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滑坡泥石流灾害风险评估目前没有一个统一的概念体系和理论框架.从滑坡泥石流风险评估的基本概念出发,综合分析不确定性与灾害以及灾害与风险之间的关系,明确区分了“灾害体”、“灾害事件”和“灾害现象”三种含义,界定了灾害易发性、危险性和风险性的内涵.然后从这些明确的概念出发,提出了危险性和易损性的数学表达形式,由此构建了滑坡泥石流风险评估的理论框架,以期能够为今后的滑坡泥石流风险研究工作提供参考.  相似文献   

滑坡灾害风险评价的关键理论与技术方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
滑坡灾害风险评估主要包括滑坡敏感性分析、危险性评价和风险评估3个不同层次的内容。但是,滑坡地质灾害本身的复杂性和滑坡强度的确定、滑坡发生的时空概率估算、承灾体的易损性时空概率分析等难点问题的存在,无疑阻碍了滑坡风险定量评估的推广和应用。在系统分析国内外滑坡灾害风险评估研究成果的基础上,对滑坡灾害风险评价的技术体系进行了总结,提出了不同层次滑坡灾害的研究内容和相应的评价方法;分析了实现滑坡风险有效评价涉及到的难点问题,并结合降雨和地震诱发的滑坡灾害危险性评价国内外的实践,提出了中国未来滑坡灾害风险评价研究的主要内容和技术方法。  相似文献   

Spatial risk analysis of Li-shan landslide in Taiwan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
By coupling limit equilibrium analysis and Monte Carlo analysis with a geography information system (GIS), this study implements a method that can evaluate the risk (corresponding to probability of failure in this study) of landslide with consideration of spatial uncertainties. The GIS can adopt the three-dimensional information including surface topography, underground geomaterial distribution and groundwater level to determine slope profiles for analysis. Then the safety of defined slope can be evaluated by limit equilibrium analysis. In this study, the mechanical properties of geomaterial were considered as random variables instead of single values. The slope and groundwater profiles are also randomly adopted. Through a Monte Carlo sampling process, a distribution of safety factor and probability of failure can be determined. This probabilistic risk analysis approach was applied to Li-shan landslide in Central Taiwan.

Due to heavy rains, the sites near the highway 7A (mileage 73 k + 150) and the highway 8 (mileage 82 k) in the Li-shan Township began to subside in mid April 1990. Topography, geology, and groundwater condition of this area were first reviewed. Based on this review, together with field investigations and a series of limit equilibrium back analyses, a general hypothetic model was established to illustrate the failure mechanism of this landslide area. Then the developed probabilistic risk analysis model is applied to spatially evaluate the risk of this landslide area as well as the performance of the remediation treatment.  相似文献   

Fragility curves (FCs) constitute an emerging tool for the seismic risk assessment of all elements at risk. They express the probability of a structure being damaged beyond a specific damage state for a given seismic input motion parameter, incorporating the most important sources of uncertainties, that is, seismic demand, capacity and definition of damage states. Nevertheless, the implementation of FCs in loss/risk assessments introduces other important sources of uncertainty, related to the usually limited knowledge about the elements at risk (e.g., inventory, typology). In this paper, within a Bayesian framework, it is developed a general methodology to combine into a single model (Bayesian combined model, BCM) the information provided by multiple FC models, weighting them according to their credibility/applicability, and independent past data. This combination enables to efficiently capture inter-model variability (IMV) and to propagate it into risk/loss assessments, allowing the treatment of a large spectrum of vulnerability-related uncertainties, usually neglected. As case study, FCs for shallow tunnels in alluvial deposits, when subjected to transversal seismic loading, are developed with two conventional procedures, based on a quasi-static numerical approach. Noteworthy, loss/risk assessments resulting from such conventional methods show significant unexpected differences. Conventional fragilities are then combined in a Bayesian framework, in which also probability values are treated as random variables, characterized by their probability density functions. The results show that BCM efficiently projects the whole variability of input models into risk/loss estimations. This demonstrates that BCM is a suitable framework to treat IMV in vulnerability assessments, in a straightforward and explicit manner.  相似文献   

北京市有机氯农药填图与风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用1个样/km2的密度、1个分析组合样/16km2的方法,对北京市784km2范围内的土壤、大气干湿沉降物、大气颗粒物中HCH、DDT的含量和空间分布特征进行有机氯农药填图.查明2000年北京市地表土壤HCH和DDT的平均含量分别为8.80±11.83ng/g、108.99±301.90ng/g.2006年大气干湿沉降物中HCH和DDT平均含量分别为10.09±9.60ng/g、12.99±13.51ng/g,HCH和DDT的年沉降通量分别为996.57±939.96g/a·km2、1291.53±1342.28g/a·km2.2006年大气颗粒物PM10和PM2.5中的HCH含量分别为0.294±0.205ng/m3和0.217±0.137ng/m3,DDT的平均含量分别为1.037±1.301ng/m3和0.522±0.773ng/m3,显著高于2002-2003年度大气颗粒物中HCH(PM100.01786ng/m3,PM250.01731ng/m3)和DDT(PM100.01672ng/m3,PM2.50.02353ng/m3)的含量,表明北京市或周边地区仍在使用含HCH和DDT化学成分的农药.以2000年北京地表土壤和2006年大气干湿沉降物中HCH和DDT的含量为基础,对2020年土壤中HCH和DDT的时空演变的预测显示,即使干湿沉降物中HCH和DDT的沉降通量每年以5%的速率递减,到2020年土壤中HCH和DDT的环境质量仍不能显著改善,而控制和削减北京及周边地区含HCH和DDT成分农药的使用将是改善北京地表土壤环境质量的关键措施.  相似文献   

The estimation of risk confidence bounds is an important element of a comprehensive probabilistic risk assessment for a radioactive waste repository. Normal distribution bounds may be used in the asymptotic limit of a very large number of Monte Carlo simulations, but sharp skewness of the risk distribution may severely retard the convergence process. The Tchebycheff bounds are parameter-free and may be applied regardless of distribution, save for the finiteness of variance. These bounds may be generally applicable, but they are invariably very broad. Better parameter-free bounds for mean risk are presented here, based on an inequality originally derived by Guttman.  相似文献   

In this paper, we build an event-based seismic hazard assessment and financial analysis model for Hi-Tech Fabs in Taiwan. As we know, the low occurrence rate, tremendous loss and high uncertainty are characteristics of earthquake disasters. To handle the above issues, the model integrates knowledge from many fields including earth science, seismology, geology, risk management, structural engineering, the insurance profession, financial engineering and facility management. The portfolio of data from the site survey indicates that the model can be used to calculate the event losses (including buildings, contents and business interruption losses); furthermore the average annual loss and loss exceeding probabilities also can be calculated. The total earthquake risk cost, which includes earthquake insurance premiums, average annual retained loss and equivalent annual retrofit cost, is defined as an indicator for selection of optimal risk management strategies.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Climate change-induced disasters show the highest risk for agriculture and livelihoods in rural areas of developing countries. Due to changing rainfall pattern, the arid and...  相似文献   

Landslide risk analysis procedures in this study could evaluate annual landslide risk, and assess the effectiveness of measures. Risk analysis encompassing landslide hazard, vulnerability, and resilience capacity was used to evaluate annual landslide risk. First, landslide spatial, temporal, and area probabilities were joined to estimate annual probability of landslides with an area exceeding a certain threshold in each slope unit. Second, different elements were assigned corresponding values and vulnerabilities to calculate the expected property and life losses. Third, the resilience capacities of communities were calculated based on the scores obtained through community checklists and the weights of items, including “the participation experience of disaster prevention drill,” “real-time monitoring mechanism of community,” “autonomous monitoring of residents,” and “disaster prevention volunteer.” Finally, the annual landslide probabilities, expected losses, and resilience capacities were combined to evaluate annual landslide risk in Shihmen watershed. In addition, annual risks before and after the implementation of measures were compared to determine the benefits of measures, and subsequently benefit–cost analysis was performed. Communities with high benefit–cost ratios included Hualing, Yisheng, Siouluan, and Gaoyi. The watershed as a whole had a benefit–cost ratio far greater than 1, indicating the effectiveness of measures was greater than the investment cost. The results of factor sensitivity analysis revealed changes in vulnerabilities and mortality rates would increase the uncertainty of risk, and that raise in annual interest rates or reduction in life cycle of measures would decrease the benefit–cost ratio. However, these changes did not reverse the cost-effective inference.  相似文献   

Based on the natural disaster analysis theory, the spatial characteristics of agricultural drought risk in China were investigated at 10 × 10 km grid scale. It shows that agricultural drought risk in China has a clear southeast–northwest spatial pattern. High and very high risk mainly occur in the eastern part of Northeast Plain, the central of Inner Mongolian Plateau, the Loess Plateau, north Xinjiang, the north and south of Yangtze Plain, and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Statistics also show that 19.5 % of the main crop planting area is exposed to low risk, 35.1 % of the area to moderate risk, 39.8 % of the area to high risk, and 5.6 % of the area to very high risk. Further investigation shows that 23 % of total wheat growing areas is located in high and very high risk class; corn and rice are 16 % and 14 % respectively. Comprehensive analysis shows that severely affected areas by drought in the history are mainly located in the high and very high risk areas.  相似文献   

基于风险分析的商业性找矿预测新方法与应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
基于风险分析的商业性找矿预测新方法主要限于针对矿山深部和外围找矿预测与风险投资中的商业性矿产勘探。从风险分析和经济地质学角度对以往研究成果进行系统总结,认为成矿成晕模式与地质地球化学找矿预测系统、构造地球化学方法、矿体探采对比、广度搜索选优评价(矿点与异常成矿概率法)、深度解剖评价与定量预测等技术方法在金属矿山(床)找矿预测中应用前景广阔,矿物地球化学、岩相学亚相-微相填编图等新预测方法完善后可广泛推广应用。基于风险分析的商业性找矿预测方法技术不断发展,有助于满足境外矿产勘查迅猛发展和矿业权交易量增加的商业性矿产勘查新局势需求,推动矿产勘查和开发项目现代管理水平的提升。  相似文献   

陕西延安市虎头峁滑坡社会风险评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在简要回顾滑坡社会风险评价的历史进程和现状的基础上,从滑坡社会风险评价的有关概念出发,归纳总结了社会风险评价的方法和步骤,并运用该方法对虎头峁滑坡进行了社会风险评价。计算了虎头峁滑坡的社会风险值,得到F-N曲线,参考香港和澳大利亚的风险容许标准对滑坡进行了社会风险评价,得出社会风险全部在可容忍界线之上的结论,并分析了该滑坡F-N曲线水平化的原因。  相似文献   

This work addresses the use of remote sensing imagery to quantify the built environment and its spatial and temporal changes. It identifies building footprint map, building location map and built-up area map as information products that can be used to quantify physical exposure, one of the variables required in disaster risk assessments. The paper also reviews urban land use maps and urban classes in land cover maps as potential source for deriving exposure information. The paper focuses on the latest generation of satellite-borne remote sensing imaging systems that deliver high-resolution optical imagery able to resolve buildings and other three-dimensional man-made constructions. This work also reviews the semantics, the spatial unit used to define physical exposure, image processing procedures and change techniques.  相似文献   

No region is excluded from actions of recent geodynamic short- or long-term effects which can be observed even on the Earth’s surface. The article delivers a geodynamic hazard assessment for the anthropogenic objects threatened by permanent shear movements occurring along tectonic faults and a way how to mitigate and/or eliminate the object risk. The proposed approach is applied to a case example of a motorway tunnel leading through rock masses where dynamically active zones with shear movements along their faults are expected. To detect the shear movements among rock masses, the contemporary satellite geodetic GPS methodology was used.  相似文献   

This study presents a discriminant analysis-based method for prediction of agriculture drought disaster risk. We selected the Chaoyang city in the Northeast China as the study area. We employed multi-scale standard precipitation index (SPI) to reflect drought hazard. We used the yield losses to indicate the drought disaster risk, which was divided into no, low, or high drought risk. We used the multi-scale SPI and drought disaster risk as the input factors for the discriminant analysis-based risk prediction model. The results showed that the model’s prediction accuracy varied between 40 and 82.4 %. The accuracy of high drought disaster risk category was higher than low and no drought disaster risk category. The prediction accuracy of the milky maturity stage was highest. We use leave-one-out cross-validation method to validate the model’s accuracy. And the results showed that the model validation accuracy of high drought group could reach 70.6 % in milky maturity stage. This study showed discriminant analysis is an effective and operable method for disaster risk prediction. This model can provide timely information for decision makers to make effective measures for drought disaster management and to reduce the drought effects to yields at the minimum level.  相似文献   

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