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天山南坡科其喀尔巴西冰川消融估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能量平衡模型是目前估算冰川表面消融最准确的方法之一.利用科其喀尔巴西冰川野外气象和消融观测数据,结合1:5万地形图,对不同坡向和坡度格点上总辐射和净辐射进行了地形校正模拟,并采用空气动力学法对冰面感热和潜热进行了计算,最后对冰川表面消融进行了模拟.结果表明,模拟小时总辐射和实测值存在较好的一致性,二者相关系数为0.85,而净辐射模拟效果较差.消融模拟值大体反映了实际的消融值,平均误差为2.9mm w.e/day,均方根误差为4.2 mm w.e/day,且模拟值一般略大于观测值,距离自动气象站较近的花杆模拟相对误差较小,随着花杆距离冰面自动气象站距离的增大,模拟相对误差呈增加的趋势.  相似文献   

基于2007年7~9月对科其喀尔冰川消融区冰面湖、表碛、裸冰的温度和消融观测,分析三者的温度变化特征及其差异,探讨冰面湖的热机制.结果表明:科其喀尔冰川冰面湖表层水温受瞬时天气状况影响明显,变化趋势与气温一致,但不如气温变化剧烈并有1~3h滞后性;由于白天冰川融水注入与表层暖水混合下沉,深层湖水在一天的14~16时左右...  相似文献   

干旱、半干旱区土壤CO2通量是土壤-大气碳循环的关键过程。尽管近期研究发现,该过程中存在非生物CO2通量部分,但对该通量及其对土壤温度的响应仍不清楚。为此,本研究于2012年5月至2013年4月,在毛乌素沙地西南缘长期定位观测灭活土壤的CO2通量及土壤温度与降雨量。结果显示:土壤非生物CO2通量在2012年5-10月及2013年3-4月基本表现为白天正值,而夜晚负值;其余月份中,其日尺度上变化不大。在观测期内,非生物CO2通量与土壤温度变化率呈直线关系,但决定系数不高。另外,无降雨或小降雨发生时,日尺度上土壤非生物CO2通量与土壤温度存在明显的时间滞后效应,而该效应会被较大的降雨严重干扰。研究结果表明,土壤非生物CO2通量对土壤温度的响应会较易被其他因子(如降雨)干扰,通过土壤温度单因子对它预测,结果可能不够准确。  相似文献   

干旱区盐碱土无机CO2通量是一个崭新、独特的科学现象,打破了土壤CO2通量完全来自于有机源的假设;然而,盐碱土无机CO2通量在土壤CO2通量和全球碳循环中的重要性还缺乏分离和量化的依据,因而存在很大的不确定性。通过采用高压灭菌的方法,将盐土和碱土的土壤无机CO2通量从土壤CO2通量中分离。结果表明:高压灭菌方法并不改变土壤的理化性质,并通过土壤有机CO2通量与温度的关系验证了分离方法的有效性,从而为盐碱土无机CO2通量的分离、量化和评估提供了一个可靠有效的方法。盐碱土的土壤无机CO2通量是土壤CO2通量的重要组分,土壤无机CO2通量的分离对精确解析干旱区盐碱土生态系统的碳循环是必要的;对盐碱土土壤无机CO2通量的研究,将促进对干旱区盐碱土土壤CO2通量和全球碳循环的理解。  相似文献   

三江平原不同土地利用方式下湿地土壤CO2通量研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用暗箱-气相色谱法,同步测量了三江平原几种主要生态类型湿地土壤原始的小叶章草甸白浆土、毛果苔草泥炭沼泽土、已垦旱作草甸白浆土和人工水田草甸白浆土,进行CO2排放通量的对比研究.结果表明不同土地利用方式下,旱作草甸白浆土土壤CO2排放通量最大,平均值为775.38mg/(m2@h);小叶章草甸白浆土土壤次之,平均值为439.02mg/(m2@h);人工水稻田草甸白浆土土壤CO2通量最小,平均值为128.96mg/(m2@h);毛果苔草泥炭沼泽土土壤CO2排放通量介于小叶章草甸白浆土土壤和水稻田草甸白浆土土壤之间,平均值为247.08mg/(m2@h).湿地开垦为旱田,使湿地"碳汇"功能减弱或丧失,变成"碳源";湿地开垦为水田,是比较合理的湿地农业利用方式.  相似文献   

周琪  李平衡  王权  郑超磊  徐璐 《中国沙漠》2014,34(1):98-107
涡度相关仪通量值所代表的通量贡献区范围,对于通量观测塔的选址、仪器安装高度的确定以及通量观测数据的质量控制等具有重要的指导意义。利用通量贡献区模型对位于古尔班通古特沙漠试验场通量观测资料的空间代表性进行初步分析。结果表明:该荒漠区在大气稳定条件下90%的通量贡献区最远可以达到686.40 m,通量贡献函数最大点的位置在162.50 m;大气稳定时各风向的通量贡献区范围在生长末期均达到最大,生长初期和中期的源区变化因受到各风向风速和植被下垫面的影响而有差异;大气不稳定时不同生长时期各风向通量贡献区没有固定变化规律;通量源区大约有58.71%的信息来自于荒漠区通量观测塔西南至西北方,整个生长季生长末期通量贡献最多,所占比例为40.16%。由FSAM模型测得的通量贡献区范围可以较准确地反映荒漠生态系统下垫面的通量信息。  相似文献   

长白山天然次生白桦林土壤CO2释放通量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用静态箱/气相色谱法测定了长白山天然次生白桦林土壤二氧化碳释放通量.在生长季节的春、夏、秋三个时间段对白桦林土壤CO2释放通量测定的结果表明:白桦林土壤呼吸的日变化和不同生长季节的变化均与温度的变化有明显的相关性.白昼的土壤CO2的释放通量始终高于夜晚,但白昼土壤CO2释放通量的峰值与气温的峰值相比具有一定的滞后性.土壤CO2释放通量夏季明显高于春秋两季,凋落物层对土壤CO2释放具有一定的影响,夏季去除凋落物层后土壤CO2释放通量高于未除凋落物层时CO2释放通量,而春秋两季则出现相反的结果.通过相关分析发现,有凋落物覆盖的土壤CO2释放通量与地下5cm温度相关性最好,而去除凋落物后土壤CO2释放通量则与地表温度相关性最高.  相似文献   

三江平原毛苔草沼泽CO2排放通量日变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用静态暗箱/气相色谱法,在毛苔草(Carex lasiocarp)4个生长期(开花期、果熟期、果后营养期和立枯期),对三江平原毛苔草沼泽CO2排放通量的日变化进行了观测实验。结果表明,在开花期和果熟期,沼泽CO2日平均排放通量较大,分别为1 286.79 mg/(m2.h)和829.28 mg/(m2.h),在果后营养期和立枯期,沼泽CO2日平均排放通量较小,分别为472.54 mg/(m2.h)和237.27 mg/(m2.h);在开花期、果熟期和果后营养期,沼泽CO2排放通量的日变化与温度的相关性不明显,而在立枯期,沼泽CO2排放通量的日变化与气温和地表温度(水温)呈显著正相关(n=11,p<0.05)。各生长期的沼泽CO2日平均排放通量之间具有显著差异(n=4,p<0.01)。从整个生长季来看,CO2日排放通量与气温、地表温度(水温)、5 cm地温和10 cm地温呈显著正相关(n=40,p<0.01),与15 cm地温也呈显著正相关(n=40,p<0.05)。  相似文献   

土壤水热条件对祁连山荒漠草原土壤CO2通量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用美国Li-COR公司生产的LI-6400-09土壤呼吸室和LI-6400便携式光合作用测量系统,在2004年生长季节对祁连山荒漠草原土壤CO2通量与温度和土壤水分的关系进行了连续观测研究。结果显示,基于室内试验数据,土壤CO2通量与土壤温度及土壤含水量的关系都可以用曲线方程很好地模拟。通过野外对祁连山荒漠草原土壤CO2通量、土壤温度、土壤含水量和降水等因子的观测发现,生长季节土壤CO2通量的日平均值介于1.94~9.32μmol.m-2.s-1。土壤CO2通量7~8月份达到最大值,5月与9月份次之,整个生长过程总的变化趋势呈单峰曲线形式。在5~11月份7个月的时间里,祁连山荒漠草原CO2释放量大约为1.01×108μmol.m-2。此外,加水试验也表明在干旱季节土壤水分对土壤CO2通量整体变化的重要性。  相似文献   

The degree-day model is one important method to estimate glacier melt, which is based on the specific relationship between glacial melting and the sum of daily mean temperatures above the melting point. According to the observation data on the Koxkar Glacier(KG) from 2005 to 2010, we analyzed the temporal and spatial variation of degree-day factors(DDF) and its influential factors. The results indicate that the average value of DDF was 7.2~10.4 mm/(°C·d) on the KG from 2005 to 2010. It showed a decreasing trend between 3,700 m and 4,200 m, and the deceasing trend was more obvious in the upper part of the KG. On a spatial scale, the DDF increased evidently with increasing altitude. The DDF ranged from3.6 to 9.3 mm/(°C·d) at 3,700 m a.s.l., with the average value of 9.3 mm/(°C·d). It varied from 6.9 to 13.0 mm/(°C·d) at4,000 m a.s.l., with the average value of 10.2 mm/(°C·d). During the period of ablation, the fluctuation of DDF was not significant at the lower altitude(3,700 m a.s.l.), but it decreased at the higher altitudes(4,000 m a.s.l. and 4,200 m a.s.l.).The debris changes the transmission of heat, which accelerates the melting of a glacier; and the DDF showed high value.This paper will provide the reference for temporal–spatial parameterization schemes of DDF on Tuomuer glaciers of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

Hydrological processes were compared, with and without the influence of precipitation on discharge, to identify the differences between glacierized and non-glacierized catchments in the Urumqi River source region, on the northern slope of the eastern Tianshan Mountains, during the melting season (May-September) in 2011. The study was based on hydrological data observed at 10-min intervals, meteorological data observed at 15-min intervals, and glacier melting and snow observations from the Empty Cirque, Zongkong, and Urumqi Glacier No.1 gauging stations. The results indicated that the discharge differed markedly among the three gauging stations. The daily discharge was more than the nightly discharge at the Glacier No.1 gauging station, which contrasted with the patterns observed at the Zongkong and Empty Cirque gauging stations. There was a clear daily variation in the discharge at the three gauging stations, with differences in the magnitude and duration of the peak discharge. When precipitation was not considered, the time-lags between the maximum discharge and the highest temperature were 1-3 h, 10-16 h, and 5-11 h at the Glacier No.1, Empty Cirque, and Zongkong gauging stations, respectively. When precipitation was taken into consideration, the corresponding time-lags were 0-1 h, 13 h, and 6-7 h, respectively. Therefore, the duration from the generation of discharge to confluence was the shortest in the glacierized catchment and the longest in the catchment where was mainly covered by snow. It was also shown that the hydrological process from the generation of discharge to confluence shortened when precipitation was considered. The factors influencing changes in the discharge among the three gauging stations were different. For Glacier No.1 station, the discharge was mainly controlled by heat conditions in the glacierized region, and the discharge displayed an accelerated growth when the temperature exceeded 5°C in the melt season. It was found that the englacial and subglacial drainage channel of Glacier No.1 had become simpler during the past 20 years. Its weaker retardance and storage of glacier melting water resulted in rapid discharge confluence. It was also shown that the discharge curve and the time-lag between the maximum discharge and the highest temperature could be used to reveal the evolution of the drainage system and the process of glacier and snow melting at different levels of glacier coverage.  相似文献   

应用天山北坡乌鲁木齐河源区1 号冰川、空冰斗和总控3 个水文断面2011 年5-9 月每10min 实测水位数据、15 min 的气温、降水数据、1 号冰川消融及空冰斗区积雪观测数据,采用排除和不排除降水对冰雪消融产流影响的研究方法,系统分析了不同冰川覆盖率下水文断面冰雪消融特征及产汇流过程。结果表明:(1) 乌鲁木齐河源区3 个水文断面流量昼夜差异明显,1 号冰川水文断面白天径流大于夜晚径流,空冰斗和总控断面则相反;3 个断面流量亦具有显著日变化过程,且流量峰值大小和到来的时间存在差异。(2) 在排除与不排除降水两种天气影响下,1 号冰川最大流量滞后最高气温分别为1~3 h 和0~1 h;空冰斗断面分别为10~16 h和13 h,总控断面分别为5~11 h 和6~7 h,反映了1 号冰川从消融产流到汇流时间最短,空冰斗积雪消融产流时间最长,总控位于二者之间,同时亦反映伴随降水过程冰雪融水汇流迅速,即从产流到汇流时间有一定的缩短。(3) 影响3 个水文断面流量变化的因素不同,冰川区热量条件是影响1 号冰川水文断面的关键,1 号冰川在过去20 余年间,冰内、冰下排水道变得更为单一,对融水的阻滞和贮存作用弱化,融水汇流过程变得更为迅速。(4) 冰川覆盖山区流域水文断面在冰川消融期的流量过程线变化及最大流量与最高气温时滞变化规律在一定程度上对于认识冰川覆盖率有差异背景下的流域下垫面水系演化、冰雪消融过程及水文断面径流补给具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

利用世界上唯一深入流动沙漠腹地200 km以上的塔克拉玛干沙漠塔中站所采集的2011年4月、7月的气象资料,分析了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地春、夏季CO2通量的变化特征及影响因素。结果表明:塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地CO2通量表现为白昼地表吸收CO2,夜间地表排放CO2,且地表吸收强度明显大于地表排放;塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地春、夏季CO2平均净吸收速率分别为0.93μmol·m2·s-1和0.82μmol·m2·s-1;CO2通量受大气稳定性影响较大,稳定大气条件利于沙漠地表CO2的释放,不稳定大气条件有利于沙漠地表CO2的吸收;此外,地表温度、土壤湿度、风速均与CO2通量呈不同程度的负相关关系。  相似文献   

The glacier is a crucial freshwater resource in arid and semiarid regions,and the vulnerability of the glacier change is intimately linked to regional ecological services and so-cio-economic sustainability.Taking the Tianshan Mountains region in China as an example,a basic framework for studying the vulnerability of glacier change was constructed so as to address factors such as physical geography,population status,socio-economic level,agri-cultural development,and social services.The framework was based on key dimensions,that is,exposure,sensitivity,and adaptability,and this constituted a targeted evaluation index system.We examined the spatial structure and spatial autocorrelation of the glacier change vulnerability using ArcGIS and GeoDa software.The influence and interaction of natural,so-cial,economic,population and other factors on glacier change adaptability was examined using the GeoDetector model.The results suggested the following:(1) The vulnerability level decreased from the western region to the eastern region with significant differences between the two regions.The eastern region had the lowest vulnerability,followed by the central re-gion,and then western region which had the highest vulnerability.(2) Significant positive and negative correlations were found between exposure,sensitivity,and adaptability,indicating that the areas with high exposure and high sensitivity to glacier change tended to have a low adaptive capacity,which led to high vulnerability,and vice versa.(3) The spatial heterogeneity regarding the ability to cope with glacier change reflected the combined effects of the natural,social,economic,and demographic factors.Among them,factors such as the production value of secondary and tertiary industries,the urban population,urban fixed-asset investment,and the number of employees played major roles regarding the spatial heterogeneity of glacier change.  相似文献   

The glaciers of the Hengduan Mountains play an important role in the hydrology processes of this region. In this study, the HBV Light model, which relies on a degree-day model to simulate glacier melting, was employed to simulate both glacier runoff and total runoff. The daily temperature and precipitation at the Hailuo Creek No. 1 Glacier from 1952 to 2009 were obtained from daily meteorological observed data at the glacier and from six national meteorological stations near the Hailuo Creek Basin. The daily air temperature, precipitation, runoff depth, and monthly potential evaporation in 1995, 1996, and 2002 were used to obtain a set of optimal parameters, and the annual total runoff and glacier runoff of the Hailuo Creek Glacier(1952–2009) were calculated using the HBV Light model. Results showed the average annual runoff in the Hailuo Creek Basin was 2,114 mm from 1952 to 2009, of which glacial melting accounted for about 1,078 mm. The river runoff in the Hailuo Creek catchment increased as a result of increased glacier runoff. Glacier runoff accounted for 51.1% of the Hailuo Creek stream flow in 1994 and increased to 72.6% in 2006. About 95% of the increased stream flow derived from the increased glacier runoff.  相似文献   

博格达峰地区气候变化特征及其对冰川变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
20世纪中叶以来,随着全球变暖加剧,中国冰川普遍发生了退缩,对局地人民生活、生存环境及社会经济产生了深刻的影响,对位于西北干旱区的博格达峰地区尤为突出.本文首先采用趋势分析、突变检验和小波变换等方法对研究区周边气温、降水进行研究,同时应用Landsat l-4、5、7MSS、TM/ETM+影像分析1972-2013年博格达峰区冰川变化特征,在此基础上系统探讨冰川变化与该区气候变化之间的响应关系.结果表明:①1960-2013年研究区气温、降水变化倾向分别为0.19℃/10 a和12.4 mm/l0 a;年平均气温在1990年前后存在显著突变,年降水量在1985年前后存在突变.气温主要表现为8~10 a的周期,降水周期性较差.目前处于气温偏高、降水偏少期;②1972-2013年冰川面积减少46.71±1.32 km2,年均退缩率为0.66%±0.02%,冰川退缩趋势明显.其中1972-1990年,冰川年均退缩率为0.44%±0.03%;近20年来冰川退缩加剧,年均退缩率达到0.78%±0.09%;③通过分形理论对研究区冰川空间结构特征分析表明,预计未来冰川消融率将趋于稳定,但仍处于较高状态;④对比中国西部各地区冰川的变化,发现该地区冰川退缩和其他区域退缩速率相吻合;⑤1990年之前博格达峰地区冰川变化受温度和降水共同控制,1990年之后冰川退缩主要由气温上升引起.  相似文献   

Both marginal fluctuation and areal change were used to detect the accurate dynamics of glacier change in the study area using Landsat MSS, ETM, SPOT HRV and topographic maps based on GIS. From 1963 to 1977, four of eight glaciers advanced, two of them retreated and another two kept stable, the glacier advanced generally. From 1977 to 1986, four of eight glaciers retreated and the others kept stable, but the retreated glaciers were those which advanced from 1963 to 1977. From 1986 to 2000, seven of eight glaciers retreated and only one glacier kept stable, the retreating velocity was 10-15 m/a. Glacier recession in this period became very fast and universal. From 1963 to 2000, the area of glaciers decreased from 5479.0 ha to 4795.4 ha, up to 12.5%. It is alarming that most of glacier retreats happened from 1986 to 2000. This was very consistent with change process of summer mean temperature in this region and global warming beginning in the 1980s.  相似文献   

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