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Infrared spectroscopy and photometry have revealed the remarkableevolution of Sakurai's Object from 1996 to the present. A cooling,carbon-rich photospheric spectrum was observable from 1996 to 1998.Considerable changes occured in 1998 as the continuum reddened due toabsorption and emission by newly formed dust located outside thephotosphere. In addition, a strong and broad helium 1.083 m P Cygniline developed, signifying the acceleration of an outer envelope ofmaterial to speeds as high as 1000 km s-1. At the same time thephotosphere of the central star remained quiescent. By 1999 thephotosphere was virtually completely obscured by the dust and the heliumemission line was the only detectable spectral feature remaining in the1–5 m band. In 2000 emission by dust has become even more dominant,as the envelope continues to expand and cool and the helium line weakens.  相似文献   

Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr) is a planetary nebula nucleus which is undergoing its final helium shell flash. This is the first of these rare and important events to be observable with non-optical instruments. We report the first radio detection, using a short (2-h) observation with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 4.86 GHz. The radio emission structure is coincident with the 34-arcsec diameter planetary nebula seen in optical emission lines. We find a statistical distance ∼ 3.8 ± 0.6 kpc, with a range of 1.9 <  D  < 5.3 kpc, depending on the planetary nebula (PN) mass. While we have no direct evidence for a new (post-flash) stellar wind, we estimate an upper limit to the mass-loss rate due to any such wind of 1.7 × 10−7 M⊙ yr−1. The number of emitting knots in the radio-visible nebula indicates an electron density of ∼ 2 × 108 m−3 in those knots, and a total emitting ionized mass of ∼ 0.15 M⊙, at an assumed distance of 3.8 kpc. The radio flux density indicates an Hβ flux of ∼ 6 × 10−16 W m−2, suggesting an extinction E ( B  −  V ) ∼ 1.15, comparable with reddening estimates in the direction of V4334 Sgr.  相似文献   

We report further UKIRT spectroscopic observations of Sakurai's object (V4334 Sgr) made in 1999 April/May in the 1–4.75 μm range, and find that the emission is dominated by amorphous carbon at T d~600 K. The estimated maximum grain size is 0.6 μm, and the mass lower limit is 1.7±0.2×10−8 M to 8.9±0.6×10−7 M for distances of 1.1–8 kpc. For 3.8 kpc the mass is 2.0±0.1×10−7 M.
We also report strong He  i emission at 1.083 μm, in contrast to the strong absorption in this line in 1998. We conclude that the excitation is collisional, and is probably caused by a wind, consistent with the P Cygni profile observed by Eyres et al. in 1998.  相似文献   

IR spectroscopy and photometry in the 0.8–2.4 and 3–14 mregions are reported for seven dates between March 21 1998 and July20 2000 UT. The shorter wavelength region displays a smooth continuum increasing to longerwavelengths that is indicative of the Wien tail of a Planck function. Only theHe I 1.0830 line is present early and it shows a P-Cygni profile which laterdisappears. The long wave spectra show a smooth continuum between 3 and 13m that was well fit by a gray body at 1000 K. A weak, unidentifiedemission feature appears between 8 and 10 m.  相似文献   

We report the possible detection of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object) at 450 and 850 μm with SCUBA on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The submillimetre photometry, combined with a  1–5 μm  spectrum and  8–10 μm  photometry obtained nearly contemporaneously, suggests that the submillimetre emission originates in material ejected during the 1995 event. The dust mass is a  few×10-7 M  , the average mass-loss in the form of dust is  few×10-8 M yr-1  , and the integrated luminosity is  log( L /L)=3.66  for a distance of 2 kpc. The ejected shell had angular diameter ∼55 mas in 2001 August, and should by now be resolvable in the mid-infrared by  8–10 m  class telescopes.  相似文献   

We present new near-infrared observations of Sakurai's Object obtainedduring 1998–99 when this final helium shell flash object was in the dustcondensation phase. The infrared colours have reddened compared to earlierepochs, indicating increased dust condensation. The infrared spectrareveal all the features of a carbon star superposed on a dust continuum.  相似文献   

The central star V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object) of the planetary nebula PN G010.4+04.4 underwent in 1995–1996 the rare event of a very late helium flash.It is only one of two such events during the era of modern astronomy (the other event was V605 Aql = Nova Aql 1919). All other prominentobjects of that type originate from events several thousands of years ago (e.g. A30, A78). Hence, only snapshots can be modeled for those objects.V4334 Sgr allows for the first time a dynamic consideration of the formation of the dust shell from the beginning.We present here a model which is able to describe the complete photometric behaviorof the object, including the fine structure dips of the optical light curve during the first two years of the mass loss and the dust formation.  相似文献   

We present observations of Sakurai's Object obtained at 1–5 μm between 2003 and 2007. By fitting a radiative transfer model to an echelle spectrum of CO fundamental absorption features around  4.7 μm  , we determine the excitation conditions in the line-forming region. We find  12C/13C = 3.5+2.0−1.5  , consistent with CO originating in ejecta processed by the very late thermal pulse, rather than in the pre-existing planetary nebula. We demonstrate the existence of  2.2 × 10−6≤ M CO≤ 2.7 × 10−6 M  of CO ejecta outside the dust, forming a high-velocity wind of  500 ± 80 km s−1  . We find evidence for significant weakening of the CO band and cooling of the dust around the central star between 2003 and 2005. The gas and dust temperatures are implausibly high for stellar radiation to be the sole contributor.  相似文献   

The optical photometric evolution of the final helium flash object V4334 Sgr from 1994 to 2001 is described. The rise to optical maximum (1994–1996) is characterized by a continuous increase of colour indices, indicating a slowly expanding, cooling pseudo-photosphere. This photosphere became stationary in 1997. In the following years, the object underwent brightnessdeclines of increasing strength, which are similar in character to the `reddeclines' of RCB stars. The fading of V4334 Sgr is more dramatic than anybrightness decline of an RCB star: at present, only 10-5 of the visual light reaches the observer. Most short-wavelength radiation is absorbed by a dust envelopethat completely surrounds the star, and is re-radiated in the infrared. The sparse optical data of 2000–2001 show that the obscuration has not increased in strength any more. The light curve of V4334 Sgr is similar to that of the final helium flash object V605 Aql which erupted in 1919.  相似文献   

Procedures and results of computations of model atmospheres andspectral energy distributions of R CrB, V4334 Sgr and relatedobjects are discussed. The sequence of SEDs computed for a gridof model atmospheres with 4000 < Teff < 7000, 0 < logg < 1 provides a unique possibility to analyze the temporalchanges of physical parameters of V 4334 Sgr and related objectsin the framework of a self-consistent approach.  相似文献   

We describe our ongoing program of HST observations of Sakurai's Object(V4334 Sgr). Direct WFPC2 imaging from August 1996 through August 2000 revealsno transient features (such as light echoes), and documents the decline of thestar to below 24th visual magnitude in 2000. The surrounding planetary nebulahas shown no changes from 1996 through 2000. There are no obvious peculiarfeatures (such as blobs or knots) in the immediate vicinity of the star. Wealso have in place a target-of-opportunity program to obtain UV spectra withHST in the event that the star begins to retrace its evolution back to highsurface temperature. We also present older HST FOC imaging of V605 Aql. The central object is aresolved nebula that emits in [O III] (but not in hydrogen), whose 0.6diameter is consistent with a dust cloud ejected during the 1919 outburst. Thecentral star itself is not seen due to its being embedded in the nebula.Several other central stars (including H 3-75, IC 2120, and Abell 14) havelate-type nuclei and no evidence for hot companions. They may be furthercandidates for born-again red-giant nuclei.  相似文献   

Sakurai's Object is a born again AGBstar of the very late thermal pulse flavor. In thiscontribution I will discuss new models of stellar evolution andnucleosynthesis models of this phase. Two most intriguing properties ofSakurai's Object have so far not been understood theoretically: the peculiar chemical appearance, in particular the high lithiumabundance, and the short time scale of only a few years on which thetransition from the dwarf configuration into the born again giantappearance has occurred. A new nucleosynthesis mode of hot hydrogen-deficient 3He burning can explain the extraordinarylithium abundance. During the thermal pulse 3He is ingested fromthe envelope together with the protons into the hot He-flashconvection zone. The first network calculations show that, due to thelarge 12C abundance protons are captured rather by carbon, thandestroy newly formed 7Be and ultimately 7Li. Moreover, the shortevolution time scale has been reproduced by making the assumption that the convective efficiency forelement mixing is smaller by two to three orders of magnitude thanpredicted by the mixing-length theory. As a result the main energygeneration from fast convective proton capture will occur at a largermass coordinate, closer to the surface and the expansion to the giantstate is accelerated to a few years, in excellent agreement with thebehavior of Sakurai's Object. This result represents an independent empiricalconstraint on the poorly known efficiency of element mixing inconvective zones of the stellar interior.  相似文献   

At the end of the workshop the contributors bounced some ideas aroundand shared their thoughts about maximizing the advancement thata study of Sakurai's Object can provide. In particular it was resolvedto set up a web site http://astro.uibk.ac.at/sakurai, witha finding chart and a record of data obtained, and to maintain theoriginal workshop web site at http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/sakurai. Observers and theoreticians are urged to consult,and to contribute to, this resource.  相似文献   

Deep narrow-band imaging and spectroscopy of the Planetary Nebula (PN)surrounding V4334 Sagittarii have been obtained since the onset of thethermal pulse in the star. Although of low surface brightness,narrow-band imaging suggests a ring structure maybepresent. Abundances, expansion rates and physical parameters for thenebula, derived from spectroscopy, show the plasma to be essentiallytypical of old evolved PN (within the errors of observation). The mostrecent data show little evidence of recombination indicating a verylow plasma electron density.Assuming no recombination has occurred, models of the PN spectrum wereconstructed using both simplistic ideas as well as sophisticatedphoto-ionisation codes. These show good agreement, and suggest that thepre-outburst UV radiation field would need to be powered by aprecursor with a surface temperature of T > 105K. The luminosity ofthis star is less well constrained by the models, and cannot be usedsolely to accurately determine its distance. However, by excludingunrealistic models we expect 250 > L/Lodot > 1000 or so. When plotted ona HR diagram for evolved stars this shows good agreement with thatexpected for a pre-last thermal pulse object.  相似文献   

We present 1D numerical simulations of the very late thermal pulse (VLTP) scenario for a wide range of remnant masses. We show that by taking into account the different possible remnant masses, the observed evolution of V4334 Sgr (a.k.a. Sakurai's object) can be reproduced within the standard 1D mixing length theory (MLT) stellar evolutionary models without the inclusion of any ad hoc reduced mixing efficiency. Our simulations hint at a consistent picture with present observations of V4334 Sgr. From energetics, and within the standard MLT approach, we show that low-mass remnants  ( M ≲ 0.6 M)  are expected to behave markedly differently from higher mass remnants  ( M ≳ 0.6 M)  in the sense that the latter remnants are not expected to expand significantly as a result of the violent H-burning that takes place during the VLTP. We also assess the discrepancy in the born-again times obtained by different authors by comparing the energy that can be liberated by H-burning during the VLTP event.  相似文献   

Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 (V705 Cas) was an archetypical dust-forming nova. It displayed a deep minimum in the visual light curve, and spectroscopic evidence for carbon, hydrocarbon and silicate dust. We report the results of fitting the infrared (IR) spectral energy distribution (SED) with the dusty code, which we use to determine the properties and geometry of the emitting dust. The emission is well described as originating in a thin shell whose dust has a carbon:silicate ratio of 2:1 by number (  ∼1.26:1  by mass) and a relatively flat size distribution. The 9.7- and 18-μm silicate features are consistent with freshly condensed dust and, while the lower limit to the grain size distribution is not well constrained, the largest grains have dimensions  ∼0.06 μm  ; unless the grains in V705 Cas were anomalously small, the sizes of grains produced in nova eruptions may previously have been overestimated in novae with optically thick dust shells. Laboratory work by Grishko & Duley may provide clues to the apparently unique nature of nova unidentified infrared (UIR) features.  相似文献   

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