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To help the decision making regarding where to locate new observation instruments on the seafloor, we examined the detectability of interplate earthquakes and slow slips in the Nankai subduction thrust in Japan using seafloor observation instruments. Here, the detectability is defined as the smallest magnitude of the interplate fault slip detected by the assumed observation points based on crustal deformation simulation. In the detectability analyses, we considered the effect of sensor drifts that are particularly associated with seafloor observations. In addition, we introduced high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) finite element modeling of crustal deformation to consider the effect of the topography and 3D heterogeneous crustal structure around the Nankai Trough. The results of the detectability analyses show that introducing new seafloor stations for tilt observation in the Nankai region should increase the detectability of small- or medium-sized interplate earthquakes and slow slips significantly. Based on the obtained results, we also discuss the advantage of both the existing and the new observation instruments in detecting interplate fault slips.


The study verifies the Black Sea wave model using field data obtained from the Katsiveli research platform. The WAM and mesoscale MM5 and WRF atmospheric models, which are used to calculate the wind field for the wave model, were recently adjusted to the Black Sea region at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute. The results of the work are presented as characteristics of the simulation quality used in world practice in other regions. The scatter index for a significant wave height is 70% in summer and 50% in winter. The values of the scatter index of wave parameters and wind speed appear to be at the same level as in semi-enclosed seas on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea. It is shown that atmospheric simulation correctly reproduces the interaction between synoptic processes and the mountain range extending alongshore. Error sources in wave simulation are discussed. The most significant drawback is the possibility of mesoscale instability in the atmospheric model without assimilation of observation data within the computational domain.  相似文献   

As a first step towards the development of inundation maps for the northwestern Indian Ocean, we simulated the near-field inundation of two large tsunami in the Makran subduction zone (MSZ). The tsunami scenarios were based on large historical earthquakes in the region. The first scenario included the rupture of about 500 km of the plate boundary in the eastern MSZ, featuring a moment magnitude of Mw 8.6. The second scenario involved the full rupture of the plate boundary resulting from a Mw 9 earthquake. For each scenario, the distribution of tsunami wave height along the coastlines of the region is presented. Also, detailed runup modeling was performed at four main coastal cities in the region for the second scenario. To investigate the possible effect of splay fault branching on tsunami wave height, a hypothetical splay fault was modeled which showed that it can locally increase the maximum wave height by a factor of 2. Our results showed that the two tsunami scenarios produce a runup height of 12-18 m and 24-30 m, respectively. For the second scenario, the modeled inundation distance was between 1 and 5 km.  相似文献   

Danian (Paleocene) reefs formed by ahermatypic scleractinian corals in relatively deep water are known in a few localities in southern Scandinavia. Reflection and shallow seismic profiles, and samples from drilling and scuba diving in bridge pier excavations in Øresund, the strait between Denmark and Sweden, for the first time allow interpretation of the factors that controlled the localisation of the reefs.  相似文献   

A high-resolution seismic survey covering more than 2,000 km2 has revealed the processes responsible for the slope morphology and channel sedimentation across the forearc slope-basin of the Kurile Arc–NE Japan Arc collision zone, offshore from Tokachi (Hokkaido, Japan). The dominant slope contours parallel the trench but, in the middle and lower reaches of the southern slope, contours are convex-shaped with an offshore trend. This sector of the slope is traversed diagonally by the Hiroo submarine channel. The offshore-trending convex contours and the channel course have developed through the interplay of tectonic and sedimentary processes, including the development of anticlines, anticline-induced lobe sedimentation and channel avulsion. In its upper reaches, the channel is restricted by a topographic low associated with NNW–SSE-trending anticlines which developed within the upper and middle slope sectors during late Miocene uplift. The uplift timing and trend of these anticlines indicate that they resulted from collision, the channel sedimentology and slope morphology of the middle and lower slopes having been influenced by Pliocene uplift of NE–SW-trending anticlines. The trends of these anticlines parallel those of the Kurile Trench. The Pliocene and early Pleistocene strata of the middle and lower slopes consist of ponded lobe sediments deposited along the palaeo-Hiroo submarine channel on the landward side of the anticlines. As a lobe pile accumulated, the channel thalweg shifted to the north of the stack, allowing the channel to bypass the topographic high formed by the growing stack. Thick levee deposits built up along the channel course during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. These levees, along with the Pliocene and early Pleistocene lobes, are reflected in the present-day sigmoid-shaped, convex offshore-trending contours. Thus, the interplay of subduction- and collision-related anticlines, tectonic-related channel ponding, and avulsion has contributed to the slope morphology of the southern Kurile Trench.  相似文献   

深海平台系缆形状和张力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑海底地形的变化、系缆的拉伸形变及海流力等因素,研究了深海平台系缆形状和张力分析方法采用集中质量法,得到系缆方程组,采用牛顿法求解该非线性系缆方程组,建立系缆形状和张力的计算方法。计算了平坦海底和海底地形凹凸变化时水深1 018 m情况下的系缆形状、系泊张力和浮体平衡位置。计算结果表明,海底地形对于深海系泊系统张力影响较大,而计算系缆形状和张力、系泊浮体的运动时,需要考虑海底地形的影响。  相似文献   

日本九州俯冲带是菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块汇聚边界上一个独具特色的区域, 也是研究俯冲带内板块构造作用的理想场所。为了解该俯冲带内的板间应力状态和相互作用, 本研究利用震源深度大于20km的97251个地震事件, 通过b值计算详细刻画了该俯冲板片上表面以及垂直海沟走向的剖面特征。结果发现, b值表现出明显的空间变化, 整体上沿南海海槽和琉球海沟从东北往西南方向逐渐增大, 同时在俯冲的九州-帕劳海脊上存在显著的低值区。从b值与应力的负相关性推断, 进入俯冲带的海脊以及海脊东北侧的四国海盆洋壳与俯冲带上覆板片耦合作用较强; 而在海脊西南侧, 俯冲带内汇聚板片的耦合作用相对较弱。究其原因, 本文认为九州-帕劳海脊两侧俯冲洋壳在形成时代和汇聚速率上的差异起着重要作用。对于九州-帕劳海脊来说, 俯冲带浅部的低b值区主要是由于隆起的海脊增强了与上覆板块的耦合作用。随着俯冲深度的增加和俯冲板片倾角的急剧变陡, 沿海脊可能发生了板片撕裂, 从而释放了海脊与上覆板片间的挤压-剪切应力, 使耦合程度大大减弱。  相似文献   

无震脊或海山链俯冲对超俯冲带处的地质效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
鄢全树  石学法 《海洋学报》2014,36(5):107-123
全球海底分布着众多的无震脊或海山链,且在太平洋、印度洋及大西洋均存在靠近俯冲带的海岭。除小安德列斯弧外的巴拉克达脊和蒂勃朗脊起源自转换断层外,一般认为它们由与板块构造动力学迥异的地幔柱动力学所形成的。在板块汇聚边缘处,与扩张脊处所形成的正常洋壳一起,无震脊或海山链俯冲于陆缘弧或洋内弧之下,其对弧及弧后地区的地质效应(构造、地貌、地震以及岩浆作用等)有别于正常洋壳俯冲。无震脊或海山链的俯冲通常造成俯冲带地区的上驮板块的局部异常抬升、俯冲剥蚀作用效应的加强、海沟的向陆迁移以及地震强度的增加。同时,无震脊或海山链俯冲时,其携带的具富集地球化学特征的物质不仅影响着地幔地球化学,也对弧及弧后火山熔岩化学产生明显影响,并对超俯冲地区的热液矿床的形成产生重要影响。最后,本文指出了我国有关无震脊或海山链俯冲的可能的研究方向包括黄岩海山链俯冲对吕宋岛弧的可能影响、印度洋无震脊俯冲对青藏高原局部地区的影响,有我国学者参与的IODP344航次的研究对象——科科斯脊俯冲对哥斯达黎加地震成因的效应以及位于西太平洋地区靠近俯冲带的一些无震脊等。  相似文献   


Mineralogical, geochemical and S-isotopic studies were carried out on seafloor massive sulfides (SMS) and hydrothermally altered rocks from the mafic-hosted TaiJi field (including TaiJi-1 and TaiJi-2 sites), which is located on the margin of a nontransform discontinuity (NTD) on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (SMAR). The main hydrothermal precipitates of TaiJi-1 were massive sulfides, while TaiJi-2 produced a large amount of semi-massive sulfides. Significant rock alteration is an important feature of this field, and large amounts of clay minerals (chlorite) occurred in the semi-massive sulfides. Geochemically, notable negative correlations were identified between rock forming elements (Mg) and major hydrothermal metal elements such as Zn?+?Cu and Co in semisulfides. Such mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, together with low Co/Ni ratio (similar to the surrounding rocks) of the semi-massive sulfides and the unique REE features of some altered rocks, tell us that the prominent mineralization mechanism for these semi-massive sulfides was probably related to rock mineralization. Thus, TaiJi-2 appears to differ significantly from the TaiJi-1 in terms of sulfide mineralization mechanism. Moreover, the TaiJi sulfides are remarkable for large δ34S variation (7.2–15.3%). We suggest that seawater corrosion after sulfides precipitation were responsible for 34S enrichment in sulfides. Furthermore, our work sheds some light on the comparison between TaiJi and other NTD-related fields along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. We argue that rock mineralization may represent an important mineralization type in NTDs.  相似文献   

To perform geophysical and multidisciplinary real-time measurements on the ocean floor, it has been attempted to reuse decommissioned submarine cables. The VENUS project reuses the TPC-2, which is one of these systems and runs across the entire Philippine Sea Plate between Guam Island and Okinawa Island. The VENUS system comprises an ocean floor observatory, a submarine cable, and a land system. The major components of the ocean floor observatory are geophysical instruments and a telemetry system. There are seven scientific instrument units including broadband seismometers and a hydrophone array. Digital telemetry using the old analog telephone cable obtains high data accuracy and real-time accessibility to data from a laboratory on land. The bottom-telemetry system and a part of sensor units were installed at a depth of 2157 m on the landward slope of the Ryukyu (Nansei-Syoto) Trench on August 29, 1999. The data from the hydrophone array and tsunami gauge have been correctly transmitted to the data center. The rest of the scientific instruments will be deployed by deep-tow equipment and a remotely operated vehicle. Using a decommissioned submarine cable will greatly reduce construction costs compared to using a new cable system  相似文献   

日本西南部的南海海槽是一个典型的俯冲系统,由菲律宾海板块向欧亚板块俯冲形成,其俯冲板片包含了九州-帕劳洋脊(KPR)、Kinan海山链、四国海盆和伊豆-小笠原岛弧(IBA)等多种地质单元。为了研究不同地质单元的板块俯冲效应,本文系统分析了南海海槽的地球物理和岩石地球化学特征。重力和热流特征显示南海海槽中部具有低的重力异常(-20–-40 mGal)和高的热流值(60–200 mW/m2),而东西两侧的热流值(20–80 mW/m2)较低。地震模拟结果显示俯冲板块的地壳厚度为5–20 km。地球化学结果表明俯冲板块的下覆地幔成分从西到东逐渐亏损。无震洋脊(如KPR、Kian海山链和Zenisu洋脊)的俯冲是控制南海海槽俯冲效应的主要因素。首先,无震洋脊的俯冲可能使上覆板块发生变形,沿着增生楔前缘出现不规则的地形凹陷。其次,无震洋脊的俯冲是大型逆冲地震的止裂体,阻碍了南海海槽1944年Mw 8.1和1946年Mw 8.3地震破裂的传播。此外,KPR和热的、年轻的四国海盆的俯冲会导致俯冲板片熔融,在日本岛弧上出现埃达克质岩浆活动,并为斑岩铜金矿床提供成矿物质。地球物理和地球化学特征的差异表明尽管IBA已经和日本岛弧发生碰撞,但作为IBA的残留弧,KPR仍然处于俯冲阶段,与日本岛弧之间有明显的地形分界,呈现单向收敛的状态。  相似文献   

以南桑威奇俯冲带为例,根据EGM2008超高阶地球重力场模型、卫星重力数据为基础,利用移去-恢复原理计算了研究区大地水准面,实现了研究区不同场源深度大地水准面异常信息的分离,根据Runcorn模型计算了研究区小尺度地幔对流应力场,并结合天然地震空间展布和前人研究成果,对俯冲带结构特征与地幔对流模式进行了探讨。结果表明:南桑威奇俯冲带具有俯冲倾角较大、地震震级较低、弧前侵蚀明显等典型的马里亚纳型俯冲带特征,俯冲带南北部俯冲深度存在明显差异,中段偏北俯冲深度可达500 km;受到软流圈与上地幔上部物质密度差异的控制,东斯科舍海脊下存在沿海脊轴向南流动强地幔流;俯冲带结构与小尺度地幔对流应力场具有很强的相关性。本研究对于搞清南桑威奇俯冲带深部构造特征,理解俯冲运动、地幔对流方向及其动力控制机制提供了新的研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

为揭示马尼拉增生楔的形态结构并加深对其演化过程的理解,本文对横穿马尼拉俯冲带北段的几条典型地震剖面进行了深度偏移处理,得到叠前深度偏移剖面和深度-速度模型,并对马尼拉增生楔的形态结构及内部特征进行了精细解释,将马尼拉增生楔分为原始沉积段、褶皱变形段、逆冲推覆段和背逆冲段四个部分,分别代表增生楔演化的不同阶段。推断马尼拉增生楔下部存在由早期仰冲的菲律宾海板块的残留块体构成的弧前基盘,弧前基盘是控制马尼拉增生楔形成演化的关键构造。弧前基盘前端是拆离滑脱面突然降阶并在地震剖面上"隐没"的部位;弧前基盘向增生楔底部的不断挤入导致了逆冲脱序断层的渐次发育以及增生楔向弧前基盘之上的不断爬升,导致了增生楔上、下陆坡地貌的分化,并为褶皱变形段和逆冲推覆段的地层形变提供了主要的应力。  相似文献   

综合地球物理调查表明,北印度洋阿拉伯海马克兰俯冲带海域水合物资源非常丰富。为调查该海域水合物及与其相关的流体活动,采集了高分辨率多道地震数据,分析了原始地震数据的特征,并按照常规水合物地震数据处理流程进行处理,获得了较好的处理效果。基于新采集处理的地震数据,识别出了经典的BSR、非经典的BSR及双BSR现象。双BSR的发现表明该海域的水合物处在一个复杂的动态过程中,对该海域水合物的研究具有重要意义。由于本次地震数据的排列长度较短(最大排列长度1 300 m),对该海域水合物的定量分析以及精细刻画受到了限制。结合此次采集的短排列数据以及理论公式分析了排列长度对水合物勘探的影响,指出在水合物的勘探中,除了震源能量、频率、道间距等参数外,排列长度也是一个需要优化设计的参数。  相似文献   

The authors compare the signal-to-noise ratios obtained on bottomed seismometers, bottomed hydrophones, and buried seismometers from near-surface explosions in the Ngendei Expedition. The data were recorded in 5.5-km-deep water in the south central Pacific Ocean with a triaxial borehole seismograph and four triaxial ocean-bottom seismographs having externally mounted hydrophones. At ranges less than 35 km, the data indicate that the ocean bottom seismometer is a superior signal detector than the ocean-bottom hydrophone, and that the subbottom seismometer is superior in performance to the ocean-bottom seismometer. Above 4 Hz, the seismometer appears to have a 10-dB signal-to-noise advantage over the hydrophone for surface explosions at ranges less than 30 km  相似文献   

Seismic refraction and continuous reflection measurements were made in the southern Barents Sea. On the basis of these investigations and earlier data from the area, the total thickness of sediments and thickness of the semiconsolidated section have been mapped. The main part of the investigated area consists of Mesozoic and Paleozoic sediments, while the areas near the shelf edge show a westward increasing wedge of Cenozoic deposits above the same sediments found to the east. Along the Norwegian coast and in the areas southwest of Bjørnøya a rapid increase of sediments is noted, while a much more gentle westward growth is found in the main part of the Barents shelf. The data suggest the southern flank of Bjørnøyrenna is an area of structural deformation. Structures that can be associated with salt diapirs are recorded in a limited area on Tromsøflaket.  相似文献   

Hydrographic quality bathymetry and quantitative acoustic backscatter data are now being acquired in shallow water on a routine basis using high frequency multibeam sonars. The data provided by these systems produce hitherto unobtainable information about geomorphology and seafloor geologic processes in the coastal zone and on the continental shelf.Before one can use the multibeam data for hydrography or quantitative acoustic backscatter studies, however, it is essential to be able to correct for systematic errors in the data. For bathymetric data, artifacts common to deep-water systems (roll, refraction, positioning) need to be corrected. In addition, the potentially far greater effects of tides, heave, vessel lift/squat, antenna motion and internal time delays become of increasing importance in shallower water. Such artifacts now cause greater errors in hydrographic data quality than bottom detection. Many of these artifacts are a result of imperfect motion sensing, however, new methods such as differential GPS hold great potential for resolving such limitations. For backscatter data, while the system response is well characterised, significant post processing is required to remove residual effects of imaging geometry, gain adjustments and water column effects. With the removal of these system artifacts and the establishment of a calibrated test site in intertidal regions (where the seabed may be intimately examined by eye) one can build up a sediment classification scheme for routine regional seafloor identification.When properly processed, high frequency multibeam sonar data can provide a view of seafloor geology and geomorphology at resolutions of as little as a few decimetres. Specific applications include quantitative estimation of sediment transport rates in large-scale sediment waves, volume effects of iceberg scouring, extent and style of seafloor mass-wasting and delineation of structural trends in bedrock. In addition, the imagery potentially provides a means of quantitative classification of seafloor lithology, allowing sedimentologists the ability to examine spatial distributions of seabed sediment type without resorting to subjective estimation or prohibitively expensive bottom-sampling programs. Using Simrad EM100 and EM1000 sonars as an example, this paper illustrates the nature and scale of possible artifacts, the necessary post-processing steps and shows specific applications of these sonars.  相似文献   

Turbulent eddies play a critical role in oceanic flows. Direct measurements of turbulent eddy fluxes beneath the sea surface were taken to study the direction of flux-carrying eddies as a means of supplementing our understanding of vertical fluxes exchange processes and their relationship to tides. The observations were made at 32 Hz at a water depth of ~1.5 m near the coast of Sanya, China, using an eddy covariance system, which mainly consists of an acoustic doppler velocimeter(ADV) and a fast temperature sensor. The cospectra-fit method-an established semi-empirical model of boundary layer turbulence to the measured turbulent cospectra at frequencies below those of surface gravity waves-was used in the presence of surface gravity waves to quantify the turbulent eddy fluxes(including turbulent heat flux and Reynolds stress). As much as 87% of the total turbulent stress and 88% of the total turbulent heat flux were determined as being at band frequencies below those of surface gravity waves. Both the turbulent heat flux and Reynolds stress showed a daily successive variation;the former peaked during the low tide period and the later peaked during the ebb tide period.Estimation of roll-off wavenumbers, k0, and roll-off wavelengths, λ0(where λ0=2π/k0), which were estimated as the horizontal length scales of the dominant flux-carrying turbulent eddies, indicated that the λ0 of the turbulent heat flux was approximately double that of the Reynolds stress. Wavelet analysis showed that both the turbulent heat flux and the Reynolds stress have a close relationship to the semi-diurnal and diurnal tides, and therefore indicate the energy that is transported from tides to turbulence.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between variations in the thermal conductivity of surface sediments and the topography in the Nankai subduction zone off Tokai, central Japan, the easternmost part of the Nankai subduction zone, which has an accretionary prism with varied topography. We analyzed sediment thermal conductivity data obtained from the trough floor and accretionary prism. Variations in the thermal conductivity of sediments were related to the topographic features formed by accretionary prism development. Thermal conductivities of 1.1?W/m?K were measured on the trough floor where thick terrigenous turbidites have been deposited. The thermal conductivity of Nankai Trough floor sediments decreases from northeast to southwest along the trough, probably because of the decreased grain size and/or changes in sediment mineral composition. High thermal conductivities (??1.0?W/m?K) were measured in fault scarps on the accretionary prism. A landward increase in these values on the prism may be explained by decreased porosity of the sediments attributable to tectonic deformation during accretionary prism development. At the base of the fault scarp of the frontal thrust, low thermal conductivities (<0.9?W/m?K) were measured, likely reflecting the high porosity of the talus deposits. Low thermal conductivity (0.9?W/m?K) was also measured in slope basins on the accretionary prism, likely also related to the high porosity of the sediments. Our results demonstrate that, for accurate heat flow measurement in an area of varied topography, the geothermal gradient and the thermal conductivity of the sediments must be measured within regions with similar topographic features.  相似文献   

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