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同其他卫星相比,NOAA卫星搭载的AVHRR积雪产品,具有长达10 a的长时间序列数据集,能够应用于长时间、较大区域范围的积雪覆盖变化分析。由于不同卫星使用的反演算法,波谱宽度和大气订正等不完全相同,故需对不同卫星积雪产品数据集进行一致性检验,将卫星积雪产品更好地应用于气候分析研究。本文采用一种新的评估方法,对空间分辨率为0.05o×0.05o的AVHRR积雪产品与IMS和MOD10A1积雪产品,分别在空间和时间变化上进行对比分析,对AVHRR积雪产品数据集进行检验,发现AVHRR与MODIS积雪产品具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Lixiahe region is one of the susceptible area to flood and waterlogging disasters in China due to its low topographic relief and having difficulty in draining floodwater away. The condition will be more serious if sea level rises in the future. The estimated results by some scientists indicate that the sea level could rise probably 20–100 cm by 2050. However, what the effect will future sea level rise exerts on flood drainage and on flood or waterlogging disasters? A hydrological system model has been developed to study the problem in the lower reaches of the Sheyang River basin. Predicted results from the model show that, if sea level rises, drainage capacity of each drainage river will decrease obviously, and the water level will also rise. From the change of drainage capacity of drainage rivers the trends of flood and waterlogging disasters are analyzed in the paper if the severe flood that happened in the past meets with future sea level rise. Some countermeasures for disaster reduction and prevention against sea-level rise are put forward.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Vegetation is an important component of terrestrial eco- system, it plays an important role in global matter and energy cycle, carbon balance and climate change. CO2 has effects on global warming, photosynthesis function, Net Primary Productivity (NPP) and earth environmental condition. NPP is one of the important biophysical variables of vegetation activity, and is a beginning link of biogeochemical carbon cycle. Vegetation absorbs CO2 from atmosphere through photosynthesi…  相似文献   

基于脆弱性视角探究乡村地域系统可持续发展情况与集聚特征的空间关联效应,对推进美丽乡村建设具有重要意义。以SPOT2/4全色和Landsat TM卫星遥感融合影像为主要数据源,解译校正得到2016年江苏省乡村聚落斑块。在利用平均最近邻距离指数、核密度估计和标准差椭圆方法明确江苏省乡村集聚分布特征的同时,从资源、经济和社会脆弱性视角构建乡村脆弱性综合评价模型,进一步探讨县域乡村空间集聚特征与脆弱性发展程度的关联规律。结果表明:① 江苏省乡村地域自内核向外缘分布密度逐渐递减,苏北地区中部、苏南和苏中地区毗邻处乡村聚落密集分布,整体空间异质性和集聚形态的方向性特征明显;② 江苏省县域乡村脆弱程度存在地域分区不均衡现象,子系统相关性较弱,空间耦合特征尚不明显;③ 资源脆弱性子系统与经济、社会脆弱性之间均存在显著负相关关系,是当前江苏省县域乡村发展的薄弱环节;④ 江苏省县域乡村资源、经济和社会单一脆弱子系统集聚分布特征明显,综合脆弱性与集聚特征并未实现空间良性共振。  相似文献   

基于DEM的江苏省平原/丘陵分区与制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在平原微丘区,丘陵、平原界限的确定是地貌图制作的难点.本文首先指出,地貌的多样性和地区差异性决定了地貌分类的量化指标差异性,通过对比实验,制定一套合理、有效的丘陵、平原量化分类标准.在此基础上,以江苏省1:50 000比例尺25 m分辨率DEM为基本数据源,对全省平原、丘陵进行了划分.通过自动制图综合,完成了江苏省地貌类型图制作.实验结果显示,所提出的分类指标简单、实用,该方法大大提高了丘陵岗地划分效率与精度.  相似文献   

江苏省近30年来的土地利用变化的区域差异分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用4个时相(1985年、1995、2000年和2005年)的遥感数据,提取了江苏省三大区域(苏南、苏中、苏北)的土地利用变化转换矩阵表,分析了江苏省的土地利用区域差异,并进行人口、城市化、农业结构调整因子、政策对土地利用差异的驱动机制分析。通过土地利用变化转换矩阵表统计得到:耕地的流出面积、城镇用地面积和农村用地面积的扩大面积从南到北呈梯度递减,且随着时间的推移,区域性差异越来越显著。在驱动力分析中发现:苏南地区大量耕地存在浪费利用与超前非农化的问题在社会经济没有进入高度发达的时期之前,经济社会越是发达,人口的增长越落后于耕地的减少在城市化过程中,城市越发达,城镇人口密度的增长对耕地向城镇用地的流入的影响越小"苏南模式"是致使土地利用区域差异的重要因素。  相似文献   

以江苏省商业网点POI(兴趣点)数据为基础,结合经济社会统计数据,分别对批发零售业、住宿业和餐饮业三种业态类型,运用标准差椭圆、核密度、最近邻指数以及多元线性回归等分析方法,探讨不同发展水平、发展阶段城市商业网点的空间分布模式和业态结构特征,并揭示其区域差异的影响因素。研究发现:江苏省商业网点总体上具有西北走向分布态势,呈现相对集中分布格局,表现出在长江以南地区集聚和在地级城市中心城区密集布局的特征;不同业态类型网点空间分布具有差异,批发零售业网点的空间集聚特征最显著,住宿业网点的分布相对均衡;各市商业业态结构呈现出批发零售业和餐饮业网点数量为主,以及批发零售业销售额独大的特征;地区生产总值、人口规模、居民人均可支配收入、城市综合可达性以及第三次产业产值比重是影响商业网点分布的重要因素,不同因素对商业网点分布的影响程度差异性较大,居民消费能力和地区发展水平是江苏省商业网点分布差异的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAgglomeration economies have played important rolesin the growth of regional economies in developed coun-tries, which has been a hot topic of empirical studies fora couple of decades (GLAESER etal., 1992). However,the researches on the relati…  相似文献   

Google Earth Engine支持下的江苏省夏收作物遥感提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏省是农作物种植大省,国家统计局统计数据显示,江苏省近10年冬小麦、冬油菜的总播种面积分列全国第五、第七,快速准确地获取冬小麦和冬油菜的空间分布对于该省的农业发展具有重意义。基于单机的传统遥感分类能够准确获取农作物的空间分布信息,但是耗时较长。随着地理大数据与云平台、云计算的发展,Google Earth Engine(GEE)作为一个基于云平台的全球尺度地理空间分析平台,为快速遥感分类带来了新的机遇。本文基于GEE,使用Sentinel-2数据快速提取了江苏省2017年冬小麦与冬油菜的空间分布。首先,利用GEE获得覆盖江苏省119景无云质优的Sentinel-2影像;其次,在此基础上分别计算了遥感指数、纹理特征、地形特征,并完成原始特征的构建与优化;最后,分别试验了朴素贝叶斯、支持向量机、分类回归树和随机森林4种分类器,比较了各分类器的分类精度,并提取了冬小麦与冬油菜的空间分布信息。得出以下结论:①GEE能够快速完成覆盖江苏省影像数据的去云、镶嵌、裁剪及特征构建等预处理,较本地处理具有明显优势;②J-M距离值位于前两位且大于1将特征数量从28个压缩到11个,有效压缩了原始特征空间;③光谱+纹理+地形特征组合训练,朴素贝叶斯、支持向量机、分类回归树、随机森林的平均验证精度分别为61%、87%、89%、92%。  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of Graph Theory this paper builds a town road network graph of regional scale, and proposes numerical vertex degree (Di), rank vertex degree (Dr) and population size vertex degree (Dp) on the base of vertex degree (D). Then the indicators of Di, Dr, Dp and mathematical statistics methods are applied to investigating scale-free structure of town road networks in the southern Jiangsu Province. The results show that the distribution of Di does not exhibit scale-free properties, but Dr and Dp do. Additionally the correlation coefficient between Dp and Di is only 0.569, but the spatial correlation between Dp and Dr is very evident on the base of correlation analysis and spatial analysis of GIS. The mutual mechanism between Dp and Dr spatially represents a "Core-Belt" model of town development of regional scale. The town development model is open and clustered, and beneficial to both economic development and ecological protection. And then we suggest that Suzhou City, Wuxi City, Changzhou City and Wujin City control towns' high-density pattern by conducting centralization and consolidation policies, and properly controlling and planning higher rank roads; whereas Nanjing City, Zhenjiang City, Jintan City and Liyang City must strengthen the development of towns along higher rank roads.  相似文献   


四川草原是我国5大牧区之一,其可利用的天然草地占全省草原总面积的85%,准确掌握草原产草量信息对草原管理和当地经济发展具有重要意义。本研究利用2011年7月MODIS不同分辨率(250m、500m、1km)NDVI、EVI产品和同期地面调查数据(共181个采样点),对四川草原4种主要草地类型(即高寒草甸草地、高寒灌木草地、高寒沼泽草地和山地疏林草地)产草量鲜重分类型建立估产模型。研究发现,NDVI对该地区4种主要草地类型产草量的拟合效果普遍优于EVI;相对于500m和1km的遥感数据,250m的遥感数据拟合效果较好;分草地类型建立模型的效果优于对全体样本建立模型;该地区除高寒沼泽草地用幂函数模型拟合效果较好外,其余均用指数模型进行建模效果较好;对该地区各草地类型建立的最优估产模型,精度均在70%以上,回归判定系数R2在0.75以上;利用最优模型对2011年四川省草原进行估产,总体估产精度约为90%。  相似文献   

Carrying Capacity of Marine Region in Liaoning Province   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Carrying capacity is one of important studies on coordinating development of population,resources,and environment.At present,the researches on it mainly concentrate on the carrying capacity for population and economy,such as the water resources carrying capacity,the land resources carrying capacity,the environment carrying capacity,etc.Based on the related theories and methods,this paper creatively proposed the concept and meaning of carrying capacity of marine region,and formed the appraisal system.According to the developing situation of marine economy of Liaoning Province in recent years,and by employing the method of the state space,this paper also measured the carrying capacity and carrying state of marine region and discussed the sustainable problems of marine economy of Liaoning.The research results show that the carrying state of marine region of Liaoning is in the state of overloading at present,but taking a favorable turn.  相似文献   

以河北省为例,利用GPS水汽进行MODIS水汽的校正模型研究。通过GPS水汽与MODIS水汽的比较发现,两者的相关系数超过0.879,均方根误差达到2.31 mm,说明两者存在较好的相关性和一定的偏差;利用线性回归方法分别构建城市和区域MODIS水汽校正模型,实验证明,利用实测GPS水汽对城市模型和区域模型进行可靠性验证,9个测站的模型检验的均方根误差小于1 mm。两类模型均可有效提高MODIS水汽精度,满足气象预报应用的要求。  相似文献   

Shift-share analysis has been confirmed a useful approach in the study of regional economics and many kinds of extended shift-share models have been advanced and put into practice in economic studies, but few have hitherto been introduced and applied to the tourism research in China. Moreover understanding the spatially competitive relationship is of paramount importance for marketers, developers, and planners involved in tourism strategy development. Based on international tourism receipts from 1995 to 2004, this study aims at probing into the spatial competitiveness of interna- tional tourism in Jiangsu Province in comparison with its neighbors by applying a spatially extended shift-share model and a modified dynamic shift-share model. The empirical results illustrate that exceptional years may exist in the ap- plication of dynamic shift-share models. To solve this issue, modifications to dynamic shift-share model are put forward. The analytical results are not only presented but also explained by the comparison of background conditions of tourism development between Jiangsu and its key competitors. The conclusions can be drawn that the growth of international tourism receipts in Jiangsu mainly attributes to the national component and the competitive component and Zhejiang is the most important rival to Jiangsu during the period of 1995-2004. In order to upgrade the tourism competitiveness, it is indispensable for Jiangsu to take proper positioning, promoting and marketing strategies and to cooperate and integrate with its main rivals.  相似文献   

Sixteen surface sediment samples were collected and analysed to evaluate the residues of organochlorine pesticides(OCPs) from intertidal flat in Jiangsu Province. Overall, 22 OCPs were detected with total concentrations of OCPs ranging widely from 0.96 to 12.14 ng/g(dry wt). Total hexachlorocyclohexane(HCH) and total dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT) levels varied from 0.01 to 0.67 ng/g and from 0.23 to 4.85 ng/g, respectively. DDTs were the predominant compounds. The dominance of β-HCH indicated a history of HCH pollution. According to the ratios of( p, p'-DDD+ p, p'-DDE)/ p, p '-DDT and o, p ′-DDT/ p, p ′-DDT, new input of DDTs did not occur in most sites, and the main sources were historical usage of technical DDTs. OCPs such as dieldrin, endrin, p, p ′-DDD, and p, p ′-DDT exceeded the effects range low, showing adverse biological effects that would occasionally occur at some sites of the study area.  相似文献   

ThecontiguousregionofJiangsu,Shandong,HenanandAnhuiprovinces,withapopulationof4660X10'in1990,stretchingalongtheChina'seasternsectionofeconomicbeltofnewEurasialxindBridge,issituatedinthenortheasternpartoftheHuaiheRiverBasin,covering7.73X10'km'ofnineprefecturesormunicipalities,i.e.,XuzhouandLianyungangofJiangsuProvince,Rizhao,Linyi,ZaozhuangandJiningofShandongProvince,ShangqiuofHenanProvince,HuaibeiandSuxianofAnhuiProvince.Theregionisatraditionalagricultureareaandanimportantenergybase…  相似文献   

为了长时间、大范围获取水汽数值,利用2005~2008年光学遥感的MODIS近红外、红外水汽产品,以及微波遥感AMSR-E数据,2种方法反演水汽。微波AMSR-E亮温数据采用Merritt N.Deeter(2007)亮温极化差方法,选取18.7GHz和23.8GHz 2个波段,得到AMSR-E升轨、降轨大气水汽数值。以京津冀地区为研究区域,通过地统计相关性分析、时间序列分析、年际间变化分析,可知2种方法4种资料反演的大气水汽数值的R2都达到0.95,时间分布符合中国雨带移动规律,空间分布不均。MODIS数据反演值比AMSR-E值要低,得到2种方法反演水汽的各自优缺点。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONJianghanPlainisoneoftheimportantbasesofChina′sagriculturalproductivitylocatedinthemiddleChangjiangRivervalleyofcentralChina.TheJianghanplainapproximately6.6×104km2inareaandover30millioninpopulationistherenowned“countryoffishandrice"in…  相似文献   

无锡阳山火山省级地质公园是江苏已批准建立的4个省级地质公园之一,地质旅游资源丰富且独具特色,具有突出的科学价值、美学价值和历史文化价值。为推进无锡阳山火山省级地质公园建设,有针对性地提出了结合地质公园定位建设4个景区,整合资源营造旅游看点,加快实施地质遗迹保护工程,建设地质公园地质博物馆,健全管理机构和拓展引资渠道等方面的对策建议。  相似文献   

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