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本刊讯1月20日至21日,省气象学会气候与长期预报专业委员会与省气候中心联合召开了辽宁省气候诊断分析及预报研讨会。省局科教处、业务处,省气候中心、气象台、科研所,沈阳民航气象中心及各市地气象局30人参加了会议。会上分析了辽宁夏季低温冷害、暖冬、旱涝等... 相似文献
1月20日至21日,省气象学会气候与长期预报专业委员会与省气候中心联合召开了辽宁省气候诊断分析及预报研讨会。省局科教处、业务处.省气候中心、气象台、科研所,沈阳民航气象中心及各市地气象局30人参加了会议。 相似文献
由中国地理学会,中国气象学会和国家气候委员会联合召开的《全国气候与社会经济发展关系研讨会》,于1988年11月1~5日在大连召开,到会代表54人。会议收到研究论文88篇,48篇论文在会上报告。内容包 相似文献
最优子集回归方法在季节气候预测中的应用 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
利用DEMETER计划多个模式的模拟资料研究1959~2001年多模式集合预报的季节降水在中国区域的表现, 并结合最优子集回归(OSR)方法对中国区域的季节降水进行降尺度预报, 比较其与多模式集合预报的技巧。研究表明: 多个单模式在中国区域对季节降水的模拟性能普遍较差, 多元线性回归(MLR)集合的预报技巧不如集合平均(EM)。利用OSR方法进行降尺度预报可以极大改善中国区域季节降水的预报技巧。夏季, 降水距平相关系数(ACC)在长江以南、西藏以及内蒙古中部等地区提高很显著, ACC在中国区域的平均达到0.29, 明显高于多模式集合平均与多元线性回归集合。冬季, OSR方法可以改善多模式集合在中国北方地区较低的预报技巧。概率Brier技巧评分(BSS)也表明了OSR方法对季节降水预报的改善。需要说明的是, 虽然OSR方法在中国区域能明显提高季节降水的预报技巧, 但是其选取的预报因子与中国区域季节降水的物理机制问题仍有待于进一步的研究。 相似文献
何勇 《气候变化研究进展》2005,1(3):141-142
中国科协2005年学术年会第2分会场“气候变化与气候变异、生态-环境演变及可持续发展科学研讨会”于2005年8月22-23日在新疆乌鲁木齐隆重召开。这次研讨会是由中国气象学会、国家气候中心以及新疆维吾尔自治区气象局共同主办的一次大型学术会议。中国气象局局长秦大河院士担任这 相似文献
卑尔根气候模式中大西洋热盐环流年代际与年际变率的气候影响 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
利用一个全球海气耦合模式--卑尔根气候模式的积分结果,揭示了与大西洋热盐环流(THC)年代际和年际振荡相对应的气候异常型.年代际振荡发生在全海盆尺度,伴有亚速尔高压的增强、冰岛低压的加深;年际振荡发生在局地尺度,伴有亚速尔高压的减弱.这两种海平面气压异常型都反映了北大西洋涛动(NAO)活动中心的强度变化,两种变率型对应的拉布拉多海对流活动都加剧.但伴随局地尺度的THC调整,伊尔明格海的对流活动减弱.蒸发异常对拉布拉多海表层盐度异常的影响较为显著.分析表明,局地尺度的THC振荡主要是对大气强迫的被动响应,而海盆尺度THC振荡的实质是反映整个输送带的强度变化,其气候意义要大于THC的局地振荡. 相似文献
中国东部夏季气候20世纪80年代后期的年代际转型及其可能成因 总被引:20,自引:7,他引:20
指出了中国东部夏季气候在20世纪80年代末出现了一次明显的年代际气候转型。伴随着这次年代际转型,80年代末以后中国东部南方地区降水明显增多,500 hPa西太平洋副热带高压西伸且南北范围变大,西北太平洋上空850 hPa反气旋增强。中国东部夏季80年代后期出现南方多雨的年代际转型与欧亚大陆春季积雪、西北太平洋夏季海面温度的年代际变化存在密切联系,它们也都在80年代末出现年代际转型。从80年代末以后,伴随着欧亚大陆春季积雪明显减少和西北太平洋夏季海面温度明显增高,中国夏季南方降水明显增加。文中分析了欧亚大陆春季积雪和西北太平洋夏季海面温度影响中国降水的物理过程,指出欧亚大陆春季积雪能够在500 hPa激发出大气中的遥相关波列,所激发出的波列可以从春季一直持续到夏季,造成中国北方为高压控制,南方为微弱低压控制,使得降水出现在中国南方。西北太平洋夏季海面温度的升高能够减小海陆热力差异,使得夏季风减弱,导致中国南方地区降水增多。 相似文献
用半球气候场强度指数(Ic)及球函数分析改进方案,分析了北、南半球500hPa气候高度场的环流特征,得到如下主要结论:1)半球500hPa气候高度场强度冬强于夏,南半球强于北半球;半球环流向夏季的转换速度北南半球相当,而向冬季的转换北半球较南半球快。2)半球500hPa气候高度场具有简单的球函数谱结构,它们主要由超长波波段的球函数(0≤m、κ≤3,m、κ不全为0)、特别是其中的带状球函数(m=0)构成,因而具有低阶、低维的特征。3)对北半球用约20个重要球函数分量(按-↑rm,κ^*≥0.05%标准)即可相当精确地拟合其500hPa气候高度场,而对南半球仅用10个重要球函数分量即可相当精确地拟合其500hPa气候高度场;因此,北半球气候高度场球函数谱结构较南半球复杂。4)北半球500hPa气候高度场的季节变化较南半球明显。 相似文献
近百年我国地表气温趋势变化的可能原因 总被引:52,自引:3,他引:52
多套观测资料检测表明,近百年来中国气候明显变暖,变暖趋势达到0.2~0.8℃/100a,近50年变暖趋势更达到0.6~1.1℃/50 a.气候代用资料研究表明,中国20世纪的变暖在近千年中属于明显的,但对于20世纪是否为近千年中最暖的百年,还有待更多的观测研究验证.气候模式归因分析表明,20世纪中国的变暖与太阳活动、火山活动和人类活动有关,近50年的明显变暖可能与人类排放引起的大气中温室气体浓度增加有一定联系.但是,目前这一结论仍然存在着不确定性,尚需更多的研究工作.由于中国区域辽阔,不同区域气候差异较大,而且20世纪前50年观测资料匮乏,近千年的代用资料分布不广,因此,应该进一步考证中国20世纪的气温变化和在近千年中的地位. 相似文献
人类活动对20世纪中国西北地区气候变化影响检测和21世纪预测 总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40
使用各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组(WG1)2001年科学评估报告中给出的7个全球气候系统模式(CCC、CCSR、CSIRO、DKRZ、GFDL、HADL、NCAR),对20世纪中国西北地区气候变化作检测表明,从观测计算得到的近百年中国西北地区气候变暖0.75℃和近50年气候变暖0.88℃,很可能与人类活动造成大气中温室气体浓度增加以及硫化物气溶胶增加有联系.所有模式的控制试验没有表现出明显的增暖趋势,但是,根据20世纪的排放,所有模式模拟出温室气体增加或温室气体与硫化物气溶胶增加,造成西北地区变暖平均为0.34~1.57℃/100 a和0.90~1.86℃/50 a.所有模式对21世纪中国西北地区气候变化的计算表明,21世纪由于人类活动排放温室气体增加,以及温室气体和硫化物气溶胶增加,西北地区气温将可能平均升高2.79~4.50℃/100a.对21世纪未来降水变化的分析表明,由于温室气体增加,以及由于温室气体和硫化物气溶胶增加,未来西北地区降水将可能增加48~60 mm/100a.由于全球气候模式在模拟区域尺度气候变化上存在较大的不确定性,以及人类活动排放的多样性,因此,对未来的预测展望存在不确定性. 相似文献
Michael Chenoweth 《Climatic change》1998,40(3-4):577-603
Two weather records kept at Nassau, Bahamas, from 1811 to 1837, and from 1838 to 1845, respectively, are analyzed and compared to 20th century reference periods. The average annual temperature of the period is 24.2°C (±0.65°C), which is 0.4°C lower than 1961–1990 and 0.1°C lower than 1901–1920, the coolest period in the 20th century. Cold periods occurred from 1812–1819 and 1835–1839. A warmer phase prevailed between these two episodes and another warm episode occurred in 1840–1842. Temperature fell after the volcanic eruptions of Tambora (April, 1815) and Coseguina (January, 1835). The maximum cooling after Tambora is estimated at 1.0°C (±0.56°) and after Coseguina is estimated at 0.4°C (±0.56°). The post-Tambora cooling is in line with previous estimates (Robock, personal communication). The 1810s were a period of extreme drought at Nassau and are unequalled in later years. Rainfall frequency was below contemporary (1812–1837) averages from 1812–1820 and 1836–1837 but was above average from 1821–1835. Moist (dry) periods occurred almost simultaneously with warm (cool) periods. The months of October, November, and April show the greatest (negative) deviations in precipitation frequency. Gale force winds were 85% more frequent than from 1901–1960. Much of this increase took place in the months of September through November and represents an increase in tropical cyclone frequency in the Nassau area above that of 1901–1960. Resultant winds show a tendency towards greater northerly components than in the 20th century, especially during the winter months. The increase in northerly wind components, temperatures below the 20th-century average, and reduction in rainfall frequency in the winter half of the year indicates a synoptic situation in which high pressure was more frequent over the southeast North American continent. 相似文献
考虑不同排放情景和各种强迫因子分别组合3组试验,对试验结果采取多模式集合,并把3组数值试验模拟的20世纪中国年平均气温距平变化与观测序列作对比,对20世纪中国气候变暖进行了归因分析。结果表明:20世纪中国气候变暖与人类排放温室气体和硫酸盐气溶胶有密切的联系,尤以近50 a更明显。当模式综合考虑多种外部和内部强迫因子时,所模拟的20世纪中国年平均气温距平变化最接近实际观测。归因分析中还强调了海洋的重要作用。但是3组试验都没有模拟出20世纪20年代的变暖。 相似文献
YU Yongqiang ZHI Hai WANG Bin WAN Hui LI Chao LIU Hailong LI Wei ZHENG Weipeng ZHOU Tianjun 《大气科学进展》2008,25(4):641-654
Several scenario experiments of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (AR4) are performed by version g1.0 of a Flexible coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model (FGOALS) developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS), including the "Climate of the 20th century experiment", "CO2 1% increase per year to doubling experiment" and two separate IPCC greenhouse gases emission scenarios AIB and B1 experiments. To distinguish between the different impacts of natural variations and human activities on the climate change, three-member ensemble runs are performed for each scenario experiment. The coupled model simulations show: (1) from 1900 to 2000, the global mean temper- ature increases about 0.5℃ and the major increase occurs during the later half of the 20th century, which is in consistent with the observations that highlights the coupled model's ability to reproduce the climate changes since the industrial revolution; (2) the global mean surface air temperature increases about 1.6℃ in the CO2 doubling experiment and 1.5℃ and 2.4℃ in the A1B and B1 scenarios, respectively. The global warming is indicated by not only the changes of the surface temperature and precipitation but also the temperature increase in the deep ocean. The thermal expansion of the sea water would induce the rise of the global mean sea level. Both the control run and the 20th century climate change run are carried out again with version g1.1 of FGOALS, in which the cold biases in the high latitudes were removed. They are then compared with those from version g1.0 of FGOALS in order to distinguish the effect of the model biases on the simulation of global warming. 相似文献
This work was focused on the assessment of changes occurring in crop production and climate during the 20th century in Argentina.
The study was carried out for nine sites located in the Pampas region that are representative of contrasting environments.
We have considered the four main crops cultivated in this area (wheat, maize, sunflower and soybean). Historical climatic
data and crop production related variables (yield, planted area, harvested area) were analyzed and, by means of crop simulation
models, we quantified the impact of climate on crop yields. Changes occurring in climate during the three last decades of
the 20th century were characterized by important increases in precipitation especially between October and March, decreases
in maximum temperature and solar radiation in particular during spring and summer and increases in minimum temperature during
almost all of the year. These changes contributed to increases in yields, especially in summer crops and in the semiarid zone,
mostly due to increases in precipitation, although changes in temperature and radiation also affected crop yields but to a
lesser extent. Comparing the period 1950–1970 with 1971–1999, yields increases attributable to changes in climate were 38%
in soybean, 18% in maize, 13% in wheat, and 12% in sunflower while mean observed yield increases were 110% for maize, 56%
for wheat and 102% for sunflower. 相似文献
Progress in the attribution of climate warming in China for the 20th century is summarized. Three sets of climate model experiments including both coupled and uncoupled runs have been used in the attribution analyses. Comparison of climate model results with the observations proves that in the 20th century, especially in the recent half century, climate warming in China is closely related to the increasing of the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, while sulfate aerosol should also have contributions. When both external forcing and natural forcing agents are prescribed, coupled climate models have better results in producing the observed variation of temperature in China. The role of oceanic forcing is also emphasized in the attribution analyses. The observed climate warming of China in the 1920s could not be reproduced in any set of climate model simulations. 相似文献
Linear trend analysis of observational data combined with model diagnostics from an atmospheric general circulation model are employed to search for potential mechanisms related to the observed glacier retreat in the tropical Andes between 1950 and 1998. Observational evidence indicates that changes in precipitation amount or cloud cover over the last decades are minor in most regions and are therefore rather unlikely to have caused the observed retreat. The only exception is in southern Peru and western Bolivia where there is a general tendency toward slightly drier conditions. Near-surface temperature on the other hand has increased significantly throughout most of the tropical Andes. The temperature increase varies markedly between the eastern and western Andean slopes with a much larger temperature increase to the west. Simulations with the ECHAM-4 model, forced with observed global sea surface temperatures (SST) realistically reproduce the observed warming trend as well as the spatial trend pattern. Model results further suggest that a significant fraction of the observed warming can be traced to a concurrent rise in SST in the equatorial Pacific and that the markedly different trends in cloud cover to the east and west of the Andes contributed to the weaker warming east of the Andes in the model. The observed increase in relative humidity, derived from CRU 05 data, is also apparent in the model simulations, but on a regional scale the results between model and observations vary significantly. It is argued that changes in temperature and humidity are the primary cause for the observed glacier retreat during the 2nd half of the 20th century in the tropical Andes. 相似文献
应用国家气候中心气候系统模式 (BCC_CSM1.0),在给定温室气体、太阳常数、硫酸盐气溶胶、火山灰等外强迫数据的条件下,对19世纪末到20世纪气候进行模拟。对降水模拟结果的检验表明:BCC_CSM1.0模式能够模拟出全球降水的基本气候状态、季节变化、季节内振荡、年际变化等特征。模拟结果显示:与CMAP及CRU观测分析资料相比基本一致,全球陆地降水在过去一个多世纪中存在上升趋势。同时,模式也存在不足和需要改进之处:模拟降水的时空分布与观测不一致;我国东部地区的雨带季节转变较观测偏快;主要雨带位置较观测偏西、偏北;夏季青藏高原东北侧有虚假的降水中心;热带季节内振荡较实际偏弱;降水年际变率较观测略大,主要发生在降水较明显的热带。BCC_CSM1.0模式模拟的全球陆地降水以及欧亚、亚洲、中国大陆 (中国东部、江南、华北等地区) 平均降水与近105年由观测所得的CRU资料基本一致,但多数地区比观测略偏低。模拟的全球陆地、中国东部、江南、华北等地区的降水趋势也与CRU资料一致;模拟的全球陆地降水在过去105年中有明显的上升趋势,与CRU资料相比,上升趋势更强,但在欧亚、亚洲、中国范围内模拟的降水趋势与观测有一定的差异。 相似文献