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Landslide susceptibility zonation (LSZ) is necessary for disaster management and planning development activities in mountainous regions. A number of methods, viz. landslide distribution, qualitative, statistical and distribution-free analyses have been used for the LSZ studies and they are again briefly reviewed here. In this work, two methods, the Information Value (InfoVal) and the Landslide Nominal Susceptibility Factor (LNSF) methods that are based on bivariate statistical analysis have been applied for LSZ mapping in a part of the Himalayas. Relevant thematic maps representing various factors (e.g., slope, aspect, relative relief, lithology, buffer zones along thrusts, faults and lineaments, drainage density and landcover) that are related to landslide activity, have been generated using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The LSZ derived from the LNSF method, has been compared with that produced from the InfoVal method and the result shows a more realistic LSZ map from the LNSF method which appears to conform to the heterogeneity of the terrain.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is the development, application, and assessment of probability and artificial neural network methods for assessing landslide susceptibility in a chosen study area. As the basic analysis tool, a Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for spatial data management and manipulation. Landslide locations and landslide-related factors such as slope, curvature, soil texture, soil drainage, effective thickness, wood type, and wood diameter were used for analyzing landslide susceptibility. A probability method was used for calculating the rating of the relative importance of each factor class to landslide occurrence. For calculating the weight of the relative importance of each factor to landslide occurrence, an artificial neural network method was developed. Using these methods, the landslide susceptibility index (LSI) was calculated using the rating and weight, and a landslide susceptibility map was produced using the index. The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis, with and without weights, were confirmed from comparison with the landslide location data. The comparison result with weighting was better than the results without weighting. The calculated weight and rating can be used to landslide susceptibility mapping.  相似文献   

This article presents a multidisciplinary approach to landslide susceptibility mapping by means of logistic regression, artificial neural network, and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. The methodology applied in ranking slope instability developed through statistical models (conditional analysis and logistic regression), and neural network application, in order to better understand the relationship between the geological/geomorphological landforms and processes and landslide occurrence, and to increase the performance of landslide susceptibility models. The proposed experimental study concerns with a wide research project, promoted by the Tuscany Region Administration and APAT-Italian Geological Survey, aimed at defining the landslide hazard in the area of the Sheet 250 “Castelnuovo di Garfagnana” (1:50,000 scale). The study area is located in the middle part of the Serchio River basin and is characterized by high landslide susceptibility due to its geological, geomorphological, and climatic features, among the most severe in Italy. Terrain susceptibility to slope failure has been approached by means of indirect-quantitative statistical methods and neural network software application. Experimental results from different methods and the potentials and pitfalls of this methodological approach have been presented and discussed. Applying multivariate statistical analyses made it possible a better understanding of the phenomena and quantification of the relationship between the instability factors and landslide occurrence. In particular, the application of a multilayer neural network, equipped for supervised learning and error control, has improved the performance of the model. Finally, a first attempt to evaluate the classification efficiency of the multivariate models has been performed by means of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves analysis approach.  相似文献   

The likelihood ratio, logistic regression, and artificial neural networks models are applied and verified for analysis of landslide susceptibility in Youngin, Korea, using the geographic information system. From a spatial database containing such data as landslide location, topography, soil, forest, geology, and land use, the 14 landslide-related factors were calculated or extracted. Using these factors, landslide susceptibility indexes were calculated by likelihood ratio, logistic regression, and artificial neural network models. Before the calculation, the study area was divided into two sides (west and east) of equal area, for verification of the models. Thus, the west side was used to assess the landslide susceptibility, and the east side was used to verify the derived susceptibility. The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis were verified using success and prediction rates. The verification results showed satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility map and the existing data on landslide locations.  相似文献   

E. Yesilnacar  T. Topal   《Engineering Geology》2005,79(3-4):251-266
Landslide susceptibility mapping is one of the most critical issues in Turkey. At present, geotechnical models appear to be useful only in areas of limited extent, because it is difficult to collect geotechnical data with appropriate resolution over larger regions. In addition, many of the physical variables that are necessary for running these models are not usually available, and their acquisition is often very costly. Conversely, statistical approaches are currently pursued to assess landslide hazard over large regions. However, these approaches cannot effectively model complicated landslide hazard problems, since there is a non-linear relationship between nature-based problems and their triggering factors. Most of the statistical methods are distribution-based and cannot handle multisource data that are commonly collected from nature. In this respect, logistic regression and neural networks provide the potential to overcome drawbacks and to satisfy more rigorous landslide susceptibility mapping requirements. In the Hendek region of Turkey, a segment of natural gas pipeline was damaged due to landslide. Re-routing of the pipeline is planned but it requires preparation of landslide susceptibility map. For this purpose, logistic regression analysis and neural networks are applied to prepare landslide susceptibility map of the problematic segment of the pipeline. At the end, comparative analysis is conducted on the strengths and weaknesses of both techniques. Based on the higher percentages of landslide bodies predicted in very high and high landslide susceptibility zones, and compatibility between field observations and the important factors obtained in the analyses, the result found by neural network is more realistic.  相似文献   

Mapping of hard rock aquifer system and artificial recharge zonation were carried out in an area of 325 km^2 in parts of the Perambalur District,Tamil Nadu,India.This district has been declared as one of the over-exploited regions in Tamil Nadu by the Central Groundwater Board.To raise the groundwater level,suitable recharge zones were identified and artificial recharge structures are suggested using geomatics technology in the present study.To this end,various thematic maps concerning lithology,soil,geomorphology,land use,land cover,slope,lineament,lineament density,drainage,drainage density and groundwater depth level were prepared.Fissile hornblende gneiss(244 km^2)covered most of the study area followed by charnockites(68 km^2).Structural hills and rocky pediments characterize the major geomorphological features in the targeted area,and are followed by deep moderated pediments.The area is mostly used as crop and fallow land,followed by scrub land and deciduous forest.In the study area,the slopes are predominantly very gentle(142 km^2)and nearly level(66 km^2)ones.Besides,Groundwater level data of 58 wells have been generated,in which the minimum and maximum depth were 3 and 28 m respectively.Integration under the GIS environment has been carried out using all the thematic layers to identify the groundwater prospect zone through the introduction of weight and rank methods.Integrated output performances were classified into very poor,poor,moderate,good and excellent categories.All these classes were further divided into two groups as suitable and non-suitable area for the selection of recharge sites.Hard rock fractures were mapped as lineaments from satellite images,and besides that,rose diagram was also generated to find out the trend of the fracture.Furthermore,fracture data of 146 numbers have been collected using Brunton compass to generate rose diagram and were correlated with the rose diagram derived from lineaments.The present study significantly brought up a few areas such as Ammapalayam,Melapuliyur,Senjeri and around Siruvachur for artificial recharge.  相似文献   

The impact of calamitous meteoric events and their interaction with the geological and geomorphological environment represent a current problem of the Supersano-Ruffano-Nociglia Graben in southern Italy. Indeed, severe floods take place on a frequent basis not only in autumn and winter, but in summer also. These calamities are not only triggered by exceptional events, but are also amplified by peculiar geological and morpho-structural characteristics of the Graben. Flooding often affects vast agricultural areas and consequently, water-scooping machines cannot remove the rainwater. These events cause warnings and emergency states, involving people as well as socio–economic goods. This study represents an application of a vanguard technique for loss estimation and flood vulnerability analysis, integrating a geographic information system (GIS) with aerial photos and remote sensing methods. The analysis results clearly show that the Graben area is potentially at greatest flood vulnerability, while along the Horsts the flood vulnerability is lower.  相似文献   

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