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Nineteenth-century references to clavate borings in woody substrates in the Lower Greensand of the Isle of Wight used a variety of names, but Teredo (a wood-boring bivalve, not a boring), Teredolithes (a junior synonym of Teredolites) and Gastrochaena (a bivalve borer of rock and shelly substrates, not a boring in wood) are all nomenclatorially incorrect. Borings in a beach clast derived from the Lower Greensand Group and recently collected from Sandown Bay, Isle of Wight, are referred to Teredolites isp. cf. T. longissimus Kelly and Bromley. This specimen confirms the presence of Teredolites in the Lower Greensand Group and demonstrates a common ichnological problem of beach clasts; borings, either fossil or modern, are incompletely preserved, making confident classification below the level of ichnogenus problematic.  相似文献   

The Callovian-Oxfordian Kuldhar Member of Middle-Upper Jurassic Jaisalmer Formation, Rajasthan is characterized by a rich cephalopod (ammonites and belemnites) fauna along with other invertebrates. They are embedded in oolitic limestone, at places in nodular limestone, grey shale and occasional red mud. The belemnite rostra bear bioerosions in the form of borings of circular or elliptical type. The present study identified those as Trypanites isp. and Rogerella isp. and characterized the hitherto unnoticed bioerosions of these belemnite rostra to be post-mortal. Different dispositions of major diameter of belemnite rostra has been interpreted to represent churning effect of ichnofossil producing organisms which put evidences of several generations of omission surfaces. Vertical and horizontal orientations of stephanoceratid ammonites side by side have been critically analysed in the light of lithology and prevailing environmental condition and inferred to be an artifact of gravity and thixotropic property of clay. Ammonites like Stephanoceratids and Macrocephalitids inhabit within 110m depth which is also permissible depth of belemnites as well as probable depth of formation of oolites, carbonate mud and aluminosilicate mud. Considering the lithology of the rocks like oolites, carbonate mud, aluminosilicate, the habitat of stephanoceratid and habitat of acrothoracid barnacles (organisms responsible for Rogerella isp.), the environment has been delineated to be sublittoral which was previously designated as shoreface zone to offshore transition zone.  相似文献   

The taphonomy of trace fossils and their substrates remains an understudied facet of sedimentary geology. Contrary to common prejudice, trace fossils are not invariably preserved in situ, but may be exhumed and reworked following lithification. The trace fossils most commonly found ex situ are borings in mobile shelly substrates. Two notable, but contrasting, examples of post-mortem transport of borings are described from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of southern Limburg, the Netherlands. A long, unusually straight and complete calcareous tube assigned to Teredolites longissimus Kelly and Bromley is an organically secreted internal mould, produced by a teredinid or pholadid bivalve boring in wood and lining their tube. Strictly, this is part of the body fossil of the producing bivalve, but it is also an organically generated internal mould of the boring. A flint steinkern of a right valve of Crassatella bosquetiana d’Orbigny preserves a suite of silicified borings. Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke is a U-shaped boring with a vane connecting the parallel limbs. Talpina isp. is a slender, simple, branched tunnel. Most unexpected, Spirichnus spiralis Fürsich et al. is a spiral ‘worm’ boring hitherto only known from the Upper Jurassic. This stratigraphic gap is likely an artefact; only mouldic preservation of the bored substrate would expose the distinctive Spirichnus boring. These ichnofossils are united in their occurrence in unusual preservational systems.  相似文献   

A burrowing spatangoid echinoid (heart urchin), Cardiaster granulosus (Goldfuss), from the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage (Upper Cretaceous) in Belgium, was infested only in the plates of the ambulacral petals by acrothoracian barnacle borings, Rogerella isp. This infestation was after the death and exhumation of the echinoid. The distribution of Rogerella may indicate the azimuth of current flow at the time of exhumation prior to final burial. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large theropod ilium was recently collected from the Upper Cretaceous Honglishan Formation in the Sangequan area of the northern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China, which represents the first officially reported dinosaur fossil from this formation. Several morphological features, including robust supracetabular ridge, reduced supracetabular crest, concave anterior margin of the pubic peduncle, ventral flange on the pubic peduncle, converging dorsal surface of the iliac blades, laterally visible cuppedicus shelf, and ventral flange on the posterior surface of pubic peduncle, suggest that this specimen can be referred to Tyrannosaurinae, and furthermore, a few differences between this specimen and other tyrannosaurines in particular the contemporary Asian tyrannosaurine Tarbosaurus suggest that IVPP V22757 may represent a new tyrannosaurine species. However, in the absence of extensive data that would make it possible to properly evaluate these differences, we refrain from naming a new taxon based on this specimen. Some insect borings are also identified in this specimen, and are referable to the ichnogenus Cubiculum, which is interpreted as the insect pupichnia. This new fossil documents the presence of a gigantic theropod in the Upper Cretaceous of Junggar Basin, adding new information on its poorly studied ecosystems.  相似文献   

Trace fossils provide detailed palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological information of both ancient and modern sedimentary systems. During middle Miocene times the Aures Massif located in the northeastern part of Algeria, was affected by, at least, one marine transgression. The latter led to the installation of a carbonate platform, which is placed, for the first time, in a Mediterranean context. In the Rhassira basin, the Middle Miocene marine succession is characterised by carbonate platform deposits dominated by rhodolith beds, typical of those known throughout the Mediterranean area. This succession can be divided into many units separated by discontinuities interpreted here as omission surfaces. The Djebel Arhane section shows two omission surfaces characterised by a pre-omission suite (firmground) represented by Balanoglossites burrows for the first surface and Gastrochaenolites ornatus burrows/borings for the second one, and an omission suite (hardground) as evidenced by the bioerosive structures Trypanites and Caulostrepsis, in both surfaces, respectively. Gastrochaenolites ornatus traces were formed and preserved in firm, compact, semi-lithified and fine-grained substrates (firm- to hardground), indicating the Glossifungites ichnofacies. They show bioglyphs which have been formed during contraction of the posterior adductor muscles. These suggest that their tracemakers were represented by suspension-feeding bivalves, most probably Pholadidae or Mytilidae, which rotated during penetration. The fill of these traces is composed of marine deposits related to a transgressive lag. The omission suite is divided into two ichnocoenoses: (i) pre-lithification burrows/borings, and (ii) post-lithification borings. This is the first report of the ichnotaxon G. ornatus from Algeria.  相似文献   

The Late Oligocene oyster Hyotissa antiguensis (Brown) is locally common in the Antigua Formation of Hughes Point, eastern Antigua, Lesser Antilles; it was not commonly bored at that time. Its valves and shells are robust, and reworked into the shallow water near-shore environment in Antigua; it could potentially be incorporated into younger rocks. Its neoichnology includes clues that would facilitate identification of these oysters as reworked fossils. The suite of modern borings found in these specimens includes common Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, Gastrochaenolites isp. cf. G. turbinatus Kelly and Bromley and Entobia isp., and rare Oichnus simplex Bromley and Rogerella? isp. The latter three taxa are limited to oyster shell substrates. Of the common ichnotaxa, Caulostrepsis and Gastrochaenolites are particularly prominent in limestone clasts and limestone cemented to oyster shells, which would be an indicator of reworking if found in a post-Oligocene lithified deposit. Caulostrepsis and Gastrochaenolites are relatively less common in oyster shells and valves, and in many specimens are seen to terminate against the shell. Entobia is the only common boring limited to the shell substrate. The fidelity of preservation of modern borings is also superior in limestone clasts. This suite of borings is comparable with those found in the Neogene of the Antillean region.  相似文献   

Exposures of upper Paleozoic slates of the metamorphic basement near Concepción, central Chile, are covered by transgressive deposits belonging to the Upper Cretaceous Quiriquina Formation. Presence of clusters of the bivalve boring Gastrochaenolites isp. at the irregular and erosive contact between these two units indicates the development of an ancient rocky shoreline, illustrating a rare example of bioerosion in a metamorphic substrate. Coarse-grained deposits mantling the bioeroded surface represent a transgressive lag produced due to ravinement. In sequence-stratigraphic parlance, the bioeroded surface is classified as a FS/SB or co-planar surface formed due to amalgamation of erosion during lowstand and the subsequent transgression. Unburrowed trough cross-bedded upper-shoreface to intensely bioturbated middle-shoreface deposits record continuous transgression. Logs bioeroded by Teredolites clavatus are also present. Middle-shoreface deposits are dominated by deep Ophiomorpha isp., commonly showing laminated infill. Thalassinoides suevicus occurs locally. Intense bioturbation also suggests that the shoreface developed in embayed shorelines, protected from oceanic waves. While rocky shorelines in limestone are characterized by a high abundance and diversity of bioerosion structures, those formed in other types of substrates contain less diverse, commonly monospecific, suites of borings. In terms of Seilacherian ichnofacies, the bioerosion structures analyzed are attributed to a low-diversity expression of the Trypanites ichnofacies. It is proposed that the Trypanites ichnofacies thus may display two expressions: an archetypal one characterized by high diversity in carbonate substrates, along with a depauperate expression in other types of substrates (e.g., metamorphic and igneous rocks). The extreme hardness of the substrate is regarded as the stress factor responsible for the reduction in ichnodiversity.  相似文献   

The coralline limestone covers large areas in the western and northern parts of Jeddah City. This coralline limestone is composed mainly of shelly limestone with pencil-sized animal borings. These borings increase the primary porosity and make the rock weak enough to have low-bearing capacity. The dry density (γ dry) values of the study coralline limestone ranges from 1.54 to 2.09 g/cm3. The total porosity varies from 12.34 to 28.42 %. The absorption percentage fluctuates between 6.49 and 17.75 %. More than 95 % of the tested rock core samples have compressive strength less than 15 MPa. The compressive strength commonly decreased with the increase of animal borings. The obtained results cause the study coralline limestone weak enough to support heavy structures.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, Late Palaeozoic pelmatozoans – that is, stalked echinoderms – are known from building stones and cobbles in rivers, but there are no in-situ carbonate rocks from which they might be collected. Unsurprisingly, most recognisable specimens are columnals and pluricolumnals. Two small thecae, collected in the mid-1970s from silexite cobbles in the bedload of the River Maas in the Venlo-Tegelen area (province of Limburg, south-east Netherlands) are exceptional finds. One specimen, the diplobathrid camerate crinoid Rhodocrinites sp., has an unsculptured theca and some minor differences of form, yet otherwise satisfies the diagnosis of this genus. The other, the pentremitid blastoid Doryblastus? sp. is rather poorly preserved, yet is the first blastoid to be recorded from the Netherlands. Either or both of these specimens may be juveniles, particularly the blastoid. They are unlikely to be coeval, coming from separate cobbles and being of slightly different preservation. Their provenance from silexite cobbles suggest they originated from Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian-Visean = Mississippian) carbonates in the southern Ardennes (south-central Belgium).  相似文献   

Skeletons of the scleractinian coral Porites are widely utilized as archives of geochemical proxies for, among other things, sea surface temperature in paleoclimate studies. Here, we document live-collected Porites lobata specimens wherein as much as 60% of the most recently deposited skeletal aragonite, i.e., the part of the skeleton that projects into the layer of living polyps and thus is still in direct contact with living coral tissue, has been bored and replaced by calcite cement. Calcite and aragonite were identified in situ using Raman microspectroscopy. The boring-filling calcite cement has significantly different trace element ratios (Sr/Ca(mmol/mol) = 6.3 ± 1.4; Mg/Ca(mmol/mol) = 12.0 ± 5.1) than the host coral skeletal aragonite (Sr/Ca(mmol/mol) = 9.9 ± 1.3; Mg/Ca(mmol/mol) = 4.5 ± 2.3). The borings appear to have been excavated by a coccoid cyanobacterium that dissolved aragonite at one end and induced calcite precipitation at the other end as it migrated through the coral skeleton. Boring activity and cement precipitation occurred concomitantly with coral skeleton growth, thus replacing skeletal aragonite that was only days to weeks old in some cases. Although the cement-filled borings were observed in only ∼20% of sampled corals, their occurrence in some of the most recently produced coral skeleton suggests that any corallum could contain such cements, irrespective of the coral’s subsequent diagenetic history. In other words, pristine skeletal aragonite was not preserved in parts of some corals for even a few weeks. Although not well documented in coral skeletons, microbes that concomitantly excavate carbonate while inducing cement precipitation in their borings may be common in the ubiquitous communities that carry out micritization of carbonate grains in shallow carbonate settings. Thus, such phenomena may be widespread, and failure to recognize even very small quantities of early cement-filled borings in corals used for paleoclimate studies could compromise high resolution paleotemperature reconstructions. The inability to predict the occurrence of cement-filled borings in coralla combined with the difficulty in recognizing them on polished blocks highlights the great care that must be taken in vetting samples both for bulk and microanalysis of geochemistry.  相似文献   

Hanken, N.‐M., Uchman, A. & Jakobsen, S. L. 2012 (January): Late Pleistocene–early Holocene polychaete borings in NE Spitsbergen and their palaeoecological and climatic implications: an example from the Basissletta area. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 42–55. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00223.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Limestone and dolomite bedrock surfaces, together with blocks derived from these underlying bedrocks, at Basissletta, NE Spitsbergen, contain Late Pleistocene–early Holocene, shallow‐marine, spionid polychaete borings Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, Caulostrepsis contorta Bromley & D'Alessandro, and Maeandropolydora isp. The borings occur about 9–78 m above present sea level, and this is the northernmost known occurrence of these trace fossils. 14C dating of wood, whalebone and bivalves in the vicinity and in neighbouring areas indicates that the borings have a radiocarbon age spanning from about 7 to 11 ka. Recent borings of these ichnotaxa have not been found in the sea around Spitsbergen. The presence of the fossil borings indicates that invasion of boring polychaetes to the northern part of the Barents Sea region was limited to a Late Pleistocene–early Holocene temperature optimum. The presence of Caulostrepsis and Maeandropolydora on subaerially exposed shallow‐water Pleistocene–Holocene bedrock surfaces in arctic areas can be a valuable tool with which to evaluate both postglacial emergence and climatic oscillations because they indicate a summer surface water temperature of at least 8 °C.  相似文献   

Distribution of belemnites and benthic foraminifers in the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary layers of the Aktulagai section, one of Upper Cretaceous reference sections in the east of the European paleobiogeographic region (EPR) is discussed. The base of Lanceolata Beds defined by A.D. Arkhangelsky in 1912 is well-substantiated biostratigraphic level corresponding to boundary between the Campanian and Maastrichtian stages. In spacious outcrops of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Aktulagai Plateau (Aktyubinsk region, Kazakhstan Republic), “primitive Belemnella forms” (two rostra plates) appearing above that base distinctly replace the genus Belemnitella dominant in the Campanian. Seven successive zonal assemblages of benthic foraminifers (one plate) are established in the boundary interval. The Aktulagai reference section of Upper Cretaceous sediments can be used to trace the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary from the eastern EPR to Boreal regions of Russia based on abundant micro-and nannofossils.  相似文献   

A new specimen of pterosaurian metacarpal IV from the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Durlston Formation of Dorset, southern England, closely resembles those of the Chinese dsungaripterid Dsungaripterus weii Young, 1964 and the Central Asian azhdarchid Azhdarcho lancicollis Nessov, 1984. However, the new specimen lacks the thickened bony wall typical of Dsungaripteridae and is therefore regarded as azhdarchoid. An mcIV with a markedly offset distal condyle with well-developed diaphyseal constriction behind the distal condyle and asymmetrical condylar margins may be an autapomorphy of Dsungaripteridae + Azhdarchoidea, while the same condition with bone thickening may typify Dsungaripteridae. The new specimen also provides osteological evidence supporting claims for large wing-spanned pterosaurs in the Berriasian of southern England based previously only on ichnological finds. The new specimen suggests a wingspan of between 2.9 and 3.7 m and represents the largest pterosaur from the Berriasian.  相似文献   

Microfocus X-ray computed tomography (µCT) measurements were performed on deltaic sandstone samples from the diagenetically altered Westphalian C strata (Campine basin, north-east Belgium) in order to collect three dimensional data on mineral (quartz, kaolinite, ankerite, etc.) and porosity distribution. The acquired µCT data were compared with point counting results of stained impregnated thin-sections to qualify the sensitivity of µCT. Comparison between techniques shows positive results with regard to the quantification of main mineral phases such as quartz and ankerite, and porosity distribution. However, major discrepancies exist when studying the clay minerals. This can be explained by the influence of microporosity associated with these clay minerals, resulting in partial volume effects.  相似文献   

A partial, associated skeleton with feather impressions of a bird from early Cretaceous (Neocomian) deposits in Mongolia constitutes a new family and order (Ambiortidae, Ambiortiformes). The specimen presents a mosaic of archaic and specialised characters within the Class Aves and shows that advanced carinate birds existed some 10 to 12 million years after Archaeopteryx, lending tentative support to the idea that Archaeopteryx may not be representative of the state of avian evolution in the late Jurassic. The new specimen and numerous feather impressions from other early Cretaceous localities in Mongolia and the Soviet Union, indicate that birds were probably common in early Cretaceous biotas.  相似文献   

Three chloritoid samples from the Stavelot massif (Belgium) and one sample from the Serpont massif (Belgium) have been characterized by chemical analyses and differential X-ray diffraction. A classification of chloritoid is proposed. Mössbauer spectra at temperatures between 78 and 360 K and in external magnetic fields were obtained for a triclinic and for a monoclinic specimen. The spectra show a superposition of a weak Fe3+ doublet (less than 10%) and an intense Fe2+ doublet. It is found that a decomposition of the ferrous absorption into two distinct quadrupole doublets leads to smaller deviations between experimental and calculated line shapes, especially at low temperatures. This suggests that Fe2+ is present in both cis and trans O2(OH)4 octahedral positions in the trioctahedral layer. However, the structural data derived from the temperature dependence of isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings, are found to be inconsistent with known crystallographic data. It is therefore concluded that Fe2+ is present in only one type of lattice site and that the numerically imposed decomposition into two ferrous doublets is merely an artifact due to thickness saturation effects and to the distributive character of the hyperfine parameters. The negative sign of the electric field gradient further confirms the assignment of the Fe2+ doublet to a cis octahedral configuration. Finally, only minor differences between the Mössbauer results for triclinic and monoclinic chloritoid are observed. The infrared absorption spectra of the four samples are almost identical except in the region around 600 cm?1 at which the monoclinic phase exhibits two absorption bands instead of one band for the triclinic samples. All absorption bands can be well assigned to the different vibrations. Inter-layer hydrogen bonding is evidenced by the occurrence of two v O-H absorption bands. Furthermore, the specific nature of the infrared spectra enables a fast identification of chloritoid samples.  相似文献   

A pellet-filled boring in fossil wood is described from the Early Cretaceous Wessex Formation (Barremian), Isle of Wight. The cylindrical boring, approximately 1 cm in diameter, is filled with carbonaceous pellets with a hexagonal shape, preserved within a matrix of pyrite. Features of the boring suggest that it was made by termites that bored into the wood, either when the tree was alive or in the early stages of decay on the forest floor. This evidence of termite activity complements previous records of termite wing fossils and faecal pellets in Wealden sediments and is evidence for social behaviour in Wealden insects. This is one of the oldest records of termite borings in wood.  相似文献   

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