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We present two new luminous blue variable (LBV) candidate stars discovered in the M33 galaxy. We identified these stars as massive star candidates at the final stages of evolution, presumably with a notable interstellar extinction. The candidates were selected from the Massey et al. catalog based on the following criteria: emission in H α , V<18./m 5 and 0.m 35 < (B - V) < 1.m 2. The spectra of both stars reveal a broad and strong H α emission with extended wings (770 and 1000 kms−1). Based on the spectra we estimated the main parameters of the stars. Object N45901 has a bolometric luminosity log(L/L) = 6.0–6.2 with the value of interstellar extinction A V = 2.3 ± 0.1. The temperature of the star’s photosphere is estimated as T⋆ ∼ 13000–15000 K, its probable mass on the Zero Age Main Sequence is M∼ 60–80 M. The infrared excess in N 45901 corresponds to the emission of warm dust with the temperature Twarm ∼ 1000 K, and amounts to 0.1%of the bolometric luminosity. A comparison of stellar magnitude estimates from different catalogs points to the probable variability of the object N45901. Bolometric luminosity of the second object, N125093, is log(L/L) = 6.3 − 6.6, the value of interstellar extinction is A V = 2.75 ± 0.15. We estimate its photosphere’s temperature as T⋆∼ 13000–16000K, the initial mass as M ∼ 90–120 M. The infrared excess in N125093 amounts to 5–6% of the bolometric luminosity. Its spectral energy distribution reveals two thermal components with the temperatures Twarm ∼ 1000K and Tcold ∼ 480 K. The [Ca II] λλ7291, 7323 lines, observed in LBV-like stars Var A and N93351 in M33 are also present in the spectrum of N 125093. These lines indicate relatively recent gas eruptions and dust activity linked with them. High bolometric luminosity of these stars and broad H α emissions allow classifying the studied objects as LBV candidates.  相似文献   

Extending the numeration of Humphreys and Sandage (1980) 54 new associations are identified in the galaxy M33 by comparing the plates in theU andB system. The larger part of the associations are located in the spiral arms. The young associations are prevailing in proximity to the nucleus. A large part of the newly identified associations are connected withHii regions. Judging by the farthest associations M33 diameter is estimated 20 kpc. The associations outline two strong and two faint spiral arms up to 4 kpc away from the nucleus. Their possible behaviour is observed in the further parts.  相似文献   

The central region of M33 is studied with aim new massive cluster candidates to be distinguished. This region has not been included in details in previous searches. From a collection of photographic plates, obtained under excellent seeing conditions at the Bulgarian National Observatory, using morphologic and photometric criteria, we have selected 26 new star cluster candidates, both young clusters and old globulars. Their coordinates and photographic UBV magnitudes are presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The brightest blue stars in the M33 galaxy have peculiar images. A method to resolve them into components was applied. The brightest members stars atV15–16 mag were recognized as multiple ones. Some stars up toV=17 mag have multiple structures, too. The image of the brightest blue stars consist of two or more components and probably some of them, in fact, resemble dense stellar groups such of R 136 in 30 Dor.  相似文献   

An ongoing SAO RAS program for the 6-m telescope to search for and study luminous blue variable (LBV) candidates in the M31 and M33 galaxies was started in 1997. This paper summarizes the results of our observations over the last 20 years. Over this time, we have a general lists of candidates and obtained photometry and spectroscopy for approximately one hundred stars from the list. A detailed study and classification of LBV candidates were carried out.We alsomonitored spectrally and photometrically the confirmed LBV stars in these galaxies. Based on these results, the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of LBVs and LBV candidates were computed, and the interstellar extinction values, temperature, and luminosity were derived. We propose a new method of confirming the nature of LBV stars. It is based on a special property exhibited only by LBV stars—the constancy of the bolometric luminosity, with except of a rare phase of giant eruption, registered for two historical LBVs in our galaxy and about few dozen extragalactic LBVs. Using this method, we determine the fundamental parameters of these stars: temperature, radius, luminosity, and interstellar extinction. We discuss the nature of several individual LBV stars discovered by us in M33 and the classification of the LBV candidates in M31. Thus, for 20 years of observations we have found four LBV stars in M33; in the M31 galaxy with different methods, we have confirmed seven objects as a LBV class.  相似文献   

We present MERLIN and VLA observations at 1.4 and 5 GHz of the diffuse radio emission in the centre of M82. We detect a large expanding shell of ionized gas surrounding the brightest supernova remnant 41.95+57.5 with a diameter of ∼100 pc and an expansion velocity of ∼100 km s−1. We observe a 50-pc-scale 'blow-out' from this region, in the form of a 'cone' of missing 5-GHz continuum emission, which appears to be an excellent example of a galactic chimney.
On larger radio scales, we observe four chimney structures extending out to the north ∼100–200 pc along the minor axis. One of these features is almost certainly related to the 50-pc-scale blow-out from 41.95+57.5, although this is not the most prominent feature. The other features have also been traced to expulsion of material from the very centre by using an 'unsharp masked' image from 5-GHz VLA B-array observations, with the supernova remnant removed.
We interpret these chimney features as the base of the superwind, which implies that the ejection of material into the halo does not occur smoothly over the starburst region. Instead, very localized venting of hot gas is clearly in evidence.  相似文献   

We have used the enhanced MERLIN at 1.5 and 5 GHz to image the central 700pc of the nearby starburst galaxy M82. Of order 40 discrete sources are detected and it appears that most of these sources are supernova remnants. Not only do many show shell structure and have a non-thermal radio spectrum, but they also follow a surface brightness/diameter relation consistent with that found in the LMC and Galactic supernova remnants. The detected M82 remnants are more compact and brighter than Galactic remnants which implies that they must be less than a few hundred years old and hence supernova rates are of order 0.05 per year. The 1.5 GHz measurements have shown that many of the remnants have low-frequency spectral turnovers which are probably due to free-free absorption in localised ionised gas with emission measures > 106 pc cm–6.  相似文献   

We study Luminous Blue Variable(LBV)candidate J004341.84+411112.0 in the Andromeda galaxy.We present optical spectra of the object obtained with the 6 m telesco...  相似文献   

The fine core-jet structure of the radio galaxy M87 has been investigated in the millimeter-decimeter wave band. A counterjet whose extent is ρ(λ) ≈ 0.036λ pc, where the wavelength λ is expressed in centimeters, has been identified. At a wavelength of 2 cm, the brightness of the jet and counterjet decreases exponentially to the minimally detectable level. However, the decline for the jet slows down from a level of several percent of the peak value. The bipolar jet consists of a highly collimated relativistic plasma flow surrounded by a nonrelativistic low-velocity component. The low-velocity jet flow includes a helical component observable up to a distance of 20 mas or 1.6 pc. The reaction of the flow produces a multimode precession responsible for the helical shape of the relativistic jet with a variable pitch and a curved axis. The helical structures of the jet and counterjet are mirror reflections of each other relative to the ejector. The apparent size of the accretion disk seen edge-on reaches 1.5 mas or 0.12 pc.  相似文献   

Photographic measurements of the colour distribution in the irregular galaxy M82 are presented and interpreted in terms of a model of that galaxy. Two alternative models are discussed. In the first the galaxy consists of a disc of highly reddened OB-stars, whose scattered light is also seen in the halo, and a bulge of less reddened A—F stars. The direction of the inclination of the system, as inferred from this model, is opposite to that of LYNDS and SANDAGE (1963). The alternative inclination (second model) may possibly be preserved if one assumes a central dust ellipsoid reemitting scattered light from a central source of OB stars. If the velocities of the line emitting material refer to scattering particles, an inward motion of them is more probable than an outward one, irrespectively of the model, and the (dust) halo of the galaxy is probably contracting.  相似文献   

The peculiar radial velocities ofHii regions in M33 varies with position angle in a manner that can be explained by an ellipsoidal distribution with minor axis in the direction of rotation. The amplitude of the variations, however, is too great as compared with theory or experience in the galaxy.

Mitteilungen Serie A, Nr. 36.  相似文献   

Giant gaseous layers(termed “superdisks”) have been hypothesized in the past to account for the strip-like radio emission gap(or straight-edged central brightness depression) observed between twin radio lobes, in over a dozen relatively nearby powerful Fanaroff-Riley Class II radio galaxies. They could also provide a plausible alternative explanation for a range of observations. Although a number of explanations have been proposed for the origin of the superdisks, little is known about their material content. Some X-ray observations of superdisk candidates indicate the presence of hot gas, but a cool dusty medium also seems to be common. If they are entirely or partly composed of neutral gas, then it may be directly detectable and we report here a first attempt to detect/image any neutral hydrogen gas present in the superdisks that are inferred to be present in four nearby radio galaxies. We have not found a positive H I signal in any of the four sources, resulting in tight upper limits on the H I number density in the postulated superdisks,estimated directly from the central rms noise values of the final radio continuum subtracted image. The estimated ranges of the upper limit on neutral hydrogen number density and column density are 10^-4-10^-3 atoms per cm3 and 10^19-10^20 atoms per cm^2, respectively. No positive H I signal is detected even after combining all the four available H I images(with inverse variance weighting). This clearly rules out an H I dominated superdisk as a viable model to explain these structures, however, the possibility of a superdisk being composed of warm/hot gas still remains open.  相似文献   

A sample of 70 E+A galaxies is selected from 37 206 galaxies in the second data release of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST). This sample is selected according to the criteria for E+A galaxies defined by Goto, and each of these objects is further visually identified. In this sample, most objects are low redshift E+A galaxies with z 0.25, and are located in an area of the sky with high Galactic latitude and magnitude from 14 to 18 mag in the g, r and i bands. A stellar population analysis of the whole sample indicates that the E+A galaxies are characterized by both young and old stellar populations(SPs), and the metalrich SPs have relatively higher contributions than the metal-poor ones. Additionally, a morphological classification of these objects is performed based on images taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.  相似文献   

We present VLA A-array 21-cm atomic hydrogen (H  i ) absorption observed against the central region of the starburst galaxy M82 with an angular resolution of ∼1.3 arcsec (≃20 pc). These observations, together with MERLIN H  i absorption measurements, are compared with the molecular (CO) and ionized ([Ne  ii ]) gas distributions and are used to constrain the dynamics and structure of the ionized, neutral and molecular gas in this starburst.
A position–velocity diagram of the H  i distribution reveals an unusual 'hole' feature which, when previously observed in CO, has been interpreted as an expanding superbubble contained within a ring of gas in solid body rotation. However, we interpret this feature as a signature of a nearly edge-on barred galaxy. In addition, we note that the CO, H  i and [Ne  ii ] position–velocity diagrams reveal two main velocity gradients, and we interpret these as gas moving on x1- and x2-orbits within a bar potential. We find the best fit to the data to be produced using a bar potential with a flat rotation curve velocity v b=140 km s−1 and a total length of 1 kpc, a non-axisymmetry parameter q =0.9, an angular velocity of the bar Ωb=217 km s−1 arcsec−1, a core radius R c=25 pc, an inclination angle i =80° and a projected angle between the bar and the major axis of the galaxy φ '=4°. We also discuss the orientation of the disc and bar in M82.  相似文献   

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