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The Late Cretaceous Alihoca ophiolite in the Inner Tauride suture zone (ITSZ) of South-Central Turkey represents part of a single ophiolitic thrust sheet that originated from the Inner Tauride ocean. The ophiolite contains upper mantle peridotites, cumulate wehrlites, layered-to-isotropic gabbros, and microgabbroic-to-doleritic dikes. An ophiolitic mélange beneath the Alihoca ophiolite includes blocks of limestone, peridotite, dolerite, basalt, and deep-sea sedimentary rocks (radiolarite, chert) in a matrix comprising sheared serpentinite and mudstone. Isotropic gabbro and dolerite dike rocks show enrichment in Sr, K, Rb, Ba, and Th (LILE) and depletion of Ta, Nb, Zr, Ti, and Y (HFSE), indicating an island arc tholeiite (IAT) affinity. Relatively younger dolerite rocks display low TiO2 (<0.5 wt.%) contents, concave REE profiles with low HREE concentrations, and high LREE values, typical of boninitic affinities. The Alihoca ophiolite, hence, displays an IAT to boninitic geochemical progression in its magmatic evolution, reminiscent of many other Tethyan ophiolites in the region. It represents the remnant of a forearc oceanic crust, which developed during the early stages of subduction within the Inner Tauride ocean. Volcanic, volcano-sedimentary, and sedimentary rocks of the Uluk??la–Çamard? basin north of the ITSZ disconformably overlie the mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Alihoca ophiolite. Pillowed and massive lavas of the latest Cretaceous–Palaeocene Uluk??la Formation have alkaline basalt-to-basaltic andesite compositions, displaying relatively enriched LILE and LREE patterns with negative Nb and Ta anomalies. These geochemical features suggest that magmas of the Uluk??la–Çamard? volcanic rocks formed from partial melting of a metasomatized lithospheric mantle. This melting event was triggered by the influx of asthenospheric heat through a slab breakoff-induced window in the downgoing Tethyan oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

The series of two papers presents a comprehensive isotope-geochronological and petrologicalgeochemical study of the Late Quaternary Tendürek Volcano (Eastern Turkey), one of the greatest volcanoes within the Caucasian–Eastern Anatolian segment of the Alpine foldbelt. The second article discusses the results of petrogenetic modeling, role of AFC-processes in the petrogenesis of magmas and the nature of mantle source of the Tendürek Volcano. Based on geochronological data, geochemical and isotopegeochemical (Sr-Nd-Pb) characteristics of the studied rocks we suggest the petrological model which well describe the evolution of magmatic system of the Tendürek Volcano during the whole period of its activity. The data obtained indicate that the igneous rocks of the Tendürek Volcano belong to the same homodromous volcanic series (trachybasalt–tephrite–phonotephrite–tephriphonolite–trachyandesite–trachyte–phonolite), which are dominated by the intermediate and moderately-acid varieties of the eruption products. The leading role in the petrogenesis of the lavas was played by the fractional crystallization processes, which, according to isotope-geochemical data, were sometimes complicated by the assimilation of upper crustal material. The mantle reservoir responsible for the magmatic activity within the major part of the Eastern Anatolia in the Late Quaternary time was represented by the OIB-type mantle. It was subject to slight metasomatic changes as a result of earlier deepening and remelting of the Arabian Plate slab, which was subducted under the region through the end of the Miocene. The depth of the magma-generating source is estimated at around 80 km, which corresponds to the upper part of the asthenospheric wedge under the region, based on geophysical data.  相似文献   

We investigate the helium, carbon and oxygen–hydrogen isotopic systematics and CO2/3He ratios of 8 water and 6 gas samples collected from 12 geothermal fields in western Anatolia (Turkey). 3He/4He ratios of the samples (R) normalized to the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio (RA = 1.39 × 10? 6) range from 0.27 to 1.67 and are significantly higher than the crustal production value of 0.05. Fluids with relatively high R / RA values are generally found in areas of significant heat potential (K?z?ldere and Tuzla fields). CO2/3He ratios of the samples, ranging from 1.6 × 109 to 2.3 × 1014, display significant variation and are mostly higher than values typical of an upper mantle source (2 × 109). The δ13C (CO2) and δ13C (CH4) values of all fluids vary from ? 8.04 to + 0.35‰ and ? 25.80 to ? 23.92‰ (vs. PDB), respectively. Stable isotope values (δ18O–δD) of the geothermal waters are conformable with the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line and indicate a meteoric origin. The temperatures calculated by gas geothermometry are significantly higher than estimates from chemical geothermometers, implying that either equilibrium has not been attained for the isotope exchange reaction or that isotopic equilibration was disturbed due to gas additions en route to the surface.Evaluation of He–CO2 abundances indicates that hydrothermal degassing and calcite precipitation (controlled probably by adiabatic cooling due to degassing) significantly fractionate the elemental ratio (CO2/3He) in geothermal waters. Such processes do not affect gas phase samples to anywhere near the same extent. For the gas samples, mixing between mantle and various crustal sources appears to be the main control on the observed He–C systematics: however, crustal inputs dominate the CO2 inventory. Considering that limestone is the main source of carbon (~ 70 to 97% of the total carbon inventory), the carbon flux from the crust is found to be at least 20 times that from the mantle. As to the He-inventory, the mantle-derived component is found to vary up to 21% of the total He content and is probably transferred to the crust by fluids degassed from deep mantle melts generated in association with the elevated geotherm and adiabatic melting accompanying current extension. The range of 3He/enthalpy ratios (0.000032 to 0.19 × 10? 12 cm3 STP/J) of fluids in western Anatolia is consistent with the release of both helium and heat from contemporary additions of mantle-derived magmas to the crust. The deep faults appear to have facilitated the deep circulation of the fluids and the transport of mantle volatiles and heat to the surface.  相似文献   

The Sakarya Zone is intruded by several Late Paleozoic granitoids, of which the Sar?cakaya intrusive rocks in the central Sakarya (Eski?ehir) region, is the least-studied. The Sar?cakaya intrusive rocks consist mainly of quartz diorite-granodiorite, granodiorite and granite. They are, geochemically, divided into two groups: diorites and granites. The former is medium-K and calc-alkaline (mainly I-type), whereas the latter is high-K to shoshonite and calcic (I-type). Typical minerals for both rock types are plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, biotite, hornblende and Fe–Ti oxides. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for the Sar?cakaya intrusive rocks are moderately fractionated and have small negative Eu anomalies. They are enriched in LILE and LREE relative to HFSE showing characteristics of arc-related granitoids. Geochemical characteristics of the Sar?cakaya intrusive rocks indicate a hybrid origin through partial melting of lower crustal source rocks.  相似文献   

The 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption, on the Bárðarbunga volcanic system in central Iceland, was one of the best-monitored basaltic fissure eruptions that has ever occurred, and presents a unique opportunity to link petrological and geochemical data with geophysical observations during a major rifting episode. We present major and trace element analyses of melt inclusions and matrix glasses from a suite of ten samples collected over the course of the Holuhraun eruption. The diversity of trace element ratios such as La/Yb in Holuhraun melt inclusions reveals that the magma evolved via concurrent mixing and crystallization of diverse primary melts in the mid-crust. Using olivine–plagioclase–augite–melt (OPAM) barometry, we calculate that the Holuhraun carrier melt equilibrated at 2.1?±?0.7 kbar (7.5?±?2.5 km), which is in agreement with the depths of earthquakes (6?±?1 km) between Bárðarbunga central volcano and the eruption site in the days preceding eruption onset. Using the same approach, melt inclusions equilibrated at pressures between 0.5 and 8.0 kbar, with the most probable pressure being 3.2 kbar. Diffusion chronometry reveals minimum residence timescales of 1–12 days for melt inclusion-bearing macrocrysts in the Holuhraun carrier melt. By combining timescales of diffusive dehydration of melt inclusions with the calculated pressure of H2O saturation for the Holuhraun magma, we calculate indicative magma ascent rates of 0.12–0.29 m s?1. Our petrological and geochemical data are consistent with lateral magma transport from Bárðarbunga volcano to the eruption site in a shallow- to mid-crustal dyke, as has been suggested on the basis of seismic and geodetic datasets. This result is a significant step forward in reconciling petrological and geophysical interpretations of magma transport during volcano-tectonic episodes, and provides a critical framework for the interpretation of premonitory seismic and geodetic data in volcanically active regions.  相似文献   

The results of isotope-geochronological and mineralogical studies of the rocks making up the Kizilcaören fluorite-barite-REE deposit, northwestern Anatolia, Turkey are discussed in the paper. The ore is a constituent of the subvolcanic complex localized in a large fault zone. The complex combines (from earlier to later rocks): (1) phonolite and trachyte stocks, (2) carbonatite and carbonate-silicate dikelike bodies; and (3) fluorite-barite-bastnaesite ore in the form of thick homogeneous veins and cement in breccia. The K-Ar dating of silicate igneous rocks and carbonatites shows that they were formed in the Chattian Age of the Oligocene 25–24 Ma ago. Mineralogical observations show that the ore is the youngest constituent in the rock complex. Supergene alteration deeply transformed ore-bearing rocks, in particular, resulting in leaching of primary minerals, presumably Ca-Mn-Fe carbonates, and in cementation of the residual bastnaesitefluorite framework by Fe and Mn hydroxides. Most of the studied rocks contain pyrochlore, LREE fluorocarbonates, Nb-bearing rutile, Fe-Mg micas, and K-feldspar. The genetic features of the deposit have been considered. In general, the ore-bearing rock complex is compared in the set of rocks and their mineralogy and geochemistry with deposits of the Gallinas Mountains in the United States, the Arshan and Khalyuta deposits in the western Transbaikalia region, and Mushugai-Khuduk deposit in Mongolia. The Kizilcaören deposit represents a variant of postmagmatic mineralization closely related to carbonatite magmatism associated with alkaline and subalkaline intermediate rocks.  相似文献   

The K?rka borate deposit was deposited in a Miocene lacustrine basin which is closely associated with volcanic activity which lasted from Paleogene to the beginning of Quaternary. Borate mineralization alternates with claystone, mudstone, tuff and fine-layered limestone and mostly shows a lenticular structure. The mineral paragenesis is composed of borax, tincalconite, ulexite, kurnakovite, probertite, tunellite, colemanite, dolomite, smectite group minerals, illite and some firstly reported minerals for the K?rka deposit including hydrochloroborite, brianroulstonite, hilgardite-4M and searlesite minerals. In comparison to average values of earth crust, concentrations of Cs, Sr, Li, As and Se were significantly enriched with respective rates of 21, 15, 14, 3 and 188 folds. Regarding KY, KS1 and KS2 locations, there are differences in both element abundances and their geochemical tendencies which are attributed to variations in discharge regime and physico-chemical conditions of the depositional environment. Independent behaviour of B2O3 might indicate that boron is not associated with clays and carbonates and, therefore, most part of boron must be derived from volcanic activity (hydrothermal solutions, gases). REE data indicate that the K?rka borate deposit was formed in a sedimentary environment where highly alkaline (high pH) hydrothermal solutions also took part in borate precipitation process.  相似文献   

The Vestmannaeyjar archipelago is composed of alkalic lavas erupted at the southern end of the active, southward propagating, Eastern Volcanic Zone. Recent eruptions include the most primitive (Surtsey) and most evolved (Eldfell) compositions found in this area. We studied time-stratigraphic sample suites from both eruptions to characterize the magmatic environment of Vestmannacyjar. All samples are nearly homogeneous in radiogenic isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr 0.70304 to 0.70327;143Nd/144Nd 0.51301 to 0.50307;206Pb/204Pb 18.96 to 19.18;207Pb/204Pb 15.50 to 15.53;208Pb/204Pb 38.47 to 38.76; KH Park and A Zindler, in preparation). Compositional trends of lavas from the two eruptions are not consistent with fractionation in a near-surface environment, but indicate rather moderate pressure evolution of small magma batches. At Eldfell, mugearite lavas can be modeled by 30% closed-system fractional crystallization of olivine+plagioclase+clinopyroxene+Fe–Ti oxides from parental hawaiite. The phase proportions are consistent with an experimentally determined moderate pressure (8 kbar) cotectic in mildly alkaline systems (Mahood and Baker 1986). Compositional variations of Surtsey lavas can be modeled by crystallization of clinopyroxene+olivine+plagioclase+minor Fe–Ti oxides. The presence of sodic plagioclase megacrysts and clinopyroxene with 8 wt% Al2O3 in xenoliths from Surtsey lavas are consistent with a moderate pressure fractionation event. Based on major-element and REE data the most primitive Surtsey lavas formed by small degrees of melting of a lherzolite source. The alkaline nature of Vestmannaeyjar lavas is not the result of assimilation of lower crustal melts (cf. Oskarsson et al. 1985; Steinthorsson et al. 1985).  相似文献   

The Sahara–Umm Adawi pluton is a Late Neoproterozoic postcollisional A-type granitoid pluton in Sinai segment of the Arabian–Nubian Shield that was emplaced within voluminous calc-alkaline I-type granite host rocks during the waning stages of the Pan-African orogeny and termination of a tectonomagmatic compressive cycle. The western part of the pluton is downthrown by clysmic faults and buried beneath the Suez rift valley sedimentary fill, while the exposed part is dissected by later Tertiary basaltic dykes and crosscut along with its host rocks by a series of NNE-trending faults. This A-type granite pluton is made up wholly of hypersolvus alkali feldspar granite and is composed of perthite, quartz, alkali amphibole, plagioclase, Fe-rich red biotite, accessory zircon, apatite, and allanite. The pluton rocks are highly evolved ferroan, alkaline, and peralkaline to mildly peraluminous A-type granites, displaying the typical geochemical characteristics of A-type granites with high SiO2, Na2O + K2O, FeO*/MgO, Ga/Al, Zr, Nb, Ga, Y, Ce, and rare earth elements (REE) and low CaO, MgO, Ba, and Sr. Their trace and REE characteristics along with the use of various discrimination schemes revealed their correspondence to magmas derived from crustal sources that has gone through a continent–continent collision (postorogenic or postcollisional), with minor contribution from mantle source similar to ocean island basalt. The assumption of crustal source derivation and postcollisional setting is substantiated by highly evolved nature of this pluton and the absence of any syenitic or more primitive coeval mafic rocks in association with it. The slight mantle signature in the source material of these A-type granites is owed to the juvenile Pan-African Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) crust (I-type calc-alkaline) which was acted as a source by partial melting of its rocks and which itself of presumably large mantle source. The extremely high Rb/Sr ratios combined with the obvious Sr, Ba, P, Ti, and Eu depletions clearly indicate that these A-type granites were highly evolved and require advanced fractional crystallization in upper crustal conditions. Crystallization temperature values inferred average around 929°C which is in consistency with the presumably high temperatures of A-type magmas, whereas the estimated depth of emplacement ranges between 20 and 30 km (upper-middle crustal levels within the 40 km relatively thick ANS crust). The geochronologically preceding Pan-African calc-alkaline I-type continental arc granitoids (the Egyptian old and younger granites) associated with these rocks are thought to be the crustal source of f this A-type granite pluton and others in the Arabian–Nubian Shield by partial melting caused by crustal thickening due to continental collision at termination of the compressive orogeny in the Arabian–Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

The Beypazar? granitoid has been studied with respect to multi-radiometric dating and oxygen isotopic geothermometry. Radiometric dating of the granitoid yields zircon U-Pb isochron ages ranging from 72.5 ± 12.6 to 78.6 ± 4.7, and K-Ar ages of 71.4 ± 2.8 to 74.9 ± 2.9 and 59.5 ± 2.2 to 75.4 ± 2.9 Ma for hornblende and biotite, respectively. Oxygen isotope thermometry for the granitoid gives temperatures of 550 ± 25°C to 605 ± 30, 390 ± 15 to 540 ± 25°C, and 481 ± 5 to 675 ± 10°C, for hornblende, biotite, and K-feldspar, respectively, when paired with quartz. The systematic differences among ages according to different techniques used on different minerals are used to reconstruct the cooling history of the granite. The results yield rapid cooling rates of 33.3°C/Ma from 800°C to 550°C, and slow cooling rates of about 15 ± 0.5°C/Ma from 550 to 300°C. Rapid subsolidus cooling between 600°C and 550°C is documented by 40Ar/39Ar ages on amphibole and biotite between 71.4 ± 2.8 and 75.4 ± 2.9 Ma. Younger ages on biotites from two samples (59.5 ± 2.2 and 64.4 ± 2.5) are probably caused by loss of Ar. The reason for this possible Ar loss can be interpreted as slower subsolidus cooling (~375°C) ages. There is an apparent spatial and temporal relationship between the intrusion-cooling of the Beypazar? granitoid and the evolution of the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan ocean belonging to the northern Neo-Tethyan ocean domain.  相似文献   

The Khambin volcanotectonic complex is a horst framing the Late Cretaceous Lake Gusinoe basin in the northwest. This complex is due to the intracontinental rift conditions which existed in western Transbaikalia in the Late Mesozoic. They gave rise to a system of subparallel grabens and horsts in present-day topography. The magmatic evolution of this complex spans from 159 to 117 Ma and is divided into three stages. The first stage (159–156 Ma) witnessed the formation of thick (up to 1500 m) volcanic masses of trachybasalts, basaltic trachyandesites, trachytes, trachydacites, trachyrhyolites, and pantellerites. The next two stages were the formation of isolated ancient volcanoes (127–124 Ma) composed of trachybasalts, basaltic trachyandesites, phonotephrites, tephriphonolites, and alkali trachytes and the formation of the Murtoi (Lake Gusinoe) essexite dike (122–117 Ma). The main trends for igneous associations from early to late stages are reduced magmatism and reduced rock diversity because of the decreasing portion of felsic volcanic rocks. Mafic rocks show an increase in total alkalinity, the content of incompatible elements (Th, U, K, Rb, Pb, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf), total REE content, and the LREE/HREE ratio. The Sr–Nd isotopic composition of these rocks remained nearly constant and corresponds to that of OIB-EMII mantle sources. Compositional variations are attributed to a time-dependent decrease in the degree of partial melting of a similar magma source.  相似文献   

In the Pötürge (Malatya, Turkey) area pyrophyllite occurrences are common in the shear zones, mostly in the form of lenses along faults. Mineralogical investigations (XRD, FTIR and SEM) revealed that pyrophyllite, kaolinite (dickite) and quartz are present in the form of major phases and muscovite (sericite), kyanite, chlorite, and alunite are only present in the form of minor phases. This study revealed that the existence of the kyanite phase points out to high pressure and temperature conditions which the rocks were underwent. On the other hand, the minerals such as pyrophyllite, kaolinite, and alunite are products of a low degree metamorphism (retrograde). The mineral paragenesis in the pyrophyllite deposits suggests that the formation of minerals took place in two ways: (1) the transformation of kyanite into pyrophyllite and quartz through retrograde metamorphism by a high degree temperature, (2) then pyrophyllite and probably muscovite were transformed into kaolinite and alunite through reactions with relatively low temperature hydrothermal fluids. The geochemical data indicate that during the retrograde metamorphism the elements K, Rb, Sr, Ba, S, and Fe were mobile, the elements Si, Al, P moderately mobile to immobile and the HPS elements (Zr, Ti, and Nb) were immobile. It was shown that the formation of pyrophyllite, kaolinite and alunite was associated with depletion in alkalis, Mg, Fe and enrichment of elements including Sr, Ba, and S. Mineralogical and geochemical data suggest that parent rocks (pre-metamorphism) of the Pötürge pyrophyllite were probably kaolinite, Al-rich clays or bauxites.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):349-361
The most widespread blocks within the Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange (North Anatolian ophiolitic mélange) in Central Anatolia (Turkey) are pillow basalts, radiolarites, other ophiolitic fragments and Jurassic-Cretaceous carbonate blocks. The pillow basalts crop out as discrete blocks in close relation to radiolarites and ophiolitic units in Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange.

The geochemical results suggest that analyzed pillow basalts are within-plate ocean island alkali basalts. The enrichment of incompatible elements (Nb, Ta, Light REE, Th, U, Cs, Rb, Ba, K) demonstrates the ocean island environment (both tholeiites and alkali basalts) and enriched MORB. Dated calcareous intrafills and biodetrital carbonates reveal an age span of Callovian—Early Aptian. The thin-shelled protoglobigerinids, belonging to the genus Globuligerina, in the calcareous intrafills between pillow basalt lobes indicates a Callovian—Barremian age interval, most probably, Valanginian to Late Barremian. The volcanic and radiolarite detritus-bearing orbitolinid—Baccinella biodetrital carbonates dated as Late Barremian-Early Aptian in age, were probably deposited around atolls and have a close relationship with the ocean island pillow basalts.

The results collectively support the presence of a seamount on the Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust during the Valanginian—Late Barremian and atolls during the Late Barremian-Early Aptian interval. The presence of an oceanic crust older than that seamount along the Northern Branch of Neo-Tethys is conformable with the geodynamic evolution of the Tethys.  相似文献   

The western Anatolian volcanic province formed during Eocene to Recent times is one of the major volcanic belts in the Aegean–western Anatolian region. We present new chemical (whole-rock major and trace elements, and Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopes) and new Ar/Ar age data from the Miocene volcanic rocks in the NE–SW-trending Neogene basins that formed on the northern part of the Menderes Massif during its exhumation as a core complex. The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are classified as high-K calc-alkaline (HKVR), shoshonitic (SHVR) and ultrapotassic (UKVR), with the Late Miocene basalts being transitional between the early-middle Miocene volcanics and the Na-alkaline Quaternary Kula volcanics (QKV). The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), have high 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.70631–0.71001), low 143Nd/144Nd(i) (0.512145–0.512488) and high Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.838–19.148; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.672–15.725; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.904–39.172). The high field strength element (HFSE) ratios of the most primitive early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks indicate that they were derived from a mantle source with a primitive mantle (PM)-like composition. The HFSE ratios of the late Miocene basalts and QKV, on the other hand, indicate an OIB-like mantle origin—a hypothesis that is supported by their trace element patterns and isotopic compositions. The HFSE ratios of the early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks also indicate that their mantle source was distinct from those of the Eocene volcanic rocks located further north, and of the other volcanic provinces in the region. The mantle source of the SHVR and UKVR was influenced by (1) trace element and isotopic enrichment by subduction-related metasomatic events and (2) trace element enrichment by “multi-stage melting and melt percolation” processes in the lithospheric mantle. The contemporaneous SHVR and UKVR show little effect of upper crustal contamination. Trace element ratios of the HKVR indicate that they were derived mainly from lower continental crustal melts which then mixed with mantle-derived lavas (~20–40%). The HKVR then underwent differentiation from andesites to rhyolites via nearly pure fractional crystallization processes in the upper crust, such that have undergone a two-stage petrogenetic evolution.  相似文献   


The low Yangtze River metallogenic belt (LYRMB) is one of the most important poly-metal deposit belts in China. The Chuxian, Machang and Shangyaopu intrusions in the LYRMB are intermediate rock series, mainly composed of monzonite and quartz monzonite. In this study, bulk rock major and trace elements, zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotope were analysed. Five ages have been obtained as (1) Chuxian, 121.8 ± 1.9 and 124.0 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively, (2) Machang intrusion, 123.1 ± 2.0 Ma and (3) Shangyaopu, 126.6 ± 1.8 and 123.4 ± 1.9 Ma, indicating that the regional igneous activity was in Early Cretaceous, being consistent with the massive Yanshanian magmatic events in eastern China. These three intrusions are identified as a high-Mg adakite, most of them showing geochemical features of high Si, high Na and low Sr, which can be interpreted as partial melting of subducted oceanic crust. High Mg# characteristics indicate the magmas reacted with the mantle. The negative zircon εHf values of these adakites suggest that the magmas have assimilation of old crustal material, e.g. Archaean continental crust, the basement of the south Tancheng–Lujiang (Tan–Lu) fault. Biotite Ti temperature result (about 700°C) shows that intrusive magma has a relatively low temperature. Petrogenesis and regional Cu–Au mineralization mechanism may be explained by Pacific plate subduction during about 125–180 million years subducted to southwest towards the LYRMB. Magmas formed by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust have systemically high Cu–Au contents, which are conducive to corresponding mineralization.  相似文献   

1. Introduction The Tianshan Mountains is a typical intercontinental orogenic belt in the world. From late Carboniferous to Permian, the old Tianshan formed during the tectonic amalgamation of the Tarim block, Tianshan block and Siberia craton (Carroll et al, 1990). Mid-Cenozoic basalts are widely distributed in both the Tuyon basin of southwest Tianshan and its western part of Tianshan in Jierjisi in late Cretaceous-Paleogene period, which indicates the activation of the old Tianshan.…  相似文献   

The ∼260 Ma Baimazhai mafic–ultramafic intrusion is considered to be part of the Emeishan large igneous province and consists of orthopyroxenite surrounded by websterite and gabbro. The intrusion is variably mineralized with a massive sulfide ore body (∼20 vol.%) in the core of the intrusion. Silicate rocks have Ni/Cu ratios ranging from 0.3 to 46 with majority less than 7 and are rich in LREE relative to HREE and show Nb and Ta anomalies in primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns, with low Nb/Th (1.0–4.5) and Nb/La (0.3–1.0) ratios. Their ɛ Nd(t) values range from −3.3 to −8.4. Uniform Pd/Pt (0.7–3.5) and Cu/Pd (100,000–400,000) ratios throughout the intrusion indicate that all the sulfides in the rocks were formed in a single sulfide-saturation event. Modeling suggests that the Baimazhai rocks were formed when an Mg-rich magma became crustally contaminated in a deep-seated staging chamber. Crustal contamination (up to ∼35%) drove the magma to S-saturation and forced orthopyroxene (Opx) onto the liquidus. The crystal-bearing magma forced out of the staging chamber was migrated by flow differentiation and consequently, the denser sulfide melt and the Opx crystals became centrally disposed in the flowing magma to form the Baimazhai intrusion.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Geochemical studies of the Middle—Late Cenozoic succession of volcanic rocks from the northern part of the Rio Grande Rift were conducted. The initial activation of the rift structure was coeval with voluminous eruptions of lava and pyroclastic material of mainly intermediate and acid compositions in the San Juan volcanic field 35–27 Ma. The composition of the volcanic products after the rifting was dominated by basic and intermediate lavas. It is shown that the basanites and alkali basalts of the territory had geochemical characteristics of sublithospheric slab and above–sl ab sources. The processes of the riftogenic thinning of lithosphere are expressed by geochemical parameters that reflect the interaction between the liquids from the sublithospheric mantle and the rocks from different levels of both the lithospheric mantle and lower crust. In the 35–18 Ma interval, melts of different–depth sublithospheric and lithospheric sources erupted simultaneously in the northern part of the rift. However, the products of interaction between the sublithospheric and lithospheric materials dominated later in the past 15 Ma, although the sublithospheric magmatic liquids erupted at the northern structural termination of the rift within the Yampa volcanic field at about 10 Ma.  相似文献   

The Late Mesozoic geology of Southeast China is characterized by extensive Jurassic to Cretaceous magmatism consisting predominantly of granites and rhyolites and subordinate mafic rocks, forming a belt of volcanic-intrusive complexes. The Xiangshan volcanic-intrusive complex is located in the NW region of the belt and mainly contains the following lithologies: rhyodacite and rhyodacitic porphyry, porphyritic lava, granite porphyry with mafic microgranular enclaves, quartz monzonitic porphyry, and lamprophyre dyke. Major and trace-element compositions, zircon U?CPb dating, and Sr?CNd?CHf isotopic compositions have been investigated for these rocks. The precise SHRIMP and LA?CICP?CMS zircon U?CPb dating shows that the emplacement of various magmatic units at Xiangshan took place within a short time period of less than 2?Myrs. The stratigraphically oldest rhyodacite yielded a zircon U?CPb age of 135?±?1?Ma and the overlying rhyodacitic porphyry has an age of 135?±?1?Ma. Three porphyritic lava samples yielded zircon U?CPb ages of 136?±?1?Ma, 132?±?1?Ma, and 135?±?1?Ma, respectively. Two subvolcanic rocks (granite porphyry) yielded zircon U?CPb ages of 137?±?1?Ma and 137?±?1?Ma. A quartz monzonitic porphyry dyke, which represented the final stage of magmatism at Xiangshan, also yielded a zircon U?CPb age of 136?±?1?Ma. All these newly obtained precise U?CPb ages demonstrate that the entire magmatic activity at Xiangshan was rapid and possibly took place at the peak of extensional tectonics in SE China. The geochemical data indicate that all these samples from the volcanic-intrusive complex have an A-type affinity. Sr?CNd?CHf isotopic data suggest that the Xiangshan volcanic-intrusive complex derived mainly from remelting of Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crust without significant additions of mantle-derived magma. However, the quartz monzonitic porphyry, which has zircon Hf model ages older than the whole-rock Nd model ages, and which has ??Nd(T) value higher than the other rocks, may indicate involvement of a subordinate younger mantle-derived magma in its origin. Geochemical data indicate that the various rocks show variable REE patterns and negative anomalies of Ba, Nb, Sr, P, Eu and Ti in the trace element spidergrams, suggesting that these rocks may have undergone advanced fractional crystallization with separation of plagioclase, K-feldspar and accessory minerals such as allanite. We suggest that this Cretaceous volcanic-intrusive complex formed in an extensional environment, and the formation of the Xiangshan mafic microgranular enclaves can be explained by the injection of mafic magma from a deeper seated mantle magma chamber into a hypabyssal felsic magma chamber at the crustal emplacement levels.  相似文献   

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