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Accurate determination of seismic velocity of the crust is important for understanding regional tectonics and crustal evolution of the Earth. We propose a stepwise joint linearized inversion method using surface wave dispersion, Rayleigh wave ZH ratio (i.e., ellipticity), and receiver function data to better resolve 1D crustal shear wave velocity (v S) structure. Surface wave dispersion and Rayleigh wave ZH ratio data are more sensitive to absolute variations of shear wave speed at depths, but their sensitivity kernels to shear wave speeds are different and complimentary. However, receiver function data are more sensitive to sharp velocity contrast (e.g., due to the existence of crustal interfaces) and v P/v S ratios. The stepwise inversion method takes advantages of the complementary sensitivities of each dataset to better constrain the v S model in the crust. We firstly invert surface wave dispersion and ZH ratio data to obtain a 1D smooth absolute v S model and then incorporate receiver function data in the joint inversion to obtain a finer v S model with better constraints on interface structures. Through synthetic tests, Monte Carlo error analyses, and application to real data, we demonstrate that the proposed joint inversion method can resolve robust crustal v S structures and with little initial model dependency.  相似文献   

李明明  何玉梅 《地震学报》2011,33(2):143-155
运用瑞雷面波相速度频散曲线分析和反演得到了华北克拉通东北部边界及其邻近区域岩石圈的精细S波速度结构.利用11个地震事件、60个台站的瑞雷面波波形资料,得到了周期从25-150 S的相速度频散曲线,并且通过线性反演方法得到了深度从40-300 km的S波速度结构.结果表明,该研究区域S波速度存在强烈的不均匀性.从东南部的...  相似文献   

Attenuation of P and S waves has been investigated in Alborz and north central part of Iran using the data recorded by two permanent and one temporary networks during October 20, 2009, to December 22, 2010. The dataset consists of 14,000 waveforms from 380 local earthquakes (2 < M L < 5.6). The extended coda normalization method (CNM) was used to estimate quality factor of P (Q P) and S waves (Q S) at seven frequency bands (0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24 Hz). The Q P and Q S values have been estimated at lapse times from 40 to 100 s. It has been observed that the estimated values of Q P and Q S are time independent; therefore, the mean values of Q P and Q S at different lapse times have been considered. The frequency dependence of quality factor was determined by using a power-law relationship. The frequency-dependent relationship for Q P was estimated in the form of (62 ± 7)f (1.03 ± 0.07) and (48 ± 5)f (0.95 ± 0.07) in Alborz region and North Central Iran, respectively. These relations for Q S for Alborz region and North Central Iran have estimated as (83 ± 8)f (0.99 ± 0.07) and (68 ± 5)f (0.96 ± 0.05), respectively. The observed low Q values could be the results of thermoelastic effects and/or existing fracture. The estimated frequency-dependent relationships are comparable with tectonically active regions.  相似文献   

Inversion of local earthquake travel times and joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocity measurements were used to derive a simple model for the velocity crustal structure beneath the southern edge of the Central Alborz (Iran), including the seismically active area around the megacity of Tehran. The P and S travel times from 115 well-located earthquakes recorded by a dense local seismic network, operated from June to November 2006, were inverted to determine a 1D velocity model of the upper crust. The limited range of earthquake depths (between 2 km and 26 km) prevents us determining any velocity interfaces deeper than 25 km. The velocity of the lower crust and the depth of the Moho were found by joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocity data. The resulting P-wave velocity model comprises an upper crust with 3 km and 4 km thick sedimentary layers with P wave velocities (Vp) of ~5.4 and ~5.8 km s?1, respectively, above 9 km and 8 km thick layers of upper crystalline crust (Vp ~6.1 and ~6.25 km s?1 respectively). The lower crystalline crust is ~34 km thick (Vp  6.40 km s?1). The total crustal thickness beneath this part of the Central Alborz is 58 ± 2 km.  相似文献   

The local geology and shallow S-wave velocity structure of a site are recognized to be key factors for the increase in the damaging potential of seismic waves. Indeed, seismic amplitudes may be amplified in frequency ranges unfavorable for building stock by the presence of soft sedimentary covers over lying hard bedrock. Hence, microzonation activities, which aim at assessing the site response as accurately as possible, have become a fundamental task for the seismic risk reduction of urbanized areas. Methods based on the measurement of seismic noise, which typically are fast, non-invasive, and low cost, have become a very attractive option in microzonation studies.Using observations derived from seismic noise recordings collected by two-dimensional arrays of seismic stations, we present a novel joint inversion scheme for surface wave curves. In particular, the Love wave, the Rayleigh wave dispersion and the HVSR curves are innovatively combined in a joint inversion procedure carried out following a global search approach (i.e., the Genetic Algorithm).The procedure is tested using a data set of seismic noise recordings collected at the Bevagna (Italy) test-site. The results of the novel inversion scheme are compared with the inversion scheme proposed by Parolai et al. (2005), where only Rayleigh wave dispersion and HVSR curves are used, and with a cross-hole survey.  相似文献   

Seismic anisotropy provides important constraints on deformation patterns of Earth's material. Rayleigh wave dispersion data with azimuthal anisotropy can be used to invert for depth-dependent shear wavespeed azimuthal anisotropy, therefore reflecting depth-varying deformation patterns in the crust and upper mantle. In this study, we propose a two-step method that uses the Neighborhood Algorithm(NA) for the point-wise inversion of depth-dependent shear wavespeeds and azimuthal anisotropy from Rayleigh wave azimuthally anisotropic dispersion data. The first step employs the NA to estimate depthdependent VSV(or the elastic parameter L) as well as their uncertainties from the isotropic part Rayleigh wave dispersion data. In the second step, we first adopt a difference scheme to compute approximate Rayleigh-wave phase velocity sensitivity kernels to azimuthally anisotropic parameters with respect to the velocity model obtained in the first step. Then we perform the NA to estimate the azimuthally anisotropic parameters Gc/L and Gs/L at depths separately from the corresponding cosine and sine terms of the azimuthally anisotropic dispersion data. Finally, we compute the depth-dependent magnitude and fast polarization azimuth of shear wavespeed azimuthal anisotropy. The use of the global search NA and Bayesian analysis allows for more reliable estimates of depth-dependent shear wavespeeds and azimuthal anisotropy as well as their uncertainties.We illustrate the inversion method using the azimuthally anisotropic dispersion data in SE Tibet, where we find apparent changes of fast axes of shear wavespeed azimuthal anisotropy between the crust and uppermost mantle.  相似文献   


本文利用布设在青藏高原东南缘350个宽频带流动地震台站2011年至2014年记录到的远震体波和面波数据来更好地约束研究区地壳S波速度结构.我们采用分步线性迭代反演算法对远震P波接收函数、瑞雷面波相速度和ZH振幅比进行联合反演获得了研究区高分辨率三维S波速度结构.得到如下结果:(1)在中下地壳主要存在两个低速体,一个从川西北次级块体向西南方向延伸穿过红河断裂进入滇缅泰块体;另一个沿着小江断裂和普渡河断裂分布,向南延伸到24°N左右.且这两个低速体与主要断裂有很好的关联性.(2)两个中地壳通道流是由于滇中次级块体中部(峨眉山大火成岩省内带)的高速异常体对来自青藏高原中部东南方向的中下地壳弱物质流的阻挡而形成,并且我们推测东南侧的地壳流很可能是西北侧的主地壳流沿着安宁河断裂流入.绝大多数地震分布于低速通道流的边界区域,说明低速通道流的存在有助于断裂发生剪切运动而诱发地震.(3)基于以上结果,我们认为除了中下地壳流模型,沿着主要走滑断裂的刚性块体的挤压滑动对于青藏高原东南缘的地壳形变和动力学演化也起着非常重要的作用.(4)在峨眉山大火成岩省内带下方10 km到Moho面总体呈现高速异常,推测可能是二叠纪峨眉山大火成岩省形成时期火山作用和基性超基性岩浆侵入地壳所致.


Rayleigh wave group velocity data from paths crossing the Levantine Sea are presented. We have derived a suite of models for the crustal structure of the Levantine Sea for extreme values of data errors and of the data corrections which were applied in order to account for lateral heterogeneity.We conclude that models with a crustal thickness less than 30 km are not consistent with the data. Our preferred models are characterized by a crustal thickness of 35–40 km. These results and the presence of an extremely thick sedimentary sequence point to a passive continental margin type of structure underlying the Levantine Sea. Additional data from the path Sicily-Jerusalem suggest that this type of structure is representative of the whole of the eastern Mediterranean (Levantine Sea and Ionian Sea).  相似文献   

基于Love波相速度反演南北地震带地壳上地幔结构   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
收集了南北地震带区域地震台网中292个地震台站2008年1月至2011年3月期间的地震波形数据,由频时分析方法提取了Love波相速度频散曲线,经过反演得到了研究区内的Love波相速度分布.根据Love波纯路径频散,采用线性反演方法对0.25°×0.25°的网格点进行了一维S波速度结构反演,利用线性插值获取了南北地震带地区的三维S波速度结构.结果显示了松潘-甘孜地体和川滇菱形块体地区的下地壳具有明显的S波低速层分布,该异常分布特征支持解释青藏高原隆升及其地壳物质运移的下地壳流模型.在100至120 km深度上,川滇菱形块体西北部呈现较强的S波高速异常,这可能是印度岩石圈板块沿喜马拉雅东构造结下插至该区域所致,该区域下地壳的低速软弱物质与上地幔的高速强硬物质形成了鲜明对比,暗示了地壳和上地幔可能具有不同的构造运动和变形方式,这为该区域的壳幔动力学解耦提供了条件.  相似文献   

In this study, we calculate accurate absolute locations for nearly 3,000 shallow earthquakes (≤20 km depth) that occurred from 1996 to 2010 in the Central Alborz region of northern Iran using a non-linear probabilistic relocation algorithm on a local scale. We aim to produce a consistent dataset with a realistic assessment of location errors using probabilistic hypocenter probability density functions. Our results indicate significant improvement in hypocenter locations and far less scattering than in the routine earthquake catalog. According to our results, 816 earthquakes have horizontal uncertainties in the 0.5–3.0 km range, and 981 earthquakes are relocated with focal-depth errors less than 3.0 km, even with a suboptimal network geometry. Earthquake relocated are tightly clustered in the eastern Tehran region and are mainly associated with active faults in the study area (the Mosha and Garmsar faults). Strong historical earthquakes have occurred along the Mosha and Garmsar faults, and the relocated earthquakes along these faults show clear north-dipping structures and align along east–west lineations, consistent with the predominant trend of faults within the study region. After event relocation, all seismicity lies in the upper 20 km of the crust, and no deep seismicity (>20 km depth) has been observed. In many circumstances, the seismicity at depth does not correlate with surface faulting, suggesting that the faulting at depth does not directly offset overlying sediments.  相似文献   

Temporal changes of b-value, fractal (correlation) dimensions of epicenters (D e ) and occurrence time of earthquakes (D t ) and relations between these parameters were calculated to investigate precursory changes before 28 May 2004, Baladeh-Kojour earthquake (M w = 6.3) of Central Alborz, Iran. 2086 events with M N ≥ 1.7 were selected for our analyses. A wide range of variation was seen in these parameters: b-value ~ 0.6–1.11, D e ~ 0.97–1.64, and D t ~ 0.13–0.93. The results showed decreases in all fractal parameters several months before the main shock. This decrease, which might have arisen due to clusters of events occurred between 2002–2003, was followed by a systematic increase, corresponding to the increased level of low-magnitude seismicity. It seems that changes in fractal parameters may be precursors of Baladeh-Kojour earthquake which was caused by seismic activation and quiescence. Furthermore, a positive correlation between b-value and D e was detected before the main shock (D e = 0.87 + 0.7b) and during aftershock sequences (D e = 2b ± 0.09), which was further on changed to a negative one (D e = 2.56–1.32b).  相似文献   

Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities in the Arctic islands and adjacent mainland of northern Canada exhibit large regional variations which can be attributed to variations in crustal structure. The shield and platform regions, the eastern Sverdrup basin, and the western Sverdrup basin are characterized by progressively slower velocities. Inversions of the regionalized group velocity data lead to three distinct shear-velocity models. The shield and platform model is similar to earlier models obtained for the Canadian shield. The Sverdrup basin models have low near-surface velocities which may correspond to thick accumulations of sediment. A sediment thickness of about 12 km obtained for the eastern basin corresponds to the maximum thickness inferred from earlier geological studies. An even thicker zone of low velocities occurs in the upper crust of the western basin. This zone may represent the true thickness of a very deep basin or slow velocities in basement rock may underlie the shallower sediments. A third alternative is that low apparent velocities for the western Sverdrup basin result from systematic errors in group velocity determinations produced by epicentral mislocations or origin time errors of the earthquakes used, but such mislocation or errors would have to be quite large to explain the observations. It is not possible to explain the group velocities across the basin areas by simply adding sediments to the shield and platform model. The resulting discrepancies with the data suggest an altogether different crustal structure beneath the basin than that beneath the shield and platform areas.  相似文献   


本文对在青藏高原东北缘及邻近地区架设的571套宽频带流动地震台站记录到的连续波形数据进行处理,通过联合反演P波接收函数、背景噪声频散和Rayleigh波ZH振幅比,获得了研究区高分辨率三维地壳S波速度(VS)结构.研究结果显示,松潘—甘孜块体和西秦岭造山带以及北祁连造山带下方15~40 km的深度范围内存在很显著的S波低速异常体.其中,松潘—甘孜块体和西秦岭造山带下方的低速异常体很可能与部分熔融有关,且造成部分熔融的原因除了剪切加热外,还有可能是软流圈物质上涌和地壳内部的放射生热.而北祁连造山带的低速异常体则可能由地表隆升和地壳增厚所造成.阿拉善块体内部分布有很多不太显著的低速异常体,这可能与阿拉善块体经历了复杂的构造变形有关.在银川—河套地堑下方20~35 km的深度范围内同样观测到了相对不太显著的低速异常体,这更可能与基性岩浆的底侵作用有关.



利用蒙古中南部台阵记录的连续背景噪声数据、天然地震面波数据和远震P波波形数据, 开展瑞利波相速度、椭圆率和远震P波叠加波形的联合反演, 建立了蒙古中南部地壳三维S波速度模型.结果显示, 蒙古中南部的瑞利波相速度及椭圆率、沉积基底深度、莫霍面深度、地壳S波速度在蒙古—鄂霍茨克缝合线和蒙古主构造线南北两侧分布均有明显差异, 暗示了这两条缝合线至少为地壳级别的分界.中戈壁火山和Bus-Obo火山在地壳内相互连通, 在下地壳存在大面积低速层.我们推测杭盖穹隆上地幔热物质上涌在中戈壁带地壳底部形成岩浆囊, 为这两座板内火山活动提供了岩浆来源.


IntroductionThenorthernpartofNorthChinaplainisoneofthemajorregionsforearthquakemonitoringandprediction.AlotofdeepstructureinvestigationhasbeencarriedolltinBeding,Tianjin,TangshanandZhangiiakouinthepastyears,andalotofimportantresultshavebeenachievedby...  相似文献   

A constrained 3D density model of the upper crust along a part of the Deccan Syneclise is carried out based on the complete Bouguer anomaly data. Spectral analysis of the complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the study region suggests two major sources: short wavelength anomalies (<100 km) caused primarily due to the density inhomogeneities at shallow crustal level and long wavelength anomalies (>100 km) produced due to the sources deeper than the upper crust. A residual map of the short wavelength anomalies is prepared from the complete Bouguer anomaly using Butterworth high‐pass filter (100 km cut‐off wavelength). Utilizing the constraints from deep resistivity sounding, magnetotellurics and deep seismic sounding studies, 2.5D density models have been generated along 39 profiles of this region. The mismatch between the calculated response of the a priori 2.5D model with the residual (short wavelength) gravity anomalies is minimized by introducing high‐density intrusive bodies (≥2.81 g/cm3) in the basement. With these 2.5D density models, the initial geometry of our 3D density model, which includes alluvium, Deccan trap, Mesozoic sediment and high‐density intrusive bodies in the basement up to a depth of 7 km (upper crust), is generated. In the final 3D model, Deccan trap extends from 200 m to nearly 1700 m below the 90–150 m thick Quaternary sediment. Further down, the sub‐trappean Mesozoic sediment is present at a depth range of 600–3000 m followed by the basement. The derived 3D density model also indicates six intrusive bodies of density 2.83 g/cm3 in the basement at an average depth of about 4–7 km that best fits the residual gravity anomaly of the study area.  相似文献   

Variations in crustal thickness in the Zagros determined by joint inversion of P wave receiver functions (RFs) and Rayleigh wave group and phase velocity dispersion. The time domain iterative deconvolution procedure was employed to compute RFs from teleseismic recordings at seven broadband stations of INSN network. Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves were estimated employing two-station method. Fundamental mode Rayleigh wave group velocities for each station is taken from a regional scale surface wave tomographic imaging. The main variations in crustal thickness that we observe are between stations located in the Zagros fold and thrust belt with those located in the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (SSZ) and Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic assemblage (UDMA). Our results indicate that the average crustal thickness beneath the Zagros Mountain Range varies from ~46 km in Western and Central Zagros beneath SHGR and GHIR up to ~50 km beneath BNDS located in easternmost of the Zagros. Toward NE, we observe an increase in Moho depth where it reaches ~58 km beneath SNGE located in the SSZ. Average crustal thickness also varies beneath the UDMA from ~50 km in western parts below ASAO to ~58 in central parts below NASN. The observed variation along the SSZ and UDMA may be associated to ongoing slab steepening or break off in the NW Zagros, comparing under thrusting of the Arabian plate beneath Central Zagros. The results show that in Central Iran, the crustal thickness decrease again to ~47 km below KRBR. There is not a significant crustal thickness difference along the Zagros fold and thrust belt. We found the same crystalline crust of ~34 km thick beneath the different parts of the Zagros fold and thrust belt. The similarity of crustal structure suggests that the crust of the Zagros fold and thrust belt was uniform before subsidence and deposition of the sediments. Our results confirm that the shortening of the western and eastern parts of the Zagros basement is small and has only started recently.  相似文献   

Generalized inversion of the S-wave amplitude spectra from the strong-motion network data in the Alborz, Iran has been used to estimate simultaneously source parameters, site response and S-wave attenuation (Qs). To obtain an optimum inverse solution, and also for decreasing the uncertainty level, a frequency-dependent site amplification as a constraint, was imposed to five reference site responses. This constraint removes the undetermined degree of freedom in the inversion. Furthermore, for removing the trade-off between geometrical spreading and anelastic attenuation, a geometrical spreading factor was adopted from the Motazedian [20] study. A point source model has been calibrated against the resulting source terms and consequently source parameters, like corner frequency, moment magnitude and high frequency fall off coefficient, for each event has been determined separately. Also, based on the available data and their connectivity two sub-regions including western and eastern parts of Alborz located east and west of 52.5°E have been considered to see that if there is any possible systematic difference in their seismic source characteristics. The average stress drops obtained are about 182 and 116 bars, respectively for eastern and western Alborz. Another result of the study is the site responses, which have been determined for all of 81 stations individually. Though soil nonlinearity was detected at the Ab-bar station (experienced strong ground shaking, i.e., PGA>0.5 g) near to the epicenter of Manjil M7.4 earthquake of June 20, 1990, but an analysis of residuals showed generally a weak influence of soil nonlinearity (i.e., dependence of amplification on shaking level); probably because of the relatively weak levels of acceleration in our database. Finally, the shear wave quality factor (i.e., Qs) has been determined as a function of frequency represented by a linear equation in logarithmic scale. To evaluate the outcomes of the current study, the results have been compared with similar studies wherever it was available. The results of the current study are of utmost importance for seismic hazard assessment of the metropolitan area of Tehran, where 15 million people live, one-fifth of the population of Iran.  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘对于青藏高原的隆升、增厚和物质逃逸等问题有着重要的研究价值.本文对研究区内布设的大型流动地震台阵的观测记录进行处理,联合反演面波频散与接收函数数据,获得了地壳厚度、沉积层厚度分布情况以及地壳上地幔高精度S波速度结构.联合反演的结果表明:(1)研究区域内地壳厚度变化很大,从西北往东南方向地壳厚度逐渐变薄;(2)沉积层厚度与研究区内沉积盆地的分布情况较为一致;(3)在研究区中下地壳内由北向南呈条带状分布有两条主要的壳内低速体,其中一条从川西北次级块体向南延伸,穿过丽江断裂到达滇中次级块体下方,另一条低速体沿小江断裂分布,向南延伸到24°N左右,两条低速体在中地壳范围被四川盆地及峨眉山大火成岩省内带下方的高速异常所隔开.  相似文献   


通过对南北地震带北段区域所布设的676个流动地震台站观测资料进行处理,联合反演面波频散与接收函数数据,获得了研究区内地壳厚度、沉积层厚度的分布情况以及地壳上地幔高分辨率S波速度结构成像结果.反演结果显示研究区地壳厚度从青藏高原东北缘向外总体逐渐变薄,秦岭造山带地壳厚度较同属青藏高原东北缘的北祁连块体明显减薄;鄂尔多斯盆地及河套盆地分布有非常厚的沉积层,阿拉善块体部分区域也有一定沉积层分布,沉积层与研究区内盆地位置较为一致;松潘—甘孜块体、北祁连造山带等青藏高原东北缘总体表现为S波低速异常;在中下地壳,松潘—甘孜块体下方的低速体比北祁连造山带下方的低速体S波速度值更小、分布深度更浅,更有可能对应于部分熔融的地壳;鄂尔多斯盆地在中下地壳以及上地幔内有着较大范围的高速异常一直延伸到120 km以下,而河套盆地地幔只在80 km以上部分有着高速异常的分布,此深度可能代表了河套盆地的岩石圈厚度,来自深部地幔的热物质上涌造成了该区域的岩石圈减薄;阿拉善块体在地壳和上地幔都表现出高低速共存的分布特征,暗示阿拉善块体西部岩石圈可能受青藏高原东北缘的挤压作用发生改造.


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