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In radiative transfer, the intensities of radiation from the bounding faces of a scattering atmosphere of finite optical thickness can be expressed in terms of Chandrasekhar’s X- and Y-functions. The nonlinear nonhomogeneous coupled integral equations which the X- and Y-functions satisfy in the real plane are meromorphically extended to the complex plane to frame linear nonhomogeneous coupled singular integral equations. These singular integral equations are then transformed into nonhomogeneous Riemann–Hilbert problems using Plemelj’s formulae. Solutions of those Riemann–Hilbert problems are obtained using the theory of linear singular integral equations. New forms of linear nonhomogeneous decoupled expressions are derived for X- and Y-functions in the complex plane and real plane. Solutions of these two expressions are obtained in terms of one known N-function and two new unknown functions N 1- and N 2- in the complex plane for both nonconservative and conservative cases. The N 1- and N 2-functions are expressed in terms of the known N-function using the theory of contour integration. The unknown constants are derived from the solutions of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind uniquely using the new linear decoupled constraints. The expressions for the H-function for a semi-infinite atmosphere are obtained as a limiting case.  相似文献   

We present a new numerical method for solving the system of partial differential equations describing the structure and evolution of a spherically symmetric star. As usual, we employ the transversal method of lines in order to split the equations into a coupled spatial and temporal part. The novel features of the algorithm are the following: (a) Instead of using the Lagrangian picture we formulate the system of partial differential equations in the Eulerian picture. (b) We reformulate the equations of stellar structure as a multipoint boundary-value problem. By means of this reformulation the rather clumsy iterative matching procedure of stellar atmosphere and interior is avoided. (c) The multipoint boundary-value problem is solved by the multiple shooting method. This approach not only ensures a high accuracy of the stellar models calculated at each time step but also allows the free boundaries inside the star due to different energy transport mechanisms to be located exactly. (d) The time derivatives involved in the stellar-structure equations are discretized implicitly to second order accuracy. Moreover, at each time step, the chemical abundances are determined by using a sophisticated update procedure. In this way, a high accuracy is achieved with respect to the integration in time. The algorithm has turned out to be exceedingly reliable and numerically accurate. This is shown by the evolution of a 1 M star up to the hydrogen-shell burning phase. In this example, the virial theorem, the law of mass conservation, and the law of energy conservation is fulfilled to a hitherto unattainable degree of accuracy. Since the multiple shooting method, which is at the heart of our approach, is a perfect example of a parallel algorithm, the computational speed of the algorithm might be substantially improved provided easy-to-program, high-performance parallel computers with sufficiently many processors become available in the near future.  相似文献   

In this paper a slightly different approach is proposed for the process of determining the functions S m and H m * of the algorithm of the canonical version of Hori method. This process will be referred to as integration theory of the mth order equation of the method. It will be shown that the ordinary differential equation with an auxiliary parameter t * as independent variable, introduced through Hori auxiliary system, can be replaced by a partial differential equation in the time t. In this way, the mth order equation of the algorithm assumes a form very similar to the one of other perturbation methods. In virtue of this new approach of the integration theory for Hori method, Lagrange's variational equations introduced by Sessin are revised. As an example, the Duffing equation is solved through this new approach.  相似文献   

We derive the classical Delaunay variables by finding a suitable symmetry action of the three torus T3 on the phase space of the Kepler problem, computing its associated momentum map and using the geometry associated with this structure. A central feature in this derivation is the identification of the mean anomaly as the angle variable for a symplectic S 1 action on the union of the non-degenerate elliptic Kepler orbits. This approach is geometrically more natural than traditional ones such as directly solving Hamilton–Jacobi equations, or employing the Lagrange bracket. As an application of the new derivation, we give a singularity free treatment of the averaged J 2-dynamics (the effect of the bulge of the Earth) in the Cartesian coordinates by making use of the fact that the averaged J 2-Hamiltonian is a collective Hamiltonian of the T3 momentum map. We also use this geometric structure to identify the drifts in satellite orbits due to the J 2 effect as geometric phases.  相似文献   

In the publication Baumgarte and Stiefel (1974a) a stabilization of the Keplerian motion was offered by making use of a manipulation of the Hamiltonian. By this stabilization technique the given HamiltonianH(p i,q i) is replaced by a new HamiltonianH *, which leads to Lyapunov-stable differential equations of motion.Whereas, in the quoted publication, the physical timet was used as the independent variable we now develop a generalization which allows to combine the stabilization with the introduction of a new independent variables. Such a fictitious times is popular for achieving an analytic step-size adaptation (Baumgarte and Stiefel, 1974c). Perturbations of Kepler motion are discussed.  相似文献   

The model of extended Sitnikov Problem contains two equally heavy bodies of mass m moving on two symmetrical orbits w.r.t the centre of gravity. A third body of equal mass m moves along a line z perpendicular to the primaries plane, intersecting it at the centre of gravity. For sufficiently small distance from the primaries plane the third body describes an oscillatory motion around it. The motion of the three bodies is described by a coupled system of second order differential equations for the radial distance of the primaries r and the third mass oscillation z. This problem which is dealt with for zero initial eccentricity of the primaries motion, is generally non integrable and therefore represents an interesting dynamical system for advanced perturbative methods. In the present paper we use an original method of rewriting the coupled system of equations as a function iteration in such a way as to decouple the two equations at any iteration step. The decoupled equations are then solved by classical perturbation methods. A prove of local convergence of the function iteration method is given and the iterations are carried out to order 1 in r and to order 2 in z. For small values of the initial oscillation amplitude of the third mass we obtain results in very good agreement to numerically obtained solutions.  相似文献   

Recently, exact spatially-homogeneous solutions have been found for a conformally invariant massless scalar fieldS(t) coupled to a Robertson-Walker geometry. We investigate extending these solutions to inhomogeneous scalar fieldsS(t, x l ). For an isotropic scalar fieldS(t, r) we find a solution satisfying three of the five field equations. If we use REDUCE, we show that the remaining equations forceS=S(t).  相似文献   

In this paper the circular planar restricted problem of three axisymmetric ellipsoids S i (i = 1, 2, 3), such that their equatorial planes coincide with the orbital plane of the three centres of masses, be considered. The equations of motion of infinitesimal body S 3 be obtained in the polar coordinates. Using iteration approach we have given an approximation for another integral, which independent of the Jacobian integral, in the case of P-type orbits (near circular orbits surrounding both primaries).  相似文献   

We discuss spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type VI 0 cosmological model with anisotropic fluid and magnetic field. The energy-momentum tensor consists of anisotropic fluid with anisotropic EoS and a uniform magnetic field of energy density ρ B . Exact solution of the field equations is obtained by using the condition that expansion is proportional to the shear scalar. We focus on the future evolution of the model both in the presence and absence of magnetic field. In particular, we address the question whether these models approach to isotropy.  相似文献   

In this paper a method is proposed for computing the equilibrium structures and various other observable physical parameters of the primary components of stars in binary systems assuming that the primary is more massive than the secondary and is rotating differentially about its axis. Kippenhahn and Thomas averaging approach (1970) is used in a manner earlier used by Mohan, Saxena and Agarwal (1990) to incorporate the rotational and tidal effects in the equations of stellar structure. Explicit expressions for the distortional terms appearing in the stellar structure equations have been obtained by assuming a general law of differential rotation of the typeω2 = b 0+b 1 s 2+b 2 s 4, where ω is the angular velocity of rotation of a fluid element in the star at a distance s from the axis of rotation, and b 0, b 1, b 2 are suitably chosen numerical constants. The expressions incorporate the effects of differential rotation and tidal distortions up to second order terms. The use of the proposed method has been illustrated by applying it to obtain the structures and observable parameters of certain differentially rotating primary components of the binary stars assuming the primary components to have polytropic structures. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

By the new vector method in a nonlinear setting, a physical libration of the Moon is studied. Using the decomposition method on small parameters we derive the closed system of nine differential equations with terms of the first and second order of smallness. The conclusion is drawn that in the nonlinear case a connection between the librations in a longitude and latitude, though feeble, nevertheless exists; therefore, the physical libration already is impossible to subdivide into independent from each other forms of oscillations, as usually can be done. In the linear approach, ten characteristic frequencies and two special invariants of the problem are found. It is proved that, taking into account nonlinear terms, the invariants are periodic functions of time. Therefore, the stationary solution with zero frequency, formally supposing in the linear theory a resonance, in the nonlinear approach gains only small (proportional to e) periodic oscillations. Near to zero frequency of a resonance there is no, and solution of the nonlinear equations of physical libration is stable. The given nonlinear solution slightly modifies the previously unknown conical precession of the Moon’s spin axis. The character of nonlinear solutions near the basic forcing frequency Ω1, where in the linear approach there are beats, is carefully studied. The average method on fast variables is obtained by the linear system of differential equations with almost periodic coefficients, which describe the evolution of these coefficients in a nonlinear problem. From this follows that the nonlinear components only slightly modify the specified beats; the interior period T ≈ 16.53 days appears 411 times less than the exterior one T ≈ 18.61 Julian years. In particular, with such a period the angle between ecliptic plane and Moon orbit plane also varies. Resonances, on which other researches earlier insisted, are not discovered. As a whole, the nonlinear analysis essentially improves and supplements a linear picture of the physical libration.  相似文献   

In this paper we give the Hamiltonian function for aN-body system up to the 2-P.N.A. Then as an example, from the LagrangianL m of a test particle we derive the equations of its motion up to the 2-P.N.A. in the field of a heavy bodym 2at rest.  相似文献   

The kinematic turbulent dynamo equations are studied in the presence of a large-scale velocity field. The two length-scales approach is employed and solutions of the equations are found in the limit of small bulk motion and shear, and for large Reynolds numberR m . The regeneration term is calculated up to second-order in 1/R m using cyclonic convective turbulent velocity field.  相似文献   

We discuss the Brans-Dicke-Bianchi type-VIIh field equations. Exact solutions are given for the vacuum case as well as for the stiff matter case. The derived solutions are the generalizations of the GRT-solutions first given by Doroshkevichet al. (1973) and Lukash (1974a). In addition we present a new BDT-stiff matter solution which has no analogy in the GRT.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an investigation on the tidal evolution of a system of three bodies: the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Equations are derived including dissipation in the planet caused by the tidal interaction between the planet and the satellite and between the planet and the sun. Dissipation within the Moon is included as well. The set of differential equations obtained is valid as long as the solar disturbances dominate the perturbations on the satellite's motion due to the oblateness of the planet, namelya/R e greater than 15, and closer than that point equations derived in a preceding paper are used.The result shows the Moon was closer to the Earth in the past than now with an inclination to the ecliptic greater than today, whereas the obliquity was smaller. Toward the past, the inclination to the Earth's equator begins decreasing to 12° fora/R e=12 and suddenly grows. During the first stage the results are weakly dependant on the magnitude of the dissipation within the satellite, whereas the distance of the closest approach and the prior history are strongly dependent on that dissipation. In particular, the crossing of the Roche limit can be avoided.  相似文献   

In the present paper we have considered the problem of determining the equilibrium structure of differentially rotating stars in which the angular velocity of rotation varies both along the axis of rotation and in directions perpendicular to it. For this purpose, a generalized law of differential rotation of the type 2 =b 0+b 1 s 2+b 2 s 4+b 3 z 2+b 4 z 4+b 5 z 2 s 2 (here is a nondimensional measure of the angular velocity of a fluid element distants from the axis of rotation andz from the plane through the centre of the star perpendicular to the axis of rotation, andb's are suitably chosen parameters) has been used. Whereas Kippenhahn and Thomas averaging approach has been used to incorporate the rotational effects in the stellar structure equations, Kopal's results on Roche equipotentials have been used to obtain the explicit form of the stellar structure equations, which incorporate the rotational effects up to second order of smallness in the distortion parameters. The method has been used to compute the equilibrium structure of certain differentially rotating polytropes. Certain differentially rotating polytropes. Certain differentially rotating models of the Sun have also been computed by using this approach.  相似文献   

Using the local asymmetric expansion of the disturbing function for the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem up to degree 1 ine 1 we develop a small amplitude libration theory. We review the laws that characterize the mean-motion resonances of asteroids with Jupiter and we obtain other new laws. Special attention is paid to the second forced mode whose equations are reformulated and new consequences of this component are discussed. An analytical expression for the trajectories in the phase space is obtained. The predictions are compared with numerical experiments which confirm the results.  相似文献   

In this paper, the classical and generalized Sundman time transformations are used to establish new generating set of differential equations of motion in terms of the Eulerian redundant parameters. The implementation of this set on digital computers for the commonly used independent variables is developed once and for all. Motion prediction algorithms based on these equations are developed in a recursive manner for the motions in the Earth's gravitational field with axial symmetry whatever the number of the zonal harmonic terms may be. Applications for the two types of short and long term predictions are considered for the perturbed motion in the Earth's gravitational field with axial symmetry with zonal harmonic terms up to J 36 . Numerical results proved the very high efficiency and flexibility of the developed equations.  相似文献   

An appropriate generalization of the Jacobi equation of motion for the polar moment of inertia I is considered in order to study the N-body problem with variable masses. Two coupled ordinary differential equations governing the evolution of I and the total energy E are obtained. A regularization scheme for this system of differential equations is provided. We compute some illustrative numerical examples, and discuss an average method for obtaining approximate analytical solutions to this pair of equations. For a particular law of mass loss we also obtain exact analytical solutions. The application of these ideas to other kind of perturbed gravitational N-body systems involving drag forces or a different type of mass variation is also considered. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper an analytical solution for the differential equations governing the motion of Artificial Satellite under the oblateness of the earth will be developed. We start with the differential equations in terms of Euler parameters. To compact algebra, we introduce the Cayley-Klein type complex variables. Comparison between numerical and analytical final states withJ 2 will be given for a test case.  相似文献   

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