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Growing evidence from the accessible geological record reveals that crust-mantle differentiation on Earth started as early as 4.4 Ga. In order to assess the extent of early Archean mantle depletion, we obtained 176Lu-176Hf, 147Sm-143Nd, and high field strength element (HFSE) concentration data for the least altered, well characterized boninite-like metabasalts and associated metasedimentary rocks from the Isua supracrustal belt (southern West Greenland). The metasediments exhibit initial εHf(3720) values from −0.7 to +1.5 and initial εNd(3720) values from +1.6 to +2.1. Initial εHf(3720) values of the least altered boninite-like metabasalts span a range from +3.5 to +12.9 and initial εNd(3720) values from −0.3 to +3.2. These initial Hf-isotope ratios display coherent trends with SiO2, Al2O3/TiO2 and other relatively immobile elements, indicating contamination via assimilation of enriched components, most likely sediments derived from the earliest crust in the region. This model is also consistent with previously reported initial γOs(3720) values for some of the samples. In addition to the positive εHf(3720) values, the least disturbed samples exhibit positive εNd(3720) values and a co-variation of εHf(3720) and εΝd(3720) values. Based on these observations, it is argued, that the most depleted samples with initial εHf(3720) values of up to +12.9 and high 176Lu/177Hf of ∼0.05 to ∼0.09 tap a highly depleted mantle source with a long term depletion history in the garnet stability field. High precision high field strength element (HFSE) data obtained for the Isua samples confirm the contamination trend. Even the most primitive samples display negative Nb-Ta anomalies and elevated Nb/Ta, indicating a subduction zone setting and overprint of the depleted mantle sources by felsic melts generated by partial melting of eclogite. Collectively, the data for boninite-like metabasalts support the presence of strongly depleted mantle reservoirs as previously inferred from Hf isotope data for Hadean zircons and combined 142Nd-143Nd isotope data for early Archean rocks.  相似文献   

In-situ ion microprobe measurements of carbon isotopic compositions of graphite were made in seven metasediments and two carbonate rocks from the ca. 3.8 Ga Isua supracrustal belt, West Greenland. The δ13C values of micron-scale graphite globules in the metasediments and the carbonate rocks vary from -18 to +2‰ and from -7 to -3‰, respectively. The maximum δ13C value of graphite globules in the metasediment rises from -14 to -5‰, as the metamorphic grade increases from epidote-amphibolite to upper amphibolite facies. In a single hand specimen, the δ13C values of graphite inclusions in garnet are ∼7‰ lower on average than those outside garnet. Similarly, graphite armored by quartz apparently shows a few permil lower δ13C values than those on grain boundaries between noncarbonate minerals. The fact that early crystallized minerals include relatively 13C-depleted graphite indicates that the regional metamorphism increased the δ13C values of the Isua graphite. This is consistent with the regional trend of 13C-enrichment accompanied by the increase of metamorphic grade. The minimum fractionation between graphite and carbonate is consistent with the equilibrium fractionation at about 400 to 550 °C. These observations indicate that isotopic exchange with isotopically heavy carbonate caused 13C-enrichment of Isua graphite. The δ13C values of graphite reported here (δ13C > -18‰) were produced either as a metamorphic modification of organic carbon with initially much lower δ13C values, or as an abiological reaction such as decomposition of carbonate. If the isotopic exchange between carbonate and graphite during regional metamorphism controlled the 13C-enrichment of Isua graphite, previously reported large 13C-depletion of graphite, especially armored by apatite (Mojzsis et al., 1996) was probably premetamorphic in origin. This supports the existence of life at Isua time (ca. 3.8 Ga).  相似文献   

Banded Iron Formations(BIFs) are chemical sediments, ubiquitously distributed in the Precambrian supracrustal belts; thus their trace element compositions are helpful for deciphering geochemical evolution on the Earth through time. However, it is necessary to elucidate factors controlling the whole-rock compositions in order to decode the ancient seawater compositions because their compositions are highly variable. We analyzed major and trace element contents of the BIFs in the 3.8-3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal belt(ISB), southern West Greenland. The BIFs are petrographically classified into four types:Black-,Gray-, Green-and White-types, respectively. The Green-type BIFs contain more amphiboles, and are significantly enriched in Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, heavy rare earth element(HREE) and U contents. However,their bulk compositions are not suitable for estimate of seawater composition because the enrichment was caused by secondary mobility of metamorphic Mg, Ca and Si-rich fluid, involvement of carbonate minerals and silicate minerals of olivine and pyroxene and/or later silicification or contamination of volcanic and clastic materials. The White-type BIFs are predominant in quartz, and have lower transition element and REE contents. The Gray-type BIFs contain both quartz and magnetite. The Black-type BIFs are dominated by magnetite, and contain moderate to high transition element and REE contents. But,positive correlations of V, Ni, Zn and U contents with Zr contents suggest that involvement of detrital,volcanic and exhalative materials influences on their contents. The evidence for significant influence of the materials on the transition element contents such as Ni in the BIFs indicates the transition element contents in the Archean ocean were much lower than previously estimated. We reconstructed secular variations of V,Co, Zn and U contents of BIFs through time, which show Ni and Co contents decreased whereas V, Zn and U contents increased through time. Especially, the Ni and Co contents drastically decreased in the Mesoarchean rather than around the Great Oxidation Event. On the other hand, the V,Zn and U contents progressively increased from the Mesoarchean to the Proterozoic. Stratigraphical trends of the BIFs show increase in Y/Ho ratios and decrease in positive Eu anomaly upwards, respectively. The stratigraphic changes indicate that a ratio of hydrothermal fluid to seawater component gradually decrease through the deposition, and support the Eoarchean plate tectonics, analogous to the their stratigraphic variations of seafloor metalliferous sediments at present and in the Mesoarchean.  相似文献   

Despite superimposed metamorphic overprinting and metasomatic alterations, primary volcanic features remain preserved in low-strain domains of mafic volcanic sequences in the western Isua supracrustal belt (ISB, West Greenland). These basaltic successions represent the hitherto oldest known fragments of oceanic crust on Earth. Early Archean metasomatic fluids, rich in light rare earth elements (LREE), Th, U, Pb, Ba, and alkalies, invaded the supracrustal package and distinctively altered the basaltic sequences. Field relationships, source characteristics traced by Pb isotopes, and geochronological results provide indications that these fluids were genetically related to the emplacement of tonalite sheets into the ISB between 3.81 and 3.74 Ga ago. Subsequent early Archean metamorphism homogenized the mixed primary and metasomatic mineral parageneses of these metavolcanic rocks. Allanite occurs as the most characteristic and critical secondary metasomatic-metamorphic phase and is developed in macroscopically discernible zones of increased metsomatic alteration, even in domains of low strain. Because of its high concentration of LREE, Th, and U, this secondary mineral accounts for much of the disturbances recorded by the Sm-Nd and Th-U-Pb isotope systematics of the pillowed metabasalts.The supracrustal sequences were tectono-metamorphically affected to varying degrees during a late Archean, ∼2.6- to 2.8-Ga-old event, also recognized in the adjacent gneiss terranes of the Isuakasia area. The degree to which bulk rocks were isotopically reequilibrated is directly dependent on the different relative contributions of allanite-hosted parent-daughter elements to the overall whole-rock mass budget of the respective isotope systems. Although low-strained (initially only weakly metasomatized) pillow basalts remained more or less closed with respect to the U-Pb and Rb-Sr systems since ∼3.74 Ga, the Sm-Nd system appears to have been partially opened on a whole-rock scale during the late Archean event. This diversified behavior of the whole-rock isotope systems with respect to late Archean overprinting is explained by the combination of mass budget contributions of the respective elements added during metasomatism and the partial opening of metasomatic macroenvironments during late Archean recrystallization processes with associated renewed fluid flow. In reactivated zones of high strain, where primary metasomatic alteration is most prominently developed, late Archean partial resetting also of the U-Pb isotope system on a whole-rock scale occurred. This is consistent with an apparent late Archean age of kyanite, which initially crystallized during the early Archean metamorphism. Its age is controlled by the U-Pb systematics of allanite inclusions, which have exchanged their isotopic properties during the tectono-metamorphic event that overprinted the oceanic crustal sequence at Isua more than 1000 myr later.These results underline the need for care in the interpretation of whole-rock geochemical data from polymetamorphic rocks in general, and from the Isua oceanic crustal sequences in particular, to constrain isotopic models of early Earth’s evolution. Likewise, this study cautions against the indiscriminate use of geochemical data of metavolcanic rocks from Isua to infer models for geotectonic settings relevant for their formation.  相似文献   

Pb stepwise leaching (PbSL) determinations on two magnetite-enriched fractions of a BIF sample from the northeastern part of the Isua supracrustal belt (West Greenland) yield an isochron of 3691 ± 22 Ma (MSWD = 0.4). In combination with previously published geochronological constraints for a minimum deposition age of ∼3.71 Ga for volcanic sequences (Nutman et al., 1997) comprising the studied BIFs, and supported by microtextural observations, this demonstrates an early Archean amphibolite facies metamorphic event in the supracrustal. PbSL data on magnetite from slightly discordant veins within the same iron stone, together with bulk Pb isotope values of paragenetically late pyrite, yield a 3.63 ± 0.07 Ga (MSWD = 8.6) errorchron, with significantly different Pb isotopic compositions from those obtained from the main magnetite layers, and this suggests that the discordant layers of magnetite and sulfides crystallized when externally derived fluids passed through the formation a few tens of million of years later. The fluids controlling this redistribution of magnetite can be tentatively correlated with metasomatic alteration features produced during the widespread intrusion of 3.6 Ga granitic into 3.7 Ga tonalitic Amı̂tsoq gneisses enclosing the belt. Tremolite-rich layers in the BIF are characterized by Sm/Nd ratios close to chondritic [εNd(3800) of +1.7 and +2.1], within error of published results from adjacent basic units in the supracrustal suite. In contrast, the magnetite-dominated layers yield unrealistically high εNd(3800) of +14.8 and +14.4, indicative of Sm/Nd ratios resembling REE fractionated, continental sources. These high εNd(3800), together with radiogenic Sr leached from the magnetite-enriched separates, is ascribed to secondary hydroxyapatite, which predominantly forms as crystal overgrowths in the magnetite-rich bands. The timing of the hydrothermal event during which apatite was deposited within the BIF remains uncertain, but a TCHUR model age of 1.85 Ga from the apatite-dominated HCl leachate may point to a close genetic relationship with local Proterozoic metamorphism and granite formation by crustal remelting in the Isukasia area.Step leaching of magnetite from a similar silicate-oxide facies BIF from the western part of the Isua supracrustal belt yield a Pb-Pb isochron age of 2.84 ± 0.05 Ga (MSWD = 1.43). The agreement between the PbSL age and previously published field and isotopic evidence for a major late Archean metamorphic event affecting the western area suggests there was widespread equilibration accompanying the intrusion of the 2.75–2.83 Ga granodioritic Ikkattoq gneisses west and southwest of the western limb of the Isua supracrustal belt.We argue that the PbSL isochron ages date the peak of amphibolite facies metamorphic events which, respectively, affected the eastern and western sections of the Isua supracrustal belt during the early and late Archean. Our results give additional support to the suggestion that the scatter on published εNd(T) values from the Isua supracrustal belt and adjoining gneisses can be assigned to post-formational hydrothermal processes and underline the need for care in the interpretation of Sm-Nd bulk data from polymetamorphic rocks to constrain isotopic models of early Earth’s evolution.  相似文献   

The sulfur contents and sulfur isotope ratios (δ34S) have been measured for samples collected from the Isua area of West Greenland in an effort to place narrower limits on the time of the rise of sulfate respirers during the Precambrian.The δ34S values of the Isua sediments (3.7 × 109 yr old) including the various facies of the banded iron-formations have their mean values close to zero %. (CDT) (±0.5%.) with a standard deviation of less than 1%.. This comes extremely close to the respective means yielded by the presumed tuffaceous amphibolites (+ 0.3 ± 0.9%.) and by the somewhat younger, between 3.1 and 3.7 ± 109 yr, basaltic Ameralik dykes of the region (+ 0.6 ± 1.1%.).In view of the regional distribution of the Isua banded iron-formation sediments, the variety of environmental conditions under which the various facies were deposited and the complete absence of isotopic evidence for sulfate reducers, in contrast to the banded iron-formations of the middle Archaean (δ34Svariesfrom ?20 to +20%.), it seems most unlikely that evidence for 'sulfate reducers' existed or will be found in other sediments of Isua age.The very small spread in δ34S values for the Isua sediments is interpreted as due to minor fractionation during the passage of endogenic sulfur phases to their present sites of emplacement within the sedimentary succession.  相似文献   

The Mesoarchean (ca. 3075 Ma) Ivisaartoq greenstone belt contains well-preserved primary magmatic structures, such as pillow lavas, volcanic breccias, and clinopyroxene cumulate layers (picrites), despite the isoclinal folding and amphibolite facies metamorphism. The belt also includes variably deformed gabbroic to dioritic dykes and sills, actinolite schists, and serpentinites. The Ivisaartoq rocks underwent at least two stages of post-magmatic metamorphic alteration, including seafloor hydrothermal alteration and syn- to post-tectonic calc-silicate metasomatism, between 3075 and 2961 Ma. These alteration processes resulted in the mobilization of many major and trace elements. The trace element characteristics of the least altered rocks are consistent with a supra-subduction zone geodynamic setting and shallow mantle sources. On the basis of geological similarities between the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt and Phanerozoic forearc ophiolites, and intra-oceanic island arcs, we suggest that the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt represents a relic of dismembered Mesoarchean supra-subduction zone oceanic crust. This crust might originally have been composed of a lower layer of leucogabbros and anorthosites, and an upper layer of pillow lavas, picritic flows, gabbroic to dioritic dykes and sills, and dunitic to wehrlitic sills.

The Sm–Nd and U–Pb isotope systems have been disturbed in strongly altered actinolite schists. In addition, the U–Pb isotope system in pillow basalts appears to have been partially open during seafloor hydrothermal alteration. Gabbros and diorites have the least disturbed Pb isotopic compositions. In contrast, the Sm–Nd isotope system appears to have remained relatively undisturbed in picrites, pillow lavas, gabbros, and diorites. As a group, picrites have more depleted initial Nd isotopic signatures (εNd = + 4.23 to + 4.97) than pillow lavas, gabbros, and diorites (εNd = + 0.30 to + 3.04), consistent with a variably depleted, heterogeneous mantle source.

In some areas gabbros include up to 15 cm long white inclusions (xenoliths). These inclusions are composed primarily (> 90%) of Ca-rich plagioclase and are interpreted as anorthositic cumulates brought to the surface by upwelling gabbroic magmas. The anorthositic cumulates have significantly higher initial εNd (+ 4.8 to + 6.0) values than the surrounding gabbroic matrix (+ 2.3 to + 2.8), consistent with different mantle sources for the two rock types.  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2002,24(6-7):1195-1214
Penetrative deformation occurred ca. 70 Ma ago throughout the northern Valhalla complex in Valhalla and Passmore domes and in the Gwillim Creek shear zone, exposed at the deepest structural levels in both domes. Intense strain (ST) in the Gwillim Creek shear zone (domain II) was synchronous with and outlasted deformation (D2) throughout the northern complex (domain I). Upper-amphibolite facies peak mineral assemblages define the predominant foliation. Temperature and pressure results, determined from microdomains with established relationships to reaction textures and microstructures, provide constraints on conditions under which deformation occurred. Deformation was synchronous with and outlasted peak metamorphic conditions at all structural levels. Peak conditions of 825°C and 730 MPa and 850°C and 840 MPa were determined for domains I and II, respectively. This was followed by cooling and retrograde garnet breakdown at conditions of 715°C and 490 MPa and 765°C and 730 MPa in domains I and II, respectively. The faster cooling rate per kilometer of exhumation for domain II relative to domain I is consistent with a model of conductive cooling via thrusting of domain II on to a cold footwall. Metamorphism is interpreted to have resulted from crustal thickening and burial to depths of ca. 25 km based on an inferred clockwise PT path and the paucity of Late Cretaceous intrusions. Lack of retrograde metamorphism throughout the complex and the high degree of annealing of microstructures indicates that the rocks remained above greenschist-facies conditions until they were exhumed in the Early Tertiary on the Valkyr–Slocan Lake extensional shear zone system.Previous workers have determined that the peak of metamorphism occurred at 72–67 Ma in a restricted locality in the core of Passmore dome, near Vallican. Our study links this dated metamorphism with the structural evolution and metamorphic history throughout the area, and shows that supracrustal rocks at all structural levels in Valhalla and Passmore domes underwent the same metamorphic and deformation event as those near Vallican. Therefore, we assign a ca. 70 Ma age to the penetrative, high-temperature deformation in northern Valhalla complex and the Gwillim Creek shear zone. This coincides with a major period of shortening in the Rocky Mountains of the Foreland belt. Strain in northern Valhalla complex may represent a local transient shear zone that accommodated crustal thickening in the hinterland during orogen-scale compression, or it may be an exhumed part of the basal detachment of the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

Early Archaean gneisses (3400–3700 Ma) in the Isukasia area of West Greenland have been subjected to a series of local and regional metamorphic processes. Metasomatic alteration accompanied the intrusion of the early Archaean white gneisses (~3600 Ma) into the grey gneisses (~3700 Ma), and resulted in local formation of altered rocks. Pb-Pb isotope results on whole rock and feldspar from the gneisses reveal a major rearrangement of Pb isotopes at about 2600 Ma together with some local third stage Pb changes at a later time. This 2600 Ma event is also shown by Rb-Sr data for phengites in the ~3400 Ma Pegmatitic gneiss sheets and can be correlated with metamorphism accompanying the intrusion of a late Archaean pegmatite (~2600 Ma) swarm. Local hydrothermal alteration by fluids emanating from Proterozoic faults and fractures is petrographically recognised in and near major faults and lithological boundaries. This fault-controlled alteration, though only locally significant, may correlate with low grade thermal metamorphism reflected in a 1600 Ma Rb-Sr mineral isochron on biotites from both altered and unaltered gneisses. Oxygen isotope results show that this alteration probably was associated with influx of a low-δ18O fluid, perhaps meteoric water. Selection of the least altered Amitsoq gneisses can be made on the basis of petrographic and field criteria, and furnishes the best material to study original geochemical and isotopic systematics in these early Archaean rocks.  相似文献   

Ph isotopic analyses are reported for 119 samples of late Archaean (ca. 3000-2800 Myr) calc alkaline orthogneisses and associated anorthosites from southern West Greenland. Over most of the area. PbPb whole rock isotope systematics indicate derivation of the magmatic precursors of the gneisses and anorthosites from a source region with a typically mantle-type UPb ratio (μ1 value of 7.5) at. or shortly before, ca. 3000-2800 Myr ago. In contrast, in the Godthaabsfjord region, late Archaean Nûk gneisses and associated anorthosites were emplaced into or through early Archaean (ca. 3700 Myr) Amîtsoq gneisses, and crystallised with variable proportions of two isotopically distinct types of Pb which commenced their respective crustal developments at ca. 3000-2800 Myr and at ca. 3700 Myr ago. Isotopic and other geochemical constraints demonstrate that Nûk gneisses and their temporal equivalents were not produced by reworking or melting of Amîtsoq gneisses. Mixing of early and late Archaean Pb results from contamination of the magmatic precursors of Nûk gneisses and anorthosites (characterised by mantle-type Pb at time of emplacement) with ancient, unradiogenic Pb derived from ca. 3700 Myr-old Amîtsoq-type continental crust invaded by the Nûk magmas. The contaminant is considered to be a trace-element enriched fluid phase released from dehydrating older continental crust during progressive burial and heating by emplacement of calc alkaline magmas in the late Archaean ‘accretion differentiation superevent’. This was followed by mixing of the released fluids with younger Nûk magmas.Pb isotopic compositions of late Archaean gneisses and anorthosites outside the Godthaabsfjord region provide no evidence for the presence of early Archaean Amîtsoq-type continental crust in southern West Greenland in areas more than a few tens of km outside the known outcrop of Amîtsoq gneisses. We suggest that early Archaean crust does not exist at depth in late Archaean areas with undisturbed Pb-isotope systematics, either in Greenland or elsewhere in the North Atlantic craton.Pb-isotope evidence for crust magma interaction, involving selective extraction of certain trace elements by a fluid phase from wall rock and subsequent mixing between magma and contaminant fluid, provides a powerful tool for detection, sub-surface ‘mapping’, and geochronological and geochemical characterisation of deep, ancient continental crust.  相似文献   

The Jiangzhuang ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic peridotite from south Sulu, eastern China occurs as a layer within gneiss with eclogite blocks, and consists of coarse‐grained garnet porphyroblasts and a fine‐grained matrix assemblage of garnet + forsterite + enstatite + diopside ± phlogopite ± Ti‐clinohumite ± magnesite. Both types of garnet are characterized by high MgO content and depletion of light rare earth element (LREE) and enrichment of heavy rare earth element, but the matrix garnet has lower MgO, TiO2 and higher Cr2O3 and REE contents. Diopside displays LREE enrichment, and has low but variable large‐ion lithophile element (LILE) contents. Phlogopite is a major carrier of LILE. Ti‐clinohumite contains high Nb, Ta, Cr, Ni, V and Co contents. The P–T conditions of 4.5–6.0 GPa and 850–950 °C were estimated for matrix mineral assemblages. Most peridotites are depleted in Al2O3, CaO and TiO2, and enriched in SiO2, K2O, REE and LILE. In contrast to phlogopite‐free peridotites, the phlogopite‐bearing peridotites have higher K2O, Zr, REE and LILE contents. Zircon occurs only in the phlogopite‐bearing peridotites, shows no zoning, with low REE contents and Th/U ratios, and yields tight UPb ages of 225–220 Ma, indicating the peridotites experienced consistent Triassic UHP metamorphism with subducted supercrustal rocks. These data demonstrate that the Jiangzhuang peridotites were derived from the depleted mantle wedge of the North China Craton, and experienced various degrees of metasomatism. The phlogopite‐free peridotites may have been subjected to an early cryptic metasomatism at UHP conditions of the mantle wedge, whereas the phlogopite‐bearing peridotites were subjected to a subsequent strong metasomatism, characterized by distinctly enrichment in LILE, LREE, Zr and K as well as the growth of zircon and volatile‐bearing minerals at UHP subduction conditions. The related metasomatism may have resulted from the filtration of fluids sourced mainly from deeply subducted supracrustal rocks.  相似文献   

We report groundmass perovskite U–Pb (SIMS) ages, perovskite Nd isotopic (LA-ICPMS) composition and bulk-rock geochemical data of the Timmasamudram diamondiferous kimberlite cluster, Wajrakarur kimberlite field, in the Eastern Dharwar craton of southern India. The kimberlite pipes gave similar Mesoproterozoic ages of 1086 ± 19 Ma (TK-1, microcrystic variant) and 1119 ± 12 Ma (TK-3). However, a perovskite population sampled from the macrocrystic variant of TK-1 gave a much younger Late Cretaceous age of ca. 90 Ma. This macrocrystic kimberlite phase intrudes the Mesoproterozoic microcrystic phase and has a distinct bulk-rock geochemistry. The Nd-isotope composition of the ~ 1100 Ma perovskites in the cluster show depleted εNd(T) values of 2.1 ± 0.6 to 6.7 ± 0.3 whereas the ~ 90 Ma perovskites have enriched εNd(T) values of − 6.3 ± 1.3. The depleted-mantle (DM) model age of the Cretaceous perovskites is 1.2 Ga, whereas the DM model age of the Proterozoic perovskites is 1.2 to 1.5 Ga. Bulk-rock incompatible trace element ratios (La/Sm, Gd/Lu, La/Nb and Th/Nb) of all Timmasamudram kimberlites show strong affinity with those from the Cretaceous Group II kimberlites from the Bastar craton (India) and Kaapvaal craton (southern Africa). As the Late Cretaceous age of the younger perovskites from the TK-1 kimberlite is indistinguishable from that of the Marion hotspot-linked extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks from Madagascar and India, we infer that all may be part of a single Madagascar Large Igneous Province. Our finding constitutes the first report of Cretaceous kimberlite activity from southern India and has significant implications for its sub-continental lithospheric mantle evolution and diamond exploration programs.  相似文献   

The northern part of the Nellore–Khammam schist belt and the Karimnagar granulite belt, which are juxtaposed at high angle to each other have unique U–Pb zircon age records suggesting distinctive tectonothermal histories. Plate accretion and rifting in the eastern part of the Dharwar craton and between the Dharwar and Bastar craton indicate multiple and complex events from 2600 to 500 Ma. The Khammam schist belt, the Dharwar and the Bastar craton were joined together by the end of the Archaean. The Khammam schist belt had experienced additional tectonic events at \(\sim \)1900 and \(\sim \)1600 Ma. The Dharwar and Bastar cratons separated during development of the Pranhita–Godavari (P–G) valley basin at \(\sim \)1600 Ma, potentially linked to the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent and were reassembled during the Mesoproterozoic at about 1000 Ma. This amalgamation process in southern India could be associated with the formation of the Rodinia supercontinent. The Khammam schist belt and the Eastern Ghats mobile belt also show evidence for accretionary processes at around 500 Ma, which is interpreted as a record of Pan-African collisions during the Gondwana assembly. From then on, southern India, as is known today, formed an integral part of the Indian continent.  相似文献   

The Mesoarchean (ca. 3075 Ma) Ivisaartoq greenstone belt in southern West Greenland includes variably deformed and metamorphosed pillow basalts, ultramafic flows (picrites), serpentinized ultramafic rocks, gabbros, sulphide-rich siliceous layers, and minor siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. Primary magmatic features such as concentric cooling-cracks and drainage cavities in pillows, volcanic breccia, ocelli interpreted as liquid immiscibility textures in pillows and gabbros, magmatic layering in gabbros, and clinopyroxene cumulates in ultramafic flows are well preserved in low-strain domains. The belt underwent at least two stages of calc-silicate metasomatic alteration and polyphase deformation between 2963 and 3075 Ma. The stage I metasomatic assemblage is composed predominantly of epidote (now mostly diopside) + quartz + plagioclase ± hornblende ± scapolite, and occurs mainly in pillow cores, pillow interstitials, and along pillow basalt-gabbro contacts. The origin of this metasomatic assemblage is attributed to seafloor hydrothermal alteration. On the basis of the common presence of epidote inclusions in diopside and the local occurrence of epidote-rich aggregates, the stage I metasomatic assemblage is interpreted as relict epidosite. The stage II metasomatic assemblage occurs as concordant discontinuous layered calc-silicate bodies to discordant calc-silicate veins commonly associated with shear zones. The stage II metasomatic assemblage consists mainly of diopside + garnet + amphibole + plagioclase + quartz ± vesuvianite ± scapolite ± epidote ± titanite ± calcite ± scheelite. Given that the second stage of metasomatism is closely associated with shear zones and replaced rocks with an early metamorphic fabric, its origin is attributed to regional dynamothermal metamorphism. The least altered pillow basalts, picrites, gabbros, and diorites are characterized by LREE-enriched, near-flat HREE, and HFSE (especially Nb)-depleted trace element patterns, indicating a subduction zone geochemical signature. Ultramafic pillows and cumulates display large positive initial εNd values of + 1.3 to + 5.0, consistent with a strongly depleted mantle source. Given the geological similarities between the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt and Phanerozoic forearc ophiolites, we suggest that the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt represents Mesoarchean supra-subduction zone oceanic crust.  相似文献   

We report the results of a Sm-Nd isotopic study of whole-rock samples from the Chamrousse ophiolite complex, in the Variscan basement of the Western Alps, France. Our data point to a 497±24 (2) Ma age, in excellent agreement with U-Pb results (Ménot et al. 1984) on subordinate plagiogranites. Strong isotopic heterogeneity and time evolution of magmas from relatively less depleted ( Nd= +5) to very depleted ( Nd= +9) sources are also implied. Available data favour a mixing model between N-MORB and E-MORB type end-members, but a third component with distinct supra-subduction zone affinity is also required. These results preclude any tectonic setting such as intracontinental rift, ensialic marginal basin, or major ocean ridge, but substantiate an oceanic back-arc environment. They also demonstrate that the well-documented Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician extensional phase here reached a true oceanic stage.  相似文献   

滇东地区的师宗-弥勒构造带是解决古特提期东延问题的关键,综合研究表明,该带是以多条断层为骨架,包容不同性质构造岩块的构造带。明显分隔两则不同岩石-构造组合、变质作用、岩浆活动。师宗-弥勒构造带北段的火山岩地球化学研究表明,其主要为碱性弱武岩,主元素以低TiO2、高Al2O3为特征,区别于高TiO2、低Al2O3特征的眉山大陆溢流玄武岩。高场强元素丰度类似于板内玄武岩平均丰度,Zr/Nb、Hf/Th值分别变化在5.6-13.5和0.9-1.3范围内,类似于板内玄武岩。球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素配分模式为LREE富集型,MORB标准化的微量元素配分型成为大隆起型,显示岩浆形成于板内裂谷构造环境。不活动元素协变关系也支持这一结论。同位素地球化学研究表明,岩石以低^143Nd/^144Nd、高^87Sr/^86Sr值为特征,类似于RioGrande裂谷玄武岩的同位素组成,εNd(t)值变化在+0.9-+3.2之间,显示岩浆源于轻微亏损地幔,并受到富集地幔物质影响。(^206Pb/^204Pb)i和(^207Pb/^204Pb)i和(^208Pb/^204Pb)i分别顷17.131-19.119,15.386-15.670和37.780-39.266之间,(^206Pb/^204Pb)i和(^207Pb/^204Pb)i具有正相关关系。△^206Pb/^204Pb和△^207Pb/^204Pb分别变化在5-24和21-61之间,显示本次研究的玄武岩来源于DMM和EMII混合组成的地幔,明显区别于具EMI特征的峨眉山玄武岩。地质、地球化学及年龄学综合分析研究表明,滇东师宗-弥勒带北段的基性火山岩晚古生代裂谷构造环境,指示华南大陆内部存在连通滇西特提斯的裂谷型深水海道。  相似文献   

The Mayo Kebbi region in SW Chad is part of the NNE-SSW trending Neoproterozoic Central African Fold Belt (CAFB) and is made up of three calc-alkaline granitoid suites emplaced into a metavolcanic–metasedimentary sequence. The first suite is represented by mafic to intermediate rocks (gabbro-diorite and metadiorite) emplaced between 737 and 723 Ma during early Pan-African convergence. The second consists of the Mayo Kebbi batholith and includes tonalites, trondhjemites and granodiorites, emplaced during several magmatic pulses between 665 and 640 Ma. The third suite includes porphyritic granodiorite and hypersthene monzodiorite dated at ca. 570 Ma. The Mayo Kebbi domain extends southward into Cameroon and is interpreted as a middle Neoproterozoic arc stabilized at ca. 650 Ma. This study also revealed a diachronous evolution between Mayo Kebbi and western Cameroon (e.g., the Poli region). The overall evolution of this part of the CAFB is interpreted as the result of successive development of magmatic arcs, since ca. 740 Ma, and tectonic collage of three different domains (Adamawa-Yade, Mayo Kebbi, and West Cameroon) which, after suturing, were intruded by post-collisional granitoids (<600 Ma).  相似文献   

We present major and trace element analyses and U–Pb zircon intrusion ages from I-type granitoids sampled along a crustal transect in the vicinity of the Chilas gabbronorite of the Kohistan paleo-arc. The aim is to investigate the roles of fractional crystallization of mantle-derived melts and partial melting of lower crustal amphibolites to produce the magmatic upper crust of an island arc. The analyzed samples span a wide calc-alkaline compositional range (diorite–tonalite–granodiorite–granite) and have typical subduction-related trace element signatures. Their intrusion ages (75.1 ± 4.5–42.1 ± 4.4 Ma) are younger than the Chilas Complex (~85 Ma). The new results indicate, in conjunction with literature data, that granitoid formation in the Kohistan arc was a continuous rather than punctuated process. Field observations and the presence of inherited zircons indicate the importance of assimilation processes. Field relations, petrographic observations and major and trace element compositions of the granitoid indicate the importance of amphibole fractionation for their origin. It is concluded that granitoids in the Kohistan arc are derivative products of mantle derived melts that evolved through amphibole-dominated fractionation and intra crustal assimilation.  相似文献   

The Brasília belt borders the western margin of the São Francisco Craton and records the history of ocean opening and closing related to the formation of West Gondwana. This study reports new U–Pb data from the southern sector of the belt in order to provide temporal limits for the deposition and ages of provenance of sediments accumulated in passive margin successions around the south and southwestern margins of the São Francisco Craton, and date the orogenic events leading to the amalgamation of West Gondwana.Ages of detrital zircons (by ID–TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS) were obtained from metasedimentary units of the passive margin of the São Francisco Craton from the main tectonic domains of the belt: the internal allochthons (Araxá Group in the Áraxá and Passos Nappes), the external allochthons (Canastra Group, Serra da Boa Esperança Metasedimentary Sequence and Andrelândia Group) and the autochthonous or Cratonic Domain (Andrelândia Group). The patterns of provenance ages for these units are uniform and are characterised as follows: Archean–Paleoproterozoic ages (3.4–3.3, 3.1–2.7, and 2.5–2.4 Ga); Paleoproterozoic ages attributed to the Transamazonian event (2.3–1.9 Ga, with a peak at ca. 2.15 Ga) and to the ca. 1.75 Ga Espinhaço rifting of the São Francisco Craton; ages between 1.6 and 1.2 Ga, with a peak at 1.3 Ga, revealing an unexpected variety of Mesoproterozoic sources, still undetected in the São Francisco Craton; and ages between 0.9 and 1.0 Ga related to the rifting event that led to the individualisation of the São Francisco paleo-continent and formation of its passive margins. An amphibolite intercalation in the Araxá Group yields a rutile age of ca. 0.9 Ga and documents the occurrence of mafic magmatism coeval with sedimentation in the marginal basin.Detrital zircons from the autochthonous and parautochthonous Andrelândia Group, deposited on the southern margin of the São Francisco Craton, yielded a provenance pattern similar to that of the allochthonous units. This result implies that 1.6–1.2 Ga source rocks must be present in the São Francisco Craton. They could be located either in the cratonic area, which is mostly covered by the Neoproterozoic epicontinental deposits of the Bambuí Group, or in the outer paleo-continental margin, buried under the allochthonous units of the Brasília belt.Crustal melting and generation of syntectonic crustal granites and migmatisation at ca. 630 Ma mark the orogenic event that started with westward subduction of the São Francisco plate and ended with continental collision against the Paraná block (and Goiás terrane). Continuing collision led to the exhumation and cooling of the Araxá and Passos metamorphic nappes, as indicated by monazite ages of ca. 605 Ma and mark the final stages of tectonometamorphic activity in the southern Brasília belt.Whilst continent–continent collision was proceeding on the western margin of the São Francisco Craton along the southern Brasília belt, eastward subduction in the East was generating the 634–599 Ma Rio Negro magmatic arc which collided with the eastern São Francisco margin at 595–560 Ma, much later than in the Brasília belt. Thus, the tectonic effects of the Ribeira belt reached the southernmost sector of the Brasília belt creating a zone of superposition. The thermal front of this event affected the proximal Andrelândia Group at ca. 588 Ma, as indicated by monazite age.The participation of the Amazonian craton in the assembly of western Gondwana occurred at 545–500 Ma in the Paraguay belt and ca. 500 Ma in the Araguaia belt. This, together with the results presented in this work lead to the conclusion that the collision between the Paraná block and Goiás terrane with the São Francisco Craton along the Brasília belt preceded the accretion of the Amazonian craton by 50–100 million years.  相似文献   

 The Cabo Ortegal complex (northwestern Iberian massif) is a klippen formed of several structural units stacked during the Hercynian collision. All these units include ultramafic rocks, metabasites and quartz-feldspathic gneisses affected by different metamorphic conditions. The Bacariza formation is heterogeneous showing a conspicuous layering mainly defined by alternate high-pressure ultrabasic-to-basic granulites, retrogressed garnet amphibolites of intermediate composition and rare acid rocks forming garnet trondhjemitic gneisses. This layering is inherited from a gabbroic protolith showing a composition rich in Fe and Ti. Major and trace elements of these rocks can be correlated to continental tholeiitic series of extensional settings. These high-pressure granulites are situated in normal contact between±serpentinised ultramafic rocks and other high-grade metabasites with lessevolved and more-depleted composition comparable to T-type and N-type MORB. It is suggested that the layered gabbro-type protolith was part of a continuous mafic crust. This crust was initially formed during Early Ordovician in a continental extensional setting and progressively evolved to oceanic spreading. Received: 9 February 1996/Accepted: 10 February 1997  相似文献   

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