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Summary Upper level and surface wind data for 1994 are used to provide an initial identification of the orographic effect on regional airflow patterns upwind of the mountain barrier. A case study of the development of upstream blocking and barrier jets is also provided. The predominance of gradient airflow from between northwest and southwest through this region results in frequent trans-mountain winds. The mountains are seen to have a major effect on airflow in the lowest 2000 m above sea level, with clear evidence of orographic blocking and barrier wind development. Some variability in the extent of this blocking was noted during 1994, which appeared to be associated with changes in the synoptic circulation and air mass characteristics. The frequent occurrence of southwesterly winds between 300 m and 2000 m indicates significant deflection of the predominant winds to follow the southwest-northeast orientation of the mountains. These southwesterly barrier winds occur in opposition to the apparent pressure gradient. Northeasterly barrier winds occur mainly below 300 m, and represent a down-gradient, localised flow that is frequently separated from overlying northwesterly gradient winds by a transitional layer, within which the wind backs with height. The controls of the extent of orographic blocking are only assessed superficially, due to the lack of good thermodynamic data upstream of the mountains, although a combination of wind speed and atmospheric stability is obviously important. These initial results provide a useful insight into the extent of orographic effects on regional windfields, which will serve as the basis for future observational and modelling studies. Received June 11, 1998 Revised April 16, 1999  相似文献   

We use new data from the SALPEX'96 campaign to examine the evolution of orographically modified flow over and around New Zealand's Southern Alps. We consider prefrontal situations for which the larger-scale synoptic pattern generates an incoming northwesterly flow perpendicular to the mountain axis, calculate the nondimensional parameters which control the wind flow and determine how long it takes orographic modifications to become established. We place flows over the New Zealand Alps in a Rossby number/Blocking number parameter space and compare them with flows over other mountain ranges on the globe. Using model and aircraft data, we show the region of modified flow extends over 100 km upstream of the Southern Alps.We show 2D model simulations represent many aspects of the flow modification satisfactorily, although they tend to overdevelop the final state of the Barrier Jet flow. In 3D, using real data to force the boundaries, the migratory nature of the weather systems in the area would generally limit the time available for a modified steady state to develop. In addition, in situations where there is significant lateral variation of initial fields, the 2D results may only be applicable for a few hours.From the point of view of potential to influence alpine rainfall processes, for the case studied, the gradual uplift associated with the modified flow between 1 and 2 km above sea level extended far enough upstream in saturated air to enable cloud drops to grow to drizzle drops before reaching the much more substantial updrafts at the foot of the Alps. This allows vigorous prefrontal precipitation to occur over the foothills and mountains due largely to warm rain processes.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes and documents the meteorological conditions which occur in association with a cold surface layer on the northern lee side of the Alps during foehn. A climatological study using four years' rawinsonde data shows that during many foehn events a weak advection from the east occurs in the cold surface layer beneath the southerly foehn flow. Three cases of foehn in the northern Alps were studied using data taken by instrumented aircraft. The analysis of various vertical soundings between the baseline of the Alps and Munich indicate that the cold surface layer is eroded up to 50 km north of the baseline but that further north, the foehn has not touched the ground. The analysis of data taken in the urban plume west of Munich shows that the pollution is trapped by the inversion in the cold air leading to high levels of air pollution west of Munich.With 13 Figures  相似文献   

Summary An unusually strong nocturnal downvalley wind can be regularly observed in the upper Isar Valley close to Mittenwald (Bavarian Alps) when a high-pressure system is located over Central Europe or when ambient southerly winds are present. Due to the structure of the local topography, this downvalley wind has foehn-like properties in the sense that the breakthrough of the flow into the valley is characterized by a strong increase in temperature and a decrease in relative humidity. Therefore the author called this flow Minifoehn. In fact, wind speeds are low in comparison to deep foehn, but gusts may reach values up to 20ms–1, even under the influence of high pressure systems with weak atmospheric pressure gradients. To investigate the Minifoehn, surface stations have been installed for collecting temperature, humidity, wind and pressure data. Measurements have shown that the Minifoehn represents the upper part of one of the drainage currents which flows over a mountain ridge into the valley at Mittenwald. Nocturnally cooled air drains from a plateau south of Mittenwald through different valleys which merge again near Mittenwald. It seems that the forcing of the nocturnal currents is dominated by the temperature difference between this plateau and the free atmosphere above Mittenwald at the same level. Strong temperature differences are found during clear winter nights and in case of subsidence inversions. Moreover, the appearance of the Minifoehn in autumn and winter is so frequent that we even may find a climatic effect: the upper Isar Valley is usually free of fog during these seasons and nocturnal temperatures are often considerably higher than in other Bavarian Alpine valleys at comparable altitude.  相似文献   

Summary The movement of cold fronts along the eastern side of the Southern Alps has been studied in detail during the Southerly Change Experiment (SOUCHEX). An enhanced network of surface wind monitoring stations was established in the Canterbury region of the South Island to allow detailed study of meso-scale wind fields during the passage of fronts. Fivesoutherly changes occurred during the experiment, one of which failed to produce a clear wind change over much of the area. The often erratic movement of these fronts along the eastern side of the mountains is illustrated by isochrone maps of the onset of the wind change. Other general characteristics of these events include their shallowness (1000–1500 m deep) and in most cases their abrupt onset. Detailed analysis of anemograph data collected during SOUCHEX indicates great variability in the surface wind field associated with passage of the fronts. Maps of the meso-scale wind field plotted for the first southerly change of the 14 January 1988 illustrate the complexity of the wind changes experienced over the eastern South Island in particular. The arrival of the cold fronts at individual sites provided features of air mass interaction which appear to relate to time of day, and regional and local site factors. Variations, in wind, temperature and relative humidity provide clear examples of both single and double air mass changes. However, nocturnal changes seem to be less distinct due to lower ambient temperatures and increased boundary layer stability.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

The present note discusses physical mechanisms which may contribute to cold air channelling close to the Alps. This involves the modification of the prefrontal air by the warm foehn air and of the postfrontal air by blocking effects resulting in an increase in precipitation. Additionally the influence of a sloping surface in the vicinity of the orography is considered. The problems are discussed in term of a north-south-oriented cold front behaving as an atmospheric gravity current propagating along the east-west oriented Alps.  相似文献   

Summary Regional and local scale windfield and air mass characteristics during two distinct synoptic foehn wind events over southern New Zealand are examined. The Southern Alps were observed to effectively block low level onshore gradient northwesterly airflow and to channel it through both Cook and Foveaux Straits. Blocking of the onshore synoptic northwesterly airstream also resulted in barrier jet formation along the western slopes of the Southern Alps. This feature of the regional windfield has not previously been documented and develops during favourable conditions to a height of between 1500 to 1800 m above sea level. In the immediate lee of the Southern Alps at Lake Tekapo, classic foehn conditions such as warm ambient air temperatures, low relative humidities and gusty winds were monitored throughout both foehn events examined. Differences in the local windfield were however observed, which reflect the importance of local topography on lee side windfield dynamics during foehn events. Spillover of precipitation to the lee of the mountains was monitored in the latter stages of each case study and appeared to be associated with the passage of the cold front over the Southern Alps. Observations made by this investigation have a number of applied and theoretical implications with respect to meso-scale modelling, orographic rainfall distribution and forecasting.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

Little Ice Age (LIA) austral summer temperature anomalies were derived from palaeoequilibrium line altitudes at 22 cirque glacier sites across the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Modern analog seasons with temperature anomalies akin to the LIA reconstructions were selected, and then applied in a sampling of high-resolution gridded New Zealand climate data and global reanalysis data to generate LIA climate composites at local, regional and hemispheric scales. The composite anomaly patterns assist in improving our understanding of atmospheric circulation contributions to the LIA climate state, allow an interrogation of synoptic type frequency changes for the LIA relative to present, and provide a hemispheric context of the past conditions in New Zealand. An LIA summer temperature anomaly of ?0.56 °C (±0.29 °C) for the Southern Alps based on palaeo-equilibrium lines compares well with local tree-ring reconstructions of austral summer temperature. Reconstructed geopotential height at 1,000 hPa (z1000) suggests enhanced southwesterly flow across New Zealand occurred during the LIA to generate the terrestrial temperature anomalies. The mean atmospheric circulation pattern for summer resulted from a crucial reduction of the ‘HSE’-blocking synoptic type (highs over and to the west of NZ; largely settled conditions) and increases in both the ‘T’- and ‘SW’-trough synoptic types (lows passing over NZ; enhanced southerly and southwesterly flow) relative to normal. Associated land-based temperature and precipitation anomalies suggest both colder- and wetter-than-normal conditions were a pervasive component of the base climate state across New Zealand during the LIA, as were colder-than-normal Tasman Sea surface temperatures. Proxy temperature and circulation evidence were used to corroborate the spatially heterogeneous Southern Hemisphere composite z1000 and sea surface temperature patterns generated in this study. A comparison of the composites to climate mode archetypes suggests LIA summer climate and atmospheric circulation over New Zealand was driven by increased frequency of weak El Niño-Modoki in the tropical Pacific and negative Southern Annular Mode activity.  相似文献   

This paper identifies relationships between air mass properties and mesoscale rainfall when moist air blows over New Zealand's Southern Alps from the Tasman Sea. Around 50% of the variance in six-hourly rain volumes summed across three separate cross-mountain raingauge transects and in six-hourly rain volume spilling across the alpine divide are statistically explained by the following properties of the approaching air mass: relative humidity, wind velocity normal to the mountains, air mass stability and synoptically induced upward motion. These factors also explain about 25% (r≈0.5) of the variance in the downwind distance reached by the spillover rainfall. For the highest 10% of six-hourly rainfalls, spillover distance and magnitude are negatively correlated with the 700 or 500 hPa temperature. Multiple linear regression equations suitable for predicting rainfall intensity and spillover are developed. A progression is described in the magnitude and depth of vertical motion and resulting condensation rates over the mountains as the properties of the incoming air mass evolve through a storm. These changes, together with greater downwind advection of ice particles compared to raindrops, explain the observed statistical relationships between the air mass properties and mountain rainfall.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of 3 July 2004 in Hyytiälä (Juupajoki, Finland), convective cells produced a strong downburst causing forest damage. The SMEAR II field station, situated near the damage site, enabled a unique micrometeorological analysis of a microburst with differences above and inside the canopy. At the time of the event, a squall line associated with a cold front was crossing Hyytiälä with a reflectivity maximum in the middle of the squall line. A bow echo, rear-inflow notch, and probable mesovortex were observed in radar data. The bow echo moved west-north-west, and its apex travelled just north of Hyytiälä. The turbulence data were analysed at two locations above the forest canopy and at one location at sub-canopy. At 1412 EET (Eastern European Time, UTC+2), the horizontal and vertical wind speed increased and the wind veered, reflecting the arrival of a gust front. At the same time, the carbon dioxide concentration increased due to turbulent mixing, the temperature decreased due to cold air flow from aloft and aerosol particle concentration decreased due to rain scavenging. An increase in the number concentration of ultra-fine particles (< 10 nm) was detected, supporting the new particle formation either from cloud outflow or due to rain. Five minutes after the gust front (1417 EET), strong horizontal and downward vertical wind speed gusts occurred with maxima of 22 and 15 m s?1, respectively, reflecting the microburst. The turbulence spectra before, during and after the event were consistent with traditional turbulence spectral theory.  相似文献   

Summary The large-scale Experiment III conducted in the Ticino (Southern Slope of the Alps) in 1957–1963 for the suppression of hail was also used to investigate the problem of rain stimulation. Based on a randomization principle, the experiment showed that the number of days on which rain fell was not increased by seeding the clouds with silver iodide but that the amount of rainfall on test days with precipitation was augmented. The increase on thundery days with cold fronts was up to 60%, and in thundery barrage situations even amounted to 100%, while on days with local thunderstorms no significant differences were recorded, and on days with changing weather conditions the differences in some cases carry the opposite sign. Statistical evaluation consequently showed that seeding the clouds with silver iodide was in certain cases effective.
Zusammenfassung Der in den Jahren 1957–1963 durchgeführte Großversuch III zur Bekämpfung des Hagels im Tessin (Alpensüdhang) wurde auch dazu verwendet, das Problem der Niederschlagsstimulation zu untersuchen. Der nach der Zufallszuordnung geplante Versuch ergab, daß durch Impfung der Wolken mit Silberjodid zwar die Anzahl der Niederschlagstage nicht vergrößert, die Niederschlagsmenge an Versuchstagen mit Niederschlag jedoch vermehrt wurde. Diese Zunahme betrug bei Gewitterlagen begleitet von Kaltfronten bis zu 60% und bei gewittrigen Südstaulagen sogar 100%, während bei Lokalgewittern keine signifikanten Unterschiede nachgewiesen werden konnten und bei Gewittern mit wechselnder Wetterlage die Unterschiede teilweise sogar ein anderes Vorzeichen haben. Die statistische Auswertung ergab somit, daß das Impfen der Wolken mit Silberjodid unter bestimmten Umständen wirkungsvoll war.

Résumé Les données provenant des essais à grande échelle — essais effectués au Tessin de 1957 à 1963 pour lutter contre la grêle — sont utilisées également pour essayer d'apporter une solution au problème de la stimulation des précipitations. La série des essais basés uniquement sur les effets du hasard montre que le nombre de jours avec précipitations n'augmente pas par une insémination des nuages par de l'iodure d'argent. La quantité d'eau recueillie est cependant plus importante lorsque des précipitations suivent l'insémination. Cette augmentation atteint 60% par situations orageuses accompagnées de fronts froids, voire 100% en cas d'orages par barrage du sud. Par contre, lorsqu'on a à faire à des orages locaux, on ne constate pas de différences significatives. Si la situation météorologique change pendant un orage, les différences constatées peuvent même être affectées de signes contraires. Le dépouillement statistique des données démontre donc que l'insémination des nuages par de l'iodure d'argent a une influence certaine.

With 1 Map and 8 Figures  相似文献   

The effects on the convective boundary layer (CBL) of shading due to shallow cumulus clouds are investigated. The main question is to see whether clouds are able to produce secondary circulations by shading of the surface (dynamic heterogeneities) and how these dynamic heterogeneities interact with static heterogeneities in terms of the production of secondary circulations. Also the effects of cloud shadows on cloud-field characteristics are analyzed. The effects are studied using large-eddy simulations of a cloud-topped CBL with an idealized surface. Over a homogeneous surface, shadows trigger secondary circulations with different strengths depending on the solar zenith angle \(\vartheta \), with large \(\vartheta \) favouring the development of secondary circulations. Over a static heterogeneous surface with a simple striped pattern, the strength of secondary circulations is effectively reduced by dynamic heterogeneities at small \(\vartheta \). At large \(\vartheta \), however, the effect on secondary circulations depends on the orientation of the striped static heterogeneities to the shadow-casting direction of the clouds. The influence of shadows is only small if they are cast perpendicular to the striped heterogeneity, but if stripes and the shadow-casting direction are parallel, secondary circulations are reduced in strength also for large \(\vartheta \). Shadow effects on the cloud-field characteristics vary with \(\vartheta \) as well. The results show that small \(\vartheta \) favours the development of small clouds with a reduced lifetime while large \(\vartheta \) promotes the development of larger clouds with an extended lifetime compared to non-shading clouds.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, very-high-resolution numerical simulations are presented to analyze the small-scale dynamics of the foehn in the lower Wipp Valley and the adjacent parts of the Inn Valley. This region was one of the target areas for foehn observations during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP). Our simulations consider two MAP cases that markedly differed in the depth of the foehn flow. To isolate the dynamical effect of the key orographic features in the Wipp Valley region, we performed sensitivity experiments with different topography modifications. These involve lowering or even removing the Nordkette range, which constitutes the northern side wall of the east–west-oriented Inn Valley, and closing the Stubai Valley, which is the northernmost and largest tributary of the Wipp Valley. A comparison with surface and lidar observations indicates that our present model resolution of 467 m significantly improves the realism of the simulations compared to a resolution of 800 m, as used in a previous study. The Nordkette is found to have a twofold impact on the dynamics of foehn breakthrough into the Inn Valley. In reality, this mountain chain deflects part of the southerly foehn current coming from the Wipp Valley into the perpendicularly oriented Inn Valley. Our sensitivity tests indicate that this flow deflection tends to accelerate the foehn breakthrough into the Inn Valley, while upstream blocking effects induced by the Nordkette act to slow down the process of foehn breakthrough. The flow pattern in the Wipp Valley reveals that the upstream effects of the Nordkette are not quite far-reaching. The amplitude of the gravity waves over the lower Wipp Valley gets somewhat reduced by these upstream effects, but the overall flow pattern remains largely unaffected. Closing the Stubai Valley also has a minor effect of the wave structure and tends to reduce the cross-valley variability of the foehn flow in the lower Wipp Valley.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is the continuation of two recent studies investigating the foehn-like valley wind system around Mittenwald (Bavarian Isar Valley). We deal with the synoptic/mesoscale conditions causing the local foehn (“Minifoehn”), considering field campaigns from both the mesoscale and the climatological point of view. Furthermore, we describe the structure and further features of the local foehn at smaller scales, using both the results of the VERTIKATOR field campaign and numerical simulations. We obtain as a new result that the foehn-caused local warm air pool around Mittenwald induces slight nocturnal upvalley winds between an adjacent valley basin located some 8 km north of Mittenwald and the basin of Mittenwald. Furthermore, a weak northerly flow may also occur at Mittenwald prior to the onset of the Minifoehn. Numerical simulations indicate that the local pressure gradient responsible for this phenomenon is related to a gravity wave forming over the hill range southwest of Mittenwald. Observations within a five-year period indicate that Minifoehn frequently occurs when ambient winds coming from the southern sector are predominant, but, contrary to deep foehn, weather conditions with northerly synoptic-scale flows do not necessarily exclude the development of the local foehn which comes from the southwest. We also present further evidence that in the presence of southerly synoptic-scale winds, orographic gravity waves interact with the drainage flow. Another new result is that strong synoptic-scale westerly winds are able to suppress the occurrence of Minifoehn. In addition, the possible influence of the Inn Valley wind system as well as dynamical differences between the thermally driven up- and downvalley winds are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The local wind system in the upper Isar Valley (Bavarian Alps) near Mittenwald has the peculiarity that regularly strong foehn-like nocturnal flows occur, mainly during clear nights in autumn and winter. We will refer to this phenomenon as “Minifoehn”, as its properties are similar to the classical deep foehn in the sense that its breakthrough into the Isar Valley usually brings a striking increase in temperature and a concomitant decrease in relative humidity. Numerical simulations with the MM5 model reveal that this phenomenon is related to a nocturnal drainage flow originating from a plateau south of Mittenwald. This flow is driven by the temperature difference between this plateau (1180 m) and the free atmosphere above Mittenwald (920 m, 15 km north of the plateau) at the same level. The air masses flow through two different valleys that merge again further downstream. The upper part of one of the two drainage currents goes over a small mountain ridge (1180 m) south-west of Mittenwald and then descends into the Isar Valley, leading to an advection of potentially warm air towards Mittenwald. This branch of the drainage current constitutes the Minifoehn. The remaining part of the drainage current flows through a narrow gap towards the Isar Valley and then joins the drainage flow of this valley. As these air masses are significantly cooler than the Minifoehn branch, large horizontal temperature gradients can be found around Mittenwald. The dynamical behaviour of the cold air flow turns out to be qualitatively consistent with shallow-water theory only in the absence of a forcing by large-scale winds. Otherwise, gravity-wave induced pressure perturbations interact with the drainage flow and modify the low-level flow field. The simulations show that the gravity waves are excited by the mountain range that separates the two valleys mentioned above. Moreover, the simulations indicate that the structure of this nocturnal wind system is not very sensitive to the direction of synoptic-scale winds as long as they come from the southern sector. On the other hand, ambient northerly winds are able to prevent the drainage flow and therefore the local foehn effects in the Isar Valley provided that synoptic winds are strong enough. The results of the MM5 simulations are in good agreement with the measurements and observations described in part 1 of this study.  相似文献   

Forest pest populations can fluctuate dramatically in relation to climate and density-dependent factors. Although the distributional range of the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera Notodontidae) appears to be expanding northward and upslope with climate warming, the relative importance of climate and endogenous, density-dependent factors has not been clearly documented. We analyzed the population dynamics of the moth using long-term data from two provinces in the Southern Alps (Trento: 1990–2009, Bolzano/Bozen: 1975–2011) to evaluate the relative importance of climate and density-dependent factors as regional drivers. Both summer temperatures and rainfall significantly affected population growth rate, with different outcomes depending on the local conditions. Although previous studies indicated that low winter temperatures have negative effects on insect performance, our analyses did not show any negative effect on the population dynamics. A negative density dependent feedback with a 1-year lag emerged as the most important factor driving the population dynamics in both regions. Potential mechanisms explaining the observed negative density feedback include deterioration of host quality, increased mortality caused by pathogens, and increase of prolonged diapause as an adaptive mechanism to escape adverse conditions.  相似文献   

This study evaluates cloud and precipitation features over the orography of southern Baffin Island in the southeast Canadian Arctic during the Storm Studies in the Arctic (STAR) field project in autumn 2007. Three case studies provide the basis for a comparative analysis of how cloud and precipitation features from upstream ocean regions are modified by the orography, in addition to the variability of these features over diverse synoptic and sea-ice conditions. Using data collected by a research aircraft with an onboard W-band Doppler radar and microphysical instrumentation, multiple factors were found to play roles in enhancing and/or reducing cloud and precipitation over the orography of the region. Gravity waves, terrain shape, atmospheric stability, and atmosphere–ocean exchanges were all associated with precipitation enhancement. In addition, several factors that reduce precipitation were identified, including sublimation, high sea-ice extent, and low-level blocking in the upstream environment. Accretion and aggregation were identified as important particle growth mechanisms over the orography. By increasing particle density and/or mass, the probability of ice particles precipitating to the surface increased. These results indicate that the complexity of these critical features over terrain in high-latitude regions poses considerable challenges for modelling.  相似文献   

Summary The present study concerns an attempt to determine the influence of foehn winds on air temperature and humidity in the Polish Carpathians. This was carried out using the mean monthly temperature and relative humidity obtained from a number of synoptic stations. Periods with classical foehn conditions and the whole period (1966–1985) of record were analysed.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

Weather forecasting in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica is a challenge above all due to the rarity of observations to be assimilated in numerical weather prediction(NWP) models. As observations are expensive and logistically challenging,it is important to evaluate the benefit that additional observations could bring to NWP. Atmospheric soundings applying unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) have a large potential to supplement conventional radiosonde sounding observations.Here, we applied UAV and rad...  相似文献   

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