precisely determinate the δ13C value of individual CO2 inclusion. We investigated the relationship among the Raman peak intensity ratio, δ13C value, and CO2 density, and established a calibration model with high accuracy (0.5 ‰?1.5 ‰), sufficient for geological application to distinguish different source of CO2 with varying δ13CO2. As a demonstration, we measured the δ13C values and the density of CO2 inclusions in the growth zones of alkali basalt-hosted corundum megacrysts from Changle, Shandong Province. We found the significant differences of density and δ13C between the CO2 inclusions in the core of corundum and those inclusions in the outer growth zones, the δ13C value decreases from core to rim with decreasing density: δ13C values are from ?7.5 ‰ to ?9.2 ‰ for the inclusions in the core, indicating the corundum core was crystallized from mantle-derived magmas; from ?13.5 ‰ to ?18.5 ‰ for CO2 inclusions in zone 1 and from ?16.5 ‰ to –22.0 ‰ for inclusions in zone 2, indicating the outer zones of corundum grew in a low δ13C value environment, resulted from an infilling of low δ13C value fluid and/or degassing of the ascending basaltic magma.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic ratios of oxygen, carbon and the non-exchangeable carbon-bound hydrogen of cellulose from marine plants (algae and higher vascular forms) and animals (tunicates) collected in their natural habitats and from freshwater vascular plants grown in the laboratory under controlled conditions were determined.The δ18Ovalues of cellulose from all the plants and animals were 27 ±3% more positive than the δ18O values of the waters in which the organisms grew. Temperature had little or no influence on this relationship for three species of freshwater vascular plants that were analyzed. The relationship between the δ18O values of cellulose and the water used in its synthesis is probably established by the isotopic fractionation that occurs during the hydration of carbonyl groups of the intermediates involved in cellulose synthesis.The δD values of the non-exchangeable hydrogen of cellulose (determined by analyzing cellulose nitrate) from different organisms that grew in the same environment differed by large amounts. This difference ranged up to 200‰ for different species of algae collected at a single site: the corresponding difference for different species of tunicates and vascular plants was 60 and 20‰ respectively. The δD values of cellulose nitrate from different species of freshwater vascular plants grown in water of constant temperature and isotopic composition differed by as much as 60‰ The relationship between the δD values of the carbon-bound hydrogen of cellulose and the water used in its synthesis displayed a significant temperature dependence for four species of freshwater vascular plants that were analyzed. The δD values of cellulose nitrate prepared from different parts of one of the plants grown under constant conditions differed by 40‰ Hydrogen isotopic fractionation during cellulose synthesis appears to be more variable among different species and displays a larger temperature dependence than was suggested by previous studies.  相似文献   

A study of the isotopic composition of plankton from Woods Hole Harbor was conducted to investigate seasonal variation in carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in a shallow coastal environment. Stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen both showed temporal variation on the scale of weeks to months, with heaviest (most positive) values in summer to fall for both isotopes. Particulate organic matter (POM) δ13C values were highest (?19‰ to ?21‰) in August to November and lower (?21‰ to ?25‰) at other times of the year, while δ13N-POM values were highest (9.5‰ to 12‰) in March to September and lower (7.5‰ to 9.5‰) at other times of the year. Stable isotopic values were significantly correlated with temperature, DI13C, and C∶N ratios, but not with [DIC], [POC], [PN], [chlorophyll], or the taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton. There was no direct evidence of allochthonous inputs of carbon and nitrogen to the system. Woods Hole δ13C values were virtually identical to Georges Bank plankton values; similar POC: Chlorophyll and C∶N ratios in the two systems further suggest that Woods Hole Harbor is principally a marine system. The high δ13C values of net plankton (>20 μm) during summer and early fall are consistent with a smaller degree of photosynthetic isotopic fractionation at that time, related to temperature and/or [CO2(aq)]. This pattern was not seen, however, in total POM. Plankton δ13N values were higher in Woods Hole Harbor than on Georges Bank, especially during warmer periods, possibly due to high rates of nitrification and organic matter recycling in Woods Hole waters. Relatively wide ranges of stable isotopic values from both Woods Hole Harbor and Georges Bank suggest that seasonality should be considered when attempting to establish endmember C and N isotopic values for temperate marine plankton. Preliminary results from size-fractionated samples suggest that cyanobacteria may fractionate carbon isotopes to a greater degree than net phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Carbon stable-isotope compositions of coexisting carbon dioxide and methane from geothermal springs across the Central Andes of northern Chile and Bolivia are reported. A total of 60 samples were analyzed for δ13CCO2 and, of these, 10 were selected for δ13CCH4 analyses. The Central Andes are characterized by an active volcanic arc and an unusually thick (up to 75 km) continental crust behind the arc, beneath the high plateau region of the Altiplano. Furthermore, helium-isotope evidence suggests active mantle degassing in a 350-km-wide zone beneath the thick continental crust in the Central Andes (Hoke et al., 1994).

The present results show a wide range of δ13CCO2 (-14.9 to -0.6‰) and a surprisingly heavy δ13CCH4 (?20.9 to ?12.3‰). The difference between δ13CCO2 and δ13CCH4 13CCO2-CH4 ) for individual samples varies between 1.5‰ and 13.5‰. The δ13CCO2 results show wide and overlapping ranges in the samples collected from the Precordillera, the Volcanic Arc (or Western Cordillera), the Altiplano, and the Eastern Cordillera. The widest ranges occur in the Eastern Cordillera (?15.0 to ?4.8‰) and the Altiplano (?20 to ?6‰). The δ13CCO2 results for geothermal samples from the Volcanic Arc range between ?8.0‰ (Surire) and ?0.6‰ (Abra de Nappa), whereas δ13CCO2 measured in gases collected from geothermal springs in the Precordillera range from ?10 to ?5‰.

The relationships between 3He/4He, δ13CCO2 , and δ13CCH4 are used to distinguish between crustal and mantle origins. The wide (21‰) range in the is interpreted to reflect contributions from different CO2 sources that include organic and inorganic crustal and mantle carbon. Assuming isotopic equilibrium between coexisting methane and carbon dioxide, Δ13CCO2-CH4 suggests very high equilibrium temperatures, in excess of 530°C, for some geothermal systems that also are characterized by a high (up to 63%) mantle-derived helium component.

δ13CCH4 results suggest that methane has not formed by bacteriogenic processes or by thermal decomposition of organic matter, but rather abiogenically through the high-temperature reaction between H2 and CO2. The δ13CCH4 results for the samples from the Volcanic Arc and from two CO2-rich geothermal springs in the Altiplano (Coipasa-2 and Belen de Andamarca) are similar to those reported from hydrothermal fluids emitted from the East Pacific Rise (Welhan, 1988) and White Island, New Zealand (Hulston and McCabe, 1962), suggesting a mantle-derived carbon component in the methane.  相似文献   

Tufa samples from 16 consecutive barrages along a 13 km section of the groundwater‐fed Krka River (Slovenia) were analysed for their petrographical, mineralogical, elemental and stable carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope composition, to establish their relation to current climatic and hydrological conditions. Waters constantly oversaturated with calcite and the steep morphology of the Krka riverbed stimulate rapid CO2 degassing and subsequent tufa precipitation. The carbon isotope fractionation (Δ13C) between dissolved inorganic carbon and tufa in the Krka River evolves towards isotopic equilibrium being controlled by continuous CO2 degassing and tufa precipitation rate downstream. The Δ13C increased from 1·9 to 2·5‰ (VPDB); however, since tufa precipitation rates remain similar downstream, the major controlling factor of carbon isotope exchange is most probably related to the continuous 12CO2 degassing downstream leaving the carbon pool enriched in 13C. In the case of oxygen, the isotope fractionation (Δ18O) was found to be from 1·0 to 2·3‰ (VSMOW) smaller than reported in the literature. The observed discrepancies are due to different precipitation rates of calcite deposits because Krka tufas on cascades grow relatively faster compared to slowly precipitated calcite deposits in cave or stream pools. Due to non‐equilibrium oxygen isotope exchange between Krka tufa and water, the δ18O proxy showed from 1·2 to 8·2°C higher calculated water temperatures compared to measured water temperatures, demonstrating that δ18O proxy‐based temperature equations are not reliable for water temperature calculations of fast‐growing tufa on cascades. Because Mg is bound to the terrigenous dolomite fraction in the Krka tufa samples, the Mg/Ca was also found to be an unreliable temperature proxy yielding over up to 20°C higher calculated water temperatures.  相似文献   

Permian Khuff reservoirs along the east coast of Saudi Arabia and in the Arabian Gulf produce dry sour gas with highly variable nitrogen concentrations. Rough correlations between N2/CH4, CO2/CH4 and H2S/CH4 suggest that non-hydrocarbon gas abundances are controlled by thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). In Khuff gases judged to be unaltered by TSR, methane δ13C generally falls between −40‰ and −35‰ VPDB and carbon dioxide δ13C between −3‰ and 0‰ VPDB. As H2S/CH4 increases, methane δ13C increases to as much as −3‰ and carbon dioxide δ13C decreases to as little as −28‰. These changes are interpreted to reflect the oxidation of methane to carbon dioxide.Khuff reservoir temperatures, which locally exceed 150 °C, appear high enough to drive the reduction of sulfate by methane. Anhydrite is abundant in the Khuff and fine grained nodules are commonly rimmed with secondary calcite cement. Some cores contain abundant pyrite, sphalerite and galena. Assuming that nitrogen is inert, loss of methane by TSR should increase N2/CH4 of the residual gas and leave δ15N unaltered. δ15N of Paleozoic gases in Saudi Arabia varies from −7‰ to 1‰ vs. air and supports the TSR hypothesis. N2/CH4 in gases from stacked Khuff reservoirs varies by a factor of 19 yet the variation in δ15N (0.3–0.5‰) is trivial.Because the relative abundance of hydrogen sulfide is not a fully reliable extent of reaction parameter, we have attempted to assess the extent of TSR using plots of methane δ13C versus log(N2/CH4). Observed variations in these parameters can be fitted using simple Rayleigh models with kinetic carbon isotope fractionation factors between 0.98 and 0.99. We calculate that TSR may have destroyed more than 90% of the original methane charge in the most extreme instance. The possibility that methane may be completely destroyed by TSR has important implications for deep gas exploration and the origin of gases rich in nitrogen as well as hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory studies were conducted to increase understanding of stable carbon (13C/12C) and hydrogen (D/H) isotope fractionation arising from methanogenesis by moderately thermophilic acetate- and hydrogen-consuming methanogens. Studies of the aceticlastic reaction were conducted with two closely related strains of Methanosaeta thermophila. Results demonstrate a carbon isotope fractionation of only 7‰ (α = 1.007) between the methyl position of acetate and the resulting methane. Methane formed by this process is enriched in 13C when compared with other natural sources of methane; the magnitude of this isotope effect raises the possibility that methane produced at elevated temperature by the aceticlastic reaction could be mistaken for thermogenic methane based on carbon isotopic content. Studies of H2/CO2 methanogenesis were conducted with Methanothermobacter marburgensis. The fractionation of carbon isotopes between CO2 and CH4 was found to range from 22 to 58‰ (1.023 ≤ α ≤ 1.064). Greater fractionation was associated with low levels of molecular hydrogen and steady-state metabolism. The fractionation of hydrogen isotopes between source H2O and CH4 was found to range from 127 to 275‰ (1.16 ≤ α ≤ 1.43). Fractionation was dependent on growth phase with greater fractionation associated with later growth stages. The maximum observed fractionation factor was 1.43, independent of the δD-H2 supplied to the culture. Fractionation was positively correlated with temperature and/or metabolic rate. Results demonstrate significant variability in both hydrogen and carbon isotope fractionation during methanogenesis from H2/CO2. The relatively small fractionation associated with deuterium during H2/CO2 methanogenesis provides an explanation for the relatively enriched deuterium content of biogenic natural gas originating from a variety of thermal environments. Results from these experiments are used to develop a hypothesis that differential reversibility in the enzymatic steps of the H2/CO2 pathway gives rise to variability in the observed carbon isotope fractionation. Results are further used to constrain the overall efficiency of electron consumption by way of the hydrogenase system in M. marburgensis, which is calculated to be less than 55%.  相似文献   

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