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ABSTRACT. The spiny-lobster fishery, the most valuable fishery in Cuba, is unique among those in major lobster-producing countries because of its combination of strong central control and absence of standardization and mechanization in fishing gear. Cooperation rather than competition among fishing vessels is promoted by exclusive fishing zones and fleet organization. These measures, along with the use of storage centers, simple vessels, and inexpensively constructed fishing gear, have promoted spatial rationality and cost reduction in the fishery and made it one of the most successful spiny-lobster fisheries in the world.  相似文献   

Ethical dilemmas involving issues of harm-benefit, privacy, deception, and sponsor relations are encountered frequently in geographical research. Geographers have not always been sensitive to ethical issues, nor have they always been able to reconcile their obligations to understanding and knowledge with those of respecting the dignity and integrity of research subjects. This paper reviews these fundamental ethical concerns. Four strategies for handling ethical difficulties are reviewed: individual self-regulation, disciplinary responses, institutional controls, and external controls. Individual self-regulation is recommended.  相似文献   

After many years of slow progress, we find that worldwide environmental, political, and economic pressures are providing greater purchase for the accelerated development of renewable energy. Although many people would consider this quickening pace good news, the transition from conventional resources has encountered public resistance. In this article I examine the nature of challenges to the development of geothermal, wind, and solar energy projects in three places: the United States, Scotland, and Mexico. The common thread in the public reservations about renewable energy is landscape change and the consequent disruption such change produces to established ways of life for those who are nearby. It also suggests the importance of rebalancing the emphasis of renewable energy programs away from the traditional technical focus that dominates development planning. The more suitable and expedient approach would be to consider the challenges of development as predominantly social matters with technical components, rather than the other way around. To accept this view is to unlock the door to a renewable energy future.  相似文献   

The paper examines the emergence of urban street barriers, which are objects placed by municipal governments or neighborhood associations on publicly owned, local service streets to control vehicular traffic. An increasing number of U.S. cities have adopted street barriers in order to deter crime and to regulate commuter traffic. The paper discusses the conditions that prompted cities to adopt street barriers and the results of their installations. Street barriers are effective as traffic controls but have mixed results in reducing crime. The philosophical issues relating to the continued adoption of street barriers are addressed. The paper concludes with a call for additional research on street barriers.  相似文献   

The use of historical sources in geomorphological analysis has had a long tradition in geography and is now undergoing a resurgence. A substantial body of data is available, and the search for it should extend from the National Archives to state and company records and county and city offices.  相似文献   

A new research framework determines the economic value of riparian corridors in floodplains of the agricultural Midwest. Market mechanisms can fail to account for many positive attributes of riparian wetland ecosystems. Individual farmers frequently make socially inappropriate decisions regarding floodplain land-uses because the benefits accruing from wetlands, such as improved water quality and enhanced recreational activities, are public goods. A spatial economic model, based on willingness-to-pay procedures, assesses the apposite mix of agricultural/wetland land uses that compares the marginal value of natural riparian vegetation and agricultural production on rural Cornbelt floodplains. A simple case study illustrates the framework.  相似文献   

The open-ended corporate interview as a qualitative research method is proposed as a valuable component of an evidentiary strategy in economic geography. It is argued to be more sensitive than other survey methods to historical, institutional, and strategic complexity. The corporate interview method is particularly appropriate in periods of economic and social change that challenge traditional analytical categories and theoretical principles. Some problems inherent to the method, and strategies for minimizing their impact on the research project, are described.  相似文献   

The scope of manufacturing research and development (R&D) in the intermetropolitan region of Limburg, Belgium, is analyzed within the context of the spatial, organizational, and size-theoretical attributes of R&D and of the core-periphery model. In spite of its peripheral location, Limburg exhibits vivid R&D activity associated with the trickled-down manufacturing from neighboring West European industrial cores. R&D in Limburg is mostly centered in multinational/locational branch plants, but also in a few modernizing, old sector establishments engaged in high and medium-level “off the shelf” technology processes. R&D was significant in terms of spending, number of newly developed prototypes, and number of patents registered. It revealed strong sector concentration with relatively dispersed spatial patterns. R&D departments and spending disclosed a positive correlation with plant size, but showed particularly high concentration coefficients when medium-size high- and medium-level technology plants were considered.  相似文献   

Geographic phenomena and our models of them are closely linked to the spatial-temporal contexts in which they are observed. The expansion method is a procedure that incorporates contextual effects into mathematical models. More importantly, it is the basis for a movement by some geographers away from the classical spatial science paradigm. The evolving paradigm associated with the expansion method represents a reformulation of the way in which geographers think about and use models, and is consistent with a more realistic perspective on the nature of geographic inquiry.  相似文献   

王为 《中国沙漠》1996,16(2):120-126
海湾沙坝是香港海岸一种主要的沉积地貌,以大屿山岛贝澳湾的沙坝最为典型。关于贝澳湾古(内)沙坝的成因曾有过较多的争论,但各种成因假说都缺乏有力的证据支持。本文分析了湾内沉积物特征和沉积过程与海平面变化的关系,揭示了风沙在海湾沙坝发育过程中所起的作用。古(内)沙坝的沉积成分随着内沙坝向上加积贝壳含量急剧减少,其上部沉积成分已明显不同于外沙坝和现代海滩,而与其前后的干泻湖上部相似,显示了沉积过程中沉积物来源的变化。内沙坝的沉积物粒径向上变细,分选向上变好,而粒径最小处不在沙坝的最上部,则是在贝壳含量开始向上减少的高度,表明沉积动力随着沉积来源的变化而改变。电镜扫描也显示内沙坝上部的部分颗粒不是来自海滩,具有磨圆差、缺乏水下撞击痕迹以及上翻解理与贝壳状断口共存的特征。内外沙坝下部海滩岩的高度、位置与年代还表明内外沙坝间的沉积高度与海平面变化无关。研究表明:香港海湾沙坝发育过程向上加积的动力由原来的海动力变为风动力;随岸线向海推进内沙坝的沉积物来源由来自海滩物质变为同时来自海滩物质及干泻湖上层物质,只有风才能堆积这些物质;内外沙坝间的沉积高度差只是风积高度不同的结果,与海平面变化无关;海湾内风沙作用并不显著。  相似文献   

云南旅游业可持续发展障碍及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明庆忠  管宁生 《热带地理》1998,18(4):350-355
针对云南旅游业发展的实际,指出了云南旅游业可持续发展存在着旅游业无烟工业,旅游业是抵投入,高产出的劳动密集型产业和旅游资源可永久利用等思想意识障碍,从业人员和管理人员素质低以及旅游者注重保护等行为障碍,缺乏统一规划引导和多头管理等管理体制上的障碍,还有生态环境障碍等,进而提出了要认真做好规划布局和分期分批地规范有序开发,提高公众认识水平,做好环境审计评价和管理工作,对旅游投资管理者进行资质审查与分  相似文献   

天山荒漠景观内土壤机械地球化学垒的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄标  龚子同 《地理科学》1998,18(3):279-287
天山荒漠景观内土壤中存在两种形式的机械地球化学垒,即由水流流速变化形成的机械地球化学垒和由于空气流速变化形成的机械地球化学垒。由于地球化学垒内土壤中粘粒的聚集,使得铁族元素Ti、V、Mn、Fe、Co、Cu、Zn及Li、K、B、F等元素在其内聚集。B、Cu、Fe等元素的有效性随其全理的增加而增加,F元素的有效性除与全量有关外,还受其它因素影响,变化效复杂。  相似文献   

Most existing work on residential mobility has assumed that the household relocation decision is an intrinsically significant object of inquiry. In contrast, we argue that mobility derives its significance primarily from the particular historical and locational contexts within which it occurs. We suggest, therefore, that future mobility research should be directed away from the development of a theory of mobility per se and toward a more explicit articulation of mobility studies to existing theories of urbanization and social change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Since the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923, when the Turkish nation was defined as ethnically Turkish and Muslim, the issue of ethnic minorities has been at the root of a deep insecurity concerning cultural identity and what it means to be Turkish. The movement to “recover” ethnic minority in history and in place is most visible in Istanbul, the city identified as the location of European culture in Turkey and Turkey's most culturally pluralistic city. The movement has gained pace since the formal acceptance of Turkey as a candidate for membership in the European Union and the push for reforms in human rights. It is promoted by a very small cultural and economic elite and works together with gentrification to produce elite spaces in the city, as exemplified by two neighborhoods: Kuzguncuk, a historic minority neighborhood on the Asian shore of the Bosporus; and “French Street,” a new commercial development in Beyoǧlu, on the European side of the city west of the Bosporus. These landscapes articulate a European, cosmopolitan, and multicultural place identity for Istanbul and reflect a particular notion of Turkey as modern and European, providing insight into the contemporary debate in Turkey concerning the tensions embedded at the core of Turkish cultural identity.  相似文献   

吕宪国  黄锡畴 《地理科学》1998,18(4):293-293
回顾了我国湿地研究,尤其是近10年的研究进展,包括湿地资源的综合考察,湿地基本概念的开发,湿地功能研究、湿地资源的保护与合理利用,并对我国湿地研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

This is the last in a series of reports on various aspects of geographic research in Japan. The series has been sponsored by the United States Committee for the International Geographic Union in anticipation of the 1980 IGC in Tokyo. Like its predecessors, this report has been modified by H. Jesse Walker, member of the Committe, for the benefit of English-speaking readers of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER.  相似文献   

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