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The distribution of streamwater within ice‐covered lakes influences sub‐ice currents, biological activity and shoreline morphology. Perennially ice‐covered lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, provide an excellent natural laboratory to study hydrologic–limnologic interactions under ice cover. For a 2 h period on 17 December 2012, we injected a lithium chloride tracer into Andersen Creek, a pro‐glacial stream flowing into Lake Hoare. Over 4 h, we collected 182 water samples from five stream sites and 15 ice boreholes. Geochemical data showed that interflow travelled West of the stream mouth along the shoreline and did not flow towards the lake interior. The chemistry of water from Andersen Creek was similar to the chemistry of water below shoreline ice. Additional evidence for Westward flow included the morphology of channels on the ice surface, the orientation of ripple marks in lake sediments at the stream mouth and equivalent temperatures between Andersen Creek and water below shoreline ice. Streamwater deflected to the right of the mouth of the stream, in the opposite direction predicted by the Coriolis force. Deflection of interflow was probably caused by the diurnal addition of glacial runoff and stream discharge to the Eastern edge of the lake, which created a strong pressure gradient sloping to the West. This flow directed stream momentum away from the lake interior, minimizing the impact of stream momentum on sub‐ice currents. It also transported dissolved nutrients and suspended sediments to the shoreline region instead of the lake interior, potentially affecting biological productivity and bedform development. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, glaciers are the source of meltwater during the austral summer, and the streams and adjacent hyporheic zones constitute the entire physical watershed; there are no hillslope processes in these systems. Hyporheic zones can extend several metres from each side of the stream, and are up to 70 cm deep, corresponding to a lateral cross‐section as large as 12 m2, and water resides in the subsurface year around. In this study, we differentiate between the near‐stream hyporheic zone, which can be characterized with stream tracer experiments, and the extended hyporheic zone, which has a longer time‐scale of exchange. We sampled stream water from Green Creek and from the adjacent saturated alluvium for stable isotopes of D and 18O to assess the significance and extent of stream‐water exchange between the streams and extended hyporheic zones over long time‐scales (days to weeks). Our results show that water residing in the extended hyporheic zone is much more isotopically enriched (up to 11‰ D and 2·2‰ 18O) than stream water. This result suggests a long residence time within the extended hyporheic zone, during which fractionation has occurred owing to summer evaporation and winter sublimation of hyporheic water. We found less enriched water in the extended hyporheic zone later in the flow season, suggesting that stream water may be exchanged into and out of this zone, on the time‐scale of weeks to months. The transient storage model OTIS was used to characterize the exchange of stream water with the extended hyporheic zone. Model results yield exchange rates (α) generally an order magnitude lower (10?5 s?1) than those determined using stream‐tracer techniques on the same stream. In light of previous studies in these streams, these results suggest that the hyporheic zones in Antarctic streams have near‐stream zones of rapid stream‐water exchange, where ‘fast’ biogeochemical reactions may influence water chemistry, and extended hyporheic zones, in which slower biogeochemical reaction rates may affect stream‐water chemistry at longer time‐scales. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We examined air trapped in ancient ice from three shallow cores (<35 m deep) recovered from stagnant portions of the Mullins glacier, an 8 km long debris-covered alpine glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys that is overlain by several in-situ volcanic ash-fall deposits. Previously reported 40Ar/39Ar dates on ash-fall in the vicinity of the core sites average 4.0 Ma, and underlying ice is presumably as old in some areas. We analyzed the elemental and isotopic composition of O2, N2, and Ar and total air content of the glacial ice. We also dated the trapped air directly to an uncertainty of ±220 kyr (1σ) by measuring its 40Ar/36Ar and 38Ar/36Ar ratios. Our results suggest that the air analyzed is likely a mixture of ancient atmosphere trapped at the time of ice formation and more recent air introduced via cracks in the ice that penetrate to at least 33 m. The isotopic signatures of gases have been complicated by gas loss, as well as a mixture of thermal and gravitational fractionation. The oldest age estimated for the trapped air dates to 1.6 Ma, indicating that the original air is at least as old as 1.6 ± 0.2 Ma. A convergence to older ice ages with increasing depth in the deepest core analyzed (33 m) hints at the possibility that pristine air might be recovered at greater depths. Minor interstitial debris present in the glacial ice (<1%), along with geochemical evidence for in-situ microbial respiration, prohibit direct analysis of CO2. We measured the triple isotopic composition of O2 as a proxy for CO2 and infer that, in the air represented in our ice samples, CO2 concentrations are within the range observed over the last 800 ka. 相似文献
Riparian plants can adapt their water uptake strategies based on climatic and hydrological conditions within a river basin. The response of cold-alpine riparian trees to changes in water availability is poorly understood. The Lhasa River is a representative cold-alpine river in South Tibet and an under-studied environment. Therefore, a 96 km section of the lower Lhasa River was selected for a study on the water-use patterns of riparian plants. Plant water, soil water, groundwater and river water were measured at three sites for δ18O and δ2H values during the warm-wet and cold-dry periods in 2018. Soil profiles differed in isotope values between seasons and with the distance along the river. During the cold-dry period, the upper parts of the soil profiles were significantly affected by evaporation. During the warm-wet period, the soil profile was influenced by precipitation infiltration in the upper reaches of the study area and by various water sources in the lower reaches. Calculations using the IsoSource model indicated that the mature salix and birch trees (Salix cheilophila Schneid. and Betula platyphylla Suk.) accessed water from multiple sources during the cold-dry period, whereas they sourced more than 70% of their requirement from the upper 60–80 cm of the soil profile during the warm-wet period. The model indicated that the immature rose willow tree (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb) accessed 66% of its water from the surface soil during the cold-dry period, but used the deeper layers during the warm-wet period. The plant type was not the dominant factor driving water uptake patterns in mature plants. Our findings can contribute to strategies for the sustainable development of cold-alpine riparian ecosystems. It is recommended that reducing plantation density and collocating plants with different rooting depths would be conducive to optimal plant growth in this environment. 相似文献
Water flow in the soil–root–stem system was studied in a flooded riparian hardwood forest in the upper Rhine floodplain. The study was undertaken to identify the vertical distribution of water uptake by trees in a system where the groundwater is at a depth of less than 1 m. The three dominant ligneous species (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior and Populus alba) were investigated for root structure (vertical extension of root systems), leaf and soil water potential (Ψm), isotopic signal (18O) of soil water and xylem sap. The root density of oak and poplar was maximal at a depth of 20 to 60 cm, whereas the roots of the ash explored the surface horizon between 0 and 30 cm, which suggests a complementary tree root distribution in the hardwood forest. The flow density of oak and poplar was much lower than that of the ash. However, in the three cases the depth of soil explored by the roots reached 1·2 m, i.e. just above a bed of gravel. The oak roots had a large lateral distribution up to a distance of 15 m from the trunk. The water potential of the soil measured at 1 m from the trunk showed a zone of strong water potential between 20 and 60 cm deep. The vertical profile of soil water content varied from 0·40 to 0·50 cm3 cm?3 close to the water table, and 0·20 to 0·30 cm3 cm?3 in the rooting zone. The isotopic signal of stem water was constant over the whole 24‐h cycle, which suggested that the uptake of water by trees occurred at a relatively constant depth. By comparing the isotopic composition of water between soil and plant, it was concluded that the water uptake occurred at a depth of 20 to 60 cm, which was in good agreement with the root and soil water potential distributions. The riparian forest therefore did not take water directly from the water table but from the unsaturated zone through the effect of capillarity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The object of this paper is the different plant communities in the Ejina desert riparian forest.Groundwater depth,soil moisture,plant water potential,relative leaf moisture content and water use efficiency was monitored,and the response of soil moisture and plant ecology to the groundwater depth and the water use efficiency of the different plant communities was analyzed.The results showed that:(1)Along with the groundwater depth increasing,predawn and midday water potential of the plants,with the exception of Reaumuria soongorica,did not decrease significantly,indicating that when the groundwater depth is less than3 m,the plant communities in the range of 4 km from the river way did not suffer or slightly suffer from water stress;(2)The distribution of higher soil moisture content within 0–3 m soil layer is suitable with the plants’root system,as indicated in the communities of coexisting overripe Populus euphratica or Taramrix chinensis,both of which can release excessive water into soil for shallow rooted shrubs or herbaceous plants when there is water shortage;(3)R.soongorica can absorb deep soil moisture through deep roots for their own survival;(4)The community consisting of Sophora alopecuroides,Karelinia caspica,T.chinensis,and overripe P.euphratica has the best species combination for restoring the damaged eco-environment in the lower reaches of Heihe River;(5)The order of plants’relative leaf water contents is K.caspicaS.alopecuroidesyoung P.euphraticaoverripe P.euphraticamature P.euphratica=T.chinensis coexisting with other speciessingle R.soongoricasingle T.chinensis and the order of WUE is single T.chinensissingle R.soongoricaT.chinensis living in symbiosis with other speciesS.alopecuroides=young P.euphraticamature P.euphraticaoverripe P.euphraticaK.caspica.Therefore,with ample soil moisture,the plant community helps rapid growth of T.chinensis,young P.euphratica and R.soongorica plants of less moisture content.Despite this they do not have much water storage capability,but have strong drought resistance,and higher moisture contents of S.alopecuroides and K.caspica,thus leaving them with poor drought resistance.Overall,the desert riparian forest plant community in the lower reaches of Heihe River helps the species of higher WUE live on it. 相似文献
A. Sugimoto D. Naito N. Yanagisawa K. Ichiyanagi N. Kurita J. Kubota T. Kotake T. Ohata T. C. Maximov A. N. Fedorov 《水文研究》2003,17(6):1073-1092
Soil moisture and its isotopic composition were observed at Spasskaya Pad experimental forest near Yakutsk, Russia, during summer in 1998, 1999, and 2000. The amount of soil water (plus ice) was estimated from volumetric soil water content obtained with time domain reflectometry. Soil moisture and its δ18O showed large interannual variation depending on the amount of summer rainfall. The soil water δ18O decreased with soil moisture during a dry summer (1998), indicating that ice meltwater from a deeper soil layer was transported upward. On the other hand, during a wet summer (1999), the δ18O of soil water increased due to percolation of summer rain with high δ18O values. Infiltration after spring snowmelt can be traced down to 15 cm by the increase in the amount of soil water and decrease in the δ18O because of the low δ18O of deposited snow. About half of the snow water equivalent (about 50 mm) recharged the surface soil. The pulse of the snow meltwater was, however, less important than the amount of summer rainfall for intra‐annual variation of soil moisture. Excess water at the time just before soil freezing, which is controlled by the amount of summer rainfall, was stored as ice during winter. This water storage stabilizes the rate of evapotranspiration. Soil water stored in the upper part of the active layer (surface to about 120 cm) can be a water source for transpiration in the following summer. On the other hand, once water was stored in the lower part of the active layer (deeper than about 120 cm), it would not be used by plants in the following summer, because the lower part of the active layer thaws in late summer after the plant growing season is over. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The East Antarctic Ice Sheet responds sluggishly to shifts in climate. To capture subtle changes in Antarctic climate, researchers have focused instead on smaller alpine and cirque glaciers that fringe the ice sheet throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The exposure ages of glacial moraine boulders scatter widely and often incorporate large amounts of inheritance, prohibiting the construction of a regional deglaciation chronology. We present a new sampling technique that takes advantage of ubiquitous desert pavements and allows for the detection of inheritance in overlying glacial moraine boulders. Our approach requires a large sample set, but offers increased confidence in modeling moraine age, an acceptable trade-off considering the need for more refined Antarctic paleoclimate reconstructions. Using the beryllium-10 system in sandstone quartz, we show that single exposure ages collected from moraine boulder tops are frequently inaccurate, and consistently over- and underestimate moraine age. Difference Dating offers a new approach to dating alpine glacial moraines independent from traditional boulder exposure age dating. 相似文献
Abigail L. Langston Gregory E. Tucker Robert S. Anderson Suzanne P. Anderson 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2015,40(9):1254-1269
Through the delivery of water in snowmelt, climate should govern the rate and extent of saprolite formation in snow‐dominated mountain watersheds, yet the mechanisms by which water flows deeply into regolith are largely unexplored. In this study we link rainfall, snow depth, and water content data from both soil and shallow saprolite to document vadose zone dynamics in two montane catchments over 2 years. Measurements of snow pack thickness and soil moisture reveal strong contrasts between north‐ and south‐facing slopes in both the timing of meltwater delivery and the duration of significant soil wetting in the shallow vadose zone. Despite similar magnitudes of snowmelt recharge, north‐facing slopes have higher sustained soil moisture compared to south‐facing slopes. To help interpret these observations, we use a 2D numerical model of vadose zone dynamics to calculate the expected space–time moisture patterns on an idealized hillslope under two wetting scenarios: a single sustained recharge pulse versus a set of short pulses. The model predicts that the duration of the recharge event exerts a stronger control on the depth and residence time of water in the upper unsaturated zone than the magnitude of the recharge event. Model calculations also imply that water should move more slowly through the subsurface and downward water flux should be substantially reduced when water is applied in several pulses rather than in one sustained event. The results suggest that thicker soil and more deeply weathered rock on north‐facing slopes may reflect greater water supply to the deep subsurface. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Ashley Dubnick Jemma Wadham Martyn Tranter Martin Sharp Joel Barker Elizabeth Bagshaw Sean Fitzsimons 《水文研究》2017,31(9):1776-1789
Cold‐based polar glacier watersheds contain well‐defined supraglacial, ice‐marginal, and proglacial elements that differ in their degree of hydrologic connectivity, sources of water (e.g., snow, ice, and/or sediment pore water), meltwater residence times, allochthonous and autochthonous nutrient, and sediment loads. We investigated 11 distinct hydrological units along the supraglacial, ice marginal, and proglacial flow paths that drain Joyce Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. We found that these units play unique and important roles as sources and/or sinks for dissolved inorganic nitrogen and dissolved inorganic phosphorus and for specific fractions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as waters are routed from the glacier into nutrient‐poor downstream ecosystems. Changes in nutrient export from the glacial system as a whole were observed as the routing and residence times of meltwater changed throughout the melt season. The concentrations of major ions in the proglacial stream were inversely proportional to discharge, such that there was a relatively constant “trickle” of these solutes into downstream ecosystems. In contrast, NO3? concentrations generally increased with discharge, resulting in delivery of episodic pulses of dissolved inorganic nitrogen‐rich water (“treats”) into those same ecosystems during high discharge events. DOM concentrations or fluorescence did not correlate with discharge rate, but high variability in DOM concentrations or fluorescence suggests that DOM may be exported downstream as episodic treats, but with spatial and/or temporal patterns that remain poorly understood. The strong, nutrient‐specific responses to changes in hydrology suggest that polar glacier drainage systems may export meltwater with nutrient compositions that vary within and between melt seasons and watersheds. Because nutrient dynamics identified in this study differ between glacier watersheds with broadly similar hydrology, climate, and geology, we emphasize the need to develop conceptual models of nutrient export that thoroughly integrate the biogeochemical and hydrological processes that control the sources, fate, and export of nutrients from each system. 相似文献
A method for estimating daily mean transit time (DMTT) within a soil layer was proposed using field measurements of soil moisture. Vertical profiles of soil moisture time series were used for storage estimation. Water fluxes were evaluated through matrix and bypass flow. Variations in soil moisture and soil thickness were used to evaluate matrix flow. Exponential decay in depth of macropores was also used for bypass flow approximation. DMTT evaluation was compared to results obtained from a stable water isotope model using two years of data acquired on a steep granite hillslope in the Sulmachun watershed, South Korea. Various uncertainties in transit time evaluation such as model structure, non‐stationary assumption and data acquisition of existing approaches can be accounted for in the proposed methodology, and the flowpath contribution can be further configured in conjunction with hydrometric measurements. Probability density functions of isotope analyses were partially explained by transit time distributions that were based on soil moisture measurements. Supplementary sensitivity analyses for uncertainty configurations indicate that matrix flow is the primary process in determining transit time distribution while the impact of bypass flow is minor. The feasibility of a DMTT approach over isotope‐based methodologies highlights not only the strength of this proposed method, both in cost and time, but also its further application potential for existing soil moisture measurements. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Doerthe Tetzlaff James Buttle Sean K. Carey Matthew J. Kohn Hjalmar Laudon James P. McNamara Aaron Smith Matthias Sprenger Chris Soulsby 《水文研究》2021,35(1):e14023
We compared stable isotopes of water in plant stem (xylem) water and soil collected over a complete growing season from five well-known long-term study sites in northern/cold regions. These spanned a decreasing temperature gradient from Bruntland Burn (Scotland), Dorset (Canadian Shield), Dry Creek (USA), Krycklan (Sweden), to Wolf Creek (northern Canada). Xylem water was isotopically depleted compared to soil waters, most notably for deuterium. The degree to which potential soil water sources could explain the isotopic composition of xylem water was assessed quantitatively using overlapping polygons to enclose respective data sets when plotted in dual isotope space. At most sites isotopes in xylem water from angiosperms showed a strong overlap with soil water; this was not the case for gymnosperms. In most cases, xylem water composition on a given sampling day could be better explained if soil water composition was considered over longer antecedent periods spanning many months. Xylem water at most sites was usually most dissimilar to soil water in drier summer months, although sites differed in the sequence of change. Open questions remain on why a significant proportion of isotopically depleted water in plant xylem cannot be explained by soil water sources, particularly for gymnosperms. It is recommended that future research focuses on the potential for fractionation to affect water uptake at the soil-root interface, both through effects of exchange between the vapour and liquid phases of soil water and the effects of mycorrhizal interactions. Additionally, in cold regions, evaporation and diffusion of xylem water in winter may be an important process. 相似文献
In an effort to identify biomonitors for contamination of Antarctic marine benthos by sewage, this study determines whether the US Antarctic Program’s McMurdo Station produces a benthic sewage footprint and whether resident megafauna are assimilating sewage-derived material. We identified strong C and N isotopic gradients in benthic sediment as a function of downstream distance from McMurdo Station’s point-source sewage addition. Sediment C and N isotope ratios approached marine background levels at the sampling end-point 612 m downcurrent. Based on isotope abundances in their tissues, at least some sewage C and N were assimilated by the sedentary, suspension feeding soft coral Alcyonium antarcticum, ascidian Cnemidocarpa verrucosa and bivalve Laternula elliptica. However, as inferred by tissue-sediment differences in downstream isotope trends, such assimilation was not in proportion to sewage exposure and input, therefore implying non-generalist feeding behavior by these species. In contrast, the motile, generalist feeding sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri, sea star Odontaster validus and ribbon worm Parborlasia corrugatus showed isotopic evidence of sewage C and N assimilation roughly in proportion to sewage input. We recommend these generalist feeders for further use as biomonitors at this site now that sewage treatment has been implemented. As these species are circumpolar in distribution, they may also prove useful elsewhere in the Antarctic. 相似文献
Variations in phosphorus speciation in two sets of simulated riparian zones with and without Perennial ryegrass were compared. Each set consisted of four units, each measuring 700 mm × 200 mm × 200 mm, which were enhanced with 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5% red mud (RM) by weight. The levels of total phosphorus (TP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) in the effluent were analyzed, and phosphorus fractionation in the media were also determined after the systems had been operational for 3 months. The results showed that the unit received 2.5% RM had the highest rate of phosphorus removal, including TP, TDP, SRP, particulate phosphorus (PP), and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) were present at the average concentrations of 0.17, 0.10, 0.07, 0.08, and 0.03 mg/L in the effluent. Sequential phosphorus fractionation showed that calcium‐bound phosphorus (Ca–P) was the major component, indicating that the addition of RM induced aluminum/iron‐bound phosphorus (Al/Fe–P), which was intensely bioactive, to form intractable Ca–P, which further inhibited the release of phosphorus from the media. However, the presence of P. ryegrass had little effect on the removal of phosphorus. Therefore, RM, when used directly in riparian zones at a suitable concentration, is a novel and low cost additive material that can be used to remove phosphorus from reclaimed water. 相似文献
The root‐zone moisture replenishment mechanisms are key unknowns required to understand soil hydrological processes and water sources used by plants. Temporal patterns of root‐zone moisture replenishment reflect wetting events that contribute to plant growth and survival and to catchment water yield. In this study, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of twigs and throughfall were continuously monitored to characterize the seasonal variations of the root‐zone moisture replenishment in a native vegetated catchment under Mediterranean climate in South Australia. The two studied hillslopes (the north‐facing slope [NFS] and the south‐facing slope [SFS]) had different environmental conditions with opposite aspects. The twig and throughfall samples were collected every ~20 days over 1 year on both hillslopes. The root‐zone moisture replenishment, defined as percentage of newly replenished root‐zone moisture as a complement to antecedent moisture for plant use, calculated by an isotope balance model, was about zero (±25% for the NFS and ± 15% for the SFS) at the end of the wet season (October), increased to almost 100% (±26% for the NFS and ± 29% for the SFS) after the dry season (April and May), then decreased close to zero (±24% for the NFS and ± 28% for the SFS) in the middle of the following wet season (August). This seasonal pattern of root‐zone moisture replenishment suggests that the very first rainfall events of the wet season were significant for soil moisture replenishment and supported the plants over wet and subsequent dry seasons, and that NFS completed replenishment over a longer time than SFS in the wet season and depleted the root zone moisture quicker in the dry season. The stable oxygen isotope composition of the intraevent samples and twigs further confirms that rain water in the late wet season contributed little to root‐zone moisture. This study highlights the significant role of the very first rain events in the early wet season for ecosystem and provides insights to understanding ecohydrological separation, catchment water yield, and vegetation response to climate changes. 相似文献
The forest canopy can play a significant role in modifying the amount and isotopic composition of water during its passage throughout the near-surface critical zone. Here, partitioning of gross rainfall into interception, throughfall, and stemflow and its implications for the amount and isotopic composition of soil water was studied for red oak, eastern white pine, and eastern hemlock trees in a northern hardwood-conifer forest in south central Ontario, Canada. Stemflow production was greatest for red oak as a result of its upward-projecting branches and least for eastern white pine due to its horizontal branches and rougher bark. These stemflow contributions to the near-bole soil surface failed to produce consistently wetter soils relative to distal locations from the bole for all tree species. There was also no consistent evidence of isotopic enrichment of throughfall and stemflow relative to gross rainfall or of stemflow relative to throughfall for red oak or eastern hemlock. However, there was isotopic enrichment of both throughfall and stemflow for eastern white pine with increasing maximum atmospheric vapour pressure deficit, which may reflect the potential for evaporative fractionation as a result of retention and detention of water moving through the canopy by the rougher bark of this species. Dry soil conditions limited sampling of mobile soil water during the study, and there was no consistent evidence that either throughfall or stemflow fluxes controlled temporal changes in the isotopic signature of soil water beneath the tree. Thus, the potential for throughfall and stemflow fluxes in northern hardwood-conifer forests to modify the isotopic composition of water taken up by the tree via transpiration remains an open question. 相似文献
Ecosystem in the karst region of southwest China is very fragile due to a very limited amount of water storage for plant uptake in the thin and rocky soils underlain by rock fractures. Plants in these karst regions are thought to take water from the soils and shallow fractured rock zone (subcutaneous zone) as well. However, the role of subcutaneous water in maintaining karst vegetation remains unclear, and proportions of the water sources for plant uptake in different environment conditions are unknown. In this study, five typical species of plants at two sites were selected in a karst plateau of Qingzhen, central Guizhou Province of China. Proportions of the possible water sources contributed for the plant uptake from two soil layers and subcutaneous zone were determined on the basis of δD and δ18O values of plant stem water, soil water and subcutaneous water. The analysis reveals that most plants take water from the soil layers and the subcutaneous zone as well, but proportions of these water contributions for plant uptake vary seasonally and depend on site‐specific conditions and plant species. Plant uptake of the subcutaneous water for all species averages less than 30% of the total monthly amount in June and September, compared with more than 60% in dry December. Plants tend to take a larger proportion of water from the upper soil layer at the bush site than at the forest site in June and September (63 vs 28% in July; 66 vs 54% in September for all species in average). In December, however, 98% of water is taken from the subcutaneous zone at the bush site which is much greater than 68% at the forest site. Compared to deciduous arbor, evergreen shrub takes a greater proportion of subcutaneous water in the December drought. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Antecedent soil moisture or soil moisture status has a great impact on hydrological processes. Hydraulic redistribution (HR), a widely observed phenomenon, is defined as water distributed (typically at night) from moist soil to drier soil via plant roots, which plays an important role in soil moisture replenishment. Knowledge on seasonal patterns of HR and on the relationship between HR and soil water use is not fully understood. We investigated temporal variations in HR and total daily water use (Δθ) at stands of camphor and peach by monitoring soil moisture content in a humid region in eastern China. HR at the three locations reached its maximum values in summer (0.68 mm d−1 to 1.15 mm d−1) at depths of 15 cm and 35 cm. Redistributed water replenished 41% of water depleted in the soil at a 5–45-cm depth. Interestingly, normalized HR (i.e., HR/Δθ) showed a constant pattern during the growing season implying it is independent of seasonal climate alterations. This also indicated that HR had a stable effect on the replenishment of daily water use. Positive linear relationships between HR and Δθ were found at three measuring locations (camphor: R2 = .35, p < .01; peach1: R2 = .57, p < .01; peach2: R2 = .63, p < .01), suggesting a relatively stable inherent linkage between HR and Δθ. This study suggested that hydrological processes involving soil moisture status or antecedent soil moisture, needs to take the HR effect into account across timescales from intraday to seasonal. 相似文献
Calibration is required for most soil moisture sensors if accurate measurements are to be obtained. This can be time consuming and costly, especially if field calibration is undertaken, but can be facilitated by a good understanding of the behaviour of the particular sensor being calibrated. We develop generalized temperature correction and soil water calibration relationships for Campbell Scientific CS615 water‐content reflectometer sensors. The temperature correction is estimated as a function of the raw sensor measurement. The calibration relationship requires one soil‐related parameter to be set. These relationships facilitate field calibration of these sensors to acceptable accuracies with only a small number of samples. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献