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Calcite/opal deposits (COD) at Yucca Mountain were studied with respect to their regional and field geology, petrology and petrography, chemistry and isotopic geochemistry, and fluid inclusions. They were also compared with true pedogenic deposits (TPD), groundwater spring deposits (GSD), and calcite vein deposits (CVD) in the subsurface. Some of the data are equivocal and can support either a hypogene or pedogenic origin for these deposits. However, Sr-, C-, and O-isotope, fluid inclusion, and other data favor a hypogene interpretation. A hypothesis that may account for all currently available data is that the COD precipitated from warm, CO2-rich water that episodically upwelled along faults during the Pleistocene, and which, upon reaching the surface, flowed downslope within existing alluvial, colluvial, eluvial, or soil deposits. Being formed near, or on, the topographic surface, the COD acquired characteristics of pedogenic deposits. This subject relates to the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a high-level nuclear waste site.  相似文献   

The unsaturated fractured volcanic deposits at Yucca Mountain in Nevada, USA, have been intensively investigated as a possible repository site for storing high-level radioactive waste. Field studies at the site have revealed that there exist large variabilities in hydrological parameters over the spatial domain of the mountain. Systematic analyses of hydrological parameters using a site-scale three-dimensional unsaturated zone (UZ) flow model have been undertaken. The main objective of the sensitivity analyses was to evaluate the effects of uncertainties in hydrologic parameters on modeled UZ flow and contaminant transport results. Sensitivity analyses were carried out relative to fracture and matrix permeability and capillary strength (van Genuchten α) through variation of these parameter values by one standard deviation from the base-case values. The parameter variation resulted in eight parameter sets. Modeling results for the eight UZ flow sensitivity cases have been compared with field observed data and simulation results from the base-case model. The effects of parameter uncertainties on the flow fields were evaluated through comparison of results for flow and transport. In general, this study shows that uncertainties in matrix parameters cause larger uncertainty in simulated moisture flux than corresponding uncertainties in fracture properties for unsaturated flow through heterogeneous fractured rock.  相似文献   

 Different models were developed for evaluating the probabilistic three-dimensional (3-D) stability analysis of earth slopes and embankments under earthquake loading using both the safety factor and the displacement criteria of slope failure. In the 3-D analysis, the critical and total slope widths become two new and important parameters. The probabilistic models evaluate the probability of failure under seismic loading and consider the different sources of uncertainties involved in the problem, i.e. uncertainties stemming from the discrepancies between laboratory-measured and in situ values of shear strength parameters, randomness of earthquake occurrence, and earthquake-induced acceleration. The models also take into consideration the spatial variabilities and correlations of soil properties. The developed models are incorporated in a computer program, PTDDSSA (probabilistic three-dimensional dynamic slope stability analysis). These developed analysis/design procedures are incorporated within a code named SARETL (stability analysis and remediation of earthquake-triggered landslides) that was developed in this study for stability analysis and remediation of earthquake-triggered landslides. In addition to the dynamic inertia forces; the developed system takes into consideration the local site effects. The code is capable of: 1. Prediction of permanent deformations that result from landslides under seismic loading using both probabilistic and deterministic approaches. 2. The assessment of landslide hazard that affects major transportation routes in the event of earthquakes, and the preparation of earthquake-induced landslide hazard maps (i.e. maps that show expected displacements and probability of slope/embankments failure) for different earthquakes magnitudes and environmental conditions. 3. Proposing a mitigation strategy against landslides and suggesting guidelines for remedial measures. The developed expert system is applied to a major highway case study. Design maps are developed for the highway under seismic loading. Received: 18 March 1999 · Accepted: 11 October 1999  相似文献   

The origin of secondary calcite-silica minerals in primary and secondary porosity of the host Miocene tuffs at Yucca Mountain has been hotly debated during the last decade. Proponents of a high-level nuclear waste repository beneath Yucca Mountain have interpreted the secondary minerals to have formed from cool, descending meteoric fluids in the vadose zone; critics, citing the presence of two-phase fluid inclusions, argued that the minerals could only have formed in the phreatic zone from ascending hydrothermal fluids. Understanding the origin, temperature, and timing of these minerals is critical in characterizing geologically recent fluid flux at the site, and has significant implications to whether waste should be stored at Yucca Mountain.Petrographic and paragenetic studies of 155 samples collected from the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) and repository block cross drift (ECRB) tunnels indicate that heterogeneously distributed calcite with lesser chalcedony, quartz, opal, and fluorite comprise the oldest secondary minerals. These are typically overgrown by intermediate-aged calcite, often exhibiting distinctive bladed habits. The youngest event recorded across the site is the deposition of Mg-enriched (up to ∼1 wt%) and depleted, growth-zoned calcite intergrown with U-enriched opal. The cyclical variation in Mg enrichment and depletion is probably related to climate changes that have occurred during the last few million years. The distribution of secondary minerals is consistent with precipitation in the vadose zone.Fluid inclusion petrography of sections from the 155 samples determined that 96% of the fluid inclusion assemblages (FIAs) contained liquid-only inclusions that formed at ambient temperatures (<35°C). However, 50% of the samples (n = 78) contained relatively rare FIA that contain both liquid-only and liquid plus vapor inclusions (herein termed two-phase FIAs) that formed at temperatures above 35°C. Virtually all of these two-phase FIAs occur in paragenetically old calcite; rare two-phase inclusion assemblages were also observed in early fluorite and quartz, and early-intermediate calcite. Homogenization temperatures (≡ trapping temperatures) across Yucca Mountain are generally 45 to 60°C, but higher temperatures reaching 83°C were recorded in calcite from the north portal and ramp of the ESF. Cooler temperatures of ∼35 to 45°C were recorded in the intensely fractured zone. Multiple populations of two-phase FIAs from lithophysal cavities in the ESF and ECRB cross drift indicate early fluid cooling with time from temperatures >45°C in early calcite, to <35 to 45°C in paragenetically younger calcite. Freezing point depressions range from −0.2 to −1.6°C, indicating trapping of a low salinity fluid. The majority of intermediate calcite and all outermost Mg-enriched calcite contains rare all-liquid inclusions and formed from ambient temperature (<35°C) fluids.Carbon and oxygen isotope data reveal a consistent trend of decreasing δ13C (from 9.5 to −8.5‰) and increasing δ18O (from 5.2 to 22.1‰) values from paragenetically early calcite to Mg-enriched growth-zoned calcite. Depleted δD values (−131 to −90‰) of inclusion fluids from intermediate and the youngest Mg-enriched calcite indicate derivation from surface meteoric fluids. Recalculation of δ18OH2O values of −12 to −10‰ is consistent with derivation from paleometeoric fluids.Results of integrated U-Pb dating (opal and chalcedony) and fluid inclusion microthermometry indicate that two-phase FIAs that trapped fluids of >50°C are older than 6.29 ± 0.30 Ma. Two-phase FIAs in paragenetically later calcite, which formed from fluids of 35 to 45°C, are older than 5.32 ± 0.02 Ma. There is no evidence for trapping of fluids with elevated temperatures during the past 5.32 my. The youngest Mg-enriched calcite intergrown with opal began to precipitate between about 1.9 to 2.9 Ma and has continued to precipitate within the past half million years. The presence of liquid-only inclusions and the consistent occurrence of Mg-enriched calcite and opal as the youngest event indicate a minor, but chemically distinct, ambient temperature (<35°C) fluid flux during the past 2 to 3 my.  相似文献   

The standard dual-component and two-member linear mixing model is often used to quantify water mixing of different sources. However, it is no longer applicable whenever actual mixture concentrations are not exactly known because of dilution. For example, low-water-content (low-porosity) rock samples are leached for pore-water chemical compositions, which therefore are diluted in the leachates. A multicomponent, two-member mixing model of dilution has been developed to quantify mixing of water sources and multiple chemical components experiencing dilution in leaching. This extended mixing model was used to quantify fracture-matrix interaction in construction-water migration tests along the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) tunnel at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA. The model effectively recovers the spatial distribution of water and chemical compositions released from the construction water, and provides invaluable data on the matrix fracture interaction. The methodology and formulations described here are applicable to many sorts of mixing-dilution problems, including dilution in petroleum reservoirs, hydrospheres, chemical constituents in rocks and minerals, monitoring of drilling fluids, and leaching, as well as to environmental science studies.  相似文献   

 Within the next 10–15 years, over 35 mines in Nevada will have a lake in their open pit mines after dewatering and cessation of mining. Of the ten past or existing pit lakes at eight different gold mines for which temporal data are available, most had near neutral pH, yet most had at least one constituent (e.g., As, SO4, TDS) that exceeded drinking water standards for at least one sampling event. Most samples from pit lakes had TDS exceeding drinking water standards, but lower than that in the natural Pyramid (TDS≈5,500 mg/l) and Walker (TDS≈14,000 mg/l) Lakes. In the past century, salinity increased in both natural, terminal lakes, in part due to irrigation withdrawals and evapoconcentration. The salinity in the pit lakes may also increase through time via evapoconcentration. However, water balance models indicate that up to 132% (Walker Lake) of the total yearly inflow evaporates from the terminal lakes, whereas steady-state may be reached in the pit lakes modelled, where evaporative losses account for only ≈6% of the total pit lake volume annually and ≈100% of the net inflow (groundwater inflow minus outflow, precipitation and runoff into the lake). The effects of evapoconcentration are expected to be less significant at most pit lakes than at the natural, terminal lakes because (1) evaporation rates are lower at many pit lakes because they are located at higher elevations than the terminal lakes, and (2) the surface area to depth ratio of the pit lakes is >1000 times smaller than that of the terminal lakes. Received: 1 March 1999 · Accepted: 13 April 1999  相似文献   

Large volumes of silicic magma were produced on a very short timescale in the nested caldera complex of the SW Nevada volcanic field (SWNVF). Voluminous ash flows erupted in two paired events: Topopah Spring (TS, >1,200 km3, 12.8 Ma)–Tiva Canyon (TC, 1,000 km3, 12.7 Ma) and Rainier Mesa (RM, 1,200 km3, 11.6 Ma)–Ammonia Tanks (AT, 900 km3, 11.45 Ma; all cited ages are previously published 40Ar/39Ar sanidine ages). Within each pair, eruptions are separated by only 0.1–0.15 My and produced tuffs with contrasting isotopic values. These events represent nearly complete evacuation of sheet-like magma chambers formed in the extensional Basin and Range environment. We present ion microprobe ages from zircons in the zoned ash-flow sheets of TS, TC, RM, and AT in conjunction with δ18O values of zircons and other phenocrysts, which differ dramatically among subsequently erupted units. Bulk zircons in the low-δ18O AT cycle were earlier determined to exhibit ∼1.5‰ core-to-rim oxygen isotope zoning; and high-spatial resolution zircon analyses by ion microprobe reveal the presence of older grains that are zoned by 0.5–2.5‰. The following U–Pb isochron ages were calculated after correcting for the initial U–Pb disequilibria: AT (zircon rims: 11.7 ± 0.2 Ma; cores: 12.0 ± 0.1 Ma); pre-AT rhyolite lava: (12.0 ± 0.3 Ma); RM: 12.4 ± 0.3); TC: (13.2 ± 0.15 Ma); TS: (13.5 ± 0.2). Average zircon crystallization ages calculated from weighted regression or cumulative averaging are older than the Ar–Ar stratigraphy, but preserve the comparably short time gaps within each of two major eruption cycles (TS/TC, RM/AT). Notably, every sample yields average zircon ages that are 0.70–0.35 Ma older than the respective Ar–Ar eruption ages. The Th/U ratio of SWNVF zircons are 0.4–4.7, higher than typically found in igneous zircons, which correlates with elevated Th/U of the whole rocks (5–16). High Th/U could be explained if uranium was preferentially removed by hydrothermal solutions or is retained in the protolith during partial melting. For low-δ18O AT-cycle magmas, rim ages from unpolished zircons overlap within analytical uncertainties with the 40Ar/39Ar eruption age compared to core ages that are on average ∼0.2–0.3 My older than even the age of the preceding caldera forming eruption of RM tuff. This age difference, the core-to-rim oxygen isotope zoning in AT zircons, and disequilibrium quartz–zircon and melt-zircon isotopic fractionations suggest that AT magma recycled older zircons derived from the RM and older eruptive cycles. These results suggest that the low-δ18O AT magmas were generated by melting a hydrothermally-altered protolith from the same nested complex that erupted high-δ18O magmas of the RM cycle only 0.15 My prior to the eruption of the AT, the largest volume low-δ18O magma presently known.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

 The South Canyon Fire of July 1994 burned 800 ha of vegetation on Storm King Mountain near Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA. On the night of 1 September 1994, in response to torrential rains, debris flows inundated seven areas along a 5-km length of Interstate Highway 70. Mapping from aerial photographs, along with field observations and measurements, shows that the September rainstorm eroded unconsolidated, burned surficial soil from the hillsides, flushed dry-ravel deposits from the tributary channels, and transported loose, large material from the main channels. The hyperconcentrated flows and debris flows inundated 14 ha of Interstate Highway 70 with 70 000 m3 of material. Although the burned area was seeded in November 1994, the potential for continuing debris-flow activity remains. Incision and entrainment of channel alluvium, as well as erosion of loose material from the hillslopes could result in future debris- and hyperconcentrated-flow activity. Received: 15 October 1996 / Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Calcite-rich soils (calcrete) in alluvium and colluvium at Solitario Wash, Crater Flat, Nevada, USA, contain pedogenic calcite and opaline silica similar to soils present elsewhere in the semi-arid southwestern United States. Nevertheless, a ground-water discharge origin for the Solitario Wash soil deposits was proposed in a series of publications proposing elevation-dependent variations of carbon and oxygen isotopes in calcrete samples. Discharge of ground water in the past would raise the possibility of future flooding in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, site of a proposed high-level nuclear waste repository. New geochemical and carbon, oxygen, strontium, and uranium-series isotopic data disprove the presence of systematic elevation-isotopic composition relations, which are the main justification given for a proposed ground-water discharge origin of the calcrete deposits at Solitario Wash. Values of δ13C (−4.1 to −7.8 per mil [‰]), δ18O (23.8–17.2‰), 87Sr/86Sr (0.71270–0.71146), and initial 234U/238U activity ratios of about 1.6 in the new calcrete samples are within ranges previously observed in pedogenic carbonate deposits at Yucca Mountain and are incompatible with a ground-water origin for the calcrete. Variations in carbon and oxygen isotopes in Solitario Wash calcrete likely are caused by pedogenic deposition from meteoric water under varying Quaternary climatic conditions over hundreds of thousands of years.  相似文献   

 A series of water samples from Steamboat Creek, Nevada, was analyzed for total mercury concentrations. Concentrations from these waters were 40 to 60 times higher than the pristine mountain streams entering the creek. The major source of the mercury entering Steamboat Creek is probably from gold/silver processing that took place in the 1860s. Received: 10 March 1997 · Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

Extreme U and Pb isotope variations produced by disequilibrium in decay chains of 238U and 232Th are found in calcite, opal/chalcedony, and Mn-oxides occurring as secondary mineral coatings in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. These very slowly growing minerals (mm my−1) contain excess 206Pb and 208Pb formed from excesses of intermediate daughter isotopes and cannot be used as reliable 206Pb/238U geochronometers. The presence of excess intermediate daughter isotopes does not appreciably affect 207Pb/235U ages of U-enriched opal/chalcedony, which are interpreted as mineral formation ages.Opal and calcite from outer (younger) portions of coatings have 230Th/U ages from 94.6 ± 3.7 to 361.3 ± 9.8 ka and initial 234U/238U activity ratios (AR) from 4.351 ± 0.070 to 7.02 ± 0.12, which indicate 234U enrichment from percolating water. Present-day 234U/238U AR is ∼1 in opal/chalcedony from older portions of the coatings. The 207Pb/235U ages of opal/chalcedony samples range from 0.1329 ± 0.0080 to 9.10 ± 0.21 Ma, increase with microstratigraphic depth, and define slow long-term average growth rates of about 1.2-2.0 mm my−1, in good agreement with previous results. Measured 234U/238U AR in Mn-oxides, which pre-date the oldest calcite and opal/chalcedony, range from 0.939 ± 0.006 to 2.091 ± 0.006 and are >1 in most samples. The range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.71156-0.71280) in Mn-oxides overlaps that in the late calcite. These data indicate that Mn-oxides exchange U and Sr with percolating water and cannot be used as a reliable dating tool.In the U-poor calcite samples, measured 206Pb/207Pb ratios have a wide range, do not correlate with Ba concentration as would be expected if excess Ra was present, and reach a value of about 1400, the highest ever reported for natural Pb. Calcite intergrown with opal contains excesses of both 206Pb and 207Pb derived from Rn diffusion and from direct α-recoil from U-rich opal. Calcite from coatings devoid of opal/chalcedony contains 206Pb and 208Pb excesses, but no appreciable 207Pb excesses. Observed Pb isotope anomalies in calcite are explained by Rn-produced excess Pb. The Rn emanation may strongly affect 206Pb-238U ages of slow-growing U-poor calcite, but should be negligible for dating fast-growing U-enriched speleothem calcite.  相似文献   

 The historic processing of precious metal ores mined from the Comstock Lode of west-central Nevada resulted in the release of substantial, but unquantified amounts of mercury-contaminated mill tailings to the Carson River basin. Geomorphic and stratigraphic studies indicate that the introduction of these waste materials led to a period of valley-floor aggradation that was accompanied by lateral channel instability. The combined result of these geomorphic responses was the storage of large volumes of mercury-enriched sediment within a complexly structured alluvial sequence located along the Carson River valley. Much of the contaminated sediment is associated with filled paleochannels produced by the cutoff and abandonment of meander loops, and their subsequent infilling with contaminated particles. Geochemically, these deposits are characterized by variations in mercury levels that exceed three orders of magnitude. Continued lateral instability, coupled with an episode of channel-bed incision, followed the decline of Comstock mining, and has reexposed contaminated debris within the banks of the river. Erosion of bank sediments reintroduces mercury-enriched particles to the modern channel bed. It is suggested on the basis of geochemical and sedimentological data that during the bank erosion process, much of the mercury associated with fine (<63 μ) valley-fill deposits are carried downstream without being incorporated to any appreciable extent within the channel-bed sediments. In contrast, mercury associated with larger and denser particles, particularly mercury-gold-silver amalgam grains, are accumulated in the channel-bed sediments as the river traverses polluted reaches of the Carson River valley. Concentration patterns developed along the modern channel indicate that the valley fill is the primary source of mercury to the river today. Thus, these data imply that efforts to reduce the influx of mercury to the aquatic environment should examine methods for reducing bank erosion rates. Received: 13 December 1996 · Accepted: 15 April 1997  相似文献   

 On Hatteras Island, North Carolina, USA, complex stratigraphy results from surficial sediments being superimposed on an inherited Pleistocene platform. Numerical simulations used to simulate water-table profiles on the island illustrate the influence that the complex stratigraphy has on water-table elevations. Field data consist of water-table profiles collected from a cross-island transect of wells. These profiles show unusually high water-table elevations in the south-central portion of Hatteras Island. Geophysical data are used to constrain the subsurface stratigraphy. Simple analytical solutions to the groundwater flow equation using laterally varying recharge rates cannot match mean water-table profiles. More complex numerical simulations, which do match the profiles, indicate that the elevated water levels result from a low-permeability unit that extends several kilometers along the longitudinal axis of the island. Island geomorphology and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data suggest that this unit is a former interdunal wetland that has been buried by a series of parabolic dunes. Received, September 1999 / Revised, March 2000 / Accepted, March 2000  相似文献   

 A baseline study involving analyses of surface and subsurface water samples from the Akpabuyo area was carried out in order to assess their suitability for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. Study results show that the waters are acidic (3.41≤pH≤6.28), soft (hardness 2.09–10.68 mg/l as CaCO3), fresh (conductivity <1400 μs/cm) and characterised by low sodium adsorption ratio, SAR (0.08–0.59). In addition, the mean values of the major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and anions (SO4 2–, Cl, HCO3 ) are all within the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. Taking all this into consideration (except pH), the waters may be regarded as excellent for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. On the basis of regression equations, the major cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg) correlate well with conductivity. Finally, results also show that four chemical facies are delineated. These include Ca-Cl, Na-Cl, Ca-SO4 and Ca-HCO3. Received: 19 June 1996 / Accepted: 15 April 1997  相似文献   

 The present article is the second in a series of baseline water quality evaluation studies in parts of south-eastern Nigeria. Study results indicate that the water samples from the study are generally acidic, soft and fresh in addition to low sodium and salinity hazard. Regression equations indicate a good positive correlation between conductivity and Na, Ca, Mg and SO4. Ca-SO4 and Ca-Cl constitute the major facies in the area. Generally the waters in the area are good for most domestic and agricultural purposes. Received: 14 April 1997 · Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Groundwater in a coral island   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
 Freshwater aquifers in small coral islands usually occur as thin lenses which are significantly influenced by stresses such as groundwater pumping, sea tides, etc. Kavaratti, a coral island, is one of the 36 such islands in the Arabian Sea off the western coast of India. Detailed hydrogeological investigations were carried out to determine the quantity of freshwater that could be pumped in addition to the present usage. Salinity of groundwater must remain within permissible limits and a 2-D solute mass transport model with a vertical section of the island was constructed by the computer code SUTRA. The model was calibrated by obtaining a match of computed and observed values of the water table, tidal efficiency, and salinity of groundwater at the water table. The model analysis showed that the salinity of groundwater continues to increase unless groundwater pumping is kept below a certain rate. Groundwater potential can be augmented by reducing the subsurface outflow to the sea and by raising the water table by a subsurface dam. Received: 8 September 1997 · Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

 This article describes a case of contamination of a karstic aquifer by abandoning an underground mine exploiting sulphide ore body. To exploit the ore, the aquifer was drained and the water level declined about 230 m, drying up the spring that had drained the aquifer up to that moment. When the mining activity ceased, the piezometric level recovered and contaminated water began to flow out from a mine adit. The water is high in sulphates and dissolved Fe, although the pH is neutral. When this water reached the nearby creek, the fish population was eliminated, principally due to the presence of toxic metals and the precipitation of Fe hydroxides. The contamination originated in an area of the partially flooded mine rooms where the ore is in contact with both air and water. The acidity generated by pyrite oxidation is neutralized by calcite dissolution. Presently, the mine water is diverted to the old tailings pond which functions as an aerobic wetland. This action has allowed the fish population in the creek to be restored. Received: 20 January 1999 · Accepted: 15 March 1999  相似文献   

 The definition of landslide warning thresholds, based on the analysis of hydrological data, is proposed. In the Tiber River Basin of central Italy historical information on landslides and floods, for the period 1918–1990, was available from a nationwide bibliographical and archive inventory on geohydrological catastrophes. Hydrological data were obtained from mean daily discharge records at various gauging stations within the basin. Several hundred hydrological events, broadly defined as a series of consecutive days having mean daily discharge exceeding a predefined value, were identified. Hydrological parameters obtained from the discharge records were used to rank the events according to their probability to trigger mass movements or inundations and to define regional thresholds for the occurrence of landslides and floods. The proposed approach, not lacking limitations, has conceptual and operational advantages, among which is the possibility of using historical information on geohydrological catastrophes. Received: 20 November 1996 · Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Details regarding the mineralization patterns of gold in epithermal systems are poorly understood. A refined understanding of gold microtextures, the interface between gold and associated minerals, and the role that nanoparticles play in gold mineralization could provide insight into the details of gold growth and may contain indicators of gold ore concentration mechanisms. Furthermore, a refined understanding of the interface also may explain variation in cyanide leaching extraction efficiency and may enable enhancement of recovery methods. Macrocrystalline gold samples from Round Mountain, Nevada were analyzed using field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. This study suggests that gold nanoparticles are common in Round Mountain gold and associated mineral phases, and may play an important role in the formation of macrocrystalline gold in this deposit. Microtopographic evidence indicates that the two dimensional nucleation and growth mechanism is dominant and nanotextural evidence suggests that nanoparticulate gold was the first stage of growth in the formation of these macrocrystalline samples that grew rapidly at high degrees of supersaturation. Results suggest that the interface between gold and quartz and other related minerals is far more complex than previously thought, and that textures present at the interface and in the bulk gold can help explain mineralization history and can also have implications for gold recovery efficiency for macrocrystalline bearing ore.  相似文献   

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