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Impact of polluted canal water on adjacent soil and groundwater systems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Received, 12 May 1999 · Accepted, 2 August 1999  相似文献   

A case study was carried out with the aim to practically test whether estimates of groundwater discharge rates into dredging lakes can be made via an uncomplicated and straightforward technique using radon-222 as naturally-occurring groundwater tracer. Lake Ammelshainer See, a dredging, seepage lake, approximately 25 km east of Leipzig, Germany, was chosen as the investigation site. In order to evaluate changes in the spatial and temporal radon-222 patterns in the lake during different stages of stratification, sampling campaigns were conducted in April 2007 (well mixed stage) and in May 2007 (thermal stratification stage). Groundwater flow estimates were made using a radon mass balance approach accounting for all radon fluxes into and out of the lake and assuming steady-state conditions with respect to these radon fluxes. Once all positive and negative radon fluxes related to the lake water volume were determined, groundwater discharge was estimated by using the advective radon input and the radon activity concentration of the pore water as key parameters. The results showed that in case of a lake with a size and shape of Lake Ammelshainer See (530,000 m2) reasonable groundwater discharge estimates can be made by collection and analyzing just a few water samples and a few samples from the sediment layer.  相似文献   

Water resources sustainability hinges on interrelated physical, chemical, biological, and human processes, all of which may affect the quantity and quality of available water supplies. California's decades-long transition process from intensive and often unmanaged groundwater development toward more effective, sustainable integrated water resources management has resulted in important lessons. The process offers insights to other countries that seek to achieve sustainability. Long-term systematic groundwater and surface water monitoring programs and ongoing assessment of regional groundwater systems are an integral part of management. On local to global scales, the need for fundamental data, regional resources assessments, and increased support for scientific and technological advances is becoming increasingly apparent. The scientific community must enhance society's understanding of the essential links between basic data needs and the advancement and application of scientific approaches for effective water management. Correspondingly, scientific and political communities must coordinate common interests in endeavors toward sustainable management. Public outreach is a necessary complement to achieve sustainability goals and garner support for the programs needed to develop water policies based on sound science, manage water resources, and meet future water demands while avoiding unacceptable impacts.
Resumen La sostenibilidad de los recursos hídricos gira sobre procesos interrelacionados físicos, químicos, biológicos y humanos, todos los cuales pueden afectar la cantidad y calidad de fuentes disponibles de agua. El proceso de transición de varias décadas que ha experimentado California, a partir de un desarrollo intensivo y frecuentemente carente de gestión de aguas subterráneas, hacia una gestión más efectiva, sostenible e integrada de recursos hídricos ha dado por resultado lecciones importantes. Este proceso ofrece alternativas para otros países que buscan alcanzar sostenibilidad. Los programas de monitoreo sistemático a largo plazo de agua superficial y agua subterránea, y las evaluaciones actuales de sistemas regionales de agua subterránea constituyen una parte integral de la gestión. Se hace cada vez más evidente, a escala global y local, la necesidad de datos básicos, evaluaciones regionales de recursos, y apoyo creciente para avances científicos y tecnológicos. La comunidad científica tiene que estimular el entendimiento de la sociedad de las relaciones fundamentales entre las necesidades de datos básicos y los avances y aplicación de enfoques científicos para un manejo efectivo del agua. Del mismo modo, las comunidades científicas y políticas tienen que coordinar intereses comunes en los esfuerzos hacia una gestión sostenible. El involucramiento del público es un complemento necesario para alcanzar los objetivos de sostenibilidad y obtener apoyo para los programas necesarios que permitan desarrollar políticas hídricas basadas en ciencia sana, gestión de recursos hídricos, y alcanzar las demandas futuras de agua mientras se evitan impactos inaceptables.

Résumé La durabilité des ressources en eau est à la charnière de processus physiques, chimiques, biologiques et humains, tous inter-reliés et à même d'affecter la quantité et la qualité de la disponibilité en eau d'alimentation. Les processus de transition décadaires en Californie, entre un développement intensif et non contrôlé des eaux souterraines, à un système plus rentable et durable de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau, a permis de conclure sur d'importantes leçons. Ce processus offre, en effet, des perspicacités à d'autres pays qui cherchent à concrétiser la durabilité. Les programmes systématiques de surveillance des eaux souterraines et de surface, sur le long terme, font parti intégrant de ce type de gestion. De l'échelle locale à l'échelle globale, la nécessité de données fondamentales, de bilans régionaux des ressources, et d'un support croissant aux avancées scientifiques et techniques, est devenu de plus en plus apparent. La communauté scientifique doit améliorer la compréhension de la société, en ce qui concerne les liens essentiels entre le besoin de données et l'avancement et l'application des approches scientifiques pour une gestion efficace de l'eau. De la même manière, les communautés scientifiques et politiques doivent coordonner leurs intérêts communs en se démenant pour une gestion durable. La mobilisation du publique est un complément nécessaire pour accomplir les objectifs de la durabilité, et rassembler le support aux besoins des programmes, de manière à développer des politiques de l'eau basées sur une science juste, à gérer les ressources en eau et satisfaire les futures demandes tout en évitant des impacts non acceptables.

This paper, firstly, shows the distribution of arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Samta village. This village, which is in Jessore district in Bangladesh, was chosen as a model village for investigating the mechanism of groundwater contamination. 90% of the tube wells in this village had arsenic concentrations above the Bangladesh standard of 0.05 mg/l. Tube wells with arsenic concentrations of over 0.50 mg/l were distributed in the southern part of the village with a belt-like shape from east to west. Secondly, groundwater distribution is discussed with respect to its flow and the high arsenic zone (As≥0.50 mg/l) agrees well with the drifting zone of the groundwater. Furthermore, arsenic-free water supply systems suitable for a small area in the village have been developed. A pond sand filter (PSF) system which purifies pond water is discussed in this paper. Prior to the construction of the PSF, the water quality in ponds was examined for arsenic levels. The inflow of drainage from the tube wells was found to be the major cause of arsenic contamination of pond water. The PSF installed in Samta is working very well and produces a good quality of treated water.  相似文献   

涂世亮 《地下水》2019,(3):11-13
广州市花都区地下水资源较丰富,根据地下水的赋存条件,地下水类型划分为松散岩类孔隙水、碳酸盐岩裂隙岩溶水、红层孔隙裂隙水、层状岩类裂隙水及块状岩类裂隙水。其中供水意义较大的地下水类型为松散岩类孔隙水和碳酸盐岩裂隙溶洞水。依据应急水源地圈定依据,圈定四处地下水应急水源地,对潜在供水能力、水质及地下水开采风险进行评价。结果显示:各应急水源地地下水水质总体良好,经相应处理后可满足应急供水水质需求,地地下水开采风险主要有地质灾害风险、地下水污染风险及开采技术风险。应急状态下,各水源地地下水总允许开采资源为72 119.13 m^3/d,可满足花都区63.86%常住人口的应急供水。  相似文献   

刘扬 《地下水》2003,25(3):160-162
结合工程实例,对地表水水源及地下水水源进行了分析评价,认为在乡镇供水中。联合运用地表水和地下水,既充分发挥了现有水源工程(地表水水库)的作用,又开发利用了地下水资源。实现了开源的目的。提高了乡镇供水的保证率,为水行政主管部门发展乡镇供水提供了可靠的水源保障,达到了充分合理利用水资源的效果。  相似文献   

Based on the observation of a complete hydrological year from June 2014 to May 2015, the temporal and spatial variations of the main inorganic nitrogen(MIN, referring to NO_3~--N, NO_2~--N, NH_4~+-N) in surface water and groundwater of the Li River and the Yuan River wetland succession zones are analyzed. The Li River and the Yuan River are located in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, and this study focus on the influence of surface water level and groundwater depth and precipitation on nitrogen pollution. The results show that NO_3~-N in surface water accounts for 70%-90% of MIN, but it does not exceed the limit of national drinking water surface water standard. Groundwater is seriously polluted by H_4~+-N. Based on the groundwater quality standard of H_4~+-N, the groundwater quality in the Li River exceeds Class III water standard throughout the year, and the exceeding months' proportion of Yuan River reaches 58.3%. Compared with the Yuan River, MIN in groundwater of the Li River shows significant temporal and spatial variations owing to the influence of agricultural fertilization. The correlation between the concentrations of MIN and surface water level is poor, while the fitting effect of quadratic correlation between H_4~+-N concentration and groundwater depth is the best(R~2=0.9384), NO_3~-N is the next(R~2=0.5128), NO_2~--N is the worst(R~2=0.2798). The equation of meteoric water line is δD =7.83δ~(18) O+12.21, indicating that both surface water and groundwater come from atmospheric precipitation. Surface infiltration is the main cause of groundwater H_4~+-N pollution. Rainfall infiltration in non-fertilization seasons reduces groundwater nitrogen pollution, while rainfall leaching farming and fertilization aggravate groundwater nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

Global warming, greenhouse effect, and the climate change problems are long-term anthropogenic consequences that are expected to threaten water related demand and supply patterns in the near future. These problems may be identified linguistically on a logical basis to take the necessary precautions, and implement mitigation strategies after vulnerability possibilities are assessed using fuzzy logic. Climate change effects are the focus of many scientific, engineering, economic, social, cultural, and global nuisances, and these effects awaits cost-effective remedial solutions. Extreme events such as floods and droughts and modified groundwater recharge may be influenced by climate change.  相似文献   

Through system design and analysis from the aspects of entity categories, hierarchical design, attribute design, and the final function design and realization of the system, this paper develops a software application based on Arc-view platform with a view to solving the deficiencies of conventional groundwater dynamic management in managing the spatial graphics data. Using this application into the supporting automatic monitoring system of groundwater level helps to achieve the automatic analysis of attribute data, and offer a new, visual and efficient automated management tool. Moreover, the computer geospatial modeling can realize the quick query and spatial analysis of geographic information, and thus facilitating dynamic simulation and prediction of the research object. However, a multi-functional, multi-level groundwater level information management system is a complex system engineering, which requires continuous improvement of the structure, development of functions, and supplement of user models.  相似文献   

Based on the observation of a complete hydrological year from June 2014 to May 2015, the temporal and spatial variations of the main inorganic nitrogen (MIN, referring to NO3--N, NO2--N, NH4+-N) in surface water and groundwater of the Li River and the Yuan River wetland succession zones are analyzed. The Li River and the Yuan River are located in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, and this study focus on the influence of surface water level and groundwater depth and precipitation on nitrogen pollution. The results show that NO3--N in surface water accounts for 70%-90% of MIN, but it does not exceed the limit of national drinking water surface water standard. Groundwater is seriously polluted by NH4+-N. Based on the groundwater quality standard of NH4+-N, the groundwater quality in the Li River exceeds Class III water standard throughout the year, and the exceeding months’ proportion of Yuan River reaches 58.3%. Compared with the Yuan River, MIN in groundwater of the Li River shows significant temporal and spatial variations owing to the influence of agricultural fertilization. The correlation between the concentrations of MIN and surface water level is poor, while the fitting effect of quadratic correlation between NH4+-N concentration and groundwater depth is the best (R2=0.9384), NO3--N is the next (R2=0.5128), NO2--N is the worst (R2=0.2798). The equation of meteoric water line is δD =7.83δ18O+12.21, indicating that both surface water and groundwater come from atmospheric precipitation. Surface infiltration is the main cause of groundwater NH4+-N pollution. Rainfall infiltration in non-fertilization seasons reduces groundwater nitrogen pollution, while rainfall leaching farming and fertilization aggravate groundwater nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

挖掘吉林省水资源潜力,解决水资源紧缺问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张勃夫 《吉林地质》2001,20(3):54-57
吉林省是一个水资源紧缺的省份。随着社会经济进一步发展,人口不断增加和城市化进程加快,未来水资源的供城矛盾将日趋尖锐,供水紧缺已成为全省经济和社会发展的重要制约因素。为了充分挖掘全省水资源开发的潜力,解决水资源紧缺问题,该文按不同地区,从实际出发,有针对性地提出了现实的,应急的对策,同时也提出了许多对全省有长远战略意义和创新性的技术对策。如洪水资源的开发和修建地下水库等建议即是。  相似文献   

我国水文地质学的展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国水文地质学的发展,必须解决和国民经济建设紧密相关的一些问题,才能使水文地质学带有我国的特色并发育成长。以下问题是急需解决的,即供水、矿山排水,水化学、环境水文地质和实验工作中的一些难题、只有解决当前生产中存在的问题,水文地质学才能在我国成长起来。  相似文献   

张东林  张像源 《地下水》2005,27(4):256-259
河西走廊自南部山区至北部平原,地下水与河水之间形成有规律的、大量的重复转化过程.本文对河西走廊的水资源从祁连山中高山形成区到下游盆地湖积平原的消失区,地下水与河水之间经过几个不同地带的转化进行了论述,阐述了相互转化的关系及规律.  相似文献   

The Upper Yarmouk basin in northern Jordan has become an increasingly important groundwater resource in recent years. Despite this, studies of groundwater recharge and movement in the area are limited, and mostly parts of larger scale regional data syntheses. Detailed analysis of the hydrogeology, hydrochemistry and isotopic data indicate a more complex system than previously presented. Whereas earlier studies suggested that groundwater is derived from a single aquifer, this study suggests abstraction from multiple aquifers. Moreover, faults and lineaments in the area may be causing segmentation and limited flow within individual aquifers. The isotopic and hydrochemical data suggest that local recharge plays a significant role in the hydrogeologic situation in the study area. This appears to be mostly happening in the hilly zone in the central part of the study area.  相似文献   

 Ankara Creek is often subjected to overflowing of sewage caused by rainfall or direct discharge of raw sewage. Alluvial aquifers adjacent to Ankara Creek and its tributaries have considerable groundwater potential. The present status of groundwater quality is far from drinking water standards. Groundwater contamination in Ankara is suspected to be caused by Ankara Creek which is heavily polluted by raw sewage discharge, surface runoff and other common sources. In order to investigate the influence of heavily polluted Ankara Creek on the groundwater contamination in the adjacent alluvial aquifers, five sampling stations on Ankara Creek and 25 water wells were monitored during 1996. At five different sampling periods, water samples were collected from both surface water and groundwater. Chemical analyses of basic ions, pollution parameters and heavy metals in natural waters were carried out. The organic pollution prevails in Ankara Creek whereas total dissolved solids (TDS) and heavy metal concentrations are considerably low. Starting from the idea that Ankara Creek somewhat influences the groundwater quality and the contaminants in groundwater should attenuate with respect to distance, a series of water wells in a certain area, each having different distance from the creek, were examined using four pollution parameters. It is concluded that Ankara Creek barely influences the aquifer systems in connection. This is attributed to two reasons: rapid attenuation of contaminants due to dilution in groundwater and a blanket of very fine sized materials covering the bottom of Ankara Creek. Received: 28. April 1997 · Accepted: 23. February 1998  相似文献   

Trifa is the most productive agricultural plain of north-eastern Morocco. The development of agricultural activities during the last few decades has been mainly based on imported water for irrigation. However, irrigation requirements have become so large that groundwater is used as a secondary source to supply the agricultural and domestic water needs, causing a depletion of the groundwater resources, especially during dry periods. A hydrological and a hydrogeological model for the Trifa plain have been developed, which yield information on relevant parameters such as groundwater recharge, and estimate the amount of pumped groundwater needed to meet the irrigation needs. The models (MODFLOW and WetSpass) provide insight into the status and evolution of the groundwater reserves. The results of the study are useful to predict the sustainability of the groundwater resources in the Trifa plain and to evaluate possible management actions. A reduction in groundwater abstraction by at least 25% may be necessary to achieve sustainable conditions.
Resumen Trifa es la planicie agrícola más productiva del noreste de Marruecos. El desarrollo de las actividades agrícolas durante las últimas décadas se ha basado principalmente en agua importada para riego. Sin embargo, los requerimientos de riego han llegado a ser tan grandes ocasionando que se utilice el agua subterránea como una fuente secundaria para abastecer las necesidades de agua para uso doméstico y agrícola, lo que causa un agotamiento de los recursos de agua subterránea, especialmente durante periodos secos. Se ha desarrollado un modelo hidrogeológico e hidrológico para la planicie Trifa el cual aporta información de parámetros relevantes tal como recarga de agua subterránea y estima la cantidad de agua subterránea que necesita bombearse para satisfacer las necesidades de riego. Los modelos (MODFLOW y WetSpass) aportan una idea acerca del estado actual y la evolución de las reservas de agua subterránea. Los resultados de este estudio son útiles para predecir la sostenibilidad de los recursos de agua subterránea en la planicie Trifa y para evaluar posibles acciones de gestión. Puede ser necesario reducir la explotación de agua subterránea en por lo menos 25% para alcanzar condiciones sostenibles.

Résumé Trifa est la plaine agricole la plus productive du Nord-Est marocain. Le développement de l’activité agricole durant ces dernières décennies a essentiellement reposé sur l’irrigation. Néanmoins les besoins de l’irrigation sont devenus tels que l’eau souterraine est utilisée comme ressource secondaire, pour combler la demande en eau domestique et agricole, induisant un rabattement d’autant plus important durant les périodes sèches. Un modèle hydrologique et hydrogéologique de la plaine de Trifa a été développé sur base des paramètres les plus importants, tels la recharge, et permet d’estimer le pompage nécessaire des eaux souterraines pour combler les besoins de l’irrigation. Les modèles (MODFLOW et WetSpass) apportent une bonne connaissance de l’état et de l’évolution des réserves souterraines. Les résultats de l’étude sont utiles pour prédire la longévité des ressources et pour évaluer différents scénarios de gestion. Une réduction de l’extraction de 25% serait nécessaire pour atteindre un état durable.

新疆地下水资源开发利用中存在问题及对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
赵伟  董慧 《地下水》2004,26(1):23-25,29
本文应用水文地质学理论,分析了新疆地下水的分布、形成规律及特点,运用水资源系统理论,从管理角度分析了新疆地下水资源评价及地下水开发利用规划设计、地下水开发利用现状、地下水管理等方面存在的问题,以社会经济、生态环境、资源可持续发展为基点,提出地下水资源开发利用规划及管理应遵守的原则,对地表水、地下水要统一评价、统一规划、统一管理.要重视前期工作,加强基础研究,合理开发利用地下水资源,并提出了具体的对策与措施.  相似文献   

Impact of karst water on coal mining in North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coalfields in North China encompass more than ten Provinces. They contain six to seven coal seams in the Permo-Carboniferous strata. The lower three seams account for 37% of the total reserves and are threatened with intrusion of karst water from the underlying Ordovician limestone. Hundreds of water inrush incidences have occurred, in which a large amount of water suddenly flows into tunnels or working faces under high potentiometric pressure. Over 50 mines have been flooded over the last 30 years. Large-scale dewatering or depressurizing of the karst aquifer was considered essential to avoid water inrushes and keep the mines safely operational. This practice, however, has caused sinkholes, dry springs, water supply shortage, and groundwater contamination in the surrounding areas. One alternative water control measure is to make full use of the rock layer between the coal seam and the karst aquifer as a protective barrier to prevent or constrain water flow from the underlying aquifer into the mines. Grouting is effective when the hydrogeological conditions are favorable to this technique. Proper design of the grouting program and experience of the contractor are also important for a successful application.  相似文献   

Groundwater resource potential is the nation’s primary freshwater reserve and accounts for a large portion of potential future water supply. This study focused on quantifying the groundwater resource potential of the Upper Gilgel Gibe watershed using the water balance method. This study began by defining the project area’s boundary, reviewing previous works, and collecting valuable primary and secondary data. The analysis and interpretation of data were supported by the application of different software like ArcGIS 10.4.1. Soil water characteristics of SPAW (Soil-plant-air-water) computer model, base flow index (BFI+3.0), and the water balance model. Estimation of the areal depth of precipitation and actual evapotranspiration was carried out through the use of the isohyetal method and the water balance model and found to be 1 664.5 mm/a and 911.6 mm/a, respectively. A total water volume of 875 829 800 m3/a is estimated to recharge the aquifer system. The present annual groundwater abstraction is estimated as 10 150 000 m3/a. The estimated specific yield, exploitable groundwater reserve, and safe yield of the catchment are 5.9%, 520 557 000 m3/a, and 522 768 349 m3/a respectively. The total groundwater abstraction is much less than the recharge and the safe yield of the aquifer. The results show that there is a sufficient amount of groundwater in the study area, and the groundwater resources of the area are considered underdeveloped.  相似文献   

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