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W. Mattig 《Solar physics》1983,87(1):187-193
From aureole measurements made with a 40 cm-Vacuum-Telescope at Izaña (Tenerife) in the wavelength region 417 nm < λ < 785 nm and from a comparison with other aureole measurements we conclude the following: (a) Within one solar radius from the limb, the aureole is mostly of instrumental origin, (b) Beyond that distance, the contribution of atmospheric stray-light becomes noticeable, (c) The atmospheric contribution to the aureole intensity is, under good conditions at mountain stations, a very slowly decreasing function, and amounts to some 10?5 of the solar disk intensity. A procedure is given to separate the variable atmospheric component of the stray-light from the constant instrumental one.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the primary spectro-polarimetric observation performed at the New Vacuum Solar Telescope(NVST) of China since 2017, and our aim is to precisely evaluate the real polarimetric accuracy and sensitivity of this polarimetry by using full Stokes spectro-polarimetric observations of the photospheric line Fe I 532.4 nm. In the work, we briefly describe the salient characteristic of the NVST as a polarimeter in terms of technology and then characterize its instrumental polarization based on the operation in 2017 and 2019. It is verified that the calibration method utilizing the instrumental polarization calibration unit(ICU) is stable and credible. The calibration accuracy can reach up to 3 × 10~(-3).Based on the scientific observation of NOAA Active Region 12645 on 2017 April 5, we estimate that the residual cross-talk from Stokes I to Stokes Q, U and V, after the instrumental polarization calibration,is about 4 × 10~(-3) on average, which is consistent with the calibration accuracy and close to the photon noise. The polarimetric sensitivity(i.e., the detection limit) for polarized light is of the order of 10~(-3) with an integration time over 20 s. Slow modulation rate is indeed an issue for the present system. The present NVST polarimeter is expected to be integrated with a high-order adaptive optics system and a field scanner to realize 2 D vector magnetic field measurements in the following instrumentation update.  相似文献   

Simple considerations of observed variation with wavelength of polarization on the solar disc, computed continuum polarization, and estimated line polarization have led to the following simple conclusions (more qualitative than quantitative); (a) The metal abundances in the photosphere are five times larger than the classical values adopted in the BCA model of the solar photosphere. (b) The depolarization factor k in lines is an increasing function of wavelength. (c) Assuming that k varies as 2, an additional polarization (which can be either solar or instrumental) has to be taken into account.  相似文献   

The solar active region (AR) 7530 was observed at 6 cm on July 3 and 4, 1993 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, using a multi-channel receiver with very narrow bandwidth. We compare the radio data with Yohkoh SXT observations and with the magnetic field extrapolated from the Marshall vector magnetograms in the force-free and current-free approximations. The comparison with soft X-rays shows that, although a general agreement exists between the shape of the radio intensity map and the X-ray loops, the brightness temperature, T b, obtained using the parameters derived from the SXT is much lower than that observed. The comparison with the extrapolated photospheric fields shows instead that they account very well for the observed T b above the main sunspots, if gyroresonance emission is assumed. In the observation of July 4 an inversion and strong suppression of the circular polarization was clearly present above different portions of the AR, which indicates that particular relationships exist between the electron density and the magnetic field in the region where the corresponding lines of sight cross the field quasi-perpendicularly. The extrapolated magnetic field at a much higher level ( 1010 cm), satisfies the constraints required by the wave propagation theory all over the AR. However, a rather low electron density is derived.  相似文献   

We present expressions which describe the angular displacement of radio sources due to refraction in a magnetized plasma. The main objective of the present paper is to take into account the combined effect of gradients of the electron density and the magnetic field. We use the geometrical optics approximation for the determination of the angular broadening of the radiation. The expressions obtained are applied to the case of the solar corona.  相似文献   

A long-term project of polarimetric observations of minor planets has been carried out since 1995 at the 2.15-m telescope of the El Leoncito Observatory (San Juan, Argentina) using the Torino photopolarimeter. We present here an updated summary of the results, including many measurements obtained during the most recent observing runs. The main purpose of the observations has been to obtain albedo estimates and compare them with previous IRAS radiometric determinations, mainly for objects having small (<50 km) IRAS diameters. Another field of investigation is the measurement of the degree of linear polarization at very small phase angles (less than 1°). The latter observations can be a useful input for modern theoretical models of light scattering from asteroid surfaces. In general, we have obtained a wealth of new results, including objects exhibiting a peculiar polarimetric behavior.  相似文献   

Computation of solar magnetic fields from photospheric observations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The observational difficulties of obtaining the magnetic field distribution in the chromosphere and corona of the Sun has led to methods of extending photospheric magnetic measurements into the solar atmosphere by mathematical procedures. A new approach to this problem presented here is that a constant alpha force-free field can be uniquely determined from the tangential components of the measured photospheric flux alone. The vector magnetographs now provide measurements of both the solar photospheric tangential and the longitudinal magnetic field. This paper presents derivations for the computation of the solar magnetic field from these type of measurements. The fields considered are assumed to be a constant alpha force-free fields or equivalent, producing vanishing Lorentz forces. Consequently, magnetic field lines and currents are related by a constant and hence show an identical distribution. The magnetic field above simple solar regions are described from the solution of the field equations.  相似文献   

The search for the still unrevealed spectral shape of the mysterious THz solar flare emissions is one of the current most challenging research issues. The concept, fabrication and performance of a double THz photometer system, named SOLAR-T, is presented. Its innovative optical setup allows observations of the full solar disk and the detection of small burst transients at the same time. The detecting system was constructed to observe solar flare THz emissions on board of stratospheric balloons. The system has been integrated to data acquisition and telemetry modules for this application. SOLAR-T uses two Golay cell detectors preceded by low-pass filters made of rough surface primary mirrors and membranes, 3 and 7 THz band-pass filters, and choppers. Its photometers can detect small solar bursts (tens of solar flux units) with sub second time resolution. Tests have been conducted to confirm the entire system performance, on ambient and low pressure and temperature conditions. An artificial Sun setup was developed to simulate performance on actual observations. The experiment is planned to be on board of two long-duration stratospheric balloon flights over Antarctica and Russia in 2014–2016.  相似文献   

We calculate a theoretical model of the polarization properties of a Gregory-Coudé telescope to predict the behaviour of the German Gregory-Coudé Telescope installed at the Observatorio del Teide (Spain). Measurements of the real effects produced by this telescope acting upon light of known polarization are compared with the model. We estimate an uncertainty in its predictions of about 10%, which is produced by the uncertainties of the (complex) refractive index of the metallic layers covering the mirrors. The paper concludes by briefly considering the way in which the plain telescope changes the Stokes' profiles.  相似文献   

The results of photometric and polarimetric observations of 16 double and multiple stars carried out in 1997 at Byurakan Observatory are presented. The variability of SAO 64769 and SAO 87297 is confirmed and their slow brightness variations are shown. Irregular brightness variations as well as six UV Ceti type flares have been detected for SAO 107425 = COU 14. For the first time the polarization was found for SAO 88631. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 389–398, July–September, 1998.  相似文献   

A survey of the infrared coronal spectrum between 1 and 3 was made from a high altitude aircraft during the 7 March, 1970, solar eclipse. The observations were made with a Fourier transform spectrometer and were confined to the outer chromosphere and inner corona. In addition to well known chromospheric lines of Hi and Hei, nine additional lines were seen. Evidence is presented for the tentative assignment of these lines to forbidden transitions in highly ionized atoms of magnesium, aluminum, silicon, sulphur, and chromium.  相似文献   

The diameter of the Sun may be measured at the time of a solar eclipse. We have performed an exhaustive search of the astronomical literature to find all existing observations of solar eclipses suitable for this purpose. We have also taken new observations by new techniques. We have undertaken a project to reduce them systematically, and in an automated, self-consistent way. This will produce determinations of the solar radius at the times of solar eclipses from 1715 to the present. Re-reduction, using newer ephemerides, of observations made in 1984 shows that the component of the residuals caused by the ephemeris is substantially reduced. This paper summarizes the research plan, outlines the detailed astronomical features included in the calculations, and presents the results available.  相似文献   

K. Noguchi  S. Sato  T. Maihara  H. Okuda  K. Uyama 《Icarus》1974,23(4):545-550
Comet Kohoutek (1973f) has been observed photometrically and polarimetrically in the near-infrared region. The observed spectra revealed two components, scattered sunlight and thermal emission by dust particles. Color temperatures derived from intensities at 2.2 and 3.5 μm are close to the equilibrium temperature of a gray body with solar heating. Polarizations at 1.0 and 1.65 μm have been found to be ~15 to 20% and perpendicular to the tail direction. Properties of the dust particles in the comet are discussed in relation to these observations.  相似文献   

We have studied the evolution of electron energy and angular distributions using Monte Carlo technique for electron beams directed vertically downwards towards chromosphere for incident energies 30 keV, and 300 keV at different incidence angles. Using these distributions we have calculated microwave flux for different frequencies at a fixed column density as well as for a fixed frequency at different column densities. We have also calculated the total microwave flux coming out of solar atmosphere and have compared it with observations. Our results agree well with observational results and produce the observed nature of flux.  相似文献   

Observations of solar active regions by a grazing incidence X-ray telescope on board OSO-5 are reported. The evolution of the hot, coronal components of active regions have been studied during successive rotations across the solar disc. In particular, it is found that the X-ray emission is very dependent on the photospheric magnetic field. Models of active regions are constructed as a function of the underlying magnetic field.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional isophotes of the extreme solar corona (r max 45 R ) have been derived from integrated vidicon pictures taken from the Moon's surface by the unmanned probes Surveyors 6 and 7. These data were calibrated through use of previously published values for the coronal brightness gradient along the ecliptic. The resulting structure of the outer corona is compared to ground-based observations of the innermost corona 1.125 r/R 2.0 made by the High Altitude Observatory K-coronameter. The possible existence of a streamer seen by Surveyor 7 is analyzed over the region 15 r 22.5 R .  相似文献   

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