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We evaluate if the distribution and abundance ofThalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, andHalodule wrightii within Biscayne Bay, Florida, are influenced by salinity regimes using, a combination of field surveys, salinity exposure experiments, and a seagrass simulation model. Surveys conducted in June 2001 revealed that whileT. testudinum is found throughout Biscayne Bay (84% of sites surveyed),S. filiforme andH wrightii have distributions limited mainly to the Key Biscayne area.H. wrightii can also be found in areas influenced by canal discharge. The exposure of seagrasses to short-term salinity pulses (14 d, 5–45‰) within microcosms showed species-specific susceptibility to the salinity treatments. Maximum growth rates forT testudinum were observed near oceanic salinity values (30–40‰) and lowest growth rates at extreme values (5‰ and 45‰).S. filiforme was the most susceptible seagrass species; maximum growth rates for this species were observed at 25‰ and dropped dramatically at higher and lower salinity.H. wrightii was the most tolerant, growing well at all salinity levels. Establishing the relationship between seagrass abundance and distribution and salinity is especially relevant in South Florida where freshwater deliveries into coastal bays are influenced by water management practices. The seagrass model developed by Fong and Harwell (1994) and modified here to include a shortterm salinity response function suggests that freshwater inputs and associated decreases in salinity in nearshore areas influence the distribution and growth of single species as well as modify competitive interactions so that species replacements may occur. Our simulations indicate that although growth rates ofT. testudinum decrease when salinity is lowered, this species can still be a dominant component of nearshore communities as confirmed by our surveys. Only when mean salinity values are drastically lowered in a hypothetical restoration scenario isH. wrightii able to outcompeteT. testudinum.  相似文献   

Through their physiological effects on ion, oxygen, and carbon balance, respectively, salinity, sulfide, and prolonged flooding combine to constrain the invasion and spread ofPhragmites in tidal wetlands. Initial sites of vigorous invasion by seed germination and growth from rhizome fragments appear limited to sections of marsh where salinity is <10‰, sulfide concentrations are less than 0.1 mM, and flooding frequency is less than 10%. In polyhaline tidal wetlands the invasion sites include the upland fringe and some high marsh creek banks. The zones of potential invasion tend to be larger in marshes occupying lower-salinity portions of estuaries and in marshes that have been altered hydrologically. Owing to clonal integration and a positive feedback loop of growth-induced modification of edaphic soil conditions, however, a greater total area of wetland is susceptible toPhragmites expansion away from sites of establishment. Mature clones have been reported growing in different marshes with salinity up to 45‰, sulfide concentration up to 1.75 mM, and flooding frequency up to 100%. ForPhragmites establishment and expansion in tidal marshes, windows of opportunity open with microtopographic enhancement of subsurface drainage patterns, marsh-wide depression of flooding and salinity regimes, and variation in sea level driven by global warming and lunar nodal cycles. To avoidPhragmites monocultures, tidal wetland creation, restoration, and management must be considered within the context of these different scales of plant-environment interaction.  相似文献   

Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow), a common coastal resident of the western Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, can live in ambient salinities ranging from 0‰ to greater than 140‰. Fish in this study were obtained from a Gulf of Mexico salt marsh near Cedar Key, Florida. This study examined the ability of individual C. variegatus to regulate plasma osmolality under the influence of a cycling salinity regime. Individuals of C. variegatus were exposed for 21 d to one of seven cyclical salinity regimes. Each cycle lasted for 2 d, with salinity varied between 10‰ and 30‰ each day. Plasma osmolality of fish from each group was determined on five dates during the course of the experiment. C. variegatus efficiently regulated plasma osmolality, even when fishes were exposed to large fluctuations in salinity. Fish previously exposed to large salinity fluctuations regulated plasma osmolality better than fish that previously had experienced no change or small changes in salinity. Increasing salinity had a greater impact on osmoregulation than did decreasing salinity.  相似文献   

Many studies have determined the physical dynamics of salt-water movement into riverine systems, but few studies have elucidated the role of periodic salinity incursions in affecting primary succession in active deltaic wetlands. The emergence of the neighboring Atchafalaya and Wax Lake Deltas, since a record Mississippi River flood in 1973, has created a unique area of land building and primary succession within the deteriorating wetland landscape of Louisiana. The vegetation in these deltas experiences the extremes of allogenic (riverine and tidal flooding, sedimentation, storm disturbance) and autogenic (herbivory, plant competition) forces. The rapid decline of the dominant vegetation,Sagittaria latifolia Willd. (Broadleaf Arrowhead), in the Atchafalaya Delta, and the continued dominance of this species in the Wax Lake Delta prompted us to investigate whether periodic salinity incursions were an additional stress on this species. The objectives of our study were to determine if salinity differences occurred between these deltas, describe the forces that controlled salinity incursions, and the level of salt exposure that adversely affected the growth ofS. latifolia. Continuous measurements of salinity and water level at six sites, revealed that salinity pulses (up to 7.0‰) were common in the Atchafalaya Delta; the Wax Lake Delta was not prone to elevated salinities. Salinity incursions in the Atchafalaya Delta were related to water level set-up, which was forced by strong (>10 m s−1) easterly and southerly winds prior to cold front passages. The movement of distant tropical storms in the Gulf of Mexico produced salinity incursions of longer duration than cold fronts. In a greenhouse experiment, the growth ofS. latifolia was impaired by salinity concentrations of 6.0‰ within 13 d; flooding treatments (20 cm) compounded the loss of aboveground tissue by the end of the experiment. Results from the field and greenhouse studies, compared with historic evidence of elevated salinities in the Atchafalaya delta, indicate that periodic salinity incursions, combined with additional stresses such as flooding and vertebrate herbivory, influence the distribution or presence ofS. latifolia in the Atchafalaya Delta.  相似文献   

Hurricanes and other major storms cause acute changes in salinity within Florida's streams and rivers. Winddriven tidal surges that increase salinities may have long-lasting effects on submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) and the associated fauna. We investigated potential effects of salinity pulses on SAV in Kings Bay, Florida, by subjecting the three most common macrophytes,Vallisneria americana, Myriophyllum spicatum., andHydrilla verticillata, to simulated salinity pulses. In Kings Bay, we documented changes in salinity during three storms in September 2004 and measured biomass and percent cover before and after these storms. During experiments, macrophytes were exposed to salinities of 5‰, 15‰, or 25‰ for 1, 2, or 7 d, with a 28-d recovery period in freshwater. Relative to controls, plants subjected to salinities of 5‰ exhibited few significant decreases in growth and no increase in mortality. All three species exhibited decreased growth in salinities of 15‰ or 25‰.H. verticillata, exhibited 100% mortality at 15‰ and 25‰, irrespective of the duration of exposure.M. spicatum andV. american exhibited increased mortality after 7-d exposures to 15‰ or any exposure to 25‰ Maximum daily salinities in Kings Bay approached or exceeded 15‰ after each of the three storms, with pulses generally lasting less than 2 d. Total aboveground biomass and percent cover of vascular plants, were reduced following the storms.M. spicatum exhibited an 83% decrease in aboveground biomass and an 80% decrease in percent cover.H. verticillata exhibited a 47% and 15% decline in biomass and percent cover, respectively.V. americana, exhibited an 18% increase in aboveground biomass and a 37% increase in percent cover, which suggests greater tolerance of salinity pulses and release from competition with the invasiveH. verticillata andM. spicatum. Our results indicate that rapid, storm-induced pulses of high salinity can have important consequences for submersed aquatic vegetation, restoration efforts, and management of invasive species.  相似文献   

We described seasonal fish-assemblages in an estuarine marsh fringing Matagorda Bay, Gulf of Mexico. Habitat zones were identified by patterns of fish species abundance and indicator species optima along gradients in salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and depth in our samples. Indicators of the lower brackish zone (lower lake and tidal bayou closest to the bay) were gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura), and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) at salinity >15‰, DO 7–10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. Indicators of the upper brackish zone (lake and fringing salt marsh) were pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) at salinity 10–20‰, DO >10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. In the freshwater wetland zone (diked wetland, ephemeral pool, and perennial scour pool), indicators were sheepshed minnow (Cyprinod on variegatus), rainwater killifish (Lucania parva), mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), and sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth ≥1 m. In the freshwater channelized zone (slough and irrigation canal), indicators were three sunfish species (Lepomis), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis), and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth >1.5 m. In brackish zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with temperature, but assemblage structure also was influenced by depth and DO. In the freshwater zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with depth, DO, and salinity, but assemblage structure was weakly associated with temperature. Species diversity and assemblage structure were strongly affected by the connectivity between freshwater wetland and brackish zones. Uncommon species in diked wetlands, such as tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) and fat sleeper (Dormitator maculatus), indicated movement of fishes from the brackish zone as the water level rose during natural flooding and scheduled (July) releases from the diked wetland. From September to July, diversity in the freshwater wetland zone decreased as receding waters left small isolated pools, and fish movement became blocked by a water-control structure. Subsequently, diversity was reduced to a few species with opportunistic life histories and tolerance to anoxic conditions that developed as flooded vegetation decayed.  相似文献   

Using newly digitised sea-level data for the ports of Southampton (1935–2005) and Portsmouth (1961–2005) on the south coast of the UK, this study investigates the relationship between the 100 highest sea-level events recorded at the two cities and the incidence of coastal floods in the adjoining Solent region. The main sources of flood data are the daily newspapers The Southern Daily Echo, based in Southampton and The News, based in Portsmouth, supported by a range of local publications and records. The study indicates a strong relationship between the highest measured sea levels and the incidence of coastal floods and highlights the most vulnerable areas to coastal flooding which include parts of Portsmouth, Southampton, Hayling Island, Fareham and Cowes. The most severe flood in the dataset resulted from the storm surge events of 13–17 December 1989 when eight consecutive extreme high waters occurred. The data suggest that while extreme sea-level events are becoming more common, the occurrence of flood events is not increasing. This is attributed to improved flood remediation measures combined with a reduction of storm intensity since the 1980s. However, several recent events of significance were still recorded, particularly 3 November 2005 when Eaststoke on Hayling Island (near Portsmouth) was flooded due to high sea levels combined with energetic swell waves.  相似文献   

Geochemical mixing models were used to decipher the dominant source of freshwater (rainfall, canal discharge, or groundwater discharge) to Biscayne Bay, an estuary in south Florida. Discrete samples of precipitation, canal water, groundwater, and bay surface water were collected monthly for 2 years and analyzed for salinity, stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, and Sr2+/Ca2+ concentrations. These geochemical tracers were used in three separate mixing models and then combined to trace the magnitude and timing of the freshwater inputs to the estuary. Fresh groundwater had an isotopic signature (δ 18O = −2.66‰, δD −7.60‰) similar to rainfall (δ 18O = −2.86‰, δD = −4.78‰). Canal water had a heavy isotopic signature (δ 18O = −0.46‰, δD = −2.48‰) due to evaporation. This made it possible to use stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen to separate canal water from precipitation and groundwater as a source of freshwater into the bay. A second model using Sr2+/Ca2+ ratios was developed to discern fresh groundwater inputs from precipitation inputs. Groundwater had a Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio of 0.07, while precipitation had a dissimilar ratio of 0.89. When combined, these models showed a freshwater input ratio of canal/precipitation/groundwater of 37%:53%:10% in the wet season and 40%:55%:5% in the dry season with an error of ±25%. For a bay-wide water budget that includes saltwater and freshwater mixing, fresh groundwater accounts for 1–2% of the total fresh and saline water input.  相似文献   

Catastrophic flooding associated with sea-level rise and change of hurricane patterns has put the northeastern coastal regions of the United States at a greater risk. In this paper, we predict coastal flooding at the east bank of Delaware Bay and analyze the resulting impact on residents and transportation infrastructure. The three-dimensional coastal ocean model FVCOM coupled with a two-dimensional shallow water model is used to simulate hydrodynamic flooding from coastal ocean water with fine-resolution meshes, and a topography-based hydrologic method is applied to estimate inland flooding due to precipitation. The entire flooded areas with a range of storm intensity (i.e., no storm, 10-, and 50-year storm) and sea-level rise (i.e., current, 10-, and 50-year sea level) are thus determined. The populations in the study region in 10 and 50 years are predicted using an economic-demographic model. With the aid of ArcGIS, detailed analysis of affected population and transportation systems including highway networks, railroads, and bridges is presented for all of the flood scenarios. It is concluded that sea-level rise will lead to a substantial increase in vulnerability of residents and transportation infrastructure to storm floods, and such a flood tends to affect more population in Cape May County but more transportation facilities in Cumberland County, New Jersey.  相似文献   

The eastern Alaska Beaufort Sea coast is characterized by numerous shallow (2–5 m) estuarine lagoons, fed by streams and small rivers that drain northward from the Brooks Range through the arctic coastal plain, and bounded seaward by barrier islands and shoals. Millions of birds from six continents nest and forage during the summer period in this region using the river deltas, lagoons, and shoreline along with several species of anadromous and marine fish. We examined biogeochemical processes linking the benthic community to the overall food web structure of these poorly studied but pristine estuaries, which are largely covered by 1.8 m of ice for 10 months annually. In summer, these lagoons are relatively warm with brackish salinities (5–10°C, S = 10–25) compared to more open coastal waters (0–5°C, S > 27). The stable isotopic composition of organic materials in sediments (i.e., benthic particulate organic matter) and water column suspended particulate organic matter from both streams and lagoons are largely indistinguishable and reflect strong terrestrial contributions, based upon δ13C and δ15N values (−25.6‰ to −27.4‰ and 1.4‰ to 3.3‰, respectively). By comparison, shifts toward more heavy isotope-enriched organic materials reflecting marine influence are observed on the adjacent coastal shelf (−24.8‰ to −25.4‰ and 3.4‰ to 5.3‰, respectively). The isotopic composition of lagoon fauna is consistent with a food web dominated by omnivorous detritovores strongly dependent on microbial processing of terrestrial sources of carbon. Biomagnification of 15N in benthic organisms indicate that the benthic food web in lagoons support up to four trophic levels, with carnivorous gastropod predators and benthic fishes (δ15N values up to 14.4‰) at the apex.  相似文献   

More than 140 middle-small sized deposits or minerals are present in the Weishan-Yongping ore concentration area which is located in the southern part of a typical Lanping strike-slip and pull-apart basin. It has plenty of mineral resources derived from the collision between the Indian and Asian plates. The ore-forming fluid system in the Weishan-Yongping ore concentration area can be divided into two subsystems, namely, the Zijinshan subsystem and Gonglang arc subsystem. The ore-forming fluids of Cu, Co deposits in the Gonglang arc fluid subsystem have δD values between −83.8‰ and −69‰, δ18O values between 4.17‰ and 10.45‰, and δ13C values between −13.6‰ and 3.7‰, suggesting that the ore-forming fluids of Cu, Co deposits were derived mainly from magmatic water and partly from formation water. The ore-forming fluids of Au, Pb, Zn, Fe deposits in the Zijinshan subsystem have δD values between −117.4‰ and −76‰, δ18O values between 5.32‰ and 9.56‰, and Δ13C values between −10.07‰ and −1.5‰. The ore-forming fluids of Sb deposits have δD values between −95‰ and −78‰, δ18O values between 4.5‰ and 32.3‰, and Δ13C values between −26.4‰ and −1.9‰. Hence, the ore-forming fluids of the Zijinshan subsystem must have been derived mainly from formation water and partly from magmatic water. Affected by the collision between the Indian and Asian plates, ore-forming fluids in Weishan-Yongping basin migrated considerably from southwest to northeast. At first, the Gonglang arc subsystem with high temperature and high salinity was formed. With the development of the ore-forming fluids, the Zijinshan subsystem with lower temperature and lower salinity was subsequently formed. Translated from Mineral Deposits, 2006, 25(1): 60–70 [译自: 矿床地质]  相似文献   

An increase in the cosmogenic beryllium-10 content of the Orca basin sediments due to the flooding of the Gulf of Mexico (GM) by meltwaters during the late Wisconsin interglacial is reported. A strong negative correlation (γ =-0.99) betweenδ 18 O (in the range o f-1.5‰ to +0.5‰) and10Be/Al ratio is seen. During intense flooding reflected by a decrease in δ18O by ∼ 2‰, this correlation may not hold as some of the sediments with low10Be/Al ratio and deposited on the shelf and slope regions of the GM during the earlier glacial period would also be washed into the basin. The deposited sediment would then be a mixture with a10Be/Al ratio lower than expected from the correlation  相似文献   

The effects of simulated saltwater intrusions on the growth and survival of the freshwater angiosperm,Vallisneria americana Michx., from the Caloosahatchee estuary (southwest Florida, USA) were examined experimentally using indoor mesocosms. Intrusions were simulated by raising salinity in the mesocosms to 18‰ for varying durations and then returning the salinity to 3‰. In separate experiments, exposures of short duration (1, 5, 11, and 20 d) and long duration (20, 30, 50, and 70 d) were examined. Plants held at a constant 3‰ served as controls. Mortality was proportional to the duration of exposure. Statistically significant (p<0.05) losses of blades and shoots occurred at exposures of 20 d or longer, although during a l-mo recovery period at 3‰ viable plants survived the 70-d exposure to 18‰. Expressed as a percentage of initial levels, the extent of recovery after 1 mo was proportional to duration of exposure.V. americana can survive the salinity stress associated with most intrusions of salt water in the upper Caloosahatchee estuary.  相似文献   

The regulatory effect of salinity on nitrogen dynamics in estuarine sediments was investigated in the Randers Fjord estuary, Denmark, using sediment slurries and intact sediment cores and applying 15N-isotope techniques. Sediment was sampled at three representative stations varying in salinity, and all experiments were run at 0‰, 10‰, 20‰, and 30‰. The sediment NH4 + adsorption capacity decreased markedly at all stations when salinity was increased from 0‰ to 10‰; further increase showed little effect. In situ nitrification and denitrification also decreased with increasing salinities, with the most pronounced reduction of approximately 50% being observed when the salinity was raised from 0‰ to 10‰. The salinity-induced reduction in NH4 + adsorption capacity and stimulation of NH4 + efflux has previously been argued to cause a reduction in nitrification activity since the nitrifying bacteria become limited by NH4 + availability at higher salinities. However, using a potential nitrification assay where NH4 + was added in excess, it was demonstrated that potential nitrification activity also decreased with increasing salinity, indicating that the inhibitory salinity effect may also be a physiological effect on the microorganisms. This hypothesis was supported by the finding that denitrification based on NO3 from the overlying water (Dw), which is independent of the nitrification process, and hence NH4 + availability, also decreased with increasing salinity. We conclude that changes in salinity have a significant effect on nitrogen dynamics in estuarine sediments, which must be considered when nitrogen transformations are measured and evaluated.  相似文献   

Mid Atlantic coastal salt marshes contain a matrix of vegetation diversified by tidal pools, pannes, and creeks, providing habitats of varying importance to many species of breeding, migrating, and wintering waterbirds. We hypothesized that changes in marsh elevation were not sufficient to keep pace with those of sea level in both vegetated and unvegetatedSpartina alterniflora sites at a number of mid lagoon marsh areas along the Atlantic Coast. We also predicted that northern areas would suffer less of a deficit than would southern sites. Beginning in August 1998, we installed surface elevation tables at study sites on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, southern New Jersey, and two locations along Virginia's eastern shore. We compared these elevation changes over the 4–4.5 yr record with the long-term (>50 yr) tidal records for each locale. We also collected data on waterbird use of these sites during all seasons of the year, based on ground surveys and replicated surveys from observation platforms. Three patterns of marsh elevation change were found. At Nauset Marsh, Cape Cod, theSpartina marsh surface tracked the pond surface, both keeping pace with regional sea-level rise rates. In New Jersey, the ponds are becoming deeper while marsh surface elevation remains unchanged from the initial reading. This may result in a submergence of the marsh in the future, assuming sea-level rise continues at current rates. Ponds at both Virginia sites are filling in, while marsh surface elevation rates do not seem to be keeping pace with local sea-level rise. An additional finding at all sites was that subsidence in the vegetated marsh surfaces was less than in unvegetated areas, reflecting the importance of the root mat in stabilizing sediments. The implications to migratory waterbirds are significant. Submergence of much of the lagoonal marsh area in Virginia and New Jersey over the next century could have major negative (i.e., flooding) effects on nesting populations of marsh-dependent seaside sparrowsAmmodramus maritimus, saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrowsAmmodramus caudacutus, black railsLaterallus jamaicensis, clapper railsRallus longirostris. Forster's ternsSterna forsteri, common ternsSterna hirundo, and gull-billed ternsSterna nilotica. Although short-term inundation of many lagoonal marshes may benefit some open-water feeding ducks, geese, and swans during winter, the long-term ecosystem effects may be detrimental, as wildlife resources will be lost or displaced. With the reduction in area of emergent marsh, estuarine secondary productivity and biotic diversity will also be reduced.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that strontium:calcium (Sr:Ca) in otoliths are reflective of environmental salinity experienced by two estuarine fishes during early life. Laboratory and field experiments were performed to examine the effects of salinity and temperature on Sr:Ca in otoliths of black drum (Pogonias cromis) and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Otolith Sr:Ca of juveniles reared at four salinities (5‰, 15‰, 25‰, 35‰) differed significantly forP. cromis while no salinity effect was observed forS. ocellatus. Otolith Sr:Ca of both species were not affected by temperature (23°C and 30°C), suggesting that partitioning of Sr in otoliths of these taxa is constant over the temperature range examined. A field verification trial was conducted forP. cromis and a positive relationship between otolith Sr:Ca and ambient salinity was observed, even though the percent variability explained was modest. A series of Sr:Ca point measurements were taken from the core to the edge of the otoliths of wildP. cromis andS. ocellatus, and otolith Sr:Ca chronologies of both species showed conspicuous declines during the first few months of life. While Sr:Ca chronologies of both species suggest that ingress is associated with a reduction in otolith Sr:Ca, inconsistencies in laboratory and field experiments intimate that Sr uptake in the otolith may be insensitive to salinity and regulated by other factors (aqueous chemistry, ontogenetic shifts in habitat, or physiology). Results from early life history transects of otolith Sr:Ca conform to expected patterns of estuarine ingress-egress during early life and indicate that the approach may be useful for detecting large-scale habitat transitions (marine to estuarine habitats).  相似文献   

The Samborombon Bay wetland is located on the west margin of the Rio de la Plata estuary, in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This paper analyses the geological, geomorphologic, soil and vegetation characteristics of the southernmost sector of this wetland and their influence on surface water and groundwater. The study area presents three hydrologic units: coastal dunes, sand sheets and coastal plain. Coastal dunes and sand sheets are recharge zones of high permeability with well-drained, non-saline soils, and a few surface water flows. Changes in the water table are related to rainfall. Groundwater in coastal dunes is Ca–Mg–HCO3 to Na–HCO3, and of low salinity (590 mg/l). Groundwater in sand sheets is mainly Na–HCO3 with a salinity of about 1,020 mg/l. The coastal plain exhibits medium to low permeability sediments, with submerged saline soils poorly drained. Groundwater is Na–Cl with a mean salinity of 16,502 mg/l. A surface hydrological network develops in the coastal plain. Surface water levels near the shoreline are affected by tidal fluctuations; far from the shoreline water accumulates because of poor drainage. Both sectors have Na–Cl water, but the former is more saline. Human intervention and sea level rise may affect the wetland severely.  相似文献   

The distribution and salinity preference of immature bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) were examined based on the results of longline surveys in three adjacent estuarine habitats in southwest Florida: the Caloosahatchee River, San Carlos Bay, and Pine Island Sound. Mean sizes were significantly different between each of these areas indicating the occurrence of size-based habitat partitioning. Neonate and young-of-the-year animals occurred in the Caloosahatchee River and juveniles older than 1 year occurred in the adjacent embayments. Habitat partitioning may reduce intraspecific predation risk and increase survival of young animals. Classification tree analysis showed that both temperature and salinity were important factors in determining the occurrence and catch per unit effort (CPUE) of immatureC. leucas. The CPUE of <1 year oldC. leucas was highest at temperatures over 29°C and in areas with salinities between 7‰ and 17.5‰ Although they are able to osmoregulate in salinities from fresh to fully marine, youngC. leucas may have a salinity preference. Reasons for this preference are unknown, but need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(1):26-39
Bulletins of China’s National Sea Level show that the average rising rate of sea-levels in China is 3.3 mm/a over the past 40 years, with an obviously accelerated rising trend in the last decade. The rate of relative sea-level rise of the Yangtze River Delta reached >10 mm/a after considering the land subsidence, and Bohai Bay is even greater than 25 mm/a. The impact of the sea level rise to the coastal area will be greater in the coming years, so carrying out an assessment of this rising trend is urgent. This paper, taking the coastal area of Tianjin and Hebei as examples, comprehensively evaluates the impact of sea-level rise through multitemporal remote sensing shoreline interpretation, ground survey verification, elevation measurements for both seawall and coastal lowlands. The results show that the average elevation of the measured coastal areas of Tianjin and Hebei is about +4 m, and the total area of >100 km2 is already below the present mean sea level. More than 270 km, ca. 31% of the total length of the seawall, cannot withstand a 1-in-100-year storm surge. Numerical simulations of the storm flooding on the west coast of Bohai Bay, for 1-in-50-years, 1-in-100-years, 1-in-200-years and 1-in-500-years, show that if there were no coastal dykes, the maximum flooding area would exceed 3000 km2, 4000 km2, 5300 km2 and 7200 km2, respectively. The rising sea has a direct and potential impact on the coastal lowlands of Tianjin and Hebei. Based on the latest development in international sea-level rise prediction research, this paper proposes 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m as low, middle and high sea level rise scenarios by 2100 for the study area, and combines the land subsidence and other factors to the elevation of the existing seawall. Comprehensive evaluation results indicate that even in the case of a low scenario, the existing seawall will not be able to withstand a 1-in-100-years storm surge in 2030, and the potential flooding areas predicted by the model will become a reality in the near future. Therefore, the seawall design in the coastal areas of Tianjin and Hebei must consider the combined effects of land subsidence, sea level rise and the extreme storm surges caused by it.©2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

In September 2004, the Loxahatchee River Estuary was affected by Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne, which resulted in a monthly rainfall record of 610 mm and abnormally high freshwater discharges to the system. The occurrence, density, and biomass ofSyringodium filiforme in the Loxahatchee River Estuary declined significantly following the September 2004 storms based on 15 mo of pre-hurricane monitoring and 12 mo of post-hurricane monitoring. Throughout posthurricane monitoring,S. filiforme showed no sign of recovery, thoughHalophila johnsonii increased considerably during the post-hurricane period. Freshwater discharges resulting from the September 2004 hurricanes lowered minimum daily salinity values to near zero and increased standard deviation of daily salinity values to 11‰. Extremely low minimum daily salinity values and high daily salinity fluctuations likely resulted in the observed decline ofS. filiforme. We advise the use of minimum daily salinity values when assessing seagrass habitat suitability or when modeling the effects of alternative water management scenarios.  相似文献   

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