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Feasibility studies were conducted on the use of ultrafillration to recover surfactant from aqueous waste streams generated from the in situ surfactant washing of a site contaminated with poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and oils. A Romicon Model HF-Lab-5 ultrafiltration unit and three types of ultrafillration membranes (PM500, XM50, and CM50) were evaluated for their permeability to a nonionic surfactant previously selected for the in situ washing. Results from laboratory studies using the XM50 membrane cartridge showed that 78 percent of the surfactant passed through the membrane surface (permeate) and was recovered.
Two field-pilot tests of the ultrafiltralion system were conducted using leachate containing a mixture of water, oils, PCBs, and surfactant that was collected from an in situ surfactant-washing demonstration test. Forty-six percent of the surfactant (mass) was recovered during the first field test using the XM50 membrane. The membrane retained 94 percent of the PCBs and 89 percent of the oils. The second field test showed that the PM500 membrane recovered 67 percent of the surfactant in the permeate and retained more than 90 percent and 83 percent of the PCBs and oils, respectively. This study indicates that a significant volume of a nonionic surfactant can be recovered from leachatc mixture containing PCBs and oils by ultrafillration. The recovered surfactant could be reused to improve the economic viability of in situ surfactant washing of contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Soil and groundwater contamination are often managed by establishing on‐site cleanup targets within the context of risk assessment or risk management measures. Decision‐makers rely on modeling tools to provide insight; however, it is recognized that all models are subject to uncertainty. This case study compares suggested remediation requirements using a site‐specific numerical model and a standardized analytical tool to evaluate risk to a downgradient wetland receptor posed by on‐site chloride impacts. The base case model, calibrated to observed non‐pumping and pumping conditions, predicts a peak concentration well above regulatory criteria. Remediation scenarios are iteratively evaluated to determine a remediation design that adheres to practical site constraints, while minimizing the potential for risk to the downgradient receptor. A nonlinear uncertainty analysis is applied to each remediation scenario to stochastically evaluate the risk and find a solution that meets the site‐owner risk tolerance, which in this case required a risk‐averse solution. This approach, which couples nonlinear uncertainty analysis with a site‐specific numerical model provides an enhanced level of knowledge to foster informed decision‐making (i.e., risk‐of‐success) and also increases stakeholder confidence in the remediation design.  相似文献   

1,4‐Dioxane is totally miscible in water, sequestering in vadose pore water that can serve as a source of long‐term groundwater contamination. Although some 1,4‐dioxane is removed by conventional soil vapor extraction (SVE), remediation is typically inefficient. SVE efficiency is hindered by low Henry’s Law constants at ambient temperature and redistribution to vadose pore water if SVE wells pull 1,4‐dioxane vapors across previously clean soil. It was hypothesized that heated air injection and more focused SVE extraction (“Enhanced SVE” or XSVE) could increase the efficiency of 1,4‐dioxane vadose treatment, and this new process was tested at former McClellan Air Force Base, CA. The XSVE system had four peripheral heated air injection wells surrounding a 6.1 m × 6.1 m × 9.1 m deep treatment zone with a central vapor extraction well. After 14 months of operation, soil temperatures reached as high as ~90 °C near the injection wells and the treatment zone was flushed with ~20,000 pore volumes of injected air. Post‐treatment sampling results showed reductions of ~94% in 1,4‐dioxane and ~45% in soil moisture. Given the simplicity of the remediation system components and the promising demonstration test results, XSVE has the potential to be a cost‐effective remediation option for vadose zone soil containing 1,4‐dioxane.  相似文献   

A field tracer test was carried out in a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) source zone using a well pattern consisting of one injection well surrounded by four extraction wells (5‐spot well pattern). Multilevel sampling was carried out in two observation wells located inside the test cell characterized by heterogeneous lithology. Tracer breakthrough curves showed relatively uniform flow within soil layers. A numerical flow and solute transport model was calibrated on hydraulic heads and tracer breakthrough curves. The model was used to estimate an average accessible porosity of 0.115 for the swept zone and an average longitudinal dispersivity of 0.55 m. The model was further used to optimize the relative effects of viscous forces versus capillary forces under realistic imposed hydraulic gradients and to establish optimal surfactant solution properties. Maximum capillary number (NCa) values between injection and extraction wells were obtained for an injection flow rate of 16 L/min, a total extraction flow rate of 20 L/min, and a surfactant solution with a viscosity of 0.005 Pa?s. The unconfined nature of the aquifer limited further flow rate or viscosity increases that would have led to unrealistic hydraulic gradients. An NCa range of 3.8 × 10?4 to 7.6 × 10?3 was obtained depending on the magnitude of the simulated LNAPL‐water interfacial tension reduction. Finally, surfactant and chase water slug sizing was optimized with a radial form of the simplified Ogata‐Banks analytical solution (Ogata and Banks 1961) so that injected concentrations could be maintained in the entire 5‐spot cell.  相似文献   

Treatability tests and cost analyses were conducted to provide objective criteria for selection of a surfactant formulation to be used for surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR) of a tetrachloroethene (PCE)-contaminated site in Oscoda, Michigan. Two surfactant formulations, 4% Tween 80 + 500 mg/L CaCl2 and 8% Aerosol MA/IPA +15,000 mg/L NaCl + 1000 mg/L CaCl2, were considered based on their capacity to solubilize PCE and prior use in SEAR applications. Results of a two-dimensional aquifer cell experiment indicated that 53% of the released PCE was recovered after flushing with approximately 8 pore volumes of 4% Tween 80. In contrast, only 3 pore volumes of 8% Aerosol MA/IPA solution were required to recover 78% of the PCE from the two-dimensional aquifer cell, although the greater recovery of PCE was attributed, in large part, to the higher concentration of Aerosol MA. However, mobilization of PCE as free product was observed during the 8% Aerosol MA/IPA flood, which was consistent with total trapping number (NT) calculations. At the pilot-scale, SEAR treatment costs were estimated to be $222,000 and $244,000 for 4% Tween 80 and 8% Aerosol MA/IPA, respectively, which compared favorably to the estimated pump-and-treat cost of $316,000. Projected full-scale costs, based on a line-drive flushing system, were $382,000 for 4% Tween 80 and $443,000 for 8% Aerosol MA/IPA. In contrast, full-scale pump-and-treat costs were estimated to be $1,167,000. Surfactant recycling was shown to be logistically and economically infeasible at the pilot scale, and provided only a minimal cost benefit for 4% Tween 80 at the full scale. Based on the similarities in solubilization capacity and treatment cost, but substantially lower risk of PCE displacement, Tween 80 was recommended over Aerosol MA/IPA for pilot-scale testing of SEAR.  相似文献   

刘凌  崔广柏 《湖泊科学》2000,12(3):255-264
生物处理是一种经济有效处理土壤水环境中有机污染物的手段,本文在研究土地生物处理过程的基础上,建立了综合描述有机污染物在土壤-水-微生物系统中扩散、吸附/解吸、屏蔽和生物降解过程的数学模型。为确定模型中各参数在模型计算中的作用和相对重要性,进行了参数灵敏度分析,预计数学模型可以定量预测有机污染物进行土地生物处理所需的要时间和程度,为构建土地生物处理工程提供参考。  相似文献   

A critical analysis of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) projects was performed to characterize situations in which ISCO is being implemented, how design and operating parameters are typically employed, and to determine the performance results being achieved. This research involved design of a database, acquisition and review of ISCO project information, population of the database, and analyses of the database using statistical methods. Based on 242 ISCO projects included in the database, ISCO has been used to treat a variety of contaminants; however, chlorinated solvents are by far the most common. ISCO has been implemented at sites with varied subsurface conditions with vertical injection wells and direct push probes being the most common delivery methods. ISCO has met and maintained concentrations below maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), although not at any sites where dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) were presumed to be present. Alternative cleanup levels and mass reduction goals have also been attempted, and these less stringent goals are met with greater frequency than MCLs. The use of pilot testing is beneficial in heterogeneous geologic media, but not so in homogeneous media. ISCO projects cost $220,000 on average, and cost on average $94/yd3 of target treatment zone. ISCO costs vary widely based on the size of the treatment zone, the presence of DNAPL, and the oxidant delivery method. No case studies were encountered in which ISCO resulted in permanent reductions to microbial populations or sustained increases in metal concentrations in groundwater at the ISCO-treated site.  相似文献   

根据库伦规范势的定义,推导出关于磁矢量势和电标量势的偏微分方程,为了克服由电流源引起的奇异性和数值模拟计算困难,将电磁总场分解为一次场和二次场,一次场由基于Schelkunoff势函数的一维正演算法得到,二次场由有限元法计算得到,实现了海洋可控源电磁法三维有限元正演算法。通过一维数值模拟实例,验证该算法的计算精度。然后,利用该算法对带海底地形的三层储层模型进行正演,分析了海底地形对海洋控源电磁场各分量产生的影响。  相似文献   

In this study, nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) particles were synthesized and utilized to integrate with surfactant and electrokinetics for the remediation of perchloroethylene (PCE). The average particle diameter and specific surface area of the lab-synthesized iron particles were 109.3 nm and 129.7 m2 g–1, respectively. Experiments were performed in a glass sandbox to simulate the transport and degradation of PCE in the aquifer. The results of the transport tests revealed that the PCE concentrations at the bottom layer was higher than those at the mid and upper layers, and that the surfactant Tween 80 showed its conspicuous mobilization for PCE in the aquifer. As the results of the degradation tests showed, NZVI activity could be promoted by electrokinetics that enhanced the remediation performance of PCE contaminated groundwater by the NZVI reactive barrier. Chlorinated byproducts were not detected during the degradation tests, that is, PCE was completely dechlorinated by NZVI in the reactive barrier. The information collected from this study will be useful for further application of the NZVI reactive barrier system to remediate the aquifers contaminated by the chlorinated solvents.  相似文献   

MIN3P, a multicomponent reactive transport model for variably saturated porous media, is used to simulate the outputs of column tests carried out using zero valent iron (ZVI) for nickel contaminated groundwater remediation. The objective of this study is to investigate the main chemical reactions involved in contaminant removal and the main causes of the reactivity decline of ZVI over time. According to the results of the model the major causes of ZVI reactivity loss is identified in the mineral precipitation of α‐FeOOH on iron surface that probably caused ZVI passivation and led to a decline of the electron transfer rate. An existing empirical relationship between mineral precipitation and the reactivity loss of ZVI, included in the model, reproduced the changes in nickel removal observed during different laboratory column tests.  相似文献   

Contaminants have been threatening the Engelse Werk wellfield located between the town of Zwolle and the IJssel River in the Netherlands. Chemical analysis of water samples taken in production wells, both at the IJssel River and near the Zwolle railway station, indicated elevated concentrations of mainly organic contaminants including benzene, bentazon, acenaftene, trichloroethane, and bromacil. Immediate contaminant prevention and remediation measures are needed to safeguard the production wells. Ground water flow and transport models were developed to assist in the design of remediation strategies. Ground water flow models indicated that the IJssel River and a waste disposal ditch at the railway station are within the capture zone of the wellfield. A chloride transport model simulated minimum travel times in the order of four to 13 years for contaminants in the IJssel River to reach the production wells of the wellfield. A transport model for benzene was set up to advise on the remediation measures to be taken at the waste disposal ditch to clean up the contamination in the upper aquifer between this site and the Engelse Werk wellfield. The designed remediation system consists of 12 pumping wells with a combined capacity of 1650 m3/day. The system is capable of reducing the benzene levels at the threatened production wells at the Engelse Werk wellfield to a permissible level below 0.1 μg/L within a period of 5 years.  相似文献   

Toxic and carcinogenic effects of arsenic in drinking water continue to impact people throughout the world and arsenic remains common in groundwater at cleanup sites and in areas with natural sources. Advances in groundwater remediation are needed to attain the low concentrations that are protective of human health and the environment. In this article, we present the successful use of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) utilizing sulfate reduction coupled with zero‐valent iron (ZVI) to remediate the leading edge of a dissolved arsenic plume in a wetland area near Tacoma, Washington. A commercially available product (EHC‐M®, Adventus Americas Inc., Freeport, Illinois) that contains ZVI, organic carbon substrate, and sulfate was injected into a reducing, low‐seepage‐velocity aquifer elevated in dissolved arsenic and iron from a nearby, slag‐containing landfill. Removal effectiveness was strongly correlated with sulfate concentration, and was coincident with temporary redox potential (Eh) reductions, consistent with arsenic removal by iron sulfide precipitation. The PRB demonstrates that induced sulfate reduction and ZVI are capable of attaining a regulatory limit of 5 µg/L total arsenic, capturing of 97% of the arsenic entering the PRB, and sustaining decreased arsenic concentrations for approximately 2 years, suggesting that the technology is appropriate for consideration at other sites with similar hydrogeochemical conditions. The results indicate the importance of delivery and longevity of minimum sulfate concentrations and of maintaining sufficient dissolved organic carbon and/or microscale ZVI to precipitate FeS, a precursor phase to arsenic‐bearing pyrite that may provide a stable, long‐term sink for arsenic.  相似文献   

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