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This virtual special issue represents a collection of papers concerning Crustal Melting selected by the Editor from those published on various aspects of this theme in the JMG since 1982. The papers are grouped into sequences that address topics that have been prominent in the JMG during the last 30 years concerning the origin, evolution and tectonic role of migmatites and migmatitic granulites in crustal evolution. These topics are: Open‐ and closed‐system processes in the formation of migmatites and migmatitic granulites; thermobarometry, P–T paths, phase equilibria modelling and retrograde processes in formerly melt‐bearing rocks; geochronology in partially melted rocks; and, microstructures, deformation and tectonics of melt bearing rocks. About one‐third of the papers published in the JMG since its inception concern the origin, evolution and tectonic significance of migmatites and migmatitic granulites in crustal evolution, including the first special issue published by the JMG concerning ‘Studies in the genesis and deformation of migmatites’ edited by Tracy & Day ( 1988; Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 385‐543 ). Three subsequent Special Issues of the JMG include papers relevant to the theme of this virtual special issue; they are ‘Metamorphic processes: a celebration of the career contribution of Ron Vernon’, ‘Processes in granulite metamorphism’ and ‘Granulites, partial melting and the rheology of the lower crust’, edited by Brown & Clarke ( 2002; Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 1‐213 ), Brown & White ( 2008; Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 121‐299 ) and Brown et al. ( 2011; Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 1‐166 ), respectively. The selection of papers in this virtual special issue is by no means comprehensive, but it is intended as a representative selection of what has been published in the JMG over 30 years to give the reader a broad overview of crustal melting. Furthermore, although many papers address more than one topic, each is included only once and has been placed within the most appropriate section.  相似文献   

This Special Issue comprises a selection of the papers given at a two‐day discussion meeting held at the University of Melbourne, Australia in June 2009 to celebrate Roger Powell’s 60th birthday. At this milestone, it is fitting to review Roger’s career to date. He has published ~200 scientific papers on topics that range from low‐ to high‐grade metamorphism, from low‐ to ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism, and from thermodynamics to kinetics. Most of Roger’s papers are multi‐authored and address important questions in the petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks. Roger is widely known for his work with Tim Holland to develop the most complete internally consistent dataset of thermodynamic properties of end members of phases necessary to undertake calculations on the conditions of formation and modification of metamorphic rocks. Additionally, Roger and Tim have developed activity–composition models for many of these phases, building on their important methodological developments in formulating such models. Roger is also responsible for the ongoing development of thermocalc , a thermodynamic calculation software package that may be used to undertake a wide range of phase diagram calculations, including PT projections, PT, PX and TX, compatibility diagrams and μ–μ diagrams. Together, Roger and Tim have changed the way we carry out quantitative phase equilibria studies. However, Roger’s contributions to metamorphic petrology go well beyond the development of phase equilibria methods and mineral thermodynamics. He has contributed significantly to our understanding of a range of metamorphic processes, and with an extensive array of co‐authors has shown how phase equilibria can be used to understand the evolution of metamorphic rocks in general terms as well as in specific terranes. The papers in this Special Issue cover the range from the stabilization of the continents to understanding the formation of orogenic gold deposits, from the stability of sapphirine–quartz‐bearing assemblages to the crystallization of melt in migmatites, from the effects of ferric iron and sulphur on the stability of metamorphic mineral assemblages in general to the effects of ferric iron and H2O on the stability of eclogite in particular, and to the quantification of UHP metamorphism. It is our hope that in reading these contributions, you will be stimulated to seek a better understanding of metamorphic processes and to improve our quantification of the variables in metamorphism.  相似文献   

尹赞勋教授是我国著名的地质学家和古生物学家,他于1927年在法国里昂大学毕业后,主要从事古生物学和地层学的调查研究。从三十年代中期至今,经常担任学术性和行政性领导工作。  相似文献   

张文佑教授自1934年北京大学地质系毕业开始从事地学研究以来,迄今已整整五十年了。张文佑教授是国内外著名的地质学家和大地构造学家,现任中国科学院主席团成员、中国科学院地学部常委、中国科学院地质研究所所长和国务院学位委员会委员,并兼任中国地质学会和中国石油学会副理事长以及其他多种职务,五十年代早期还曾任中国科学院学术秘书处秘书。  相似文献   

父亲是世纪同龄人 ,从 50岁到 80岁是他生命的春天。他以常人在这个年龄难以迸发的热情、智慧、不懈努力和顽强开拓的精神 ,在地质战线上为新中国建设辛勤耕耘 ,是一位在地学领域涉足宽广、具有科学预见能力、富有领导组织才能的科学家和领导者。他总是关注未来 ,特别热心于培养年轻人 ,对建立一支高水平、有解决问题能力的地质队伍下了很大功夫。父亲沉静善思、富有哲学头脑 ,他的许多预见性学术观点和开创性思维都源于他宁静淡泊的心态。没有浮华和功利 ,这便是他智慧的源泉。  相似文献   

范嘉松 《第四纪研究》1994,14(2):125-128
尹赞勋教授是我国一位杰出的地质学家和古生物学家,他把自己整个一生贡献给中国地质学的发展和进步。本文记述他在中国科学院地质研究所工作期间的部分学术生涯,并涉及他指导年青科学工作者如何进行化石的研究,如何有效地开展科学研究,如何阅读英文书籍和文献等。所有这些教导对正在从事地质和古生物研究的年青一代将有重要意义。  相似文献   

正当秋高气爽,喜庆丰收的金色季节到来之际,我们高兴地迎来了著名地质学家叶连俊教授从事地学研究五十周年。叶教授的科学业绩正象这金秋的果树硕果累累,这是他在崎岖的科学道路上五十年如一日地艰苦奋斗、不畏艰难险阻、努力攀登的结果。这五十年,是他充满理想、奋斗、成功、挫折、再成功、再前进、不断向科学高峰迈进的五十年,是他富有科学创造力的五十年,也是他热爱祖国、与人民同呼吸共命运、全心全意为人民服务的五十年。  相似文献   

Curt Teichert (K?nigsberg 1905—Arlington, Virginia 1996) provides in his life story examples of the many hardships and difficulties encountered by emigrants who were fortunate to escape Hitler′s regime. He was a great paleontologist and stratigrapher whose fieldwork on four continents involved nearly every fossil group; his interests were focussed mainly on the Paleozoic and the Triassic. His results and critical remarks on many general topics filled numerous publications. Remarkably, he accomplished all this under partly very unfavorable working conditions. He donated his scientific correspondence from his times in Germany, Denmark and Australia to the Geological Archive in Freiburg. The following article makes use of these documents. Teichert’s professional career started in Germany in the scientifically exciting nineteen-twenties; he worked at the universities in K?nigsberg, Munich and Freiburg/Breisgau. In Freiburg, however, he had serious disagreements with the Director of the Geological Institute there—this in spite of his investigations having produced some excellent results. The times around 1930 were a period of a global economic crisis, and, like many others, he could only survive financially by getting fellowships from different institutions and payments for publications. In 1933, his situation in Germany became even more critical: this was because he had married a “Non-Aryan”. However, he was able to work in Copenhagen from the end of 1933; this was largely a result of his having participated in 1931–1932 in an expedition to Greenland led by the Dane Lauge Koch. Unfortunately, he could not get a permanent position in Copenhagen because the relations between him and the influential Koch became very unpleasant. Noting Hitler′s war preparation, Teichert tried to escape from Europe. He wrote many touching letters to correspondents around the globe, receiving mostly disappointing answers. Finally, in 1937, he succeeded in getting the post of a research paleontologist at the University of Perth, in Western Australia. There he worked very successfully, both in the field and in the laboratory. Additionally, he cooperated with the University in lecturing, and contributed much to its collections. His wife Gertrud assisted him always in his work, with great effectiveness. Yet tenure still eluded him, even after seven years of hard work—tenure was what he wanted, understandably, especially after such a long period of uncertainty. Finally, he succeeded in getting tenure in Eastern Australia , but moved then to the USA in 1954. There his outstanding scientific qualities were fully recognized, both in the Geological Survey and in several universities, also as an editor of several classic publications.  相似文献   

叶连俊 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):227-230
际此李四光老师诞辰100周年之际,回忆当年受业情景,思绪万千。二院荷花池畔的憧憬、庐山野外实习及课堂受业的教诲犹历历在目。他一贯认真严谨的治学态度和科学的开创精神永远激励着我们。他是中国地质事业的奠基人之一,他对中国地质科学的贡献、他的治学精神和高风亮节都堪称后世师表。  相似文献   

袁复礼教授是著名的老一辈地质学家,他对地质学、考古学和地学教育都做出重要贡献,是我国第四纪地质学的奠基人之一。本文从五个方面介绍他的学术思想、学风和主要贡献:1)热爱科学,执着追求,探索自然奥秘;2)博览广学,融会贯通,放眼大地学观;3)关心国计民生,注重生产实践,投身经济建设;4)团结协作,顾全大局,发展科学;5)启发教学,全面培养,造就几代地质英才。袁先生是深受爱戴的一代地质宗师,他所坚持的学术思想和教育思想,至今仍有现实意义。  相似文献   

李四光先生是中国地质学的奠基人之一,创建了以力学为基础的现代地质学以区别传统地质学,地质学研究从而从定性走向了半定量-定量化。学术观点是见仁见智,强调百花齐放,但是李四光先生以力学为基础提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的方法和思路具有普适性,开拓了后人的眼光,潜移默化地影响到后来的板块构造和大陆构造研究。重要的是,尽管他为地质添加了丰富的现代科学因素,但是他仍和传统地质学一样强调地质学基本功的培养,野外观察和实践能力的提高,多学科的交叉以及第一手资料的积累,这些传统和能力在今天显得尤其难能可贵。   相似文献   

姜春发 《地球学报》1984,6(2):247-254
<正> 1984年3月30日,是严师黄汲清教授80寿辰。1928年,他毕业于北京大学,入地质调查所工作,后赴欧洲留学取得博士学位,从事地质研究和教育工作至今已有56个春秋了。黄汲清教授在地质理论研究和找矿实践方面,都做出了重要贡献,并且还为社会主义祖国培养了大批地质人员。因此,赢得了国内外地质界的敬重,荣获了国家的奖励。 为什么他能在学术上取得如此卓越的成就?原因尽管很多,严谨的学风却是关键。我与肖序常、任纪舜同志等在他身边工作和学习近30年,目睹他严谨的治学态度和科学的工作方法,受到了深刻的教益。他的治学有什么特点呢?  相似文献   

兰太权先生发表3篇文章公布其多年探讨井抽水的单位涌水量和渗透系数或导水系数的关系,认为其提出了一个新的公式和论断“单位涌水量就是导水系数”,并认为传统径向稳定井流理论是错误的,在行业内应改用他提出的新理论、新公式。本文指出其文章中存在的若干问题,说明其公式或理论的不合理和不能用于实际的情形,并阐明抽水井单位涌水量不能等同于含水层导水系数。  相似文献   

李德生先生是最卓越的地质学家的典型代表。他为中国和国际发现和开发了巨大的石油资源。在他77年石油地质生涯中,他有勇气挑战当时的地质固念,成为中国陆相石油地质理论的主要奠基人、陆相砂岩油田开发理论的主要建立者、含油气盆地构造学的开拓者、含油气盆地多能源勘探和立体勘探的先驱。他创建了中国陆相特大油田的地层对比,创造了大庆油田横切割早期注水的开发,建立了渤海湾盆地复杂断块油田地质研究,开拓了中国含油气盆地构造学。他具有出色的领导才能,用求真务实的工作作风领导一个又一个的石油会战,进行油气资源开发。李德生先生是举世闻名的石油地质学家、奠基中国石油地质学的世纪功臣。李先生的职业生涯将令许多追随他的地质学家敬仰。作为地质人,我们都梦想有一天可能会进行野外探险,我们梦想有一天能找到一个重要的油气田。李先生所拥有的大量野外经验和发现,是少有的地质学家可以做到的。更重要的是,他的职业生涯展现了地质事业的巨大活力。正如他的老师朱森教授所强调的:“一个好的地质学家必须是一个永远的学生。”李教授做到了,并成就了他非凡的人生。 李德生先生1922年10月17日出生于上海,原籍江苏苏州。1945年,毕业于重庆国立中央大学地质系;1991年,当选为中国科学院院士(学部委员);2001年,当选为第三世界科学院院士、第六届全国政协委员;1945至1977年,先后在甘肃玉门、台湾、陕西延长、东北大庆、四川、山东胜利、华北大港和任丘等油气田从事石油地质勘探与开发工作;1978年以来,任中国石油勘探开发研究院总地质师、教授级高级工程师、博士生导师。 李德生院士长期从事石油勘探开发和地质研究工作,是大庆油田发现过程中贡献突出的地球科学工作者之一,曾获得诸多国内外重大荣誉奖项。1982年,获国家自然科学奖一等奖;1985年,他作为主要完成者之一参加研究的“大庆油田长期高产稳产的注水开发技术”和“渤海湾油田复式油气聚集(区)带的理论与实践——以济阳等坳陷复杂断块油田的勘探开发为例”两项成果双获国家科技进步特等奖;1994年,美国石油地质家协会(AAPG)授予他石油地质学杰出成就奖章和荣誉会员奖章;1997年,获何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖;2010年,获陈嘉庚地球科学奖。李先生著作等身、嘉惠学界,在国内外地球科学刊物上发表论文140余篇,出版中文专著7部,英文专著2部,并为国家培养了25名硕士、博士研究生和博士后。他的代表作有《石油勘探地下地质学》《李德生文集》(上下卷)和《中国多旋回叠合含油气盆地构造学》等。 李德生院士治学严谨、一丝不苟。他有长期记笔记的习惯,数百本厚厚的笔记本字迹工整,经数十年岁月积淀,一笔一划凝聚起石油地质学知识的海洋,一点一滴凝结出中国陆相石油地质学与深层海相石油地质学的坚实基础、清晰脉络与实践成果。长期的勘探开发实践积累了丰硕经验,进而凝练为理论再应用于指导油气田的发现,理论与实践如此相互催生,促成了大庆油田、渤海湾油田群的系列重大发现,使中国摘掉了“无油、贫油的帽子”。我们向“躬耕不辍、行路不止”的中国老一辈地质学家致敬! 李德生院士求真务实、荣辱不惊。他的一生几起几落、跌宕起伏,始终淡泊名利,追求自己认准的真理,以“唯奉献祖国,献身石油之崇高境界乃大”为座右铭,一以贯之。我们向这种“爱国奉献、丹心如炽”的科学家精神致敬! 李德生院士笃学致远、见微知著。早在20世纪80年代初期,他基于对全国含油气盆地的系统编图与长期实践,系统提出了中国含油气盆地构造类型的创新认识,划分出东部拉张型、西部挤压型与中部过渡型3种类型,以清晰的图表形式体现出中国沉积盆地的叠合属性与多旋回发展历程,强调指出新生代以来沉积盆地具有强烈改造特征。这些认识在40多年来的研究实践中不断被证实,愈发“闪光”,构筑起中国含油气盆地构造学的“高楼大厦”。近20年来,他立足国家能源安全,基于油气勘探开发实际,聚焦能源前沿科学,致力于石油地质学理论创新,呼吁与推动能源多元化发展,目前已经取得成效。我们向这种“高瞻远瞩、高屋建瓴”的气度、境界与胸怀致敬! 李德生院士热爱大自然、热爱生活。李先生不但治学工作态度严谨,而且有很高的绘画艺术造诣。他在抗日战争流亡学习生活和艰苦的石油地质勘探工作之余,用山水素描、木刻版画记录下壮美山河。他的素描画集《从大自然来,到大自然去》收集了他从1941年到1952年间的130多幅素描、版画。在普通人没有照相机的年代,留下了一幅幅山水景观。李先生喜欢随走随摄影,以此记录他的人生足迹。我们向这种“脚踏实地、仰望星空”的求真精神致敬! 李德生院士与夫人朱琪昌教授琴瑟相合,携手一路走来,“哪里有石油,哪里就是我的家”。茫茫戈壁、浩瀚雪原,川中丘陵、祁连峰峦,国内讲堂、国际峰会,都有他们携手共进、同心协力的浪漫身影。他们养育儿女,培养学生,精心尽力。如今李先生桃李天下,他们延续老师的严谨学风,继往开来,担当起石油报国的重任,他们和他们当中的一名中国工程院院士,一名俄罗斯自然科学院院士皆让李先生感到欣慰,是他们见证了中国石油地质学界日益蓬勃发展。我们向李院士这位学界楷模致敬! 李德生院士严谨治学、以勤奋和天赋绘就了他精彩传奇人生。值此庆贺李德生院士百岁寿辰(2022年10月17日)之际,《地学前缘》感谢贾承造院士、赵文智院士、何登发教授、卢双舫教授及各位作者出版这本《中国含油气盆地构造学与油气分布规律研究进展——庆祝李德生院士百岁华诞专辑》,以此探讨能源前沿科学新进展,弘扬科学家精神。 本专辑涵盖我国能源地质学研究的新进展与发展态势,共收录39篇中文文章及其4篇英文(双语)文章,包括李德生先生的亲笔文章。专辑涉及石油地质学创新与能源多元化发展、盆地构造理论与油气分布规律、前陆盆地构造理论与勘探实践、克拉通盆地内部走滑断裂理论、原型盆地复原理论与方法、构造控油理论与勘探开发新领域应用、陆相页岩油勘探开发理论与实践、新技术新方法在盆地构造分析中的应用等8个领域,囊括了理论、实践、前沿与技术等多方面内容。我相信,这些最新研究成果与前沿领域探索,将为中国能源发展的理论创新做出新贡献。 为此,作为《地学前缘》主编,我欣然为之序,以表对李德生院士、对广大能源地质学家的敬意与谢忱!  相似文献   

刘鸿允教授的代表作《中国古地理图》自1955年正式出版至今已43年。虽然在其后,随着我国地质工作向纵深的发展,在系统性、科学性、准确性等方面都有很大改进的古地理图  相似文献   

Plate tectonics developed around 1965 as a powerful tool to describe the tectonic movements of the Earth’s crust. The article demonstrates that basically four already existing theoretical concepts—subduction, seafloor spreading, the application of Euler’s theorem and transform faults—had to be combined to arrive at the modern theory. Alfred Wegener, father of the theory of continental displacement, is often credited as the most direct forerunner of plate tectonics. However, none of the aforementioned concepts had been developed by him. The present article deals with the hitherto not duly credited contributions of the Swiss geologist Eugen Wegmann (1896–1982). He developed in a series of highly original papers published between 1943 and 1948 (one of them in the Geologische Rundschau), a critical test of the theory of continental displacement based on the regional geology of the Arctic. Furthermore, he gave a very concise account on the geometrical principles of drift movements. As a result, he developed for the first time—25 years before McKenzie and Parker’s Nature 216:1276–1280, landmark paper on the Pacific (1967)—the geometrical basis to graphically test plate motion directions. However, his work has not yet received the credit it deserves, neither by scientist nor by historians of science.  相似文献   

Energy is a vital commodity that sustains human lives,as well as eco-nomic processes.The challenges towards energy generation,demand and supply are plenty owing to the use of fossil fuels leading to climate change and environmental problems like water and air pollution.With the increasing awareness over climate change,post Paris Agreement,the role of energy plays a key role towards achieving the proposed tar-get.The contributions in this Special Issue of Geoscience Frontiers on En-ergy includes 8 papers from esteemed research groups worldwide which explores,highlights and provide new insights towards the vari-ous aspects of energy.  相似文献   

笔者是袁复礼教授30年代末期的学生,回顾了在西南联大受袁老师教诲;在清华大学地学系和北京地质学院共事期间得袁老师帮助的情况。老师的优良学风和高尚品德使我们体会到:所谓教育决不仅限于课堂上的“授业”、“解惑”。为人师者的一言一行,其涵育和启发的作用有时更为重要。我们后来虽然成了不同学科的学术带头人和院、系负责人,但袁老师始终是我们的榜样。  相似文献   

Rudolf Trümpy (1921–2009) was one of the great Alpine geologists of the twentieth century and an influential figure in the international geological community. He played a dominant role in the change of opinion concerning the Alpine evolution by showing that normal faulting dominated the early development of the Alpine realm from the Triassic to the early Cretaceous. This provided a convenient model for later plate-tectonic interpretations of collisional mountain belts. His further recognition of strike-slip faulting during all stages of the Alpine evolution presaged the realisation that the Alps were not built by a simple open-and-shut mechanism. Trümpy was educated during an intellectual lull, a time when simplistic models of the earth behaviour inherited from the middle of the nineteenth century became prevalent under the influence of a close-minded, positivist approach to geological problems. This period, which we term the Dark Intermezzo, lasted from about 1925 to 1965. The grand syntheses of Suess and Argand which preceded this period were viewed from this narrow angle and consequently misunderstood. It was thought that earth history was punctuated by global orogenic events of short duration taking place within and among continents and oceans whose relative positions had remained fixed since the origin of the planet. These views, summarised under the term ‘fixism’, were developed when the ocean floors were almost totally unknown. When data began coming in from the post World War II oceanographic surveys, the world geological community was slow to receive and digest them. Trümpy followed these developments closely, realising that his work was important in placing the geology of the mountain belts within the emerging, new theoretical framework. He adopted the position of a critic and emphasised where detailed knowledge of the Alps, unquestionably the best known mountain belt in the world, supported and where it contradicted the new ideas. His voice was listened to carefully and subsequent developments have shown his critique to have been prescient. It is regrettable that he did not publish some of the theoretical criticisms he communicated to his colleagues during scientific meetings and informal conversations. His hesitance in becoming involved in theoretical arguments in geology may have stemmed partly from his scientific upbringing during the Dark Intermezzo and partly because he genuinely believed that he was better off sticking to what he thought he knew for sure. He nevertheless stressed that it is important for geologists ‘to dream’. It is often said about teachers that one should do what they say, not what they do. In Trümpy’s case, it was the opposite. Both scientifically and as a human being, he was a most admirable man.  相似文献   

王海燕 《第四纪研究》2003,23(4):357-361
文章通过读德日进1923~1924年第一次来华工作期间的书信,介绍了德日进思想中的几个重要侧面:其宗教思想中的“上帝”及“现世”;学术研究应跨学科综合进行;精神生活的首要地位以及如何看待东西方文化的异同。  相似文献   

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