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In the tropical and subtropical wet and dry regions, maintaining natural hydrologic connections between coastal rivers and adjacent ephemeral wetlands is critical to conserving and sustaining high levels of fisheries production within these systems. Though there is a consensus that there is a need to maintain these natural connections, little is known about what attributes of floodplain inundation regimes are most important in sustaining fisheries production. Two attributes of the flood season and thus floodplain inundation that may be particularly influential to fisheries are the amplitude of the flood season (floodplain water depth and spatial extent of inundation) and the duration of the flood season (i.e., time floodplains are inundated). In mangrove-dominated Everglades coastal rivers, seasonal inundation of upstream marsh floodplains may play an important role in provisioning recreational fisheries; however, this relationship remains unknown. Using two Everglades coastal river fisheries as a model, we tested whether the amplitude of the flood season or the duration of the flood season is more important in explaining variation in angler catch records of common snook and largemouth bass collected from 1992 to 2012. We validated angler catches with fisheries-independent electrofishing conducted in the same region from 2004 to 2012. Our results showed (1) that bass angler catches tracked electrofishing catches, while snook catches were completely mismatched. And (2) that previous year's marsh dynamics, particularly the duration of the flood season, was more influential than the flood season amplitude in explaining variation in bass catches, such that bass angler catches were negatively correlated to the period time that floodplains remained disconnected from coastal rivers in the previous year, while snook catches were not very well explained by floodplain inundation terms.  相似文献   

Previous studies of Louisiana estuaries have indicated a central role of Spartina alterniflora marshes in supporting production of the commercially important brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus. Brown shrimp are an estuarine-dependent species and spend one to three springtime months in estuaries as small juveniles, with highest shrimp densities found at marsh edges. Later estuarine and offshore production of brown shrimp is correlated both with marsh area and with abundance of smaller juveniles found in unvegetated open bays near marshes. This paper investigates the idea that open bays are an additional important nursery habitat for Louisiana brown shrimp, with bays possibly supporting the bulk of shrimp populations even while shrimp densities expressed on a square meter basis are lower in the bays. To assay possible differences in shrimp abundances and residency in marsh ponds vs. adjacent open bays, springtime field work was conducted in 2004–2006 near the Louisiana University Marine Consortium Laboratory at Cocodrie, Louisiana. Seine surveys showed similar-sized shrimp were present in marsh ponds (<20 m in diameter) and an adjacent open bay (<1 m deep, 2 km in diameter) and that shrimp were twice as dense in the marsh ponds. Natural C, N, and S isotope tags provided distinctive labeling of shrimp from marsh ponds versus bays; shrimp residency appeared high in both areas with <10% of shrimp present as immigrants from other areas. Widely spaced collections from several Louisiana bay systems and also Galveston Bay, Texas showed that the S isotope tags provided the most general tags for marsh origins, with low S isotope values of 1–9‰ in shrimp muscle tissue consistently indicating marsh origins. Importance of marshes for brown shrimp production across Terrebonne and Barataria Bays, Louisiana was evaluated with S isotopes using spring 2005 collections. Results showed that marshes supported about 1/3 of total shrimp production; 2/3 of Louisiana brown estuarine shrimp production may depend on the three to four times more extensive open bays. Given these results, coastal restoration efforts in Louisiana might focus on measures such as barrier island conservation and restoration that protect both bays and marshes, rather than focusing on measures that specifically target marshes and neglect open bays.  相似文献   

Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) are an important commercial aquatic species experiencing loss of inshore marsh nursery habitat in coastal Louisiana. To study inshore brown shrimp movements and identify aspects of essential habitat important for sustaining brown shrimp populations, we collected juvenile brown shrimp in April and May 2000, the time of annual maximum brown shrimp abundance, in a small 1-km2 marsh area on the central Louisiana coast. Drop sampling showed average shrimp densities of 1.6–2.4 m−2 in shallow marsh ponds and seining indicated lower densities of 0.5–0.9 m−2 in nearby shallow channel and open bay sites. Smaller shrimp (< 50 mm) fed disproportionately on benthic diatoms and small harpacticoid copepods, while large shrimp fed more frequently on larger-bodied amphipods and tanaids. We developed novel chemical approaches to estimate patterns of shrimp residency and movement using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic determinations. Resident shrimp had isotopic values similar to average foods and showed consistent isotopic spacings between fast and slow turnover tissues. Residency was highest (47–55%) in ponds and shallow channel habitats and much less in open bays and deep channels (4–27%). There was sparse evidence for dietary specialization among individull shrimp. The results support the view that small 10–20 mm postlarval and juvenile brown shrimp arriving in estuaries from offshore waters continue movement through sub-optimal habitats (deep channels and open bays), but exhibit much less movement once an optimal habitat (marsh ponds or shallow channel margins) is reached. This study also indicated that combining estimates of shrimp densities, residency, growth rate, and mortality allows evaluation of the importance of different habitat types for shrimp production. Shallow ponds that in many ways resemble fertile aquaculture ponds appear to be hot spots for brown shrimp production, and coastal preservation and restoration efforts should focus on these areas as important for sustaining shrimp fisheries.  相似文献   

Recent (6–12 month) marsh sediment accretion and accumulation rates were measured with feldspar marker horizons in the vicinity of natural waterways and man-made canals with spoil banks in the rapidly subsiding environment of coastal Louisiana. Annual accretion rates in aSpartina alterniflora salt marsh in the Mississippi deltaic plain averaged 6 mm in marsh adjacent to canals compared to 10 mm in marsh adjacent to natural waterways. The rates, however, were not statistically significantly different. The average rate of sediment accretion in the same salt marsh region for a transect perpendicular to a canal (13 mm yr?1) was significantly greater than the rate measured for a transect perpendicular to a natural waterway (7 mm yr?1). Measurements of soil bulk density and organic matter content from the two transects were also different. This spatial variability in accretion rates is probably related to (1) spoil bank influences on local hydrology; and (2) a locally high rate of sediment input from lateral erosion associated with pond enlargement. In a brackishSpartina patens marsh on Louisiana’s Chenier plain, vertical accretion rates were the same along natural and canal waterways (3–4 mm yr?1) in a hydrologically restricted marsh region. However, the accretion rates for both waterways were significantly lower than the rates along a nonhydrologically restricted natural waterway nearby (11 mm yr?1). The vertical accretion of matter displayed semi-annual differences in the brackish marsh environment.  相似文献   

Salt marshes are widely believed to serve as nurseries for many fishes and crustaceans of fishery value as a result of the high production of vascular plant detritus and the protection from predation offered by shallow, spatially complex habitats. Comparisons of the yields of species which reside in salt marsh habitats during critical life history stages (such as penaeid shrimp) with the area of such habitats and their greater densities in flooded marshes and associated tidal creeks support the premise that marshes enhance the yield of such species. A range of evidence, including the amount of detrital export from marshes, the poor nutritive value of vascular plant detritus, and natural diets, casts doubt on the notion that production of fishery species is based on the direct consumption of marsh grass detritus or predominantly on food chains based on this detritus. Vascular plants and associated algae may, however, contribute to the production of prey species. The limited observations available support the hypothesis that salt marshes offer significant escape from mortality due to predation, but there have been yet few experimental tests of this hypothesis. Knowledge of relative importance of the food and refuge functions in support of living resources is of practical value in marsh and fisheries management. Better understanding of these roles is important to the effective evaluation of the effects of coastal habitat modifications on fisheries resources and design of alterations to minimize the losses of these values.  相似文献   

A large-scale dieback event struck marshes along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico coast during summer 2000, in apparent response to a prolonged and severe drought. Along the Louisiana coast, large areas of the dominant marsh species,Spartina alterniflora, turned brown, followed by death of at least the aboveground structures of entire plant mortality. Key ecological and genetic measures were studied in a dieback-affected marsh in southwest Louisiana (C83 marsh, Sabine National Wildlife Refuge), for which existed predieback ecologic and genetic datasets. Effects on genetic diversity only were studied in a second set of sites in southeastern Louisiana (near Bay Junop), where the dieback was more widespread. We hypothesized that stem density, live aboveground biomass, and genetic diversity would be significantly reduced compared to predieback conditions and to nearby unaffected marshes. Stem densities and biomass levels approached predieback conditions 14 months after first observance of the dieback in the Sabine marsh and were similar to or exceeded the same measures for a nearby unaffected marsh. DNA extracted from leaf samples in the Sabine and Bay Junop sites was used to construct genotype profiles using AFLPs and analyzed using the complement of Simpson’s Index (1-D), the richness measure G/N, average heterozygosity <H>, and the estimated proportion of polymorphic genes <P>. Genetic diversity was relatively unaffected by the dieback at either the Sabine or Bay Junop sites. Evidence from field observations and the results of the genetic analyses suggest that seedling recruitment is an important factor in the recovery of both the Bay Junop and C83 sites, although re-growth from surviving below-ground rhizomes appeared to dominate recovery at the latter site. Survival of below-ground structures, leading to the rapid recovery observed, indicates a high level of resilience of the Sabine marsh to drought-induced stress. Still, the genetic diversity ofS. alterniflora-dominated marshes may be promoted by occasional disturbance events, which produce open areas in which seedling recruitment can occur.  相似文献   

In Louisiana, salt marshes are being created in an effort to offset the large loss of such habitat that has occurred over the last 50 yr. Primary productivity is an important function and indicator of success for salt marsh creation and restoration projects. The aim of this study was to determine whether the aboveground and belowground productivity of the dominant salt marsh grassSpartina alterniflora in created marshes in southwest Louisiana began to approximate productivity levels in natural marshes, over time. Net annual aboveground primary productivity (NAPP) was measured by a harvest technique, while the ingrowth core method was used to estimate net annual belowground primary productivity (NBPP). NAPP levels were similar to those found in other, Louisiana salt marshes, while NBPP levels were similar to or higher than the reported range forS. alterniflora studied along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. NAPP tended to decrease as the created marshes aged, but the levels in the oldest, 19 year old, created marsh were still well above values measured in the, natural marshes. It was estimated that it would take 35 yr after marsh creation for NAPP in the created marshes to become equivalent to that in natural marshes. NBPP in the created marshes became equivalent to levels found in the natural marshes after 6–8 yr, but then belowground production increased with marsh age, reaching an asymptote that surpassed natural marsh levels. Equivalency in primary productivity has not been reached in these marshes. Elevation also affected productivity, as higher elevational sites with greater topographic heterogeneity had significantly lower aboveground and belowground biomass levels than those with elevations closer to mean sea level. This underscores the need to construct marshes so that their mean elevation and degree of topographic heterogeneity are similar to natural marshes.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were collected from three Louisiana coastal marsh ponds, dated with radioisotopes, and analyzed for diatom remains to determine if long-term salinity changes were evident in the sediment record. A diatom-based salinity index formulated from a statistical comparison of available salinity data and changing diatom assemblages demonstrated that diatom remains appear to preserve salinity signals in coastal brackish and salt marsh environments. The salinity index was applied to sediment cores spanning the late 1600s to the 1990s and provided a more complete record of salinity than field data, which were temporally and spatially incomplete. The salinity reconstructions indicated that salinity has increased at two sites and decreased at a third since the early 1900s. The salinity changes are less than 1‰ per decade in all cases, and may be due to natural variability as depicted by the wide range of salinities observed between the late 1600s and 1900. Salinity regimes may be very localized (<2 km from a hydrologic source), indicating single-site studies may not be applicable to regional inferences. This study demonstrates that diatoms can be used to reconstruct past salinity in coastal marsh environments and can provide a useful tool with which to study the changing hydrology of river-influenced ecosystems.  相似文献   

Modeling the distribution and habitat capacities of key estuarine species can be used to identify hot spots, areas where species density is significantly higher than surrounding areas. This approach would be useful for establishing a baseline for evaluating future environmental scenarios across a landscape. We developed species distribution models for early juvenile life stages of brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus), white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in order to delineate the current coastal hot spots that provide the highest quality habitat conditions for these estuarine-dependent species in Louisiana. Response curves were developed from existing long-term fisheries-independent monitoring data to identify habitat suitability for fragmented marsh landscapes. Response curves were then integrated with spatially explicit input data to generate species distribution models for the coastal region of Louisiana. Using spatial autocorrelation metrics, we detected clusters of suitable habitat across the Louisiana coast, but only 1% of the areas were identified as true hot spots with the highest habitat quality for nekton. The regions identified as hot spots were productive fringing marsh habitats that are considered the most vulnerable to natural and anthropogenic impacts. The species distribution models identify the coastal habitats which currently provide the greatest capacity for key estuarine species and will be used in the Louisiana coastal planning process to evaluate how species distributions may change under various environmental and restoration scenarios.  相似文献   

The accumulation of selected plant nutrients and heavy metals in a rapidly accreting Louisiana salt marsh was examined. Sedimentation processes were shown to be supplying large amounts of plant nutrients to the marsh. Accumulation of heavy metals was low and appeared to be associated with the natural heavy metal content of incoming sediment rather than from a pollution source. A large portion of organic carbon from primary production remained in the marsh, contributing to the aggradation process of vertical marsh accretion. Nitrogen accumulated in the marsh at rates as great as 21 g per m2 per yr.  相似文献   

Our study was designed to examine early life stage tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) recruitment, habitat use, and residency in coastal environments near the northern limit of their distribution in the western Atlantic Ocean. We employed a multi-faceted approach to (1) collect ingressing larval tarpon on nighttime flood tides at multiple sites, (2) document larval and juvenile tarpon use of natural high marsh pools, and (3) examine juvenile tarpon movement and behavior in managed marsh impoundments, all in the North Inlet-Winyah Bay estuarine system of South Carolina, USA. The timing of recruitment (June through November) and size of larvae (mean ± standard deviation = 23 ± 3 mm standard length [SL]) during estuarine ingress was similar to that reported from other subtropical locations in the region. Soon after recruiting into the system, larval and small juvenile tarpon (47 ± 25 mm SL) co-occurred in high marsh pools from July to November, and large juveniles (201 ± 34 mm SL) were also present in marsh impoundments during this same time period. An increase in tarpon length over time during their residency in high marsh pools and the relatively large size they attain in marsh impoundments indicate these environments may function as favorable nursery habitats. As water temperatures decreased during October and November, juvenile tarpon emigrated from these estuarine habitats. Tarpon appear to use a variety of estuarine habitats in coastal South Carolina from summer through late fall during their early life stage development. The fate of these individuals after they leave estuarine habitats at the onset of winter in this region is currently unknown.  相似文献   

An earlier investigation (Turner 1997) concluded that most of the coastal wetland loss in Louisiana was caused by the effects of canal dredging, that loss was near zero in the absence of canals, and that land loss had decreased to near zero by the late 1990s. This analysis was based on a 15-min quadrangle (approximately 68,000 ha) scale that is too large to isolate processes responsible for small-scale wetland loss and too small to capture those responsible for large-scale loss. We conducted a further evaluation of the relationship between direct loss due to canal dredging and all other loss from 1933–1990 using a spatial scale of 4,100 ha that accurately captures local land-loss processes. Regressions of other wetland loss on canal area (i.e., direct loss) for the Birdfoot, Terrebonne, and Calcasieu basins were not significant. Positive relationships were found for the Breton (r2=0.675), Barataria (r2=0.47), and Mermentau (r2=0.35) basins, indicating that the extent of canals is significantly related to wetland loss in these basins. A significant negative relationship (r2=0.36) was found for the Atchafalaya coastal basin which had statistically lower loss rates than the other basins as a whole. The Atchafalaya area receives direct inflow of about one third of the Mississippi discharge. When the data were combined for all basins, 9.2% of the variation in other wetland loss was attributable to canals. All significant regressions intercepted the y-axis at positive loss values indicating that some loss occurred in the absence of canals. Wetland loss did not differ significantly from the coast inland or between marsh type. We agree with Turner that canals are an important agent in causing wetland loss in coastal Louisiana, but strongly disagree that they are responsible for the vast majority of this loss. We conclude that wetland loss in the Mississippi delta is an ongoing complex process involving several interacting factors and that efforts to create and restore Louisiana’s coastal wetlands must emphasize riverine inputs of freshwater and sediments.  相似文献   

High rates of coastal land loss in Louisiana have prompted efforts to maintain or restore coastal wetland habitats, and structural management of marsh hydrology is one of a number of approaches that has been adopted. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of hydrologic management measures on marsh-surface sediment deposition in the Mississippi deltaic plain. Four impoundments, ranging in size from 50 ha to 177 ha and similarly sized control sites were included in the study. At each site, marsh-surface sediment traps were collected approximately biweekly for 3.5 yr to measure changes in sediment deposition. There was no significant difference in sediment deposition between any of the impoundment and control sites during the premanagement period. The results show no significant difference in marsh-surface sediment deposition between management year 1992–1993 and management year 1994–1995, but management year 1993–1994 had significantly lower sediment deposition than either the first or the last year of the study. Management year 1992–1993 showed the highest sediment deposition when it was assessed across all basins, areas, and sites, and this high rate of deposition is accounted for by the impact of Hurricane Andrew. For all management years there were significant differences between impoundment and control sites, with control sites showing higher rates of marsh surface sediment deposition than impoundments. No clear pattern was identified concerning the influence of various types of hydrologic management on rates of sediment deposition. This reduction in sediment deposition indicated that the areas under management in this study are receiving insufficient inorganic sediment deposition to keep pace with sea-level rise.  相似文献   

In Louisiana, plant production rates and associated decomposition rates may be important in offsetting high rates of land loss and subsidence in organic marsh soils. Decomposition ofSpartina patens shoot and leaf material was studied by using litter bags in mesohaline marshes in the Barataria and Terrebonne basins of coastal Louisiana.Spartina patens decomposed very slowly with an average decay constant of 0.0007, and approximately 50% of the material remained after 2 years in the field. Material at the Barataria site decomposed faster than did Terrebonne material with trend differences apparent during the first 150 days. This difference might be explained by the higher content of phosphorus in the Barataria material or a flooding period experienced by the Barataria bags during their first 10 days of deployment. Nitrogen and carbon content of the plant material studied did not differ between the two basins. We detected no consistent significant differences in decomposition above, at, or below sediment/water level. BecauseS. patens is the dominant plant in these marshes, and because it is so slow to decompose, we believe thatS. patens shoots are an important addition to vertical accretion and, therefore, marsh elevation.  相似文献   

An overview of data including numbers of species, numbers of individuals, biomass, and average weight per individual from three studies of differing marsh management systems in southwestern Louisiana indicate that populations of managed systems are generally maintained despite partial restrictions on organism movements due to water control structures. At some high level of restriction, perhaps in systems completely leveed and managed for specific target organisms, recruitment and subsequent export may be drastically reduced. However, we suggest that below a critical level of restriction, recruitment, growth, and eventual export approach normal levels. Restrictions may select for or against certain species, but the replacement of those selected against may maintain the overall fishery productivity of the system. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY069 00014  相似文献   

Vertical accretion of impounded marsh and adjacent natural marsh at four sites in southwestern Louisiana was estimated in 1994 by determining the depth of a stratum containing137Cs deposited in 1963. With relative marsh elevation, soil bulk density, organic matter content, and organic and mineral matter accumulation rates were used to describe soil formation. Three sites were impounded in 1956 and one site in 1951. Impounded marshes had lower marsh surface elevation than natural marshes because of hydrologic isolation from tidal sediment subsidies and substrate oxidation during forced drying. The elevation of natural marshes ranged from 12 cm to 42 cm higher than the elevation of the impounded marshes in 1963 and from 20 cm to 32 cm higher in 1994. Vertical accretion between 1963 and 1994 ranged from 9 cm to 28 cm in impounded marsh and from 15 cm to 21.5 cm in natural marsh. Only in impounded marsh that remained permanently flooded was accretion greater than in natural marsh.  相似文献   

The mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus, is one of the most abundant macrofaunal components of salt marsh ecosystems along the east coast of the United States. During April–November 1998, we determined the habitat use and movement patterns of young-of-the-year (YOY) and adult mummichogs in a restored marsh, formerly a salt hay farm, and an adjacent creek in order to expand our understanding of the ecology of the species and evaluate the success of the restoration. Four major fish habitat types (large first-order natural creek, second-order created creek, linear drainage ditch, and marsh surface) were identified within the study site. Patterns of relative abundance and mark and recapture using coded wire tags were used to determine the habitat use, tidal movements, home range, and site fidelity of the species within these habitat types. A total of 14,784 fish, ranging from 20–100 mm SL, were captured with wire mesh traps and tagged, and 1,521 (10.3%) fish were recaptured. A variety of gears were used to attempt to recapture fish across all habitat types, including wire mesh traps, push nets, and otter trawls. Based on abundance and recaptures of tagged fish, the YOY and adults primarily used the shallow subtidal and intertidal areas of the created creek, the intertidal drainage ditches, and the marsh surface of the restored marsh but not the larger, first-order natural creek. At low tide, large numbers were found in the subtidal areas of the created creek; these then moved onto the marsh surface on the flooding tide. Elevation, and thus hydroperiod, appeared to influence the microscale use of the marsh surface. We estimated the home range of adults and large YOY (20–100 mm SL) to be 15 ha at high tide, which was much larger than previously quantified. There was strong site fidelity to the created creek at low tide. The habitat use and movement patterns of the mummichog appeared similar to that reported for natural marshes. Coupled with the results of other studies on the feeding, growth, and production of this species in this restoreh, the species appeared to have responded well to the restoration.  相似文献   

Ottar Brox 《GeoJournal》1996,39(2):203-210
Fishery resources of north Norwegian waters are abundant and fishing is traditionally the prime occupation and basis of coastal settlements in that part of the country. Any solutions for regulating fisheries that are perceived as unjust by the coastal population are impracticable, as there are few natural or technical barriers to partication. Many coastal people have boasts and fish can be caught with cheap gear. In addition to keeping the actual harvest within sustainable limits and avoiding zero-sum competition among fishermen, a regulation system must also keep the right to fish open for the whole coastal population. The article compares alternative regulating systems: dualism or the currently practised 35/65 percentage share between offshore trawlers and coastal fishing boats, boat quotas, group quotas, company quotas, individual quotas, tradable quotas and area regulations. The author supports the idea of quotas for individual fishermen and strongly argues against any system that may lead to tradable quotas, as this will lead to marginalization of the coastal population.  相似文献   

The inlet dividing Little Folly Island and Big Folly Island was relocated through the use of Union Navy and Army maps and a global positioning system device. Identification of the inlet was confirmed through foraminiferal analysis of marsh sediments retrieved with gouge‐auger cores. The inlet was 1.8 km closer to Confederate batteries on Morris Island than previously believed. In addition to identifying the inlet, sedimentary structures were used to differentiate anthropogenic and natural sand mounds and dunes, resulting in the identification of four previously undocumented Union gun parapets. The results of this study suggest foraminifers are a useful tool for reconstructing coastal military landscapes from the Civil War and potentially earlier conflicts. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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