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上海人口经济增长及其对环境影响的相关分析 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
本文考察了改革开放以来上海人口、经济及能源消费增长与环境污染的关系,发现人口、经济增长与能源消费增长密切正相关,呈同向变化;人口、经济及能源消费增长与环境污染之间也密切相关,但并不存在单纯的正相关或负相关关系,而是在不同发展阶段表现有所不同,总体而言基本符合库兹涅茨曲线假说,即在20世纪80年代及以前,环境污染水平随人口经济增长而上升,到了20世纪80年代末,经济发展水平达到人均GDP5500元左右时,环境污染水平达到峰值,此后即随人口经济增长而呈下降趋势. 相似文献
本文考察了改革开放以来上海人口、经济及能源消费增长与环境污染的关系,发现人口、经济增长与能源消费增长密切正相关,呈同向变化;人口、经济及能源消费增长与环境污染之间也密切相关,但并不存在单纯的正相关或负相关关系,而是在不同发展阶段表现有所不同,总体而言基本符合库兹涅茨曲线假说,即在20世纪80年代及以前,环境污染水平随人口经济增长而上升,到了20世纪80年代末,经济发展水平达到人均GDP5500元左右时,环境污染水平达到峰值,此后即随人口经济增长而呈下降趋势. 相似文献
Starting from the skill characteristics of ski tourism, this paper discusses the impact of consumer skill on travel decisions, and the moderating effect of the ski resort’s comprehensive leisure environment (including the ski resort sports environment and the regional cultural tourism environment), in order to both understand their impacts on the travel distance characteristics of skiers and attempt to provide necessary research support for the development of China’s ski industry and the construction of destinations. Based on the data from multi-period visitor surveys, this paper constructs the consumption skill-travel radius decision-making influence model under the moderating effect of the ski resort comprehensive leisure environment. The results show three main characteristics. (1) The travel radius obviously differs among skiers with different skill levels. The skill level of skiers has a significant positive effect on the larger travel radius, and a significant negative effect on the smaller travel radius. That is, skiers with a higher skill level are more inclined to undertake long-distance skiing travel, while skiers with a lower skill level are more inclined to undertake short-distance skiing travel. (2) The comprehensive leisure environment has a significant moderating effect on the skiers’ travel radius, with a significant positive impact on enlarging the travel radius, while the influences on high-skill and low-skill skiers are significantly higher than on middle-skill skiers. (3) In the comprehensive leisure environment, there are differences in the moderating effect of the ski resort sports environment and the regional cultural tourism environment on the skiers travel radius, and the positive moderating effect of the ski resort sports environment on the high-skill skiers’ travel radius is more obvious. While the regional cultural tourism environment has a more obvious positive moderating effect on the travel radius of non-skiers and junior skiers, it is more conducive to promoting domestic travel. In general, the skier skill level in China was generally lower, and the ski resort comprehensive leisure environment optimization is conducive to overcoming the limitation of the travel radius caused by the disadvantageous skill level of consumers. However, to promote the development of China’s ski industry in the long run, it is necessary to focus on improving the consumer’s ski skill level, but prevent the risk of losing high-skill consumers overseas. In the course of improving the level of domestic ski sports facilities, we should also focus on the domestic leisure cultural tourism environment to better enhance the attractiveness of domestic ski destinations. 相似文献
作为我国能源供应的战略基地和大西北生态脆弱区,陕西省经济增长和生态环境协调能力关乎国家能源和生态安全,探究陕西省能源供给与经济及生态环境发展(3E)的协调性及关联性具有重要的理论和现实意义。以能源供给为切入点对陕西省3E现状进行定性分析,推断能源供给对陕西省经济增长的结构性支撑作用。选取25个指标构建3E指标体系,运用层次分析、模糊综合评价等方法对各子系统发展水平及各子系统之间协调性进行定量分析。结果表明:(1)陕西省能源供给、经济增长与生态环境间具有较高的协调性;(2)陕西省能源供给、经济增长和生态环境协调关系波动大;(3)能源供给、经济增长和生态环境协调度对能源供给变化具有较高的敏感性。 相似文献
近50年来人类活动对四湖地区河湖环境演变的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
以四湖地区为研究区,分析了近50年来区域河湖环境的演变过程,以及农业生产、工业发展、水利工程建设、人口增长与城市化等人类活动因素对河湖环境演变的影响。得出:近50年来人类活动对河湖环境演变的影响逐渐加强,自然的影响因子退居次要的位置;人类活动的影响改变了四湖地区的水系结构,破坏了水域与周边环境协调的格局,促使河湖环境演变并产生功能失调,在一定程度上恶化了人类自身的生存环境;围垦和技术性蚕食是该区水系格局改变的主要原因;人口快速增长给四湖地区资源环境造成极大的压力,导致河湖环境恶化。 相似文献
以环境库茨涅茨曲线(EKC曲线)为理论基础,选取2001—2013年辽宁沿海经济带无机氮浓度、石油类浓度、磷酸盐浓度、生活污水排放量和工业废水排放量作为海洋环境指标,采用人均实际GDP作为经济发展水平指标,通过拟合方程建立最优模型,综合分析经济指标与海洋环境指标之间的关系。辽宁沿海经济带综合EKC曲线处于"冲突"阶段,大连和锦州综合EKC曲线呈正"U"型,而盘锦、丹东、营口和葫芦岛呈倒"U"型。通过产业结构变化模型、变异系数及其单尾概率的方法,对综合EKC曲线特征的成因进行剖析。除盘锦外,辽宁沿海经济带其他各子区以工业发展为主,产业结构单一,资源过度消耗,污染物过度排放,造成海洋环境恶化。将辽宁沿海经济与海洋环境的空间轨迹进行对比分析,除葫芦岛、盘锦外,其他各子区海洋环境未得到良好改善。 相似文献
乡村人居环境研究进展与展望 总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20
乡村人居环境的内涵可分解为人文环境、地域空间环境和自然生态环境,三者之间遵循一定的逻辑关联,共同构成乡村人居环境的内容。国外乡村人居环境研究经历了乡村地理、乡村发展和乡村转型3个阶段,研究趋势也由单一学科向综合学科发展。国内乡村人居环境的研究学科主要有建筑学、地理学和社会政治学等,其中地理学经历了乡村聚落研究、乡村环境研究和乡村文化转型研究3个阶段。该文讨论目前乡村人居环境研究存在的问题,并指出其研究方向。 相似文献
Leisure plays an important role in people's happiness; therefore, facilitating participation in leisure activities has become one of the pathways to improve urban residents' wellbeing and realize high-quality new urbanization. This study focuses on migrant workers' leisure behavior and quality of life. Based on the self-selection hypothesis and structural equation modeling analysis, this study explores the influence of both leisure environment and leisure attitude on leisure behavior. First, our analysis of the leisure environment revealed that leisure behaviors differed according to leisure environments. Residents of resource-rich communities had the longest leisure time, a medium leisure distance, and a positive leisure attitude. Communities with medium leisure resources had the shortest leisure time and closest leisure distance. Communities with scarce leisure resources had the longest leisure distance and the most negative leisure attitude. Second, by examing the match of leisure attitudes and leisure environments, we found that the average leisure time of matching groups was longer, and they generally spent their leisure time within 1 kilometer around the community. Furthermore, the leisure time of residents in communities with scarce leisure resources did not show significant differences. For the mismatching groups of leisure attitudes and environments, about 60% of the residents spent less than 2 hours on average per day, and the leisure distance did not show any significant difference. Third, the structural equation modeling analysis indicated that both attitude and environmental attributes can affect migrant workers' leisure behavior; they further interact with each other and jointly determine residents' leisure behavior. The temporal (leisure time) and spatial (leisure distance) dimensions of leisure behavior are influenced by different mechanisms. Leisure attitude has the most direct effect on leisure time, while the effects of leisure environment on leisure distance are complex. Socio-demographic attributes affect leisure environment, leisure attitude, and leisure behavior. Men and women do not differ in terms of leisure time, but women's leisure distance is greater than men's. Age has no significant effect on residents' leisure behavior, but younger persons enjoy more leisure. Monthly household income has a significantly negative effect on residents' leisure time and leisure distance, while it has a significantly positive effect on leisure environment. Persons with higher education pay more attention to their leisure life, and spend more time and travel to participate in more leisure activities. This study makes three contributions. First, in the context of leisure scenarios, it promotes the combination of self-selection effect and rational behavior theory, and fully considers the role played by attitude in the mechanism of environmental influence on behavior. Existing studies of transportation mostly follow functionalism in the pursuit of efficiency, and the scope and ability of residents' self-selection is limited. This study of leisure behavior empirically demonstrates the importance of leisure environment and leisure concepts cultivation. Second, the study of migrant workers' leisure provides inspiration for the construction of new urbanization. In China's rapid urbanization, migrant workers have made positive contributions to the development of cities at the sacrifice of their youth and health. The leisure self-selection effect can be used to improve residents' leisure participation and subjective well-being by enhancing the community's leisure environment. Third, the migrant worker group is diversifying. With the deepening of new urbanization, their daily lives are changing and they are making continual efforts to adapt to urban life, rather than remaining passive. © The Author(s) 2023. 相似文献