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Tracer Test Evaluation of a Drainage Ditch Capture Zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Microencapsulation of degradative organisms enhances microorganism survivability (Stormo and Crawford 1994). The use of encapsulated cell microbeads for in situ biodegradation depends not only on microorganism survival but also on microbead transport characteristics. Two forced-gradient, recirculating-loop tracer experiments were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of encapsulated cell transport and bioremediation on the basis of polystyrene microsphere transport results. The tracer tests were conducted in a shallow, confined, unconsolidated, heterogeneous, sedimentary aquifer using bromide ion and 2 μm, 5 μn, and 15 μm microsphere tracers. Significant differences were observed in the transport of bromide solute and polystyrene microspheres. Microspheres reached peak concentrations in monitoring wells before bromide, which was thought to reflect the influence of aquifer heterogeneity. Greater decreases in microsphere C/Co ratios were observed with distance from the injection wells than in bromide C/Co ratios, which was attributed to particle filtration and/or settling. Several methods might be considered for introducing encapsulated cell microbeads into a subsurface environment, including direct injection into a contaminated aquifer zone, injection through a recirculating ground water flow system, or emplacement in a subsurface microbial curtain in advance of a plume. However, the in situ use of encapsulated cells in an aquifer is probably limited to aquifers containing sufficiently large pore spaces, allowing passage of at least some encapsulated cells. The use of encapsulated cells may also be limited by differences in solute and microbead transport patterns and flowpath clogging by larger encapsulated cell microbeads.  相似文献   

A New Method of Contaminant Plume Analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A method is presented to evaluate ground water residence time in a zero‐valent iron (ZVI) permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using radon‐222 (222Rn) as a radioactive tracer. Residence time is a useful indicator of PRB hydraulic performance, with application to estimating the volumetric rate of ground water flow through a PRB, identifying flow heterogeneity, and characterizing flow conditions over time as a PRB matures. The tracer method relies on monitoring the decay of naturally occurring aqueous 222Rn as ground water flows through a PRB. Application of the method at a PRB site near Monticello, Utah, shows that after 8 years of operation, residence times in the ZVI range from 80 to 486 h and correlate well with chemical parameters (pH, Ca, SO4, and Fe) that indicate the relative residence time. Residence times in this case study are determined directly from the first‐order decay equation because we show no significant emanation of 222Rn within the PRB and no measurable loss of 222Rn other than by radioactive decay.  相似文献   

Adaptive site management and aggressive bioremediation in the source zone of a complex chlorinated dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) site reduced total chlorinated hydrocarbon mass discharge by nearly 80%. Successful anaerobic bioremediation of chlorinated hydrocarbons can be impaired by inadequate concentrations of electron donors, competing electron acceptors, specific inhibitors such as chloroform, and potentially by high contaminant concentrations associated with residual DNAPL. At the study site, the fractured bedrock aquifer was impacted by a mixture of chlorinated solvents and associated daughter products. Concentrations of 1,1,2,2‐tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2‐TeCA), 1,1,2‐trichloroethane (1,1,2‐TCA), and 1,2‐dichloroethane (1,2‐DCA) were on the order of 100 to 1000 mg/L. Chloroform was present as a co‐contaminant and background sulfate concentrations were approximately 400 mg/L. Following propylene glycol injections, concentrations of organohalide‐respiring bacteria including Dehalococcoides and Dehalogenimonas spp. increased by two to three orders of magnitude across most of the source area. Statistical analysis indicated that reaching volatile fatty acid concentrations greater than 1000 mg/L and depleting sulfate to concentrations less than 50 mg/L were required to achieve a Dehalococcoides concentration greater than the 104 cells/mL recommended for generally effective reductive dechlorination. In a limited area, chloroform concentrations greater than 5 mg/L inhibited growth of Dehalococcoides populations despite the availability of electron donor and otherwise appropriate geochemical conditions. After implementing a groundwater recirculation system targeting the inhibited area, chloroform concentrations decreased permitting significant increases in concentrations of Dehalococcoides and vinyl chloride reductase gene copies.  相似文献   

Littlefield Springs discharge about 1.6 m3/s along a 10‐km reach of the Virgin River in northwestern Arizona. Understanding their source is important for salinity control in the Colorado River Basin. Environmental tracers suggest that Littlefield Springs are a mixture of older groundwater from the regional Great Basin carbonate aquifer and modern (post‐1950s) seepage from the Virgin River. While corrected 14C apparent ages range from 1 to 9 ka, large amounts of nucleogenic 4He and low 3He/4He ratios suggest that the carbonate aquifer component is likely even older Pleistocene recharge. Modeled infiltration of precipitation, hydrogeologic cross sections, and hydraulic gradients all indicate recharge to the carbonate aquifer likely occurs in the Clover and Bull Valley Mountains along the northern part of the watershed, rather than in the nearby Virgin Mountains. This high‐altitude recharge is supported by relatively cool noble‐gas recharge temperatures and isotopically depleted δ2H and δ18O. Excess (crustal) SF6 and 4He precluded dating of the modern component of water from Littlefield Springs using SF6 and 3H/3He methods. Assuming a lumped‐parameter model with a binary mixture of two piston‐flow components, Cl?/Br?, Cl?/F?, δ2H, and CFCs indicate the mixture is about 60% Virgin River water and 40% groundwater from the carbonate aquifer, with an approximately 30‐year groundwater travel time for Virgin River seepage to re‐emerge at Littlefield Springs. This suggests that removal of high‐salinity sources upstream of the Virgin River Gorge would reduce the salinity of water discharging from Littlefield Springs into the Virgin River within a few decades.  相似文献   

Four artificial sweeteners, acesulfame, sucralose, cyclamate, and saccharin were detected in a large septic plume at Long Point, Ontario, Canada. The pattern of sweetener detections in the groundwater indicated that they were derived from waste water seepage from a large septic system at the site. Acesulfame was pervasive in the septic plume, whereas the other three sweeteners have been attenuated, probably by microbial degradation.  相似文献   

Forced gradient tracer tests between two boreholes can be used to study contaminant transport processes at the small field scale or investigate the transport properties of an aquifer. Full depth tests, in which tracer samples are collected just from the discharge of the abstraction borehole, often give rise to breakthrough curves with multiple peaks that are usually attributed to different flow paths through the aquifer that can rarely be identified from the test results alone. Tests in selected levels of the aquifer, such as those between packer‐isolated sections of the boreholes, are time consuming, expensive; and the identification of major transport pathways is not guaranteed. We present a method for simultaneously conducting multiple tracer tests covering the full depth of the boreholes, in which tracer sampling and monitoring is carried out by a novel multilevel sampling system allowing high frequency and cumulative sampling options. The method is applied to a tracer test using fluorescein conducted in the multilayered sandstone aquifer beneath the city of Birmingham, UK, producing six well‐defined tracer breakthrough curves.  相似文献   

Evaluating contaminants impacting wells in fractured crystalline rock requires knowledge of the individual fractures contributing water. This typically involves using a sequence of tools including downhole geophysics, flow meters, and straddle packers. In conjunction with each other these methods are expensive, time consuming, and can be logistically difficult to implement. This study demonstrates an unsteady state tracer method as a cost‐effective alternative for gathering fracture information in wells. The method entails introducing tracer dye throughout the well, inducing fracture flow into the well by conducting a slug test and then profiling the tracer concentration in the well to locate water contributing fractures where the dye has been diluted. By monitoring the development of the dilution zones within the wellbore with time, the transmissivity and the hydraulic head of the water contributing fractures can be determined. Ambient flow conditions and the contaminant concentration within the fractures can also be determined from the tracer dilution. This method was tested on a large physical model well and a bedrock well. The model well was used to test the theory underlying the method and to refine method logistics. The approach located the fracture and generated transmissivity values that were in excellent agreement with those calculated by slug testing. For the bedrock well tested, two major active fractures were located. Fracture location and ambient well conditions matched results from conventional methods. Estimates of transmissivity values by the tracer method were within an order of magnitude of those calculated using heat‐pulse flow meter data.  相似文献   

We have established a monitoring record of phosphate (PO43−) migration in the Long Point, ON campground septic system plume that now spans 26 years. Previously, at year 16 (2006), a P plume 16 m in length was documented and provided a good fit with an analytical advection dispersion model when a P migration velocity of 0.8 m/yr was used (retardation factor of 37) and when P behaved in an otherwise conservative manner (sorption only). However, between years 16 and 26 (2016), the P plume length expanded by only 2 m (0.2 m/yr) and increased in depth by only 0.5 m. The zone of abrupt P depletion at depth occurs close to the zone where SO42− concentrations increase in response to NO3 oxidation of pyrite. Scanning electron microscope images of sand grains from the nose of the P plume reveal abundant authigenic mineral coatings of considerable thickness (∼5 to 20 μm), with Fe as the dominant cation and containing 1 to 3 wt % P. This evidence suggests that P is now being attenuated along a reaction front that coincides with the zone where pyrite oxidation is occurring. P migration may now be controlled by the rate of migration of the pyrite oxidation front and this is several times slower than the previously indicated rate in the shallower, sorption-controlled portion of the plume. Monitoring at Long Point has demonstrated the danger of embracing an overly simplistic conceptual model when attempting to predict wastewater P migration in groundwater and also highlights the unique insight provided by a long-term monitoring record.  相似文献   

The progressive packer/zone sampling method was used to identify the bottom of a plume of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the parts-per-million (ppm) range using one well in each of three separate locations. The method involves progressively drilling a 20-foot length of borehole through casing, setting an inflatable packer at the top of the drilled zone, purging the zone of three volumes of water using the airlift method, sampling the zone in situ through the packer string using a bailer, then repeating the procedure.
A plume consisting of chlorinated VOCs, alcohols, and vinyl chloride occurs in a low-yielding fractured bedrock aquifer located in the Passaic Formation at a site in central New Jersey. The thickness of the plume in total VOC concentrations exceeding 1 ppm was determined using the progressive packer/zone sampling method to a depth of 200 feet. The first borehole was completed as a monitoring well in the "hottest" zone encountered during testing. Additional wells were then clustered with this exploratory well to delineate the plume in the parts-per-billion (ppb) range. Cross contamination from previously sampled zones was not a problem as long as total VOCs in the ppm range were targeted and the sample interval was properly purged.
Instead of using a multiple well cluster consisting of an indefinite number of wells to determine the bulk thickness of a plume at a specific location, information from one borehole may suffice during the exploratory phase. Costs to the client and cross contamination potential to the aquifer can be minimized by limiting the number of boreholes needed for vertical delineation.  相似文献   

Perchlorate was detected in a municipal wellfield in Evart, Michigan in April 2015. Perchlorate concentrations were detected initially in six of the City's wells at concentrations ranging up to 20 μg/L. An investigation to identify the source determined that the perchlorate was from fireworks launched during the annual 4th of July show held at the fairgrounds located upgradient from the wellfield. The use of approximately 600 kg of fireworks during the annual display resulted in an annual loading of approximately 4 kg of perchlorate to groundwater. An aggressive groundwater extraction system began operation in June 2016 to restore water quality in the affected aquifer, and the 2016 fireworks display was relocated to a location outside the capture zone of the water supply wells. Within 18 months average perchlorate concentrations in the water supply wells had been reduced to about 0.6 μg/L. The extraction system continued to operate through the end of 2019, by which time the average perchlorate concentrations in the water supply wells were reduced to 0.2 μg/L. In 2019, approximately 0.4 kg of perchlorate were removed from the aquifer, about one-half of the amount removed in 2018, reflecting the slow leaching of perchlorate of fireworks residuals from vadose zone soils.  相似文献   

We present analyses of plume rise into a linearly stratified environment, either with or without a uniform horizontal flow. In the case of a still ambient, we collate results on plume spreading height and volume flux, enabling the speed of the spreading intrusion in the buoyancy-inertia regime to be expressed in terms of the fundamental parameters of plume buoyancy flux and ambient buoyancy frequency. A theoretical expression for the final volume flux emanating from the plume-rise region, in terms of maximum rise height, is also derived. Hence it is shown that the ratio of the intrusion radius to the maximum rise height is a simple function of ambient buoyancy frequency and time. In the case of a wind, we analyse the theoretical model for a rising plume to obtain predictions for the downwind volume flux, and subsequent lateral spread, in the limits of strong and weak wind. We identify a regime of very weak wind, which may be modelled as a passive advection of plume flow in the still case as a first approximation. Numerical solutions of a general model are presented which show that it predicts a peak in entrainment, and hence volume-flux growth, in the case of intermediate wind strength. We verify the crosswind model predictions of lateral spread, upwind penetration and entrainment by comparison with large-eddy simulations.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the study of the possibility of products of a meteoroid explosion in the atmosphere (meteoroid plume) to reach ionospheric altitudes. It has been shown that, in the case of meter-sized or larger space bodies entering the atmosphere, the plume is able to reach the lower ionosphere. The plume can be one of the sources of the formation of nacreous and noctilucent clouds. The aerosols ejected by the plume to lower ionospheric altitudes can lead to the formation of dust plasma, significantly changing the electrodynamic properties of the medium. The motion of the plume with a velocity of ~1 km/s is accompanied by the generation of a ballistic shock with a radius of 1–10 km. The relative excess pressure in the shock front can cause relative disturbances in the electron content at the altitudes of D, E, and F1 layers by ~10–100%. The geomagnetic effect of the plume and ballistic shock can reach ~1–10 nT.  相似文献   

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