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This paper presents 2.5D scattering of incident plane SH waves by a canyon in layered half-space by the indirect boundary element method (IBEM). The free field response is carried out to give the displacements and stresses on the line which forms boundary of the canyon. The fictitious uniform moving loads are applied to the same line to calculate the Green’s functions for the displacements and stresses. The amplitudes of the loads are determined by the boundary conditions. The displacements due to the free ...  相似文献   

弹性层状半空间中凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对Wolf理论进行拓展,使之可解决凸起地形对波的散射问题,进而利用间接边界元法,求解了弹性层状半空间中凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用问题。本文模型的显著特点之一是考虑了层状半空间的动力特性以及层状半空间和凸起地形的阻尼;特点之二是计算精度高。文中以基岩上单一土层中半圆凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用为例进行了数值计算分析。研究表明,基岩上单一土层中凸起地形对入射平面SH波放大作用和均匀半空间中凸起地形有着本质的差别;土层动力特性不仅影响凸起地形地表位移的幅值,还会影响地表位移的频谱;阻尼会显著降低凸起地形对高频波的放大作用。  相似文献   

A closed-form solution of two-dimensional scattering of plane SH waves by a cylindrical canyon of circular-arc cross-section in a half-space is studied using the wave functions expansion method. The solution is reduced to solving infinite linear algebraic equations using the Graf's addition theorem in an appropriate form. Numerical results of the solution are obtained by truncation of the infinite equations and accuracies of the truncation are checked by the extent to which the numerical results fit the boundary condition and by convergence of the numerical results with the truncation order. Complicated effects of the depth-to-width ratio of the canyon on surface ground motion are shown by the numerical results for typical cases.  相似文献   

含峭壁V形峡谷对地震SH波散射的解析解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



针对现有地震波散射问题的解析解均在频域内给出,其适用的频带较窄,不能获取到可靠的瞬态反应解析解的问题,本文利用宽频带频域解析解进一步获取了不同空间点地震反应的宽频带频响函数,并基于傅里叶变换得出SH波入射下圆弧形凹陷地形瞬态动力响应的解析解.以上述为基础,研究了输入脉冲与实际地震动时凹陷的瞬态反应的基本特征,并重点分析...  相似文献   

A closed-form analytical solution of surface motion of a semi-elliptical cylindrical hill for incident plane SH waves is presented. Although some previous analytical work had already dealt with hill topography of semi-circular and shallow circular, our work aims at calculating surface motion of very prolate hill for high incident frequency, and explaining the special vibrating properties of very prolate hill. Accuracy of the solution is checked by boundary conditions, numerical results for surface motion of oblate and prolate hills are calculated, and some conclusions are obtained.  相似文献   

SH波入射时半圆形凸起与凹陷地形的地震动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了弹性半空间中半圆形凸起与凹陷相连地形对SH波的散射问题。将整个求解区域分割为2部分,在其中分别构造满足边界条件的位移解,通过移动坐标使之满足“公共边界”以及半圆形凹陷表面上的边界条件,从而建立起求解该问题的无穷代数方程组。最后,给出了地表位移幅值的数值结果以及凸起地形顶点和凹陷地形最低点处位移幅值的反应谱并进行了讨论。  相似文献   

SV波入射情况下V型河谷地形对地震动的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于局部人工边界的显式有限元方法,给出了二维V型河谷地形在SV波垂直人射下地面运动数值解,并分析其地震动分布规律以及两侧不同的边坡角度对于地震动分布规律的影响.数值结果表明:谷底的角点、两岸靠近河谷的点、两侧谷坡靠近谷底的点以及靠近两岸的点,对地表位移有放大作用,而对其邻近区域地表位移有抑制作用.这是由于角点处存在面的...  相似文献   

Introduction The effect of local topographies on seismic wave propagation is one of the most attractive topics in seismology. It may be resolved by either an analytical method or a numerical method. Here, the analytical method is the wave function expansion method; numerical methods include the finite difference, finite element, boundary integration equation, and discrete wave number method, etc. The advantage of these numerical methods is that they can be applied to local inhomogeneity and ir…  相似文献   

This paper presents a 2.5D scattering of incident plane SV waves by a canyon in a layered half-space by using the indirect boundary element method (IBEM). A free field response analysis is performed to provide the displacements and stresses on the boundary of the canyon where fictitious uniform moving loads are applied to calculate the Green’s functions for the displacements and stresses. The amplitudes of the loads are determined by the boundary conditions. The free field displacements are added to the fic...  相似文献   

The dynamic soil-tunnel interaction is studied by indirect boundary element method (IBEM), using the model of a rigid tunnel in layered half-space, which is simplified to a single soil layer on elastic bedrock, subjected to incident plane SH waves. The accuracy of the results is verified through comparison with the analytical solution. It is shown that soil-tunnel interaction in layered half-space is larger than that in homogeneous half-space and this interaction mechanism is essentially different from that of soil-foundation-superstructure interaction.  相似文献   

A closed-form solution of two-dimensional scattering of plane SH waves by a cylindrical hill of circular-arc cross-section in a half-space is presented using the wave functions expansion method. The solution is reduced to solving a set of infinite linear algebraic equations, using the auxiliary functions and the exterior region form of the Graf's addition theorem. Numerical solutions are obtained by truncation of the infinite equations and their accuracies are demonstrated by convergence of the numerical results and by the extent to which the numerical results fit the exact boundary conditions with increasing the truncation order. The numerical results for some typical cases are then presented for checking accuracies of various numerical methods. The effects of the height-to-width ratio of the hill on surface ground motion are finally illustrated.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of differential ground motions on structural response generally do not consider the effects of the soil-structure interaction. On the other end, studies of soil-structure interaction commonly assume that the foundation of the structure (surface or embedded) is rigid. The former ignore the scattering of waves from the foundation and radiation of energy from the structure back to the soil, while the latter ignore quasi-static forces in the foundations and lower part of the structure deforming due to the wave passage. This paper studies a simple model of a dike but considers both the soil-structure interaction and the flexibility of the foundation. The structure is represented by a wedge resting on a half-space and excited by incident plane SH-waves. The structural ‘foundation’ is a flexible surface that can deform during the passage of seismic waves. The wave function expansion method is used to solve for the motions in the half-pace and in the structure. The displacements and stresses in the structure are compared with those for a fixed-base model shaken by the free-field motion. The results show large displacements near the base of the structure due to the differential motion of the base caused by the wave passage.  相似文献   

The plane-wave assumption for incident SH waves can be a good approximation for cylindrical and spherical waves radiated from finite sources, even when the source is as close as twice the size of the inhomogeneity, and when the source and the inhomogeneity are described within the same coordinate system. However, in a more general setting, and when the fault’s radiation pattern must be considered, the plane-wave approximation may not yield satisfactory answers for arbitrary orientation of the fault. Jalali et al. (2015) demonstrated this for a semi-cylindrical, sedimentary valley, and in this study we extend their results to a case in which the semi-circular, sedimentary valley is replaced by a canyon. We describe the effects of incident cylindrical waves on the amplitudes of surface motion in and near the semi-cylindrical canyon when the causative faults are at different distances and have different curvatures and orientations.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of plane SH waves by a semi-elliptical canyon. The exact series solution of the problem, for general angle of incidence of the plane SH waves, has been used to examine the dependence of surface amplifications inside and near the canyon. The nature of ground motion has been found to depend on two key parameters: (a) The angle of incidence. (b) The ratio of the canyon width to the wave length of incident SH waves. For short incident waves surface displacement amplitudes change rapidly from one point to another, while for the long waves and shallow canyons displacement amplitudes display only minor departure from the uniform half-space amplification of 2. For shallow canyons and long incident waves, the angle of incidence introduces only minor changes into the overall behaviour of surface amplitudes. For deep canyons and nearly grazing incidences, a prominent shadow zone is realized behind the canyon.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of plane SH waves by a semi-cylindrical canyon is analysed for a general angle of wave incidence. The closed-form solution of the problem shows that the surface topography can have prominent effects on incident waves only when the wavelengths of incident motion are short compared to the radius of a canyon. The surface amplification of displacement amplitudes around and in the canyon changes rapidly from one point to another, but the amplification is always less than 2. The over-all trends of amplification pattern are determined by two principal parameters: (1) γ, the angle of incidence of plane SH waves, and (2) η, the ratio of radius of the canyon to one-half wave length of incident waves. The higher η leads to greater complexity of the pattern of surface displacement amplitudes characterized by more abrupt changes of amplification from one point to another, while γ mainly determines the over-all trends of displacement amplitudes. For grazing and nearly grazing incidences, for example, a strong shadow zone is developed behind the canyon. The qualitative analysis of the topographic effects on the Pacoima Dam accelerogram,1 based on the semi-cylindrical canyon, suggests that this strong-motion record was not seriously affected by surface topography of the recording site.  相似文献   

采用直接刚度法计算自由场动力响应,以层状半空间中移动斜线均布荷载动力格林函数模拟散射波场,采用间接边界元方法求解了层状半空间中沉积谷地对斜入射平面SH波的三维散射问题.由于文中采用的层状场地三维动力刚度矩阵是精确的,且用于模拟散射波场的均布移动斜线荷载可以直接施加在沉积交界面处而不存在奇异性,所以本文方法具有很高精度.文中以均匀半空间和基岩上单一土层中沉积谷地对入射SH波的散射为例进行了数值计算,研究表明,沉积谷地对地震波的三维散射与二维散射之间存在本质差别;层状半空间中沉积谷地与均匀半空间中沉积谷地附近地表位移存在显著差异.  相似文献   

This research studies the impact of the incident angle of SH waves on the seismic response of two-dimensional sedimentary basins by using a nonlinear method. At first Ricker wavelet is input for a detailed analysis, followed by a statistical analysis based on a total of 100 real earthquake motions recorded at rock sites. The results show that the incident angle has a significant implication on the basin ground motion. First, the incident angle affects the short-period components more than the long-period ones of the spectral response acceleration, but the dominant period of the spectral response acceleration is insensitive to incident angle and location. Second, the MDIA of a basin is not necessarily 0° (vertical incidence) but in the range of approximately 0°–30°, and hence due attention should be paid to the influence of incident angle in seismic response analysis. Third, basin central areas are seismically preferable to edge regions for short-period buildings located on the basin, while, for long-period buildings, the edge areas become preferable. However, with the increase in incident angle, the difference between edge and central areas diminishes gradually. Finally, given that the dimensions of a basin are perceivable to incidence waves, the slope angle has a considerable impact on the PGA distribution pattern by controlling whether or not peak appears in the edge area. The MDP is most likely to be in the edge area of a basin with small slope angle when subjected to excitation with small incident angle (including vertical incidence).  相似文献   

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