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The occurrence of landslide in the hilly region of Darjeeling during monsoon season is a matter of serious concern. Every year this natural hazard damages the major roads at several places and thus disrupts the transport and communication system in this region. This paper tries to prepare a landslide susceptibility zone (LSZ) map for the Gish River basin. A total number of 16 spatial parameters have been taken for this study and these are categorised under six factor clusters or groups for example, triggering factors, protective factor, lithological factors, morphometric factors, hydrological factors and anthropogenic factors. The LSZ map is prepared by integrating all the parameters adopting the weighting base as logistic regression. The landslide susceptibility map shows that nearly 9.11% of the area falls under the very high landslide-susceptible zone while 40.28% of the area of the total basin lies under the very low landslide-susceptible zone. The landslide-susceptible model is validated through the receiver operating characteristic curve. This curve shows 86% success rate in defining landslide-susceptible zones and 83.40% prediction rate for the occurrence of landslides. The spatial relationship between the landslide susceptibility model and other factors’ groups shows that the morphometric factors’ cluster (mainly slope) is the focalone for the determination of landslide-susceptible zone.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic Prøven Igneous Complex (PIC) in West Greenland extends from ca. 72°15 to 73°10N, approximately 500 km north of the subduction-related intrusive complex in the core of the +1100 km wide, asymmetric collisional Nagssugtoqidian-Rinkian Orogen. A new U-Pb SHRIMP age for the PIC of 1869±9 Ma indicates that it intruded synchronously with the main collisional phase of the orogen into the passive margin side of the collision. Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotopic and A-type geochemical signatures are compatible with its derivation from melted Archean lower crustal material contaminated to varying degrees by pelitic sedimentary rocks of the Karrat Group. The timing, petrogenesis and position of the PIC within the orogen support a model of collisionally induced delamination of the mantle lithosphere following initial collision. Upwelling asthenospheric mantle replacing the partially or completely detached mantle lithosphere caused widespread partial melting of lower crust that resulted in the areally extensive (~ 250,000 km2) Cumberland-Prøven intrusive complexes of Baffin Island and West Greenland. Emplacement of the PIC at 1.87 Ga caused a high-temperature low- to medium-pressure metamorphic aureole that contrasts the regional, overprinting higher-pressure amphibolite facies metamorphism. The consequent high-temperature garnet-orthopyroxene-biotite-bearing assemblages occurring within the margin of the intrusion in the aureole are attributed to the intrusion event. Garnet-controlled Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf ages of 1.82–1.80 Ga require efficient diffusion of these elements during orogenic reheating at this time. This age range overlaps the post-collisional, north–south shortening in the Nagssugtoqidian Orogen to the south and serves to confirm the recently proposed genetic link between these two orogens. These new data infer that garnet-controlled isochrons based on the Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd systems cannot date high-grade events in slowly cooled or significantly reheated terrains in rocks possessing other phases that close at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The petrological and chemical composition of a coal reflects all its inherent characters. Together with the variation in thickness of the coal seams, these aspects have been studied in detail around Salanpur (Raniganj Coalfield), India. The data reveal that any coal seam having its mother material supplied continuously from the same source will show a variation in its composition, the resultant being closely related to the environmental factors of the site of deposition, namely its morphology, including the disposition of its channel axis, and the palaeocurrent direction. Thus, it is suggested that these coal-seam properties may be used just as other sedimentary parameters in interpreting the characteristics of the site of deposition and depositing current.  相似文献   

Landslides are amongst the major disasters that have occurred in Karabük, Turkey. Due to the rapid increase in population movement to new habitats in urban areas, the need for engineering structures will increase. This condition has led to the construction of arts, cultural facilities and housing in insecure regions these days. The excavations to prepare the construction site, the external loads due to heavy structures and the changes in coverage of the earth surface are among the reasons for landslides in such areas. In this study, the landslides that occurred due to unsupported excavation for the construction of Karabük university stadium were analyzed using the three softwares like Plaxis, Geoslope and Slide. The study area is critical in terms of slope problems. Mass movement in the stadium occurred in high plasticity clay units containing sand and silt. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out detailed studies before the construction of engineering structures. The landslide considered in the study were analyzed using finite element (FE) analysis and slice method. These approaches are used for evaluating the stability of natural slope by considering a failure mechanism, which is known as the plastic limit condition. Regarding safety factors calculated using the different numerical solutions confirm that the results obtained are similar. In addition, the landslide area is close to the predicted simulation results.  相似文献   

Arsenic is present in groundwater at Siliguri–Jalpaiguri area, West Bengal, India. This is the place where Tista river descending from the Himalayas meets the alluvial plain. The area represents alluvial fan and floodplains of Tista, Mahananda-Balasan, Jaladhaka and its tributaries. In the river sediment samples, para- and ferro-magnetic minerals within 0.3–0.05 mm fraction contain 9–80 ppm of arsenic. The study indicates that iron bearing minerals viz. biotite, hornblende as well as iron coated grains of the sediment are major contributors towards arsenic budget. Though magnetite as a mineral shows maximum arsenic content (22 ppm), it is volumetrically not of much significance. Measurement of groundwater collected from tube wells shows up to 0.05 ppm of arsenic. These arsenic contaminated tube wells occur in a linear fashion along the course of the rivers. Moreover, localization of contaminated tube wells coincides with the change of channel gradient as observed in longitudinal section. The study enumerates a cause–effect relationship of arsenic occurrence with river gradient and fluvial sedimentation.  相似文献   

The spatial knowledge of the relationships between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity may become crucial to forming modern land use policies and consequently, it may also become fruitful in regional development. But, there is no work in the literature that emphasises the relationships between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity, especially in a country like India which has a large variety of abiotic elements and also has a large variety of land use/land cover patterns in its territory and hence, has tremendous scope for such kind of work. Therefore, in the present work to partially fill the research gap, an attempt has been made to explore the relationships between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity of the Birbhum district, India following the principles of richness index. The spatial correlations between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity have been examined statistically by applying both correlation and regression analyses. The result shows a linear positive correlation between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity of the concerned district that implies the fact that the areas of high geodiversity are also associated with the areas of high land use/land cover diversity and vice versa.  相似文献   

Pillow lavas in Bompoka island of the Andaman–Nicobar islands, forming a part of Sunda–Burmese forearc, are composed of plagioclase and clinopyroxene microphenocrysts in a fine-grained ferruginous groundmass along with glass. They are also characterized by several quench plagioclase and clinopyroxene morphologies. Zr/TiO2 versus Nb/Y relationship of these pillow lavas show that these are tholeiitic basalts in composition. These basalts have low MgO (5.19–6.12 wt%), Ni (84–118 ppm), and Cr (144–175 ppm) abundance and high FeO(T)/MgO (1.71–1.92) ratios, reflecting their fractionated nature. In Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb and Ti/Yb versus Nb/Yb binary diagrams, they show N-MORB affinity. However, La/Nb–Y and Ce/Nb–Th/Nb relationships along with a slight LREE depleted (LaN/YbN = 0.75–0.82) pattern and high Ba/Zr (0.28–0.40) ratios and LILE (K, Rb, Ba, Sr and Th) enrichment relative to N-MORB, suggest their back-arc basin basalt affinity. It is inferred that these pillow basalts have been derived from a metasomatised N-MORB-like mantle source in a trench-distal (wider) back-arc basin, probably near the leading edge of the Eurasian continent during Early to Late Cretaceous times, prior to the currently active Andaman–Java subduction system.  相似文献   

Mineral concentration and ilmenite characterization of the Thothapally — Kayamkulam Barrier Island of the southern Kerala has been studied. 96.86% concentrations of heavy minerals are recorded in the surficial and core samples (4 m) in the southern Kayamkulam and northern Thothapally areas. The total heavy mineral content decreases with depth. The primary heavy mineral suite of the surficial and core samples consists of ilmenite, sillimanite, zircon, garnets, rutile, monazite and magnetite. Longshore current and onshore-offshore movements of sediment during the southwest monsoon are primarily responsible in sorting of the heavy minerals. TiO2 content in ilmenite is significantly higher in the Kayamkulam core sediments than the surface samples. XRD analysis supports intensive weathering and alteration leading to the higher TiO2 concentration. Higher percentage of ferric iron than ferrous iron in the core samples reveals that considerable weathering occurred under burial condition. SEM examination of ilmenite grains reveal the presence of solution pit, chemical leaching, corrosion and replacement textures, supporting the intense epigenetic alteration and weathering under subaerial condition and post-depositional changes by water-table condition.  相似文献   

The 100-km diameter Popigai impact crater (astrobleme), which formed 35.7?Ma ago as a result of the collision of an ordinary chondrite asteroid, was discovered in the 1970s. The impact site was studied in detail for nearly two decades, and various geological investigations were performed there. They included drilling of numerous wells (about 850), geophysical surveys, and investigations of impact breccias and impactites. This research was generally performed in connection with the identification of the unique resource of industrial impact diamonds, which were found in impact rocks for the first time in the world. The extensive research data acquired over 20–30 years include geological maps, collections of rock samples and thin sections, core samples, etc. All these materials are stored in the Russian Research Geological Institute in St Petersburg. Although a lot of data on the Popigai crater have already been published, the available materials and new analytical methods offer the opportunity to obtain some new data on mechanisms of rock-forming processes during an impact event, to improve existing geological models, and to compare in detail all these features to those established in other large craters on the Earth. Modelling of the physical processes of impact cratering has been extended and new data contribute significantly to the study of impact cratering and other problems of comparative planetology. In particular, many different hypotheses of rock-forming mechanisms are tested, especially those of impact melting of various target lithologies, homogenisation of huge volumes of melt products, and their mode of ejection, deposition, cooling, etc.  相似文献   

Groundwater utilization in Nadia district, West Bengal has been subjected to rapid exploitation in the wake of increasing urbanization and production of agricultural commodities. It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate the existing trend and availability of groundwater in time and space and its movement for proper planning in future. In the present study, an attempt has been made develop a groundwater management model using Visual MODFLOW software. The groundwater flow model for the study area was formulated by using input hydrogeological data and appropriate boundary conditions. The groundwater flow pattern of the study area indicates the occurrence of base flow which feed both the Rivers Bhagirathi and Jalangi throughout the year. The computed hydraulic heads were calibrated by comparing with observed groundwater level data for years 2004 to 2006 and were verified with the data of 2007. The outcome of modeling shows that this model can be used for prediction purpose in the future by updating input boundary conditions and hydrologic stresses during the preceding year. The model optimized unit draft for deep tube well as 556.5 m3/day and the same for shallow tube well as 41 m3/day keeping the existing tube well structures in running condition and maintaining the present and recent past trends of groundwater level. The model can be further improved if more spatial and temporal input parameters are available and can be incorporated into the model for more realistic characterization of groundwater flow.  相似文献   

The Oulad Dlim Massif of the Western Reguibat Shield contains several carbonatite complexes of previously unknown age. The largest and best studied are Gleibat Lafhouda, composed of magnesiocarbonatites, and Twihinate, composed of calciocarbonatites. Gleibat Lafhouda is hosted by Archean gneisses and schists. It has a SHRIMP U–Th–Pb zircon crystallization age of 1.85 ± 0.03 Ga, a Nd model age of TCR = 1.89 ± 0.03 Ga, and a Sm–Nd age of 1.85 ± 0.39 Ga. It forms part of the West Reguibat Alkaline province. Twihinate, on the other hand, is much younger. It is hosted by Late Silurian to Early Devonian deformed granites and has a zircon crystallization age of 104 ± 4 Ma, which is within error of the age of the carbonatites of the famous Richat Structure in the southwest Reguibat Shield. Like these, the Twihinate carbonatites are part of the Mid-Cretaceous Peri-Atlantic Alkaline Pulse. The Twihinate carbonatites contain abundant inherited zircons with ages that peak at ca. 420 Ma, 620 Ma, 2050 Ma, 2466 Ma, and 2830 Ma. This indicates that their substratum has West African rather than, as previously suggested, Avalonian affinities. It has, however, a Paleoproterozoic component that is not found in the neighboring western Reguibat Shield. The 421 Ma to 410 Ma gneissic granites hosting Twihinate are epidote + biotite + Ca-rich garnet deformed I-type to A-type granites derived from magmas of deep origin compatible, therefore, with being generated in a subduction environment. These granites form a body of unknown dimensions and petrogenesis, the study of which will be of key importance for understanding the geology and crustal architecture of this region.  相似文献   

Coal fires are serious problem in Raniganj coalfield as it is the case for some of the other coalfields of India like Jharia coalfield. Earlier efforts were made to map the coal fires of this coal-field based on satellite observation. But the restricted distribution of major coal fires in the particular portion of the coalfield makes the basis for finding the geological control if responsible for coal fire distribution. In present study, night time thermal data of ASTER (Advance spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer) is used to map the latest distribution (December, 2006) of coal fires in the Raniganj coalfield. Coal fire map shows that most significant zone affected by fire is at the north-western portion of the coalfield; where NE-trending open cast mines are affected by fire. This fire zone is associated with high grade coal of the Barakar Formation. Coal fires are also mapped in open cast pits of Jambad-Mangalpur area occurring over rocks of the Raniganj Formation. By integrating geological map and satellite-derived coal fire map of Raniganj coal field, it is observed that the coal fires detected by remote sensing study are spatially associated with intraformational faults. These faults may have played significant role in supplying oxygen to these coal-fires and allowing them to propagate down the depth along the trends of the faults.  相似文献   

Ground water levels and quality in Chhatna Block of West Bengal were studied based on different indices for irrigation and drinking purposes. A detailed hydrogeological investigation was carried out to have an overall idea of the aquifer system of the area. The ground water occurs under shallow to moderately deep water table condition. The groundwater is stored mostly in the weathered residuum and fractured — hard rock. Sodium absorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP), residual sodium bi-carbonate (RSBC), electrical conductance (EC), magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR) Kelly’s ratio (KR), total hardness (TH), permeability index (PI) were calculated as derived parameters, to investigate the ionic toxicity. From the results of chemical analysis, it was revealed that the values of Sodium Adsorption Ratio indicate that, ground water of the area falls under the category of low sodium hazard. So, there was neither salinity nor toxicity problem of irrigation water, and hence the ground water can safely be used for long-term irrigation. Plotting of analytical results of the groundwater collected from different areas in Piper’s trilinear diagram (1944) indicate that, the waters of the study area fall under fresh and sulphate rich region of the rhombus.  相似文献   

Sedimentary processes in the paleocoastal part of the Bengal basin that occured in the Tertiary and Quaternary have been addressed. Three indicators were used: sedimentary bedding forms, microstructure of the sediment, and trace fossils. Various forms of sedimentary structures developed under the influence of dynamic geomorphic processes in the study area in the Quaternary. The microstructure analysis of the sedimentary materials was made by two methods: microphotography and Digital Color Analysis (DCA). The microstructure analysis shows that the geomorphic process remained very dynamic in the Quaternary, influencing the form, thickness, and mineral composition of the sediment strata. The enrichment of the sediments in heavy minerals evidences either oscillating or combined flow sedimentation, while under stable conditions light-mineral deposition took place. The digital data of microfabric study by the DCA method also show that larger particles deposited in the oscillating or high-flow environment and evidence a greater amount of heavy minerals like ferruginous materials. Trace fossils found in the sediments of this area also strongly support the concept that the environment remained dynamic during the Tertiary and Quaternary. The Late Tertiary deposition shows that, during these periods, the sediments were transported from tide-dominated marine coast with low flow energy, which is typical of hot and humid conditions. From Late Tertiary to Early Quaternary, the macrotidal coast became mesotidal (wave-dominated). The second phase is the Middle Pleistocene, when the environment was stable, favoring the continuous deposition of finer particles under low- to medium-flow energy conditions. The third phase, the Recent, is marked by the shoreline shift and modification of the environment. In the Early–Middle Holocene, the shoreline started to shift, which modified the geomorphic conditions of this place from coastal to estuarine and, finally, inland fluvial.  相似文献   

The Ichamati River drains the east and south side of the North 24 Parganas district which belongs to the Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta (GBD), covered by deep Quaternary sediments produced under tropical monsoon climate in India. The district is densely populated. The river has huge impact on its population. In this paper, particular attention has been paid to a new method, named optimum cross section index (OCI), which is a numerical representation of a river cross section with respect to its optimum condition. To establish the validity and reliability of OCI, as circumstantial evidences, we have measured and analyzed the geometric parameters, such as width, depth, hydraulic radius, wetted perimeter, and bank profile at 22 points, and applied the areal difference asymmetric index (ADAI). The paper considers that the changing characters of the geometric form of the cross sections and ADAI stand for the OCI. All the techniques reveal that (1) the area of channel decreases abruptly upstream downward, (2) the upstream channel is more symmetrical than the lower reach, and (3) the area of optimum channel gradually increases upstream downward. Results of the study show that the river is going to be deteriorating from upstream downward. OCI has been constructed based on width and depth, which are relatively easily available data. So, this model may be well assessable to identify the optimum channel for a river management.  相似文献   

Morphological mapping plays an essential role in understanding river processes. Evaluation of the morphological parameters requires preparation of basin, upstream and downstream, stream link, stream network, stream order, flow direction, flow accumulation, and digital elevation model, which help to understand the nature of the river. Assessments of morphological digital maps provide upstream and downstream flow rates, slope variation, sedimentation, and specific stream erosive power in river systems. The river patterns of the study area mainly controlled by geological nature. Therefore, this paper discusses conceptual foundations and illustrates how mapping approaches can be used to produce morphological information of Tirumalairajan river systems.  相似文献   

The secondary fractures associated with a major pseudotachylyte-bearing fault vein in the sheared aplitic granitoid of the Proterozoic Gavilgarh–Tan Shear Zone in central India are mapped at the outcrop scale. The fracture maps help to identify at least three different types of co-seismic ruptures, e.g., X–X′, T1 and T2, which characterize sinistral-sense shearing of rocks, confined between two sinistral strike-slip faults slipping at seismic rate. From the asymmetric distribution of tensile fractures around the sinistral-sense fault vein, the direction of seismic rupture propagation is predicted to have occurred from west-southwest to east-northeast, during an ancient (Ordovician?) earthquake. Calculations of approximate co-seismic displacement on the faults and seismic moment (M 0) of the earthquake are attempted, following the methods proposed by earlier workers. These estimates broadly agree to the findings from other studied fault zones (e.g., Gole Larghe Fault zone, Italian Alps). This study supports the proposition by some researchers that important seismological information can be extracted from tectonic pseudotachylytes of all ages, provided they are not reworked by subsequent tectonic activity.  相似文献   


Basic volcanic rocks within the Zildat ophiolitic mélange of Indus suture zone in eastern Ladakh are medium to fine grained with partially preserved primary texture and mineralogy. These rocks are predominantly alkaline basalt with high Nb/Y and enriched incompatible trace element characteristics, similar to those of the oceanic island basalt (OIB). The minor sub-alkaline basaltic rocks resemble N-type mid ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) but with much lower abundances of incompatible trace element including REE. The alkaline rocks probably generated through variable, but low degrees of partial melting of enriched mantle source and evolved through high pressure olivine and clinopyroxene fractionation. Low pressure plagioclase and Fe- Ti oxide do not appear to be major fractionating phases. Limited data on the sub-alkaline rocks suggest that their parental melts were derived from mantle sources some what similar to that of N- MORB. Significant role of added cumulates of olivine, clinopyroxene and Fe- Ti oxides is also indicated in their genesis. Ophiolitic mélanges all along the Indus suture zone appear to have formed due to the accumulation of mélange material in the upper part of the subduction zone where they suffered glaucophanitic (blueschist) metamorphism and retrograded partially to greenschist grade as these were subsequently obducted to its present position probably during the Cenozoic Himalayan orogeny due to collision of Indian and Eurasian plates.  相似文献   

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