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Phytoplankton diversity and abundance were determined in ballast water from 26 vessels in the Shanghai Yangshan Deep-Water Port from April 2015 to January 2016. In total, 84 species of phytoplankton were identified, belonging to 43 genera and 5 phyla. Bacillariophyta (75.0%, including 30 genera and 63 species) were the dominant algae in the ballast water. Their density ranged from (5.55±9.62) SD to (1.878±0.872)×10 3 cells/L, with a mean of 410.1 cells/L. Nine potentially harmful phytoplankton taxa were detected: Ceratium furca , Ce . marcroceros , Leptocylindrus danicus , Coscinodiscus radiatus , Co . granii , Prorocentrum micans , Melosira sulcata , Meuniera membranacea and Skeletonema costatum . Our survey and identification results showed that Microcystis aeruginosa , Ankistrodesmus falcatus and Scenedesmus survived in the high-salinity ballast water, even though they are freshwater species. We identified the common features of surviving phytoplankton and impacts on the phytoplankton assemblage of ballast water age and source. Our goal was to understand the adaptative mechanisms of phytoplankton in ballast water, providing statistical and theoretical support for future ballast water research and suggesting a scientific basis of ballast water management and inspection of vessels entering the port.  相似文献   

2006~2008年间对进入福建沿海4个主要港口的12艘国际航船所携带的压舱水进行浮游植物种类组成和丰度分布的调查.此调查共检测出浮游植物7个门86属239种(含变种和变型),77μm孔径网滤样和20μm孔径网滤样的平均藻类丰度分别为1.2×10^2cells/dm^3(变动在0~9.1×10^2cells/dm^3间)和3.4×10^3cells/dm^3(变动在0~3.0×10^4cells/dm^3间).同时对其中6艘船舶的压舱水样品用f/2培养基培养,共有13种硅藻和1种甲藻被成功培养.文中还分析了压舱水中浮游植物丰度与盐度、水龄的关系,并结合历史资料讨论了压舱水里各类浮游植物的分布.  相似文献   

海堤是海岸带地区社会经济活动的重要保护屏障。海岸侵蚀的加剧将导致海堤稳定性和安全性降低, 增加海岸带地 区遭受极端风暴洪水的风险, 进而影响到海岸带地区的安全。本文选择上海石化这一遭受海岸侵蚀较为严重的区域作为研究 区, 利用 GIS 分析了 1972—2020 年近岸海床侵蚀特征, 并基于 2000—2020 年-5 m 等深线变化评估了上海石化近岸海堤的 稳定性。结果表明: 1972—2020 年间上海石化前沿海床整体以侵蚀为主, 石化近岸东侧以及西侧局部的浅滩侵蚀明显, 城 市沙滩中段、第 6 次围堤处以及码头东岸海堤稳定性最低。基于上述研究结果, 考虑海堤稳定性薄弱段出现极端风暴洪水漫 堤或溃堤情景, 模拟并分析了上海石化 2010 年 、2030 年和2050 年遭受千年一遇极端风暴洪水的风险。结果显示: 在 2010 年基准年情景下, 受海岸侵蚀作用最明显的城市沙滩和第6 次围堤区域遭遇极端风暴洪水的风险最高, 到 2050 年, 当前稳 定性较好的海堤安全性也将大大降低, 与 2010 年相比, 上海石化近岸地区的直接经济损失将会增加近 3 倍。  相似文献   

根据2003年10月到2004年3月间日照港和邻近锚地水域及其船舶压舱水中的浮游植物调查资料,对浮游植物的群集结构和压舱水对其影响进行了初步研究。结果表明,日照港的浮游植物群集主要由温带沿岸性物种组成,以硅藻为主,还有少量的甲藻。对比船舶压舱水中浮游植物群集发现:压舱水中浮游植物群集和本地群集结构有很大的差异,有害物种在压舱水中所占的比例较高。  相似文献   

烟台套子湾海域秋季浮游植物群落的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁璇璇  纪灵  王刚  夏炳训  丁琳 《海洋通报》2011,30(4):425-429
根据2010年11月的调查数据,对套子湾海域浮游植物的群落结构进行了初步研究。共鉴定浮游植物3门24属43种,主要为温带近岸性和广布性种。其中,硅藻门20属35种,占总种数的81.40%,以圆筛藻属(Coscinodiscus) 和角毛藻属(Chaetoceros)的种类为主;甲藻类3属7种,占总种数的16.28%,由角藻属(Ceratium)、多甲藻属(Peridinium)及夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)组成;金藻门只有小等刺硅鞭藻(Dictyocha fibula)一种。浮游植  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass and primary production were examined in their environmental context, for a semi-enclosed bay (Tokyo Bay, Japan) using data from monthly samples collected over a three-year period. Heavy precipitation and high surface temperatures in the late spring and summer gave rise to a highly-stratified water-column and stimulated a series of phytoplankton blooms, whereas during the winter, a weakly-stratified and deeply-mixed water-column led to a rapid decline in phytoplankton biomass under light-limited growth conditions. By incorporating pigment, photophysiological and optical data into a primary production model we show that daily, water-column primary production ranges from ∼160 mg C m−2 d−1 to 7600 mg C m−2 d−1. High water turbidity and deep vertical mixing, both separately and in concert, limit the light available for algal growth over much of the year. Annual primary production varied from 370 to 580 g C m−2 y−1. The relative influences of nutrient limitation and light limitation are assessed. A model is developed that describes this in an explicit manner using photophysiological parameters.  相似文献   

The response of phytoplankton growth to iron supply and its modulation by large-scale circulation and tropical instability waves (TIWs) in the eastern equatorial Pacific has been investigated with an ocean biogeochemical model. This process study shows that iron can be efficiently advected from the New Guinea shelf through the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) to the eastern Pacific. The presence of a continental iron source is necessary for the maintenance of the observed subsurface iron maximum in the EUC core. In the eastern Pacific region, phytoplankton production is enhanced when additional iron is available in the EUC. Simulated phytoplankton variability is linked to TIWs activity, as revealed by a wavelet analysis of the total autotrophic carbon. The net local effect of the waves on phytoplankton can be either positive or negative depending on several factors. When the iron nutricline is sufficiently shallow to be reached by the wave vertical scale, the effect of the waves is to enhance iron availability in the euphotic zone leading to a net local increase of phytoplankton biomass. We therefore suggest that the local maxima of phytoplankton observed in moorings off the Equator in the eastern Pacific might be not only the result of concentration mechanisms, but also the result of an increase in local production sustained by advected iron.  相似文献   

A model to assess the impact of oil spill on fisheries, consisting of an oil spill fates model, a continental shelf hydrodynamics model, an ichthyoplankton transport and fates model, and a fish population model, has been applied to the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine region to estimate the impact of oil spills on several important commercial fisheries. The model addresses direct impacts of oil on a fishery through hydrocarbon-induced egg and larval mortality. This early life stage mortality is estimated by dynamically mapping the spatial intersection of the surface and subsurface oil concentrations resulting from the spill with the developing eggs and larvae. Ichthyoplankton entering an area with hydrocarbon concentrations in excess of a specified threshold are assumed lost. Model output is given in terms of differential catch, comparing the non-impacted and the hydrocarbon impacted fisheries. Difficulties in establishing stock-recruit relationships, and the inability to predict first year survival even one year ahead make the quantification of absolute catch losses impossible. Output of the model system discussed here is therefore limited to relative rather than absolute catch losses.The paper is organized to demonstrate first the importance of the recruitment question to impact estimation, second that a modeling methodology is necessary to evaluate impacts given the magnitude of unexplained observed recruitment variability, and third a stochastic solution to the problem which places impact estimates in the context of a probability distribution. Lastly, the model system is applied to the problem of attaining better early life history mortality estimates, to ultimately improve impact estimation capabilities.  相似文献   

通过对长江河口浮游植物采样研究,应用浮游植物群落多样性指数和均匀度指数、浮游植物丰度以及生物学综合评价法对长江河口水体营养状况进行监测与评价.生物学综合评价结果显示:1999年枯水期,口门内的SX01~SX04样站表、底层水体为中营养水平,口门外近岸及近外海水域一般为贫营养水体.1999年丰水期,表、底层水质状况与枯水期不同,口门内的SX01~SX04样站水体为贫营养型,近口门、近外海水域为中营养型,近岸中部、东部表层一般达到富营养型水体,近岸底层东北部为富营养型,其余近岸水域为中营养型水体.2000年枯水期水质情况为:口门内表、底层水体为贫营养水体,近岸水域表层为中营养水体,底层为贫营养水体,近外海水域表、底层一般也为贫营养水体.  相似文献   

The carbon cycle of lower trophic level in the Bohai Sea is studied with a three-dimensional biological and physical coupled model. The influences of the processes (including horizontal advection, river nutrient load, active transport etc. ) on the phytoplankton biomass and its evolution are estimated. The Bohai Sea is a weak sink of the CO2 in the atmosphere. During the cycle, 13.7% of the gross production of the phytoplankton enter the higher trophic level and 76.8 % of it are consumed by the respiration itself. The nutrient reproduction comes mainly from the internal biogeochemical loop and the rem-ineralization is an important mechanism of the nutrient transfer from organic form to inorganic. Horizontal advection decreases the total biomass and the eutrophication in some sea areas. Change in the nutrient load of a river can only adjust the local system near its estuary. Controlling the input of the nutrient, which limits the alga growth, can be very useful in lessening the phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Estimating the impact of anthropogenic sound on marine animals entails consideration of animal location in the vertical and horizontal planes and the behavior of the animal (e.g., breeding, foraging, migration) at the time of sound exposure. To approach more realistic impact estimates, the effects of sound on the marine environment (ESME) model incorporates a simulation program that permits fine-scale control over simulated marine animal (animat) movement and behavior. The simulation program, known as the Marine Mammal Movement and Behavior (3MB) module, provides user control over animats that is scaleable to available information about the species of concern. Movement and behavior is stochastically determined by sampling from distributions describing rates of movement in the horizontal and vertical planes, direction of travel, time at the surface between dives, time at depth, and time in and transition between behavioral states. Influence of behavior over each of the other distributions is permitted. As knowledge of marine animal behavior, movement, and ecology increases, the flexibility and level of control provided by such models will increase the potential for realistic impact estimates.  相似文献   

The SOLAS Air-Sea Gas Exchange (SAGE) experiment was conducted in Sub-Antarctic waters off the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand in the late summer of 2004. This mesoscale iron enrichment experiment was unique in that chlorophyll a (chl a) and primary productivity were only 2× OUT stations values toward the end of the experiment and this enhancement was due to increased activity of non-diatomaceous species. In addition, this enhancement in activity appeared to occur without a significant build up of particulate organic carbon. Picoeukaryotes (<2 ??m) were the only members of the phytoplankton assemblage that showed a statistically significant increase, a doubling in biomass. To better understand the controls of phytoplankton growth and biomass, we present results from a series of on-deck perturbation experiments conducted during SAGE. Results suggest that the pico-dominated phytoplankton assemblage was only weakly inhibited by iron. Diatoms with high growth rates comprised a small (<1%) fraction of the phytoplankton assemblage, were likely iron limited, and potentially further limited by silicic acid and therefore did not significantly contribute to bloom dynamics. On deck experiments and comparison of SAGE with other iron addition experiments suggested that neither light availability nor deep mixed layers limited phytoplankton growth. Although no substantial increase in grazing rate or specific phytoplankton growth rate was detected, microzooplankton biomass doubled over SAGE as a result of an increase in cell size. The importance of microzooplankton grazing was highlighted by the fact that they were capable of consuming 15-49% of the total phytoplankton production per day. Removal was highest on eukaryotic picophytoplankton production with a mean value of 72% (29-143%). Patch dilution played an important role during SAGE; the mean patch net algal growth:dilution rate, 1.13 (0.4-2.2) was the lowest reported for a mesoscale iron enrichment experiment. Phytoplankton biomass, estimated by chlorophyll a, only accumulated when phytoplankton growth exceeded grazing and when net algal growth exceeded dilution rate. The SAGE results highlight the function of the smallest phytoplankton size fraction described by the ecumenical Iron Hypothesis. Thus, adding iron to HNLC-low silicic acid regions during certain times of the year may simply transfer more carbon through the microbial food web. A primary implication of this study is that any iron-mediated gain in fixed carbon with this set of environmental conditions has a high probability of being recycled in surface waters.  相似文献   

于2009年5月和11月,在长江口邻近海域通过现场营养盐加富实验,研究了浮游植物对营养盐添加的响应。应用高效液相色谱技术分析培养样品中的特征色素组成,通过CHEMTAX软件估算了硅藻、甲藻、隐藻、定鞭藻、金藻、绿藻、青绿藻和蓝藻8个浮游植物类群对叶绿素a生物量的贡献(μg/L)。加富实验结果显示:不同海区或同一海区不同季节的浮游植物生长对营养盐响应不尽相同,这与培养实验水样采集时浮游植物所处的N、P限制状态有着密切的关系。营养盐的加富不仅能够促进浮游植物生物量的增加,也可能引起浮游植物的群落结构的变化。不同浮游植物类群对营养盐添加的敏感性不同,培养实验开始后营养盐的输入使得硅藻在竞争中取得了优势,硅藻所占比重明显上升;但随着培养的进行,营养盐逐渐消耗,一些在低营养条件下竞争能力强的浮游植物类群比如甲藻、蓝藻、隐藻等对生物量的贡献逐渐上升;同时,培养海水中初始浮游植物群落组成对营养盐加富后群落结构的变化有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

An unstructured grid, Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) is used to study hydrodynamics and large-scale structure impacts in Changjiang Estuary. Field measurements conducted after the construction of the large-scale channel-jetty system are used to assess numerical results. The agreements between simulated and measured water levels, depth-averaged current velocities and tidally averaged longitudinal salinity distributions are excellent, as indicated by predictive skills higher than 0.94. The predictive skills for time series of salinity show a large range, from 0.97 to 0.62, in different measurement locations. The impacts of two 50 km long jetties and tens of spurs on the estuarine circulations as well as salinity distribution are investigated using comparisons of numerical results with and without jetty structures. Results reveal that the jetty structures intensify currents in the navigation channel and generate strong shear and vortices in jetty-spur blocks, which enhance turbulent mixing and degrade salinity stratification in the channel. The large-scale structures not only affect the flow field in the northern passage, but also play an important role in redistributing freshwater runoff in the multi-channel system, resulting in estuary-scale adjustments of circulations and salinity distribution.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variabilities of phytoplankton absorption coefficients (a ph (λ)) and their relationships with physical processes in the northern South China Sea were examined, based on in situ data collected from two cruise surveys during May 14 to 25, 2001 and November 2 to 21, 2002. Significant changes in the surface water in a ph values and B/R ratios (a ph (440)/a ph (675)) were observed in May, which were caused by a phytoplankton bloom on the inner shelf stimulated by a large river plume due...  相似文献   

Climate change with rising sea levels and possible changes in surge levels and wave climate will have a large impact on how we protect our coastal areas and cities. Here the focus is on estuarine locations not only affected by tide and surge propagation, but also potentially influenced by freshwater discharge. Mitigation measures might be diverse ranging from pure hard ‘engineering’ solutions all the way to significant realignment. The variation in the type/origin and extent of the flood sources greatly influences subsequent risk management measures. At the same time, society is increasingly demanding that we take a holistic view on risk management, embracing and balancing safety, ecological and socio-economic aspects. This requires that all these diverse factors need to be considered together and integrated. In this context, the Source–Pathway–Receptor (SPR) approach offers a powerful holistic tool to investigate changing risk connected to extreme events.The traditional SPR approach with a consecutive treatment of the flood, pathway and receptor is well understood and is widely used in coastal flood risk analysis. Here an enhanced 2D conceptual version of the SPR method is used to better describe the system and to allow flexibility in considering multiple scales, flood sources and pathways. The new approach is demonstrated by three estuarine case studies in western Europe: the Gironde estuary, France; the Dendermonde region in the Scheldt estuary, Belgium; and HafenCity (Hamburg) in the Elbe estuary, Germany. They differ considerably in the surface area considered, in the type of flood sources, and hence also in the SPR configuration. After a brief introduction of the typical characteristics of the three study sites including some lessons learned from past flood protection measures, the differences in application and results of the SPR approach are discussed. Emphasis is on the specific aspects for each study site, but embedded in a generic SPR framework. The resulting generic lessons learned about the flood sources and how this shapes subsequent analysis are transferable to numerous important estuaries worldwide.  相似文献   

We measured the absorption coefficients of suspended particles (ap(λ)) during three cruises from coastal waters to open ocean in the northern South China Sea (NSCS). The absorption contributions of phytoplankton (aph(λ)) and nonalgal particles (aNAP(λ)) were determined using the methanol extraction method. Based on the dataset of about 360 samples, we examined the spectral relationships of the particle absorption coefficients. The results show that ap(λ) spectra are well linearly correlated with ap(443) over the wavebands between 420–650 nm; aph(λ) could be well expressed as the second-order quadratic equations of aph(443) among the blue-green wavebands, and aNAP(λ) follows the general exponential function. Based on these spectral relationships, a model was proposed for partitioning the total particulate absorption coefficients into the contributions of phytoplankton and nonalgal particles using the nonlinear optimization method. The model was validated by comparing the computed results with in situ absorption coefficients. In some wavebands, such as 412 nm, 443 nm, 490 nm and 683 nm, we obtained good correlations with the percentage root mean square error (RMSE) values being controlled within 25% and the slopes being closer to 1.0. For samples from coastal waters, the discrepancy was a little large, which might be due to the higher absorption contributions from certain pheopigments. Overall, this model provides us much insight into phytoplankton absorption retrieval from in situ measurements and remote sensing ocean color data.  相似文献   

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