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The reef-crest coral Acropora palmata from late Pleistocene reefs on Barbados has recorded the same global variations in oxygen isotopes as planktonic and benthonic foraminifera. Although the record of oxygen isotopes in Acropora palmata is discontinuous, it offers several advantages over the isotope records from deep-sea sediments: (1) the coral grows at water depths of less than 5 m; (2) the samples are unmixed; (3) specimens may be sampled from various elevations of paleo-sea level; and (4) aragonitic corals are suitable for 230Th234U and HeU dating techniques. The latter advantage means that direct dating of the marine oxygen isotope record is possible. Oxygen isotope stage 5e corresponds to Barbados III, dated at 125,000 ± 6000 yr BP. Petrographic and geochemical evidence from five boreholes drilled into the south coast of Barbados indicates a major eustatic lowering (greater than 100 m below present sea level) occurred between 180,000 and 125,000 yr BP. The age and isotopic data suggest correlation of this change in sea level to Emiliani's oxygen isotope stage 6. Acropora palmata deposited at various elevations of sea level during oxygen isotope stage 6 vary by 0.11 ‰ δ18O for each 10 m of change in sea level. We further hypothesize a minimum drop of 2°C in the average temperature occurred during the regressive phase of oxygen isotope stage 6. These data indicate that temperature lowering of surface water near Barbados lagged behind a major glacial buildup during this time period. Using the δ18O vs sea level calibration herein derived, we estimate the relative height of sea stands responsible for Barbados coral reef terraces in the time range 80,000 to 220,000 yr BP.  相似文献   

Bottom sediments from the sea floor west of Barbados between depths of 110 and 324 m are composed of nodular or crusted carbonate deposits. Individual biogenic sediment grains and the cemented aggregates, nodules and crusts are usually more or less altered by bioerosion and may support one or more generations of encrusting organisms. On the basis of component analysis of the topmost part of the bottom sediments it is possible to recognize three facies: (1) a proximal slope facies down to a depth of about 140 m, rich in mollusc fragments, benthic foraminifera and bryozoans; (2) an upper distal slope facies between about 140 m and about 215 m, rich in benthic foraminifera, molluses and crustaceans; and (3) a lower distal slope facies from about 215 m to at least 300 m, dominated by molluscs, especially pelecypods, with subordinate scleractinians and tubes of the polychaete Lygdamus asteriformis. The appearance and quantitative importance of the cemented aggregates is also related to these facles. In the proximal slope facies, only relatively few irregular and very porous nodules are found, whereas in the lower distal slope facies, aggregates are very common. Most aggregates are crust-like with a smooth upper surface and a more or less irregular, knobby lower surface. The crusts are massive compared with the nodules of the proximal slope facies and, unlike the latter, the lower surfaces and walls of larger cavities are usually coated with Fe and/or Mn oxides. In the upper distal slope facies a gradual transition between the two types of aggregates is found. Petrographical and morphological evidence, together with carbon and oxygen isotopic data, indicates that the nodules and crusts were formed in situ by submarine lithification processes. Radiocarbon dating of two bulk samples suggests that the cementation took place during late Pleistocene and/or early Holocene.  相似文献   

The geomorphic, stratigraphic and sedimentological characteristics of glaciolacustrine sediments in the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan area were studied to determine environments of deposition and make paleogeographic reconstructions. Nine lithofacies were identified and paleoenvironments interpreted based on their morphostratigraphic relationships with relict landforms. The sediments studied are found southeast of the Defiance and Birmingham moraines lying beneath a lowland characterized by a low morainal swell (Detroit moraine) and a series of lacustrine terraces that descend progressively in elevation southeastward. The glaciolacustrine sediments were deposited approximately 14.3–12.4 kA BP during the Port Bruce and Port Huron glacial phases of late Wisconsinan time, and are related to proglacial paleolakes Maumee, Arkona, Whittlesey, Warren, Wayne, Grassmere, Lundy and Rouge. The glaciolacustrine section is typically 2–4 m thick and consists of a basal unit of wavy-bedded clayey diamicton overlain by a surficial deposit of stratified and cross-stratified sand and gravel. The basal unit is comprised of subaqueous debris flow deposits that accumulated as subaqueous moraine in paleolake Maumee along the retreating front of the Huron lobe. The surficial deposits of sand and gravel were formed by traction, resulting from lacustrine wave activity and fluvial processes, in lakebed plain, beach ridge and deltaic depositional settings. Much of the lake-margin sand and gravel was derived from clayey diamicton by lacustrine wave action and winnowing, and that associated with paleolakes of the Port Huron phase is largely reworked Port Bruce sediment. Paleogeographic reconstructions show that the Defiance, Birmingham and Detroit moraines, Defiance and Rochester channels, and the Rochester delta, were deposited penecontemporaneously as paleolake Maumee expanded northward across the map area. A unique type of wavy bedform is characteristic of clayey diamicton deposited by subaqueous mass flow in the study area that is useful for differentiating sediment: 1) deposited by mass flow in subaqueous vs. subaerial settings, and 2) deposited by subaqueous mass flow vs. basal till. These bedforms are a useful tool for identifying subglacial meltwater deposits, and facilitate the mapping and correlation of glacial sediments based on till sheets. The map area provides a continental record of ice sheet dynamics along the southern margin of the Laurentide ice sheet during Heinrich event H-1. The record reveals rapid glacial retreat (~ 0.8 km/yr) contemporaneous with the discharge of a large volume of meltwater. Evidence in the study area for subglacial meltwater is problematic, but indications that periglacial conditions persisted in the map area until ~ 12.7 kA BP, and extended for 200 km or more south of the ice front suggest that a frozen substrate may have contributed to instability of the LIS.  相似文献   

Oosparite grainstones of the Pleistocene Ironshore Formation, Little Cayman, British West Indies, contain the trace fossils Conichnus conicus, Ophiomorpha nodosa, and Planolites beverleyensis. The dominance of vertically-oriented trace fossils, complexity of cross-stratifications, coarseness of the sediment channel fill, and presence of several rudstone layers suggest deposition close to the seaward portion of lagoonal channels where higher energy conditions prevailed.  相似文献   

New data were obtained for the Chulym River basin in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Plain, one of the understudied parts of Siberia in terms of age and composition of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes for Late Pleistocene megafauna. The 14C dates from the Sergeevo outcrop, the most complete section of Late Quaternary deposits in the region, are mostly greater than ~30 550 bp. Other localities yielded 14C values in the range from >44 500 to ~19 300 bp. The finite date of ~42 270 bp for the Khozarian steppe elephant (Mammuthus trogontherii chosaricus) from Asino is intriguing because previously it was not detected in the Late Pleistocene of Siberia after the last interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e), ~115 000–130 000 years ago. Stable isotope data show both similarities and differences compared to the pre-Last Glacial Maximum megafaunal species in other parts of Siberia.  相似文献   

Holocene meteoric dolomitization of Pleistocene limestones, North Jamaica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wholesale removal of the unstable carbonate phases aragonite and Mg-calcite, and precipitation of calcite and dolomite is currently taking place where phreatic waters (the modern water table) invade 120,000-year-old Pleistocene biolithites (Falmouth Formation), North Jamaica. Pleistocene rocks presently in the vadose zone are relatively unaltered, and consist of mineralogically unstable scleractinian biolithites. At the water table, a narrow zone of solution, a ‘water table cave’ is commonly encountered. Below the water table the rocks are invariably more highly altered than those above. Mg-calcites are very rare, and considerable dissolution of aragonite has commonly occurred. Dolomite occurs as 8–25 μm, subhedral to euhedral crystals replacing micrite, or precipitated as void linings. The isotopic composition of the dolomite (δO18=-1·0 %0, δC13=-8·4 %0), and its high strontium content (3000 p.p.m.) suggest precipitation as CO2-oversaturated meteoric groundwaters invade the mineralogically unstable biolithites, dissolve Mg-calcites and Sr-rich aragonites, and de-gas. Because some dolomitized rocks are enriched in magnesium relative to unaltered biolithites, addition of magnesium to the system is necessitated, and is probably derived from sea water in the mixing zone. Phreatic meteoric diagenesis is thus demonstrated to be a rapid process, and to be capable of dolomitization.  相似文献   

The Kings Creek catchment, southeastern Queensland, contains a variety of Pleistocene – Holocene depositional settings. Fluvial depositional accumulation processes in the catchment reflect both high-energy channel and low-energy episodic overbank deposition. The lithofacies and depositional environments of locality QML796 were examined in detail to aid interpretation of taphonomic accumulation patterns of large and small taxa in the deposit. The basal fossiliferous unit was deposited in a meandering channel and passes upward into overbank deposits that include ephemeral interfluve channels and splays. The most striking taphonomic observations on vertebrates at the locality include: (i) low representation of post-cranial elements; (ii) high degree of bone breakage; (iii) variable abrasion with most identifiable bone elements having a low to moderate degree of abrasion; (iv) low rates of bone weathering; (v) a low degree of carnivore bone modification; and (vi) a low degree of articulated or associated specimens. Collectively, these data suggest that the material was transported into the deposit from the surrounding proximal floodplain and that the assemblages reflect substantial hydraulic sorting. However, despite that, sequential faunal horizons show a stepwise decrease in taxonomic diversity that cannot be explained by sampling or taphonomic bias. The decreasing diversity includes loss of some, but not all, megafauna and is consistent with a progressive local loss of megafauna in the catchment over an extended interval of time. Data are consistent with a climate change model for megafauna extinction but not with nearly simultaneous extinction of megafauna as required by the human-induced blitzkrieg extinction hypothesis.  相似文献   

The article discusses geological data on proglacial lakes and spillways in the West Siberian Plain, data on crucial features of the Late Pleistocene reorganization of the drainage pattern of northern Eurasia. The discussion focuses on Late Pleistocene sediments along the margin of the last ice sheet and south of it, including new data recently obtained by the Russian-Norwegian project PECHORA in Trans-Uralia. Based on these data, the margin of the last ice sheet in the western and central parts of West Siberia is localized well above the Arctic Circle, i.e. 150-250 km north of the previously suggested ice limit. The available geochronological evidence indicates that the last ice dam across West Siberia, which diverted the great Siberian rivers to the south, appeared at early stages of the last, Weichselian ice age. The normal, northbound, drainage was restored later, within the time-span accessible to radiocarbon dating, when two pre-Holocene river terraces with mammal fauna were formed. The Late Weichselian was the driest period with ubiquitous aeolian activity and an absence of large water bodies. Preceding ice-dammed lakes of West Siberia could only drain through the Turgai valley which leads southward into the Aral and Caspian seas. The sedimentary sequence of this passage consists of lacustrine clay, diamictic gravity flows and aeolian sediments younger than 29 kyr which infilled the former spillway mainly in the Late Weichselian. The basal sand and gravel mantling the bedrock floor, which descends from 55 m a.s.l. at 55°N to 30-40 m a.s.l. in the south, is the only signature of a southward drainage. This fluvial episode probably reflects overflow of a Siberian proglacial lake whose water level could reach 60 m a.s.l. prior to 29 kyr BP.  相似文献   

临潼-长安活动断裂带是渭河盆地内部西安凹陷与骊山凸起之间一条重要的活动断裂带,由2条次级断层组成,以灞河、皂河为界划分为北东、中、南西3段,前人对晚更新世以来的断裂的活动性存在2种不同的认识。为了确定临潼-长安断裂带晚更新世以来的活动性,文中以黄土S1、L1S和S0为确定垂直位移的标志和年代标尺,通过DEM地貌分析、断层露头调查,结合地壳形变资料,分析得出临潼-长安断裂带北东段晚更新世以来断裂活动性强,中段活动性其次,南西段活动性弱,与DEM显示的现今临潼-长安活动断裂带上下盘的地貌差异有很好的吻合性。  相似文献   

Ground-water discharge (GWD) deposits form in arid environments as water tables rise and approach or breach the ground surface during periods of enhanced effective precipitation. Where preserved, these deposits contain information on the timing and elevation of past ground-water fluctuations. Here we report on the investigation of a series of GWD deposits that are exposed in discontinuous outcrops along a ~150-km stretch of the San Pedro Valley in southeastern Arizona, near the boundary of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. Chronologic, isotopic, geochemical, faunal assemblage (ostracodes and gastropods), and sedimentological evidence collectively suggest that the elevation of the regional water table in the valley rose in response to a change in climate ~50 ka ago and remained relatively high for the next ~35 ka before falling during the Bølling–Allerød warm period, rebounding briefly during the Younger Dryas cold event, and falling again at the onset of the Holocene. The timing of these hydrologic changes coincides closely with variations in δ18O values of calcite from a nearby speleothem to the west and changes in lake levels at pluvial Lake Cochise to the east. Thus, in southeastern Arizona, the assumption that changes in climate are reflected in all aspects of the hydrologic cycle of a region simultaneously is validated. The timing of these changes also broadly coincides with variations in the GISP2 δ18O record, which supports the hypothesis that atmospheric teleconnections existed between the North Atlantic and the deserts of the American Southwest during the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Lithological,geochronological,granulometric,and scanning electron microscope(SEM)analyses of eight lacustrine outcrops indicate the existence of a large palaeolake in Dali Nor area during 149-24.6 ka(MIS5-3)and a small one in upstream of the Xilamulun River during 12.96-11.69 ka.The large palaeolake recorded its highest water level above 1300 m during the MIS3 and covered the whole Dali Nor basin and upstream of the Xilamulun River within an area of about 3000 km~2.However,the small palaeolake with a highest water level above 1200 m,covered an area of about 600 km~2.Besides the reconstruction of palaeolake areas,this study also looked into the evolutionary process of the palaeolake during the Late Pleistocene.Our data provide insights on the timing of appearance of the large palaeolakes and a better understanding of the mechanism responsible for variations in the environment conditions of dry lands in middle latitudes.  相似文献   

Field, micromorphological, pollen, whole soil (XRF), and stable isotope geochemical methods were used to evaluate the latest Pleistocene to Holocene climate record from a floodplain-terrace system in southeastern West Virginia. A late Pleistocene (22,940 ± 150 14C yr B.P.) silt paleosol with low-chroma colors formed from fluviolacustrine sediment deposited during the last glacial maximum (Wisconsinan) and records a cooler full-glacial paleoclimate. Fluvial gravel deposited between the latest Pleistocene and earliest Holocene (prior to 6360 ± 40 14C yr B.P.) was weathered in the middle Holocene under warmer, drier climate conditions, possibly correlated with the Hypsithermal and Altithermal Events of the eastern and southwestern United States, respectively. The glacial to interglacial climate shift is recorded by: (1) changes from a poorly drained landscape with fine-textured soil, characterized by high organic C and redoximorphic features related to Fe removal and concentration, to a well-drained, coarse-textured setting without gley and with significant argillic (Bt) horizon development; (2) changes from a high Zr and Ti silt-dominated parent material to locally derived, coarse fluvial gravels lower in Zr and Ti; (3) a shift from dominantly conifer and sedge pollen in the paleosol to a modern oak/hickory hardwood assemblage; and (4) a shift in δ13C values of soil organic matter from −28‰ to −24‰ PDB, suggesting an ecosystem shift from cooler, C3-dominated flora to one that was mixed C3 and C4, but still predominantly composed of C3 plants. A root-restrictive placic horizon developed between the late Pleistocene silt paleosol and the overlying fluvial gravel because of the high permeability contrast between the two textures of soil materials. This layer formed a barrier that effectively isolated the Pleistocene paleosol from later Holocene pedogenic processes.  相似文献   

The coastal plain of West Sussex, southern England, is internationally important because of the sequence of discrete high‐sea‐level events preserved at various elevations across it. New evidence is presented from a site at Norton Farm, near Chichester, on the Lower Coastal Plain, where Pleistocene marine sands, fining upwards into silts, occur between 5.3 m and 9.1 m OD. The sequence reflects a regressive tendency at the transition from an interglacial to a cold stage. The marine sands have yielded foraminifera, ostracods and molluscs that indicate a declining marine influence through the sequence, culminating in a tidal mudflat, strongly weathered in places. Cool‐climate foraminifera (including Elphidium clavatum, Cassidulina reniformis and Elphidium albiumbilicatum) and ostracods have been recovered from the marine sands. Some species with an apparent preference for warmer water conditions, however, are also present. Freshwater taxa washed into the terminal marine sediments include some cold climate indicators, such as Pisidium stewarti and P. obtusale lapponicum. Additional evidence for cool climatic conditions during the deposition of the upper part of the marine sequence is provided by the lack of tree taxa in the pollen record and by features of the micromorphology. The marine sediments probably began accumulating during OIS 7, a conclusion based on their elevation, on amino acid ratios from shells, but especially on vertebrate evidence, particularly the presence of a small form of horse, together with a large, distinctive, form of northern vole (Microtus oeconomus). The occurrence of cool climate indicators in these marine sediments may demonstrate a lag between the climatic deterioration and the expected glacio‐eustatic fall in relative sea‐level. This evidence appears to support the conclusions drawn from the study of coral terraces in Barbados. Such a scenario would provide the conditions necessary for the emplacement of the large erratic boulders reported from the Lower Coastal Plain of West Sussex. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Quaternary changes in the coastal zone of northwestern Portugal through the relationship between sediments and landforms. By interpolating the available data from geomorphology, lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and geochronology, it was possible to reconstruct existing palaeoenvironments, the oldest of which date back to the last interglacial. The main landforms are a high and a low platform bounded by scarps. River sands and silty sediments formed in a lacustrine environment (Antas Formation, MIS 5) are associated with the high platform. Two deposits are associated with the low platform: the Cepães Formation (MIS 3) consisting of a lower set of river sand beds and an upper gravel beach bed, and the Aguçadoura Formation (MIS 1) consisting of Holocene lagoonal beds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

西准噶尔达拉布特断裂带中段晚古生代构造分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林伟  孙萍  薛振华  张仲培 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):2987-3001
走滑断裂构造在中亚造山带增生及演化过程的研究中扮演了重要角色,其主要构造单元均被走滑断裂带所分割。西准噶尔造山带是中亚增生型造山带的重要组成部分,达拉布特断裂是西准噶尔造山带中一条重要的走滑断裂,其复杂的构造表现吸引了大量研究者的关注。前人不仅在其构造解释上存在着走滑断层、逆冲断层或压扭性断层等诸多争议,且在其活动时代问题上也有不同的看法。本文依据在达拉布特断裂带中段开展的详细野外构造学工作,结合前人针对该地区石炭纪火山岩、浊积岩和造山后花岗岩侵入体所做的同位素年代学工作成果,对达拉布特断裂的活动性质和活动时代进行了讨论。结果确认在中二叠统沉积之前,达拉布特断裂带存在两期变形事件,分别对应于320Ma左右沿NE-SW的较深层次的左行走滑事件D1和表现为脆-韧性转换域的轴面倾向SE的褶皱作用构造事件D2。前者为主期变形事件,而后者发生在中二叠统沉积之前。本文同时报道了沿达拉布特断裂带出露右行走滑构造形迹,并讨论了其可能的成因。沿达拉布特断裂带的多期构造事件记录了西准噶尔地区造山后大规模走滑构造调整过程,是晚古生代晚期中亚各个陆块拼合后大规模陆内调整在西准噶尔造山带的具体体现。  相似文献   

The New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ) is an intraplate right-lateral strike-slip and thrust fault system contained mostly within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The most recent earthquake sequence in the zone occurred in 1811–1812 and had estimated moment magnitudes of 7–8 (e.g., [Johnston, A.C., 1996. Seismic moment assessment of stable continental earthquakes, Part 3: 1811–1812 New Madrid, 1886 Charleston, and 1755 Lisbon. Geophysical Journal International 126, 314–344; Johnston, A.C., Schweig III, E.S, 1996. The enigma of the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811–1812. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences 24, 339–384; Hough, S.E., Armbruster, J.G., Seeber, L., Hough, J.F., 2000. On the modified Mercalli intensities and magnitudes of the New Madrid earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research 105 (B10), 23,839–23,864; Tuttle, M.P., 2001. The use of liquefaction features in paleoseismology: Lessons learned in the New Madrid seismic zone, central United States. Journal of Seismology 5, 361–380]). Four earlier prehistoric earthquakes or earthquake sequences have been dated A.D. 1450 ± 150, 900 ± 100, 300 ± 200, and 2350 B.C. ± 200 years using paleoliquefaction features, particularly those associated with native American artifacts, and in some cases surface deformation ([Craven, J. A. 1995. Paleoseismology study in the New Madrid seismic zone using geological and archeological features to constrain ages of liquefaction deposits. M.S thesis, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, U.S.A.; Tuttle, M.P., Lafferty III, R.H., Guccione, M.J., Schweig III, E.S., Lopinot, N., Cande, R., Dyer-Williams, K., Haynes, M., 1996. Use of archaeology to date liquefaction features and seismic events in the New Madrid seismic zone, central United States. Geoarchaeology 11, 451–480; Guccione, M.J., Mueller, K., Champion, J., Shepherd, S., Odhiambo, B., 2002b. Stream response to repeated co-seismic folding, Tiptonville dome, western Tennessee. Geomorphology 43(2002), 313–349; Tuttle, M.P., Schweig, E.S., Sims, J.D., Lafferty, R.H., Wolf, L.W., Haynes, M.L., 2002. The earthquake potential of the New Madrid seismic zone, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v 92, n. 6, p. 2080–2089; Tuttle, M.P., Schweig III, E.S., Campbell, J., Thomas, P.M., Sims, J.D., Lafferty III, R.H., 2005. Evidence for New Madrid earthquakes in A.D. 300 and 2350 B.C. Seismological Research Letters 76, 489–501]). The two most recent prehistoric and the 2350 B.C. events were probably also earthquake sequences with approximately the same magnitude as the historic sequence.Surface deformation (faulting and folding) in an alluvial setting provides many examples of stream response to gradient changes that can also be used to date past earthquake events. Stream responses include changes in channel morphology, deviations in the channel path from the regional gradient, changes in the direction of flow, anomalous longitudinal profiles, and aggradation or incision of the channel ([Merritts, D., Hesterberg, T, 1994. Stream networks and long-term surface uplift in the New Madrid seismic zone. Science 265, 1081–1084.; Guccione, M.J., Mueller, K., Champion, J., Shepherd, S., Odhiambo, B., 2002b. Stream response to repeated co-seismic folding, Tiptonville dome, western Tennessee. Geomorphology 43 (2002), 313–349]). Uplift or depression of the floodplain affects the frequency of flooding and thus the thickness and style of vertical accretion or drowning of a meander scar to form a lake. Vegetation may experience trauma, mortality, and in some cases growth enhancement due to ground failure during the earthquake and hydrologic changes after the earthquake ([VanArdale, R.B., Stahle, D.W., Cleaveland, M.K., Guccione, M.J., 1998. Earthquake signals in tree-ring data from the New Madrid seismic zone and implications for paleoseismicity. Geology 26, 515–518]). Identification and dating these physical and biologic responses allows source areas to be identified and seismic events to be dated.Seven fault segments are recognized by microseismicity and geomorphology. Surface faulting has been recognized at three of these segments, Reelfoot fault, New Madrid North fault, and Bootheel fault. The Reelfoot fault is a compressive stepover along the strike-slip fault and has up to 11 m of surface relief ([Carlson, S.D., 2000. Formation and geomorphic history of Reelfoot Lake: insight into the New Madrid seismic zone. M.S. Thesis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A]) deforming abandoned and active Mississippi River channels ([Guccione, M.J., Mueller, K., Champion, J., Shepherd, S., Odhiambo, B., 2002b. Stream response to repeated co-seismic folding, Tiptonville dome, western Tennessee. Geomorphology 43 (2002), 313–349]). The New Madrid North fault apparently has only strike-slip motion and is recognized by modern microseismicity, geomorphic anomalies, and sand cataclasis ([Baldwin, J.N., Barron A.D., Kelson, K.I., Harris, J.B., Cashman, S., 2002. Preliminary paleoseismic and geophysical investigation of the North Farrenburg lineament: primary tectonic deformation associated with the New Madrid North Fault?. Seismological Research Letters 73, 393–413]). The Bootheel fault, which is not identified by the modern microseismicity, is associated with extensive liquefaction and offset channels ([Guccione, M.J., Marple, R., Autin, W.J., 2005, Evidence for Holocene displacements on the Bootheel fault (lineament) in southeastern Missouri: Seismotectonic implications for the New Madrid region. Geological Society of America Bulletin 117, 319–333]). The fault has dominantly strike-slip motion but also has a vertical component of slip. Other recognized surface deformation includes relatively low-relief folding at Big Lake/Manila high ([Guccione, M.J., VanArdale, R.B., Hehr, L.H., 2000. Origin and age of the Manila high and associated Big Lake “Sunklands”, New Madrid seismic zone, northeastern Arkansas. Geological Society of America Bulletin 112, 579–590]) and Lake St. Francis/Marked Tree high ([Guccione, M.J., VanArsdale, R.B., 1995. Origin and age of the St. Francis Sunklands using drainage patterns and sedimentology. Final report submitted to the U. S. Geological Survey, Award Number 1434-93-G-2354, Washington D.C.]), both along the subsurface Blytheville arch. Deformation at each of the fault segments does not occur during each earthquake event, indicating that earthquake sources have varied throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   

Robert B. Potter 《Geoforum》1983,14(3):249-265
This paper reviews the implications of a research project which sought to examine the congruence existing between patterns of sociodemographic structure and change, and the spatial perceptions of residents in Barbados, West Indies. Drawing on this empirical evidence, the pressing need for the development of soundly based and environmentally appropriate urban and regional development planning systems in developing countries is stressed, especially frameworks which explicitly recognise the need to harness the initiatives and aspirations of individuals via perception studies and other methods. The implications of the work are also assessed in relation to the current debate concerning the academic role and efficacy of behavioural and perception geography.  相似文献   

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