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1 Introduction The industrial location is always the focus in academic circles and any analysis on industrial location can not avoid the agglomeration mechanism formed as the result of the industrial location. The study on the industrial location has become the focus for the massive theoretical location problems about agglomeration since the 1970s, which has a great influence on the formation of the in- dustrial location. In order to make more study of its in- fluence, it is necessary to resea…  相似文献   

The township industry in Shanghai suburbs has undergone a rapid development in the past few years. Aimed at studying the spatial law of the township industry in Shanghai suburbs, three kinds of indexes including distribution density, economic benefit, and regional structure are selected and analysed using correlation analysis method. There are 12 indexes in total. It is found that the locational variation of the township industry in Shanghai suburbs conforms to the following distribution equation:y=ae-bx (x> 5)The above equation has been more and more conforming to the real distribution of the township industry. It is obvious that decreasing trend from inner suburban districts to outer suburban districts is an important character of the locational variation of the township industry of Shanghai suburbs. The fact is closely related with the radiation intensity of the urban economy and the locational superiority for the development of township industry. The regional strategies of the township industry of S  相似文献   

County-level industrial development and structure upgrade is one of the most important issues of revitalizing old industrial base of China. After the cluster analysis on GDP per capita and GDP per area of each county in Liaoning Province, this paper finds the similarity of population size, land use intensity, and economic development of each county. Location quotient reflects the specialization intensity of industries in each county, and it also reflects the spatial differences of county-level industrial development. Economic development level is higher in the southeast than in the northwest of Liaoning, and the industry driving effect on county-level economy is apparent. The main influencing factors include location, industrial foundation and economic system reform, capital input level, knowledge and technology dissemination, conditions of domestic and overseas markets, population and labor force transfer. Industrialization is an important approach to urbanization for the counties in Liaoning Province. The proportion of agriculture is much higher in the northwest than in the southeast of Liaoning, so it will be take longer time for counties in the northwest of Liaoning to make industrialization, urbanization and modernization.  相似文献   


APRIMARYAPPROACHTOCHINESESTRATEGICINDUSTRIALSYSTEM¥FangChuanglin(InstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing1001...  相似文献   

First of all, the necessity of establishing financial centres is expounded. The establishment of financial centres has a lot of benefits to the world economic development, China's economy and the occupied cities. The location conditions of financial centres may be summarized as follows: the location of trade centre, the factors of geographical position, the circumstances of finance, etc.. We consider that the first batch of financial centres in China should be established in the eastern cities of China. So 9 eastern cities in China are chosen as the spare financial centres. According to the location conditions of financial centres, 12 indices are chosen and the method of synthetic weighted average is used to find the best locations of financial centres. The conclusions are that the grade A financial centres should be in Shanghai and the grade B should be in Tianjin and Guangzhou.  相似文献   

The urban-rural integration is an inevitable outcome of regional economic development in a certain stage and is objectively exhibited as the evolution of settlement location and distribution, that is, the turning from spot-distribution to area-distribution of the settlement in developed areas, while in less developed areas, from spet-distribution to linear distribution. The evolution of the settlement location and distribution is an inevitable result of economic development in the urban-rural integration, which is restricted by factors affecting economic development, on the other hand, it is also an important factor affecting and restricting economic development. In the process of the urban-rural integration, modern transportation orientation, modern market orientation, modern industrial orientation and modern population orientation are important motive force, and influence the basic pattern of the settlement location and distribution, which plays a speeding or delaying role in regional economic development.  相似文献   


Cotton is the leading cash crop in China. The cotton sown area accounts for about 30per cent of the total sown area of all the various cash crops. It is the main material used in the textile industry in China. More than 95per cent of textile materials were cotton during the 1950s; and it still occupies 80per cent at present. There are some problems concerning rational location of cotton production in China. In order to solve the problems existing in civil cotton production and supply, in view of strategy, a number of cotton production bases must be selected and built step by step in a planned way. The location of cotton production should be adjusted progressively in accordance with the existing problems. The existing cotton production regions should be consolidated and improved. The cotton production region of the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River should be renewed quichly to make it become the largest stable and high-yield cotton preduction region. In the regions with suitable natural condi  相似文献   

The Bohai-Yellow Sea Rimland (BYSR) is situated along the coast of theBohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in the northeast of China, covering Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, and Tianjin and Beijing municipalities. It has a land area of 491,000 square kilometers, 5.1 percent of the country's total, and a population of 196 million, 17.9 percent of the total. Theregion is not only the political and cultural center, but also the most important economic center in North China. This paper analyses current status and major problems of industrial structure and distribution of BYSR. According to the national plan, the main goal in the coming decade is: by constantly improving economic structure, economic quality and efficiency, to double the gross national product(GNP), and to raise living standards to a satisfactory level. To realize this goal, agriculture, energy, transportation, some important raw material of industries, and infrastructure should be strengthened, and the engineering industry be improved to c  相似文献   

In China, the urban industrial district is usually an organic concentrated district including many factories that are in big, middle or small size, and are coordinated in the process of production, or use infrastructure in common. The formation and development of the urban industrial district in China are affected by not only general factors such as natural factor, transportation factor, labour factor, ecologic factor, but also special factors such as agglomeration factor, technologic factor and social factor. To the district’s formation, both the social factors and natural factors are important, especially the attitude the government have towards the district and the regional natural condition. But the agglomeration, market and transportation costs here are not as important as those in the traditional Industrial Location Theory. Now we must pay great attention to these three factors owing to the new economic conditions in China. In the development of the district, the main factors are technology and agglomeration. This indicates that the technologic factor is gradually the essential condition in the development of the district. Besides, we must also know the affection of the ecologic factor in the development of the district. According to the reality of Caohejing district, this paper gives every factor mark in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). With the result of the AHP, some suggestions have been put forward to Caohejing Hi-Tech Park and other urban industrial districts as well.  相似文献   

Proceeding from the commercial function of Guangzhou urban area, this paper expounds the principles and requirements for choosing commercial location, puts forward the bases to determine the limits of commercial centres. Thirty major commercial centres, in Guangzhou urban area are classified by means of cluster analysis. The function, size, hierarchy and interconnection of commercial centres of different groups are studied. The paper emphatically analyzes the major characteristics and formation factors of the commercial location of Guangzhou urban area. Finally, to counter some problems in existence, some suggestions are put forward in order to improve the commercial location of Guangzhou urban area.  相似文献   

主要介绍卫星天线控制系统中天线旋转定位控制的软硬件设计和实现。该部分的主要功能是:接收红外遥控器的信号;检测前面板上的按键信号;检测传感器反馈的信号;根据所得信号作出相应的动作。  相似文献   

针对成都气象学院近年来科研项目申报中存在的问题,提出了选题必须遵循的基本原则,填写申报书和加强申报工作管理的各环节。这对提高项目科学水平和获准率具有一定作用。  相似文献   

THECHINESEECOLOGICALRESEARCHNETWORKZhaoJianping(赵剑平)(BureauofResourcesandEnvironmentalSciences,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Be...  相似文献   

Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset from 1959-2004, the location and strength of the ITCZ (Inter-Tropical Con-vergence Zone), as well as their relations with typhoons in the northwestern Pacific were studied. It was found that the pentad loca-tion and strength of the ITCZ had close relations with the typhoon frequency. Higher latitude location or strengthened ITCZ were found to be favorable for the occurrence of typhoons over the Northwestern Pacific. An index was defined for ascertaining the loca-tion of the ITCZ. It was found that the index defined with the maximum value ofpentad and monthly meridional shear of zonal wind speed could better describe the location of ITCZ than another index defined with the maximum value of convergence. Correlation analysis between the index of ITCZ and the maximum cloud cover in the tropics showed that there were close relations between the ITCZ determined by the index and the maximum tropical cloud belt. The strength index of an ITCZ was defined as the zonal wind speed difference at latitudes south and north of the ITCZ. It was found that there are close relations between the ITCZ intensity and typhoon occurrence in the South China Sea [10°N-20°N, 100°E-120°E] and regions east of the Philippines and near the Mariana Islands [5°N-20°N, 127.5°E-150°E].  相似文献   

I.MAINRECESSIONCHARAgyERIarICSINTHENOn~~OafIanUSrnIAnSince1990,thenortheastoldindustrialbasehaslandedinabaddevelopingpredicament.Ithasslowdevelopment,exhaustedgrowthandaireconomicresult.Thepeoplecallit"theNortheastPhenomenon"(Kewen,1992).Themaincharacteristicsareasfollows:(1)TheeconomyinthenortheastoldindustrialbaseincreasedslowlyandthesituationoftotaloutputinthewholecountryhascomedO~obviously.From1989to1991,theincreasingspeedsofgross~ialproductinLiaoning,JinnandHeilongjiang…  相似文献   

The economic growth of China has led to increasing growth disparities between regions. Such disparities are uncontrolled and are severely negative symptoms in the process of economic development. On the basis of system dynamics (SD) modeling and the rela- tionship between industrial relocation and regional economic growth, we construct a model of the interrelationship between the two aforementioned phenomena. The model is an effective and creative exploration for examining effects of industrial relocation on Chinese regional economic growth disparities. The SD model is employed in this study to build an inter-regional labor migration SD model, an inter-regional capital migration SD model, an intra-industry SD model, an intra-regional population SD model, and an intra-regional SD model which are based on realities in labor and capital flow from the view of industrial relocation. VENSIM software is utilized to per- form a system simulation based on the data of the eastern, middle, and western regions from 2000 to 2010. Results show that indus- trial relocation gradually narrows the relative disparity in GDP among the three regions. Moreover, the absolute one is enlarged con- tinuously. The absolute and relative disparities in per capita GDP among eastern, middle, and western regions generally exhibit de- creasing trends.  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration (UA) compactness means spatial concentration degree of physical entities, such as cities (towns), industries, resources, funds, traffic and technologies, whose concentration is formed according to specified economic and technologic association in the process of UA formation and development. The UA industrial compactness means the concentration degree of industry and industry clusters with reference to the industrial, technological and economic relations among the cities in the UA in the process of rational industrial division and with the extension of industrial chain. After analyzing the researches on compactness, this paper finds that the relevant measurement coefficient and methods reflecting industrial geographical concentration fail to link industries spatial concentration with urban spatial concentration. Taking 23 UAs as samples and classifying them by development degree, this paper probes into UA compactness and spatial distribution characteristics from the perspective of industry by adopting UA index systems of industry and measurement models. The research finds out: 1) there is obvious positive correlation between UA industrial compactness and UA development degree; 2) the spatial distribution difference of UA industrial compactness is relatively great; and 3) UA industrial compactness shows a gradually decreasing tendency from the eastern part, the middle part to the western part of China. From the research thoughts and approaches, this article suggests that studies on the UA integrated compactness measurement should be enhanced from a multidimensional per- spective involving space, traffic, population density and so on.  相似文献   

本文多方面系统地分析了中国西部地区的经济态势,从生产总值、产业结构(第一产业、工业、矿产、能源,第三产业等)以及生态环境等,论述西部的经济开发。  相似文献   

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