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The Bastar craton has experienced many episodes of mafic magmatism during the Precambrian. This is evidenced from a variety of Precambrian mafic rocks exposed in all parts of the Bastar craton in the form of volcanics and dykes. They include (i) three distinct mafic dyke swarms and a variety of mafic volcanic rocks of Precambrian age in the southern Bastar region; two sets of mafic dyke swarms are sub-alkaline tholeiitic in nature, whereas the third dyke swarm is high-Si, low-Ti and high-Mg in nature and documented as boninite-norite mafic rocks, (ii) mafic dykes of varying composition exposed in Bhanupratappur-Keskal area having dominantly high-Mg and high-Fe quartz tholeiitic compositions and rarely olivine and nepheline normative nature, (iii) four suites of Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes are recognized in and around the Chattisgarh basin comprising metadolerite, metagabbro, and metapyroxenite, Neoarchaean amphibolite dykes, Neoproterozoic younger fine-grained dolerite dykes, and Early Precambrian boninite dykes, and (iv) Dongargarh mafic volcanics, which are classified into three groups, viz. early Pitepani mafic volcanic rocks, later Sitagota and Mangikhuta mafic volcanics, and Pitepani siliceous high-magnesium basalts (SHMB). Available petrological and geochemical data on these distinct mafic rocks of the Bastar craton are summarized in this paper. Recently high precision U-Pb dates of 1891.1±0.9 Ma and 1883.0±1.4 Ma for two SE-trending mafic dykes from the BD2 (subalkaline) dyke swarm, from the southern Bastar craton have been reported. But more precise radiometric age determinations for a number of litho-units are required to establish discrete mafic magmatic episodes experienced by the craton. It is also important to note that very close geochemical similarity exist between boninite-norite suite exposed in the Bastar craton and many parts of the world. Spatial and temporal correlation suggests that such magmatism occurred globally during the Neoarchaean-Paleoproterozoic boundary. Many Archaean terrains were united as a supercontinent as Expanded Ur and Arctica at that time, and its rifting gave rise to numerous mafic dyke swarms, including boninitenorite, world-wide.  相似文献   

华北克拉通早前寒武纪基性火山作用与地壳增生   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
大量的年代学资料表明,华北克拉通在早前寒武纪阶段有两个主要的基性火山活动时期,一期发生在2.7Ga左右,另一期发生在2.5Ga左右,代表了两期强烈的地壳增生事件。太古宙末期基性火山岩的分布、地球化学特征、基性火山岩与其他岩石的关系和组合特征表明,华北克拉通在新太古代时期,在陆块之间基性火山岩的喷溢使地壳面积增大并把原本分离的小陆块拼合到一起,造成地壳的增生。在陆块内部,地壳的增生主要通过地幔柱的方式进行,在较均匀的地壳部分主要通过基性岩浆的垫托方式使地壳增厚,部分岩浆侵位到地壳较浅部位,甚至溢出地表。这两种地壳增生方式是相辅相成的,它们的联合作用形成了太古宙末的华北古大陆。  相似文献   

There are several geological, geochemical and geophysical evidences, which corroborate reconstruction of Gondwanaland and juxtaposition of India and Antarctica. Petrology of the Precambrian mafic dykes of East Antarctica and Central-East India also support juxtaposition of India and Antarctica. Mafic dykes of different generations are emplaced in the Archaean granite gneisses of these regions. These dykes appear to be an important tool to support juxtaposition of India and Antarctica. Geological and petrological data of the Central-East India Precambrian mafic dykes suggest four episodes of mafic magmatism in the region - three tholeiitic and one noritic (?). Similarly, East Antarctica also comprises four dyke suites, emplaced during three distinct periods. These suites are 2.4 Ga meta-tholeiites, 2.4 Ga high-Mg tholeiites, 1.8 Ga dolerites and 1.2–1.4 Ga dolerites. Geochemical compositions of these mafic dykes are compared and they show good relationships with each other. Similarities in petrological and geochemical characteristics of Precambrian mafic dykes of East Antarctica and Central-East India strongly support juxtaposition of these two continents.  相似文献   

印度克拉通位于喜马拉雅山前断裂以南,与欧亚大陆相连,是一独立的地质构造单元,主要由Aravalli微陆块、Bundelkhand微陆块、Singhbhum微陆块、Bastar微陆块、东Dharwar微陆块、西Dharwar微陆块及南部麻粒岩微陆块7个太古宙微陆块与Satpura活动带、东Ghats活动带2个元古宙活动带组成。在前期项目的基础上,通过梳理印度克拉通各个构造单元的地质特征,笔者认为:印度克拉通基底在2.50 Ga左右趋于稳定;其主要由TTG片麻岩、花岗岩及不同变质程度的变质岩系组成;元古宙发育的Vindhyan盆地、Chhattisgarh盆地、Cuddapah盆地、Godavari盆地、Indravati盆地及Bhima-Kaladgi盆地浅海相碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩沉积是组成印度克拉通前寒武纪的盖层。  相似文献   

The Palaeo-Proterozoic Ghingee granite is an anatectic granite formed in high grade granulite terrain by ultrametamorphism. The compositional variations both in major and trace elements observed in this granite (SiO2 : 64.16-73.81; Fe2O3 : 0.12-2.19; FeO : 0.12-2.80; MgO : 0.10-2.19; CaO : 1.66-4.71; K2O : 1.09-5.09; Ba: 223-1883 ppm; Cr : 4-60 ppm) are attributed to a) source rock heterogeneity and b) the tectonic disturbances that might have abruptly ended the anatectic melting process. The granite is compositionally similar to Perur, Closepet and Hyderabad granites and is formed during Archaean-Proterozoic transition by anatectic and crustal remelting processes.  相似文献   

Crustal or mantle xenoliths are not common in evolved, tholeiitic flood basalts that cover huge areas of the Precambrian shields. Yet, the occasional occurrences provide the most direct and unequivocal evidence on basement composition. Few xenolith occurrences are known from the Deccan Traps, India, and inferences about the Deccan basement have necessarily depended on geophysical studies and geochemistry of Deccan lavas and intrusions. Here, we report two basalt dykes (Rajmane and Talwade dykes) from the central Deccan Traps that are extremely rich in crustal xenoliths of great lithological variety (gneisses, quartzites, granite mylonite, felsic granulite, carbonate rock, tuff). Because the dykes are parallel and only 4 km apart, and only a few kilometres long, the xenoliths provide clear evidence for high small-scale lithological heterogeneity and strong tectonic deformation in the Precambrian Indian crust beneath. Measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the xenoliths range from 0.70935 (carbonate) to 0.78479 (granite mylonite). The Rajmane dyke sampled away from any of the xenoliths shows a present-day 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70465 and initial (at 66 Ma) ratio of 0.70445. The dyke is subalkalic and fairly evolved (Mg No. = 44.1) and broadly similar in its Sr-isotopic and elemental composition to some of the lavas of the Mahabaleshwar Formation. The xenoliths are comparable lithologically and geochemically to basement rocks from the Archaean Dharwar craton forming much of southern India. As several lines of evidence suggest, the Dharwar craton may extend at least 350–400 km north under the Deccan lava cover. This is significant for Precambrian crustal evolution of India besides continental reconstructions.  相似文献   

桂北前寒武纪花岗岩类岩石的地球化学与成因   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
桂北广泛发育前寒武纪花岗岩类岩石,按岩石组合特征可区分为二类,一类为花岗闪长质岩石,另一类为黑云母花岗质岩石。二类岩石的A/NKC值均在1.10以上,属铝过饱和岩石,但花岗闪长质岩石相对贫硅、钾,富铁,镁,贫铷,富锶、钡,并具有较高的稀土元素总量和轻重稀土元素比值;黑云母花岗质岩石则具更显著的铕负异常,二类岩石εNd(T)值的变化范围与四堡群基底相近,但花岗闪长岩石更接近四堡群基底中的变质镁铁质-超镁铁质杂岩,黑云母花岗质岩石则更靠近四堡群基底中的浅变质沉积岩,对岩石产出动力地质背景的全面分析表明,区内二类花岗质岩石是华夏地块与扬子地块碰撞俯冲作用的不同阶段由成熟度不同的四堡群变质基底在不同深度经部分熔融作用的产物。  相似文献   

In the Dharwar tectonic province, the Peninsular Gneiss was considered to mark an event separating the deposition of the older supracrustal Sargur Group and the younger supracrustal Dharwar Supergroup. Compelling evidence for the evolution of the Peninsular Gneiss, a polyphase migmatite, spanning over almost a billion years from 3500 Ma to 2500 Ma negates a stratigraphic status for this complex, so that the decisive argument for separating the older and younger supracrustal groups loses its basis. Correlatable sequence of superposed folding in all the supracrustal rocks, the Peninsular Gneiss and the banded granulites, indicate that the gneiss ‘basement’ deformed in a ductile manner along with the cover rocks. An angular unconformity between the Sargur Group and the Dharwar Super-group, suggested from some areas in recent years, has been shown to be untenable on the basis of detailed studies, A number of small enclaves distributed throughout the gneissic terrane, with an earlier deformational, metamorphic and migmatitic history, provide the only clue to the oldest component which has now been extensively reworked.  相似文献   

The ENE-plunging macroscopic folds, traced by calc gneiss interbanded with marble and sillimanite schist within the Peninsular Gneiss around Suganapuram in the ‘Palghat gap’ in southern India, represent structures of the second generation (D2). They have folded the axial planes of a set of D1 isoclinal folds on stratification coaxially, so that the mesoscopic D1 folds range from reclined in the hinge zones, through inclined to upright in the limb zones of the D2 folds. Orthogonal relation between stratification and axial planar cleavage, and ‘M’ shaped folds on layering locate the hinge zones of the D1 folds, whereas folds on axial planar cleavage with ‘M’ shaped folds are the sites of the D2 fold hinges. Extreme variation in the shapes of the isoclinal D1 folds from class 1B through class 1C to nearly class 2 of Ramsay is a consequence of buckling followed by flattening on layers of widely varying viscosity contrast. The large ENE-trending structures in this supracrustal belt within the Peninsular Gneiss in the ‘Palghat gap’ could not have evolved by reorientation of NS-trending structures of the Dharwar tectonic province to the north by movement along the Moyar-Bhavani shear zone which marks the boundary between the two provinces. This is because the Moyar and Bhavani faults are steep dipping reverse faults with dominant dip-slip component. Deceased  相似文献   

The Navalpino Anticline is a major Variscan structure in the Central Iberian Zone of Spain. Three lithological groups are defined in the pre-Ordovician rocks of this anticline. The Rifean or Lower Vendian Extremeño Dome Group is unconformably overlain by the Upper Vendian Ibor-Navalpino Group. This latter group presents two different facies separated by a NW-SE trending synsedimentary fault. The Lower Cambrian Valdelacasa Group unconformably overlies both the Extremeno Dome and the Ibor-Navalpino Groups.Three pre-Variscan episodes of deformation have been defined in the area of the Navalpino Anticline. A major asymmetrical fold with a subvertical east-west-striking limb is the result of the first deformation event of pre-Late Vendian age. The second deformation event is of Cadomian (Late Precambrian) age and is composed of two stages; (i) an early extensional stage including NW - SE trending extensional fault and basin development in the north-eastern block; and (ii) a second compressive stage giving rise to north-south trending upright folds. This second compressive stage possibly inverted the basin. A final pre-Variscan deformation event took place between the Early Cambrian and the Early Ordovician resulting in a 5–10° tilting to the north-east.There are two main phases of Variscan deformation in the area. The first deformation event (Dv1) gave rise to a upright WNW - ESE trending folds on all scales, whereas the second (Dv2) gave rise to a brittle—ductile sinistral strike-slip shear zone tending subparallel to the axial trace of the Dv1 folds.  相似文献   


Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanism accompanied strike-slip-related transtensional deformation along the K?z?l?rmak fault segment of the Central Anatolian fault zone (CAFZ) in the west of ?ark??la (Sivas-central Turkey). These volcanic rocks are represented by alkali olivine basalts. They can be divided into four different sub-groups on the basis of their Zr, Nb, TiO2 contents. A primitive mantle-normalized incompatible trace element diagram for four subgroups shows close similarity to typical OIB pattern. Some of the incompatible trace element ratios (Ce/Y, Zr/Nb, La/Ba, La/Nb) are also akin to OIB values. Highly fractionated REE patterns (La/YbN=24.7–9.2) with no Eu anomaly are the main features of the alkali basalts and are comparable to alkaline volcanism in continental rift zones. On the basis of Al2O3/TiO2, Nb/Y, Zr/Y Zr/Nb ratios, the geochemical differences among four sub-groups can be explained by variable degrees of partial melting of compositionally similar mantle source. Th/Nb, Th/Y, Nb/Y ratios and the primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagram suggests significant amount of crustal involvement for most of the alkali olivine basalts erupted along the CAFZ. Rupture of the continental lithosphere by strike-slip-related transtensional deformation might have caused decompressional partial melting of the asthenospheric mantle and generating alkali olivine basalts in this region. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS.  相似文献   

Proterozoic terrains in South India and Madagascar provide important clues in understanding the Gondwanaland tectonics, especially the assembly of this mega-continent during the Pan-African period. The Archaean terrains in both Madagascar and India are characterized by N-S trending greenstone belts occurring within gneissose granitic rocks in the northern part. Extensive development of K-rich granitic rocks of ca. 2.5 Ga is also characteristic in both areas. Such a broad age zonation of younger Dharwar (ca 2.6–3.0 Ga) in the north and the older Sargur (ca 3.0–3.4 Ga) in the south as in South India remains to be identified in future studies from Madagascar. The occurrence of greenschist facies rocks in the northeastern part and higher grade rocks in most of other parts in the north-central terrain of Madagascar is comparable with the general tendency of increasing metamorphic grade from northwestern to southern areas ranging from greenschist to granulite facies in South India. The Proterozoic crystalline rocks in both continents show pronounced lithological similarity with the wide occurrence of graphite-bearing khondalite in association with charnockitic rocks. While the Archaean-Proterozoic boundary is well defined in southern India by the Palghat-Cauvery or the KKPT shear zones as recently identified, this boundary is ill-defined in Madagascar due to extensive Pan-African overprinting, as well as the development of the Proterozoic cover sequence, the Itremo Group. There is also a possible general correlation between the Mesoproterozoic cover sequences in Madagascar and India, such as between the Itremo Group of west-central Madagascar and the Kaladgi and Cuddapah sequences of South India. The Pan-African granulite facies metamorphism of ca. 0.5 Ga extensively developed in both India and Madagascar is generally comparable in intensity and extent. P-T conditions and P-T-t paths also appear comparable, with the general range of ca. 700–1000°C and 6–9 kb, and near-isothermal decompressional paths. A-type granite plutons and alkaline rocks including anorthosites and mafic plutonic rocks of ca. 500–800 Ma develop in both terrains, provide strong basis for the correlation of both terrains, and define a Pan-African igneous province within East Gondwanaland. Major shear zones in both continents are expected to play a critical role in the correlation, albeit are still poorly constrained. Detailed elucidation of the tectonic history of the shear zones, and the timing of various events along the shear zones would provide important constraints on the correlation of the two continental fragments.  相似文献   

通过野外地质观测、岩石地球化学分析及高精度加速器质谱(AMS)14 C测年等工作,对大兴安岭中段莫克河地区新生代火山活动进行了详细研究。结果表明:莫克河地区新生代火山活动活跃,覆盖面积超过80km2,喷发方式为斯特朗博利型喷发。火山活动最早始于晚更新世,火山活动经历了4个火山喷发旋回,并在第一、二个火山旋回之间有短暂的间歇。火山岩为以低硅、高镁、高钾、高钛为主要特征的高钾钙碱性橄榄玄武岩。综合周边地区资料,研究区新生代火山岩是在拉张的构造环境下、以复活的深大断裂为通道产生的板内OIB型玄武岩,岩浆在上升过程中没有或很少发生壳源物质混染,也没有发生斜长石结晶分异,但有橄榄石、单斜辉石的分离结晶作用。  相似文献   

The work is dedicated to most important abiotic processes of the Early Precambrian, effect of which is recorded in continental crust, and to complementary processes in subcontinental mantle. We intend to figure out when a certain process was triggered first in the past and what indications suggest its further activity, evolution and possible cessation in subsequent geological history. Considerations are based on described natural objects characterizing particular geological events and enabling the cause-and-effect interpretation in order to understand different viewpoints known from publications. Considered in the work are the early Precambrian greenstone belts and ophiolites, island-arc systems and ecologites, magmatism unconnected with subduction zones (rifting-related, plateau basalts, dykes, kimberlites) and anorthosites representing a group of heterochronous intrusions of complicated genesis. Main considerations are premised with a brief review of the earliest geodynamic phenomena associated with meteorite impacts by termination of the planetary accretion.  相似文献   

Mafic rocks of Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) belong to two greenstone cycles of Sargur Group (3.1–3.3 Ga) and Dharwar Supergroup (2.6–2.8 Ga), belonging to different depositional environments. Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms (2.4, 2.0–2.2 and 1.6 Ga) constitute the third important cycle. Mafic rocks of Sargur Group mainly constitute a komatiitic-tholeiite suite, closely associated with layered basic-ultrabasic complexes. They form linear ultramaficmafic belts, and scattered enclaves associated with orthoquartzite-carbonate-pelite-BIF suite. Since the country rocks of Peninsular Gneiss intrude these rocks and dismember them, stratigraphy of Sargur Group is largely conceptual and its tectonic environment speculative. It is believed that the Sargur tholeiites are not fractionated from komatiites, but might have been generated and evolved from a similar mantle source at shallower depths. The layered basic-ultrabasic complexes are believed to be products of fractionation from tholeiitic parent magma. The Dharwar mafic rocks are essentially a bimodal basalt-rhyolite association that is dominated by Fe-rich and normal tholeiites. Calc-alkaline basalts and andesites are nearly absent, but reference to their presence in literature pertains mainly to carbonated, spilitized and altered tholeiitic suites. Geochemical discrimination diagrams of Dharwar lavas favour island arc settings that include fore-, intra- and back-arcs. The Dharwar mafic rocks are possibly derived by partial melting of a lherzolite mantle source and involved in fractionation of olivine and pyroxene followed by plagioclase. Distinctive differences in the petrography and geochemistry of mafic rocks across regional unconformities between Sargur Group and Dharwar Supergroup provide clinching evidences in favour of distinguishing two greenstone cycles in the craton. This has also negated the earlier preliminary attempts to lump together all mafic volcanics into a single contemporaneous suite, leading to erroneous interpretations. After giving allowances for differences in depositional and tectonic settings, the chemical distinction between Sargur and Dharwar mafic suites throws light on secular variations and crustal evolution. Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms of three major periods (2.4, 2.0–2.2 and 1.6 Ga) occur around Tiptur and Hunsur. The dykes also conform to the regional metamorphic gradient, with greenschist facies in the north and granulite facies in the south, resulting from the tilt of the craton towards north, exposing progressively deeper crustal levels towards the south. The low-grade terrain in the north does not have recognizable swarms, but the Tiptur swarm consists essentially of amphibolites and Hunsur swarm mainly of basic granulites, all of them preserving cross-cutting relations with host rocks, chilled margins and relict igneous textures. There are also younger dolerite dykes scattered throughout the craton that are unaffected by this metamorphic zonation. Large-scale geochemical, geochronological and palaeomagnetic data acquisition through state-of-the-art instrumentation is urgently needed in the Dharwar craton to catch up with contemporary advancements in the classical greenstone terrains of the world.  相似文献   

陈宝泉 《福建地质》2005,24(4):221-228
通过闽北前寒武纪变质岩地层岩石共生组台特点以及各层组岩石多元素定量分析结果的研究,阐述了闽北前寒武纪变质岩地层微量元素地球化学特征和金、银、锡、钽等成矿元素丰度特征。统计表明,微量元素、成矿元素局部明显偏高或偏低,与混合岩化作用或后期热液叠加改造有关。  相似文献   

Palynology, texture, mineralogy, geochemistry, and magnetic susceptibility analysis of a 2 m deep sediment core from Padauna Swamp, southeastern Madhya Pradesh infers that between 8600 and 7500 cal yr BP a warm and relatively less-humid climate prevailed with open tree-savannahs dominated by grasses followed by sedges, Artemisia and members of Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae with scanty trees viz., Schrebera, Aegle marmelos and Sterculia urens. This is well supported by lower organic to carbonate carbon ratio, coarser texture having relatively low CIA and magnetic susceptibility values and presence of some primary minerals. Between 7500 and 6250 cal yr BP the tree-savannahs were succeeded by open mixed deciduous forests with the invasion of a few more trees viz., Madhuca indica, Holoptelea, Emblica officinalis, Mitragyna parvifolia and members of Anacardiaceae in response to onset of a warm and humid climate. A considerable rise in organic carbon generated from the degradation of plentiful biomass along with increase in clay content with signs of kaolinite and increase in immobile over mobile elements with slightly higher CIA and magnetic susceptibility values also suggest climatic amelioration. The presence of ruderal plants such as Artemisia, Cannabis sativa and Cheno/Am further infers initiation of human activities in the region. Between 6250 and 2800 cal yr BP, the mixed deciduous forests became more diverse and dense, subduing grasses and other herbaceous elements. Sporadic incursion of Shorea robusta (Sal) in forest floristic was recorded around 5000 cal yr BP. The overall change in the vegetation mosaic reflects that a warm and more-humid climate prevailed in the region, probably on account of invigoration of southwest monsoon. This observation is further corroborated by other proxy data showing a spurt in organic/inorganic carbon ratio, increase in clay content with matured mineralogy, significantly higher CIA and magnetic susceptibility values. Since 2800 cal yr BP onwards, the modern Sal dominated deciduous forests were established indicating continuation of warm and more-humid climate including timely arrival of SW monsoon coinciding with the shedding of Sal seeds as they are viable for a very short period.  相似文献   

柯叶艳  齐文同 《地质论评》2002,48(5):457-462
时间尺度的确定,对于估计生物有机体的分子和形态改变的速率,以及建立大进化和生物古地理学模式都有非常必要的,传统的化石记录和新兴的分子钟研究,是可以提供生物谱系起源和分支时间的两种手段,占整个地球生命历史七分之六的前寒武纪,是地球及地球上生命演化的重要时期,对前寒武纪相当繁荣的微生物的起源时间和后生动物各门类的分支演化时间的研究,一直存在着很大的争议,本文在总结化石记录和分子钟研究结果时发现,由分子钟研究得出的早期微生物的起源时间明显晚于化石记录,而在后生动物分支演化时间的估算上却早于化石资料。本文试图从两种方法自身的特点来探讨这种分支演化时间的重大差别。  相似文献   

中国东北新生代火山活动与地热资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了中国东北新生代火山活动的时—空分布规律和温泉及热流高值区的空间分布特征,揭示了热流高值区和温泉分布区与新生代火山活动、裂谷运动和断裂活动的内在联系,特别强调了活动断裂对温泉和地热高异常区形成的控制作用。提出新生代火山活动区、裂谷盆地、断裂强烈活动区和大地震发生区,以及活化的古板块缝合带等地区,是最有利的地热资源勘探靶区。  相似文献   

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