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Observations of the water inventory as well as other chemically important species on Jupiter will be performed in the frame of the guaranteed time key project of the Herschel Space Observatory entitled “Water and related chemistry in the Solar system”. Among other onboard instruments, PACS (Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer) will provide new data of the spectral atlas in a wide region covering the far-infrared and submillimetre domains, with an improved spectral resolution and a higher sensitivity compared to previous observations carried out by Cassini/CIRS (Composite InfraRed Spectrometer) and by ISO (Infrared Space Observatory).In order to optimise the observational plan and to prepare for the data analysis, we have simulated the expected spectra of PACS Jupiter observations. Our simulation shows that PACS will promisingly detect several H2O emission lines. As PACS is capable of spatially resolving the Jovian disk, we will be able to discern the external oxygen sources in the giant planets by exploring the horizontal distribution of water. In addition to H2O lines, some absorption lines due to tropospheric CH4, HD, PH3 and NH3 lines will be observed with PACS. Furthermore, owing to the high sensitivity of the instrument, the current upper limit on the abundance of hydrogen halides such as HCl will be also improved.  相似文献   

In order to understand the cometary plasma environment it is important to track the closely linked chemical reactions that dominate ion evolution. We used a coupled MHD ion-chemistry model to analyze previously unpublished Giotto High Intensity Ion Mass Spectrometer (HIS-IMS) data. In this way we study the major species, but we also try to match some minor species like the CHx and the NHx groups. Crucial for this match is the model used for the electrons since they are important for ion-electron recombination. To further improve our results we included an enhanced density of supersonic electrons in the ion pile-up region which increases the local electron impact ionization. In this paper we discuss the results for the following important ions: C+, CH+, CH+2, CH+3, N+, NH+, NH+2, NH+3, NH+4, O+, OH+, H2O+, H3O+, CO+, HCO+, H3CO+, and CH3OH+2. We also address the inner shock which is very distinctive in our MHD model as well as in the IMS data. It is located just inside the contact surface at approximately 4550 km. Comparisons of the ion bulk flow directions and velocities from our MHD model with the data measured by the HIS-IMS give indication for a solar wind magnetic field direction different from the standard Parker angle at Halley's position. Our ion-chemical network model results are in a good agreement with the experimental data. In order to achieve the presented results we included an additional short lived inner source for the C+, CH+, and CH+2 ions. Furthermore we performed our simulations with two different production rates to better match the measurements which is an indication for a change and/or an asymmetric pattern (e.g. jets) in the production rate during Giotto's fly-by at Halley's comet.  相似文献   

Lisse et al. [Lisse, C.M., Kraemer, K.E., Nuth III, J.A., Li, A., Joswiak, D., 2007. Icarus 187, 69-86] recently presented a new analysis of an ISO spectrum of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), from which they claimed the identification of many new dust species. Among them are PAHs, which were not found in our first analysis of the ISO spectra. We present here a re-examination of the ISO observations of Comet Hale-Bopp. From the absence of PAHs features in the 5.25-8.5 μm region, we infer that PAHs are at least twice less abundant than derived by Lisse et al. The carbonate feature at 7.00 μm is marginally present, but lower by a factor 2 to 3 than predicted by the model of Lisse et al.  相似文献   

C.M. Lisse 《Icarus》2008,195(2):941-944
This response is to address the comments made by Drs. J. Crovisier and D. Bockelee-Morvan concerning the spectral analysis of Lisse et al. [Lisse, C.M., Kraemer, K.E., Nuth, J.A., Li, A., Joswiak, D., 2007. Icarus 187, 69-86] of the mid-IR ISO SWS spectrum of Comet Hale-Bopp 1995 O1 taken on October 6, 1996, and to support the conclusions made in Lisse et al. concerning the positive detection of PAHs in this comet. We also present some additional information determined from the Deep Impact and STARDUST missions, demonstrating the presence of PAHs in other comets, to support the plausibility of the Hale-Bopp PAH detection.  相似文献   

Bar-Nun and Dimitrov [Bar-Nun, A., Dimitrov, V., 2006. Icarus 181, 320-322] suggested a sequence of reactions to form methane on Mars. These reactions are based on the study of products in the N2-CO-H2O mixture irradiated at 185 nm. The suggested scheme was not quantitatively justified by chemical kinetics. One of the key reactions is effectively blocked by O2 in the martian atmosphere, and another key reaction does not exist. There are no pathways for effective formation of methane in the martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

Massimiliano Guzzo 《Icarus》2006,181(2):475-485
The motion of the giant planets from Jupiter to Neptune is chaotic with Lyapunov time of approximately 10 Myr. A recent theory explains the presence of this chaos with three-planet mean-motion resonances, i.e. resonances among the orbital periods of at least three planets. We find that the distribution of these resonances with respect to the semi-major axes of all the planets is compatible with orbital instability. In particular, they overlap in a region of 10−3 AU with respect to the variation of the semi-major axes of Uranus and Neptune. Fictitious planetary systems with initial conditions in this region can undergo systematic variations of semi-major axes. The true Solar System is marginally in this region, and Uranus and Neptune undergo very slow systematic variations of semi-major axes with speed of order 10−4 AU/Gyr.  相似文献   

In order to target key organic compounds in the Martian regolith using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), we have developed a new extraction procedure coupled with chemical derivatization. This new technique was tested on a Mars analog soil sample collected from the Atacama Desert in Chile. We found that amino and carboxylic acids can be extracted from the Atacama soil in a 1:1 mixture of isopropanol and water after ultrasonic treatment for 30 min. The extracted organic compounds were then derivatized in a single-step reaction using N-methyl-N-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) as the silylating agent in order to transform these compounds into volatile species that can then be detected by GC-MS. We are currently developing a miniaturized reaction cell suited for spaceflight, where both organic extraction and chemical derivatization processes can take place in a single step.  相似文献   

Mars was observed near the peak of the strongest SO2 band at 1364-1373 cm−1 with resolving power of 77,000 using the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. The observation covered the Tharsis volcano region which may be preferable to search for SO2. The spectrum shows absorption lines of three CO2 isotopomers and three H2O isotopomers. The water vapor abundance derived from the HDO lines assuming D/H = 5.5 times the terrestrial value is 12±1.0 pr. μm, in agreement with the simultaneous MGS/TES observations of 14 pr. μm at the latitudes (50° S to 10° N) of our observation. Summing of spectral intervals at the expected positions of sixteen SO2 lines puts a 2σ upper limit on SO2 of 1 ppb. SO2 may be emitted into the martian atmosphere by seepage and is removed by three-body reactions with OH and O. The SO2 lifetime, 2 years, is longer than the global mixing time 0.5 year, so SO2 should be rather uniformly distributed across Mars. Seepage of SO2 is less than 15,000 tons per year on Mars which is smaller than the volcanic production of SO2 on the Earth by a factor of 700. Because CH4/SO2 is typically 10−4-10−3 in volcanic gases on the Earth, our results show seepage is unlikely to be the source of the recently discovered methane on Mars and therefore strengthen its biogenic origin.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectra of Venus and Mars at the NO fundamental band at 5.3 μm with resolving power ν/δν=76,000 were acquired using the TEXES spectrograph at NASA IRTF on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The observed spectrum of Venus covered three NO lines of the P-branch. One of the lines is strongly contaminated, and the other two lines reveal NO in the lower atmosphere at a detection level of 9 sigma. A simple photochemical model for NO and N at 50-112 km was coupled with a radiative transfer code to simulate the observed equivalent widths of the NO and some CO2 lines. The derived NO mixing ratio is 5.5±1.5 ppb below 60 km and its flux is . Predissociation of NO at the (0-0) 191 nm and (1-0) 183 nm bands of the δ-system and the reaction with N are the only important loss processes for NO in the lower atmosphere of Venus. The photochemical impact of the measured NO abundance is significant and should be taken into account in photochemical modeling of the Venus atmosphere. Lightning is the only known source of NO in the lower atmosphere of Venus, and the detection of NO is a convincing and independent proof of lightning on Venus. The required flux of NO is corrected for the production of NO and N by the cosmic ray ionization and corresponds to the lightning energy deposition of . For a flash energy on Venus similar to that on the Earth (∼109 J), the global flashing rate is ∼90 s−1 and ∼6 km−2 y−1 which is in reasonable agreement with the existing optical observations. The observed spectrum of Mars covered three NO lines of the R-branch. Two of these lines are contaminated by CO2 lines, and the line at 1900.076 cm−1 is clean and shows some excess over the continuum. Some photochemical reactions may result in a significant excitation of NO (v=1) in the lowest 20 km on Mars. However, quenching of NO (v=1) by CO2 is very effective below 40 km. Excitation of NO (v=1) in the collisions with atomic oxygen is weak because of the low temperature in the martian atmosphere, and we do not see any explanation of a possible emission of NO at 5.3 μm. Therefore the data are treated as the lack of absorption with a 2 sigma upper limit of 1.7 ppb to the NO abundance in the lower atmosphere of Mars. This limit is above the predictions of photochemical models by a factor of 3.  相似文献   

Composed of rocks, dirt, ices and metals, the small bodies of the Solar System generally show features of strength; and that property undoubtedly played a major role in their collisional evolution. But the quantification of strength is difficult because there are many different measures of strength, and those measures depend significantly on a body's composition, previous history and size. Although it is at the foundations of our scaling theories for the disruption of small bodies, and an essential part of code calculations, we have only recently begun to understand and come to grips with that strength property and in appropriate ways to model it in our theories and calculations.This is a general overview of strength theories for geological-type materials as needed for impact analyses. Dominant features of strength models are discussed, and comparisons of various models in the literature against that feature template is given. A summary of the use of strength theories in impact calculations is presented.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new program to find high-redshift radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere through ultrasteep spectrum (USS) selection. We define a sample of 234 USS radio sources with spectral indices α843408≤−1.0 ( S ν∝να) and flux densities S 408≥ 200 mJy in a region of 0.35 sr, chosen by cross-correlating the revised 408 MHz Molonglo Reference Catalogue, the 843 MHz Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey and the 1400 MHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey in the overlap region −40° < δ < −30°. We present Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) high-resolution 1384 and 2368 MHz radio data for each source, which we use to analyse the morphological, spectral index and polarization properties of our sample. We find that 85 per cent of the sources have observed-frame spectral energy distributions that are straight over the frequency range 408–2368 MHz, and that, on average, sources with smaller angular sizes have slightly steeper spectral indices and lower fractional linear polarization. Fractional polarization is anticorrelated with flux density at both 1400 and 2368 MHz. We also use the ATCA data to determine observed-frame Faraday rotation measures for half of the sample.  相似文献   

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) survey of the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) has provided us with evidence for the existence of a previously unidentified sample of hot white dwarfs in unresolved, detached binary systems. These stars are invisible at optical wavelengths due to the close proximity of their much more luminous companions (spectral type K or earlier). However, for companions of spectral type ∼A5 or later the white dwarfs are easily visible at far-ultraviolet wavelengths, and can be identified in spectra taken by IUE . 16 such systems have been discovered in this way through ROSAT EUVE IUE observations, including four identified by us in Paper I. In the present paper we report the results of our continuing search during the final year of IUE operations. One new system, RE J0500−364 (DA+F6/7V), has been identified. This star appears to lie at a distance of ∼500−1000 pc, making it one of the most distant white dwarfs, if not the most distant, to be detected in the EUV surveys. The very low line-of-sight neutral hydrogen volume density to this object could place a lower limit on the length of the β CMa interstellar tunnel of diffuse gas, which stretches away from the Local Bubble in a similar direction to RE J0500−364. In this paper we also analyse a number of the stars observed where no white dwarf companion was found. Some of these objects show evidence for chromospheric and coronal activity. Finally, we present an analysis of the previously known WD+active F6V binary HD 27483 (Bo¨hm-Vitense 1993), and show that, at T  ≈ 22 000 K, the white dwarf may be contributing significantly to the observed EUV flux. If so, it is one of the coolest such stars to be detected in the EUV surveys.  相似文献   

We describe a powerful signal processing method, the continuous wavelet transform, and use it to analyze radial structure in Cassini ISS images of Saturn's rings. Wavelet analysis locally separates signal components in frequency space, causing many structures to become evident that are difficult to observe with the naked eye. Density waves, generated at resonances with saturnian satellites orbiting outside (or within) the rings, are particularly amenable to such analysis. We identify a number of previously unobserved weak waves, and demonstrate the wavelet transform's ability to isolate multiple waves superimposed on top of one another. We also present two wave-like structures that we are unable to conclusively identify. In a multi-step semi-automated process, we recover four parameters from clearly observed weak spiral density waves: the local ring surface density, the local ring viscosity, the precise resonance location (useful for pointing images, and potentially for refining saturnian astrometry), and the wave amplitude (potentially providing new constraints upon the masses of the perturbing moons). Our derived surface densities have less scatter than previous measurements that were derived from stronger non-linear waves, and suggest a gentle linear increase in surface density from the inner to the mid-A Ring. We show that ring viscosity consistently increases from the Cassini Division outward to the Encke Gap. Meaningful upper limits on ring thickness can be placed on the Cassini Division (3.0 m at r∼118,800 km, 4.5 m at r∼120,700 km) and the inner A Ring (10-15 m for r<127,000 km).  相似文献   

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