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We investigate the dynamical evolution of 100 000 rotating triple systems with equal-mass components. The system rotation is specified by the parameter ω=?c2E, where c and E are the angular momentum and total energy of the triple system, respectively. We consider ω=0.1,1, 2, 4, 6 and study 20 000 triple systems with randomly specified coordinates and velocities of the bodies for each ω. We consider two methods for specifying initial conditions: with and without a hierarchical structure at the beginning of the evolution. The evolution of each system is traced until the escape of one of the bodies or until the critical time equal to 1000 mean system crossing times. For each set of initial conditions, we computed parameters of the final motions: orbital parameters for the final binary and the escaping body. We analyze variations in the statistical characteristics of the distributions of these parameters with ω. The mean disruption time of triple systems and the fraction of the systems that have not been disrupted in 1000 mean crossing times increase with ω. The final binaries become, on average, wider at larger angular momenta. The distribution of their eccentricities does not depend on ω and generally agrees with the theoretical law f(e)=2e. The velocities of the escaping bodies, on average, decrease with increasing angular momentum of the triple system. The fraction of the angles between the escaping-body velocity vector and the triple-system angular momentum close to 90° increases with ω. Escapes in the directions opposite to rotation and prograde motions dominate at small and large angular momenta, respectively. For slowly rotating systems, the angular momentum during their disruption is, on average, evenly divided between the escaping body and the final binary, whereas in rapidly rotating systems, about 80% of the angular momentum is carried away by the escaping component. We compare our numerical simulations with the statistical theory of triple-system disruption.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of extended shells of relatively low-mass particles around and inside the orbit of two heavy centres of gravity (a binary) by computer simulations. The binary components are surrounded byN = 16 000 small mass particles in uniform random distribution on few spherical envelopes with different radii expanding with respective velocities. Some shells are inside the orbit of binary.We apply this model to binary galaxy systems with baryonic dark matter, e.g., massive black holes. In principle, we can apply this model to different kinds of objects (from binary star systems until superclusters of galaxies).It is shown that the shell expands homologously with a decreasing velocity and then, falls back into the binary system forming zones of compressed matter. At some moment of time there could be a collapse of these particles on to the heavier component of the binary. Further in time, some part of particles which were outside the binary orbit escape from the system. Other particles which were initially inside of the orbit are captured by binary components.We consider a number of different models with different initial parameters. For models with smaller radii of shells, about one-half of the particles escape from systems; whereas for larger values the shell disrupts as a whole. Escaping particles form collimated flows in planes of orbits of binaries. Positions of flows and directions of motion depend on positions of heavier components of binaries at the moment of a closest approach of particles and on ratios of masses of binary components.We show that during evolution of our models different kinds of structures of systems often are very similar to the observed structures of galaxies: spiral and elliptical galaxies, interacting galaxies, different kinds of flows and jets. Totally systems are expanding - after 40 periods of rotation of the binary the system expands by 300 times.  相似文献   

The post-Newtonian gravitoelectric secular rate of the mean anomaly ℳ is worked out for a two-body system in the framework of the General Theory of Relativity. The possibility of using such an effect, which is different from the well known decrease of the orbital period due to gravitational wave emission, as a further post-Keplerian parameter in binary systems including at least one pulsar is examined. The resulting effect is almost three times larger than the periastron advance . E.g., for the recently discovered double pulsar system PSR J0737-3039 A+B it would amount to −47.79 deg yr−1. This implies that it could be extracted from the linear part of a quadratic fit of the orbital phase because the uncertainties both in the linear drift due to the mean motion and in the quadratic shift due to the gravitational wave are smaller. The availability of such additional post-Keplerian parameter would be helpful in further constraining the General Theory of Relativity, especially for such systems in which some of the other post-Keplerian parameters can be measured with limited accuracy. Moreover, also certain pulsar-white dwarf binary systems, characterized by circular orbits like PSR B1855+09 and a limited number of measured post-Keplerian parameters, could be used for constraining competing theories of gravity.  相似文献   

The significant orbital eccentricities of most giant extrasolar planets may have their origin in the gravitational dynamics of initially unstable multiple planet systems. In this work, we explore the dynamics of two close planets on inclined orbits through both analytical techniques and extensive numerical scattering experiments. We derive a criterion for two equal mass planets on circular inclined orbits to achieve Hill stability, and conclude that significant radial migration and eccentricity pumping of both planets occurs predominantly by 2:1 and 5:3 mean motion resonant interactions. Using Laplace-Lagrange secular theory, we obtain analytical secular solutions for the orbital inclinations and longitudes of ascending nodes, and use those solutions to distinguish between the secular and resonant dynamics which arise in numerical simulations. We also illustrate how encounter maps, typically used to trace the motion of massless particles, may be modified to reproduce the gross instability seen by the numerical integrations. Such a correlation suggests promising future use of such maps to model the dynamics of more coplanar massive planet systems.  相似文献   

This study concerns the long-term monitoring of the secular variation character in the orbital period of some short-period eclipsing binaries observed at the Ankara University Observatory. Among the systems of our observing list are CK Boo, V502 Oph and V836 Cyg that show long-term secular variations in their orbital periods. We use classical O-C diagram analysis technique as a tool to reveal the character of the period variations of these binary systems.  相似文献   

We use a secular representation to describe the long-term dynamics of transneptunian objects in mean-motion resonance with Neptune. The model applied is thoroughly described in Saillenfest et al. (Celest Mech Dyn Astron, doi: 10.1007/s10569-016-9700-5, 2016). The parameter space is systematically explored, showing that the secular trajectories depend little on the resonance order. High-amplitude oscillations of the perihelion distance are reported and localised in the space of the orbital parameters. In particular, we show that a large perihelion distance is not a sufficient criterion to declare that an object is detached from the planets. Such a mechanism, though, is found unable to explain the orbits of Sedna or \(2012\text {VP}_{113}\), which are insufficiently inclined (considering their high perihelion distance) to be possibly driven by such a resonant dynamics. The secular representation highlights the existence of a high-perihelion accumulation zone due to resonances of type 1:k with Neptune. That region is found to be located roughly at \(a\in [100;300]\) AU, \(q\in [50;70]\) AU and \(I\in [30;50]^{\circ }\). In addition to the flux of objects directly coming from the Scattered Disc, numerical simulations show that the Oort Cloud is also a substantial source for such objects. Naturally, as that mechanism relies on fragile captures in high-order resonances, our conclusions break down in the case of a significant external perturber. The detection of such a reservoir could thus be an observational constraint to probe the external Solar System.  相似文献   

The evolutionary changes that occur in the internal density concentration parameterk 2 (called the apsidal constant for brevity) for a star of given mass and initial composition are examined in detail. The purpose is to ascertain whether or not such an approach leads to a reduction in the differences now noted between the theoretically derived values ofk 2 and the observed values derived from the secular advance of the periastron in close eclipsing binary systems.A series of stellar models of mass 2.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0M were employed, with an initial compositional mixture ofX=0.739,Y=0.24 andZ=0.021. These models cover an evolutionary range from a point in time where the star has just completed the Hayashi phase of its pre-Main Sequence contraction through its entire Main Sequence phase to the point where hydrogen depletion in the core is complete.For each model, a value ofk 2 is determined by numerically integrating Radau's equation and using the values of , the ratio of the star's density at pointa to its mean density, as taken from the models. The result is the time history ofk 2 for each stellar mass over the evolutionary range of interest. The results are then summarized in the (logk 2, logT e) plane which, for the first time, quantitatively indicates the variation ink 2 as a function of the evolutionary state of the star.A comparison between these theoretically derived values ofk 2 and a selected set of observationally determined ones immediately indicates that the secular variation ink 2 plays an extremely important part in any comparison between theory and observation. For most of the cases studied, the difference between the theoretically and observationally determined values ofk 2 can be reconciled in terms of the evolutionary history of the binary system.While tentatively providing a satisfactory explanation for the previously noted differences in the determination ofk 2, there now exists the problem of accurately pinpointing the evolutionary state of the observed binary system.  相似文献   

The dark energy model with the equation of state \(p_{\mathit{DE}} = {-} \rho_{\mathit{DE}} - A\rho_{\mathit{DE}}^{\alpha} \) is studied in Kaluza-Klein space time. The model comprises and provides realization of several types of singularities in different parameter regimes. We discuss the finite-time singularities into four classes and explicitly present the models which give rise to these singularities by assuming the form of the equation of state of dark energy. Also, we discussed the models in terms of the cosmological redshift and some observational parameters.  相似文献   

I present a simplified analytical model that simulates the evolution of the binary population in a dynamically evolving globular cluster. A number of simulations have been run spanning a wide range in initial cluster and environmental conditions by taking into account the main mechanisms of formation and destruction of binary systems. Following this approach, I investigate the evolution of the fraction, the radial distribution, the distribution of mass ratios and periods of the binary population. According to these simulations, the fraction of surviving binaries appears to be dominated by the processes of binary ionization and evaporation. In particular, the frequency of binary systems changes by a factor of 1–5 depending on the initial conditions and on the assumed initial distribution of periods. The comparison with the existing estimates of binary fractions in Galactic globular clusters suggests that significant variations in the initial binary content could exist among the analysed globular cluster. This model has been also used to explain the observed discrepancy found between the most recent N -body and Monte Carlo simulations in the literature.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of putative Earth-mass planets in the habitable zone (HZ) of the extrasolar planetary system OGLE-2006-BLG-109L, a close analogue of the Solar system. Our work is inspired by the work of Malhotra & Minton. Using the linear Laplace–Lagrange theory, they identified a strong secular resonance that may excite large eccentricity of orbits in the HZ. However, due to uncertain or unconstrained orbital parameters, the subsystem of Jupiters may be found in a dynamically active region of the phase space spanned by low-order mean-motion resonances. To generalize this secular model, we construct a semi-analytical averaging method in terms of the restricted problem. The secular orbits of large planets are approximated by numerically averaged osculating elements. They are used to calculate the mean orbits of terrestrial planets by means of a high-order analytic secular theory developed in our previous works. We found regions in the parameter space of the problem in which stable, quasi-circular orbits in the HZ are permitted. The excitation of eccentricity in the HZ strongly depends on the apsidal angle of jovian orbits. For some combinations of that angle, eccentricities and semimajor axes consistent with the observations, a terrestrial planet may survive in low eccentric orbits. We also study the effect of post-Newtonian gravity correction on the innermost secular resonance.  相似文献   

The dependence of the spin frequency derivative \(\dot \nu \) of accreting neutron stars with a strongmagnetic field (X-ray pulsars) on the mass accretion rate (bolometric luminosity, Lbol) has been investigated for eight transient pulsars in binary systems with Be stars. Using data from the Fermi/GBM and Swift/BAT telescopes, we have shown that for seven of the eight systems the dependence \(\dot \nu \) (Lbol) can be fitted by the model of angular momentum transfer through an accretion disk, which predicts the relation \(\dot \nu \)L6/7bol. Hysteresis in the dependence \(\dot \nu \) (Lbol) has been confirmed in the system V 0332+53 and has been detected for the first time in the systems KS 1947+300, GRO J1008-57, and 1A 0535+26. Estimates for the radius of the neutron star magnetosphere in all of the investigated systems have been obtained. We show that this quantity varies from pulsar to pulsar and depends strongly on the analytical model and the estimates for the neutron star and binary system parameters.  相似文献   

In extending the analysis of the four secular resonances between close orbits in Li and Christou (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 125:133–160, 2016) (Paper I), we generalise the semianalytical model so that it applies to both prograde and retrograde orbits with a one-to-one map between the resonances in the two regimes. We propose the general form of the critical angle to be a linear combination of apsidal and nodal differences between the two orbits \( b_1 \Delta \varpi + b_2 \Delta \varOmega \), forming a collection of secular resonances in which the ones studied in Paper I are among the strongest. Test of the model in the orbital vicinity of massive satellites with physical and orbital parameters similar to those of the irregular satellites Himalia at Jupiter and Phoebe at Saturn shows that \({>}20\) and \({>}40\%\) of phase space is affected by these resonances, respectively. The survivability of the resonances is confirmed using numerical integration of the full Newtonian equations of motion. We observe that the lowest order resonances with \(b_1+|b_2|\le 3\) persist, while even higher-order resonances, up to \(b_1+|b_2|\ge 7\), survive. Depending on the mass, between 10 and 60% of the integrated test particles are captured in these secular resonances, in agreement with the phase space analysis in the semianalytical model.  相似文献   

In Paper I, we presented a detailed formulation of the relativistic shocks and synchrotron emission in the context of gamma-ray burst (GRB) physics. To see how well this model reproduces the observed characteristics of the GRBs and their afterglows, here we present the results of some simulations based on this model. They are meant to reproduce the prompt and afterglow emissions in some intervals of time during a burst. We show that this goal is achieved for both short and long GRBs and their afterglows, at least for part of the parameter space. Moreover, these results are evidence of the physical relevance of the two phenomenological models we have suggested in Paper I for the evolution of the active region – synchrotron emitting region in a shock. The dynamical active region model seems to reproduce the observed characteristics of prompt emissions and late afterglow better than the quasi-steady model which is more suitable for the onset of afterglows. Therefore, these simulations confirm the arguments presented in Paper I about the behaviour of these models based on their physical properties.  相似文献   

Using N-body simulations, we study the effects of the mass spectrum in the evolution of self-gravitating systems of softened point-mass particles. The mass function is described by a power law and the ratio between the maximum and minimum mass is . We showed that the dynamical evolution of the system depends on the mass spectrum: the secular evolution time is longer for flatter mass spectrum. For the steepest mass spectrum, the secular evolution time is of the order of the relaxation time. The mass segregation effects are achieved rapidly and the core-halo structures are formed. The projected number distributions for the systems with mass spectrum change drastically with the evolution while the projected mass distributions are not affected. Velocity dispersion profiles are modified in the sense of heating of the central regions of the systems, while the velocity anisotropy profiles are slightly affected. The consequence of our results on the dynamical evolution of clusters of galaxies is presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the perturbations which tidal lag in longitude can produce to the orbital elements of a close binary system. The expressions obtained for the six elements of the orbit have been presented as functions of the unperturbed true anomaly, measured from the periastron. Our study includes the effects produced by the second, third, and fourth tidal harmonic distortions. In order to save space these extremely lengthy equations are given in the compact form of summations, by means of Hansen coefficients. Various recurrence relations, which hold good for Hansen coefficients, are also presented. Finally, this paper includes a second-order approximation only for the secular terms of first-order approximation.  相似文献   

The stability limit of coplanar hierarchical triple systems is numerically studied. Systems we investigated consist of two equal mass bodies initially on a circular orbit and third body with various masses, which at the maximum are equal to the mass of the binary. In order to estimate the stability limit, we use an empirically-found fact that the system is quasi-periodic if the initial eccentricity of the outer binary is less than some critical value, otherwise the third body eventually escapes. We make an analytical expression for the stability limit in terms of the ratio of the orbital radii and find that the expression improves the previous criteria. The resultant expression also suggests that the ratio of the orbital radii rapidly approaches to a certain value (e.g. $\sim $ 2, in an initially circular outer binary) as the mass of the third-body tends to zero.  相似文献   

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