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We surveyed the distribution of colonies of polyps of Aurelia aurita sensu lato (s.l.) in Mikawa Bay, Japan. First, we surveyed the distribution of ephyrae of A. aurita s.l. at 75 stations encompassing the whole of Mikawa Bay in early 2008. A total of 37 ephyrae were sampled mostly from fishing ports. Ephyrae were most abundant around the islands located near the mouth of the bay, and decreased from the western part to the eastern part of Mikawa Bay. Next, we selected five fishing ports in Mikawa Bay where ephyrae occurred and surveyed the underside of floating piers and underwater overhangs of wharfs. We found dense colonies of polyps of A. aurita s.l. under nearly all of the floating piers at the two islands located near the mouth of the bay. Fitting a logistic regression model to the dataset showed that the percentage coverage of Aurelia polyps was significantly greater at the two islands compared with the other locations. In addition, the coverage of Aurelia polyps was greater when the coverage of other fouling organisms was in the range of 65–90%, and the coverage of Aurelia polyps was lower on floating piers with a vinyl surface and on concrete wharfs. The combined distribution of polyp colonies of A. aurita s.l. in Ise Bay and Mikawa Bay suggested that A. aurita s.l. in the two bays probably forms a single population and shoals of medusae mainly originate from protected harbors along the mouth-part of the bays.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of ocean acidification are unclear due to varying physiological properties of macroalgae and species-specific responses. Therefore, in the present study, we used a laboratory culture experiment to analyse the eco-physiological responses of the Mediterranean subtidal red alga Peyssonnelia squamaria to CO2-induced lower pH. Our results showed an increase in the photosynthetic performance and growth rate of P. squamaria, despite the reduction in CaCO3 content in the low pH treatment. According to our results, we believe that samples exposed to elevated CO2 could be regulated own nitrogen metabolism to support increased growth rate and it may be down-regulated nitrate uptake. As a result, we hypothesize that P. squamaria may benefit from ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Data on the white whale distribution in Onega Bay of the White Sea obtained during route and stationary observations in the summer of 2003–2006 are given. The presence of three regions of summer habitation of local “nonmigratory” white whale reproductive schools is confirmed. The minimum abundance of the “zhizhginskoe” (northeastern) school is 60 individuals, and the minimum abundance of the “myagostrovskoe” (western) is 50 individuals. The abundance of the best studied “southern” school is close to 120–130 individuals. One more region of white whale concentration (with an abundance of up to 40 individuals) (the eastern one; Cape Letniy Orlov-Cape Chesmenskiy) was found. The localization of single reproductive schools (RS) is due to a number of factors: the morphometry of the shores and bottom, the hydrological regime, and the character of the coastal tidal currents. The white whale distribution in the southern part of Onega Bay in the summer (June–July) is of discontinuous character with concentrations near cape Glubokiy and some other adjacent parts. The coefficient of the white whale attendance in the Cape Glubokiy area varied from 42.5 to 67.4% during the years of the studies (2003–2006). The character of the distribution, the direction of the relocations, and the animals’ behavior peculiarities indicate that the white whales of the southern part of Onega Bay of the White Sea form a rather stable school community of a few (5–6) locally distributed small family groups during the summer.  相似文献   

To find variations in the dynamics of the surface M 2 tide in the White Sea induced by the spatially inhomogeneity of the resistance coefficient, we use a modified version of the QUODDY-4 three-dimensional finite-element hydrostatic model. This version differs from the original version in that it has a module introduced to calculate the resistance coefficient in the bottom boundary layer (BBL). The resistance coefficient is found from resistance laws for an oscillating rotating turbulent BBL over hydrodynamically rough and partially rough (smoothly rough) underlying surfaces describing the dependence of the resistance coefficient and other integral characteristics of resistance on dimensionless similarity parameters: the sea-bottom Rossby number Ro, the streaming Reynolds number Re, and the relative (normalized to tidal frequency) inertial frequency f/σ. The use of spatial inhomogeneity of the resistance coefficient was shown not to lead to considerable changes in tidal characteristics. The values of these characteristics are several times larger than the instrumental measurement errors for the level and velocity but less than the errors in their calculation.  相似文献   

This study presents in situ evidence for the blooms of Trichodesmium erythraeum observed in the shelf waters of the South Eastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) during the onset of the southwest monsoon in June 2009. Evidence showed that water surface discoloration was caused by the accumulation of T. erythraeum, and that the water column contained a colony of T. thiebautii. The surface water color in the bloom region varied from pale brown to pinkish red. Pale brown indicated healthy algae at the peak of its photosynthetic activity, while pinkish red indicated the presence of photosynthetically less active filaments. Zooplankton abundance, especially copepodites, in the bloom area substantiated the theory that Trichodesmium filaments are excellent epiphytes to which the copepodites cling. The bloom area was very fertile with copious quantities of dissolved oxygen (6.85 ml L?1), PO4-P (0.108 μmol L?1) and SiO4 (1.29 μmol L?1). Lower NO3-N (0.028 μmol L?1) values in the bloom area did not appear to affect Trichodesmium growth from molecular nitrogen fixation. However, lower NO3-N values altered the normal phytoplankton composition of this area.  相似文献   

This study used the dilution method to examine growth and grazing rates of heterotrophic bacteria and an autotrophic picoplankton, Synechococcus spp., from 1 to 11 July 2007 in the East China Sea. The main influence of oceanographic conditions in this aquatic system was the introduction of fresh, high-nutrient water from Changjiang River and the extremely nutrient-poor, high-salinity waters of Kuroshio Water. In these experiments, deviation from linearity in the relationship between dilution factor and net growth rate was significant in a large number of cases. Growth rates for heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 0.024 to 0.24, and for Synechococcus spp. from 0.03 to 0.21 h−1. Grazing rates ranged from 0.02 to 0.19 and 0.01 to 0.13 h−1, respectively. The spatial variations of Synechococcus spp. production to the primary production ratio (SP/PP) were low (<5%) in high Chl a environments and increased exponentially in low Chl a environments, indicating that Synechococcus spp. contributes to a large extent to the photosynthetic biomass in the open sea, especially in the more oligotrophic Kuroshio Water. Furthermore, the results of our dilution experiments suggest that nanoflagellates largely depend on heterotrophic bacteria as an important energy source. On average, heterotrophic bacteria contributes to 76 and 59% of carbon consumed by nanoflagellates within the plume (salinity <31) and outside of it (salinity >31).  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to distinguish fossil specimens of Meretrix (Bivalvia, Veneridae) using discriminant score and multivariate analysis, and to examine temporal changes in the geographical distributions of M. lusoria and M. petechialis in Japan and South Korea. Fossil shells of Meretrix were collected from Miyagi, Fukui, Aichi and Kumamoto in Japan, and Gimhae, Seosan, Siheung and Ganghwa-do in South Korea. The outside of the right valve was photographed with a digital camera, and ten characteristics of the shell morphology, such as shell height and shell length, were measured using image analysis software and a digital slide caliper. The discriminant score and multivariate analysis of the shell morphology identified all of the examined fossils as M. lusoria, while living individuals collected from the western coast of South Korea were identified as M. petechialis. These results suggest that the fossil shells excavated from the western coast of South Korea are a different species from the living individuals collected from the same areas. Radioactive carbon isotopic results revealed that the ages of the four fossil shells collected from tidal flats in Ganghwa-do ranged between 3,270 ± 30 and 1,830 ± 30 Cal BP. These results suggest that M. lusoria inhabited the western coast of South Korea until at least 2,000 years ago, but was replaced by M. petechialis during the last 2,000 years. Therefore, we propose that either M. petechialis spats were introduced artificially, or planktonic larvae migrated naturally from China to the western coast of South Korea during the last 2,000 years.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of chlorophyll a concentrations was studied from the data of two near-shore expeditions and the cruise of the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent’ev in October–November 2010 over the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan. The sections across eddies showed a maximum of chlorophyll a at a depth of 40 m. According to the data from the cruise, the chlorophyll a concentration was maximum in the north of the sea and decreased to the south. In parallel, the procedures for chlorophyll a determination were compared for spectrophotometry with a fluorescence probe and a fluorescence flow system. The probe data of chlorophyll a fluorescence showed a high correlation with the chlorophyll a concentrations by spectrophotometry. On the contrary, data on chlorophyll a concentrations from spectrophotometry did not agree with those from the flow system. It was shown that a fluorimeter in the flow system recorded dissolved organic matter along with the chlorophyll a fluorescence.  相似文献   

To explore the effects of temperature changes on dinoflagellate bloom succession in the coastal waters of the East China Sea, changes in the growth, photophysiology, and Rubisco gene expression of Prorocentrum donghaiense and Karenia mikimotoi, two harmful algal species, were investigated at different temperatures (16 to 28°C). The maximal specific growth rate and the maximal mRNA expression of Rubisco gene in P. donghaiense and K. mikimotoi occurred at 20 and 24°C, respectively. The photosynthetic activity of P. donghaiense was generally stable, but K. mikimotoi photosynthesis increased when temperatures rose from 16 to 28°C. The effective photochemical efficiency (F q /F m ) and the maximal relative electron transfer rate (rETRmax) of K. mikimotoi increased significantly with increasing temperature, and the lowest and highest values occurred at 16 and 28°C, respectively. It seems that P. donghaiense has higher photosynthetic capacity than K. mikimotoi due to its higher F q /F m , rETRmax, and photosynthetic efficiency (α). However, K. mikimotoi has a higher growth rate than P. donghaiense. These results suggest that the photosynthetic activity and genetic responses of dinoflagellates are species-dependent. It is likely that temperature changes affect species composition during blooms, leading to the observed patterns of bloom succession.  相似文献   

Seagrass seed bank plays a key role in the regeneration of new vegetation when seagrasses are removed by the natural or man-made disaster. Various factors may affect the development of sediment seed bank. We conducted a microcosm experiment to test the effects of burrowing and feeding activities of Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum on the burial of Zostera marina seeds in sediments. The effects of lasting time (3-hour, 1-day, 3-day, 7-day, 14-day and 28-day), clam density (0, 2, 4 and 8 clams with shell length of 3 cm in each microcosm) and clam size (shell length of 2, 3 and 4 cm at 4-clam density) on seed burial were examined in plastic microcosm cores (30 cm high × 10 in inner diameter) in a 28-day period. Results showed that the seed burial depth significantly increased with time, the density and the size of clams. No seeds were buried in the sediment in the cores without clams during the whole experiment period. For the 3-cm clams, about 91.61% of the seeds were buried in the sediment at the end of the experiment in the high-density treatment (8 clams at each core); while in the medium and low-density treatments (4 and 2 clams in each core, respectively), about 76.93% and 60.61% of the seeds were buried in the sediment, respectively. For the size treatments, large (4 cm) clams buried 89.56% of the seeds at the end of the experiment, much more than those of medium (3 cm, 76.93%) and small (2 cm, 61.50%) size clams. During the whole experiment period, nearly all of the buried seeds were at a depth of from 0 cm to 5 cm. These results suggested that Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum may play an important positive role in seagrass seed bank dynamics in the field.  相似文献   

We have examined the vertical distributions of planktonic bivalve larvae, particularly the clam Ruditapes philippinarum and the mussel Musculista senhousia which are common and abundant on tidal flats of eastern Ariake Bay, southern Japan. Submersible pumping gear was used to take samples at 2 stations every 2 hours during the spring tide over a whole tidal cycle and/or through daytime and nighttime. Water samples were pumped up from 3 to 5 depths from the surface to sea bottom. Regardless of tidal cycles, D-shaped larvae were concentrated near the surface, while umbo larvae were found at the surface to intermediate depths. On average, these larval densities were significantly higher at the station close to the shore than the offshore station, with no significant difference between daytime and nighttime and between flood and ebb tides at each station. The velocity and direction of water movement at both stations revealed remarkable difference between the surface and bottom waters. The larvae at the surface may quickly disperse and be transported elsewhere, while those in water close to the sea bottom may tend to be retained.  相似文献   

The surface M 2 tide in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) is reproduced on the basis of the QUODDY-4 three-dimensional finite-element hydrodynamic model. Particular emphasis has been placed on comparing model estimates for the amplitudes and phases of tidal elevations and the parameters of ellipses (major semiaxis and eccentricity) of the barotropic tidal current velocity with observational data. We present their spatial distributions and the distributions of averaged (over a tidal cycle) values of the density, horizontal transfer, and dissipation rate of barotropic tidal energy. It is found that the CAA is a much less effective dissipator of barotropic tidal energy than the World Ocean.  相似文献   

In a study of the age and growth of Sillago aeolus, a total of 414 fish were collected from December 2000 to March 2002, around Okinawa Island. Ages of 403 specimens were determined by otoliths. Monthly changes in the percentage of otoliths with an opaque zone in the outer margin indicated that an opaque ring formed once a year, occurring between February and May. The rings can therefore be defined as annual rings. Ages of females were estimated to be 0+ to 4+, while those of males were 0+ to 2+. The von Bertalanffy growth curves were well fitted to age-standard length data of males and females, as follows: Male: Lt = 209.6 [1 − exp{−0.70 (t + 0.58)}]. Female: Lt = 297.7 [1 − exp{−0.42 (t + 0.61)}].  相似文献   

Determining the taxonomic status of the red algal genus Chondracanthus based on morphological characters is challenging due to the similarity and high degree of plasticity of the thallus. Since the taxonomic history of several Chondracanthus species remains unclear, we analyzed the plastid rbcL and mitochondrial COI genes of the specimens from Korea and Japan, in combination with morphological observations, to examine their phylogenetic relationships. Our results confirmed the distinction of C. okamurae, which is separated from C. intermedius, and identified a novel species, C. cincinnus sp. nov. Three species (C. okamurae, C. intermedius and C. cincinnus) formed a monophyletic clade with C. tenellus. C. okamurae is distinguished by linear, narrow, cylindrical to compressed, slightly recurved axes, and a high-intertidal to subtidal distribution. It was collected from Korea and Japan, while C. intermedius was identified from Japan only. A new species, Chondracanthus cincinnus sp. nov., is characterized by linear, compressed, strongly recurved axes, and a low-intertidal to subtidal distiribution. Based on the molecular phylogeny using rbcL and COI data, we herein resurrect C. okamurae as a distinct species and identify C. cincinnus as a new species.  相似文献   

Environmental challenges such as ocean acidification and eutrophication influence the physiology of kelp species. We investigated their interactive effects on Saccharina japonica (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) under two pH conditions [Low, 7.50; High (control), 8.10] and three NH 4 + concentrations (Low, 4; Medium, 60; High, 120 μM). The degree of variation of pH values in the culture medium and inhibition rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution by acetazolamide were affected by pH treatments. Relative growth rates, carbon, nitrogen, and the C:N ratio in tissue samples were influenced by higher concentrations of NH 4 + . Rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution were enhanced under elevated CO2 or NH 4 + conditions, independently, but these two factors did not show an interactive effect. However, rates of NH 4 + uptake were influenced by the interactive effect of increased CO2 under elevated NH 4 + treatment. Although ocean acidification and eutrophication states had an impact on physiological performance, chlorophyll fluorescence was not affected by those conditions. Our results indicated that the physiological reactions by this alga were influenced to some extent by a rise in the levels of CO2 and NH 4 + . Therefore, we expect that the biomass accumulation of S. japonica may well increase under future scenarios of ocean acidification and eutrophication.  相似文献   

The current study was carried out from May 2014 to April 2015 to estimate the stock status of P. viridis in Marudu Bay. The gonad development was monitored by histological examination, while the population parameters including asymptotic length (L), growth coefficient (K), mortality rate (Z, F and M), exploitation level (E) and recruitment of P. viridis were estimated using the lengthfrequency data. Results of the current study demonstrated that P. viridis in Marudu Bay spawned throughout the year with two major peaks, one in April to May and another one in October to December. The recruitment pattern was continuous with the peak in May to June 2014, which corresponded to the first spawning peak in April. However, no significant recruitment was observed from the second spawning peak due to the difference in spawning timing between male and female populations. The estimated asymptotic length (L), growth coefficient (K), total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M), fishing mortality (F) and growth performance (ф) of P. viridis in Marudu Bay were estimate to be 117 mm, 0.97 yr-1, 4.39 yr-1, 1.23 yr-1, 3.16 yr-1 and 4.123, respectively. The exponent b of the lengthweight relationship was 2.4 and exploitation level (E) was 0.72. The high mortality, low condition indices and negative allometric of P. viridis in Marudu Bay is caused by a lack of suitable food in the surrounding water.  相似文献   

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