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Coherent synchrotron emission by particles moving along semi-infinite tracks is discussed, with a specific application to radio emission from air showers induced by high-energy cosmic rays. It is shown that in general, radiation from a particle moving along a semi-infinite orbit consists of usual synchrotron emission and modified impulsive bremsstrahlung. The latter component is due to the instantaneous onset of the curved trajectory of the emitting particle at its creation. Inclusion of the bremsstrahlung leads to broadening of the radiation pattern and a slower decay of the spectrum at the cut-off frequency than the conventional synchrotron emission. Possible implications of these features for air shower radio emission are discussed.  相似文献   

Cosmic rays produced in cluster accretion and merger shocks provide pressure to the intracluster medium (ICM) and affect the mass estimates of galaxy clusters. Although direct evidence for cosmic ray ions in the ICM is still lacking, they produce γ-ray emission through the decay of neutral pions produced in their collisions with ICM nucleons. We investigate the capability of the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope ( GLAST ) and imaging atmospheric Čerenkov telescopes (IACTs) for constraining the cosmic ray pressure contribution to the ICM. We show that GLAST can be used to place stringent upper limits, a few per cent for individual nearby rich clusters, on the ratio of pressures of the cosmic rays and thermal gas. We further show that it is possible to place tight (≲10 per cent) constraints for distant  ( z ≲ 0.25)  clusters in the case of hard spectrum, by stacking signals from samples of known clusters. The GLAST limits could be made more precise with the constraint on the cosmic ray spectrum potentially provided by IACTs. Future γ-ray observations of clusters can constrain the evolution of cosmic ray energy density, which would have important implications for cosmological tests with upcoming X-ray and Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect cluster surveys.  相似文献   

Molecular clouds are expected to emit non-thermal radiation due to cosmic ray interactions in the dense magnetized gas. Such emission is amplified if a cloud is located close to an accelerator of cosmic rays and if energetic particles can leave the accelerator site and diffusively reach the cloud. We consider here a situation in which a molecular cloud is located in the proximity of a supernova remnant which is efficiently accelerating cosmic rays and gradually releasing them in the interstellar medium. We calculate the multiwavelength spectrum from radio to gamma rays which is emerging from the cloud as the result of cosmic ray interactions. The total energy output is dominated by the gamma-ray emission, which can exceed the emission in other bands by an order of magnitude or more. This suggests that some of the unidentified TeV sources detected so far, with no obvious or very weak counterparts in other wavelengths, might be in fact associated with clouds illuminated by cosmic rays coming from a nearby source. Moreover, under certain conditions, the gamma-ray spectrum exhibits a concave shape, being steep at low energies and hard at high energies. This fact might have important implications for the studies of the spectral compatibility of GeV and TeV gamma-ray sources.  相似文献   

Recent improvements in the capabilities of low-frequency radio telescopes provide a unique opportunity to study thermal and non-thermal properties of the cosmic web. We argue that the diffuse, polarized emission from giant radio relics traces structure formation shock waves and illuminates the large-scale magnetic field. To show this, we model the population of shock-accelerated relativistic electrons in high-resolution cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters and calculate the resulting radio synchrotron emission. We find that individual shock waves correspond to localized peaks in the radio surface brightness map which enables us to measure Mach numbers for these shocks. We show that the luminosities and number counts of the relics strongly depend on the magnetic field properties, the cluster mass and dynamical state. By suitably combining different cluster data, including Faraday rotation measures, we are able to constrain some macroscopic parameters of the plasma at the structure formation shocks, such as models of turbulence. We also predict upper limits for the properties of the warm-hot intergalactic medium, such as its temperature and density. We predict that the current generation of radio telescopes [Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR), Giant Meter Radio Telescope (GMRT), the Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA) and Long Wavelength Array (LWA)] have the potential to discover a substantially larger sample of radio relics, with multiple relics expected for each violently merging cluster. Future experiments [(Square Kilometre Array (SKA)] should enable us to further probe the macroscopic parameters of plasma physics in clusters.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei and pulsars as cosmic ray sources   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Relativistic e± particles and cosmic rays are accelerated in the magnetospheres of supermassive black holes and neutron stars. The possibility of synchrotron radiation with extremely high intensity inside the deepest regions of magnetospheres is investigated. Very high brightness temperatures are expected for such radiation by relativistic protons, which can be made even higher in the presence of non-stationary conditions, Doppler boosting and coherent processes. The main parameters for models of such high-brightness-temperature radiation are determined. Two types of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are expected. One type is associated with the acceleration and ejection of relativistic e± particles only (probably non-IDV sources and FR-I radio galaxies). The second type of AGN is also associated with e± acceleration, but is dominated by the contribution of relativistic protons (probably IDV sources and FR-II radio galaxies). Analogous objects for pulsars are plerion and shell supernova remnants with neutron stars or pulsars without synchrotron nebulae, respectively.  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation by relativistic electrons spiralling in magnetic fields is a mainstay of radio astronomy, accounting for emissions from many objects. Conventional models assume that electrons radiate singly, so power scales with number of electrons. Yet recently jets from active galactic nuclei have shown very high luminosity, inconsistent with plausible single-particle synchrotron emission. We report experiments showing that, by stimulating plasma instabilities with relativistic electron beams, one can induce increases in the synchrotron emission by factors of ∼106. Enhancement presumably arises from coherent bunching of the relativistic electrons as they spiral in an ambient magnetic field. Polarization measurements suggest that electrons radiatively cooperate on scales of ∼6.6 cm. Radio telescope Stokes parameters may be able to reveal such polarization effects in high-brightness sources, a new observing diagnostic.  相似文献   

The maximum energy for cosmic ray acceleration at supernova shock fronts is usually thought to be limited to around 1014–1015 eV by the size of the shock and the time for which it propagates at high velocity. We show that the magnetic field can be amplified non-linearly by the cosmic rays to many times the pre-shock value, thus increasing the acceleration rate and facilitating acceleration to energies well above 1015 eV. A supernova remnant expanding into a uniform circumstellar medium may accelerate protons to 1017 eV and heavy ions, with charge Ze , to Z ×1017 eV. Expansion into a pre-existing stellar wind may increase the maximum cosmic ray energy by a further factor of 10.  相似文献   

One-, two- and three-dimensional numerical results of the non-linear interaction between cosmic rays and a magnetic field are presented. These show that cosmic ray streaming drives large-amplitude Alfvénic waves. The cosmic ray streaming energy is very efficiently transferred to the perturbed magnetic field of the Alfvén waves, and the non-linear time-scale of the growth of the waves is found to be very rapid, of the order of the gyro-period of the cosmic ray. Thus, a magnetic field of interstellar values, assumed in models of supernova remnant blast wave acceleration, would not be appropriate in the region of the shock. The increased magnetic field reduces the cosmic ray acceleration time and so increases the maximum cosmic ray energy, which may provide a simple and elegant resolution to the highest energy Galactic cosmic ray problem, where the cosmic rays themselves provide the fields necessary for their acceleration.  相似文献   

We consider radiation emitted by the jitter mechanism in a Blandford–McKee self-similar blastwave. We assume the magnetic field configuration throughout the whole blastwave meets the condition for the emission of jitter radiation and we compute the ensuing images, light curves and spectra. The calculations are performed for both a uniform and a wind environment. We compare our jitter results to synchrotron results. We show that jitter radiation produces slightly different spectra than synchrotron, in particular between the self-absorption and the peak frequency, where the jitter spectrum is flat, while the synchrotron spectrum grows as  ν1/3  . The spectral difference is reflected in the early decay slope of the light curves. We conclude that jitter and synchrotron afterglows can be distinguished from each other with good quality observations. However, it is unlikely that the difference can explain the peculiar behaviour of several recent observations, such as flat X-ray slopes and uncorrelated optical and X-ray behaviour.  相似文献   

We consider the synchrotron emission from relativistic shocks assuming that the radiating electrons cool rapidly (either through synchrotron or any other radiation mechanism). It is shown that the theory of synchrotron emission in the fast cooling regime can account for a wide range of spectral shapes. In particular, the magnetic field, which decays behind the shock front, brings enough flexibility to the theory to explain the majority of gamma-ray burst spectra even in the parameter-free fast cooling regime. Also, we discuss whether location of the peak in observed spectral energy distributions of gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei can be made consistent with predictions of diffusive shock acceleration theory, and find that the answer is negative. This result is a strong indication that a particle injection mechanism, other than the standard shock acceleration, works in relativistic shocks.  相似文献   

We analyse in detail the two-dimensional Kolmogorov–Smirnov test as a tool to learn about the distribution of the sources of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We confront, in particular, models based on active galactic nuclei observed in X-rays, galaxies observed in H  i and isotropic distributions, discussing how this method can be used not only to reject isotropy but also to support or reject specific source models, extending results obtained recently in the literature.  相似文献   

We argue that γ-ray sources observed in the direction of the Cygnus OB2 association in the GeV and TeV energy range are due to a pulsar that was created by a supernova a few tens of thousands of years ago. The GeV emission is produced by a middle-aged pulsar, a factor of 2 older than the Vela pulsar. The TeV emission is produced by high-energy hadrons and/or leptons accelerated in pulsar wind nebulae. We suggest, moreover, that the excess of cosmic rays at ∼1018 eV observed from the direction of the Cygnus region can also be related to the appearance of this very energetic pulsar in the Cyg OB2 association. Some of the relativistic hadrons, captured in strong magnetic fields of a high-density region of Cyg OB2, produce neutrons and γ-rays in collisions with matter. These neutrons can arrive from Cyg OB2, creating an excess of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

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