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S.C. Tegler  W. Romanishin 《Icarus》2003,161(1):181-191
Four years ago, we reported that the surface colors of ancient, icy bodies at and beyond the orbit of Neptune—Kuiper belt objects— divide into two distinct color populations. Our report has proven quite controversial. Specifically, every other research group looking with large telescopes at Kuiper belt objects finds a continuous range of colors rather than two distinct populations. Here we report new color measurements of 18 objects, primarily from the Keck I 10-m telescope, that confirm the existence of two populations. We have combined the color measurements of the other groups to create a data set comparable in size to our data set. We have carried out a Monte Carlo statistical analysis and found that both data sets are consistent with two color populations and our data set, which has smaller uncertainties, rules out a continuum of colors. In addition, our new observations and those in the literature confirm our earlier report that classical KBOs with perihelion distances beyond 40 AU exhibit extremely red surface colors. Our results rule out a continuous color distribution for both our complete sample and subsamples with perihelion distances greater than or less than 40 AU. We suspect the color patterns will result in a better understanding of the formation and evolution of the outer Solar System.  相似文献   

The space weathering, i.e. the evolution of surface properties over time, due to the exposure to external factors, has been shown to affect the optical properties of the asteroids, usually causing reddening (an effect which is measured in terms of the spectral slope in the visible and near infrared range) and darkening over time. However, some problems remain open. In particular, the timescale for reddening, which we estimate from laboratory experiments, is shorter—maybe, by two or even more orders of magnitude—than the typical asteroidal ages. Thus we should expect a complete saturation of the reddening effects for most of the objects, which does not happen, instead of a general significant dependence of the slope on the age, as indeed we find.In this paper we discuss, with the aid of a simplified model, how the collisions may affect the timing of the reddening process. We show that the collisions might halt the reddening, unless a significant reaccumulation of the fragments created in the cratering collisions takes place. In this case the timing for the complete reddening is driven by the collisional events, thus providing a rationale for the observed slope-age and slope-exposure relations.  相似文献   

Once completed, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) will be the most powerful (sub)millimeter interferometer in terms of sensitivity, spatial resolution and imaging. This paper presents the capabilities of ALMA applied to the observation of Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects, and their possible output in terms of physical properties. Realistic simulations were performed to explore the performances of the different frequency bands and array configurations, and several projects are detailed along with their feasibility, their limitations and their possible targets. Determination of diameters and albedos via the radiometric method appears to be possible on ∼500 objects, while sampling of the thermal lightcurve to derive the bodies’ ellipticity could be performed at least 30 bodies that display a significant optical lightcurve. On a limited number of objects, the spatial resolution allows for direct measurement of the size or even surface mapping with a resolution down to 13 milliarcsec. Finally, ALMA could separate members of multiple systems with a separation power comparable to that of the HST. The overall performance of ALMA will make it an invaluable instrument to explore the outer Solar System, complementary to space-based telescopes and spacecrafts.  相似文献   

The size distribution of main belt of asteroids is determined primarily by collisional processes. Large asteroids break up and form smaller asteroids in a collisional cascade, with the outcome controlled by the strength-size relationship for asteroids. In addition to collisional processes, the non-collisional removal of asteroids from the main belt (and their insertion into the near-Earth asteroid (NEA) population) is critical, and involves several effects: strong resonances increase the orbital eccentricity of asteroids and cause them to enter the inner planet region; chaotic diffusion by numerous weak resonances causes a slow leak of asteroids into the Mars- and Earth-crossing populations; and the Yarkovsky effect, a radiation force on asteroids, is the primary process that drives asteroids into these resonant escape routes. Yarkovsky drift is size-dependent and can modify the main-belt size distribution. The NEA size distribution is primarily determined by its source, the main-belt population, and by the size-dependent processes that deliver bodies from the main belt. All of these effects are simulated in a numerical collisional evolution model that incorporates removal by non-collisional processes. We test our model against a wide range of observational constraints, such as the observed main-belt and NEA size distributions, the number of asteroid families, the preserved basaltic crust of Vesta and its large south-pole impact basin, the cosmic ray exposure ages of meteorites, and the cratering records on asteroids. We find a strength-size relationship for main-belt asteroids and non-collisional removal rates from the main belt such that our model fits these constraints as best as possible within the parameter space we explore. Our results are consistent with other independent estimates of strength and removal rates.  相似文献   

In the last few years, thanks to the development of sophisticated numerical codes, a major breakthrough has been achieved in our understanding of the processes involved in small body collisions. In this review, we summarize the most recent results provided by numerical simulations, accounting for both the fragmentation of an asteroid and the gravitational interactions of the generated fragments. These studies have greatly improved our knowledge of the mechanisms that are at the origin of some observed features in the asteroid belt. In particular, the simulations have demonstrated that, for bodies larger than several kilometers, the collisional process not only involves the fragmentation of the asteroid but also the gravitational interactions between the ejected fragments. This latter mechanism can lead to the formation of large aggregates by gravitational reaccumulation of smaller fragments, and helps explain the presence of large members within asteroid families. Numerical simulations of the complete process have thus reproduced successfully for the first time the main properties of asteroid families, each formed by the disruption of a large parent body, and provided information on the possible internal structure of the parent bodies. A large amount of work remains necessary, however, to understand in deeper detail the physical process as a function of material properties and internal structures that are relevant to asteroids, and to determine in a more quantitative way the outcome properties such as fragment shapes and rotational states.  相似文献   

J. Teemu T. Mäkinen 《Icarus》2005,177(1):269-279
As a part of a project to study the cometary particle environment, a self-consistent ballistic rigid body particle colliding simulator, capable of producing fractal aggregates of icy particles modelled by hard or soft (metaball) spheres has been developed, to be used for creating test particles in future statistical studies of the cometary coma-particle interaction. Instead of a predefined sticking probability, actual surface interactions are modelled and a method for calculating internal stresses and fragmentation of an aggregate during the accretion phase is described. Simulations suggest that taking fragmentation into account has two major consequences, increase in the fractal dimension of resulting particles and a noticeable change in the mass spectrum of an ensemble.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of the rotational axes of exoplanets under the action of gravitational and magnetic perturbations. The planet is assumed to be dynamically symmetrical and to be magnetised along its dynamical-symmetry axis. By qualitative methods of the bifurcation theory of multiparametric PDEs, we have derived a gallery of 69 phase portraits. The portraits illustrate evolutionary trajectories of the angular momentum of a planet for a variety of the initial conditions, for different values of the ratio between parameters describing gravitational and magnetic perturbations, and for different rates of the orbital evolution. We provide examples of the phase portraits, that reveal the differences in topology and the evolutionary track of in the vicinity of an equilibrium state. We determine the bifurcation properties, i.e., the way of reorganisation of phase trajectories in the vicinities of equilibria; and we point out the combinations of parameters’ values that permit ip-overs from a prograde to a retrograde spin mode.  相似文献   

We present a kinetic model of a disk of solid particles, orbiting a primary and experiencing inelastic collisions. In distinction to other collisional models that use a 2D (mass-semimajor axis) binning and perform a separate analysis of the velocity (eccentricity, inclination) evolution, we choose mass and orbital elements as independent variables of a phase space. The distribution function in this space contains full information on the combined mass, spatial, and velocity distributions of particles. A general kinetic equation for the distribution function is derived, valid for any set of orbital elements and for any collisional outcome, specified by a single kernel function. The first implementation of the model utilizes a 3D phase space (mass-semimajor axis-eccentricity) and involves averages over the inclination and all angular elements. We assume collisions to be destructive, simulate them with available material- and size-dependent scaling laws, and include collisional damping. A closed set of kinetic equations for a mass-semimajor axis-eccentricity distribution is written and transformation rules to usual mass and spatial distributions of the disk material are obtained. The kinetic “core” of our approach is generic. It is possible to add inclination as an additional phase space variable, to include cratering collisions and agglomeration, dynamical friction and viscous stirring, gravity of large perturbers, drag forces, and other effects into the model. As a specific application, we address the collisional evolution of the classical population in the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt (EKB). We run the model for different initial disk's masses and radial profiles and different impact strengths of objects. Our results for the size distribution, collisional timescales, and mass loss are in agreement with previous studies. In particular, collisional evolution is found to be most substantial in the inner part of the EKB, where the separation size between the survivors over EKB's age and fragments of earlier collisions lies between a few and several tens of km. The size distribution in the EKB is not a single Dohnanyi-type power law, reflecting the size dependence of the critical specific energy in both strength and gravity regimes. The net mass loss rate of an evolved disk is nearly constant and is dominated by disruption of larger objects. Finally, assuming an initially uniform distribution of orbital eccentricities, we show that an evolved disk contains more objects in orbits with intermediate eccentricities than in nearly circular or more eccentric orbits. This property holds for objects of any size and is explained in terms of collisional probabilities. The effect should modulate the eccentricity distribution shaped by dynamical mechanisms, such as resonances and truncation of perihelia by Neptune.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of an improved version of the semiempirical model for catastrophic break up processes developed by Paolicchi et al., (1989) are presented. Among the several changes with respect to the old version, the most important seem to be related to the new treatment of gravitational effects, including self-compression and reaccumulation of fragments. In particular, the new model is able to analyze processes involving both cm-sized objects, like those studied by means of laboratory experiments, as well as much larger bodies, for which self-gravitational effects are dominant; moreover, in this latter case the model seems in principle adequate to describe with the same physics very different phenomena, like the formation of plausible asteroid families and the creation of single, rapidly spinning, objects. This fact, if confirmed by refined analyses, may be of high importance for our general understanding of asteroid collisional evolution.  相似文献   

The Oort Cloud, the Kuiper belt and the Scattered Disk are dynamically distinct populations of small bodies evolving in the outer regions of the Solar System. Whereas their collisional activity is now quiet, gravitational interactions with giant planets may have shaped these populations both dynamically and collisionally during their formation. Using a hybrid approach [Charnoz, S., Morbidelli, A., 2003. Icarus 166, 141-166], the present paper tries to couple the primordial collisional and dynamical evolution of these three populations in a self-consistent way. A critical parameter is the primordial size-distribution. We show that the initial planetesimal size distribution that allows an effective mass depletion of the Kuiper belt by collisional grinding, would decimate also the population of comet-size bodies that end in the Oort Cloud and, in particular, in the Scattered Disk. As a consequence, the Oort Cloud and the Scattered Disk would be too anemic, by a factor 20 to 100, relative to the estimates achieved from the observation of the fluxes of long period and Jupiter family comets, respectively. For these two reservoirs to have a sufficient number of comets, the initial size distribution in the planetesimal disk had to be such that the mass depletion by collisional erosion of the Kuiper belt was negligible. Consequently the current mass deficit of the Kuiper belt needs to be explained by dynamical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Classified as a terrestrial planet, Venus, Mars, and Earth are similar in several aspects such as bulk composition and density. Their atmospheres on the other hand have significant differences. Venus has the densest atmosphere, composed of CO2 mainly, with atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface 92 times that of the Earth, while Mars has the thinnest atmosphere, composed also essentially of CO2, with only several millibars of atmospheric surface pressure. In the past, both Mars and Venus could have possessed Earth-like climate permitting the presence of surface liquid water reservoirs. Impacts by asteroids and comets could have played a significant role in the evolution of the early atmospheres of the Earth, Mars, and Venus, not only by causing atmospheric erosion but also by delivering material and volatiles to the planets. Here we investigate the atmospheric loss and the delivery of volatiles for the three terrestrial planets using a parameterized model that takes into account the impact simulation results and the flux of impactors given in the literature. We show that the dimensions of the planets, the initial atmospheric surface pressures and the volatiles contents of the impactors are of high importance for the impact delivery and erosion, and that they might be responsible for the differences in the atmospheric evolution of Mars, Earth and Venus.  相似文献   

Impact experiments of inhomogeneous targets such as layered bodies consisting of a dense core and porous mantle were conducted to clarify the effect of the layered structure on impact strength. The layered structure of small bodies could be the result of the thermal evolution of planetesimals in the solar nebula. So, the impact disruption of thermally evolved bodies with core-mantle structure is important for the origin of small bodies such as asteroids. We investigated the impact strength of rocky-layered bodies with porous mantle-sintered cores, which could be formed at an initial stage of thermal evolution. Spherical targets composed of soda-lime glass or quartz core and porous gypsum mantle were prepared as an analog of small bodies with a core-mantle structure, and the internal structure was changed. A nylon projectile was impacted at the impact velocity from 1 to 5 km/s. The impact strength of the core-mantle targets decreases with the increase of the core/target mass ratio (RCM) in the specific energy range from 1×103 to 4×104 J/kg. We observed two distinct destruction modes characterized by the damage to the core: one shows a damaged core and fractured mantle, and the other shows an intact core and broken mantle. The former mode was usually observed with increasing RCM, and the boundary condition of the core destruction () was experimentally found to be , where is the specific energy required to disrupt a glass core. From this empirical equation, it might be possible to discuss the destruction conditions of a thermally evolved body with a porous mantle-sintered core structure. We speculate that the impact strength of the body could be significantly reduced with the progress of internal evolution at the initial stage of thermal evolution.  相似文献   

Using three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of isolated dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs), we undertake an analysis of the chemical properties of their inner regions, identifying the respective roles played by Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and Type II supernovae (SNe II). The effect of inhomogeneous pollution from SNe Ia is shown to be prominent within two core radii, with the stars forming therein amounting to ∼20 per cent of the total. These stars are relatively iron-rich and α-element depleted compared to the stars forming in the rest of the galaxy. At odds with the projected stellar velocity dispersion radial profile, the actual three-dimensional one shows a depression in the central region, where the most metal-rich (i.e. [Fe/H]-rich) stars are partly segregated. This naturally results in two different stellar populations, with an anticorrelation between [Fe/H] and velocity dispersion, in the same sense as that observed in the Sculptor and Fornax dSphs. Because the most iron-rich stars in our model are also the most α depleted, a natural prediction and test of our model is that the same radial segregation effects should exist between [α/Fe] and velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

Summary The basic scheme of nucleosynthesis (building of heavy elements from light ones) has held up very well since it was first proposed more than 30 years ago by E.M. Burbidge, G.R. Burbidge, A.G.W. Cameron, W.A. Fowler, and F. Hoyle. Significant advances in the intervening years include (a) observations of elemental and a few isotopic ratios in many more extrasolar-system sites, including metal-poor dwarf irregular galaxies, where very little has happened, and supernovae and their remnants, where a great deal has happened, (b) recognition of the early universe as good for making all the elements up to helium, (c) resolution of heavy element burning in stars into separate carbon, neon, oxygen, and silicon burning, with fine tuning of the resulting abundances by explosive nucleosynthesis in outgoing supernova shock waves, (d) clarification of the role of Type I supernovae, (e) concordance between elements produced in short-lived and long-lived stars with those that increased quickly and slowly over the history of the galaxy, and (f) calibration of calculations of the evolution and explosion of massive stars against the detailed observations of SN 1987A. The discussion presupposes a reader (a) with some prior knowledge of astronomy at the level of recognizing what is meant by an A star and an AGB star and (b) with at least a mild interest in how we got to where we currently are.  相似文献   

The locations of the fully despun, double synchronous end states of tidal evolution, where the rotation rates of both the primary and secondary components in a binary system synchronize with the mean motion about the center of mass, are derived for spherical components. For a given amount of scaled angular momentum J/J′, the tidal end states are over-plotted on a tidal evolution diagram in terms of mass ratio of the system and the component separation (semimajor axis in units of primary radii). Fully synchronous orbits may not exist for every combination of mass ratio and angular momentum; for example, equal-mass binary systems require J/J′ > 0.44. When fully synchronous orbits exist for prograde systems, tidal evolution naturally expands the orbit to the stable outer synchronous solution. The location of the unstable inner synchronous orbit is typically within two primary radii and often within the radius of the primary itself. With the exception of nearly equal-mass binaries, binary asteroid systems are in the midst of lengthy tidal evolutions, far from their fully synchronous tidal end states. Of those systems with unequal-mass components, few have even reached the stability limit that splits the fully synchronous orbit curves into unstable inner and stable outer solutions.Calculations of material strength based on limiting the tidal evolution time to the age of the Solar System indicate that binary asteroids in the main belt with 100-km-scale primary components are consistent with being made of monolithic or fractured rock as expected for binaries likely formed from sub-catastrophic impacts in the early Solar System. To tidally evolve in their dynamical lifetime, near-Earth binaries with km-scale primaries or smaller created via a spin-up mechanism must be much weaker mechanically than their main-belt counterparts even if formed in the main belt prior to injection into the near-Earth region. Small main-belt binaries, those having primary components less than 10 km in diameter, could bridge the gap between the large main-belt binaries and the near-Earth binaries, as, depending on the age of the systems, small main-belt binaries could either be as strong as the large main-belt binaries or as weak as the near-Earth binaries. The inherent uncertainty in the age of a binary system is the leading source of error in calculation of material properties, capable of affecting the product of rigidity μ and tidal dissipation function Q by orders of magnitude. Several other issues affecting the calculation of μQ are considered, though these typically affect the calculation by no more than a factor of two. We also find indirect evidence within all three groups of binary asteroids that the semimajor axis of the mutual orbit in a binary system may evolve via another mechanism (or mechanisms) in addition to tides with the binary YORP effect being a likely candidate.  相似文献   

The depth and duration of energy and momentum coupling in an impact shapes the formation of the crater. The earliest stages of crater growth (when the projectile transfers its energy and momentum to the target) are unrecoverable when the event is described by late stage parameters, which collapse the initial conditions of the impact into a singular point in time and space. During the coupling phase, the details of the impact are mapped into the ejecta flow field. In this experimental study, we present new experimental and computational measurements of the ejecta distribution and crater growth extending from early times into main-stage ballistic flow for hypervelocity impacts over a range of projectile densities. Specifically, we assess the effect of projectile density on coupling depth and location in porous particulate (sand) targets. A non-invasive high-speed imaging technique is employed to capture the velocity of individual ejecta particles very early in the cratering event as a function of both time and launch position. These data reveal that the effects of early-stage coupling, such as non-constant ejection angles, manifest not only in early-time behavior but also extend to main-stage crater growth. Time-resolved comparisons with hydrocode calculations provide both benchmarking and insight into the parameters controlling the ejection process. Measurements of the launch position and metrics for the transient diameter to depth ratio as a function of time demonstrate non-proportional crater growth throughout much of excavation. Low-density projectiles couple closer to the surface, thereby leading to lower ejection angles and larger effective diameter to depth ratios. These results have implications for the ballistic emplacement of ejecta on planetary surfaces, and are essential to interpreting temporally resolved data from impact missions.  相似文献   

We present a new model for the chemical evolution of elliptical galaxies taking into account SN feedback, detailed nucleosynthesis and galactic winds. We discuss the effect of galactic winds on the chemical enrichment of the ICM and compute the energy per particle injected by the galaxies into the ICM. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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