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The back-arc region of the Izu-Bonin arc has complex bathymetric and structural features, which, due to repeated back-arc rifting and resumption of arc volcanism, have prevented us from understanding the volcano-tectonic history of the arc after 15 Ma. The laser-heating 40Ar/39Ar dating technique combined with high density sampling of volcanic rocks from the back-arc region of this arc successfully revealed the detailed temporal variation of volcanism related to the back-arc rifting. Based on the new 40Ar/39Ar dating results: (1) Back-arc rifting initiated at around 2.8 Ma in the middle part of the Izu-Bonin arc (30°30′N–32°30′N). Volcanism at the earliest stage of rifting is characterized by the basaltic volcanism from north–south-trending fissures and/or lines of vents. (2) Following this earliest stage of volcanism, at ca. 2.5 Ma, compositionally bimodal volcanism occurred and formed small cones in the wide area. This volcanism and rifting continued until about 1 Ma in the region west of the currently active rift zone. (3) After 1 Ma, active volcanism ceased in the area west of the currently active rift zone, and volcanism and rifting were confined to the currently active rift zone. The volcano-tectonic history of the back-arc region of the Izu-Bonin arc is an example of the earliest stage of back-arc rifting in the oceanic island arc. Age data on volcanics clearly indicate that volcanism changed its mode of activity, composition and locus along with a progress of rifting.  相似文献   

Fumitoshi  Murakami 《Island Arc》1996,5(1):25-42
Abstract Seven back-arc rifts are recognized in the Izu-Ogasawara Arc, namely, the Hachijo, the Aogashima, the Myojin, the Sumisu, the Torishima, the Sofu and the Nishinoshima Rifts from north to south. The acoustic stratigraphy is divided into three units (Units A, B and C) based on the seismic reflection profiles crossing the rifts. The structure of the rifts systematically changes from a half-graben type to a full graben type in the back-arc rifts from the Hachijo Rift to the Torishima Rift. The Hachijo and the Aogashima Rifts have a structure of half-graben, and the Myojin Rift has both structural characteristics of a half-graben and a full graben. The Sumisu and the Torishima Rifts are an asymmetric full graben. The Sofu and the Nishinoshima Rifts have different structural characteristics from the remaining rifts, from the Hachijo Rift to the Torishima Rift. The boundary faults in the back-arc rifts from the Hachijo to the Torishima Rifts cut to Unit B. Unit B correlates with volcaniclastic sediments during pre-rift volcanism between 4 and 2 Ma. The pre-rift volcanism was probably widespread on the northern Izu-Ogasawara Arc as is the present arc volcanism. These factors suggest that the beginning of rifting is dated at some time after 2 Ma. The developing process of the rift consists of three stages; (i) a sag stage in the crust at the location of the large offset boundary fault; (ii) a stage of half-graben formation; (iii) a stage of full graben formation. The offset of the boundary faults becomes larger from the Hachijo Rift to the Torishima Rift and the east-west width of the rifts also widens to the south. This is presumably because the Hachijo Rift is an earlier rifting stage than the Sumisu and the Torishima Rifts. The more primitive structure in the rifting stage from the Torishima Rift to the Hachijo Rift is probably caused by the propagation of rifting from south to north. The structural difference between the rifts in the northern part and the Sofu and the Nishinoshima Rifts seems to be due to structural differences in the crust between the northern and the southern parts from the tectonic gap.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin is the largest, oil-bearing, superimposed basin in the northwest of China. The evolution and tectonic properties of the initial Tarim Basin have been hotly disputed and remain enigmatic. The Neoproterozoic basin is covered by a vast desert and a huge-thickness of sedimentary strata, has experienced multiple tectonic movements, had a low signal to noise ratios(SNRs) of deep seismic reflection data, all of which have posed critical obstacles to research. We analysed four field outcrops, 18 wells distributed throughout the basin, 27 reprocessed seismic reflection profiles with higher SNRs across the basin and many ancillary local 2D and 3D profiles and aeromagnetic data. We found about 20 normal fault-controlled rifting depressions of the Cryogenian and Ediacaran scattered throughout the basin, which developed on the Precambrian metamorphic and crystalline basement. The structural framework is clearly different from that of the overlying Phanerozoic. The rifting depressions consist of mainly half grabens, symmetrical troughs and horst-grabens. From the northeast to southwest of the basin,they are divided into three rifting depression groups with the WNW, ENE, and NW-trends that are mainly controlled by normal faults. The maximum thicknesses of the strata are up to 4100 m. From the Cryogenian to Ediacaran, most of the main inherited faults to active and eventually ceased at the end of the Ediacaran or Early Cambrian, while subsidence centres appeared and migrated eastward along the faults. They revealed that the different parts of the Tarim continental block were in NNE-SSWoriented and NNW-SSE-oriented extensional paleo-stress fields(relative to the present) during the Neoproterozoic, and were accompanied by clockwise shearing. According to the analysis of the activities of syn-sedimentary faults, filling sediments,magmatic events, and coordination with aeromagnetic anomalies, the tectonic properties of the fault depressions are different and are primarily continental rifts or intra-continental fault-controlled basins. The rifting phases mainly occurred from 0.8–0.61 Ga.The formation of the rifting depression was associated with the initial opening of the South Altun-West Kunlun Ocean and the South Tianshan Ocean, which were located at the northern and southern margins of the Tarim Block, respectively, in response to the break-up of the Supercontinent Rodinia and the initial opening of the Proto-Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   

Abstract The Mariana Trough is an active back-arc basin, with the rift propagating northward ahead of spreading. The northern part of the Trough is now rifting, with extension accommodated by combined stretching and igneous intrusion. Deep structural graben are found in a region of low heat flow, and we interpret these to manifest a low-angle normal fault system that defines the extension axis between 19°45' and 21°10'N. A single dredge haul from the deepest (∼5.5 km deep) of these graben recovered a heterogeneous suite of volcanic and plutonic crustal rocks and upper mantle peridotites, providing the first report of the deeper levels of back-arc basin lithosphere. Several lines of evidence indicate that these rocks are similar to typical back-arc basin lithosphere and are not fragments of rifted older arc lithosphere. Hornblende yielded an 40Ar/39Ar age of 1.8 ± 0.6 Ma, which is interpreted to approximate the time of crust formation. Harzburgite spinels have moderate Cr# (<40) and coexisting compositions of clinopyroxene (CPX) and plagioclase (PLAB) fall in the field of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) gabbros. Crustal rocks include felsic rocks (70-80% SiO2) and plutonic rocks that are rich in amphibole. Chemical compositions of crustal rocks show little evidence for a 'subduction component', and radiogenic isotopic compositions correspond to that expected for back-arc basin crust of the Mariana Trough. These data indicate that mechanical extension in this part of the Mariana Trough involves lithosphere that originally formed magmatically. These unique exposures of back-arc basin lithosphere call for careful study using ROVs and manned submersibles, and consideration as an ocean drilling program (ODP) drilling site.  相似文献   

The southernmost Mariana forearc stretched to accommodate opening of the Mariana Trough backarc basin in late Neogene time, erupting basalts at 3.7–2.7 Ma that are now exposed in the Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift (SEMFR). Today, SEMFR is a broad zone of extension that formed on hydrated, forearc lithosphere and overlies the shallow subducting slab (slab depth ≤ 30–50 km). It comprises NW–SE trending subparallel deeps, 3–16 km wide, that can be traced ≥ ∼30 km from the trench almost to the backarc spreading center, the Malaguana‐Gadao Ridge (MGR). While forearcs are usually underlain by serpentinized harzburgites too cold to melt, SEMFR crust is mostly composed of Pliocene, low‐K basaltic to basaltic andesite lavas that are compositionally similar to arc lavas and backarc basin (BAB) lavas, and thus defines a forearc region that recently witnessed abundant igneous activity in the form of seafloor spreading. SEMFR igneous rocks have low Na8, Ti8, and Fe8, consistent with extensive melting, at ∼23 ± 6.6 km depth and 1239 ± 40°C, by adiabatic decompression of depleted asthenospheric mantle metasomatized by slab‐derived fluids. Stretching of pre‐existing forearc lithosphere allowed BAB‐like mantle to flow along the SEMFR and melt, forming new oceanic crust. Melts interacted with pre‐existing forearc lithosphere during ascent. The SEMFR is no longer magmatically active and post‐magmatic tectonic activity dominates the rift.  相似文献   

Mikiya  Yamashita  Tetsuro  Tsuru  Narumi  Takahashi  Kaoru  Takizawa  Yoshiyuki  Kaneda  Kantaro  Fujioka  Keita  Koda 《Island Arc》2007,16(3):338-347
Abstract   The Parece Vela Basin (PVB), which is a currently inactive back-arc basin of the Philippine Sea Plate, was formed by separation between the Izu-Ogasawara Arc (IOA) and the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR). Elucidating the marks of the past back-arc opening and rifting is important for investigation of its crustal structure. To image its fault configurations and crustal deformation, pre-stack depth migration to multichannel seismic reflection was applied and data obtained by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology and Metal Mining Agency of Japan and Japan National Oil Corporation (Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation). Salient results for the pre-stack depth-migrated sections are: (i) deep reflectors exist around the eastern margin of KPR and at the western margin of IOA down to 8 km depth; and (ii) normal fault zones distributed at the eastern margin of the KPR (Fault zone A) and the western margin of the IOA (Fault zone B) have a total displacement of greater than 500 m associated with synrift sediments. Additional normal faults (Fault zone C) exist 20 km east of the Fault zone B. They are covered with sediment, which indicates deposition of recent volcanic products in the IOA. According to those results: (i) the fault displacement of more than 500 m with respect to initial rifting was approximately asymmetric at 25 Ma based on PSDM profiles; and (ii) the faults had reactivated after 23 Ma, based on the age of deformed sediments obtained from past ocean drillings. The age of the base sediments corresponds to those of spreading and rotation after rifting in the PVB. Fault zone C is covered with thick and not deformed volcanogenic sediments from the IOA, which suggests that the fault is inactive.  相似文献   

Late Miocene (7–9 Ma) basaltic rocks from the Monbetsu‐Kamishihoro graben in northeast Hokkaido have chemical affinities to certain back‐arc basin basalts (referred to herein as Hokkaido BABB). Pb‐, Nd‐ and Sr‐isotopic compositions of the Hokkaido BABB and arc‐type volcanic rocks (11–13 Ma and 4–4.5 Ma) from the nearby region indicate mixing between the depleted mantle and an EM II‐like enriched component (e.g. subducted pelagic sediment) in the magma generation. At a given 87Sr/86Sr, Hokkaido BABB have slightly lower 143Nd/144Nd and slightly less radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb compared with associated arc‐type lavas, but both these suites are difficult to distinguish solely on the basis of isotopic compositions. These isotopic data indicate that while generation of the Hokkaido BABB involves smaller amounts of the EM II‐like enriched component than do associated arc lavas, Hokkaido BABB are isotopically distinct from basalts produced at normal back‐arc basin spreading centers. Instead, northeast Hokkaido BABB are more similar to basalts erupted during the initial rifting stage of back‐arc basins. The Monbetsu‐Kamishihoro graben may have developed in association with extension that formed the Kurile Basin, suggesting that opening of the basin continued until late Miocene (7–9 Ma).  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of the subducted lithosphere in producing the geochemical characteristics of arc magmas, major- and trace-element along with Sr- and Nd-isotope compositions have been determined for Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Izu-Bonin intra-oceanic arc. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios decrease away from the volcanic front of this arc and lie on mixing lines between the assumed isotopic compositions of fluid phases mainly derived from the basalt layer of the subducted lithosphere and upper-mantle materials in the sub-arc wedge. This across-arc variation can be explained through a simple sequence of processes involving initial release of fluid phases from the subducted oceanic crust to produce hydrous peridotite at the base of the mantle wedge. This hydrous peridotite is dragged downward with the slab and releases a second-stage metasomatizing fluid beneath the volcanic arc. The higher concentrations of both Sr and Nd in the fluid beneath the volcanic front than those beneath the back-arc side may be a possible cause of the observed across-arc variation in Sr-Nd isotopic ratios. The difference in compositions of fluid phases is attributed to the different hydrous phases which decompose in the hydrous peridotite layer; amphibole beneath the volcanic front and phlogopite beneath the back-arc side of the volcanic arc. The mineralogically controlled fluid addition may also be responsible for the across-arc variation in Rb/K and Rb/Zr ratios, increasing away from the volcanic front.  相似文献   

PeterD.  Clift & Jongman  Lee 《Island Arc》1998,7(3):496-512
The sedimentary sequences that accumulate around volcanic arcs may be used to reconstruct the history of volcanism provided the degree of along-margin sediment transport is modest, and that reworking of old sedimentary or volcanic sequences does not contribute substantially to the sediment record. In the Mariana arc, the rare earth and trace element compositions of ash layers sampled by Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 451 on the West Mariana Ridge, and sites 458 and 459 on the Mariana Forearc, were used to reconstruct the evolution of the arc volcanic front during rifting of the Mariana Trough. Ion microprobe analysis of individual glass shards from the sediments shows that the glasses have slightly light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched compositions, and trace element compositions typical of arc tholeiites. The B/Be ratio is a measure of the involvement of subducted sediment in petrogenesis, and is unaffected by fractional crystallization. This ratio is variable over the period of rifting, increasing up-section at site 451 and reaching a maximum in sediments dated at 3–4 Ma, ∼ 3–4 million years after rifting began. This may reflect increased sediment subduction during early rifting and roll-back of the Pacific lithosphere. Parallel trends are not seen in the enrichment of incompatible high field strength (HFSE), large ion lithophile (LILE) or rare earth elements (REE), suggesting that flux from the subducting slab alone does not control the degree of melting. Re-establishment of arc volcanism on the trench side of the basin at ca 3 Ma resulted in volcanism with relative enrichment in incompatible REE, HFSE and LILE, although these became more depleted with time, possibly due to melt extraction from the mantle source as it passed under the developing back-arc spreading axis, prior to melting under the volcanic front.  相似文献   

The Tan-Lu fault zone across the eastern margin of the Cenozoic basins offshore the Bohai Sea is a NNE-trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system developed in the Cenozoic basin cover. It cuts through NE-to NNE-striking major extensional faults that controlled the formation of Paleogene basins. Recent petroleum exploration indicates that Cenozoic structural activities of the Tan-Lu fault system have directly or indirectly affected oil and gas distribution offshore the Bohai Sea. As part of a deep fault zone the Tan-Lu fault zone has been activated since the Oligocene,and obviously affected the tectonic evolution of offshore Bohai basins since then. The formation of Paleogene rift basins offshore the Bohai Sea has utilized the pre-existing structural elements of the Tan-Lu fault zone that developed in the late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

海南岛北西部新构造特征及其演化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张军龙  田勤俭  李峰  高站武  苏刚 《地震》2008,28(3):85-94
利用DGPS系统测量海南岛西部阶地, 绘制地质地貌综合剖面, 将西部阶地分为海成阶地和河流阶地两种。 其中海成地貌包括一条砂堤和四级阶地: 砂堤宽2~10 m, 高程约10 m, 形成于5 ka以来; 海成一级阶地发育较好, 阶地面高程21~22 m, 形成于晚更新世至全新世之间; 海成二级阶地顶面高程约32 m左右, 形成于晚更新世晚期; 海成三级阶地较为发育, 阶地面高程40~42 m, 形成于121.8 ka; 海成四级阶地零星分布, 阶地面高程约57 m, 形成于中更新世晚期。 河流阶地也可分出四级: 一级阶地高程约20 m, 局部发育, 形成于11.4 ka; 二级阶地高程约34 m, 形成于47.2 ka; 三级阶地高约50 m, 其基座顶面标高约41 m, 形成于晚更新世早期; 四级阶地高程约71 m, 基座面标高约60 m, 形成于中更新世晚期。 这些阶地中均以二级最为发育。 晚更新世以来全区处于整体加速抬升的状态。 依据阶地面的综合剖面特征, 认为王五-文教断裂晚更新世以来的活动性较弱。  相似文献   

Introduction Northeastem China has the most strong Cenozoic volcanism in China (Liu, 1999), where dis-tributes more than 500 Cenozoic volcanoes, including sleeping volcanoes of Tianchi Lake (Celes-tial Pond) of Changbai Mountain, and Wudalianchi (Five linked Lakes) (LIU, 1999). Vo lcano ofTianchi Lake of Changbai Mountain consists of basaltic rocks of shield-forming stage andtrachytes and pantellerites in cone-forming stage. It is suggested by study of REE, incompatibleelements a…  相似文献   

There are three cases of variation of trench location possible to occur during subduction: trench fixed, trench advancing, and trench retreating. Retreat of trench may lead to back-arc extension. The Pacific plate subducts at low angle beneath the Eurasia plate, tomographic results indicate that the subducted Pacific slab does not penetrate the 670 km discontinuity, instead, it is lying flat above the interface. The flattening occurred about 28 Ma ago. Geodynamic computation suggests: when the frontier of the subducted slab reaches the phase boundary of lower and upper mantle, it may be hindered and turn flat lying above the boundary, facilitates the retreat of trench and back-arc extension. Volcanism in northeastern China is likely a product of such retreat of subduction, far field back-arc extension, and melting due to reduce of pressure while mantle upwelling. Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (40234042 and 40174027).  相似文献   

Origin of the Kunlun Mountains by arc-arc and arc-continent collisions   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract The Kunlun Mountains were formed by early Mesozoic arc-arc and arc-continent collisions. The Middle Kunlun Are was the outer volcanic arc of the Paleozoic Asiatic continent, and the arc-related magmatic activities from the Proterozoic to Mesozoic are recorded by numerous volcanic and plutonic rocks of the area. Several back-arc basins and relic arcs exist north of the arc and the north Kunlun arc is one of these. The Kudi mélange of Kunlun was formed in a south-dipping subduction zone when the basin between the north and middle Kunlun arcs was consumed by the process of back-arc basin collapse, and the ophiolite mélange marked the suture zone where the two arcs collided. The Mazar mélange was formed in the north-dipping subduction zone under the middle Kunlun arc, and the mélange marks the main Paleotethys suture where the Qogir-Karamilan rocks of the Qangtang block (a fragment of Gondwanaland) is sutured on to Laurentia. The geology of Kunlun emphasizes the importance of arc-arc and arc-continent collisions in mountain-building processes.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带合肥段五河—合肥断裂构造特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

五河—合肥断裂是郯庐断裂带的西边界断裂,该断裂穿过合肥市城区,是1条规模较大、切割较深的隐伏活动断裂.为了研究该断裂的浅部结构特征、空间展布以及断裂活动性,我们利用2015年在合肥盆地完成的深地震反射剖面数据,采用初至波层析成像方法得到了郯庐断裂带合肥段的浅层P波速度结构和构造形态;考虑到仅根据速度结构剖面还难以确定断裂的准确位置、断层上断点埋深、断层的近地表构造组合样式等特征,研究中跨五河—合肥断裂还完成了2条高分辨率的浅层地震反射剖面.研究结果表明:郯庐断裂带合肥段是一个由多条主干断裂构成的复杂构造带,近地表速度结构表现为凹隆相间的构造特征,且沉积盖层厚度明显受到郯庐断裂带分支断裂的影响和控制.五河—合肥断裂在P波速度结构剖面表现为高速和低速区的分界,对断裂两侧的地层沉积具有重要的控制作用,该断裂向下错断了盆地基底,向上错断了埋深21~35 m的中更新统下部地层,其最新活动时代为中更新世早期.研究结果不仅为进一步认识五河—合肥断裂浅部构造形态提供了地震学依据,还可为该区断裂两侧的城镇规划和建设中避让活动断层提供基础资料.


Recent, fresh, volcanic rocks of the intra-oceanic Mariana and Volcano Arcs were analyzed for O and Sr isotopic compositions in order to determine the source of these magmas. Fresh, non-arc, volcanic rocks from the regions surrounding the Mariana-Volcano Arcs and some DSDP sediments were also analyzed for comparison. The oxygen isotopic ratios of the arc lavas (5.5–6.8‰) exhibited a small inter-island variation that cannot be entirely explained by fractional crystallization. The Sr isotopic composition of the arc lavas is remarkably uniform (0.70332–0.70394 for the Marianas). Three models are considered in order to explain the observed isotopic characteristics: (1) bulk mixing and melting of MORB-type mantle with (a) subducted sediments, and (b) subducted oceanic crust (excluding sediments); (2) melting of a mixture of sediment-derived fluids and MORB-type mantle; and (3) melting of a mixture of sediment-derived fluids and oceanic island or “hot-spot” type mantle. The last model fits the data best. The conclusion that very small, and variable, amounts of sediment-derived fluid ( 1%) are required to explain the observed inter-island O isotopic variation, is consistent with that of other workers who used different isotopic and trace element methods. The generation of magmas in the Mariana-Volcano Arcs involves very little sediment and the source region of Mariana lavas is isotopically indistinguishable from that of hot-spot basalts.  相似文献   

The thickness of the mechanical layer that hosts a group of faults can be estimated from the spacing of saturated faults (i.e. the constant spacing between faults when the fault system is fully developed and has attained its final fault density). We measured fault spacing for a group of saturated active normal faults on Miyako‐jima Island (southern Ryukyu Arc, Japan) and estimated the thickness of the faulted mechanical layer. The measured fault spacing is 1.30 ±0.14 km, and the thickness of the mechanical layer is < 3 km, which is the upper limit of the seismogenic zone. This faulted mechanical layer corresponds to a sedimentary layer in which earthquakes cannot occur. Results indicate that the shallow (< 3 km depth) normal faults on Miyako‐jima Island do not have the potential to cause medium‐size earthquakes as individual faults. The origin of the shallow normal faults might be related to the presence of a larger‐scale, deeper fault. The results indicate that fault spacing provides important information on the potential magnitude of earthquakes associated with active faults.  相似文献   

The role of rift processes is analysed in the structural evolution of the continental margins of Eastern Asia including the Indo-China Peninsula and North China plain. Paleoreconstructions were made for the Indo-China Peninsula to characterize individual stages of rifting covering the Late Cretaceous-Eocene, Oligocene-Middle Miocene and Late Pliocene-Early Quaternary epochs. The rifting of continental margins occurred synchronously with spreading processes in marginal seas, whereas the formation of rift structures in the North China plain was concurrent with the formation of a deep-water basin of the Philippine Sea. The development of asthenospheric diapire led to crustal extension and was responsible for the formation of rift structures in marginal seas and continental margins.  相似文献   

Zhou  Tengfei  Zhou  Yaoqi  Søager  Nina  Holm  Paul Martin  Zhang  Zhenkai  Wang  Jun  Liang  Zhao  Mu  Hongyu  Cheng  Yanjun  Liu  Feifei  Wang  Miao  Zhang  Yue  Zhang  Hui  Gu  Yangjian  Dong  Shihui  Zhao  Hanjie  Li  Manjie  Chen  Yang  Liu  Yanzi 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2022,65(9):1751-1771
Science China Earth Sciences - The Lingshan Island scientific drill confirms that two episodes (Laiyang period and Qingshan period) of rifting developed in the central Sulu orogenic belt (SOB) in...  相似文献   

Abstract Swath bathymetric data, single-channel seismic reflection profiles, magnetic and gravity anomalies in the northern part of the Parece Vela (West Mariana) Basin were obtained by comprehensive surveys conducted by the Hydrographic Department of Japan. The central zone of the Parece Vela Basin is characterized by the north-south trending chain of depressions in a right-stepping en echelon alignment. The morphology of these depressions is diamond shaped and bordered by steep escarpments of 1000-1500 m relative height. These fault escarpments extend northeastward and southwestward from the depressions into the surrounding basin floor and then gradually fade out. These escarpments have an S-shaped trend, and their geometry seems to be symmetric about the depressions. Minor ridges and troughs trending orthogonal to these escarpments are recognized. It is concluded that these depressions and escarpments are the topographic expression of extinct spreading axes and S-shaped transform faults, respectively. The age of the central depressions seems to be young, although details of tectonic processes forming them remains unsolved. The western province of the basin floor and basement is extremely rugged and characterized by minor ridges and troughs trending in a north-south direction. Although magnetic anomalies of the basin are very weak, magnetic lineations trending parallel to the topographic trend are recognizable in the central and western parts of the basin. Based on updated geomorpholog-ical features and magnetic anomalies revealed by the present survey, together with the previously published data including drilling results, it is proposed that the evolution of Parece Vela Basin took place in four stages of opening and tectonic activity: rifting, east-west spreading, northeast-southwest spreading with counter-clockwise rotation of spreading axes, and post-spreading deformation and volcanism. This proposed spreading model of the Parece Vela Basin is similar to that of the adjacent Shikoku Basin. The spreading axes of both basins were segmented and gradually rotated counter-clockwise in a later phase of the basin evolution, after the cessation of relatively uniform spreading nearly in an east-west direction.  相似文献   

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