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Abstract— We report the magnetostratigraphy of the sedimentary sequence between the impact breccias and the post‐impact carbonate sequence conducted on samples recovered by Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1). Samples of impact breccias show reverse polarities that span up to ~56 cm into the post‐impact carbonate lithologies. We correlate these breccias to those of PEMEX boreholes Yucatán‐6 and Chicxulub‐1, from which we tied our magnetostratigraphy to the radiometric age from a melt sample from the Yucatán‐6 borehole. Thin section analyses of the carbonate samples showed a significant amount of dark minerals and glass shards that we identified as the magnetic carriers; therefore, we propose that the mechanism of magnetic acquisition within the carbonate rocks for the interval studied is detrital remanent magnetism (DRM). With these samples, we constructed the scale of geomagnetic polarities where we find two polarities within the sequence, a reverse polarity event within the impact breccias and the base of the post‐impact carbonate sequence (up to 794.07 m), and a normal polarity event in the last ~20 cm of the interval studied. The polarities recorded in the sequence analyzed are interpreted to span from chron 29r to 29n, and we propose that the reverse polarity event lies within the 29r chron. The magnetostratigraphy of the sequence studied shows that the horizon at 794.11 m deep, interpreted as the K/T boundary, lies within the geomagnetic chron 29r, which contains the K/T boundary.  相似文献   

Abstract The Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill hole comprises Cretaceous limestones and calcarenites, the K/P boundary cocktail unit (including impact breccia), and a Danian marly clay layer overlain by calcareous marls. The biostratigraphy, paleobathymetry, and environmental turnover across the K/P interval were inferred after analyzing the planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. The Cretaceous samples only contain a few poorly preserved planktic foraminifera of a middle Campanian to Maastrichtian age, while low‐diversity benthic foraminiferal assemblages suggest a sufficient nutrient supply to the sea floor and a shallow neritic, occasionally stressed environment. The impact breccia and the redeposited suevite are overlain by a 46 cm‐thick dolomitic calcareous sandstone unit that contains scarce, reworked planktic foraminiferal specimens. This unit probably represents the uppermost part of the initial infill of the crater. The uppermost centimeters of this unit are bioturbated, and its top represents a hiatus that spans at least the G. cretacea, Pv. eugubina, and part of the P. pseudobulloides biozones. This unit is overlain by a 3–4 cm‐thick marly clay layer that represents a condensed layer. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages suggest a low food supply to the sea floor and environmental instability during the deposition of the marly clay layer. The increase in diversity of the assemblages indicates that the environmental conditions improved and stabilized from the G. compressa biozone toward the A. uncinata (P2) biozone. The Danian planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate a deeper, probably bathyal environment.  相似文献   

Abstract— The suevite breccia of the Chicxulub impact crater, Yucatàn, Mexico, is more variable and complex in terms of composition and stratigraphy than suevites observed at other craters. Detailed studies (microscope, electron microprobe, SEM, XRF) have been carried out on a noncontinuous set of samples from the drill hole Yucatàn 6 (Y6) located 50 km SW from the center of the impact structure. Three subunits can be distinguished in the suevite: the upper unit is a fine‐grained carbonate‐rich suevite breccia with few shocked basement clasts, mostly altered melt fragments, and formerly melted carbonate material; the middle suevite is a coarse‐grained suevite with shocked basement clasts and altered silicate melt fragments; the lower suevite unit is composed of shocked basement and melt fragments and large evaporite clasts. The matrix of the suevite is not clastic but recrystallized and composed mainly of feldspar and pyroxene. The composition of the upper members of the suevite is dominated by the sedimentary cover of the Yucatàn target rock. With depth in well Y6, the amount of carbonate decreases and the proportion of evaporite and silicate basement rocks increases significantly. Even at the thin section scale, melt phases of different chemistry can be identified, showing that no widespread homogenization of the melt took place. The melt compositions also reflect the heterogeneity of the deep Yucatàn basement. Calcite with characteristic feathery texture indicates the existence of formerly pure carbonate melt. The proportion of carbonate to evaporite clasts is less than 5:1, except in the lower suevite where large evaporite clasts are present. This proportion constrains the amount of CO2 and SOX released by the impact event.  相似文献   

Abstract— The chemical composition of suevites, displaced Cretaceous target rocks, and impact‐generated dikes within these rocks from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill core, Chicxulub impact crater, Mexico, is reported and compared with the data from the Yucatán 6 (Y6) samples. Within the six suevite subunits of Yax‐1, four units with different chemical compositions can be distinguished: a) upper/lower sorted and upper suevite (depth of 795–846 m); b) middle suevite (depth of 846–861 m); c) brecciated impact melt rock (depth of 861–885 m); and d) lower suevite (depth of 885–895 m). The suevite sequence (a), (b), and (d) display an increase of the CaO content and a decrease of the silicate basement component from top to bottom. In contrast, the suevite of Y6 shows an inverse trend. The different distances of the Yax‐1 and Y6 drilling sites from the crater center (~60, and ~47 km, respectively) lead to different suevite sequences. Within the Cretaceous rocks of Yax‐1, a suevitic dike (depth of ~916 m) does not display chemical differences when compared with the suevite, while an impact melt rock dike (depth of ~1348 m) is significantly enriched in immobile elements. A clastic breccia dike (depth of ~1316 m) is dominated by material derived locally from the host rock, while the silicate‐rich component is similar to that found in the suevite. Significant enrichments of the K2O content were observed in the Yax‐1 suevite and the impact‐generated dikes. All impactites of Yax‐1 and Y6 are mixtures of a crystalline basement and a carbonate component from the sedimentary cover. An anhydrite component in the impactites is missing (Yax‐1) or negligible (Y6).  相似文献   

Abstract— Results of a detailed paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study of samples of the impact breccia sequence cored in the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) borehole between about 800 m and 896 m are presented. The Yax‐1 breccia sequence occurs from 794.63 m to 894.94 m and consists of redeposited melt‐rich, clast‐size sorted, fine‐grained suevites; melt‐rich, no clast‐size sorting, medium‐grained suevites; coarse suevitic melt agglomerates; coarse melt‐rich heterogeneous suevites; brecciated suevites; and coarse carbonate and silicate melt suevites. The low‐field susceptibility ranges from ?0.3 to 4018 times 10?6 SI, and the NRM intensity ranges from 0.02 mA/m up to 37510 mA/m. In general, the NRM intensity and magnetic susceptibility present wide ranges and are positively correlated, pointing to varying magnetic mineral contents and textures of the melt‐rich breccia sequence. The vectorial composition and magnetic stability of NRM were investigated by both stepwise alternating field and thermal demagnetization. In most cases, characteristic single component magnetizations are observed. Both upward and downward inclinations are present through the sequence, and we interpret the reverse magnetization as the primary component in the breccias. Both the clasts and matrix forming the breccia appear to have been subjected to a wide range of temperature/pressure conditions and show distinct rock magnetic properties. An extended interval of remanence acquisition and secondary partial or total remagnetization may explain the paleomagnetic results.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project (CSDP), Mexico, produced a continuous core of material from depths of 404 to 1511 m in the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) borehole, revealing (top to bottom) Tertiary marine sediments, polymict breccias, an impact melt unit, and one or more blocks of Cretaceous target sediments that are crosscut with impact‐generated dikes, in a region that lies between the peak ring and final crater rim. The impact melt and breccias in the Yax‐1 borehole are 100 m thick, which is approximately 1/5 the thickness of breccias and melts exposed in the Yucatán‐6 exploration hole, which is also thought to be located between the peak ring and final rim of the Chicxulub crater. The sequence and composition of impact melts and breccias are grossly similar to those in the Yucatán‐6 hole. Compared to breccias in other impact craters, the Chicxulub breccias are incredibly rich in silicate melt fragments (up to 84% versus 30 to 50%, for example, in the Ries). The melt in the Yax‐1 hole was produced largely from the silicate basement lithologies that lie beneath a 3 km‐ thick carbonate platform in the target area. Small amounts of immiscible molten carbonate were ejected with the silicate melt, and clastic carbonate often forms the matrix of the polymict breccias. The melt unit appears to have been deposited while molten but brecciated after solidification. The melt fragments in the polymict breccias appear to have solidified in flight, before deposition, and fractured during transport and deposition.  相似文献   

Abstract The 65 Ma Chicxulub impact crater formed in the shallow coastal marine shelf of the Yucatán Platform in Mexico. Impacts into water‐rich environments provide heat and geological structures that generate and focus sub‐seafloor convective hydrothermal systems. Core from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) hole, drilled by the Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project (CSDP), allowed testing for the presence of an impact‐induced hydrothermal system by: a) characterizing the secondary alteration of the 100 m‐thick impactite sequence; and b) testing for a chemical input into the lower Tertiary sediments that would reflect aquagene hydrothermal plume deposition. Interaction of the Yax‐1 impactites with seawater is evident through redeposition of the suevites (unit 1), secondary alteration mineral assemblages, and the subaqueous depositional environment for the lower Tertiary carbonates immediately overlying the impactites. The least‐altered silicate melt composition intersected in Yax‐1 is that of a calc‐alkaline basaltic andesite with 53.4–56 wt% SiO2(volatile‐free). The primary mineralogy consists of fine microlites of diopside, plagioclase (mainly Ab 47), ternary feldspar (Ab 37 to 77), and trace apatite, titanite, and zircon. The overprinting alteration mineral assemblage is characterized by Mg‐saponite, K‐montmorillonite, celadonite, K‐feldspar, albite, Fe‐oxides, and late Ca and Mg carbonates. Mg and K metasomatism resulted from seawater interaction with the suevitic rocks producing smectite‐K‐feldspar assemblages in the absence of any mixed layer clay minerals, illite, or chlorite. Rare pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite occur near the base of the impactites. These secondary alteration minerals formed by low temperature (0–150°C) oxidation and fixation of alkalis due to the interaction of glass‐rich suevite with down‐welling seawater in the outer annular trough intersected at Yax‐1. The alteration represents a cold, Mg‐K‐rich seawater recharge zone, possibly recharging higher temperature hydrothermal activity proposed in the central impact basin. Hydrothermal metal input into the Tertiary ocean is shown by elevated Ni, Ag, Au, Bi, and Te concentrations in marcasite and Cd and Ga in sphalerite in the basal 25 m of the Tertiary carbonates in Yax‐1. The lower Tertiary trace element signature reflects hydrothermal metal remobilization from a mafic source rock and is indicative of hydrothermal venting of evolved seawater into the Tertiary ocean from an impact‐generated hydrothermal convective system.  相似文献   

Abstract As part of the ICDP Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project, the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) bore hole was drilled 60 km south‐southwest of the center of the 180 km‐diameter Chicxulub impact structure down to a depth of 1511 m. A sequence of 615 m of deformed Cretaceous carbonates and sulfates was recovered below a 100 m‐thick unit of suevitic breccias and 795 m of post‐impact Tertiary rocks. The Cretaceous rocks are investigated with respect to deformation features and shock metamorphism to better constrain the deformational overprint and the kinematics of the cratering process. The sequence displays variable degrees of impact‐induced brittle damage and post‐impact brittle deformation. The degree of tilting and faulting of the Cretaceous sequence was analyzed using 360°‐core scans and dip‐meter log data. In accordance with lithological information, these data suggest that the sedimentary sequence represents a number of structural units that are tilted and moved with respect to each other. Three main units and nine sub‐units were discriminated. Brittle deformation is most intense at the top of the sequence and at 1300–1400 m. Within these zones, suevitic dikes, polymict clastic dikes, and impact melt rock dikes occur and may locally act as decoupling horizons. The degree of brittle deformation depends on lithology; massive dolomites are affected by penetrative faulting, while stratified calcarenites and bituminous limestones display localized faulting. The deformation pattern is consistent with a collapse scenario of the Chicxulub transient crater cavity. It is believed that the Cretaceous sequence was originally located outside the transient crater cavity and eventually moved downward and toward the center to its present position between the peak ring and the crater rim, thereby separating into blocks. Whether or not the stack of deformed Cretaceous blocks was already displaced during the excavation process remains an open question. The analysis of the deformation microstructure indicates that a shock metamorphic overprint is restricted to dike injections with an exception of the so called “paraconglomerate.” Abundant organic matter in the Yax‐1 core was present before the impact and was mobilized by impact‐induced heating and suggests that >12 km3 of organic material was excavated during the cratering process.  相似文献   

Abstract— The ICDP Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) borehole located 60 km south‐southwest of the center of the Chicxulub impact structure intercepted an interval of allogenic impactites (depth of 795–895 m). Petrographic analysis of these impactites allows them to be differentiated into five units based on their textural and modal variations. Unit 1 (795–922 m) comprises an apparently reworked, poorly sorted and graded, fine‐grained, clast‐supported, melt fragment‐bearing suevitic breccia. The interstitial material, similar to units 2 and 3, is permeated by numerous carbonate veinlets. Units 2 (823–846 m) and 3 (846–861 m) are groundmass‐supported breccias that comprise green to variegated angular and fluidal melt particles. The groundmass of units 2 and 3 comprises predominantly fine‐grained calcite, altered alkali element‐, Ca‐, and Si‐rich cement, as well as occasional lithic fragments. Unit 4 (861–885 m) represents a massive, variably devitrified, and brecciated impact melt rock. The lowermost unit, unit 5 (885–895 m), comprises highly variable proportions of melt rock particles (MRP) and lithic fragments in a fine‐grained, carbonate‐dominated groundmass. This groundmass could represent either a secondary hydrothermal phase or a carbonate melt phase, or both. Units 1 and 5 contain well‐preserved foraminifera fossils and a significantly higher proportion of carbonate clasts than the other units. All units show diagnostic shock deformation features in quartz and feldspar clasts. Our observations reveal that most felsic and all mafic MRP are altered. They register extensive K‐metasomatism. In terms of emplacement, we suggest that units 1 to 3 represent fallout suevite from a collapsing impact plume, whereby unit 1 was subsequently reworked by resurging water. Unit 4 represents a coherent impact melt body, the formation of which involved a significant proportion of crystalline basement. Unit 5 is believed to represent an initial ejecta/ground‐surge deposit.  相似文献   

Abstract Petrographical and chemical analysis of melt particles and alteration minerals of the about 100 m‐thick suevitic sequence at the Chicxulub Yax‐1 drill core was performed. The aim of this study is to determine the composition of the impact melt, the variation between different types of melt particles, and the effects of post‐impact hydrothermal alteration. We demonstrate that the compositional variation between melt particles of the suevitic rocks is the result of both incomplete homogenization of the target lithologies during impact and subsequent post‐impact hydrothermal alteration. Most melt particles are andesitic in composition. Clinopyroxene‐rich melt particles possess lower SiO2 and higher CaO contents. These are interpreted by mixing of melts from the silicate basement with overlying carbonate rocks. Multi‐stage post‐impact hydrothermal alteration involved significant mass transfer of most major elements and caused further compositional heterogeneity between melt particles. Following backwash of seawater into the crater, palagonitization of glassy melt particles likely caused depletion of SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Na2O, and enrichment of K2O and FeOtot during an early alteration stage. Since glass is very susceptible to fluid‐rock interaction, the state of primary crystallization of the melt particles had a significant influence on the intensity of the post‐impact hydrothermal mass transfer and was more pronounced in glassy melt particles than in well‐crystallized particles. In contrast to other occurrences of Chicxulub impactites, the Yax‐1 suevitic rocks show strong potassium metasomatism with hydrothermal K‐feldspar formation and whole rock K20 enrichment, especially in the lower unit of the suevitic sequence. A late stage of hydrothermal alteration is characterized by precipitation of silica, analcime, and Na‐bearing Mg‐rich smectite, among other minerals. This indicates a general evolution from a silica‐undersaturated fluid at relatively high potassium activities at an early stage toward a silica‐oversaturated fluid at relatively high sodium activities at later stages in the course of fluid rock interaction.  相似文献   

Abstract— Physical properties were determined in a first step on post‐impact tertiary limestones from the depth interval of 404–666 m of the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) scientific well, drilled in the Chicxulub impact crater (Mexico). Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, density, and porosity were measured on 120 dry and water‐saturated rocks with a core sampling interval of 2–2.5 m. Nondestructive, non‐contact optical scanning technology was used for thermal property measurements including thermal anisotropy and inhomogeneity. Supplementary petrophysical properties (acoustic velocities, formation resisitivity factor, internal surface, and hydraulic permeability) were determined on a selected subgroup of representative samples to derive correlations with the densely measured parameters, establishing estimated depth logs to provide calibration values for the interpretation of geophysical data. Significant short‐ and long‐scale variations of porosity (1–37%) turned out to be the dominant factor influencing thermal, acoustic, and hydraulic properties of this post impact limestone formation. Correspondingly, large variations of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, acoustic velocities, and hydraulic permeability were found. These variations of physical properties allow us to subdivide the formation into several zones. A combination of experimental data on thermal conductivity for dry and water‐saturated rocks and a theoretical model of effective thermal conductivity for heterogeneous media have been used to calculate thermal conductivity of mineral skeleton and pore aspect ratio for every core under study. The results on thermal parameters are the necessary basis for the determination of heat flow density, demonstrating the necessity of dense sampling in the case of inhomogeneous rock formations.  相似文献   

We present and interpret results of petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical analyses of the 1511 m deep ICDP Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill core, with special emphasis on the impactite units. Using numerical model calculations of the formation, excavation, and dynamic modification of the Chicxulub crater, constrained by laboratory data, a model of the origin and emplacement of the impact formations of Yax‐1 and of the impact structure as a whole is derived. The lower part of Yax‐1 is formed by displaced Cretaceous target rocks (610 m thick), while the upper part comprises six suevite‐type allochthonous breccia units (100 m thick). From the texture and composition of these lithological units and from numerical model calculations, we were able to link the seven distinct impact‐induced units of Yax‐1 to the corresponding successive phases of the crater formation and modification, which are as follows: 1) transient cavity formation including displacement and deposition of Cretaceous “megablocks;” 2) ground surging and mixing of impact melt and lithic clasts at the base of the ejecta curtain and deposition of the lower suevite right after the formation of the transient cavity; 3) deposition of a thin veneer of melt on top of the lower suevite and lateral transport and brecciation of this melt toward the end of the collapse of the transient cavity (brecciated impact melt rock); 4) collapse of the ejecta plume and deposition of fall‐back material from the lower part of the ejecta plume to form the middle suevite near the end of the dynamic crater modification; 5) continued collapse of the ejecta plume and deposition of the upper suevite; 6) late phase of the collapse and deposition of the lower sorted suevite after interaction with the inward flowing atmosphere; 7) final phase of fall‐back from the highest part of the ejecta plume and settling of melt and solid particles through the reestablished atmosphere to form the upper sorted suevite; and 8) return of the ocean into the crater after some time and minor reworking of the uppermost suevite under aquatic conditions. Our results are compatible with: a) 180 km and 100 km for the diameters of the final crater and the transient cavity of Chicxulub, respectively, as previously proposed by several authors, and b) the interpretation of Chicxulub as a peak‐ring impact basin that is at the transition to a multi‐ring basin.  相似文献   

Abstract Petrographic, electron microprobe, and Raman spectrometric analyses of Yaxcopoil‐1 core samples from the Chicxulub crater indicate that the impact generated a hydrothermal system. Relative textural and vein crosscutting relations and systematic distribution of alteration products reveal a progression of the hydrothermal event in space and time and provide constraints on the nature of the fluids. The earliest calcite, halite, and gaylussite suggest that the impactite sequence was initially permeated by a low temperature saline brine. Subsequent development of a higher temperature hydrothermal regime is indicated by thermal metamorphic diopside‐hedenbergite (Aeg3Fs18‐33En32‐11Wo47‐53) after primary augite and widespread Na‐K for Ca metasomatic alkali exchange in plagioclase. Hydrothermal sphene, apatite, magnetite + (bornite), as well as early calcite (combined 3 to 8 vol%) were introduced with metasomatic feldspar. A lower temperature regime characterized by smectite after probable primary glass, secondary chlorite, and other pre‐existing mafic minerals, as well as very abundant calcite veins and open‐space fillings, extensively overprinted the early hydrothermal stage. The composition of early and late hydrothermal minerals show that the solution was chlorine‐rich (Cl/F >10) and that its Fe/Mg ratio and oxidation state increased substantially (4 to 5 logfO2 units) as temperature decreased through time. The most altered zone in the impactite sequence occurs 30 m above the impact melt. The lack of mineralogical zoning about the impact melt and convective modeling constraints suggest that this unit was too thin at Yaxcopoil‐1 to provide the necessary heat to drive fluids and implies that the hydrothermal system resulted from the combined effects of a pre‐existing saline brine and heat that traveled to the Yaxcopoil‐1 site from adjacent areas where the melt sheet was thicker. Limonite after iron oxides is more common toward the top of the sequence and suggests that the impactite section was subjected to weathering before deposition of the Tertiary marine cover. In addition, scarce latest anatase stringers, chalcopyrite, and barite in vugs, francolite after apatite, and recrystallized halite are the likely products of limited post‐hydrothermal ambient‐temperature diagenesis, or ocean and/or meteoric water circulation.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Chicxulub structure in Mexico, one of the largest impact structures on Earth, was formed 65 Ma by a hypervelocity impact that led to the large mass extinction at the K‐Pg boundary. The Chicxulub impact structure is well preserved, but is buried beneath a sequence of carbonate sediments and, thus, requires drilling to obtain subsurface information. The Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Program was carried out at Hacienda Yaxcopoil in the framework of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program in 2001–2002. The structure was cored from 404 m down to 1511 m, through three intervals: 794 m of postimpact Tertiary sediments, a 100 m thick impactite sequence, and 616 m of preimpact Cretaceous rocks thought to represent a suite of megablocks. Physical property investigations show that the various lithologies, including the impactite units and the K‐Pg boundary layer, can be characterized by their physical properties, which depend on either changes in fabric or on mineralogical variations. The magnetic properties show mostly dia‐ or paramagnetic behavior, with the exception of the impactite units that indicate the presence of ferromagnetic, probably hydrothermally deposited magnetite and pyrrhotite. The magnetic fraction contributes mainly to enhanced magnetization in the impactite lithologies and, in this way, to the observed magnetic anomalies. The shape and orientation of the magnetic grains are varied and reflect inhomogeneous fabric development and the influence of impact‐related redeposition and hydrothermal activity. The Chicxulub impact occurred at the time of the reverse polarity geomagnetic chron 29R, and this finding is consistent with the age of the K‐Pg boundary.  相似文献   

Abstract— Approximately 100 m of impactites were retrieved from the ICDP borehole Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1), located ~60 km south‐southwest from the center of the Chicxulub impact crater on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. Here, we characterize and discuss this impact breccia interval according to its geochemical characteristics. Chemical analysis of samples from all five recognized breccia units reveals that the impactites are of heterogeneous composition with regard to both major and trace elements at the single sample (8–16 cm3) scale. This is primarily due to a strong mixing relationship between carbonate and silicate fractions. However, averaged compositions for suevitic units 1 to 3 are similar, and the silicate fraction (after removal of the carbonate component) indicates thorough mixing and homogenization. Analysis of the green melt breccia horizon, unit 4, indicates that it contains a distinct mafic component. Large brown melt particles (in units 2, 3, and 4) represent a mixture of feldspathic and mafic components, with high CaO abundances. Unit 5 shows the greatest compositional diversity, with highly variable abundances of SiO2, CaO, and MgO. Inter‐sample heterogeneity is the result of small sample size combined with inherent heterogeneous lithological compositions, highly variable particle size of melt and lithic components, and post‐depositional alteration. In contrast to samples from the Y6 borehole from closer to the center of the structure, Yax‐1 impactites have a strong carbonate component. Elevated loss on ignition, Rb, and Cs contents in the upper two impactite units indicate strong interaction with seawater. The contents of the siderophile elements, including Ni, Co, Ir, and Cr, do not indicate the presence of a significant extraterrestrial component in the Yax‐1 impactites.  相似文献   

The estimates of the age of the Kaali impact structure (Saaremaa Island, Estonia) provided by different authors vary by as much as 6000 years, ranging from ~6400 to ~400 before current era (BCE). In this study, a new age is obtained based on 14C dating charred plant material within the proximal ejecta blanket, which makes it directly related to the impact structure, and not susceptible to potential reservoir effects. Our results show that the Kaali crater was most probably formed shortly after 1530–1450 BCE (3237 ± 10 14C yr BP). Saaremaa was already inhabited when the bolide hit the Earth, thus, the crater‐forming event was probably witnessed by humans. There is, however, no evidence that this event caused significant change in the material culture (e.g., known archeological artifacts) or patterns of human habitation on Saaremaa.  相似文献   

Abstract— Core from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) hole, drilled as a result of the Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project (CSDP), has been analyzed to investigate the relationship between opaque mineralogy and rock magnetic properties. Twenty one samples of suevite recovered from the depth range 818–894 m are generally paramagnetic, with an average susceptibility of 2000 times 10?6 SI and have weak remanent magnetization intensities (average 0.1 A/m). The predominant magnetic phase is secondary magnetite formed as a result of low temperature (<150 °C) alteration. It occurs in a variety of forms, including vesicle infillings associated with quartz and clay minerals and fine aggregates between plagioclase/diopside laths in the melt. Exceptional magnetic properties are found in a basement clast (metamorphosed quartz gabbro), which has a susceptibility of >45000 times 10?6 SI and a remanent magnetization of 77.5 A/m. Magnetic mafic basement clasts are a common component in the Yax‐1 impactite sequence. The high susceptibility and remanence in the mafic basement clasts are caused by the replacement of amphiboles and pyroxenes by an assemblage with fine <1 μm magnetite, ilmenite, K‐feldspar, and stilpnomelane. Replacement of the mafic minerals by the magnetic alteration assemblage occurred before impact. Similar alteration mechanisms, if operative within the melt sheet, could explain the presence of the high amplitude magnetic anomalies observed at Chicxulub.  相似文献   

Abstract The transition from impact to post‐impact rocks in the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) core is marked by a 2 cm‐thick clay layer characterized by dissolution features. The clay overlies a 9 cm‐thick hardground, overlying a 66 cm‐thick crossbedded unit, consisting of dolomite sandstone alternating with thin micro‐conglomerate layers with litho‐ and bioclasts and the altered remains of impact glass, now smectite. The micro‐conglomerates mark erosion surfaces. Microprobe and backscatter SEM analysis of the dolomite rhombs show an early diagenetic, complex‐zoned, idiomorphic overgrowth, with Mn‐rich zones, possibly formed by hot fluids related to cooling melt sheet in the crater. The pore spaces are filled with several generations of coelestite, barite, K‐feldpar, and sparry calcite. XRF core scanning analysis detected high Mn values in the crossbedded sediments but no anomalous enrichment of the siderophile elements Cr, Co, Fe, and Ni in the clay layer. Shocked quartz occurs in the crossbedded unit but is absent in the clay layer. The basal Paleocene marls are strongly dissolved and do not contain a basal Paleocene fauna. The presence of a hardground, the lack of siderophile elements, shocked quartz, or Ni‐rich spinels in the clay layer, and the absence of basal Paleocene biozones P0 and Pa all suggest that the top of the ejecta sequence and a significant part of the lower Paleocene is missing. Due to the high energy sedimentation infill, a hiatus at the top of the impactite is not unexpected, but there is nothing in the biostratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrology of the Yax‐1 core that can be used to argue against the synchroneity of the end‐Cretaceous mass‐extinctions and the Chicxulub crater.  相似文献   

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