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The tectonic evolution of the Apennine belt/southern Tyrrhenian Sea system is addressed through a paleomagnetic study of Lias to Langhian sediments from the Apenninic carbonate platform (southern Apennines, Italy). Reliable paleomagnetic data gathered from 21 sites document a regional-scale post-Langhian 80° counterclockwise (CCW) rotation. Since previous studies of the Plio-Pleistocene clays spread over the orogen had shown a ∼20°CCW rotation, we conclude that the southern Apennines rotated by 60° during Middle-Late Miocene. Our data provide evidence that the southeastward drift of Calabrian block (and synchronous spreading of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea) induced ‘saloon door’ like deformation of the southern Apennines and Sicily, which underwent similar magnitude (although opposite in sign) orogenic rotations. A paleomagnetically derived paleogeographic reconstruction shows that at 15 Ma (Late Langhian) the Alpine-Apennine belt collided with a NNE-oriented carbonate platform corridor surrounded by oceanic basins. We speculate that both the end of the Corsica-Sardinia rotation and the eastward jump of the locus of back-arc extension (from the Liguro-Provençal to the Tyrrhenian Sea) may have been consequences of this event.  相似文献   

Major and trace element and Sr and Nd isotope data is presented from the Andagua valley scoria cone and lava field (15°32′ S 72°19′ W), Southern Peru in the northernmost part of the Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ). The rocks are all quite evolved in composition (SiO2 = 55–64 wt.%) and classify as benmoreites, latites and few mugearites and trachytes. Samples are characterized by high Na2O (4.2–5.2 wt.%), Sr (600–1300 ppm), Ba (800–1600 ppm). The main difference between the benmoreites and latites is in the Na2O content that reach the highest so far reported from CVZ for these SiO2 concentrations. The rocks are generally nearly aphyric but latites and trachytes are more porphyritic. Amphibole microphenocrysts generally are only present in latites and trachytes. The difference between benmoreite and latite samples is reflected in lower P2O5 and Zr content of the latite samples documenting the existence of two compositional different parental magma types. The investigated volcanic activity spans the Pleistocene to Recent with the historic activity concentrated in the area just south of Andagua. Combined relative stratigraphy, petrography and geochemistry define volcanic units and demonstrate that rocks from Chilcayoc Grande, Chilcayoc Chico 2, Jenchana, Sucna 1 and Chilcayoc Chico 1 represent the most recent volcanic activity. The main trend samples, each form a co-magmatic group resulting in sub-parallel trends in many variations diagrams. It is furthermore shown that these trends point towards calculated mixing lines relating the individual units through a binary mixing process, thus indicating a two stage evolution. In the case of Jenchana, Sucna 1 and Chilcayoc Chico 1, the samples define positive correlation trends in the Sr vs. Rb diagram that can be extrapolated back towards origo indicating nearly perfect incompatibility of Sr and Rb. This together with generally high Sr/Y (50–105) and low Y content (< 16 ppm) suggest lack of plagioclase fractionation and residual garnet in the source and is taken as evidence for relatively high pressure (lower crustal) origin of the mixing event. The amphibole bearing samples form individual co-magmatic groups that cannot be related to each other. This means that the amphibole bearing samples originates from different magmas. The lavas of the Ninamama group are comparable in age to the main trend samples but different in petrography and composition, why the two compositional different magmas must have existed within a small confined area within a limited time span.  相似文献   

南海南部边缘沉积盆地构造-热演化历史   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
南海南部边缘发育众多含油气盆地,具有可观的油气资源潜力.本文采用基于多期有限拉张模型的应变速率方法对南海南部边缘沉积盆地进行了构造-热演化模拟,并与南海北部边缘沉积盆地的构造-热演化历史进行了对比分析.南海南部边缘晚新生代具有明显碰撞挤压、走滑改造的痕迹,而同时期北部边缘以小规模的张性断裂活动为主,由于构造活动背景的不同,造成了南、北边缘沉积盆地构造-热演化历史的差异.  相似文献   

Multi-sensor tripod measurements in the high-turbidity area of the Belgian nearshore zone (southern North Sea) allowed investigating storm effects on near bed suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations. The data have shown that during or after a storm the SPM concentration increases significantly and that high concentrated mud suspensions (HCMS) are formed. Under these conditions, about 3 times more mass of SPM was observed in the water column, as compared to calm weather conditions. The following different sources of fine-grained sediments, influencing the SPM concentration signal, have been investigated: wind direction and the advection of water masses; the previous history and occurrence of fluffy layers; freshly deposited mud near the disposal grounds of dredged material, navigation channels and adjacent areas; and the erosion of medium-consolidated mud of Holocene age.  相似文献   

南海南部深部结构的复杂构造地震成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海南部海底崎岖、地下构造复杂、二维地震资料中多次波非常发育,在地震数据处理中很难获得令人满意的成像效果,为此本文采用了预测反褶积后F-K域滤波及叠前时间偏移后Radon变换去除多次波的组合方案,有效地衰减了多次波,突出了有效信号能量;采用速度分析点加密法获取了更为准确的速度,实现了陡倾角构造与海山的准确成像;采用百分比扫描弯曲射线克希霍夫叠前时间偏移法,有效地保证了处理结果的准确性和有效性,获得了清晰的地震成像,并最终形成了对南海南部海域地震数据具有针对性的处理流程.  相似文献   

The red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus was introduced to the Barents Sea from the North Pacific in the 1960s. A previous study concluded that it may be indirectly responsible for increased transmission of Trypanosoma murmanense to cod Gadus morhua in the southern Barents Sea by promoting an increase in the population of the leech vector Johanssonia arctica. Eleven species of fish, totalling 681 individuals, caught in October 2002 along the coast of Finnmark, were examined for trypanosome infections. The aims were to investigate changes in levels of infection in cod since 1999–2001, and to extend the sampling to other fish species. Relatively high infection levels were found in cod, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and long rough dab Hippoglossoides platessoides, while other species were lightly infected or uninfected. In cod, no significant geographical differences in levels of infection were found, but haddock were significantly more heavily infected in western Finnmark.  相似文献   

南海南部海域油气资源丰富,由于盆地沉积厚度大、沉积相横向变化快和构造演化复杂等原因,致使该海域新生代地层的划分方案差异大,地层时代的认识也存在较大分歧,这极大地制约了对盆地油气资源评价的正确认识.本文在总结国内外不同分层方案基础上,通过收集国外在南海南部深水区两口关键钻井的资料,开展曾母和北康两盆地重处理二维地震剖面的构造-地层解译,以及联井剖面的井震对比,重新识别和标定新生代重要构造变革面的地震反射特征.根据海域钻井、地层岩性、沉积环境、构造应力体系和古生物资料的综合对比研究,结合婆罗洲陆地测年结果和区域构造事件,重新厘定中中新世T3构造变革面的发育时代,年龄为15~17 Ma,分析了该界面的构造含义,认为其是南海海底扩张停止的一个构造响应界面,在南海南部海域对应南沙运动,在北婆罗洲地区表现为沙巴造山运动.  相似文献   

This work evaluated the presence and the frequency of occurrence of marine litter in the gastrointestinal tract of 31 Caretta caretta found stranded or accidentally bycaught in the North Tyrrhenian Sea. Marine debris were present in 71% of specimens and were subdivided in different categories according to Fulmar Protocol (OSPAR 2008). The main type of marine debris found was user plastic, with the main occurrence of sheetlike user plastic. The small juveniles showed a mean ± SD of marine debris items of 19.00 ± 23.84, while the adult specimens showed higher values of marine litter if compared with the juveniles (26.87 ± 35.85). The occurrence of marine debris observed in this work confirms the high impact of marine debris in the Mediterranean Sea in respect to other seas and oceans, and highlights the importance of Caretta caretta as good indicator for marine litter in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) of European Union.  相似文献   

丁巍伟  李家彪 《地球物理学报》2011,54(12):3038-3056
973项目"南海大陆边缘动力学与油气资源潜力"在南海南部陆缘采集了两条多道地震剖面,其中NH973-1测线始于南海西南次海盆,横跨了整个南沙地区,至于婆罗洲西北侧,NH973-2测线位于礼乐滩东侧.对地震剖面的解释共划分出7个层序界面,地层可以划分为5个构造沉积单元.根据地震解释对不同时期断层的水平断距进行了测量及分析,获取了与脆性拉张相关的伸展信息:研究区的拉张作用可以分为两期,主要的拉张作用发生在大陆裂谷期(古近纪),形成了一系列的地堑-半地堑以及翘倾断块.第二期拉张作用的时期为漂移期(晚渐新世-早中新世),断层活动强度明显变弱,并主要集中在洋陆过渡带.在南海南部陆缘广泛发育了碳酸盐沉积,其发育的时代和南海的海底扩张时期一致.对位于礼乐滩东西两侧的两条地震剖面伸展特征的分析表明,其根据断层水平断距获得脆性伸展因子与根据深反射地震及重力反演获得的全地壳伸展因子之间存在差异,表明南海南部陆缘的拉张在纵向上并非是均一的,而是取决于深度发生变化.  相似文献   

After a 26 years long quiescence El Reventador, an active volcano of the rear-arc zone of Ecuador, entered a new eruptive cycle which lasted from 3 November to mid December 2002. The initial sub-Plinian activity (VEI 4 with andesite pyroclastic falls and flows) shifted on 6 and 21 November to an effusive stage characterized by the emission of two lava flows (andesite to low-silica andesite Lava-1 and basaltic andesite Lava-2) containing abundant gabbro cumulates. The erupted products are medium to high-K calc-alkaline and were investigated with respect to major element oxides, mineral chemistry, texture and thermobarometry. Inferred pre-eruptive magmatic processes are dominated by the intrusion of a high-T mafic magma (possibly up to 1165 ± 15 °C) into an andesite reservoir, acting as magma mixing and trigger for the eruption. Before this refilling, the andesite magma chamber was characterized by water content of 5.3 ± 1.0%, high oxygen fugacity (> NNO + 2) and temperatures, in the upper and lower part of the reservoir, of 850 and 952 ± 65 °C respectively. Accurate amphibole-based barometry constrains the magma chamber depth between 8.2 and 11.3 km (± 2.2 km). The 6 October 2002 seismic swarm (hypocenters from 10 to 11 km) preceding El Reventador eruption, supports the intrusion of magmas at these depths. The widespread occurrence of disequilibrium features in most of the andesites (e.g. complex mineral zoning and phase overgrowths) indicates that convective self-mixing have been operating together with fractional crystallization (inferred from the cognate gabbro cumulates) before the injection of the basic magma which then gave rise to basaltic andesite and low-silica andesite hybrid layers. Magma mixing in the shallow chamber is inferred from the anomalous SiO2–Al2O3 whole-rock pattern and strong olivine disequilibria. Both lavas show three types of amphibole breakdown rims mainly due to heating (mixing processes) and/or relatively slow syn-eruptive ascent rate (decompression) of the magmas. The lack of any disequilibrium textures in the pumices of the 3 November fall deposit suggest that pre-eruptive mixing did not occur in the roof zone of the chamber. A model of the subvolcanic feeding system of El Reventador, consistent with the intrusion of a low-Al2O3 crystal-rich basic magma into an already self-mixed andesite shallow reservoir, is here proposed. It is also inferred that before entering the shallow chamber the “basaltic” magma underwent a polybaric crystallization at deeper crustal levels.  相似文献   

末次盛冰期以来南海南部海平面及海洋底水温度均发生了很大的变化. 为了研究南海南部天然气水合物稳定带厚度在这个过程中的变化情况及其对环境的影响,我们利用相关的计算公式,并编制了计算稳定带厚度的程序,在南海南部的南沙海槽、曾母盆地、巴拉望盆地和苏禄海等四个重点海域选取了35个点进行末次盛冰期及目前稳定带厚度的计算. 计算结果表明,南海南部末次盛冰期和目前的天然气水合物稳定带厚度分别为262m和233m;甲烷资源量分别为2.69×1013m3和2.39×1013m3;水合物资源量分别为1.64×1011m3和1.46×1011m3. 这说明自末次盛冰期以来,南海南部稳定带厚度平均减薄了29m,平均减薄百分比为12%,同时释放了大约3.0×1012m3的甲烷,这些甲烷对环境产生了较大影响,对末次冰期的结束起了较大作用.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton size structure plays a significant role in controlling the carbon flux of marine pelagic ecosystems. The mesoscale distribution and seasonal variation of total and size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass in surface waters, as measured by chlorophyll a (Chl a), was studied in the Southern Yellow Sea using data from four cruises during 2006–2007. The distribution of Chl a showed a high degree of spatial and temporal variation in the study area. Chl a concentrations were relatively high in the summer and autumn, with a mean of 1.42 and 1.27 mg m−3, respectively. Conversely, in the winter and spring, the average Chl a levels were only 0.98 and 0.99 mg m−3. Total Chl a showed a clear decreasing gradient from coastal areas to the open sea in the summer, autumn and winter cruises. Patches of high Chl a were observed in the central part of the Southern Yellow Sea in the spring due to the onset of the phytoplankton bloom. The eutrophic coastal waters contributed at least 68% of the total phytoplankton biomass in the surface layer. Picophytoplankton showed a consistent and absolute dominance in the central region of the Southern Yellow Sea (>40%) in all of the cruises, while the proportion of microphytoplankton was the highest in coastal waters. The relative proportions of pico- and nanophytoplankton decreased with total biomass, whereas the proportion of the micro-fraction increased with total biomass. Relationships between phytoplankton biomass and environmental factors were also analysed. The results showed that the onset of the spring bloom was highly dependent on water column stability. Phytoplankton growth was limited by nutrient availability in the summer due to the strong thermocline. The combined effects of P-limitation and vertical mixing in the autumn restrained the further increase of phytoplankton biomass in the surface layer. The low phytoplankton biomass in winter was caused by vertical dispersion due to intense mixing. Compared with the availability of nutrients, temperature did not seem to cause direct effects on phytoplankton biomass and its size structure. Although interactions of many different environmental factors affected phytoplankton distributions, hydrodynamic conditions seemed to be the dominant factor. Phytoplankton size structure was determined mainly by the size-differential capacity in acquiring resource. Short time scale events, such as the spring bloom and the extension of Yangtze River plume, can have substantial influences, both on the total Chl a concentration and on the size structure of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) fluxes and dynamics are investigated in the East Frisian Wadden Sea using a coupled modeling system based on a hydrodynamical model [the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM)], a third-generation wave model [Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN)], and a SPM module attached to GETM. Sedimentological observations document that, over longer time periods, finer sediment fractions disappear from the Wadden Sea Region. In order to understand this phenomenon, a series of numerical scenarios were formulated to discriminate possible influences such as tidal currents, wind-enhanced currents, and wind-generated surface waves. Starting with a simple tidal forcing, the considered scenarios are designed to increase the realism step by step to include moderate and strong winds and waves and, finally, to encompass the full effects of one of the strongest storm surges affecting the region in the last hundred years (Storm Britta in November 2006). The results presented here indicate that moderate weather conditions with wind speeds up to 7.5 m/s and small waves lead to a net import of SPM into the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Waves play only a negligible role during these conditions. However, for stronger wind conditions with speeds above 13 m/s, wind-generated surface waves have a significant impact on SPM dynamics. Under storm conditions, the numerical results demonstrate that sediments are eroded in front of the barrier islands by enhanced wave action and are transported into the back-barrier basins by the currents. Furthermore, sediment erosion due to waves is significantly enhanced on the tidal flats. Finally, fine sediments are flushed out of the tidal basins due to the combined effect of strong erosion by wind-generated waves and a longer residence time in the water column because of their smaller settling velocities compared to coarser sediments.
Karsten A. LettmannEmail:

Surface and subsurface water samples for 137Cs and 239,240Pu analysis were collected in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) during August 1993. The 137Cs levels of the surface waters are quite homogeneous in the East Sea (average = 3.1±0.2 mBq kg−1). The 239,240Pu levels vary from 6 to 10 μBq kg−1 in the surface. 239,240Pu to 137Cs ratios in the surface water are within 0.002 to 0.003. The East Sea may be regarded as a part of the North Pacific Ocean in terms of 137Cs dispersal in the surface, where the 137Cs contents of the surface seawater seem to be controlled primarily by the atmospheric input. However, since our sampling was made just two months prior to the widely publicized Russian dumping incident on the 17th October 1993, our measurements may provide background data to assess the immediate impact of the Russian dumping on the levels of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the East Sea.  相似文献   

The subduction of “hot” Shikoku Basin and the mantle upwelling related to the Japan Sea opening have induced extensive magmatism during the middle Miocene on both the back-arc and island-arc sides of southwest Japan. The Goto Islands are located on the back-arc side of northwestern Kyushu, and middle Miocene granitic rocks and associated volcanic, hypabyssal, and gabbroic rocks are exposed. The igneous rocks at Tannayama on Nakadori-jima in the Goto Islands consist of gabbronorite, granite, granite porphyry, diorite porphyry, andesite, and rhyolite. We performed detailed geological mapping at a 1:10 000 scale, as well as petrographical and geochemical analyses. We also determined the zircon U–Pb age dating of the igneous rocks from Tannayama together with a granitic rock in Yagatamesaki. The zircon U–Pb ages of the Tannayama igneous rocks show the crystallization ages of 14.7 Ma ± 0.3 Ma (gabbronorite), 15.9 Ma ± 0.5 Ma (granite), 15.4 Ma ± 0.9 Ma (granite porphyry), and 15.1 Ma ± 2.1 Ma (rhyolite). Zircons from the Yagatamesaki granitic rock yield 14.5 Ma ± 0.7 Ma. Considering field relationships, new zircon data indicate that the Tannayama granite formed at ~16–15 Ma, and the gabbronorite, granite porphyry, diorite porphyry, andesite, and subsequently rhyolite formed at 15–14 Ma, which overlaps a plutonic activity of the Yagatamesaki. The geochemical characteristics of the Tannayama igneous rocks are similar to those of the tholeiitic basalts and dacites of Hirado, and the granitic rocks of Tsushima in northwestern Kyushu. This suggests that the Tannayama igneous rocks can be correlated petrogenetically with the igneous rocks in those areas, with all of them generated by the upwelling of hot mantle diapirs during crustal thinning in an extensional environment during the middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Identifying patterns and drivers of natural variability in populations is necessary to gauge potential effects of climatic change and the expected increases in commercial activities in the Arctic on communities and ecosystems. We analyzed growth rates and shell geochemistry of the circumpolar Greenland smooth cockle, Serripes groenlandicus, from the southern Barents Sea over almost 70 years between 1882 and 1968. The datasets were calibrated via annually-deposited growth lines, and growth, stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C), and trace elemental (Mg, Sr, Ba, Mn) patterns were linked to environmental variations on weekly to decadal scales. Standardized growth indices revealed an oscillatory growth pattern with a multi-year periodicity, which was inversely related to the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO), and positively related to local river discharge. Up to 60% of the annual variability in Ba/Ca could be explained by variations in river discharge at the site closest to the rivers, but the relationship disappeared at a more distant location. Patterns of δ18O, δ13C, and Sr/Ca together provide evidence that bivalve growth ceases at elevated temperatures during the fall and recommences at the coldest temperatures in the early spring, with the implication that food, rather than temperature, is the primary driver of bivalve growth. The multi-proxy approach of combining the annually integrated information from the growth results and higher resolution geochemical results yielded a robust interpretation of biophysical coupling in the region over temporal and spatial scales. We thus demonstrate that sclerochronological proxies can be useful retrospective analytical tools for establishing a baseline of ecosystem variability in assessing potential combined impacts of climatic change and increasing commercial activities on Arctic communities.  相似文献   

New free-air gravity and magnetic maps of the Eratosthenes Seamount and its vicinity were regenerated from potential field data. Stages of data processing are power spectrum, upward continuation, filtering on the free-air gravity anomaly data. RTP, pseudo-gravity transformation map, power spectrum, upward continuation, filtering, AS, and HGAS were applied on the magnetic data. A HGAS map shows the images and locations of the Eratosthenes magnetic body. Spectral analysis of the gravity and magnetic anomalies indicates that there is an elliptical elongated structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount in the width of approx. 86 km NW-SE orientation and in the length of 138 km NE-SW orientation, with a strike of N40°E and inclined to NW. It is considered that 22.49 ± 0.08 km obtained from power spectrum of the gravity data may be related to the crust thickness. Also, 15.67 ± 0.02 km obtained from power spectrum of the magnetic data is considered to be related to the magmatic basement of the Eratosthenes Seamount.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial distributions of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) were determined in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea during June-July, 2006 and January-February, 2007. The concentrations of DMS and total DMSP in surface water in the study area were 5.64 (1.79-12.24) and 28.25 (13.98-44.93) nmol L−1 in summer, and were 1.79 (1.02-3.51) and 11.01 (6.90-17.98) nmol L−1 in winter, respectively. The distributions of DMS and DMSP in the study area were obviously influenced by the Yangtze River effluent and the Kuroshio water. Even under highly variable hydrographic conditions, a significant relationship was observed between DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations in summer as well as in winter, suggesting that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling DMS distribution in the study area. The summer ratios of DMS/chlorophyll a and DMSP/chlorophyll a were approximately twofold higher than winter values, corresponding with the temporal variation in phytoplankton community structure between summer and winter. The sea-to-air fluxes of DMS were estimated to be 5.32 and 11.92 μmol m−2 d−1 using the equations of Liss and Merlivat (1986) and Wanninkhof (1992), respectively.  相似文献   

The pre‐Cenozoic history of the South China Sea (SCS) region is the object of continued debate. To trace the evolution of the SCS, a better understanding of the petrogenesis and tectonic affiliation of the granitic rocks that comprise the microblocks within the region is necessary. In this study, we analyzed the whole‐rock oxygen and lead isotope ratios of granitic samples dredged from two locations in the Nansha microblock, one of the microblocks in the SCS. Oxygen isotope data combined with previously published Sr isotope data show that group I rocks (δ18O = 6.00–7.20‰; average = 6.64‰) originated from a mantle source contaminated by material and/or fluid input from a Mesozoic subduction zone in the southeastern side of the microblock. Group II rocks (δ18O = 6.86‰–9.13‰; average = 7.75‰) also came from the same source, but they were additionally affected by crustal contamination. The Nansha microblock has high radiogenic lead ratios (206Pb/204Pbi = 18.602–18.756, 207Pb/204Pbi = 15.660–15.713, 208Pb/204Pbi = 38.693–38.893), which indicate that the Nansha microblock is tectonically affiliated with the Nanling–Hainan or South China block. This notion is consistent with the results of a previous Nd isotope study. As a whole, results of our study suggest that some of the other microblocks dispersed in the SCS are also possible fragments of South China block, and thus further studies are needed to better constrain the pre‐Cenozoic evolutionary history of the SCS region.  相似文献   

Two gravity cores collected off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta in the southern Bohai Sea were analyzed for grain size, the total organic carbon (TOC)/total nitrogen (TN) ratio, color diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, 14C dating and 137Cs and 210Pb isotope contents to clarify changes in the sedimentary environment during the Holocene. In particular, the effect of natural and artificial river-course shifts of the Huanghe on the Bohai Sea sediment was investigated. A peat layer, scouring surface and sharp changes in the grain size, TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L?, a?) and magnetic susceptibility were identified and are likely to be due to the early-Holocene sea-level rise resulting in environmental changes from coastal to shelf environments in the Bohai Sea. After the sea level reached its maximum at 6-7 ka BP, the lateral shifts in the river course of the Huanghe formed 10 superlobes, and superlobe 7 (11-1048 AD) and superlobe 10 (1855-present) of the Huanghe delta affected the core sites. The northern site of BH-239 has been more affected by the Huanghe since the middle Holocene. Notably, in the superlobe 10 period, the reshaping of the northern Huanghe delta due to an artificial river-course shift from northward to eastward in 1976 (e.g., a∼10 km shoreline retreat due to coastal erosion) was recorded in the core sediments, particularly in terms of the TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L? and a?) and magnetic susceptibility, owing to the huge sediment supply from coastal erosion of the former river mouth area.  相似文献   

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