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Analysis of the abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation communities in the Chesapeake Bay 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A procedure was developed using aboveground field biomass measurements of Chesapeake Bay submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV), yearly species identification surveys, annual photographic mapping at 1∶24,000 scale, and geographic information system (GIS) analyses to determine the SAV community type, biomass, and area of each mapped SAV bed in the bay and its tidal tributaries for the period of 1985 through 1996. Using species identifications provided through over 10,000 SAV ground survey observations, the 17 most abundant SAV species found in the bay were clustered into four species associations: ZOSTERA, RUPPIA, POTAMOGETON, and FRESHWATER MIXED. Monthly aboveground biomass values were then assigned to each bed or bed section based upon monthly biomass models developed for each community. High salinity communities (ZOSTERA) were found to dominate total bay SAV aboveground biomass during winter, spring, and summer. Lower salinity communities (RUPPIA, POTAMOGETON, and FRESHWATER MIXED) dominated in the fall. In 1996, total bay SAV standing stock was nearly 22,800 metric tons at annual maximum biomass in July encompassing an area of approximately 25,670 hectares. Minimum biomass in December and January of that year was less than 5,000 metric tons. SAV annual maximum biomass increased baywide from lows of less than 15,000 metric tons in 1985 and 1986 to nearly 25,000 metric tons during the 1991 to 1993 period, while area increased from approximately 20,000 to nearly 30,000 hectares during that same period. Year-to-year comparisons of maximum annual community abundance from 1985 to 1996 indicated that regrowth of SAV in the Chesapeake Bay from 1985–1993 occurred principally in the ZOSTERA community, with 85% of the baywide increase in biomass and 71% of the increase in are a occurring in that community. Maximum biomass of FRESHWATER MIXED SAV beds also increased from a low of 3,200 metric tons in 1985 to a high of 6,650 metric tons in 1993, while maximum biomass of both RUPPIA and POTAMOGETON beds fluctuated between 2,450 and 4,600 metric tons and 60 and 600 metric tons, respectively, during that same period with net declines of 7% and 43%, respectively, between 1985 and 1996. During the July period of annual, baywide, maximum SAV biomass, SAV beds in the Chesapeake Bay typically averaged approximately 0.86 metric tons of aboveground dry mass per hectare of bed area. 相似文献
Topsail Sound is a marsh-filled barrier lagoon in southeastern North Carolina. This study quantified changes within a 477-ha tidal marsh located landward of Lea and Coke islands in southern Topsail Sound. Aerial photographs from 1949, 1966, and 1984 were enlarged, and sample areas of salt marsh were digitized and compared. Since 1949, Old Topsail Inlet has migrated southwest 1.2 km. As the inlet migrated, new Spartina alterniflora marsh colonized 33.2 ha of intertidal sand flats within the inlet flood tidal delta, adjacent islands, and primary tidal creeks. Landward of the flood tidal delta, site specific gains and losses of marsh were recorded. It is estimated that since 1949, approximately 34.1 ha of the marsh area occupying the zone landward of the flood tidal delta has drowned. This loss of marsh, combined with the colonization of marsh mentioned above, resulted in a net decrease of 1 ha in the total area of marsh. This study provides evidence that, although lagoonal marshes may be drowning as a result of soil waterlogging, reduced sediment supply, and sea-level rise, potential marsh environments are created by oceanic inputs of sand when inlets migrate. 相似文献
Michael A. Mallin 《Estuaries and Coasts》1991,14(4):481-488
The lower Neuse River Estuary is a temperate mesohaline system which forms the major southern tributary of Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. The crustacean zooplankton of this well-mixed system were sampled for a 20-month period from May 1988 through December 1989. A submersible pump was used to sample both the entire water column and the sediment surface. Seasonal dominants included the calanoid copepodsAcartia tonsa andParacalanus crassirostris in summer, the cyclopoid copepodOithona colcarva in fall, the cladoceranPodon polyphemoides in winter, and harpacticoid copepods in spring. Non-naupliar biomass over the study period consisted of 38.8%A. tonsa, 7.7%P. crassirostris, 21.2%O. colcarva 23.6% harpacticoid copepods, and 6.0% cladocerans. The remainder of the biomass consisted ofPseudodiaptomus coronatus and barnacle nauplii. Mean total copepod densities ranged from 600 m?3 in May 1988 to 180,000 m?3 in August 1988. Mean copepod densities for 1989 were 25,000 m?3. Maximum densities during both years occurred during summer, with subsequent descreases throughtout the year until early spring. Abundances of total copepods, and ofAcartia tonsa in particular, were significantly correlated with water temperature, but with neither chlorophylla, phytoplankton productivity, nor any of an array of other physical or chemical variables. Regression analyses using data from this investigation, and supported by results from other regional studies, indicate that water temperature is likely the single most important variable predicting zooplankton temporal abundance in North Carolina estuaries. 相似文献
John E. Cooper Roger A. Rulifson J. Jeffrey Isely Sara E. Winslow 《Estuaries and Coasts》1998,21(2):307-317
Juvenile striped bass,Morone saxatilis, collected in Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, during 1988–1992 were examined for food habits and growth. Ages estimated from otoliths collected in 1990–1992 were used to determine individual spawning dates and growth in total length and weight. The majority of striped bass examined had been spawned in mid-May 1990, mid-May to early June 1991, and June to early July 1992. Mysid shrimp was the dominant prey taxon and was consumed in all size classes examined. Mysid shrimp were consumed at twice the rate of copepods and 10 times more frequently than cladocerans. Fishes were a minor prey taxon. The number of mysid shrimp consumed increased with increasing length of striped bass. A higher percentage of mysid shrimp were consumed in the more saline waters of the central sound than in the less saline western sound. The opposite trend was found for consumed fishes. Increases in total length were linear from July to October, but increases in weight were not. Weight increased less rapidly in younger striped bass and more rapidly in older striped bass than either length or age. Quadratic and logarithmic equations accurately predicted weight from measures of total length but weight could not be predicted from age nor could age be predicted from total length. Estimating growth from total length at time of capture may be comparing fish of different ages. Age estimation from otoliths allowed us to determine that growth rates were similar among years and that differences in observed total length over time were due to different spawning times and not growth rates. 相似文献
Airborne laser-induced fluorescence measurements were used to detect and monitor ecosystem wide changes in the distribution
and concentration of chlorophyll biomass and colored dissolved organic matter in the Pamlico-Albemarle Sound system, North
Carolina, U.S., following massive flooding caused by a series of three hurricanes in the late summer of 1999. These high-resolution
data provided a significantly more detailed representation of the overall changes occurring in the system than could have
been achieved by synoptic sampling from any other platform. The response time for the distribution of chlorophyll biomass
to resume pre-flood conditions was used as a measure of ecosystem stability. Chlorophyll biomass patterns were reestablished
within four mo of the flooding, whereas higher chlorophylla biomass concentrations persisted for approximately 6 mo. The primary trophic level in the Pamlico-Albemarle Sound system
returned to equilibrium in less than a year of a major perturbation. 相似文献
Candace Grand Pre Stephen J. Culver David J. Mallinson Kathleen M. Farrell D. Reide Corbett Benjamin P. Horton Caroline Hillier Stanley R. Riggs Scott W. Snyder Martin A. Buzas 《Quaternary Research》2011,76(3):319-334
Foraminiferal analyses of 404 contiguous samples, supported by diatom, lithologic, geochronologic and seismic data, reveal both rapid and gradual Holocene paleoenvironmental changes in an 8.21-m vibracore taken from southern Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. Data record initial flooding of a latest Pleistocene river drainage and the formation of an estuary 9000 yr ago. Estuarine conditions were punctuated by two intervals of marine influence from approximately 4100 to 3700 and 1150 to 500 cal yr BP. Foraminiferal assemblages in the muddy sand facies that accumulated during these intervals contain many well-preserved benthic foraminiferal species, which occur today in open marine settings as deep as the mid shelf, and significant numbers of well-preserved planktonic foraminifera, some typical of Gulf Stream waters. We postulate that these marine-influenced units resulted from temporary destruction of the southern Outer Banks barrier islands by hurricanes. The second increase in marine influence is coeval with increased rate of sea-level rise and a peak in Atlantic tropical cyclone activity during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. This high-resolution analysis demonstrates the range of environmental variability and the rapidity of coastal change that can result from the interplay of changing climate, sea level and geomorphology in an estuarine setting. 相似文献
Thomas K. Frazer Sky K. Notestein Charles A. Jacoby Chanda Jones Littles Stephanie R. Keller Robert A. Swett 《Estuaries and Coasts》2006,29(6):943-953
Hurricanes and other major storms cause acute changes in salinity within Florida's streams and rivers. Winddriven tidal surges
that increase salinities may have long-lasting effects on submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) and the associated fauna. We
investigated potential effects of salinity pulses on SAV in Kings Bay, Florida, by subjecting the three most common macrophytes,Vallisneria americana, Myriophyllum spicatum., andHydrilla verticillata, to simulated salinity pulses. In Kings Bay, we documented changes in salinity during three storms in September 2004 and
measured biomass and percent cover before and after these storms. During experiments, macrophytes were exposed to salinities
of 5‰, 15‰, or 25‰ for 1, 2, or 7 d, with a 28-d recovery period in freshwater. Relative to controls, plants subjected to
salinities of 5‰ exhibited few significant decreases in growth and no increase in mortality. All three species exhibited decreased
growth in salinities of 15‰ or 25‰.H. verticillata, exhibited 100% mortality at 15‰ and 25‰, irrespective of the duration of exposure.M. spicatum andV. american exhibited increased mortality after 7-d exposures to 15‰ or any exposure to 25‰ Maximum daily salinities in Kings Bay approached
or exceeded 15‰ after each of the three storms, with pulses generally lasting less than 2 d. Total aboveground biomass and
percent cover of vascular plants, were reduced following the storms.M. spicatum exhibited an 83% decrease in aboveground biomass and an 80% decrease in percent cover.H. verticillata exhibited a 47% and 15% decline in biomass and percent cover, respectively.V. americana, exhibited an 18% increase in aboveground biomass and a 37% increase in percent cover, which suggests greater tolerance of
salinity pulses and release from competition with the invasiveH. verticillata andM. spicatum. Our results indicate that rapid, storm-induced pulses of high salinity can have important consequences for submersed aquatic
vegetation, restoration efforts, and management of invasive species. 相似文献
We evaluated the distribution of waterfowl in relation to a seagrass (Ruppia maritima) patch, to infauna, and on its relationship with substrate characteristics. An experiment performed in the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°46′S, 57°27′W; Argentina) was used to evaluate the effect of herbivory on widgeon grass,R. maritima. Control plots of equal size, located between bird exclosures, were exposed to herbivory. The experiment ran for 31 d, starting on December 1, 1994. Censuses showed that black-necked swan ( $\bar x = 50$ birds ha?1, SD = 37, n = 10) and coots ( $\bar x = 42$ birds ha?1, SD = 28, n = 10) were the most important (always present) of the waterfowl seen feeding onR. maritima. The results of the experiment showed greater leaf lengths, lower belowground (rhizomes and roots) biomass, greater aboveground (leaves and shoots) biomass, and greater abundance of the polychaeteHeteromastus similis in exclosure plots. There were no exclosure effects on total biomass (belowground plus aboveground), reproductive parts (fruits and pre- and postpollination flowers), or abundance of most benthic infauna. Topographic surveys showed that sediment surface was higher within theR. maritima patches, but there were no significant differences in granulometric composition. Surveys also showed that bird distribution was strongly associated with the presence ofR. maritima. 相似文献
Hans W. Paerl Lexia M. Valdes Alan R. Joyner Benjamin L. Peierls Michael F. Piehler Stanley R. Riggs Robert R. Christian Lisa A. Eby Larry B. Crowder Joseph S. Ramus Erika J. Clesceri Christopher P. Buzzelli Richard A. Luettich 《Estuaries and Coasts》2006,29(6):1033-1045
Since the mid 1990s, the Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions have experienced a dramatic increase in the number of hurricane landfalls. In eastern North Carolina alone, eight hurricances have affected the coast in the past 9 years. These storms have exhibited individualistic hydrologic, nutrient, and sediment loading effects and represent a formidable challenge to nutrient management aimed at reducing eutrophication in the Pamlico Sound and its estuarine tributaries. Different rainfall amounts among hurricanes lead to variable freshwater and nutrient discharge and variable nutrient, organic matter, and sediment enrichment. These enrichments differentially affected physical and chemical properties (salinity, water residence time, transparency, stratification, dissolved oxygen), phytoplankton primary production, and phytoplankton community composition. Contrasting ecological responses were accompanied, by changes in nutrient and oxygen cycling, habitat, and higher trophic levels, including different direct effects on fish populations. Floodwaters from the two largest hurricances, Fran (1996) and Floyd (1999), exerted, multi-month to multi-annual effects on hydrology, nutrient loads, productivity, and biotic composition. Relatively low rainfall coastal hurricanes like Isabel (2003) and Ophelia (2005) caused strong vertical mixing and storm surges, but relatively minor hydrologic and nutrient effects. Both hydrologic loading and wind forcing are important drivers and must be integrated with nutrient loading in assessing short-term and long-term ecological effects of these storms. These climatic forcings cannot be managed but should be considered in the development of water quality management strategies for these and other large estuarine ecosystems faced with increasing frequencies and intensities of hurricane activity. 相似文献
Effects of petroleum covered substrate on intertidal oyster spat (Crassostrea virginica) set were measured at three intertidal elevations in a southeastern North Carolina estuary.Mercenaria mercenaria shells were coated with Bunker C crude oil or a 40∶1 mixture of gasoline: 2-cycle engine oil and placed intertidally for seven 13-d periods. Spat densities were significantly lower on oil treatments versus control and gas-treated shells in the high intertidal zone. This was principally attributed to an increased sediment coat on oiled shells. Maximum spat size was smaller on oil-treated shells at all elevations when compared to gas and control shells, indicating that setting may be delayed on oiled shell. For all experimental 13-d periods in the low intertidal zone and for three periods in the mid-tidal zone, barnacle densities (primarilyBalanus improvisus andB. eburneus) were significantly greater on oiled shells than on control shells. 相似文献
The magnitude of sheet flow in a small South Carolina salt marsh was evaluated by comparing the storage curve for the basin based on topographic data with that based on current measurements in the main channel. The results indicate that on spring tides more than 50% of the volume of water that enters the basin enters as sheet flow over the grassy flats of the marsh. The current data also suggest that the actual storage curve may be a hysteresis loop with separate flood and ebb segments. 相似文献
The effects of location, salinity, and depth on recruitment and growth of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica in Pamlico and Core sounds, North Carolina, were investigated from 1988 to 1990. We measured length and density of spat settling on oyster cultch deployed at deep (~3 m) and shallow (~1 m) depths at six sites in areas with low salinity and six sites in areas with high salinity. These data were compared with similar data taken at some of these sites by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries since 1981 as part of their cultch planting program. Recruitment was generally greater in the high salinity sites, compared to the low salinity sites. Recruitment was less at shallow depths compared to deeper depths. In all three years the highest recruitment occurred in August and September, corresponding to the months of maximum water temperature. Recruitment was highly variable in space and time, but appeared to diminish from 1988 to 1990. Recruitment was reduced by sedimentation and a variety of sessile organisms. All sites appeared to have a similar potential for growth. 相似文献
Monthly measurements made at 15 stations along the axis of the upper Neuse River estuary show a highly variable degree of correlation between concentration of suspended particulate material (SPM) and attenuation of light (c) as measured by transmissometer. Coefficients of determination along transect lines ranged from 0.12 to 0.93 and calibration slopes ranged from 0.50 to 5.63. When examined on a station-by-station basis, coefficients of determination ranged from 0.21 to 0.96 and calibration slopes ranged from 1.04 to 4.94. Surface calibrations made at individual stations over the full 13-month period were the most consistent of all observations and were considerably better than calibrations made using all of the stations on a given day. Organic content, which can dominate the suspended sediment load during some months, does not appear to explain the variations in reliability of the calibrations. However, an abundance of large aggregates with time-varying size and shape distributions may be partly responsible for variations in optical properties of the sediments, and thus may confound the relationship between SPM and c in the Neuse River estuary. Time-varying calibrations to account for non-negligible changes in optical properties may not suffice in complex estuarine environments where the in situ particle dynamics are poorly understood. 相似文献
In the contact aureole of the Lilesville granite and comagmatic Pee Dee gabbro, N.C., greenschist-facies phyllites of the Carolina slate belt have been overprinted by a series of metamorphic reactions producing opx-bearing hornfelses and migmatitic gneisses. In the exterior aureole the slate belt assemblage (chl+ms+ep+ab+qz) gives way to the continuous reaction assemblages (chl+bt+cd+ ms+ab±ep+qz), (bt+cd+ms+An8–29+qz), (bt+cd+ kf+ms+pl+qz), (bt+cd+als±ms+kf+pl+qz), and (bt+cd+ga+kf+pl+qz), from lowest to highest grade. The interior aureole, interpreted as part of the floor of the granite, bears the continuous and discontinuous reaction assemblages (bt+cd+als+kf+pl+qz),(bt+cd+kf+ pl+qz), and, near the gabbro, (bt+cd+ga+opx+kf+ pl+qz). The leucosomes of the migmatitic interior aureole are predominantly trondhjemites with the assemblage (An35–45+qz±bt±cd±kf). Restites in the migmatitic interior aureole contain the AFM assemblages (bt), (bt + cd), (bt+cd+als), and (bt+cd+ga), plus kf, An40–50, and qz. Contact metamorphism was isobaric at 4.0–5.1 or 2.0–3.5 kb depending on choice of aluminosilicate triple point; temperatures reached 650° C in the migmatitic interior aureole and approached 750° C near the gabbro;
was less than 0.8 in the migmatites, and was lower in the interior aureole and in the high grade exterior aureole. Partial melting in the migmatitic interior aureole took place during dynamothermal metamorphism caused by the magmatic diapir. Incipient melting occurred by the reaction bt+cd+kf+pl+qz+w = liquid. The melt was H2O-undersaturated and coefficients of the reactants were weighted heavily toward the felsic minerals; the proportion of felsic minerals in the leucosomes was controlled in part by modal abundance of kf, pl, and qz available for melting. The incorporation of K into biotite by subsolidus reactions, coupled with the high thermal stability and low solubility of biotite in a felsic melt, are responsible for the trondhjemitic composition of the early anatectic liquids.Abbreviations als
- ab
- An8–29
plagioclase with anorthite contents in the range indicated
- bt
- cd
- chl
- ep
- ga
- kf
K feldspar
- ms
- opx
- pl
plagioclase undefined
- qz
- w
water 相似文献
David S. Vinson Avner Vengosh Daniella Hirschfeld Gary S. Dwyer 《Chemical Geology》2009,260(3-4):159-171
Naturally-occurring radionuclides (uranium, radium, and radon), major dissolved constituents, and trace elements were investigated in fresh groundwater in 117 wells in fractured crystalline rocks from the Piedmont region (North Carolina, USA). Chemical variations show a general transition between two water types: (1) slightly acidic (pH 5.0–6.0), oxic, low-total dissolved solids (TDS) waters, and (2) near neutral, oxic to anoxic, higher-TDS waters. The uranium, radium, and radon levels in groundwater associated with granite (Rolesville Granite) are systematically higher than other rock types (gneiss, metasedimentary, and metavolcanic rocks). Water chemistry plays a secondary role on radium and radon distributions as the 222Rn/226Ra activity ratio is correlated with redox-sensitive solutes such as dissolved oxygen and Mn concentrations, as well as overall dissolved solids content including major divalent cations and Ba. Since 224Ra/228Ra activity ratios in groundwater are close to 1, we suggest that mobilization of Ra and Rn is controlled by alpha recoil processes from parent nuclides on fracture surfaces, ruling out Ra sources from mineral dissolution or significant long-distance Ra transport. Alpha recoil is balanced by Ra adsorption that is influenced by redox conditions and/or ion concentrations, resulting in an approximately one order of magnitude decrease (~ 20,000 to ~ 2000) in the apparent Ra distribution coefficient between oxygen-saturated and anoxic conditions and also across the range of dissolved ion concentrations (up to ~ 7 mM). Thus, the U and Th content of rocks is the primary control on observed Ra and Rn activities in groundwater in fractured crystalline rocks, and in addition, linked dissolved solids concentrations and redox conditions impart a secondary control. 相似文献
ZHOU Minyue KONG Fanqian WEI Longming CHEN Mengjie WANG Li TIAN Ye ZHANG Guanghui 《地质学报》2014,88(Z2):67-68
Please?refer?to?the?attachment(s)?for?more?details. 相似文献
《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1965,29(6):717-724
Isotopic ages of vein and wall-rock samples have been determined on five massive sulflde deposits of the southern Appalachians. Vein mineral ages of about 1100 m.y. indicate that some ore bodies formed at least as early as the Grenville metamorphism, and probably soon after the formation of the enclosing gneiss and schist. Present textures of the ore were formed during subsequent metamorphic periods at about 450 m.y. and 300 to 330 m.y. ago. 相似文献
David W. Mohr 《Tectonophysics》1985,119(1-4)
This paper presents preliminary results from study of a metasedimentary terrane near the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. Grade of metamorphism ranges from garnet to staurolite-kyanite zone. The stratigraphic section is dominated by metasandstone but contains thick pelitic horizons over the central portion (Anakeesta Formation) of the studied interval. Metasandstone beds contain numerous isolated calcite concretions; these react to form leucocratic calc-silicate rock at variable grade of metamorphism. Metasandstones themselves are unreactive. Study of calc-silicate reaction permits the following statements regarding fluid flow and alkali transport within the studied terrane.Within unreacted concretions, the typical mineral assemblage is quartz-oligoclase-muscovite-biotite-calcite. Reaction between micas and calcite proceeded through several stages, forming as prograde minerals andesine/bytownite, clinozoisite, zoisite, garnet, hornblende, and chlorite. Reaction occurred in the presence of a fluid phase containing a H2O/CO2 ratio of 9 and resulted in massive expulsion of Na2O, K2O and CO2. Since postulated reactions would have produced, on average, a fluid phase whose H2O/CO2 ratio is only one, flow of water-rich fluid through the concretions accompanied reaction. Rough estimate suggests a volumetric ratio of external fluid to rock of at least 1.1.The metamorphic grade at which concretions undergo reaction is controlled by stratigraphic position of the host metasandstone relative to metashale. Within the Anakeesta Formation and overlying strata, extensive reaction occurs near the pelitic staurolite and kyanite isograds. Within massive metasandstones of the underlying strata, reaction is delayed to the middle staurolite-kyanite zone, 5 km upgrade. Some reaction occurs within the upper garnet zone, but this is restricted to certain thin metasandstone beds interlayered with metashale. Study of dehydration reactions within metashale demonstrates that calc-silicate reaction was coupled to production of H2O-rich fluids within pelitic strata.Transport of H2O-rich fluids beyond outcrop scale was by advection. Diffusion was limited to outcrop distance. On most outcrops, all isolated concretions show the same degree of reaction. But at larger scale separate metasandstone packets bounded by metashale show differing degrees of reaction. Also, all rocks underwent some degree of penetrative deformation during time of reaction. The suggestion is made that advective flow was in fact channelized into fractures within metasandstone, and that diffusion between fractures promoted reaction within outcrop-size volumes of rock. Overall direction of fluid transport was in part upsection and in part channelized within metasandstone strata. Downsection flow was limited.For the most part alkalis liberated by calc-silicate reaction appear to have left the terrane. Metasandstones do not appear to constitute a sink for alkalis, and no sink of any sort was found for sodium. Potassium metasomatism of pelitic rock did occur and is marked by conversion of chlorite to biotite. But such K deposition is limited to sections within which metashale and calc-silicate rock are within outcrop distance. No sink is evident for most liberated potassium. It is within conjecture that the liberated elements caused alkali metasomatism elsewhere within the metamorphic belt, but such an event has yet to be demonstrated. 相似文献
The Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, United States, has demonstrated various symptoms of eutrophication during the past
20 yr. We contributed to an environmental assessment program, through ecological network analysis, a group of algorithms to
evaluate networks of material flows within a structured system. Networks of nitrogen (N) cycling for 16 consecutive seasons
were constructed based on previous field and laboratory studies. Network analysis provided understanding of the relationship
between N loading and recycling, the fates of N and the expected interseasonal variation of both model inputs and outputs.
Various indices indicated that recycling of imported N was very high, supporting measured observations. There was little correlation
between estimates of loading and N uptake by phytoplankton, although loading of total and particulate N did correlate positively
with export. Because of the high degree of recycling of N, the rate of loading of new N is a small fraction of the total processing
of N or of the needs for primary production alone. We predict that on a short-term basis the controls on primary production
tend to be associated with conditions in the estuary rather than import. This condition is likely to postpone easily observable
responses to loading reduction over the entire estuary and in the short term, although improvements in water quality should
occur over time. 相似文献
Prograde and retrograde history of eclogites from the Eastern Blue Ridge, North Carolina, USA 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
Abstract The prograde metamorphism of eclogites is typically obscured by chemical equilibration at peak conditions and by partial requilibration during retrograde metamorphism. Eclogites from the Eastern Blue Ridge of North Carolina retain evidence of their prograde path in the form of inclusions preserved in garnet. These eclogites, from the vicinity of Bakersville, North Carolina, USA are primarily comprised of garnet–clinopyroxene–rutile–hornblende–plagioclase–quartz. Quartz, clinopyroxene, hornblende, rutile, epidote, titanite and biotite are found as inclusions in garnet cores. Included hornblende and clinopyroxene are chemically distinct from their matrix counterparts. Thermobarometry of inclusion sets from different garnets record different conditions. Inclusions of clinozoisite, titanite, rutile and quartz (clinozoisite + titanite = grossular + rutile + quartz + H2O) yield pressures (6–10 kbar, 400–600 °C and 8–12 kbar 450–680 °C) at or below the minimum peak conditions from matrix phases (10–13 kbar at 600–800 °C). Inclusions of hornblende, biotite and quartz give higher pressures (13–16 kbar and 630–660 °C). Early matrix pyroxene is partially or fully broken down to a diopside–plagioclase symplectite, and both garnet and pyroxene are rimmed with plagioclase and hornblende. Hypersthene is found as a minor phase in some diopside + plagioclase symplectites, which suggests retrogression through the granulite facies. Two‐pyroxene thermometry of this assemblage gives a temperature of c. 750 °C. Pairing the most Mg‐rich garnet composition with the assemblage plagioclase–diopside–hypersthene–quartz gives pressures of 14–16 kbar at this temperature. The hornblende–plagioclase–garnet rim–quartz assemblage yields 9–12 kbar and 500–550 °C. The combined P–T data show a clockwise loop from the amphibolite to eclogite to granulite facies, all of which are overprinted by a texturally late amphibolite facies assemblage. This loop provides an unusually complete P–T history of an eclogite, recording events during and following subduction and continental collision in the early Palaeozoic. 相似文献