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In the last few years, thanks to the development of sophisticated numerical codes, a major breakthrough has been achieved in our understanding of the processes involved in small body collisions. In this review, we summarize the most recent results provided by numerical simulations, accounting for both the fragmentation of an asteroid and the gravitational interactions of the generated fragments. These studies have greatly improved our knowledge of the mechanisms that are at the origin of some observed features in the asteroid belt. In particular, the simulations have demonstrated that, for bodies larger than several kilometers, the collisional process not only involves the fragmentation of the asteroid but also the gravitational interactions between the ejected fragments. This latter mechanism can lead to the formation of large aggregates by gravitational reaccumulation of smaller fragments, and helps explain the presence of large members within asteroid families. Numerical simulations of the complete process have thus reproduced successfully for the first time the main properties of asteroid families, each formed by the disruption of a large parent body, and provided information on the possible internal structure of the parent bodies. A large amount of work remains necessary, however, to understand in deeper detail the physical process as a function of material properties and internal structures that are relevant to asteroids, and to determine in a more quantitative way the outcome properties such as fragment shapes and rotational states.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the outcome of high-velocity impact experiments on porous targets, composed of pumice, with the results of simulations by a 3D SPH hydrocode in which a porosity model has been implemented. The different populations of small bodies of our Solar System are believed to be composed, at least partially, of objects with a high degree of porosity. To describe the fragmentation of such porous objects, a different model is needed than that used for non-porous bodies. In the case of porous bodies, the impact process is not only driven by the presence of cracks which propagate when a stress threshold is reached, it is also influenced by the crushing of pores and compaction. Such processes can greatly affect the whole body's response to an impact. Therefore, another physical model is necessary to improve our understanding of the collisional process involving porous bodies. Such a model has been developed recently and introduced successfully in a 3D SPH hydrocode [Jutzi, M., Benz, W., Michel, P., 2008. Icarus 198, 242-255]. Basic tests have been performed which already showed that it is implemented in a consistent way and that theoretical solutions are well reproduced. However, its full validation requires that it is also capable of reproducing the results of real laboratory impact experiments. Here we present simulations of laboratory experiments on pumice targets for which several of the main material properties have been measured. We show that using the measured material properties and keeping the remaining free parameters fixed, our numerical model is able to reproduce the outcome of these experiments carried out under different impact conditions. This first complete validation of our model, which will be tested for other porous materials in the future, allows us to start addressing problems at larger scale related to small bodies of our Solar System, such as collisions in the Kuiper Belt or the formation of a family by the disruption of a porous parent body in the main asteroid belt.  相似文献   

Impact cratering on porous asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing evidence that many or even most asteroids are rubble piles underscores the need to understand how porous structures respond to impact. Experiments are reported in which craters are formed in porous, crushable, silicate materials by impacts at 2 km/s. Target porosity ranged from 34 to 96%. The experiments were performed at elevated acceleration on a centrifuge to provide similarity conditions that reproduce the physics of the formation of asteroid craters as large as several tens of kilometers in diameter.Crater and ejecta blanket formation in these highly porous materials is found to be markedly different from that observed in typical dry soils of low or moderate porosity. In highly porous materials, the compaction of the target material introduces a new cratering mechanism. The ejection velocities are substantially lower than those for impacts in less porous materials. The experiments imply that, while small craters on porous asteroids should produce ejecta blankets in the usual fashion, large craters form without ejecta blankets. In large impacts, most of the ejected material never escapes the crater. However, a significant crater bowl remains because of the volume created by permanent compaction of the target material. Over time, multiple cratering events can significantly increase the global density of an asteroid.  相似文献   

We investigate the morphology of size-frequency distributions (SFDs) resulting from impacts into 100-km-diameter parent asteroids, represented by a suite of 161 SPH/N-body simulations conducted to study asteroid satellite formation [Durda, D.D., Bottke, W.F., Enke, B.L., Merline, W.J., Asphaug, E., Richardson, D.C., Leinhardt, Z.M., 2004. Icarus 170, 243-257]. The spherical basalt projectiles range in diameter from 10 to 46 km (in equally spaced mass increments in logarithmic space, covering six discrete sizes), impact speeds range from 2.5 to 7 km/s (generally in 1 km/s increments), and impact angles range from 15° to 75° (nearly head-on to very oblique) in 15° increments. These modeled SFD morphologies match very well the observed SFDs of many known asteroid families. We use these modeled SFDs to scale to targets both larger and smaller than 100 km in order to gain insights into the circumstances of the impacts that formed these families. Some discrepancies occur for families with parent bodies smaller than a few tens of kilometers in diameter (e.g., 832 Karin), however, so due caution should be used in applying our results to such small families. We find that ∼20 observed main-belt asteroid families are produced by the catastrophic disruption of D>100 km parent bodies. Using these data as constraints, collisional modeling work [Bottke Jr., W.F., Durda, D.D., Nesvorný, D., Jedicke, R., Morbidelli, A., Vokrouhlický, D., Levison, H.F., 2005b. Icarus 179, 63-94] suggests that the threshold specific energy, , needed to eject 50% of the target body's mass is very close to that predicted by Benz and Asphaug [Benz, W., Asphaug, E., 1999. Icarus 142, 5-20].  相似文献   

Takaaki Takeda  Keiji Ohtsuki 《Icarus》2007,189(1):256-273
We perform N-body simulations of impacts between initially non-rotating rubble-pile asteroids, and investigate mass dispersal and angular momentum transfer during such collisions. We find that the fraction of the dispersed mass (Mdisp) is approximately proportional to , where Qimp is the impact kinetic energy; the power index α is about unity when the impactor is much smaller than the target, and 0.5?α<1 for impacts with a larger impactor. Mdisp is found to be smaller for more dissipative impacts with small values of the restitution coefficient of the constituent particles. We also find that the efficiency of transfer of orbital angular momentum to the rotation of the largest remnant depends on the degree of disruption. In the case of disruptive oblique impacts where the mass of the largest remnant is about half of the target mass, most of the orbital angular momentum is carried away by the escaping fragments and the efficiency becomes very low (<0.05), while the largest remnant acquires a significant amount of spin angular momentum in moderately disruptive impacts. These results suggest that collisions likely played an important role in rotational evolution of small asteroids, in addition to the recoil force of thermal re-radiation.  相似文献   

Takaaki Takeda  Keiji Ohtsuki 《Icarus》2009,202(2):514-524
Expanding on our previous N-body simulation of impacts between initially non-rotating rubble-pile objects [Takeda, T., Ohtsuki, K., 2007. Icarus 189, 256-273], we examine effects of initial rotation of targets on mass dispersal and change of spin rates. Numerical results show that the collisional energy needed to disrupt a rubble-pile object is not sensitive to initial rotation of the target, in most of the parameter range studied in our simulations. We find that initial rotation of targets is slowed down through disruptive impacts for a wide range of parameters. The spin-down is caused by escape of high-velocity ejecta and asymmetric re-accumulation of fragments. When these effects are significant, rotation is slowed down even when the angular momentum added by an impactor is in the same direction as the initial rotation of the target. Spin-down is most efficient when the impact occurs in the equatorial plane of the target, because in this case most of the ejected fragments originate from the equatorial region of the target and a significant amount of angular momentum can be easily removed. In the case of impacts from directions inclined relative to the target's equatorial plane, spin-down still occurs with reduced degree, unless impacts occur onto the pole region from the vertical direction. Our results suggest that such spin-down through disruptive impacts may have played an important role in spin evolution of asteroids through collisions in the gravity-dominated regime.  相似文献   

T.M. Davison  G.S. Collins 《Icarus》2010,208(1):468-481
Collisions between planetesimals at speeds of several kilometres per second were common during the early evolution of our Solar System. However, the collateral effects of these collisions are not well understood. In this paper, we quantify the efficiency of heating during high-velocity collisions between planetesimals using hydrocode modelling. We conducted a series of simulations to test the effect on shock heating of the initial porosity and temperature of the planetesimals, the relative velocity of the collision and the relative size of the two colliding bodies. Our results show that while heating is minor in collisions between non-porous planetesimals at impact velocities below 10 km s−1, in agreement with previous work, much higher temperatures are reached in collisions between porous planetesimals. For example, collisions between nearly equal-sized, porous planetesimals can melt all, or nearly all, of the mass of the bodies at collision velocities below 7 km s−1. For collisions of small bodies into larger ones, such as those with an impactor-to-target mass ratio below 0.1, significant localised heating occurs in the target body. At impact velocities as low as 5 km s−1, the mass of melt will be nearly double the mass of the impactor, and the mass of material shock heated by 100 K will be nearly 10 times the mass of the impactor. We present a first-order estimate of the cumulative effects of impact heating on a porous planetesimal parent body by simulating the impact of a population of small bodies until a disruptive event occurs. Before disruption, impact heating is volumetrically minor and highly localised; in no case was more than about 3% of the parent body heated by more than 100 K. However, heating during the final disruptive collision can be significant; in about 10% of cases, almost all of the parent body is heated to 700 K (from an initial temperature of ∼300 K) and more than a tenth of the parent body mass is melted. Hence, energetic collisions between planetesimals could have had important effects on the thermal evolution of primitive materials in the early Solar System.  相似文献   

We present results of 161 numerical simulations of impacts into 100-km diameter asteroids, examining debris trajectories to search for the formation of bound satellite systems. Our simulations utilize a 3-dimensional smooth-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code to model the impact between the colliding asteroids. The outcomes of the SPH models are handed off as the initial conditions for N-body simulations, which follow the trajectories of the ejecta fragments to search for the formation of satellite systems. Our results show that catastrophic and large-scale cratering collisions create numerous fragments whose trajectories can be changed by particle-particle interactions and by the reaccretion of material onto the remaining target body. Some impact debris can enter into orbit around the remaining target body, which is a gravitationally reaccreted rubble pile, to form a SMAshed Target Satellite (SMATS). Numerous smaller fragments escaping the largest remnant may have similar trajectories such that many become bound to one another, forming Escaping Ejecta Binaries (EEBs). Our simulations so far seem to be able to produce satellite systems qualitatively similar to observed systems in the main asteroid belt. We find that impacts of 34-km diameter projectiles striking at 3 km s−1 at impact angles of ∼30° appear to be particularly efficient at producing relatively large satellites around the largest remnant as well as large numbers of modest-size binaries among their escaping ejecta.  相似文献   

F. Roig  R. Duffard  D. Lazzaro 《Icarus》2003,165(2):355-370
A simple mechanical model is formulated to study the dynamics of rubble-pile asteroids, formed by the gravitational re-accumulation of fragments after the collisional breakup of a parent body. In this model, a rubble-pile consists of N interacting fragments represented by rigid ellipsoids, and the equations of motion explicitly incorporate the minimal degrees of freedom necessary to describe the attitude and rotational state of each fragment. In spite of its simplicity, our numerical examples indicate that the overall behavior of our model is in line with several known properties of collisional events, like the energy and angular momentum partition during high velocity impacts. Therefore, it may be considered as a well defined minimal model.  相似文献   

We present results of 161 numerical simulations of impacts into 100-km diameter asteroids, examining debris trajectories to search for the formation of bound satellite systems. Our simulations utilize a 3-dimensional smooth-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code to model the impact between the colliding asteroids. The outcomes of the SPH models are handed off as the initial conditions for N-body simulations, which follow the trajectories of the ejecta fragments to search for the formation of satellite systems. Our results show that catastrophic and large-scale cratering collisions create numerous fragments whose trajectories can be changed by particle-particle interactions and by the reaccretion of material onto the remaining target body. Some impact debris can enter into orbit around the remaining target body, which is a gravitationally reaccreted rubble pile, to form a SMAshed Target Satellite (SMATS). Numerous smaller fragments escaping the largest remnant may have similar trajectories such that many become bound to one another, forming Escaping Ejecta Binaries (EEBs). Our simulations so far seem to be able to produce satellite systems qualitatively similar to observed systems in the main asteroid belt. We find that impacts of 34-km diameter projectiles striking at 3 km s−1 at impact angles of ∼30° appear to be particularly efficient at producing relatively large satellites around the largest remnant as well as large numbers of modest-size binaries among their escaping ejecta.  相似文献   

K. Wünnemann  G.S. Collins 《Icarus》2006,180(2):514-527
Numerical modelling of impact cratering has reached a high degree of sophistication; however, the treatment of porous materials still poses a large problem in hydrocode calculations. We present a novel approach for dealing with porous compaction in numerical modelling of impact crater formation. In contrast to previous attempts (e.g., P-alpha model, snowplow model), our model accounts for the collapse of pore space by assuming that the compaction function depends upon volumetric strain rather than pressure. Our new ?-alpha model requires only four input parameters and each has a physical meaning. The model is simple and intuitive and shows good agreement with a wide variety of experimental data, ranging from static compaction tests to highly dynamic impact experiments. Our major objective in developing the model is to investigate the effect of porosity and internal friction on transient crater formation. We present preliminary numerical model results that suggest that both porosity and internal friction play an important role in limiting crater growth over a large range in gravity-scaled source size.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of brightness variability of asteroids reveals how their shapes evolve from elongated to rough spheroidal forms, presumably driven by impact-related phenomena. Based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Moving Object Catalog, we determined the shape distribution of 11,735 asteroids, with special emphasis on eight prominent asteroid families. In young families, asteroids have a wide range of shape elongations, implying fragmentation-formation. In older families we see an increasing number of rough spheroids, in agreement with the predictions of an impact-driven evolution. Old families also contain a group of moderately elongated members, which we suggest correspond to higher-density, more impact-resistant cores of former fragmented asteroids that have undergone slow shape erosion. A few percent of asteroids have very elongated shapes, and can either be young fragments or tidally reshaped bodies. Our results confirm that the majority of asteroids are gravitationally bound “rubble piles.”  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the formation and collapse processes of transient craters. Polycarbonate projectiles with mass of 0.49 g were impacted into the soda-lime glass sphere target (mean diameters of glass spheres are ∼36, 72, and 220 μm, respectively) using a single-stage light-gas gun. Impact velocity ranged from 11 to 329 m s−1. We found that the transient crater collapses even at laboratory scales. The shape (diameter and depth) of the transient crater differs from that of the final crater. The depth-rim diameter ratios of the final and transient craters are 0.11-0.14 and 0.26-0.27, respectively. The rim diameter of both the transient and final crater depends on target material properties; however, the ratio of final to transient crater diameter does not. This suggests that target material properties affect the formation process of transient craters even in the gravity regime, and must be taken into account when scaling experimental results to planetary scales. By observing impacts into glass sphere targets, we show that although the early stage of the excavation flow does not depend on the target material properties, the radial expansion of the cavity after the end of vertical expansion does. This suggests that the effect of target material properties is specifically important in the later part of the crater excavation and collapse.  相似文献   

The present paper describes observations of crater growth up to the time of transient crater formation and presents a new empirical model for transient crater growth as a function of time. Polycarbonate projectiles were impacted vertically into soda-lime glass sphere targets using a single-stage light-gas gun. Using a new technique with a laser sheet illuminating the target [Barnouin-Jha, O.S., Yamamoto, S., Toriumi, T., Sugita, S., Matsui, T., 2007. Non-intrusive measurements of the crater growth. Icarus, 188, 506-521], we measured the temporal change in diameter of crater cavities (diameter growth). The rate of increase in diameter at early times follows a power law relation, but the data at later times (before the end of transient crater formation) deviates from the power law relation. In addition, the power law exponent at early times and the degree of deviation from a power law at later times depend on the target. In order to interpret these features, we proposed to modify Maxwell’s Z-model under the assumption that the strength of the excavation flow field decreases exponentially with time. We also derived a diameter growth model as: d(t)∝[1-exp(-βt)]γ, where d(t) is the apparent diameter of the crater cavity at time t after impact, and β and γ are constants. We demonstrated that the diameter growth model could represent well the experimental data for various targets with different target material properties, such as porosity or angle of repose. We also investigated the diameter growth for a dry sand target, which has been used to formulate previous scaling relations. The obtained results showed that the dry sand target has larger degree of deviation from a power law, indicating that the target material properties of the dry sand target have a significant effect on diameter growth, especially at later times. This may suggest that the previously reported scaling relations should be reexamined in order to account for the late-stage behavior with the effect of target material properties.  相似文献   

Collisions between planetary ring particles and in some protoplanetary disk environments occur at speeds below 10 m/s. The particles involved in these low-velocity collisions have negligible gravity and may be made of or coated with smaller dust grains and aggregates. We undertook microgravity impact experiments to better understand the dissipation of energy and production of ejecta in these collisions. Here we report the results of impact experiments of solid projectiles into beds of granular material at impact velocities from 0.2 to 2.3 m/s performed under near-weightless conditions on the NASA KC-135 Weightless Wonder V. Impactors of various densities and radii of 1 and 2 cm were launched into targets of quartz sand, JSC-1 lunar regolith simulant, and JSC-Mars-1 martian regolith simulant. Most impacts were at normal or near-normal incidence angles, though some impacts were at oblique angles. Oblique impacts led to much higher ejection velocities and ejecta masses than normal impacts. For normal incidence impacts, characteristic ejecta velocities increase with impactor kinetic energy, KE, as approximately KE0.5. Ejecta masses could not be measured accurately due to the nature of the experiment, but qualitatively also increased with impactor kinetic energy. Some experiments were near the threshold velocity of 0.2 m/s identified in previous microgravity impact experiments as the minimum velocity needed to produce ejecta [Colwell, J.E., 2003. Icarus 164, 188-196], and the experimental scatter is large at these low speeds in the airplane experiment. A more precise exploration of the transition from low-ejecta-mass impacts to high-ejecta-mass impacts requires a longer and smoother period of reduced gravity. Coefficient of restitution measurements are not possible due to the varying acceleration of the airplane throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

D.G. Korycansky  Erik Asphaug 《Icarus》2006,181(2):605-617
We present results of modeling rubble piles as collections of polyhedra. The use of polyhedra allows more realistic (irregular) shapes and interactions (e.g. collisions), particularly for objects of different sizes. Rotational degrees of freedom are included in the modeling, which may be important components of the motion. We solved the equations of rigid-body dynamics, including frictional/inelastic collisions, for collections of up to several hundred elements. As a demonstration of the methods and to compare with previous work by other researchers, we simulated low-speed collisions between km-scale bodies with the same general parameters as those simulated by Leinhardt et al. [Leinhardt, Z.M., Richardson, D.C., Quinn, T., 2000. Icarus 146, 133-151]. High-speed collisions appropriate to present-day asteroid encounters require additional treatment of shock effects and fragmentation and are the subject of future work; here we study regimes appropriate to planetesimal accretion and re-accretion in the aftermath of catastrophic events. Collisions between equal-mass objects at low speeds () were simulated for both head-on and off-center collisions between rubble piles made of a power-law mass spectrum of sub-elements. Very low-speed head-on collisions produce single objects from the coalescence of the impactors. For slightly higher speeds, extensive disruption occurs, but re-accretion produces a single object with most of the total mass. For increasingly higher speeds, the re-accreted object has smaller mass, finally resulting in complete catastrophic disruption with all sub-elements on escape trajectories and only small amounts of mass in re-accreted bodies. Off-center collisions at moderately low speeds produce two re-accreted objects of approximately equal mass, separating at greater than escape speed. At high speed, complete disruption occurs as with the high-speed head-on collisions. Head-on collisions at low to moderate speeds result in objects of mostly oblate shape, while higher speed collisions produce mostly prolate objects, as do off-center collisions at moderate and high speeds. Collisions carried out with the same dissipative coefficients (coefficient of restitution ?n=0.8, zero friction) as used by Leinhardt et al. [Leinhardt, Z.M., Richardson, D.C., Quinn, T., 2000. Icarus 146, 133-151] result in a value for specific energy for disruption , somewhat lower than the value of 2 J/kg found by them, while collisions with a lower coefficient of restitution and friction [?n=0.5, ?t=0, μ=0.5, similar to those used by Michel, et al. [Michel, P., Benz, W., Richardson, D.C., 2004. Planet. Space Sci. 52, 1109-1117] for SPH + N-body calculations] yield .  相似文献   

We present a new particle-based (discrete element) numerical method for the simulation of granular dynamics, with application to motions of particles on small solar system body and planetary surfaces. The method employs the parallel N-body tree code pkdgrav to search for collisions and compute particle trajectories. Collisions are treated as instantaneous point-contact events between rigid spheres. Particle confinement is achieved by combining arbitrary combinations of four provided wall primitives, namely infinite plane, finite disk, infinite cylinder, and finite cylinder, and degenerate cases of these. Various wall movements, including translation, oscillation, and rotation, are supported. We provide full derivations of collision prediction and resolution equations for all geometries and motions. Several tests of the method are described, including a model granular “atmosphere” that achieves correct energy equipartition, and a series of tumbler simulations that show the expected transition from tumbling to centrifuging as a function of rotation rate.  相似文献   

Patrick Michel  Willy Benz 《Icarus》2004,168(2):420-432
In this paper, we analyze the effect of the internal structure of a parent body on its fragment properties following its disruption in different impact energy regimes. To simulate an asteroid breakup, we use the same numerical procedure as in our previous studies, i.e., a 3D SPH hydrocode to compute the fragmentation phase and the parallel N-body code pkdgrav to compute the subsequent gravitational re-accumulation phase. To explore the importance of the internal structure in determining the collisional outcome, we consider two different parent body models: (1) a purely monolithic one and (2) a pre-shattered one which consists of several fragments separated by damaged zones and small voids. We present here simulations spanning two different impact energy regimes—barely disruptive and highly catastrophic—corresponding to the formation of the Eunomia and Koronis families, respectively. As we already found for the intermediate energy regime represented by the Karin family, pre-shattered parent bodies always lead to outcome properties in better agreement with those of real families. In particular, the fragment size distribution obtained by disrupting a monolithic body always contains a large gap between the largest fragment and the next largest ones, whereas it is much more continuous in the case of a pre-shattered parent body. In the latter case, the ejection speeds of large fragments are also higher and a smaller impact energy is generally required to achieve a similar degree of disruption. Hence, unless the internal structure of bodies involved in a collision is known, predicting accurately the outcome is impossible. Interestingly, disrupting a pre-shattered parent body to reproduce the Koronis family yields a fragment size distribution characterized by four almost identical largest objects, as observed in the real family. This peculiar outcome has been found before in laboratory experiments but is obtained for the first time following gravitational re-accumulation. Finally, we show that material belonging to the largest fragments of a family originates from well-defined regions inside the parent body (the extent and location of which are dependent upon internal structure), despite the many gravitational interactions that occur during the re-accumulation process. Hence fragment formation does not proceed stochastically but results directly from the velocity field imparted during the impact.  相似文献   

The ejecta dynamics during main-stage excavation flow in a cratering event have previously been well characterized, particularly for vertical impacts. In this experimental study, we present new results addressing the early-time, low-angle, high-speed component of the ejecta velocity distribution as a function of time for hypervelocity vertical impacts into sand. Although this regime represents a very small portion of total ejected mass in laboratory experiments, it comprises a greater percentage of growth for larger craters.  相似文献   

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