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The complex dark brown solid of a class called tholins, produced on passage of an electrical discharge through a roughly equimolar mixture of methane and ammonia with 2.6% water vapor, is analyzed by vacuum pyrolysis followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Pyrolyzates include a wide range of aliphatic and aromatic nitriles, alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, pyrrole, and pyridine. This tholin is remarkably stable to 950°C. It and its degradation products are candidate constituents of planetary aerosols in the outer solar system and of the grains in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

We have analysed polarization data for a large number of isolated pulsars to investigate the evolution of pulsar radio beams. Assuming that a circular beam is directed along the axis of a dipolar magnetic field, we demonstrate that the distribution of magnetic inclination angles for the parent population of all pulsars is not flat but highly concentrated towards small inclination angles and that, consequently, the average beaming fraction is only ∼ 10 per cent. Furthermore, we find that there is a tendency for the beam axis to align with the rotational axis on a time-scale of ∼ 107 yr. This has interesting consequences for statistical studies of the pulsar population. Finally, the luminosity of pulsars is shown to be independent of the impact parameter, which indicates that pulsar beams are sharp-edged and have a relatively flat integrated intensity distribution.  相似文献   

Helium, which was first discovered on the sun with the help of spectral analysis, plays, together with hydrogen, a principal role in astrophysics. We consider here two fundamental quantities: primordial helium abundance formed during Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the current initial helium abundances in nearby stars. It is shown that stellar atmospheres are enriched in helium during the main-sequence stage. Observational evidence for helium contamination in close OB-binaries is discussed. Stars with strong abundance anomalies are considered, such as chemically peculiar Ap and Bp helium-deficient stars and some types of objects with helium atmospheres.  相似文献   

The vector equation of radiative transfer is solved for non-conservative homogeneous plane-parallel atmosphere using the method of discrete ordinates. The scattering processes in the atmosphere bounded by a Lambert bottom are described by the Rayleigh-Cabannes phase matrix. The primary radiation field is generated by constant internal sources. A package of FORTRAN subroutines is compiled to find the axial radiation field for such an atmosphere at arbitrary optical depth.  相似文献   

The discrete ordinale method by Chandrasekhar is used to solve the conservative Milne problem in a homogeneous plane-parallel atmosphere which scatters the radiation according to the Rayleigh-Cabannes law.The approximate solution which is supposed to converge uniformly to an exact one when increasing the order of approximation is obtained explicitly. In addition to a tabulation of the Hopf vector for different factors of depolarization, the extrapolation distance, the values of c, q and the Rubenson degrees of polarization at the limb are given.  相似文献   

Different issues involved in the numerical evaluation of continuous absorption by hydrogenlike atoms and ions have been analyzed. Usually, the calculation of the opacity coefficient is explicitly performed for a predetermined number of levels and the higher ones are treated as an integral; it is shown that there are some cases where as many as 17 discrete levels need to be added before switching to the integral approximation if an error smaller than 0.1% is wanted in the results (a condition not always fulfilled with model atmosphere codes being used). Also, approximations to Gaunt factors are analyzed. Though in some cases approximations can be used which are very good, there are other occasions when it should be advisable to switch to interpolating in original tables, or to use more elaborated expressions (such as Hummer's for the Gaunt free-free factor). A numerical procedure for solving the non linear Pg-Pe-T relation is described in an Appendix.  相似文献   

O. Ashihara 《Icarus》1978,35(3):369-384
The photoelectron fluxes in cometary atmospheres are calculated by a Monte Carlo method. This is the first quantitative model calculation of this kind. A pure H2O atmosphere is assumed with a sublimation rate of 1030 molecules sec?1 at 1 AU. Discussions of the energetics of electron gas and of the elementary collisional processes in determining the fluxes largely concern this water atmosphere. Influences on the photoelectron fluxes are also investigated for CO, another possible constituent. The excitation rate of the 1D level of atomic oxygen in electron impacts is evaluated. It is highly improbable that the photoelectrons are responsible for the observed 6300 Å emission of the order of 1 kR at a heliocentric distance of 1 AU. The structure of the heat equation for thermal electrons is analyzed and a drastic change of the plasma behavior within the coma region is expected.  相似文献   

A brief summary of observations of inhomogeneities in the solar atmosphere and progress in the theoretical analysis of two-dimensional model atmospheres is given. In particular, it is asserted that reliable reference models of the mean temperature, pressure, etc. may be derived only by averaging over the horizontal coordinates of a two- or three-dimensional model. In discussion of a wide variety of cases including strong chromospheric lines, weak photospheric lines, and continuum radiation, it is shown that although the derivation of mean values by first averaging over the fluctuations in the data and then applying a one-dimension analysis is an obvious first approximation, it may lead to errors of a gross qualitative nature. Thus the recent deductions by several authors of very small temperature gradients in the upper regions of sunspots are shown to be subject to considerable doubt.  相似文献   

Astrophysics and Space Science - Starting with the equation of transfer in a plane-parallel inhomogeneous atmosphere which emits and scatters radiation anisotropically, we obtain a set of...  相似文献   

The possibilities of lightning generation on other planets are considered, and the basic conditions that exist in terrestrial clouds during lightning discharges and the various theories of charge separation are reviewed. Recent measurements of cloud structure and whistlers, as well as optical observation of lightning on Jupiter, suggest that charge separation and lightning discharges occur on other planets in ways similar to those in which they occur on Earth. Using these terrestrial ideas, it is concluded that lightning on Venus will probably be found in clouds that are located in regions of convection such as those observed downwind of the subsolar point. It is also possible that if volcanoes on Venus are erupting, they too can produce lightning discharges in their plumes although it seems unlikely that this process can account for the observed rate of discharge. Jovian lightning is most probably generated in the lower water-ice clouds. These clouds are of moderate temperatures and have strong convection and large mass loading, all important ingredients for electrical buildup. Lightning is all but ruled out for Mars, even though some electrification is possible owing to the large dust storms on that planet.  相似文献   

The composition of neutron star atmospheres is calculated as a function of time including effects of diffusion, cooling and thermonuclear reactions. A seven-component nuclear reaction network with includes He4, C12, O16, Ne20, Mg24, Si28 and Fe56 is utilized. Neutron star models with different initial nuclear abundances are compared as to subsequent nucleosynthesis. It is found that the final abundances are independent of original composition assuming He4 as the major initial constituent. The final composition of the atmosphere is predominantly Fe56. Mass loss from an evolving neutron star is examined as a possible source of cosmic rays. It is found that a neutron star contributes only Fe56 significantly to the cosmic-ray spectrum.  相似文献   

W.B. Hubbard 《Icarus》1976,27(3):387-389
We evaluate the departures from Bouguer's law for the case of an oblate atmosphere. We show that, to lowest order, the plane of refraction is defined by the normal to the atmosphere at closest approach. In next order, however, the ray path is “warped” by the oblateness, which changes slightly the plane of refraction.  相似文献   

William M. Irvine 《Icarus》1975,25(2):175-204
Methods for solving radiative transfer problems within the extended visible spectrum in planetary atmospheres are reviewed for use by the nonspecialist. Emphasis is placed on rapid, approximate procedures for the determination of such quantities as the plane and spherical (Bond) albedo, surface illumination, absorbed energy, limb darkening, phase curve, and spectra. Precise numerical methods and analytical results are also discussed. Recent approaches to such complications as atmospheric inhomogeneity and reflection from a porous regolith are described briefly.  相似文献   

The vector equation of radiative transfer is solved both for conservative and non-conservative planetary atmospheres using the method of discrete ordinates. The atmosphere, bounded by a Lambert bottom, is considered plane-parallel and homogeneous. The scattering in the atmosphere obeys the Rayleigh or Rayleigh-Cabannes law. The compiled package of FORTRAN codes allows us to find the Stokes parameters for such an atmosphere at arbitrary optical depth.  相似文献   

G. M. Webb 《Solar physics》1988,116(2):259-277
An investigation of a family of isothermal magneto-static atmospheres with one ignorable coordinate corresponding to a uniform gravitational field in a plane geometry is carried out. The distributed current in the model J is directed along the x-axis where x is the horizontal ignorable coordinate. The current J is taken proportional to the square of the magneto-static potential A and falls off exponentially with distance vertical to the base with an e-folding distance equal to the gravitational scale height. A range of solution examples are displayed depending on the four free parameters in the solutions. Three of these parameters determine the source currents for the potential field solution of the family, whereas the fourth parameter determines the magnitude of the distributed current. The solutions illustrate the contribution of the anisotropic J × B force (B, magnetic field induction), the gravitational force, and gas pressure gradient to the force balance.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical Stokes profiles are produced if the photospheric magnetic and velocity fields are structured on scales smaller than the mean-free-path of the photons. Here we put forward a compact analytical expression for the radiative transfer equation in this case. Explicitly, micro-variations of the magnetic field strength and the velocity are considered. The existence of micro-structures might have serious implications on the techniques currently used to measure solar magnetic fields. For example, we show the failure of the relationship employed to calibrate magnetographs.On leave from the Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienza dello Spazio, Università di Firenze, Largo E. Fermi 5, I-50125 Firenze, Italy  相似文献   

The radiogenic and primordial noble gas content of the atmospheres of Venus, Earth, and Mars are compared with one another and with the noble gas content of other extraterrestial samples, especially meteorites. The fourfold depletion of 40Ar for Venus relative to the Earth is attributed to the outgassing rates and associated tectonics and volcanic styles for the two planets diverging significantly within the first billion or so years of their history, with the outgassing rate for Venus becoming much less than that for the Earth at subsequent times. This early divergence in the tectonic style of the two planets may be due to a corresponding early onset of the runaway greenhouse on Venus. The 16-fold depletion of 40Ar for Mars relative to the Earth may be due to a combination of a mild K depletion for Mars, a smaller fraction of its interior being outgassed, and to an early reduction in its outgassing rate. Venus has lost virtually all of its primordial He and some of its radiogenic He. The escape flux of He may have been quite substantial in Venus' early history, but much diminished at later times, with this time variation being perhaps strongly influenced by massive losses of H2 resulting from efficient H2O loss processes.Key trends in the primordial noble gas content of terrestial planetary atmospheres include (1) a several orders of magnitude decrease in 20Ne and 36Ar from Venus to Earth to Mars; (2) a nearly constant 20Ne/36Ar ratio which is comparable to that found in the more primitive carbonaceous chondrites and which is two orders of magnitude smaller than the solar ratio; (3) a sizable fractionation of Ar, Kr, and Xe from their solar ratios, although the degree of fractionation, especially for 36Ar/132Xe, seems to decrease systematically from carbonaceous chondrites to Mars to Earth to Venus; and (4) large differences in Ne and Xe isotopic ratios among Earth, meteorites, and the Sun. Explaining trends (2), (2) and (4), and (1) pose the biggest problems for the solar-wind implantation, primitive atmosphere, and late veneer hypotheses, respectively. It is suggested that the grain-accretion hypothesis can explain all four trends, although the assumptions needed to achieve this agreement are far from proven. In particular, trends (1), (2), (3), and (4) are attributed to large pressure but small temperature differences in various regions of the inner solar system at the times of noble gas incorporation by host phases; similar proportions of the host phases that incorporated most of the He and Ne on the one hand (X) and Ar, Kr, and Xe on the other hand (Q); a decrease in the degree of fractionation with increasing noble-gas partial pressure; and the presence of interstellar carriers containing isotopically anomalous noble gases.Our analysis also suggests that primordial noble gases were incorporated throughout the interior of the outer terrestial planets, i.e., homogeneous accretion is favored over inhomogeneous accretion. In accord with meteorite data, we propose that carbonaceous materials were key hosts for the primordial noble gases incorporated into planets and that they provided a major source of the planets' CO2 and N2.  相似文献   

The consequences on the chemistry in diffuse clouds of the injection of small hydrocarbon molecules is explored. It is assumed that the injection arises from the erosion of carbonaceous grains at cloud boundaries, and that the injected species take part in conventional interstellar chemistry. The models indicate that for plausible injection rates the daughter species of the injected parent molecules should appear in significant amounts, at least during the injection period, and that daughter species can appear in gas that is otherwise almost entirely atomic. Therefore, injection of hydrocarbons is a mechanism that is capable of providing polyatomic molecules in detectable amounts in diffuse atomic regions of the interstellar medium. The implications of this result for the carriers of the unidentified diffuse interstellar bands are briefly described.  相似文献   

S.V.M. Clube  W.M. Napier 《Icarus》1985,62(3):384-388
The observed properties of the long-period comet system, and its periodic disturbance by galactic forces manifesting as terrestrial impact episodes, may be indicative of a comet capture/escape cycle as the Solar System orbits the Galaxy. A mean number density of comets in molecular clouds of ~10?1±1 AU?3 is implied. This is sufficient to deplete metals from the gaseous component of the interstellar medium, as observed, but leads to the problem of how stars are formed nevertheless with solar metal abundances. Formation of comets prior to stars in dense systems of near-zero energy may be indicated, and isotope signatures in cometary particles may be diagnostic of conditions in young spiral arm material.  相似文献   

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