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Extensive trawl surveys were conducted in two large estuaries (Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay) on the Washington coast during 1983–1987, and in adjacent areas of the open coast. These surveys have shown that both English sole and Dungeness crab rely heavily on these estuaries as nursery areas, although the pattern of utilization differs substantially. Juvenile migration patterns can show substantial interannual variability and can only be delineated by concurrent surveys in both coastal and estuarine areas, conducted over a period of several years. English sole eggs and Dungeness crab larvae are released in coastal waters. Larvae of both species transform to the benthic stage in both coastal and estuarine areas, but most English sole eventually migrate into the estuaries during the first year of life, even if initial settlement is along the open coast. By the time English sole have attained a length of 55 mm (TL), most of them are found in estuaries. English sole begin emigrating from the estuaries at about 75 mm, and few remain there during the second year of life. In contrast, Dungeness crab appear to remain in the area of initial settlement throughout the first year of life. Growth is substantially faster in estuaries where 0+ crab reach a mean size of about 40 mm carapace width (CW) by September, with those off the coast are only about 14 mm CW. Juveniles remain in the area of settlement over their first winter but, in contrast to English sole, most coastal 1+ crab immigrate to estuaries to join siblings that settled there the previous year. By September of the second year, crab at about 100 mm CW emigrate to the open coast where they reach maturity. Advantages to juvenile stages that reside in estuaries are discussed in terms of accelerated growth at higher temperatures and potentially greater food supplies than found nearshore along the coast.  相似文献   

Complex intertidal habitats characteristic of northeastern Pacific coastal estuaries provide critical nursery environments for young-of-the-year Dungeness crab,Cancer magister, yet their role in supporting subsequent year classes remains unclear. SubadultC. magister (40–130 mm; 1+ and >1+ year classes), which reach densities as high as 4,300 crabs ha?1 in subtidal channels during low tides, migrate during flood tides from subtidal refuges into intertidal habitats to forage. As with other brachyuran species that undertake extensive tidally-driven migrations, intertidal foraging may contribute significantly to the energy budget of subadultC. magister. In order to explore the energetic incentive for intertidal migrations by subadult crabs, we developed an ontogenetically-based bioenergetics model for crabs within Willapa Bay, Washington. The model showed that energetic demand varied spatially across the bay, with the highest average energetic demand of a population of subadult crabs (2.13×106 kJ ha?1) occurring in a habitat stratum termed lower side channel (LSC) and characterized by relatively little subtidal area and extensive intertidal flats. Comparison of model results with subtidal prey production revealed that the latter could not satisfy subadultC. magister energetic demands, especially in LSC where modeled crab predation depleted subtidal prey biomass within 17 simulation days. We estimate that 1 ha of subtidal crabs from LSC would minimally require an additional 1.6 ha of intertidal area to satisfy energetic demands without depleting prey biomass. Our model results support the assertion thatC. magister make regular migrations to forage on productive intertidal flats, and suggest that intertidal foraging may contribute significantly to the diet of subadult crabs in coastal estuaries.  相似文献   

Many subtidal predators undertake regular tidal migrations into intertidal areas in order to access abundant prey. One of the most productive habitats in soft bottom intertidal systems is formed by beds of epibenthic bivalves such as blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). In the Dutch Wadden Sea, these bivalves might face substantial predation pressure by the shore crab (Carcinus maenas), which increased considerably in numbers during the last 20 years. However, the quantification of this species on bivalve beds is challenging, since most methods common for quantifying animal abundance in marine habitats cannot be used. This study investigated the potential of two methods to quantify the abundance of C. maenas on 14 epibenthic bivalve beds across the Dutch Wadden Sea. The use of the number of crabs migrating from subtidal towards intertidal areas as a proxy of abundance on bivalve beds yielded unreliable results. In contrast, crabs caught with traps on the beds were correlated with the abundance assessed on the surrounding bare flats by beam trawl and therefore provided usable results. The estimates, however, were only reliable for crabs exceeding 35 mm in carapace width (CW). The application of these estimates indicated that crab abundances on bivalve beds were influenced by the biogenic structure. Beds dominated by oysters attracted many large crabs (> 50-mm CW), whereas abundances of medium-sized crabs (35–50-mm CW) showed no relationship to the oyster occurrence. The combination of traps and trawls is capable of quantifying crab abundance on bivalve beds, which offers the possibility to study biotic processes such as predator-prey interactions in these complex structures in more detail.  相似文献   

Production and resource use by intertidal taxa were studied in the estuarine fjord of Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Along nearly 100 km, salinity is similar, and intertidal habitat and immersion time were kept consistent, thus allowing a focus on other environmental variables such as temperature and resource availability that could influence growth. Primary producers (ulvoid and fucoid macroalgae) and suspension feeders (oysters and barnacles) were transplanted on three beaches in each of three regions and assessed for individual-level growth, carbon and nitrogen ratios, and stable isotopes. In most transplants, δ13C and C/N showed no regional variation but δ15N was enriched up-estuary. Among environmental variables, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and particulate organic matter had small and/or inconsistent regional variation, but temperature was higher up-estuary. For the most intensively studied species (Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas) transplanted four times over 2 years, seasonal and regional variation in growth were best predicted by temperature rather than resource availability. Growth rates continued to increase into Totten Inlet, a shallow finger inlet at the head of Puget Sound. As indicators of environmental conditions, the growth and tissue chemistry of intertidal study taxa affirm that sources and amounts of resources show no strong gradients along this estuarine fjord, and they also support temperature as a key factor for performance, with species-specific responses. Higher temperatures may also have community-level impacts, given prior evidence linking beach temperatures to reduced intertidal diversity and biomass into Puget Sound.  相似文献   

An increasing number of examples suggest that interactions among introduced species are ecologically important and relevant to the management of invaded systems. We investigated the potential for the introduced cephalaspidean sea slug Philine orientalis to interfere with the feeding of the introduced European green crab (Carcinus maenas) and the native Dungeness crab (Cancer magister). We observed co-occurrence of crab species and P. orientalis at field sites in Bodega Harbor and Tomales, San Pablo, and San Francisco Bays. In laboratory and field experiments, we determined whether crab feeding was suppressed by P. orientalis and the duration of this suppression for individual crabs. We also used foraging response models to explore changes in the feeding rate of crabs with varying densities of P. orientalis and small bivalve prey. We found that P. orientalis deterred predation by green and Dungeness crabs on small clams in laboratory feeding trials, but not in field experiments with green crabs and P. orientalis. Foraging models predicted that P. orientalis would only affect crab feeding in the field under specific conditions of crab, P. orientalis, and prey densities. These foraging models bridged an important gap between lab and field experiments and allowed us to predict how changes in species abundances at two trophic levels might alter the importance of crab suppression by P. orientalis.  相似文献   

Estuaries provide nursery habitat for juvenile stages of several commercial decapod crustaceans worldwide, and those in the Northeastern Pacific are viewed as providing this function for Dungeness crab,Cancer magister. It is difficult to ascertain the degree to which such estuarine production of juveniles eventually contributes to coastal adult populations and fisheries since there are no direct surveys of adult abundance. As other authors have done, we used fishery landings data to compute the long-term average contribution of 1 + juvenile crab populations reared in estuaries to future coastal fisheries. We focused on Oregon and Washington states, but grouped landings in two large geographic zones by combining fishery ports as adjacent to Large Estuarine Zones (LEZ; Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay, Washington, and both sides of the Columbia River) and Small Estuarine Zones (SEZ; all other ports in Oregon). Mortality estimates were used to reduce 1 + crab abundance to surviving legal males, and portrayed as percent of the fisheries. Trends in the SEZ indicate that an average of only about 5–7% of estuarine production adds to the coastal adult population and contributes about $0.7 million to the fishery. The contribution is 25–30% in the LEZ (but may be higher since interannual density varies up to 5 times) and is worth about $3.9 million based on present ex-vessel value. Analyses of crab distribution and density indicate that the majority of an estuarine population (50–80%) is located in lower side channels (LSC) in spring and summer where temperature is higher and prey within and on adjacent intertidal flats is high. The potential average dollar value of equivalent legal male crab produced from the juvenile population is about $180 ha?1 in LSC (but $280 ha?1 in Grays Harbor where long-term density is highest), and lower in other estuarine habitats ($50–100 ha?1). Estuarine juvenile production provides a relatively stable source of recruits to coastal adult populations, and large systems in the LEZ are important nurseries. Since direct coastal settlement of larvae does occur but is highly variable, the estuarine contribution may be especially important when physical forcing or unusual events lead to low survival of the coastal 0+ cohort. An unusually long period of very low landings in the LEZ from 1981–1987 is interpreted in light of the Mount St. Helens eruption (1980) and subsequent transport and deposition of very fine silt fractions over much of the LEZ nearshore shelf that may have adversely affected several year classes of small, early benthic phase juveniles at that time.  相似文献   

Average summer densities of the xanthid crab,Eurytium limosum, in an intertidal salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia were in the range of 7.5 to 80.0 individuals m?2. Crab densities were lowest in wet, lowlying marsh and highest in well-drained creekbank and mussel mound habitats. An analysis of crab stomach contents indicated that feeding occurred mostly around high tide, especially at night. Although the diet included some plant material,Eurytium limosum is primarily predatory and consumed crabs, polychaetes, ostracods, bivalves, and snails. In the laboratory, under simulated low-tide field conditions, both small (11–15 mm carapace width) and large (20–37 mm CW)Eurytium could capture and consume young killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Large crabs consumed the entire size range (7–19 mm total length) of larval/juvenile fish offered, but small crabs did not prey upon fish >11.5 mm TL. The potential importance ofE. limosum as a predator on young killifish may not be realized in the field because alternative prey are available and the crabs feed primarily at high tide, when young killifish are dispersed in the water column and are less vulnerable to benthic predators.  相似文献   

Hypoxia (dissolved oxygen?<?2 mg L–1) has emerged as a worldwide threat to coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Beyond direct mortality, secondary ecological impacts caused by hypoxia-driven distributional shifts may be equally important. From July–November 2009 and June–September 2010, we quantified the movement patterns of Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) and English sole (Parophrys vetulus) in Hood Canal, Washington USA, a seasonally hypoxic estuary. Although highly mobile (mean cumulative distance?±?SD?=?11.0?±?25.6 km, N?=?60), there was little evidence of either species exhibiting large-scale directional movement out of the hypoxic region. However, Dungeness crab showed significant shifts towards shallower waters and elevation in activity in the hypoxic region, potentially increasing their vulnerability to crabbing and other indirect ecological consequences. Our findings suggest hypoxia could have a more localized impact on the mobile fauna in Hood Canal. However, more detailed information concerning the local-scale oxygen dynamics and responses of these species, such as English sole vertical movement, is essential for grasping the population and community level effects of hypoxia.  相似文献   

In the Grays Harbor estuary, juvenile Dungeness crab (Cancer magister Dana) are found at higher densities in epibenthic shell deposits compared to open mud flat. Differences in predation rate between habitats have been suggested to be due to habitat preference and differential survival. Megalopae preferred shell over open space in still-water conditions. However, it is not known whether megalopae are able to select shell in flowing water since larval preference is known to differ between still and flowing water. Here we report the first experimental study of swimming behavior of Dungeness crab megalopae in a range of current velocities (0–40 cm s?1) equivalent to natural flow in Grays Harbor estuary. Experiments were conducted in daylight using a recirculating flume. Megalopae swimming speeds ranged from 8.5 cm s?1 (8 body lengths s?1) in still water to 44.8 cm s?1 (44 body lengths s?1) at flow speeds of 40 cm s?1, Neither swimming behavior nor sheltering behavior in shells showed any flow-related pattern. Megalopae spent a large proportion of time swimming against the current and made headway upstream against all current velocities tested. The results suggest that Dungeness crab megalopae are able to maneuver and actively search for settlement sites under current velocities found in natural habitats, including intertidal shell deposits, and support the hypothesis of active selection of shell by megalopae.  相似文献   

Blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, commercial landings in the USA have been declining at an alarming rate. In South Carolina, these declines are significantly correlated with years of decreased rainfall and elevated salt marsh salinity. Previous studies suggest that higher salinity increases the risk of infection by Hematodinium sp., a dinoflagellate parasite of blue crabs, C. sapidus. A 4-year survey (June 2008 to March 2012) of blue crabs in the ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve documented (1) the temporal and spatial patterns of Hematodinium sp. infection in relation to salinity, (2) some environmental correlates of disease prevalence, and (3) the characteristics of infected blue crabs. Sampling was conducted four times a year in March, June, September, and December in the South Edisto, Ashepoo, and Combahee rivers beginning in June 2008. Crab hemolymph samples were collected and preserved and DNA was successfully amplified for 2,303 individuals. Hematodinium sp. infection was evaluated by PCR amplification of its 18S rRNA gene and adjacent regions. Prevalence was highest in December 2008 in the Combahee River at sites closest to St. Helena Sound. The spatial and temporal pattern of Hematodinium sp. infection was correlated with several environmental parameters. Infected crabs exhibited differences in carapace shape and body condition compared to uninfected crabs. Overall, these results suggest that blue crabs in regions of higher salinity are at greater risk of infection by Hematodinium sp. and infected individuals exhibit sub-lethal effects of the disease.  相似文献   

Southwestern Atlantic estuaries (Southern Brazil to Northern Patagonia, Argentina) are characterized by the presence of an intertidal burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulata. This crab species is an important bioturbator which lives in large assemblages and excavates semi-permanent burrows that affect sediment characteristics. Our observations showed that distribution of the crabs in the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, Argentina (37°45′S, 57°26′W) affected habitat use and feeding success of migratory shorebirds. During the migratory season the two-banded plover (Charadrius falklandicus) foraged more frequently inside crab beds, and yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes and T. melanoleuca) fed more freqeuntly outside crab beds. Focal observations on the feeding behavior of the white-rumped sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) and the two-banded plover inside and outside crab beds showed that the plover was a visual searcher and captured more prey inside crab beds, and the white-rumped sandpiper was a tactile feeder. Although consumption rates (prey min?1) did not differ between sites, their efficiency (prey probe?1) inside crab beds was less. These differences were probably related to changes in sediment characteristics and prey behavior, which vary with crab activity. Burrowing crabs alter the suitability of intertidal habitats used by shorebirds in southwestern Atlantic estuaries. We believe that the same process could be occurring with other burrowing curstaceans such as thalassinidean shrimps in other estuaries of the world and could have important implications for management of flats for shorebirds. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY090 00007  相似文献   

Rhythmic movements in response to tidal cycles are characteristic of infaunal inhabitant of intertidal soft-bottoms, allowing them to remain in the area with best living conditions. The effect of bioturbators as modifier of local environmental conditions and thus of gradients in intertidal habitats, has not been investigated yet. The Atlantic estuarine intertidal areas are dominated by the burrowing crabChasmagnathus granulatus that generates strong environmental heterogeneity by affecting the physical-chemical characteristics of the sediment. The comparison between intertidal areas with and without crab shows that sediments in the crab beds remain more humid, softer, and homogeneous across the intertidal and along the tidal cycle than areas without crabs. The densities of infauna were higher at high intertidal zones in crab beds than in similar areas without crabs. Infaunal organisms performed vertical movements into the sediment following the tidal cycle that were always of higher magnitude in habitats without crabs. Infaunal species tend to spend most of the time buried into the sediment in the crab bed. Migratory shorebirds use the Atlantic estuarine environments as stopover or wintering sites. They feed (mainly on polychaetes) in the low intertidal zones of both habitats (with and without crabs), but they also feed in the upper intertidal of the crab bed; polychaete per capita mortality rate is higher in the upper part of the crab bed. Environmental heterogeneity produced by crab disturbance has an effect on the infaunal behavior, risk of mortality, and the zonation pattern. This is another example of the ecosystem engineering ability of a burrowing intertidal species.  相似文献   

Knowledge of resource-use and movement patterns is a missing component in the development of horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) management strategies. Available evidence indicates the potential for a variety of possible migratory behaviors, but the lack of high-resolution, spatial-temporal data has hindered development of a year-round profile of ranging behavior. This need was addressed in the present study by using acoustic telemetry to track the movements of adult horseshoe crabs in two subembayments (Egypt and Hog Bays) of the Taunton Bay Estuary, Maine, from June 2003 to June 2005. Estimated mean total home range sizes were 64.1 and 61.4 ha for breeding crabs tagged in Egypt and Hog Bays, respectively. We observed no horseshoe crab dispersal to areas outside of the subembayments where they were tagged, so no mixing was observed between Egypt and Hog Bay individuals despite a < 4-km separation. Observed shifts in movement patterns, resource use (subtidal versus intertidal), and vagility facilitated a profile of seasonally partitioned horseshoe crab activity, which included late April to early May post-wintering, June–July breeding, August–September pre-wintering, and October–April wintering, where space usage represented about 10% of the mean total home range size. The apparent isolation of these resident populations implies a heightened vulnerability to overexploitation and large-scale habitat alteration that might be more easily sustained by larger, more vagile populations. This work underscores the need to apply horseshoe crab conservation, research, and management efforts at scales that are appropriate to the ranging patterns of crabs, which first requires application of high-resolution methods to identify those patterns.  相似文献   

Mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus, were collected weekly from a southern New Jersey high-salinity salt marsh from October 1988 to June 1989 and from September 1989 to June 1990 to determine the overwintering habitat. Major habitat types sampled within the salt marsh were subtidal creek, intertidal creeks, and salt-marsh pools. Few individuals were collected in the intertidal creek or the subtidal creek from the end of October through the beginning of May for both years, when creek water temperatures were low. Both young-of-the-year and adults of both sexes were abundant in the salt-marsh pools (total lengths ranged from 29 mm to 125 mm) throughout the winter. In the spring, catch per unit effort (CPUE) within the tidal creek increased with increasing water temperature, while CPUE in marsh pools decreased with increases in estuarine water temperature. These collection patterns indicate that the majority ofF. heteroclitus may move from subtidal and intertidal creeks into salt-marsh pools in the late fall and leave in the spring. This seasonal movement could explain how fish survive winter environmental conditions because daily average water temperatures of salt-marsh pools were warmer than subtidal creek temperatures for much of the winter.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model was developed and applied to questions of habitat use and migration behavior of nonindigenous European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA. The model was parameterized using existing data from published studies on the ecology and physiology ofC. maenas and allied brachyuran crabs., Simulations of the model were run describing four scenarios of habitat use and behavior during a 214-d simulation period (April–October) including crabs occupying mid littoral habitat, high littoral habitat, sublittoral habitat, and sublittoral habitat but undertaking intertidal migrations. Monthly trapping was done along an intertidal gradient in Willapa Bay to determine the actual distribution of crabs for the same time interval as the simulation period, and model results were compared to the observed pattern. Model estimates suggest no intrinsic energetic incentive for crabs to occupy littoral habitats since metabolic costs were c. 6% higher for these individuals than their sublittoral counterparts. Crabs in the littoral simulations were also less efficient than sublittoral crabs at converting consumed energy into growth. Monthly trapping revealed thatC. maenas are found predominantly in mid littoral habitats of Willapa Bay and there is no evidence of resident sublittoral populations. The discrepancy intimates the significance of other factors, including interspecific interactions, that are not incorporated into the model but nonetheless increase metabolic demand. Agonistic encounters with native Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister) may be chief among these additional costs, andC. maenas may largely avoid interactions by remaining in littoral habitats neglected by native crabs, such as meadows of nonindigenous smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). AdultC. maenas in Willapa Bay may occupy tidal elevations that minimize such encounters, and metabolic costs, while simultaneously maximizing submersion time and foraging opportunities.  相似文献   

Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) megalopae recruit to northeastern Pacific coastal estuaries, and settle into intertidal and subtidal habitats where they molt into Early Benthic Phase (EBP) crabs, and are dependent on epibenthic structure for shelter from predation. Given the importance of shell refuge to their post-settlement ontogeny, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began constructing intertidal plots of oyster shell in the Grays Harbor estuary, Washington, to enhance recruitment and mitigate losses of subtidalC. magister entrained and killed during extensive dredging efforts. When shell habitat was newly constructed, settlement and survival ofC. magister were high, and expectations for the mitigation project were met. During the first several years (1992-1997), plots greater than 1 yr postconstruction were colonized by yellow shore crabs,Hemigrapsus oregonensis (often≥75 crabs m−2, and abundance of EBPC. magister was reduced to nearly zero. While some predation of settling megalopae byH. oregonensis does occur, the relationship between these species is characterized by density-dependent competitive interactions. Laboratory observations of competition for shell habitat indicate thatH. oregonensis are dominant over EBPC. magister and can evictC. magister from refuge spaces. Field experiments show that high densities of the former cause, the latter to emigrate from shell, and suggest detection and avoidance of areas with high densities ofH. oregonensis by settlingC. magister megalopae. More recently (1998-2001), abundance ofH. oregonensis has declined dramatically within plots of oyster shell, apparently due to recruitment failure, and patterns ofC. magister abundance and production have returned to levels consistent with original expectations of the mitigation project. Both intraspecific and interspecific competition for space are significant factors effecting population, regulation ofC. magister when they are strongly dependent on refuge from predation. Efficacy of constructed oyster shell plots as a mitigation tool may hinge on the population dynamics of a species previously considered of little consequence to the target species.  相似文献   

The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, represents the second most important fishery for coastal Georgia; yet, little is known about environmental forces that affect planktonic postlarval settlement in the region. Here, we describe a study to examine the physical mechanisms responsible for blue crab settlement in the extensive salt marsh system of coastal Georgia. Bottom and surface samplers were placed at three sites along a salinity gradient from a low-salinity site in the Altamaha River to a high-salinity area of the Duplin River, Sapelo Island, GA, USA during 2005. Megalopae and juvenile monitoring occurred from July through December. The majority of both megalopae (86.8%) and juvenile (89.3%) blue crabs were recovered in bottom samplers at the low-salinity Altamaha River site during August and early September. Few megalopae were collected at the surface of the Altamaha River or at the two higher-salinity sites in the Duplin and North Rivers. Downwelling winds were unable to explain all settlement events; however, winds with an onshore component regularly preceded settlement events. The use of a multiple-regression model revealed a lagged relationship (r = 0.5461, $ lag = 0–2 days $ lag = 0–2 days ) between wind events, temperature, salinity, maximum tidal height, and settlement.  相似文献   

Maryland commercial landings of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and catch per unit effort (CPUE) have remained fairly stable over the past 33 yr despite occasional large deviations from the long-term average. During this time, however, significant declines in the percent of legal male crabs and the mean size of legal males caught in fishery-independent surveys near Calvert Cliffs, Maryland have become apparent. Sublegal females and two of the three legal female classes (152–177 and >178 mm CW) showed no significant trends over this 33-yr period when examined by linear regression. Males showed significant trends for all size classes. Sublegal males increased from 24% of the male population during the first 5 yr of the study (1968–1972) to 71% during 1996–2000. All classes of legal males, however, exhibited downward trends. Males 127–151 mm CW decreased from 45% of the male population in the earliest period to 22% during the last 5 yr. Males 152–177 mm decreased from 27% during 1968–1972 to only 6% during 1996–2000, and males > 178 mm declined from 4% in the earliest period to 0.5% in the recent period. These size decreases for the most valuable portion of the blue crab population are further evidence of over-exploitation. The declining trends in male size indicate that growth overfishing is occurring as intense fishing pressure removes so many male crabs from the population as they reach legal size that few remain to molt to larger size. A 3-yr data set from the Patuxent River, where commercial use of crab pots is restricted and fishing pressure is lower, suggests that legal male crabs are able to attain larger size compared to an area where the pot fishery is intense. A recommendation could be made for reducing effort where the pot fishery is intense by means of time, gear, catch limits, and/or by increasing the minimum size of legal crabs to allow larger crabs to enter the fishery.  相似文献   

Crabs (Grapsidae,Sesarma) are the dominant macrofaunal group of mangrove forest soils in northern Australia. Little is known about the ecology of these crabs or the factors that influence their distribution in mangrove forests. Pitfall traps were used to sample grapsid crabs in the Murray River estuary in north Queensland. Sampling was conducted at five sites along a salinity gradient from <1‰ at upstream sites to >35‰ at the river mouth. At each site, trapping was done in both low and high intertidal forests. We characterized the sediments at each site by measuring percent sand, silt, clay and organic matter, Eh, pH, and soil pore-water salinity. Four species of grapsids dominated the crab fauna along the Murray River (Sesarma semperi-longicristatum, S. messa, S. brevicristatum, andS. brevipes). Distinct zonation patterns were found along the salinity gradient and between high and low intertidal forests.S. messa was dominant in high intertidal, downstream forests, high and low intertidal forests in the middle to downstream portion of the river, and in low intertidal forests in the central reach of the river.S. brevipes was dominant in both low and high intertidal zone forests at low salinity upstream sites.S. brevicristatum was most abundant in the central reaches of the river and only in the high intertidal zone.S. semperi-longicristatum was found only in the low intertidal zone, downstream forest. Subsequently, tests of salinity tolerances of these crabs were carried out in the laboratory. These indicated very wide tolerances over salinities from completely fresh to hypersaline (60‰). The osmoregulatory abilities of the crabs were also found to vary. However, neither their salinity tolerance nor osmoregulatory ability adequately explain the zonation patterns were measured in the field. For example,S. brevicristatum had the most restricted distribution, but it had the second broadest salinity tolerance and osmoregulatory ability. Sediment characteristics explained a significant amount of the variation in abundance for two of the crab species. Pore-water salinity provided no explanatory power for any of the species. Individual species abundances are probably influenced by additional factors such as interspecific competition and predation.  相似文献   

A benthic focussed food web model of intermediate complexity was developed for the intertidal sand flat in the Kejimkujik National Park Seaside, NS, Canada. The goal was to understand the role of invasive green crabs and to investigate potential effects of its removal on the ecosystem. Inputs of biomass, production, consumption and diet composition for each model compartment were obtained through targeted field collections in summers 2008–2010. Simulation (via Ecosim) was used to develop a data-driven baseline steady-state food web of summer conditions and to evaluate effects of ecosystem perturbations that included moderate and extreme removal of crab biomass, in the presence and absence of migrating shorebirds. In the baseline model, green crabs were important benthic predators and also prey for fishes and birds. Ecosystem properties (e.g. size, energetics, organisation) suggested a stable ecosystem. Scenario analyses predicted that crab removal caused only slight perturbations to overall ecosystem properties, but affected some trophic components. Predators that consumed mainly crabs (e.g. gulls) decreased in biomass with crab removal because diet changes could not compensate for lost crab prey. Predators that consumed crabs and also other prey (e.g. plovers) increased in biomass with crab removal because shared benthic prey increased. Migrating shorebirds had a greater impact on the food web than crab removal. Our study suggests that removal of invasive green crabs will likely not drastically change food web biomass and productivity. This study illustrates how field data can be synthesised with food web models for effective management of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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