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Spectral analysis of the climatic circulation in the upper 10 m layer of the Black Sea has been carried out. The current field was calculated from a three-dimensional baroclinic non-linear model. The mode composition of the circulation was derived. It is shown that the surface climatic circulation can be represented as the superposition of a finite number of elementary currents of two types:n- andm-modes. Only 4n-modes are shown to be energy-dominant throughout the year. A relation is established between the different sources of energy supply of currents and the modes which assimilate this energy. Problems concerning the nature of the classical Black Sea currents such as the main Black Sea current (MBSC) and the Knipovich spectacles are discussed. A scenario of the field large-scale experiment is suggested which allows the reconstruction of the amplitudes of the first 10n- and the first 10m-modes from mooring data.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

As part of the Russian-Ukrainian program “The Black Sea as a Simulation Model of the Ocean,” the monitoring of the marine environment is considered using modern measuring systems. On the basis of historical and contemporary observation data, we estimate the spatial and temporal scales of dominant processes in the Black Sea. We describe the main measuring systems used to monitor the structure and variability of the hydrophysical fields. Examples characterizing the specific features of the Black Sea processes are presented.  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct the large-scale temperature and salinity fields by the method of optimal interpolation of the archival data, we compute the correlation functions and analyze the space and time variations of the statistical structure of the fields. On the sea surface, the thermohaline fields are spatially inhomogeneous. Thus, the correlation functions are anisotropic in the region of the northwest shelf and close to isotropic in the inner parts of the sea. The values of correlation length vary from season to season. In the layer of pycnocline, the temperature and salinity fields are anisotropic. In the zonal direction, the correlation length is 2–3 times greater than in the meridional direction. The indicated anisotropy becomes stronger in the winter season and weaker in the summer season as a consequence of the seasonal variability of large-scale circulation. We study the dependence of the error of reconstruction of the fields by the method of optimal interpolation on the form of approximation of the correlation functions with regard for anisotropy. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 1, pp. 51–65, January–February, 2008.  相似文献   

We study trapped baroclinic topographic waves in the northwest shelf of the Black Sea for the actual slopes of the bottom and stratification. The time scales of trapped waves are determined. The space scales of the amplitude of oscillations are computed. It is shown that the vertical distribution of the amplitude of oscillations is in qualitative agreement with the experimentally observed distribution. The energy of topographic waves trapped by the sloping bottom is concentrated in the bottom layer, which agrees with the data of measurements. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 5, pp. 44–52, September–October, 2006.  相似文献   

On the basis of the results derived by theoretical analysis [1] and laboratory physical modelling [2] of the circulation seawater and stratification, induced by buoyancy fluxes, the suggestion has been made that, possibly, the Black Sea currents system is three-layered. It has been supposed that an anticyclonic current flows in the basin. To verify this deduction, the data from MHI's archived dataset have been treated, and results from twoad hoc expeditions are submitted here. Analysis of the vertical structure of currents, based on thein situ velocity measurements, using various means and calculations of the geostrophic circulation, has confirmed that a flow with the theoretically predicted parameters may exist in the Black Sea. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

By using the data of observations over the spatial variability of the temperature field in the northwest part of the Tropical Atlantic carried out in a test range 400 × 400 miles in size with a horizontal resolution Δx ≈ 2 km and a vertical resolution Δz ≈ 0.5 m, we recorded quasiperiodic fluctuations of temperature with semidiurnal period in the subsurface layer. The internal baroclinic waves with the same period generated, most likely, on the northeast shelf of South America and propagating to the northeast are detected in the seasonal thermocline. The vertical fine structure of the temperature field has different intensities in the test range. The maximum levels of dispersions of temperature fluctuations are recorded on the boundary of the North Equatorial Countercurrent and the North Equatorial Current. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 6, pp. 44–52, November–December, 2006.  相似文献   

Statistical characteristics and the parameters of the temporal variability of currents are analysed using data on current measurements conducted by five moored autonomous buoy stations over Bulgaria's shelf. Estimates of the specific contribution to the variability of synoptic (60%) and mesoscale (40%) oscillations are derived. The qualitative spectrum of the currents is defined, constituted by synoptic oscillations, short-period synoptic oscillations, inertial oscillations, and internal waves. Estimates of periods and oscillation amplitudes are also derived. The kinetic energy of the currents is calculated and the specific contribution of the energy of different-scale oscillations and their interrelations are determined.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Data on the fine vertical structure of currents and hydrological elements in the Black Sea, obtained through the use of a hydrophysical OLT profiler, are examined. Vertical exchange coefficients are evaluated, whose distribution is characterized by the occurrence of minima in the seasonal pycnocline and main halocline, a maximum in the core of the cold intermediate layer (CIL), and relatively steady values within the 300–500 m layer. The vertical exchange coefficient values, are consistent with the data acquired through other techniques, and the profiles of this parameter vertically are more detailed.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

On the basis of an analysis of the results of modeling and a forecast of the basic hydrophysical fields in the easternmost part of the Black Sea for 2010–2012, the features of annual variability of regional circulating processes in this part of the sea basin are investigated. A forecast of a hydrological mode is made on the basis of the regional forecasting system developed at the Institute of Geophysics at Javakhishvili State University in cooperation with the oceanographic centers of the Black Sea riparian countries within the frame-work of the ARENA and ECOOP EU international scientific and technical projects. The regional system is one of the components of the Black Sea basin-scale Nowcasting/Forecasting System. The analysis of the material cumulated for the registered period shows that the easternmost water area of the Black Sea is a dynamically active zone where there is a continuous formation of different circulating processes considerably distinguished from each other.  相似文献   

The results of research into the seasonal variability of hydrothermodynamic characteristics of the Black Sea are presented. These have been obtained using field data on the fields of temperature, salinity, and wind, and by mathematical modelling. The seasonal variability of the current and heat content fields and of the cold intermediate layer and other hydrophysical characteristics is discussed.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The results of a joint analysis of the synchronous-profile ensemble of density and current velocity measured using the autonomous moored Aqualog profiler at the Gelendzhik experimental site of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in 2013–2015 are presented. The distribution of probability density of current velocity by directions reveals the presence of two well-pronounced maxima in the southeastern and northwestern sectors at all depths of measurements, which confirms the bimodal direction of the currents in the study site. We consider in detail the vertical structure of the density stratification and the current velocity corresponding to the modes determined from the maximum of the probability density distribution of the current velocity by directions. The averaged profiles of the kinetic, potential, and total energies are given. The results of isopycnic averaging over the entire ensemble of profiles indicate that possible self-similarity exists in the dependence of the vertical distribution of density and kinetic energy.  相似文献   

A parallel version of the NEMO complex ocean circulation model has been implemented for the Black Sea basin; the results of circulation numerical modeling with a high spatial resolution are presented. Analysis of the spatial variability is performed for the reconstructed hydrophysical fields in 2005–2008. The resulting simulated spatial variability characteristics of the sea surface temperature are compared with available satellite observational data.  相似文献   

By using the archival data of routine hydrometeorological and satellite observations, we perform the analysis of the general regularities of manifestations of upwelling in the anomalies of the surface temperature in the northwest part of the Black Sea at the end of the summer season. We describe the structure of coastal upwelling according to the data of a hydrological survey carried out in the Kalamitskii Bay in September 2007 characterized by the extremely intense anomalies of sea surface temperature. By using the data of reanalysis on the heat fluxes and the wind field, we analyze the cause-effect relations responsible for the evolution of this upwelling.  相似文献   

分析了2004年东海及黄海部分海域表层水温的分布状况,结果表明,不同水团具有不同的温度年变化,大陆水系的均极差远大于多年平均值,说明沿岸海域的表层水温该年变化比常年大,但黑潮主干区的均极差却比多年平均值低;夏季沿岸海域以及中间水域出现了异常的高温现象,在8月,浙江沿岸、江苏沿岸、长江口以及福建部分沿岸海域的表层水温都突破了近20年的历史最高纪录;在春末、秋末沿岸海域表层水温远高于多年平均值.在暖流区域,除冬季的表层水温高于常年外,其它时间与多年平均差不多,所以年变化相对较小.  相似文献   

The data collected during an 18-day station and nine hydrologic surveys have been analysed. Mesoscale and large-scale temperature and salinity oscillations were revealed. Mesoscale oscillations in the sea surface layer are induced by the diurnal course of solar radiation, and in the seasonal thermocline layer by internal waves with a predominant 6–10 h periodicity. Large-scale fluctuations are related to the passage of clockwise (cold) and anticlockwise (warm) meanders and vortices. It has been determined that the contribution of large-scale temperature and salinity oscillations to the total variability is 1·5 to 3-fold larger than that of the mesoscale ones.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The sea surface temperature distribution across the Tsushima Strait was monitored over a one-year period on board the ferry Kampu which runs between Shimonoseki, Japan and Pusan, Korea. A cold water region is always observed just near the Korean Coast, and a sharp temperature front is always present in the western channel. A temperature maximum or a warm core is usually found just on the southeast side of the front. The position of the warm core exhibits large short period fluctuations, but no significant seasonal variation is found. Sudden temperature increases followed by sudden temperature decreases are frequently observed in the temporal variation curves at fixed positions during the warming season from April to August. Such events are related to temperature maxima found sporadically in the temperature distribution in the eastern channel during this season, and seem to be caused by warm water intrusion into the Tsushima Strait from the East China Sea.  相似文献   

An analysis of the data of measurements of the fine structure and microstructure fluctuations of hydrophysical fields in the upper 200-m layer of the Black Sea carried out using CTD profilers and a Baklan free falling microstructure and turbulence profiler revealed the existence of a positive correlation between the intensity of the fine structure and microstructure fluctuations and the dynamics of the currents. On the other hand, the level of the fine structure and microstructure fluctuations reflects the rate of the vertical turbulent exchange. It was shown that, in the case of the absence of the Black Sea Rim Current (BSRC) jet or clearly manifested mesoscale eddy structures, the vertical turbulent exchange in the pycnocline is weak, while, in the opposite case, it is stronger. The results obtained support the supposition that the interbasin dynamics play an important role in the maintenance of the rate of small-scale mixing in the pycnocline and halocline and provide the vertical transport of dissolved oxygen from the cold intermediate layer into the deeper layers of the sea.  相似文献   

Periods and amplitudes of long-term temperature fluctuations were obtained using the methods of spectral analysis and filtration of secular time series of the air temperature at 13 hydrometeorological stations in the Black Sea region. The prognostic calculations of the long-term air temperature variability are based on the results of processing of time series. The calculations of the air temperature agree with the data of observations. The possibility of the long-term air temperature variability prediction is shown.  相似文献   

On the basis of the generalized data of multiannual observations (1985–1994), we analyze the seasonal variability of the vertical and spatial distributions and composition (Csos, Nsos, Csos/cha, and C/N) of suspended organic substances (SOS) in the shelf zone and in the upper active layer of the abyssal part of the Black Sea. The results of our analysis enable us to conclude that only a narrow coastal band of the shelf in the northwest and west parts of the sea suffers to an extremely pronounced anthropogenic impact, which manifests itself in a significant increase in the mass of suspended organic substances. The formation of new organic substances and, hence, the mass of suspended organic substances in these regions attain the level of eutrophic waters in the late-spring and summer periods. In the open-sea region, the anthropogenic impact is less pronounced and the spatial distribution of suspended organic substances is determined by the general dynamics of waters and the intensity of phytoplankton production. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

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