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Journal of Seismology - We present a P-wave minimum 1D velocity model for central and northern Pakistan along with station delays. The velocity model and appropriate station delays are obtained...  相似文献   


通过人工爆破资料研究地球结构的独特优点是震源时间和位置精确知道.2010-2012年间福建省进行了一系列的爆破实验.本文利用手工拾取来自省地震台网记录的爆破地震初至Pg、Pn以及续至Pg波到时数据,采用联合反演方法构建了新的一维P波速度模型,即福建爆破模型(FJEM).与华南模型相比,FJEM模型对走时的拟合程度提高了45%,有明显改善.利用不同爆破地震数据组合得到稳定类似的福建地区一维速度模型,显示福建地区存在较简单的一维速度结构.对爆破地震的重定位显示传统使用的华南模型在福建地区具有较小的水平定位误差(平均0.52±0.45 km),但存在较大深度误差(平均4.7±1.2 km).FJEM模型表现出与华南模型相似的水平定位能力,但是震源深度误差更小(1.3±1.1 km).对基于FJEM模型的合成天然地震目录的重定位,华南模型显示出相似的定位结果:(1)台站方位覆盖较好的福建中部地区的水平定位误差小;(2)台站方位覆盖差的福建海岸及海峡区域水平定位误差大;(3)震源深度误差则跟台站数目及方位分布没有明显的关系,而是与发震时间误差有互易关系.从中可以看出,地震水平定位误差基本上受台站方位覆盖影响,而受参考速度模型影响不大;而在深度方面,本文改进的FJEM模型不仅更加接近真实的速度结构(拟合走时更好)而且也减小了深度误差.因此建议在福建及其邻近区域的日常定位中用FJEM模型替代华南模型.


Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - The ray-matrix method can extend the applicability of ray methods to 3-D heterogeneous velocity models containing thin stacks of fine isotropic or anisotropic...  相似文献   

A minimum 1-D seismic velocity model for routine seismic event location purposes was determined for the area of the western Barents Sea, using a modified version of the VELEST code. The resulting model, BARENTS16, and corresponding station corrections were produced using data from stations at regional distances, the vast majority located in the periphery of the recorded seismic activity, due to the unfavorable land–sea distribution. Recorded seismicity is approached through the listings of a joint bulletin, resulting from the merging of several international and regional bulletins for the region, as well as additional parametric data from temporary deployments. We discuss the challenges posed by this extreme network-seismicity geometry in terms of velocity estimation resolution and result stability. Although the conditions do not facilitate the estimation of meaningful station corrections at the farthermost stations, and even well-resolved corrections do not have a convincing contribution, we show that the process can still converge to a stable velocity average for the crust and upper mantle, in good agreement with a priori information about the regional structure and geology, which reduces adequately errors in event location estimates.  相似文献   

The monitoring of seismic activity inSoutheastern Sicily (Italy) has beenrecently improved by a digital seismicnetwork. This effort has produced ahomogeneous and complete dataset which weused to define a reference 1-D velocitymodel. We have inverted P- and S-wavearrival times from 51 selected localearthquakes by using several initialvelocity and layer thickness models. Then,the range of possible velocity modelsobtained was tested with earthquakelocations to select the best velocitymodel. Improvements in location accuracy byusing the Minimum 1-D velocity model, withrespect to the locations obtained by usingthe routine velocity model, were evidencedfrom the reduced residuals, the smallerestimated location errors, and theincreased tendency of foci to cluster. Thedistribution of relocated hypocentersconfirmed the lack of seismic activity inthe central part of the area.  相似文献   

将有限差分正演及LSQR反演方法应用到宁夏及邻区,利用该区2003-2009年7年间的地震和爆破记录,经过重新细致分析,得到了具有4个以上台站清楚记录到初至波Pg和Pn到时的地震426次、爆破52次,剔除到时离散较大的数据后共有2 788条记录.获得了不同深度的速度平面分布图像以及不同位置的深度速度剖面图像.得出深度0...  相似文献   

Global ocean circulation models do not usually take high-latitude processes into account in an adequate form due to a limited model domain or insufficient resolution. Without the processes in key areas contributing to the lower part of the global thermohaline circulation, the characteristics and flow of deep and bottom waters often remain unrealistic in these models. In this study, various sections of the Bremerhaven Regional Ice Ocean Simulation model results are combined with a global inverse model by using temperature, salinity, and velocity constraints for the Hamburg Large Scale Geostrophic ocean general circulation model. The differences between the global model with and without additional constraints from the regional model demonstrate that the Weddell Sea circulation exerts a significant influence on the course of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with consequences for Southern Ocean water mass characteristics and the spreading of deep and bottom waters in the South Atlantic. The influence of the Ross Sea is found to be less important in terms of global influences. However, regional changes in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean are found to be of Ross Sea origin. The additional constraints change the hydrographic conditions of the global model in the vicinity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in such a way that transport values, e.g., in Drake Passage no longer need to be prescribed to obtain observed transports. These changes not only improve the path and transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current but affect the meso- and large-scale circulation. With a higher (lower) mean Drake Passage transport, the mean Weddell Gyre transport is lower (higher). Furthermore, an increase (decrease) in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current leads to a decrease (increase) of the circum-Australian flow, i.e., a decrease (increase) of the Indonesian Throughflow.  相似文献   

Wave velocities in haloanhydrites are difficult to determine and significantly depend on the mineralogy. We used petrophysical parameters to study the wave velocity in haloanhydrites in the Amur Darya Basin and constructed a template of the relation between haloanhydrite mineralogy (anhydrite, salt, mudstone, and pore water) and wave velocities. We used the relation between the P-wave moduli ratio and porosity as constraint and constructed a graphical model (petrophysical template) for the relation between wave velocity, mineral content and porosity. We tested the graphical model using rock core and well logging data.  相似文献   

致密砂岩普遍具有低孔、低渗及微裂缝发育的地质特征,并且呈现出很强的非均匀性.致密砂岩储层与常规砂岩储层比较,具有明显的岩石物理性质、渗流力学性质方面的差异.致密砂岩内部的非均匀性对弹性波频散、衰减有显著影响,其中包括孔隙结构的非均匀性,即岩石内部孔隙参数的不均一性,以及孔隙内部不相混溶流体的非均匀分布;此外,非均匀性的尺度也决定了波出现显著频散与衰减的频段.综合考虑致密砂岩孔隙结构非均匀性及流体斑块状饱和的非均匀性,本文采用双双重孔隙介质结构模拟了致密砂岩的弹性波响应,分析了同时具备两类非均质性岩石中的波传播特征.调查分析了两组分别来自中国鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格气田及四川盆地广安气田的不同类型致密砂岩储层的岩芯超声波实验数据,给出了岩石样本的弹性波速度频散与衰减曲线.结果显示理论模型预测结果与完全饱和、部分饱和岩石的实验数据吻合良好.对两个地区致密砂岩岩芯数据进行对比分析,苏里格致密砂岩样本总体上比广安致密砂岩渗透率高,在各孔隙度范围内,特征模拟显示苏里格样本的裂隙尺寸明显大于广安样本.广安致密砂岩在低孔隙度范围内发育了更多、更小的颗粒裂隙/接触.致密砂岩的速度频散与衰减结果受流体黏度、晶体破裂及流体斑块状饱和的共同影响.此外,孔隙度越大,部分饱和岩石中斑块状饱和机制对总衰减的贡献越低,与之相对,结构非均质性所占的比重则有所增强.  相似文献   

We invert measurements of coseismic displacements from 139 continuously recorded GPS sites from the 2010, Jiashian, Taiwan earthquake to solve for fault geometry and slip distribution using an elastic uniform stress drop inversion. The earthquake occurred at a depth of ~ 23 km in an area between the Western Foothills fold-and-thrust belt and the crystalline high mountains of the Central Range, providing an opportunity to examine the deep fault structure under Taiwan. The inferred rupture plane is oblique to the prominent orientation of thrust faults and parallel to several previously recognized NW-striking transfer zones that appear to connect stepping thrusts. We find that a fault striking 318°–344° with dip of 26°–41° fits the observations well with oblique reverse-sinistral slip under a low stress drop of about 0.5 MPa. The derived geodetic moment of 2.92 × 1018 N-m is equivalent to a Mw = 6.24 earthquake. Coseismic slip is largely concentrated within a circular patch with a 10-km radius at the depth between 10 and 24 km and maximum slip of 190 mm. We suggest this earthquake ruptured the NW-striking Chishan transfer fault zone, which we interpret as a listric NE-dipping lateral ramp with oblique slip connecting stepping thrust faults (ramps). The inferred slip on the lateral ramp is considerably deeper than the 7–15 km deep detachment identified in previous studies of western Taiwan. We infer an active basal detachment under western Taiwan at a depth of at least ~ 20–23 km based on these inversion results. The earthquake may have nucleated at the base of the lateral ramp near the intersection with the basal detachment. Coulomb stress change calculations suggest that this earthquake moved several NE-striking active thrust faults in western Taiwan nearer to failure.  相似文献   

A series of numerical experiments for data assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) in a shallow water model are reported. Temperature profiles measured at a North Sea location, 55°30ˊ North and 0°55ˊ East (referred to as the CS station of the NERC North Sea project), are assimilated in 1-D simulations. Comparison of simulations without assimilation to model results obtained when assimilating data with the EnKF allows us to assess the filter performance in reproducing features of the observations not accounted for by the model. The quality of the model error sampling is tested as well as the validity of the Gaussian hypothesis underlying the analysis scheme of the EnKF. The influence of the model error parameters and the frequency of the data assimilation are investigated and discussed. From these experiments, a set of optimal parameters for the model error sampling are deduced and used to test the behavior of the EnKF when propagating surface information into the water column.  相似文献   

The combined estimation of model state and parameters is investigated by using an ensemble Kalman filter in a 1-D numerical study of the temperature profile at a North Sea station located at 55°30??North and 0°55??East. This simplified model implementation allows to test many configurations for the sampling of the model error for the model state as well as for the parameters. Temperature profiles from thermistor data are assimilated. The influence of a vertically or non-vertically correlated model error is examined through the computation of correlation coefficients, root mean square errors, and model bias. As the CS station is located in the North Sea region stratified in summer, vertically non-correlated model error terms have a slight positive impact on the assimilative runs. The benefit of the combined estimation of the model state and parameters is examined by comparison of a simulation where the model parameters are not adjusted to simulations with the combined estimation of the model state either with one parameter or with a set of parameters related to the surface heat exchange. The optical attenuation coefficient, the sensible, and latent heat exchange coefficients are considered. The best results are obtained when a set of parameters are simultaneously adjusted.  相似文献   


Little is known about the salt intrusion behaviour in Malaysian estuaries. Study of salt intrusion generally requires large amounts of data, especially if 2-D or 3-D numerical models are used; thus, in data-poor environments, 1-D analytical models are more appropriate. A fully analytical 1-D salt intrusion model, which is simple to implement and requires minimal data, was tested in six previously unsurveyed Malaysian estuaries (Kurau, Perak, Bernam, Selangor, Muar and Endau). The required data can be collected during a single day of observations. Site measurements were conducted during the dry season (June–August 2012 and February–March 2013) near spring tide. Data on cross-sections (by echo-sounding), water levels (by pressure loggers) and salinity (by moving boat) were collected as model input. A good fit was demonstrated between the simulated and observed salinity distribution for all six estuaries. Additionally, the two calibration parameters (the Van der Burgh coefficient and the boundary condition for the dispersion) were compared with the existing predictive equations. Since gauging stations were only present in some nested catchments in the drainage basins, the river discharge had to be up-scaled to represent the total discharge contribution of the catchments. However, the correspondence between the calibration coefficients and the predictive equations was good, particularly in view of the uncertainty in the river discharge data used. This confirms that the predictive salt intrusion model is valid for the cases studied in Malaysia. The model provides a reliable, predictive tool, which the water authority of Malaysia can use for making decisions on water abstraction or dredging.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor A. Fiori  相似文献   

By studying the seismicity pattern before 37 earthquakes withM?6.0 in North China and the pattern of crustal deformation in the Capital Area from 1954 to 1992, some abnormal characteristics of these patterns before strong earthquakes have been extracted. A comparison has been made between the anomalies of these two kinds of patterns. From the results we can know the following. (1) Before a strong earthquake, the seismicity will strengthen and the crustal deformation rate will increase. (2) Several years before a strong earthquake, there will be seismic gaps and deformation gaps around the epicenter of the quake. (3) The dynamic parameters of patterns all show a decrease in information dimension. This means that the crustal deformation has become more and more localized with time and it gives an important indication showing that a strong earthquake is in preparation. At the end of the paper, the physical mechanisms of the abnormal patterns of seismicity and crustal deformation have been explained in a unified way in terms of the earthquake-generating model of a inhomogeneous strongbody in inhomogeneous media.  相似文献   

The two key requirements in conducting 3-D simultaneous traveltime tomography on real data at the regional and global scale with multiple classes of arrival time information are (1) it needs an efficient and accurate arrival tracking algorithm for multiply transmitted, reflected (or refracted) and converted waves in a 3-D variable velocity model with embedded velocity discontinuities (or subsurface interfaces), and (2) a subdimensional inversion solver is required which can easily search for different types of model parameters to balance the trade-off between the different types of model parameter updated in the simultaneous inversion process. For these purposes, we first extend a popular grid/cell-based wavefront expanding ray tracing algorithm (the multistage irregular shortest-path ray tracing method), which previously worked only in Cartesian coordinate at the local scale, to spherical coordinates appropriate to the regional or global scale. We then incorporated a fashionable inversion solver (the subspace method) to formulate a simultaneous inversion algorithm, in which the multiple classes of arrivals (including direct and reflected arrivals from different velocity discontinuities) can be used to simultaneously update both the velocity fields and the reflector geometries. Numerical tests indicate that the new inversion method is both applicable and flexible in terms of computational efficiency and solution accuracy, and is not sensitive to a modest level of noise in the traveltime data. It offers several potential benefits over existing schemes for real data seismic imaging.  相似文献   

In this paper, the stress concentration process and the time-space distribution of stress when earthquakes are in preparation in one or more earthquake-generating bodies in a tectonic block have been analyzed and their relation with seismicity and earthquake precursors have been studied. The results show that: 1 When the regional stress field has intensified to a certain level, fracture begins in some block or blocks. The regional stress field will vary with time and the occurrence of strong earthquakes in groups is the result of the evolution of this dynamic stress field. In this process, the existence and development of more than one high stress concentration zone may give rise to a variety of pre-seismic anomaly-to-earthquake relations. 2 The process of stress variation in an earthquake-generating block generally appears as a nonlinear one. After the long-term elastic deformation, there may be more than one time of inelastic deformation and fault-softening from the beginning of the stage of inelastic deformation to just before the main fracture. Corresponding to such a nonlinearity, the stress and strain fields in the earthquake-generating block will display a complex pattern of time-space evolution; and thus the earthquake precursor fields controlled by stress and strain must display complexities in many aspects.  相似文献   

—?A 2-D and a 3-D finite element representation using Drucker-Prager cap model is employed in the study to determine the seismic response of a volcanic hill located in one of the islands in the Azores Archipelago. In order to test the applicability of these models we used the motion recorded at the base of the hill during an aftershock of the July 9, 1998 earthquake and compared the numerical response with the record obtained at the top of the hill. Several comparisons and sensitivity analyses were made to identify the most important dynamic parameters influencing the response. Even though the match is not yet adequate for any one of the representations, especially in time domain, the 3-D model showed a good fitting in terms of Fourier Spectrum. Up to a PGA of 0.24?g the behavior of the hill is approximately linear, with higher amplifications going upwards along a vertical interior column; beyond this limit, there is a clear nonlinear behavior.  相似文献   

通过建立孕震断层中锁固段的临界破坏—断裂力学与其蠕变过程联系,发现每个锁固段断裂点与加速应变能释放起点的累积Benioff应变之比,有着依赖于锁固段个数的指数律关系,指数函数的底数为1.48.在最后一个锁固段破坏以前,每一个锁固段的临界破坏—断裂过程表示一个中等强度或更大震级预震(preshock)的产生过程;在最后一个锁固段破坏之后,主震将发生.通过相当数量地震实例的回溯性预测分析,表明这一指数律能可靠地应用于中等强度预震和主震的预测.该方法能够在地震的中期、短期以及临震预报方面发挥作用.常数1.48很可能是表征中等强度或更大震级的预震和主震产生过程的普适常数.我们还对地震预报研究中某些有争议的问题进行了讨论,从理论和技术层面论证了本方法的适用性.  相似文献   

周红  常莹 《地球物理学报》2022,65(6):2022-2034

地形效应是地震学、地震工程学和工程地震学中非常重要的研究课题.地震震后调查发现: 地形起伏变化引起了更严重的地震灾害, 地震仪器也记录到复杂的三维地形对地震动具有放大效应.关于地形激发的地震动效应问题, 目前仍处于定性研究阶段, 得到了一些定性的结论: 如地形效应表现为与地形坡度相关、与山脊和山谷相关、与山形坡面形态相关、与山体高宽比相关、与地形变化的尺度相关等等.这些定性结论没能给出影响地形效应的主要因素, 如何预测地形效应仍是难题.本文通过谱元数值模拟方法, 计算了自贡地区的地震动地形效应的放大系数, 同时引入BP神经网络技术, 揭示了地形放大系数可以用不同尺度地形上的变化来表述, 即可以用地形高程、地形变化梯度及其高阶变化梯度来表示.据此为参量, 文中建立了地形效应BP神经网络的预测模型, 并将该预测模型的结果与自贡地形台阵在汶川地震中的主震记录获得的地形放大系数结果进行了对比, 给出了预测结果与实际结果的差异范围, 讨论了造成差异的成因, 该论文提出的研究方法为更全面的研究地形效应提供了重要的研究思路.


We describe the behaviour of the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity. The anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays crossing the split intersection singularity are smoothly but very sharply bent. While the initial–value rays can be safely traced by solving Hamilton’s equations of rays, it is often impossible to determine the coefficients of the equations of geodesic deviation (paraxial ray equations, dynamic ray tracing equations) and to solve them numerically. As a result, we often know neither the matrix of geometrical spreading, nor the phase shift due to caustics. We demonstrate the abrupt changes of the geometrical spreading and wavefront curvature of the fast anisotropic–ray–theory S wave. We also demonstrate the formation of caustics and wavefront triplication of the slow anisotropic–ray–theory S wave.Since the actual S waves propagate approximately along the SH and SV reference rays in this velocity model, we compare the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays. Since the coupling ray theory is usually calculated along the anisotropic common S–wave rays, we also compare the anisotropic common S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays.  相似文献   

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