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不同太阳活动及地磁条件下的电导率分布变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
电离层电导率在不同的太阳活动和地磁条件下会发生变化. 本文通过中性大气经验模式NRLMSISE_00(Neutral Atmosphere Empirical Model_2000,简称NRLMSISE_00)和电离层经验模式IRI_2001(International Reference Ionosphere_2001,简称IRI_2001)计算电离层的电子、离子碰撞频率以及电导率,并简要讨论了120 km和300 km高度上的电导率在不同季节、不同太阳活动和地磁指数下的经纬分布. 结果显示,电导率的分布与日照密切相关,且随太阳活动的变化而变化. 磁暴时电导率随地磁活动的变化相对于随太阳活动的变化要小,在120?km高度,磁暴期间电导率在低纬地区和高纬地区发生不同变化,且Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率变化趋势相反,向两极靠近,电导率变化幅度略有增长;在300?km高度上,磁暴对低纬地区和高纬地区电导率的影响要比120?km处大,Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率变化趋势相同,且越向两极靠近电导率的变化幅度越大.  相似文献   

电离层foF2变化对地震反应非常敏感,与地震有关的电离层扰动变化结果似乎非常有望用于地震短期预测。格林威治时间2011年1月18日20:23分,一次7.2级的大地震发生在巴基斯坦的达尔巴丁(28.73oN, 63.92oE)。本文研究中,我们必须利用架设在巴基斯坦的伊斯兰堡(33.78oN, 73.06oE)、玛尔坦(32.26oN,71.51oE)和卡拉奇(24.89oN,67.02oE)三个垂直探测台站获得的白天(08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.)小时值数据找出地震前的foF2异常变化特征。结果显示,在达尔巴丁地震前几天,foF2出现了显著变化;并且距离震中最近的台站观测到的频率与幅度异常变化大于较远的位于孕震区边缘的台站。尽管地震异常特征显著,但增加其它电离层参数可以提高foF2异常的高置信度水平。  相似文献   

We study the mutual relation of sunspot numbers and several proxies of solar UV/EUV radiation, such as the F10.7 radio flux, the HeI 1083 nm equivalent width and the solar MgII core-to-wing ratio. It has been noted earlier that the relation between these solar activity parameters changed in 2001/2002, during a large enhancement of solar activity in the early declining phase of solar cycle 23. This enhancement (the secondary peak after the Gnevyshev gap) forms the maximum of solar UV/EUV parameters during solar cycle 23. We note that the changed mutual relation between sunspot numbers and UV/EUV proxies continues systematically during the whole declining phase of solar cycle 23, with the UV/EUV proxies attaining relatively larger values for the same sunspot number than during the several decennia prior to this time. We have also verified this evolution using the indirect solar UV/EUV proxy given by a globally averaged f0(F2) frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer. We also note of a simultaneous, systematic change in the relation between the sunspot numbers and the total solar irradiance, which follow an exceptionally steep relation leading to a new minimum. Our results suggest that the reduction of sunspot magnetic fields (probably photospheric fields in general), started quite abruptly in 2001/2002. While these changes do not similarly affect the chromospheric UV/EUV emissions, the TSI suffers an even more dramatic reduction, which cannot be understood in terms of the photospheric field reduction only. However, the changes in TSI are seen to be simultaneous to those in sunspots, so most likely being due to the same ultimate cause.  相似文献   

We have modelled the effects of changes in the Earth's magnetic field on the ionosphere as have occurred from 1957 to 1997 using the NCAR Thermosphere–Ionosphere–Electrodynamics General Circulation Model. Previous studies that attempted to quantify these effects used a constant wind field, so that any electro-dynamical coupling processes could not be accounted for. Using TIE-GCM we can account for these processes. We find substantial changes in the F2 layer peak height hmF2 (up to ±20 km) and critical frequency foF2 (up to ±0.5 MHz) over the Atlantic Ocean and South America, purely due to changes in the Earth's magnetic field (i.e. unrelated to greenhouse gas cooling effects, which are often held responsible for long-term trends in hmf2 and fof2). These would make up a significant contribution to observed long-term trends in these areas and therefore must be taken into account in their interpretation. Modelled trends of hmF2 and foF2 exhibit a strong seasonal and diurnal variation, highlighting the importance of separating data with respect to season and local time. Most of the modelled changes in hmF2 and foF2 can be related to changes in plasma transport up or down magnetic field lines driven by neutral winds, changes, which are mostly caused by changes in the inclination of the field, though changes in declination and neutral wind also play a role. Changes in the vertical component of the E×B drift seem to have little effect on hmF2 and foF2.  相似文献   

使用COSMIC掩星和垂测仪,探测2011—2012年北京地区电离层临界频率数据,比较不同探测手段获取的电离层特征参量随地方时和地磁季节相关性的变化。研究表明:2组数据具有较好的相关性;标准偏差随地方时变化,日出时6:00 LT开始增大,日落时16:00LT到次高值,19:00LT达最大值后开始下降;标准偏差随地磁季节变化,夏季最小,冬季最大。分析认为,电子密度在垂直和水平方向上的梯度变化,造成掩星反演误差增大,可能导致了数据相关性在不同地磁季节和地方时刻的相应变化。  相似文献   

The variability of foF2 in different phases of solar cycle 23   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we examined the variations of the foF2 with solar activity for different local time and different seasons. Beside this we evaluated International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) models at different phases of solar cycle 23, different latitudes and different local time. We studied F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) of the ionosphere by using the flare index calculated by the Kandilli Observatory. For this purpose, we identified the months similar with high flare activity during the solar cycle 23. We chose 6 months which represented the different phases (ascending branch, maximum and descending branch) of the solar cycle. We also took into account the fact that these months were in different seasons. The hourly monthly means of observed foF2 data from four ionosonde stations for 6 months were calculated. On the other hand, the identical foF2 values of the same months were calculated for the year 1996, which is the minimum year of the previous solar activity cycle. We subtracted the foF2 values of 1996 from the values of the selected months of the last solar cycle to obtain the residuals, Δ(foF2). Then the magnitude of the residuals is compared through the cycle. We used IRI-2007 as well as IRI-2001 models to see the degree of deviation of the observed results from the predicted ones. We found that the predicted values of the ΔfoF2, which are calculated by the IRI-2007, fitted well with the observed Δ(foF2) and showed that the Δ(foF2) are dependent on the solar cycle variations in general.  相似文献   

The spatial variations of the ionospheric F2-layer vertical incidence critical frequency (foF2) and GPS-derived vertical total electron content (vTEC) under geomagnetically quiet and disturbed days are examined using measurements from the latitudinal and longitudinal chains of ionospheric stations and GPS receivers over the European area. Plots produced for January 2005 are used to discuss temporal structures in terms of the prevailing solar-terrestrial conditions. Then the line trends procedure has been applied to simultaneous data collected from a limited number of measuring stations during quiet monthly median ionospheric conditions as well as during the storm period of 16–23 January 2005. The procedure is explained involving an application of the least squares method to define latitudinal and longitudinal dependence of foF2 and vTEC at different locations. Examples of coefficients of determination thereby produced show that the linear regression equations are very helpful in predicting longitudinal and latitudinal vTEC and foF2 variations during the quiet as well as disturbed ionospheric conditions.  相似文献   

南极中山站电离层F2层临界频率变化特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪1995~2002年观测数据的月中值进行了统计分析,揭示了中山站电离层F2层临界频率(foF2)的主要特征:foF2存在明显的日变化和年变化;日变化存在“磁中午异常”现象;年变化中中午foF2在太阳活动低年不出现“冬季异常”,在太阳活动高年出现“半年异常”,即两分点高于两至点.本文结合中山站所处的地理位置,考虑太阳辐射电离、磁层的驱动和中性大气成分变化等因素,分析了这些现象的产生机理.  相似文献   

In this study, foF2 data obtained from an equatorial station in West Africa were subjected to an occurrence probability distribution test. This was done on an hourly basis, for all the 24 h of the day. The results show that the probability (Np) of predicting foF2 within the range±of a standard deviation (σ) centered on the mean (μ) is ⩾0.68 is at least about 70% of the hourly set of data considered in this study irrespective of time of the day, season or solar cycle period. The distribution is not, however, perfectly symmetrically distributed around the mean. The seasonal hourly averages of foF2 were compared with those of IRI predictions. The IRI representation was found to be very good at low and moderate solar activity for both day and nighttime when the ITU-R coefficients are used. This is also true of the daytime at high solar activity. The night time prediction is only fairly good when the URSI coefficients are used for the prediction.  相似文献   

利用ZH-1卫星2019、2020年的原位电子密度观测数据,对卫星观测范围,即地理纬度南北65°之间午夜后顶部电离层的不规则结构进行研究,得到如下结果.(1)午夜后顶部电离层不规则结构集中区主要分布在地磁赤道、中纬度以及较高纬度区,白天赤道异常峰值区为不规则结构的谷值区.(2)不同纬度区不规则结构随地理经度分布呈现出明...  相似文献   

Measurements of the hydroxyl rotational temperatures at about 87 km altitude above Wuppertal (51.3°N, 7.2°E), Germany, are analysed. The time series covers the time interval from 1987 until 2005 and consists of more than 4000 night mean temperature data. Seasonal and longer-term trends are removed from the data set and OH* temperature fluctuations on temporal scales of about 3–40 days are derived. Various spectral analysis techniques (harmonic analysis, maximum entropy method and wavelet transform) are applied. Can – due to the Sun's rotation – the irregular pattern of sunspots on the solar disc lead to OH* temperature fluctuations? Pronounced spectral components in the OH* temperature fluctuations around a period from 27 to 31 days are frequently observed. We tentatively attribute these signatures to the differential rotation of the Sun: Sun's equatorial regions rotate faster (taking only about 27 days) than the polar regions. Sunspots occur at heliographic latitudes at about ±40°, which correspond to a rotation rate of about 27–31 days. The OH* temperature fluctuations within this period range show a long-term modulation of 11 years. Thus, tracking the spectral intensity of the 27- to 31-day component should allow the indirect monitoring of the solar sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

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Further development of the method proposed by Danilov and Mikhailov is presented. The method is applied to reveal the foF2 long-term trends on 30 Northern Hemisphere ionosonde stations. Most of them show significant foF2 trends. A pronounced dependence of trend magnitude on geomagnetic (invariant) latitude is confirmed. Periods of negative/positive foF2 trends corresponding to the periods of long-term increasing/decreasing geomagnetic activity are revealed for the first time. Pronounced diurnal variations of the foF2 trend magnitude are found. Strong positive foF2 trends in the post-midnight-early-morning LT sector and strong negative trends during daytime hours are found on the sub-auroral stations for the period with increasing geomagnetic activity. On the contrary middle and lower latitude stations demonstrate negative trends in the early-morning LT sector and small negative or positive trends during daytime hours for the same period. All the morphological features revealed of the foF2 trends may be explained in the framework of contemporary F2-region storm mechanisms. This newly proposed F2-layer geomagnetic storm concept casts serious doubts on the hypothesis relating the F2-layer parameter long-term trends to the thermosphere cooling due to the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   


太阳辐射是火星电离层变化的重要控制因素.利用火星全球勘探者号(Mars Global Surveyor,MGS)电离层掩星探测数据,并结合一个火星电离层总电子含量(Total Electron Content,TEC)经验模型,研究了火星北半球高纬地区电离层电子密度对太阳辐射变化的响应特性.在考虑了火星掩星数据中电离层电子密度对太阳天顶角的依赖关系后,发现随着太阳辐射增强,火星电离层M2层峰值密度增大,但增长偏离线性趋势,而M2层峰值高度和大气标高没有很明显的变化趋势.从100~200 km高度区域掩星电子密度剖面积分得到的TEC及底部和顶部TEC也随太阳辐射增大而增大,但增长率有所减小,表明火星电离层可能存在类似地球电离层的饱和特征.MGS掩星TEC及其底部和顶部剖面的TEC与经验模型TEC的比值均与太阳辐射强度变化呈反相关特性,表明在强太阳辐射情形下200 km以上电子含量在TEC中占比增大.这一特性意味着太阳活动增强,在火星顶部电离层区域,动力学过程对电离层的控制逐渐超过光化学过程.


提出了一种适合于中国地区电离层foF2的重构方法——以中国参考电离层为背景的改进克里格法.该方法把foF2的估计值与中国参考电离层模型值之差值的相对值作为区域化变量,引入电离层距离,采用克里格法实现区域电离层重构.与直接利用foF2进行克里格重构相比,以中国参考电离层为背景场保持了电离层的区域特征,提高了重构的准确性和稳定性.利用我国电离层垂测台站网的数据对该方法应用于中国地区的重构精度进行了评估.该方法与单站预报的自相关分析法相结合可实现中国地区电离层foF2短期预报.  相似文献   

Variations in the geomagnetic and electric fields and variations of the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere recorded in the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) during the expeditions in 2009 and 2010 are analyzed. Synchronous bursts in the geomagnetic field on the ground and in the ionosphere, which are caused by propagation of electromagnetic disturbances (spherics) generated by the remote lightning discharges, are revealed. The analysis of the occurrence frequency of the electromagnetic disturbances at an altitude of ∼700 km shows that there is a preferred region of predominant propagation of these disturbances from the Earth-ionosphere waveguide to the upper ionosphere. When the ionospheric penetration point moves through this preferred region, the frequency spectrum of TEC variations changes, and the northern boundary of the region of spectral alteration is located at ∼54°N. The bursts in TEC that map on the zones of the main faults in the Tunka valley are identified. The results probably suggest a relation between the electromagnetic phenomena in the ionosphere and the structures in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

We have used a global time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the magnetosphere and particle tracing calculations to determine the access of solar wind ions to the magnetosphere and the access of ionospheric O+ ions to the storm-time near-Earth plasma sheet and ring current during the September 24–25, 1998 magnetic storm. We found that both sources have access to the plasma sheet and ring current throughout the initial phase of the storm. Notably, the dawnside magnetosphere is magnetically open to the solar wind, allowing solar wind H+ ions direct access to the near-Earth plasma sheet and ring current. The supply of O+ ions from the dayside cusp to the plasma sheet varies because of changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure and in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Most significantly, ionospheric O+ from the dayside cusp loses access to the plasma sheet and ring current soon after the southward turning of the IMF, but recovers after the reconfiguration of the magnetosphere following the passage of the magnetic cloud. On average, during the first 3 h after the sudden storm commencement (SSC), the number density of solar wind H+ ions is a factor of 2–5 larger than the number density of ionospheric O+ ions in the plasma sheet and ring current. However, by 04:00 UT, ∼4 h after the SSC, O+ becomes the dominant species in the ring current and carries more energy density than H+ ions in both the plasma sheet and ring current.  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络预测电离层foF2参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用人工神经网络技术实现了电离层foF2参数提前1小时预测.从foF2时间序列本身的变化特征出发,根据时间序列相关分析结果确定网络输入参数.选用当前时刻foF2值,预测时刻前一天的foF2值,预测时刻前7天foF2平均值,当前时刻前7天foF2平均值,foF2的一阶差分及表示当前时刻t的变量共六个参数作为神经网络输入,下一时刻值作为神经网络输出.对于太阳活动高年平均预测相对误差小于6%,均方根误差小于0.6 MHz,太阳活动低年平均预测相对误差小于10%,均方根误差小于0.5 MHz  相似文献   

A study of variations in the critical frequency of the F2 layer (foF2) prior to a shallow-focus eartquake with a magnitude M = 5.1 which occurred in Spain on May 11, 2011, is carried out. The obtained results show that a positive disturbance in the foF2 value was observed at the ionospheric Del’ebre station, which is the closest to the earthquake epicenter. At the same time, no disturbances in foF2 are revealed at ionospheric stations located at a greater distance from the epicenter. This fact makes it possible to conclude that the positive disturbance in the F2 layer observed at the Del’ebre station could have a sesmogenic nature.  相似文献   

Summary One of the most interesting effects in theD-region by solar eclipses is the narrowing of the absorption anomaly on observing the long and middle waves. The theoretical analysis carried out by means of the continuity equation shows that the observed effects are due to the versatile behaviour of the equation terms and most of all to the ratios of the negative ions to electrons . In the course of the eclipse, increases which has as a consequence a whole series of quantitative and qualitative variations in the absorbing plasma of theD-region. The frequency dependence of the narrowing effect is due to the different height of reflection of the long (0.1Mc/s) and middle (1 Mc/s) waves. The link of the magnitude of the anomaly with the solar zenith angle is a result of the complex mutual dependency between the change velocity of the electrons and negative ions as well as of the opposite or simultaneous change of the solar zenith angle and the visibility of the solar disc. The near coincidence of the theory with experiment confirms the validity of the initial equations for the ratios of the negative ions to electrons, for the coefficient of dissociative recombination and for the lower boundary of theD-region. The idea of the immediate recovering of quasi-equilibrium for negative ions after sunrise is not real. In the course of an eclipse quasi-equilibrium is lacking both for negative ions and electrons.
Zusammenfassung Die auffälligste Erscheinung in derD-Region bei den Sonnenfinsternis-beobachtungen im Lang- und Mittelwellenbereich ist der Einengungseffekt der Absorptionsanomalie. Die durchgeführte theoretische Analyse auf Grund der Bilanzgleichung zeigt, daß der Einengungs-effekt eine Folge des verschiedenartigen Verhaltens der Glieder in der Rekombinationsgleichung ist. Im Laufe der Sonnenfinsternis wächst der Attachmentparameter an, was eine Reihe von qualitativen und quantitativen Veränderungen des absorbierenden Plasmas in derD-Region verurschacht.-Die Frequenzabhängigkeit der zeitlichen Einengung der Sonnenfinsterniseffekte beruht auf der verschiedenen Reflexionshöhe der Lang-und Mittelwellen. Die Abhängigkeit des Einengungseffekts von der Tagesstunde ist eine Folge der wechselseitigen Abhängigkeit zwischen Bildungsgeschwindigkeit von Elektronen und negativen Ionen, sowie der ein-oder gegensinnigen Änderung der Belichtung der Sonnenscheibe und des Zenitwinkels der Sonne.-Die gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Theorie und Experiment bestätigt die Richtigkeit der Eingangsgleichungen für die negativen Ionen, für die dissoziativen Rekombinationskoeffizient und für die untere Grenze derD-Region.-Die Auffassung von der unmittelbaren Herstellung des Gleichgewichts zwischen negativen Ionen und Elektronen in derD-Region gleich nach dem Sonnenaufgang ist nicht berechtigt. Im Laufe der Sonnenfinsternis sind keine Gleichgewichtsbedingungen vorhanden.

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