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An equivalent medium model for wave simulation in fractured porous rocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seismic wave propagation in reservoir rocks is often strongly affected by fractures and micropores. Elastic properties of fractured reservoirs are studied using a fractured porous rock model, in which fractures are considered to be embedded in a homogeneous porous background. The paper presents an equivalent media model for fractured porous rocks. Fractures are described in a stress‐strain relationship in terms of fracture‐induced anisotropy. The equations of poroelasticity are used to describe the background porous matrix and the contents of the fractures are inserted into a matrix. Based on the fractured equivalent‐medium theory and Biot's equations of poroelasticity, two sets of porosity are considered in a constitutive equation. The porous matrix permeability and fracture permeability are analysed by using the continuum media seepage theory in equations of motion. We then design a fractured porous equivalent medium and derive the modified effective constants for low‐frequency elastic constants due to the presence of fractures. The expressions of elastic constants are concise and are directly related to the properties of the main porous matrix, the inserted fractures and the pore fluid. The phase velocity and attenuation of the fractured porous equivalent media are investigated based on this model. Numerical simulations are performed. We show that the fractures and pores strongly influence wave propagation, induce anisotropy and cause poroelastic behaviour in the wavefields. We observe that the presence of fractures gives rise to changes in phase velocity and attenuation, especially for the slow P‐wave in the direction parallel to the fracture plane.  相似文献   

Fractures in porous media have been documented extensively. However, they are often omitted from groundwater flow and mass transport models due to a lack of data on fracture hydraulic properties and the computational burden of simulating fractures explicitly in large model domains. We present a MATLAB toolbox, FracKfinder, that automates HydroGeoSphere (HGS), a variably saturated, control volume finite-element model, to simulate an ensemble of discrete fracture network (DFN) flow experiments on a single cubic model mesh containing a stochastically generated fracture network. Because DFN simulations in HGS can simulate flow in both a porous media and a fracture domain, this toolbox computes tensors for both the matrix and fractures of a porous medium. Each model in the ensemble represents a different orientation of the hydraulic gradient, thus minimizing the likelihood that a single hydraulic gradient orientation will dominate the tensor computation. Linear regression on matrices containing the computed three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity (K) values from each rotation of the hydraulic gradient is used to compute the K tensors. This approach shows that the hydraulic behavior of fracture networks can be simulated where fracture hydraulic data are limited. Simulation of a bromide tracer experiment using K tensors computed with FracKfinder in HGS demonstrates good agreement with a previous large-column, laboratory study. The toolbox provides a potential pathway to upscale groundwater flow and mass transport processes in fractured media to larger scales.  相似文献   

In fractured reservoirs, seismic wave velocity and amplitude depend on frequency and incidence angle. Frequency dependence is believed to be principally caused by the wave‐induced flow of pore fluid at the mesoscopic scale. In recent years, two particular phenomena, i.e., patchy saturation and flow between fractures and pores, have been identified as significant mechanisms of wave‐induced flow. However, these two phenomena are studied separately. Recently, a unified model has been proposed for a porous rock with a set of aligned fractures, with pores and fractures filled with two different fluids. Existing models treat waves propagating perpendicular to the fractures. In this paper, we extend the model to all propagation angles by assuming that the flow direction is perpendicular to the layering plane and is independent of the loading direction. We first consider the limiting cases through poroelastic Backus averaging, and then we obtain the five complex and frequency‐dependent stiffness values of the equivalent transversely isotropic medium as a function of the frequency. The numerical results show that, when the bulk modulus of the fracture‐filling fluid is relatively large, the dispersion and attenuation of P‐waves are mainly caused by fractures, and the values decrease as angles increase, almost vanishing when the incidence angle is 90° (propagation parallel to the fracture plane). While the bulk modulus of fluid in fractures is much smaller than that of matrix pores, the attenuation due to the “partial saturation” mechanism makes the fluid flow from pores into fractures, which is almost independent of the incidence angle.  相似文献   

结合有限差分方法和等效介质理论,模拟了离散分布裂缝介质中地震波的传播. 基于等效介质理论,利用二维有限差分实现封闭裂缝的离散分布;裂缝可以处理成固体岩石中的高度柔性界面,并可以用线性滑动或者位移间断模型进行裂缝的物理描述. 对于含有多组裂隙的破裂固体,其有效柔度可以认为是固体骨架背景柔度和裂缝附加柔度之和. 在一阶近似条件下,固体骨架和裂缝参数可以通过有效各向异性系数联系起来,有效各向异性系数决定了各向异性(裂缝效应)对于地震波传播的影响. 通过与射线理论方法的对比检验,说明本文提出的模拟方法的有效性,并通过几个数值算例说明本方法可有效模拟不同的裂缝分布效应. 结果表明,即使在裂缝密度很小的情况下,具有相同裂缝密度的不同的空间分布可以产生不同的波场特征. 同时,也验证了不同裂缝尺度对波长的不同影响,以及裂缝尺度具有幂率分布(分形)时,尺度对波场的影响. 最后得出结论:在运用建立在等效介质理论基础上的地震各向异性概念来描述裂缝固体的特征时,要倍加小心,等效介质理论中尚未合理处理的裂缝尺度和空间分布对波的传播特征具有重要的影响.  相似文献   

In this study, a numerical manifold method (NMM) model is developed to analyze flow in porous media with discrete fractures in a non-conforming mesh. This new model is based on a two-cover-mesh system with a uniform triangular mathematical mesh and boundary/fracture-divided physical covers, where local independent cover functions are defined. The overlapping parts of the physical covers are elements where the global approximation is defined by the weighted average of the physical cover functions. The mesh is generated by a tree-cutting algorithm. A new model that does not introduce additional degrees of freedom (DOF) for fractures was developed for fluid flow in fractures. The fracture surfaces that belong to different physical covers are used to represent fracture flow in the direction of the fractures. In the direction normal to the fractures, the fracture surfaces are regarded as Dirichlet boundaries to exchange fluxes with the rock matrix. Furthermore, fractures that intersect with Dirichlet or Neumann boundaries are considered. Simulation examples are designed to verify the efficiency of the tree-cutting algorithm, the calculation's independency from the mesh orientation, and accuracy when modeling porous media that contain fractures with multiple intersections and different orientations. The simulation results show good agreement with available analytical solutions. Finally, the model is applied to cases that involve nine intersecting fractures and a complex network of 100 fractures, both of which achieve reasonable results. The new model is very practical for modeling flow in fractured porous media, even for a geometrically complex fracture network with large hydraulic conductivity contrasts between fractures and the matrix.  相似文献   

The significance of flow in the matrix of the Chalk unsaturated zone, in comparison with flow in fractures, has been the subject of much debate. In this article, important elements of the literature are discussed in detail and several simple modelling analyses based on steady-state flow are presented. A study of the sensitivity of solute spreading to fracture spacing in models that ignore matrix flow shows that this latter assumption is generally incompatible with observed solute profiles, unless unrealistically small fracture spacings are assumed. The effect of air phase continuities (e.g. bedding planes) on matrix flow has also been examined. These discontinuities are frequently interrupted by points of connectivity between matrix blocks. An issue therefore is the relationship between connectivity and its effect on inter-block conductance. A simple analysis of the Laplace equation shows that just 1% connectivity represents an effective pathway equivalent to 18% of the local rock hydraulic conductivity. Obviously, when there is no fracture flow, solute spreading is significantly reduced. However, dual permeability model simulations show that matrix flow reduces solute spreading in the presence of persistent fracture flow. All of the above studies suggest that flow in the matrix of the Chalk unsaturated zone is significant and that ignoring it may result in a serious misunderstanding of the system.  相似文献   

Field characterization of a trichloroethene (TCE) source area in fractured mudstones produced a detailed understanding of the geology, contaminant distribution in fractures and the rock matrix, and hydraulic and transport properties. Groundwater flow and chemical transport modeling that synthesized the field characterization information proved critical for designing bioremediation of the source area. The planned bioremediation involved injecting emulsified vegetable oil and bacteria to enhance the naturally occurring biodegradation of TCE. The flow and transport modeling showed that injection will spread amendments widely over a zone of lower‐permeability fractures, with long residence times expected because of small velocities after injection and sorption of emulsified vegetable oil onto solids. Amendments transported out of this zone will be diluted by groundwater flux from other areas, limiting bioremediation effectiveness downgradient. At nearby pumping wells, further dilution is expected to make bioremediation effects undetectable in the pumped water. The results emphasize that in fracture‐dominated flow regimes, the extent of injected amendments cannot be conceptualized using simple homogeneous models of groundwater flow commonly adopted to design injections in unconsolidated porous media (e.g., radial diverging or dipole flow regimes). Instead, it is important to synthesize site characterization information using a groundwater flow model that includes discrete features representing high‐ and low‐permeability fractures. This type of model accounts for the highly heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity and groundwater fluxes in fractured‐rock aquifers, and facilitates designing injection strategies that target specific volumes of the aquifer and maximize the distribution of amendments over these volumes.  相似文献   

Deep-well injection into fractured sandstone is an option for the disposal of contaminated mine dewatering discharge from an open pit uranium mine. As part of the assessment of potential contaminant migration from deep-well injection, the effect of matrix diffusion was evaluated. An analytical mathematical model was developed for the simulation of the radial movement of a contaminant front away from an injection point under steady flow conditions in a planar fracture with uniform properties. The model includes the effects of advection in the fracture, diffusion of contaminants from the fracture into the rock matrix, and equilibrium adsorption on the fracture surface as well as in the rock matrix. Effective diffusion coefficients obtained from laboratory experiments on 11 intact core samples varied from 3.4 × 10−8 to 3.2 × 10−7 cm2/s. Model simulations were made with diffusion coefficient values in this range and with single-fracture injection rates estimated from fracture frequencies in boreholes, and from bulk hydraulic conductivity values obtained from field tests. Because of matrix diffusion, the rate of outward movement of the front of the nonreactive contaminants from the injection well is much slower than the rate of water flow in the fractures. Simulations of the movement of contaminants that undergo adsorption indicate that even a small distribution coefficient for the rock matrix causes the contaminants to remain very close to the injection well during the one-year period. The results of the simplified model demonstrate that matrix diffusion is an important process that cannot be neglected in the assessment of a waste disposal scheme located in fractured porous rock. However, in order to make a definitive assessment of the capability of matrix diffusion and associated matrix adsorption to significantly limit the extent of contaminant migration around injection wells, it would be necessary to conduct field tests such as a preliminary or experimental injection.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a method for the characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs by quantitative integration of seismic and production data. The method is based on a consistent theoretical frame work to model both effective hydraulic and elastic properties of fractured porous media and a (non‐linear) Bayesian method of inversion that provides information about uncertainties as well as mean (or maximum likelihood) values. We model a fractured reservoir as a porous medium containing a single set of vertical fractures characterized by an unknown fracture density, azimuthal orientation and aperture. We then look at the problem of fracture parameter estimation as a non‐linear inverse problem and try to estimate the unknown fracture parameters by joint inversion of seismic amplitude versus angle and azimuth data and dynamic production data. Once the fracture parameters have been estimated the corresponding effective stiffness and permeability tensors can be estimated using consistent models. A synthetic example is provided to clearly explain and test the workflow. It shows that seismic and production data complement each other, in the sense that the seismic data resolve a non‐uniqueness in the fracture orientation and the production data help to recover the true fracture aperture and permeability, because production data are more sensitive to the fracture aperture than the seismic data.  相似文献   

Effective parameters for flow in saturated porous media are obtained via Taylor-Aris-Brenner moment analysis considering both periodic as well as stationary porous medium properties. It is assumed that a slug is instantaneously introduced into an unbounded, anisotropic porous medium having a compressible matrix, and that the correlation length of the local hydraulic conductivity and specific storage fluctuations is smaller than the correlation length of hydraulic head fluctuations (gradually varying flow). It is shown that the effective specific storage is equal to its volume average. The effective hydraulic conductivity is derived by a small-perturbation analysis and it is shown to consist of its volume average and of a second term which accounts for the ‘small’ local conductivity fluctuations.  相似文献   

Elastic properties of saturated porous rocks with aligned fractures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Elastic properties of fluid saturated porous media with aligned fractures can be studied using the model of fractures as linear-slip interfaces in an isotropic porous background. Such a medium represents a particular case of a transversely isotropic (TI) porous medium, and as such can be analyzed with equations of anisotropic poroelasticity. This analysis allows the derivation of explicit analytical expressions for the low-frequency elastic constants and anisotropy parameters of the fractured porous medium saturated with a given fluid. The five elastic constants of the resultant TI medium are derived as a function of the properties of the dry (isotropic) background porous matrix, fracture properties (normal and shear excess compliances), and fluid bulk modulus. For the particular case of penny-shaped cracks, the expression for anisotropy parameter ε has the form similar to that of Thomsen [Geophys. Prospect. 43 (1995) 805]. However, contrary to the existing view, the compliance matrix of a fluid-saturated porous-fractured medium is not equivalent to the compliance matrix of any equivalent solid medium with a single set of parallel fractures. This unexpected result is caused by the wave-induced flow of fluids between pores and fractures.  相似文献   

The effect of fracture network geometry on free convection in fractured rock is studied using numerical simulations. We examine the structural properties of fracture networks that control the onset and strength of free convection and the patterns of density-dependent flow. Applicability of the equivalent porous medium approach (EPM) is also tested, and recommendations are given, for which situations the EPM approach is valid. To date, the structural properties of fracture networks that determine free convective flow are examined only in few, predominantly simplified regular fracture networks. We consider fracture networks containing continuous, discontinuous, orthogonal and/or inclined discrete fractures embedded in a low-permeability rock matrix. The results indicate that bulk permeability is not adequate to infer the occurrence and magnitude of free convection in fractured rock. Fracture networks can inhibit or promote convection depending on the fracture network geometry. Continuous fracture circuits are the crucial geometrical feature of fracture networks, because large continuous fracture circuits with a large vertical extent promote convection. The likelihood of continuous fracture circuits and thus of free convection increases with increasing fracture density and fracture length, but individual fracture locations may result in great deviances in strength of convection between statistically equivalent fracture networks such that prediction remains subject to large uncertainty.  相似文献   

The influence of rock fracturing on the hydraulic dispersion parameters is studied by numerical simulation. A porous medium with a regular system of parallel cracks is examined as a model of fractured rocks. A fractured-porous medium is conventionally assumed to be locally uniform (within an elementary representative volume of the model), and the presence of heterogeneities is implicitly accounted for by the so-called effective values of the dispersion parameters of an underground medium. The mass transfer is calculated within a broad range of fracturing parameters with separate cracks being explicitly incorporated. The effective values of the dispersion parameters are determined by averaging results of the calculation. The numerically obtained implicit dependence of the effective dispersion parameters on fracturing prameters is approximated by analytical expressions.  相似文献   

We present the first demonstration of hydraulic tomography (HT) to estimate the three-dimensional (3D) hydraulic conductivity (K) distribution of a fractured aquifer at high-resolution field scale (HRFS), including the fracture network and connectivity through it. We invert drawdown data collected from packer-isolated borehole intervals during 42 pumping tests in a wellfield at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey, in the Newark Basin. Five additional tests were reserved for a quality check of HT results. We used an equivalent porous medium forward model and geostatistical inversion to estimate 3D K at high resolution (K blocks <1 m3), using no strict assumptions about K variability or fracture statistics. The resulting 3D K estimate ranges from approximately 0.1 (highest-K fractures) to approximately 10−13 m/s (unfractured mudstone). Important estimated features include: (1) a highly fractured zone (HFZ) consisting of a sequence of high-K bedding-plane fractures; (2) a low-K zone that disrupts the HFZ; (3) several secondary fractures of limited extent; and (4) regions of very low-K rock matrix. The 3D K estimate explains complex drawdown behavior observed in the field. Drawdown tracing and particle tracking simulations reveal a 3D fracture network within the estimated K distribution, and connectivity routes through the network. Model fit is best in the shallower part of the wellfield, with high density of observations and tests. The capabilities of HT demonstrated for 3D fractured aquifer characterization at HRFS may support improved in situ remediation for contaminant source zones, and applications in mining, repository assessment, or geotechnical engineering.  相似文献   

We discuss techniques to represent groundwater flow in carbonate aquifers using the three existing modeling approaches: equivalent porous medium, conduit network, and discrete fracture network. Fractures in faulted stratigraphic successions are characterized by dominant sets of sub-vertical joints. Grid rotation is recommended using the equivalent porous medium to match higher hydraulic conductivity with the dominant orientation of the joints. Modeling carbonate faults with throws greater than approximately 100 m is more challenging. Such faults are characterized by combined conduit-barrier behavior. The barrier behavior can be modeled using the Horizontal Flow Barrier Package with a low-permeability vertical barrier inserted to represent the impediment of horizontal flow in faults characterized by sharp drops of the piezometric surface. Cavities can occur parallel to the strike of normal faults generating channels for the groundwater. In this case, flow models need to account for turbulence using a conduit network approach. Channels need to be embedded in an equivalent porous medium due to cavities a few centimeters large, which are present in carbonate aquifers even in areas characterized by low hydraulic gradients. Discrete fracture network modeling enables representation of individual rock discontinuities in three dimensions. This approach is used in non-heavily karstified aquifers at industrial sites and was recently combined with the equivalent porous medium to simulate diffusivity in the matrix. Following this review, we recommend that the future research combines three practiced modeling approaches: equivalent porous medium, discrete fracture network, and conduit network, in order to capture structural and flow aspects in the modeling of groundwater in carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

When dealing with the macroscopic behavior of a fractured porous medium, one is faced with the problem of computing the large-scale parameters from the fracture network properties. In particular, when the retained model is the quasi-steady two-equation model, three effective coefficients have to be estimated. This upscaling problem has been reviewed using a volume averaging method by Quintard and Whitaker. As a result, a closed form of the macroscopic model was obtained with associate closure problems that can be used for the determination of the required parameters. In this paper, we use the corresponding problems to study and discuss the behavior of the effective properties of 2D densely fractured systems. First, the emphasis is put on the large-scale fracture permeability tensor, which is related to the degree of interconnection of the fractures combined to the effect of matrix diffusion. Secondly, the exchange coefficient is considered, in particular, its dependence on the matrix blocks geometry. Finally, we compare our approach with numerous techniques currently proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

Cross‐hole anisotropic electrical and seismic tomograms of fractured metamorphic rock have been obtained at a test site where extensive hydrological data were available. A strong correlation between electrical resistivity anisotropy and seismic compressional‐wave velocity anisotropy has been observed. Analysis of core samples from the site reveal that the shale‐rich rocks have fabric‐related average velocity anisotropy of between 10% and 30%. The cross‐hole seismic data are consistent with these values, indicating that observed anisotropy might be principally due to the inherent rock fabric rather than to the aligned sets of open fractures. One region with velocity anisotropy greater than 30% has been modelled as aligned open fractures within an anisotropic rock matrix and this model is consistent with available fracture density and hydraulic transmissivity data from the boreholes and the cross‐hole resistivity tomography data. However, in general the study highlights the uncertainties that can arise, due to the relative influence of rock fabric and fluid‐filled fractures, when using geophysical techniques for hydrological investigations.  相似文献   

Site characterization in densely fractured dolomite: comparison of methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the challenges in characterizing fractured-rock aquifers is determining whether the equivalent porous medium approximation is valid at the problem scale. Detailed hydrogeologic characterization completed at a small study site in a densely fractured dolomite has yielded an extensive data set that was used to evaluate the utility of the continuum and discrete-fracture approaches to aquifer characterization. There are two near-vertical sets of fractures at the site; near-horizontal bedding-plane partings constitute a third fracture set. Eighteen boreholes, including five coreholes, were drilled to a depth of approximately 10.6 m. Borehole geophysical logs revealed several laterally extensive horizontal fractures and dissolution zones. Flowmeter and short-interval packer testing identified which of these features were hydraulically important. A monitoring system, consisting of short-interval piezometers and multilevel samplers, was designed to monitor four horizontal fractures and two dissolution zones. The resulting network consisted of >70 sampling points and allowed detailed monitoring of head distributions in three dimensions. Comparison of distributions of hydraulic head and hydraulic conductivity determined by these two approaches suggests that even in a densely fractured-carbonate aquifer, a characterization approach using traditional long-interval monitoring wells is inadequate to characterize ground water movement for the purposes of regulatory monitoring or site remediation. In addition, traditional multiwell pumping tests yield an average or bulk hydraulic conductivity that is not adequate for predicting rapid ground water travel times through the fracture network, and the pumping test response does not appear to be an adequate tool for assessing whether the porous medium approximation is valid.  相似文献   

Various numerical methods have been used in the literature to simulate single and multiphase flow in fractured media. A promising approach is the use of the discrete-fracture model where the fracture entities in the permeable media are described explicitly in the computational grid. In this work, we present a critical review of the main conventional methods for multiphase flow in fractured media including the finite difference (FD), finite volume (FV), and finite element (FE) methods, that are coupled with the discrete-fracture model. All the conventional methods have inherent limitations in accuracy and applications. The FD method, for example, is restricted to horizontal and vertical fractures. The accuracy of the vertex-centered FV method depends on the size of the matrix gridcells next to the fractures; for an acceptable accuracy the matrix gridcells next to the fractures should be small. The FE method cannot describe properly the saturation discontinuity at the matrix–fracture interface. In this work, we introduce a new approach that is free from the limitations of the conventional methods. Our proposed approach is applicable in 2D and 3D unstructured griddings with low mesh orientation effect; it captures the saturation discontinuity from the contrast in capillary pressure between the rock matrix and fractures. The matrix–fracture and fracture–fracture fluxes are calculated based on powerful features of the mixed finite element (MFE) method which provides, in addition to the gridcell pressures, the pressures at the gridcell interfaces and can readily model the pressure discontinuities at impermeable faults in a simple way. To reduce the numerical dispersion, we use the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method to approximate the saturation equation. We take advantage of a hybrid time scheme to alleviate the restrictions on the size of the time step in the fracture network. Several numerical examples in 2D and 3D demonstrate the robustness of the proposed model. Results show the significance of capillary pressure and orders of magnitude increase in computational speed compared to previous works.  相似文献   

A systematic investigation of the effect of configurations of stochastically distributed fracture networks on hydraulic behaviour for fractured rock masses could provide either quantitative or qualitative correlation between the structural configuration of the fracture network and its corresponding hydraulic behaviour, and enhance our understanding of appropriate application of groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling in fractured rock masses. In this study, the effect of block sizes, intersection angles of fracture sets, standard deviations of fracture orientation, and fracture densities on directional block hydraulic conductivity and representative elementary volume is systematically investigated in two dimensions by implementing a numerical discrete fracture fluid flow model and incorporating stochastically distributed fracture configurations. It is shown from this investigation that the configuration of a stochastically distributed fracture network has a significant quantitative or qualitative effect on the hydraulic behaviour of fractured rock masses. Compared with the deterministic fracture configurations that have been extensively dealt with in a previous study, this investigation is expected to be more practical and adequate, since fracture geometry parameters are inherently stochastically distributed in the field. Moreover, the methodology and approach presented in this study may be generally applied to any fracture system in investigating the hydraulic behaviours from configurations of the fracture system while establishing a ‘bridge’ from the discrete fracture network flow modelling to equivalent continuum modelling in fractured rock masses. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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